A085778 (Technology of Cathode For Space TWT)
A085778 (Technology of Cathode For Space TWT)
A085778 (Technology of Cathode For Space TWT)
REPORT SD-TR.80-37 ( /
Chemistry and Physics Laboratory
Laboratory Operations
The Aerospace Corporation
El Segundo, Calif. 90245
1 June 1980
Interim Report ~ LECTE~
80 6 19 n51
This interim report was submitted by The Aerospace Corporation, -
El Segundo, CA 90245, under Contract No. F04701-79-C-0080 with the
Space Division, Contracts Management Office, P.O. Box 92960, Worldway '"':
Postal Center, Los Angeles, CA 90009. It was reviewed and approved for
The Aerospace Corporation by S. Siegel, Director, Chemistry and Physics
Laboratory. Gerhard E. Aichinger was the project officer for Mission-
Oriented Investigation and Experimentation (MOIE) Programs.
This report has been reviewed by the Public Affairs Office (PAS) and
is releasable to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). At NTIS,
it will be available to the general public, including foreign nations.
This technical report has been reviewed and is approved for publica-
tion. Publication of this report does not constitute Air Force approval of
the report's findings or conclusions. It is published only for the exchange
and stimulation of ideas.
Gerhard E. AichBnger
Project Officer
va Br
Contracts Management Office
-i -'
SD TR-B -37
4-. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & AOORES.Vi dftlfereent ro Controltlng Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of thie repear)
17. DISTRIRUTION STATEMENT (of the ebstract wntered in Block 20, it different bow Report)
19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reveree itde If necesseary ad identify by block number)
* Thermionic Cathodes
Therm-.onic Em~is sion
Traveling Wave Tubes
OD LP 114133
/=/. E
• SECURITY CL..AX,. ATRON OF THIS PAGt (dWhen b~let n creat)'
-i ' II I
2 ABSTRACT (Ccnfliwad)
dispenser cathodes (based on barium) are discussed, along with variant types
of the oxide and dispenser cathodes. Thorium-based cathodes and lanthanum
hexaboride cathodes are also desciribed. Some of the available data on
cathode failure modes and cathode lifetime are included. Electron emission
from solids has been studied with varying intensity since the last century,
and the present discussion, because of the scope of the subject, of course
is incomplete. Extensive literature references are given bowever.
It has been concluded that dispenser- impregnated cathodes'&-ill have to be
employed to meet future U.S. Air Force (SD) mission requirements. Of
these cathodes, the impregnated Type B and osmnium-coated Type M cathodes
offer the highest probability of success. There is no fundamental reason why
more exotic emitters, e.g., field emitters, could not ultimately be employed
in space applications. However, the difficulty in acquiring sufficient test
data in any reasonable time to flight-qualify components based on a new tech-
nology is so great that impregnated cathodes will almost certainly be utilized.
It is also concluded that studies of impregnated cathodes in which modern
surface analysis techniques are used for submicron surface elemental analy-
sis, especially if used in conjunction with techniques for mapping cathode
work functions with high spatial resolution, would be very valuable and should
ultimately permit identification of specific cathode failure mechanisms. Ap-
plication of this information could result in a marked improvement in cathode
Distrtl-.ut r
I. INTRODUCTION ................................ 5
EMISSION .................................... 7
A. Construction .............................. 15
B. Principles of Oxide Cathode Operation ............. 16
A. Construction .............................. 24
B. Principles of Operation of Barium
Monolayer Cathodes ......................... 27
REFERENCES ...................................... 49
-- }_-
the emphasis chosen will make the document useful to those wishing to
acquire some understanding of the spacecraft cathode problem. In addition,
extensive literature references are included.
ionic emission for direct conversion of heat to electrical energy, but, for
the most part, thermionic emission has been neglected in recent years.
- . .- ... .........
I. ........... ...
J-- ATZOekT (ia)
The work function depends on both the bulk band structure and on the
surface dipole layers brought about by surface crystallographic structure
and by the presence of ionizable surface species. It is customary to attempt
to fit emission data froin many different types of therrnionic cathodes with
an expression of the form of Eq. (2), although a plot of In J/9T versus I iT
does not always yield a straight line over a wide temperature range (for rea-
sons to be discussed later). However, with the use of the proper expression
for 0#, Eq. (2) is a useful starting point in describing thermionic emission
from a variety of emitters.
