Fiynal Proposal 123
Fiynal Proposal 123
Fiynal Proposal 123
MAR, 2016
Generally the objective of this proposal paper is to assess the budget and its impact
on performance measurement on commercial bank of Ethiopia.
Specifically, this objective can be improving the banks budget and performance
measurement techniques by solving the problem of budget variance to much it
with the principle of activity based budget systems. The study also tried to answer
some questions such as what are the cause of variance, how the budgeting process
made? What are the bases for preparation of budget and so on. Data is collected
from both primary and secondary sources, primary data is collect at using both
unstructured interview and questionnaire. Interview is conducted from the banks
employees. Questionnaires is distributed to the selected employee’s related leaders
of the bank, secondary data to be used from published and non published
Finally, this paper concern on budgeting and related issues to address the occurred
variance and to check the banks performance. The research conclude from the
bank used budget and faces many problems. Based on this I will forward some
recommendations, the bank should be suitable, attract and control unforeseen
circumstances and externalities.
Title Page
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the organization...........................................................................1
1.2. Background of the study...........................................................................................3
1.3 Statement of the Problem...........................................................................................4
1.3 Objective of the Study...............................................................................................6
1.5. Significance of the Study..........................................................................................7
1.6 Scope of the Study.....................................................................................................7
1.7. Limitation of the study..............................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................................................8
2. LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................8
2.1 Origin of the budget...................................................................................................8
2.2. Definition of Budget and Budgeting.........................................................................8
2.3 The objective and role of budgeting..........................................................................9
2.4 Budgeting procedures..............................................................................................10
2.5. Relationship Between planning and Budgeting......................................................11
2.6. Performance measurement......................................................................................12
2.6.1. Performance evolution concepts......................................................................12
2.6.2. Performance reports and communication........................................................13
2.6.3. Using performance measurement to impalement corporate strategy..............13
2.7. Budget Classification..............................................................................................14
2.8. Types of Budget......................................................................................................15
2.8.1. Program Budgeting..........................................................................................15
2.8.2. Zero Base Budgeting (ZBB)............................................................................15
2.8.3. Activity Based Budgeting................................................................................16
2.8.4. Incremental Budgeting.....................................................................................17
2.8.5. Master Budget..................................................................................................17
2.8.6. Variable Budget...............................................................................................17
2.8.7. Fixed Values flexible Budget..........................................................................18
2.9. Government Budget................................................................................................18
2.10. International control systems................................................................................18
3. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................20
3.1 Study Area...............................................................................................................20
3.2 Method of Data Collection......................................................................................20
3.3 The Sampling design...............................................................................................20
3.4 Data analysis and preset...........................................................................................21
The commercial bank of Ethiopia which is striving to embark into world class
commercial bank, rendering state of the art and reliable service to its million of
customers both locally and abroad. The business strategy of the bank was focus
on the stakeholders serves. The number of branches now a day reached 2000 and
stretched across the length breadth of the country. CBE combines a wide capital
base with more than 50,000 talented and committed employees. In 2016 whom it
regard as it key assets fro banking development. The state owned commercial bank
of Ethiopia still dominates the market interms of asset deposit, capital and
customers base and branch network, deposit the growing competition from private
bank over the last 15 years. This make it one of the it one of the most reliable and
strong commercial bank in the country and the region. Its strong capital base
above 80 years of rich experience in the market and large branch network through
out the country on able the bank to accommodate large demand for banking
service, bank from private and public companies and to increase its over all
revenue on sustainable base.
To become world class commercial bank. The term world class presumes
efficiency good cooperate with governance and move toward best international
banking practices.
We are committed to maximizing shareholders value through enhanced financial
intermediation and up parallel customer satisfaction we strongly believe that
reliability and public confidence are the base of our success. The fundamental
component of our mission statement include
- Customer:- our customers are our most important assets.
- Shareholders:- In order to optimally meet the need of our customers and
efficiently manage out business.
- Employees:- Quality customer service is possible only through motivated
and skilled employees for the will being of its employees it tries to develop
a work force that enjoys working for and prides it self in association with
the bank.
1.2. Background of the study
The purpose of this paper is to show the budgeting and its impact on performance
measurement of the commercial bank of Ethiopia on the Harar branch. To assess
the proper goals of the bank the employee in the budgetary processes participants
can give employees the feeling that “this is our budget”.
From this point of view the proposalist wants to investigate. Thus the them of my
questioner involves on concepts of the following.
How the organizations is employee the budget
How was the performance evaluation to address customers problem
Which will be attribute for financial service rendering business as a whole.
What is the bases for preparation of budget?
What type of budget is used by the bank?
What are the challenges in the preparation and implementation of budget?
Who are responsible to prepare budget?
Does the bank effectively implant its budget?
Does the variance has impact on the banks performance.
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4.1.General objective
The general objective of the study is to investigate the budgeting processes and
factors that affect the effective and efficient utilization of budget in commercial
bank of Ethiopia in Harar branch
The first objective consists of allocating resources between the various function
consumption and investment that between the pubic and private sector. The
distributional sector (objective) necessitates the consideration of public
expenditure and the income groups that are anticipated to be served. It is the policy
maker or government that decides who will be benefited how much from the
available resources among the society. This may by achieved by expenditure
policies such as, subsidies, pension or social welfare schemes as much as taxation
on income and capital
‘To harmonize the budget with the plan, there must be a plan in existence, there
should be on annual plan with which budget could be harmonized, ….and there
must exist at least a set of short term targets and goals towards the attainment of
which the budgetary decisions could be oriented.
