Challenge To America Speech

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I challenge you to take back your mind because

you own it. Music We’re willing to work. We’re

willing to sweat. We’re willing to fight. We’re
willing to never give up. Music United to bring
together the small businessman. To give each
other confidence and encourage each other. To
bring this country and this nation away from the
mass corporations back to the individual as it
should be. Music This is a business of people.
Music Can still reach the stars. Music I’ve got to
compete with your neighbors and friends to
control your mind. I defy you to find out you don’t
control your mind. Does it surprise you to find out
that 95% of the people in this nation and in this
world are financial failures at the age of 55? Does
it also surprise you to find out that most people
are unhappy, dissatisfied with their position and
don’t believe in themselves? That they believe in
an automobile. That they believe in a house, a
car? But they don’t believe in themselves. Today
I’m here to tell you why. Why? It’s real simple.
Because we don’t think. Man is an animal who
was put here to rise himself off of his knees by
his brain. In the beginning man was like any
other animal. He didn’t have any claws to fight
with. He didn’t have any brute strength to whip
the other animals with. He couldn’t run the
fastest. Therefore man had to develop the only
thing that could give him control over other
animals and that was his mind. So he thought.
What people thought was the least important
part of an animal and developed a part that you
can’t see and developed it and outsmarted the
other animals on the earth. He learned to build
his home in a cave, where he had to protect it
from the top. So he began to think. Then in time,
millions of years, man did not multiply on earth
because he couldn’t think that afar ahead. He
couldn’t think enough to increase his fishing. Man
had to try and increase. So what happened? In
time man began to overtake the knowledge of
medical, one thing or another and the population
doubled. Then in the eighteenth century it
jumped another link. Then today it’s growing by
leaps and bounds. We’re becoming unbalanced
because we have too many people. And yes, this
enormous brain has now quit being developed in
the last hundred years or so. It’s been turned into
a computer. A computer that’s controlled by
other stronger animals. Other men. Two percent
of American people control a third of the rest of
this nation, and they’re jerking this thing. It’s as
simple as that. Because human brains from the
first grade to the college level into believing we
don’t have a chance. That we should get out of
college. Get myself a big company until we give
our whole lives. I challenge you to take back your
mind because you lost it at the age of two when
your mothers and your fathers, and your friends
and your teachers and your neighbors begin to
tell you what you can do and what you couldn’t
do. Whatever they told you for the most part you
accept and believe. To prove my point, if you’d
been born in Russia your thoughts at this very
moment for the most part would be that of a
communist type person. If you’d been born in a
home of poverty you don’t have but very little
confidence. You don’t think you can get up or do
anything. If you were born in the home of a
millionaire then if you’re listening they’ll teach
you how to play the stock market and how to do
this and how to do that and how the right
contacts you can learn to use and you do and
stay up there. Because the way we’ve been
programmed to think is what we produce. Only if
we knew anybody in this world that has more out
of life than you do. Keep in mind that when I talk
about success I’m not talking about financial
success alone. I’m talking about being the best
teacher, the best preacher, the best doctor, the
best chiropractor, the best lawyer, the best of
whatever it is you choose. That’s what’s being
great as all about. We sell it towards you. We sell
this course. Do you know what this course is? Do
you know what we’re selling you? We’re selling
you nothing? We are selling you nothing. All
we’re doing is developing what’s already in your
mind. Nobody wants to buy nothing and most
people think they’re nothing. How can we sell a
man himself when he doesn’t think much of
himself? He knows about automobiles. That’s
important. He runs about with $5,000. Let him
use it because he’s got it. But you’re not going to
get him too easily to invest in nothing. Who says
he’s nothing? Not I. Not himself. His neighbors
and friends have told him all his life that he is
nothing. It is disgusting. Sometimes [INAUDIBLE].
I’ll come right out there and I’ll tell him nothing.
That’s meaning, ain’t it? People all over the world
are sitting around with a brain that’s been lost.
It’s shrunk to the size of a pinhead. It’s behind
the left earlobe. It’s under a bone that even
medical science doesn’t know the name of and
so therefore they can’t find theirs. What’s left is
that big gray mass matter that has been turned
into a computer. How do you know it’s gray? It
may be blue or pink. It’s gray because that’s
what I heard. I know it’s 5,000 here because
that’s what I heard. I’m worth $10,000 because
that’s what they seem to be worth. Two plus two
is four. That’s a lie. The man that wrote that rule
was probably sleepy when he said it. Because
I’ve been getting $10 every time you mail in $4.
You’ve been short changed $6. What does it take
to be a success? Using your brain. Not the
computer. The computer says, “Oh you can do
this. You can’t do that. You can have this. You
can’t have that.” There are only 2% of the people
in the audience that can make a decision today
without asking their lawyer, their doctor, their
neighbor, their Aunt Nelly or Uncle John or their
two-year-old son. Four years ago I sat on a chair
in front of 12 people from a town of 5,000 people.