Equation (2) yields the naximum emission current density that can be
obtained from a cathode with a given work function at temperature T and
describes the situation known as temperature-limited emission. Another
electrode (the anode) is used to collect the emitted electrons in order to
actually measure the electron emission current from a cathode. For suf-
ficiently high positive anode voltages, the emission currenat is indeed de-
pendent only on temperature and not upon anode voltage.
where L is the cathode to anode spacing, and the other symbols have their
usual meanings. This expression is known as the Langmuir-Child law. It
is necessary that O/T be small enough that the emission current, as given by
the Richardson-Dushman equation, can sustain the space-charge cloud in order
for a cathode to evidence the behavior described by the Langmuir-Child law.
The Langmuir-Child law is discussed in more detail in Appendix A.
- o
faces with the lowest possible work function and the highest possible emit-
ting area.
• - 12-
There are, however, additional constraints on cathode design and
fabrication. For example, the melting point of the cathode material must be
sufficiently high to ensure structural integrity at the operating temperature.
For some terrestrial applications, resistance to air exposure (when cold) or
to occasional ion bombardment by residual tube gases as a result of accidental
glow discharge is essential. Current density requirements also vary.
-- •° 9
The alkaline earth oxide cathode has been in general use for many
years and is widely employed in traveling wave tubes. Current densities of
300 mA/cm are attained at about 7510C. However, operation at higher tem-
peratures seriously degrades cathode life and stability. Thus, although alka-
line earth oxide cathodes should meet some present Air Force mission require-
ments, projected demands for current densities of I amp/cm 2 for 7 to WO
years on orbit will ultimately mean that other cathode types will have to be
considered for use. The oxide cathodes are described in this section, and
some possible types of cathodes for future applications are discussed.
The alkaline earth oxide cathode consists of a layer of BaO, SrO, and
CaO on a nickel support. The alkaline earths are initially deposited as a
slurry of the carbonates with an organic binder. A typical mixture of ingre-
dients results in a final product with a 5/3/2 molar ratio of Ba/Sr/Ca. The
carbonate mixture is heated in vacuum to 900 to 1150'0 to decompose the
carbonates to the oxides. The final oxide thickness is typically approximately
50 ptrm.
.:•• . " , q 'ok•. J°-1-- ._" S|,
Several variants of the oxide cathode are in use, including the molded
nickel, ' Medicus, and coated powder cathodes. One could argue whether
some of these cathodes might perhaps be better classified as variants of the
dispenser cathode (Section IV); some might also logically be termed inter-
mediate between oxide and dispenser types.
vacancies and F centers, between oxygen in the oxide and ambient gaseous
oxygen, and between gaseous oxygen and BaO.
Many investigators have given importance to the role of "excess
barium, " i. e.,. barium in excess of the stoichiornetric requirement for BaO,
in accounting for donor levels. Excess barium presumably in some way
activates the cathode hrough the formation of surface states. The excess
barium concept does not immediately explain the accompanying increase in
electrical conductivity in the activated cathode, since the barium excess is
small (this difficulty may be circumvented for barium segregated at grain
surfaces, especially for small grains where surface effects influence much
of the total BaO volume). Nergaard identified the actual donors in BaO as F
centers, i.e., an oxygen vacancy occupied by an electron. The electrons
come from the barium atoms. When current is drawn from the cathode, barium
ions should drift away from the surface region into the bulk, and the pulse and
anomalous Schottky behavior of the cathode would be explained. The Nergaard
donor picture also provides a convenient explanation for the beneficial effect
of added nickel in the coated powder cathode. The nickel presumably coats
the (Ba, Sr)O grains, prevents the growth of large, inactive crystals, and
provides conducting paths through the oxide. As a consequence of these con-
ducting paths, the electric field resulting from the applied anode voltage has
a large component transverse rather than perpendicular to the surface. Donors
are retained in the surface region and emission is facilitated.
On the other hand, Plumlee concluded that the amount of excess
barium in BaO is insufficient to account for the necessary donor density.