According to preme Hand (1989:pp 188) budgeting with out planning could to be
a plan of action and plans with out realistic detection of budgetary restraints have
little chance of implementation. Thus any appropriate plan can be meaningless and
the result my become paradox unless it is reelected in the budget.
Therefore, budget and plans are concerned with policy analysis and allocation fo
resources. The difference is that, in planning the economic aspects dominate,
where as, in budgeting more attention is paid for financial aspects.
2.6. Performance measurement
2.6.1. Performance evolution concepts
Performance reporting for internal management use in an important part of a
comprehensive profit planning and control system. To indicate the extensive
reporting requirements a business requires and to focus on performance reporting.
The following are an overview of financial reports.
The first one is special external reports. Here, reports are submitted to government
agencies such as regulatory commissions, creditors, investigative agencies and
other external groups. These reports are extensive and comprise a considerable
portion of the over all reporting. The next one is reports to owners. It refers to the
traditional annual report to the owners (to stock holders in the case of a business)
and other special reports got ready fro the owners. These reports based on
generally accepted accounting principles.
The last category, the internal reports are those secret reports are prepared in the
corporation for internal use only. They do not have to meet the needs of external
groups, nor the test of “Generally accepted accounting principle”. This category of
reports is subdivided in to three different sub qualifications. These are statistical
report, special report and performance reports.
All companies regardless of their size; have reporting requirements for all the
categories listed above. In small companies, most the basic reporting needs may be
accomplished by using a single general propose report; we are concerned
specifically with performance reports. This particular phase or reporting is an
internal part of a comprehensive budget program. (Ginna Welsch and etal 1997)
Its advantage falls in to the hands of mangers of respective institutions. More over
according to the method of zero base budgeting “decision packages; have to be
developed. They key to be zero base budgeting lies in the identification and
evaluation of alternative. This is favorable by ranking of decision package, the
most crucial stage in the application of this method. despite the obvious advantage
of ZBB, it has disadvantages.
- Given enough time and man power, there would not be controversy on the
application of zero base budgeting.
- How ever, if such problems exist, reviewing all programs every year would
be bulky and sometimes important.
- Another more serious problem is the ranking of problems.
- If there is in to way to continue with that inefficiency
- Activity in the future. (Anthony Robert 2004: PP 300)
Conversely, it is tiresome and time consuming to determine the demand for each
individual activity based on output budgeted, production, new product
development (Anthony Robert 2004: PP 309)
2.8.4. Incremental Budgeting
In this case the previous budget is considered as a base. The former budget figures
can be increased or reduced based on situations, particularly on the volume of
activity of the organization planned to be preformed. These types of budgeting
simplify the preparation of the budget because it needs adjustment of data from the
budget that had already been prepared. However, incremental budgeting is not
without drawbacks, particularly because the past period budget may include in
efficiency. (Anthony Robert 2004: PP 321).
2.8.5. Master Budget
It is a budget that summarizes the financial estimates of the entire organization’s
individuals budget. It helps achievement of long range plans year by year steps)
The guidance is more specific for h coming year than it is for more distant year.
The plan for the coming years is called master budget. The master budget is also
known as the static budget, the budget plan or the planning budget. The master
budget indicates the sales level, production and cost level. here, income and cash
flows that are anticipated fro coming yar. However, it has its Owen limitations that
arise from its comprehensiveness which may result in wrong formulation of the
budget. (IAIN, Maritaland, 1997: PP 119).
The two main constituents of internal control system are the administrative and the
financial (Accounting: control
The administrative control comprises the procedures and records that are
concerned with decision making process leading to management’s authorization of
events . on the other hand, the financial control consists of the plan of an entity,
producers; and records that deal with protection of assets and the consistency of
financial records ascertains logical plan of an entity, new designed and accounting
configuration, an internal audit function, and quality and training of personnel’s as
among the indispensable factor to reinforce internal control arrangement.
The secondary data will be collected from different sources, such as the banks
pamphlets, manuals, reference books and other research materials, magazines,
personal documents, public and official documents:- such as records, journals and
magazines and news papers reports with exchange rate and interest rates. Among
personal documents letters, memories and diaries are an important secondary
Coding is a technical procedures by which data are categorized through coding the
raw data to transferred in to symbolic usually numerals. They may be tabulated
and counted. This can by specifying the categorizes in to which regains to be
place. The number will be depend up on the number of question on the
questionnaires. Coding is open ended questions. This can be done through
developing consistent set of standards to each questions.
Tabulation can be consists of simply counting the number facts that fall in to
various groups. It communication the result of the study, will be used for several
purpose (i.e to calculate summary statistic). Tabulation can be done by hand, it is
facilitated determining the empirical distribution. Variables and frequencies are
numerated in each table for calculation of various statistics and communicative
distributions will be employed to observer with less than or equal to specify
quantities determined.