I didn’t speak really good, and I didn’t know what
it’s going to be like. Eleven of the 12 walked out.
One little boy 19 years old was stupid enough to
believe. He mortgaged his mother’s home and
came into my business and then he made
$10,000 one month. All of a sudden all of the
people with all the brains started believing it. The
caliber of people that’s looking at me right now,
I’m glad I started coming because you wouldn’t
let me in it. Spring time in Indiana I went home.
Three times I had my home, my automobile, my
furniture, everything completely taken away from
me. I came home one day and my wife was
sitting on the porch crying. She was crying. Do
you think I’d sit down with her? We’d have both
been crying. I said, “Good, good, good. No more
payments.” If I were to sympathize with me we’d
have cried for several weeks, several months and
I’d be waiting for somebody to listen to my wife
wishing that I’d try it again. But I bragged,
“Honey, I’ll buy you a home over $250,000. I’ll
pay cash for it in the sight of three to four hours.”
I’d die before it happens. Every time it happened
I’d say the same thing and she believed me less
each time. Today she has that $250,000 home
and we have a $1 million home being built. We
don’t need a $1 million home. You know the
purpose of me building a $1 million home is to
shake people up like you that has the college
degree and doesn’t know how to use. Has the
high school education. Your wife and yourself,
you’re puppets on a string and people are jerking
them. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could reach
right through this camera and right through that
screen and lay my head right on your heads and
give you instant belief in yourself? In this day of
modern age we have belief. Nobody believes in
themselves. They all let other people control
their computer. It’s as simple as that. I wonder
what God thinks. When we as Christians think, “I
have faith.” Do you really have faith? I have faith.
I have faith that I’m known. I’m going to be
known as a man who helped more people to
believe in themselves than any other person
that’s ever lived because he put me here to
serve you. I wish that you could read what’s in
my heart. What I see from the other people that’s
in the world, they look in my eyes. This is the
way you should read a person because there’s a
lot of big liars in this world. I could be the biggest
liar you ever heard. Try to read not the words but
the sincerity of a man’s eyes and what’s in his
heart. It’s hard to believe that people are
concerned about you and the people that
brought you down today, they want to see you
make it. It’s true when they say you’re poor.
They make money on you. When you go to
college they make money on you. Nothing wrong
with making money. Money is not the root of evil.
The root of evil is when you don’t have it. That’s
when you’ve got to steal it and you get in jail. I’m
getting hot. You men can pull of your coats, your
vest, your shirt, anything you want, it’s all right
with me. You ladies can do anything you want to.
Do you know what’s wrong with the world? We’re
too dignified. We are too dignified. Now how
many multi-millionaires are stupid enough to do
this? Well Red Skelton made a fortune doing it
and I’m going to do it. The man that cannot laugh
at himself. The man who’s too great to be
humble doesn’t deserve to be a leader. In order
to be a leader, in order to lead men you have to
be below them pushing them. In order to lead
men you’ve got to be behind them pushing them.
If I lead you, follow me. If I retreat shoot me. It’s
as simple as that. All over this nation we’ve got
truck drivers, mechanics, doctors, lawyers,
football players, baseball players, preachers, over
200 some of them affiliated. We’ve got people
from all walks of life and this is why we have
grown at an enormous rate. It’s because we’ve
got talent and brains from all walks of life and it’s
because Glenn Turner cannot even pass an
eighth grade test is why he has made it. If I’d
have went to college, every time one of my
college men would’ve come in and told me what
to do I’d have said I’ve got a degree and I’m the
boss and we’re going to do it my way. Since I
wasn’t too smart I didn’t know what he was
talking about anyway so I said go ahead happy to
do it. What does it take to make dollars and
cents? Believing it’ll happen to you. You see
that’s the hard part. Making $1 million was the
easiest thing I ever done or did, whatever the
word is. Dreaming it could happen to Glenn Fuller
with a hairlip and an eighth grade education was
the hard part. That took me 33 years. Every time
I get to believing it and going quite well some of
the neighbors say, “It won’t last.” I said, “Yeah it
will.” “Oh, it won’t last. He’s going to flop.” Pretty
soon it would get to me and I’d get to worry.