This conclusion was based on measurements of the barium vapor pressure
over BaO, chemical determination of excess barium, and lack of correlation
between electron emission and measured barium excess in cathodes. Plumlee
proposed that the donor centers were OH" ions on the basis of chemical intui-
tion combined with mass spectrometer measurements.
Chin et al. report that the grain structure of the cathode plays a
central role. 19 Barium ions adsorbed on the grain surfaces (both surfaces
internal to the cathode structure and external surfaces) cause band bending
(Fig. 3) that both lowers the work function and increases conductivity in the
surface region. Since the cathode grains are small, the perturbed region
constitutes an appreciable fraction of the cathode volume, and the bulk con-
ductivity is substantially affected. The correlation between electron emission
and conductivity thus is understandable.
where the BaOH. e species acts as a surface electron trap with a long lietime.
Conducting 'filaments" consisting of chains of metal atoms separated
by oxygen vacancies within the bulk oxide have been proposed by Dearnally
as an alternative explanation of various properties of oxide cathodes..3Oxy-
gen is removed, at the activation temperature, by reducing agents present
in the oxide coating. The oxide may becomeu locally conductive at certain
points at the metal-metal oxide interface through aggregation of vacancies.
It is postulated that metal-rich filaments then form under the influence of the
electric field usually applied during activatioi, and grow through the coating.
In Dearnally's view, emission from an oxide cathode is localized at the filament
ends and really represents emission from a metal. The high-emission cur-
rent density of oxide cathodes results from the very high local temperatures
produced by ohmic heating of filaments and through Schottky barrier lowering.
Cathode pulse behavior is explained by the breaking of filaments by thermal
agitation and the subsequent regrowth of filaments. Dearnally's model con-
tains many unknown parameters and would be difficult to quantify. The exis-
tence of sharply localized emitting regions is not consistent with spatially
resolved work-function distributions obtained experimentally for oxide cathodes.
The conducting filament concept does not appear to have gained much support.
4, ___
poisoning by adsorbed electronegative species, and detachment of the oxide
coating from the substrate. Any one of these mechanisms may be of
practical importance, but they are outside the scope of the present discus-
sion because they are tube specific. Some general failure mechanisms
are discussed.
Monolayer cathodes used in TWTs to date have all been based on barium.
These cathodes are the dispenser and impregnated cathodes discussed later.
¶ Barium monxolayer cathodes have higher work functions than alkaline earth
oxide cathodes and therefore must be operated at a higher , <npmperatire for the
same emission current density. However, higher emission current densities
are possible than for oxide cathodes. Emission current &ensities
on the order
of several asnperes per square centimeter can be obtained at operating tem-
peratures of near 1100 C. These higher available current densities, com-
bined with enhanced resistance to spark discharge and less sensitivity to air
exposure during handling, make barium monolayer cathodes very attractive.
The "impregnated" cathode can be considered a type of dispenser
cathode in which the alkaline earth mixture is not placed in a separate cavity
but is distributed throughout the pores of the tungsten matrix (Fig. 5). In the
original impregnated cathode (A-cathode), the impregnant starting mixture
3 . The A-cathode was superseded by the B-cathode, in
I ' ••
Still other variants of the dispenser cathode are based on tungstate
and scandate impregnants. In the tungstate cathode, a mixture of BaCO3 V
SrCO3 , and W0 3 is heated to form a compound that can be represented by
an expression such as Ba 5 Sr(WO 6 )2. This mixture, in turn, is mixed with
ZrHZ (an activator) and tungsten metal (90% by weight) to form a sintered
cathode compact. A similar procedure is employed to form scandate
The Phillips M cathode has considerable promise for future Air Force
applications. The M cathode consists of a standard impregnated cathode
on to which a thin (10, 000 A) surface layer of osmium has been deposited.
The resultant surface has a work function lower than that of a conventional
cathode. Phillips Corporation is no longer actively engaged in the manufac-
ture of the M cathode. Some details of their manufacturing process have been
given in a publicly available report commissioned by NASA;36 however, cer-
tain steps in the procedures are described only in very qualitative terms.
and impregnated cathodes. An atom of an electropositive element, e.g.,
cesium or barium, adsorbed on a metal surface will ionize if the ionization
potential of the adatom is less than the work function of the metal. In other
Schaeffer and White concluded that in the L-cathode the emitting surface
is covered with barium, without a substantial amount of oxygen on the emitting
surface or near the ends of the pores in the tungsten. 37 Barium coverage
was said to be less than a complete monolayer. These authors suggested
that a monolayer of residual oxygen initially present was removed from the
tungsten by evaporating barium very early in the life of the cathode. The
mechanism by which the oxygen removal is effected was not discussed. The
evaporating material was identified as barium metal, not BaO (removal of a
single surface monolayer of oxygen does not affect this conclusion).
i i
2BaO + -3W -e- 2 Ba 3 WO 6 + Ba(g) (6)
form of BaO. The Knudsen flow of the barium virougn tbhe pores is the rate-
limiting step in barium evaporation (although it may not be the rate-determining
step for barium coverage on the surface). Additional barium is formed through
the reaction
z SBa3WO6
BaW +!W
iWW -" BaWO4 + Ba(g) (7)
3 3 6 3 4 +ag()
that of the BaCO 3 cathode: however, the lifetime can be an order of magnitude
greater. Rittner et al. attribute this lifetime increase to the fact that the
equilibrium pressure of Ba + Sr vapor is lower than for the case of barium
alone. The rate of barium release, which is far more than adequate to main-
tain monolayer barium coverage, is thus reduced, and cathode Life is increased.
The impregnated cathode was also studied by Rittaer and his coworkers,
and, again, the questions of emitting surface composition, activation, and
transport and evaporation of the active species were addressed.40 The cath-
ode investigated had the impregnant composition 5BaO- 2A 2 0 3 ; it is known as
the A-cathode (later formulations included CaO). The oxides in this ratio
correspond to a eutectic mixture:
5BaO +A+
Z- 2 O 3 Ba3Al0O +! BaAl 0 (8)
232 3 26 2 2 4
2 I 1 2
Ba 3 Al O0(s) +-IW(s)-
3 3- 3
BaWO 4(s) +- BaAl 0O(s) + Ba(g) (9)
4 3 2 0 4 (s+ag
ration rate is much higher than for the L-cathode during the first few
hundred hours of life and is always sufficient to maintain a complete barium
monolayer ; n the surface. Bariumn loss, of course, can occur both by
evaporation from the surface monolayer or by direct streaming of material
from the pores in the cathode matrix.
0. A. Haas and others at NRL carried out Auger analyses of
impregnated cathodes and have made scanning low-energy electron probe
(SLEEP) work function maps. 41 Auger electron spectroscopy provides an
elemental analysis of the outer three to four atomic layers of a specimen
surface; as a rough rule, elements present in concentrations as low as
101% of a surface rnonolayer are detectable. The SLEEP method proAdes
work-function distribution information with 3- to 5-p-m spatial resolution
and 30-mV energy resolution. In some cases, a correlation was observed
between the presence of sulfur and early failure. On other cathodes with
initially normal emission, more rapid than normal decay was found to
correlate with a decrease in the barium, calcium, and oxygen pe;"ks. This
observed doiletion is tentatively attributed to machi.ning effects during fabri-
cation that result in the blockage of pores in the tungsten. The cathode s'zr-
face was found to be more similar to a BaO surface than to a barium surface.
The BaO is one to several monolayers thick.
of Auger spectroscopy. 2 The concentration of surface species as a function
of temperature was determined for a Type B Phillips cathode. It wat, con-
cluded that in the normal cathode the ratio of barium to oxygen was i, which is
consistent with a tungsten surface covered by a monolayer of BaO.
for cathode barium coverage and for the eventual end of cathode life. The
extent of barium coverage represents an equilibrium between evaporative loss
and the rate at which barium reaches the surface. Early in the life of the
cathode, an adequate amount of barium is available, but as barium generated
at the pore ends near the surface is depleted, surface coverage and electron
emission decrease. Studies of "good" and "poor" cathodes have been described
by Forman in which inadequate emission has been attributed either to poison-
ing or, in fact, to barium depletion.
• .6•,••
. .. . V . . .. |.... •
a. 'Ib. d.
no adsorbed donor
Result of Increasingspecies, Work Function,
a. With
energy distribution
is just that for (assumed ideal) metal substrate. Work
function q0 is (by definition) energy interval between
Fermi level and vacuum level. b. When some adsorbed
species isarereduced
donor function o tolayer
dipole %a. is
Adatoms and
work from
as localized levels at D at an energy interval Iads below
local potential and distance r from the surface.
D coin-
c. At optimum adatorn coverage, donor levels has
level of substrate. Work function
cide with Fermi d. Potential energy curve is
minimum value isb at sub-
above Fermi level just
Fconstrained to lie at level at
lads above Fermi
strate surface and to value function
work of
locadatom distance r for A higher substrate work
iadsorbent-adsorbate system.
X . -. ~-
that one ion is removed from the surface, leaving a circular hole of radius R.
The corresponding distribution of charges is represented by a uniform posi-
tive charge layer at distance r above the surface and a negative image charge
layer a distance r behind the surface, and by a negative diwk (of the same
charge density as the original layer) at r above the surface and a positive image
charge disk at r behind the surface. The potential along the line of symmetry
between two parallel coaxial oppositely charged disks is easily calculated. With
the potential of the disks and of the uniform charge layers superimposed, the
potential energy difference between the center of an ion and the metal surface is
where e is the electronic charge. When N = Nopt, the optimum coverage for
work-function lowering, A& = Oo - ads' Furthermore, there is the relation
- . N
rez (12)
0 0 - ram
in op t e 0
An explicit expression thus can be obtained for rain in terms of 0o and 'ads'
and it is easily verified that dmrnin/d~o < 0, as asserted previously.
The investigation of different metal coatings of higher work function
than tungsten that do not react with the impregnant resulted in the develop-
ment of the Phillips M-cathode. Rhenium, ruthenium, iridium, and osmium
all meet tne essential requirements. An osmium plus 20% ruthenium coating
5000 to 15000-k thick is sputter-deposited on the surface of an ordinary dis-
penser cathode to produce the iVM-cathode. Osmium loss apparently does not
occur during the life of an M-cathode. Emission current density decreases
4 St°'
as the result of the formation of an OsW2 alloy, wbich ha.s a work function
essentially equal to that of a pure tungsten surface and, after thousands
hours of operation, the M-cathode becomes similar to the standard B-cath-
ode without an osmium coating.
an electropositive species, could form a surface monoiayer that would result
in a surface of reasonably low work function (- 2. 6 eV for the thoriated
tungsten cathode). Recent measurements by means of Auger electron
spectroscopy confirm that the surface of thoriated tungsten is enriched in
thorium (Th/O z 40 for an activated cathode). 54 Carbonized thoriated
tungsten is apparently covered also by a thoriumn
The area of the cathode emitting surface is as much as 50 times Larger than
the final area of the electron beam. The cathode surface is concave, and
electrons are focused before entering the traveling-wave structure, Even a
slight degradation of cathode emission can change the space-charge distribu-
tion sufficiently to defocus the electron beam. The power in the beam is
more than sufficient to destroy the traveling-wave structure if the beam
wanders. A general discussion of TWTs is presented in Ref. 7.
Z C••
.... . .. . ... . .. . .. . . .. . -. . ....-. .. .- * ..... . .. ... . .. . . . . .. . . . ... . . . .. . . -. . .. .
• -43-
total emission of-95A/cm . Another field emitter cathode technology has
been described in which an array of tungsten fibers is produced in a UO0
rod. 60 The fiber density is I x 107 to 5 X 10 7/cm2 , and the sharp fiber
ends serve as field emission points on the surface. NRL has incorporated
an SRI-cathode in an actual tube (purely for demonstration purposes).
--- 1
Fig. 7. Stanford Research Institute Field-Ernmission Cathode
--.. -
not ultimately be employed in space applications. However, the difficulty in
acquiring sufficient test data in any reasonable time to flight-qualify com-
ponents based on a new technology, even with no gross problems in fabrication
and operation, is so great that impregnated cathodes will almost certainly be
utilized. Test data on impregnated cathodes are still not complete, but
encouraging data do exist.
t6. K. M. Tischer, Vakuum Tech. 15, 114 (1966).
35. P. Zalm and A. J. A. van Stratum, Phillip•s Txich. Rev. 27, 69
36. A. Gupta and C. 0. Young, The Maar;factura of M-Tvpe Inpregnated
Cathodes, for Order No. C-Zi2-D, NASA/Lewie Research Center (1977).
37. D. L. Schaeff er and J. E. Whit- Y. pp.hys. 23.,5 669 (1952).•
38. E. S. Rittner, R. H. Ahlert, and W. C. Rutledge, J, Appi. Phys. 28,
156 (D957). 2 6 9
3293 (1975).
V-51 -
53. W. E. Danforth, "Thorium Oxide and Electronics," in Advances in
Electronics and Electron Physics, Vol. V, L. Marton, ed
fl~eas, New Yo-rk (1953j.
54. E. Ishikawa and H. Tobase, Japan J. Appl. Phys. 15j 1571
.. S:
i - -~~... Z..... . b
j IE"_
n (E nIE
T=0 T> 0r
b. c.
Certain equations involving electron emnission current arise
repeatedly in any discussion of cathodes. The emission current from a
metal at temperature T is readily calculated. A standard derivation is
presented first.I
nQp) I
h I + exp-(E EF)/k-],
where EF is the Fermi energy with respect to the vacuum level, and E is the
electron energy measured with respect to the Fermi level. The x axis is
assumed to be normal to the surface; the emitted electron current will
simply be (-e) times the rate at which electron4 cross the surface in the
x direction. Since the rate at which electrons in the moomentum range d$'
strike the surface is
ffdp 4 dpI
dp[ dE
+ e xp( Er)/kT]
The zero of energy in Eq. (A-2) is taken as the bottom of the conduction
band (Fig. A-i). Since (E - EF)/kT >> I the above integral can be
approximated by
= (kT) e-/kT (A-3a)
hr3 120 A/(cm K2)
and the heats of atomization of the emitting surfaces has been noted. Z How-
ever, this correlation evidently arises, at least in part, because of the
effect of the material evaporated from the cathode on the anode work function
and therefore is not intrinsic to the emission process.
It has been assumed that electrons reaching the surface with
F sufficient energy and with appropriately directed velocity inevitably are
C -emitted. There is a possibility that electrons may be reflected back into
the metal. Therefore, the Richardson-Dushman equation often is written
in the form
J = A(I - 7) T2e- /kT (A-3c)
d V PW (A-4)
', . - r.
where p(x) is the charge density. The equation of continuity requires that
J(x) = constant = J. If electrons are emitted from the cathode with zero
(4 my = eV(x) (A-5)
-2dV 1/2
d V- t 'M (A-6)
One mnay solve for V(x). Utilization of the boundary condition that
at x L, V(x) = V, the applied voltage, results in the expression
o4c Z 1 3/2
relating the current and the applied voltage for a simple diode configuration.
__ This expression is known as the Langmuir- Child law. Electrons are in fact
not emitted with "zerokinetic energy as assumed in the above derivation.
A more complete solution to the diode current problem, including the effect
of the finite initial velocity of the electrons, is given in Ref. 5.
The applied field itself can influence the emission current by effectively
lowering the cathode work function. An electron outside a metal (taken to
be a semi-infinite conducting sheet) "sees" an image charge and experiences
a potential (Fig. A-2):
• e
W(x) Tre x + constant (A-8)
* p
As the electron approaches the surface, it will eventually "see" short-range
forces and will be affected by the details of the surface region. Beyond this
distance, which need not be further specified here, Eq. (A-8) will be valid.
If an external field, E. is now applied t" the metal, the potential outside
the metal is given by (Fig. A-3):
X (A-WO)
The difference between the potential (Eq. A-9) at xs and the potential at
infinity in the absence of the applied field represents a lowering of the
potential barrier for electron emission. The work function in the presence
of an applied field is (remembering to multiply the potential by the electronic
charge to yield an energy)
S=(A- IHa)
- 3.79 x 10-5 VE- (A -iM b)
where 0o is the initial work function (in electron volts) in the absence of a
field, and E is the applied electric field (in volts per meter).
-•- -SI-,-
/eVA- OA+ c
S = JoexpQVA kT __ (A- 12)
emitter is a metal. Note also that the density of conduction electrons does
not enter directly into the Richardson-Dushmnan equation. Most of the con-
duction electrons cannot contribute to thermnionic emission because of the
exclusion principle. Only the occupation of energy states above the nearly
completely occupied states of the conduction band is of concern.
- F + X, (A- 13)
i. e., the interval between the Fermi level and the vacuum level, just as in
the case of a metal. The electron affinity for semiconductors with primarily
covalent bonding is on the order of 3. 5 to 4. 5 eV. Electron affinities in
ionic materials have not been as extensively measured; however, in BaO,
for example, the electron affinity is 0.7 to 1. 0 eV. It is expected that
electron affin,.ty should be generally lower in ionic than in covalent
materials. In an ionic compound, atomic shells are, to first approximation,
completely filled. An electron added to an ionic material has no conveniently
available orbitals in which it can be accommodated. Its binding energy,
i. e., the electron affinity, is low. In a covalent material, orbitals are more
readily available since the electron distribution about constituent atoms is
not completely spherically symmetric. Electrons *night, for example, be
placed in d-orbitals. Electron affinity thus would be higher than in an ionic
EF = -1g+ 3- kT In (A-14)
The width of the energy gap is E ; the effective masses of holes and electrons
are given by inmh and me, respectively. The zero of energy is taken to be
the bottom of the conduction band. If Equations (A-13) and (A-14) are
substituted in Eq. (A-3c),
m E /Z+X
J 4
-) exp- kT (A-15)
. ..*1 - . .
The quantity E]Z + X is large for an insulator or wide-band gap semiconductor,
and the thermionic emission current attainable at temperatures below the
melting point is insignificant, which is in agreement with intuition. For
silicon at its melting point, J = 280 nA/cm
Ed kTIn n h3 (A-16)
where Ed is the energy of the donor level. All energies are measured
relative to the bottom of the conduction band. Substitution of the above
expression in Eq. (A-3) yields
( - r=
r 3/
hi/Z 4 k51 4
t 14
exp kT %-7)
1. C. Kittel, Introduction Solid State PlhZsics, 3rd ed., *John Wiley and
Sons, New York (1966).
The work function has so far been simply accepted as a given quantity
for a metal. An understanding of work function variation among different
metals and among different crystal faces of a particular metal is required
in order to understand thermionic emission (Fig. B-la). The electron
distribution of a metal will spread beyond the outermost layer of surface
atoms. The boundary between the interior and the exterior of the metal
cannot be completely abrupt since such a boundary would require rapidly
kinetic energy.
changing wave functions representing electrons of high
By the spreading of the electron distribution outside the metal, the kinetic
energy of the electrons is reduced. The potential energy of the electrons,
however, will be increased. At equilibrium, the situation shown in Fig, B-lb
will nrevail. This configuration represents a separation of positive and
negative charge (Fig. B-Ic) and causes a surface dipole moment.
The removal of an electron from the metal is considered next. The work
function is defined as the change in (Helmholtz) free energy of the metal
when an electron at the Fermi level is removed, at constant temperature
and volume, to a position at rest at infinity. It is convenient to divide the
energy required into a bulk term, which represents the energy change if the
electron distribution around the surface atoms were the same as for bulk
atoms, and a surface term representing the energy change as a result of
the surface dipole moment D.
a. bu
Spread'n of th Eletro W-nDstri-
Fig. B-i. Electron Doable Layer Formation
where F is the free energy, and N is the number of electrons in the metal.
The term&9F/8SN is the chemical potential and, in fact, is, by definition,
"the Fern-i energy.
The bulk (OF/3N) contribution to the work function can be handled rea-
sonably well theoretically. At T = 0 K, WFf&N can be replaced by SE/!N,
where E is the cohesive energy. Calculations of cohesive energy have been
made by Wigner and Wigner and Bardeen, among others. 3,4 These theories
yield E(N). The calculation of the surface dipole moment is more difficult.
The dipole contribution is estimated by subtracting the calculated bulk ternm
from the measured value of the work function. The surface dipole moment
can be very substantial, ranging from a few tenths of an electron volt up to
several electron volts. More recently, the Fermi-Thomas model was
applied rather successfully to the calculation of work functions. Both the
bulk and surface terms are given by the Fermi-Thomas model in terms of the
the lattice constant and one parameter. Agreement with experiment is
satisfactory (about ± M0%) for those metals to which the model is applicable.
The theory is not applicable to metals in which the diameter of the ion cores
is comparable to the lattice spacing, e.g., copper, silver, and zinc. The
theory, furthernmore, does not permit calculation of differences in work
function between crystallographic surface planes of the same metal.
It has been pointed out that the spreading of electrons beyond the
outermost atomic layer results in a surface dipole nomaent. The
actual electron distribution represents a compromise betveen potential and
kinetic energy. If a surface is not flat, but contains ridges and valleys,
the electronic potential energy is minimized if the electrons preferentially
bunch up in the ridges. This bunching increases electron kinetic energy
(higher frequency Fourier components are required to describe the electron
distribution), and the electron distribution on a rough surface will be
- I.-
smoother than the surface topography if the spacing between the peaks and
valleys is on the order of atomic dimensions. The smoothing is equivalent
to an additional contribution to the surface dipole moment with the positive
end outward. The smoothing is more pronounced with rougher surfaces,
which accounts for the fact that the work function is highest on the most
atomically smooth surfaces.
"''''• b-
"possible examples of chemisorption, they have been a favorite research
subje ct Lor both experimental '&d theoretical scientists, quite apart from
any considerations of applicaticn to cathode development.
A single electropositive atom, i.e., an alkali metal or alkaline earth
where n is the number of adatoms per square centimeter, q the ionic charge
(q = e for a completely ionized, univalent atom), and d the dipole spacing
(d = Zr, where r is the ionic radius and is the distance between the charge
center of the ion and its image charge). A4is an electrostatic potential
change expressed in volts. With the convention adopted in Section IV. B, the
corresponding energy change for an electron is denoted by A0. These quantities
are numerically equal if energies are expressed in units of electron volts. For
a complete surface monolayer (n :x 105 /cm Z) with d t 4 -A and q = e,
AO = 73 eV. This value is too large to be physically reasonable. If measured
values of 5 versus surface coverage n for various alkali or alkaline earth
atoms adsorbed on metal substrates are plotted, the behavior illustrated in
Fig. B-2 is found. At first, doidn is comparable to the value expected from
Eq. (B-2), then decreases in magnitude. O(n) goes through a minimum, then
increases slightly to nearly equal the bulk work function of the adsorbed
species at about one monolayer coverage. Since the minimumn value of
9(n) is actually less than the bulk work function of the adsorbed species,
Fig. B-2 indicates that a practical thermionic emitter based on the surface
dipole moment of a surface monolayer could be constructed. Such cathodes
are in fact in wide use.
0 Omin
4, Fig. B-Z. General Behavior of Work Function as
Function of Surface Coverage for
Alkali or Alkaline Earth Element
Adsorbed on Metal Substrate
I The observed work function minimum is well understood, at least
qualitatively. The point is that as the adatom surface density n increases,
2' interaction of adatoms results in a decrease in the charge per atom, q.
Equation (B-2) therefore exhibits a minimum. Early discussions of the
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investigated. In all of these experiments, low-energy electron diffraction,
generally in conjunction with work function measurements, was employed.
The result most pertinent to cathode technology is that a double layer is
formed with the alkali or alkaline earth above the oxygen regardless of the
order of adsorption. The same general behavior of O(n) illustrated in
Fig. B-Z is observed with the alkali (alkaline earth)-oxygen-substrate
system, and the minimum work function is generally lower than in the
absence of oxygen. For example, with Cs-O-W (lIZ) for O-Cs-W (112)]
10 1
Omirk 1t eV, while •min t-1.55 eV for Cs-W (112).6
, .<ka
.t .....
18. V. K. Medvedev and T. P. Smerka, Sov. Phys. Solid State 15, 507
19. D. A. Gordetsky and Yu. P. Melneck, Surface Sci. 62, 647 (1977).