“Maybe it won’t. Oh my God.” Everything was
going fine until my neighbors jumped in saying,
“It won’t last.” Pretty soon you know what? They
got me so concerned about it I sat down and
worried about it instead of working and I went
broke. More people are telling you it won’t work
than any business you’re in or any business you
want to become great in you are generally right,
stick in there because most people ain’t going to
make it. Most people who are listening today are
going to get all jacked up all inspired and three
out of four of you that take this course will never
do anything with it. It won’t help you a bit
because you won’t listen to it. Because you won’t
use your brain but you’ll use your computer and
every time I put an attitude in yours that’ll make
you make it, somebody else will destroy it. It’s as
simple as that. What will it take to become a
success? Nothing but associating with successful
thinking people that say, “I’ll help you.” That’ll
encourage you. That’s why you made it in
football. That’s why you made it in baseball in
high school. Because the coach was always
spurring you on saying, “You can do it boy.”
Whether he believed it or not was immaterial as
long he made you believe it. What is being great
all about? It would be great to design the life of
the hairlip boy. I was born in a charity ward in
South Carolina. The neighbors and the friends
and the people laughed at him. And when he
went to his grandmother’s on Sunday he came
up in an old beat up red truck with all the other
brothers and sisters. He came up in that truck
and all the other friends and relatives had a new
automobile because they had city jobs. He
wanted this. He couldn’t understand why his
daddy wasn’t doing better. He just couldn’t see
why he wasn’t having a better living. He couldn’t
understand why he had to wear tennis shoes that
had holes. He couldn’t understand all the things
that passed him by that the other little kids had. I
remember I wrote to Santa Claus when I was nine
years old. My father wrote to Santa Claus and I
wrote my letter exactly like his. I asked for a new
pony because that’s what he asked for and he
was pretty smart and I decided to follow him.
Christmas morning I didn’t have no new pony but
he had a new pony. I knew Santa Claus must
have made a mistake because I was just as good
as he was so I didn’t bother worrying about it.
Next year I wrote to Santa Claus and I asked him
for a bicycle because that’s what my cousin
asked for. I looked at his letter and I spelled it
exactly right and got the right address because I
wasn’t too bright in school. The next morning no
bicycle but he had the most beautiful red and
white bike with the bebop birds on it and the
flaps and the whole works. I went out behind the
barn and I cried most of that day. He wouldn’t
even let me play with his bicycle. The next year I
wrote and I asked for a new rifle, and he asked
for a new rifle and the same story. All I got was
apples and oranges. I went out behind the barn
and I said, “Okay Santa, if that’s the way you
want to play it.” From that day on I made up my
mind to become my own Santa Claus. I challenge
you to become your own Santa Claus. I challenge
you to get out of life what you and your family
deserve. I challenge you to be stupid. To be
intelligently ignorant. I challenge you to be the
dumbest man in the world because the dumbest
man in the world can’t make it as far as
education’s concerned because he don’t know
how to use a slide rule to figure out how it won’t
work. Most of us know how to use a slide rule too
good. If I’d have known you had to have
component parts before I went into business and
you had to go to 20 different manufactures to get
gallon bottles and labels and 20,000 designed
labels. If I’d have known you had to have all
these things I wouldn’t have went into business
on $5,000 would I now? If I was graduated from
Harvard or Yale or Princeton or some of those
other colleges, if I’d have graduated from there
I’d have known you had to have all that done
before you’d even hope to start. But see I didn’t
know all that. I didn’t know you couldn’t make it
by starting with nothing. Another company
started the same time I did and they spent $15
million for a small company and they expect to
make a profit their sixth year in business. I made
a profit my first month because I didn’t know you
were supposed to wait six years. I didn’t have
any executives to tell me how to wait six years. I
didn’t have any management experts. This
company is built, run by a virtually ignorant man
that never knew anything about running anything
like this of this side. We’ll get a few expert
opinions once in a while that cost us money.
They judge us on a normal business and this is no
normal business my friends. This is a business of
people. People are the most important thing in
the world and don’t you forget it. The family is a
unit. I am a man who is willing to work, who’s
willing to sweat, who’s willing to fight, who’s
willing to never give up, who realized that
anybody can make it if he’s willing to get himself
an outlook on life that says he can make it in six
weeks. If you don’t like the way we do things. If
you don’t like the way we act and the way we
talk you go to some other motivational company.
I don’t mind plugging them because I’d rather
have them take to someone else than not take
one at all. You need an adequate source. You
need an outlook on life. You need a front. You
need a business for yourself if that’s your desire.
You need what our company. It not only has the
products. It has the training. The superb training
to lift you to the stars. I’d like to become the man
my father never was so that my son shall
become the man that I never shall be. Let me
help deliver your child. At the age of six your
father is the greatest person in the world. At the
age of 14 he wonders what happened to you.
He’s that smart all of a sudden. He sees you
complaining. He understands you griping. He
understands that you have no confidence in
yourself. He hears you complain about high
taxes. He hears you complaining about the
neighbors. He hears you explaining the only
reason that the road is paved from your house to
work is so you won’t see yourself working
yourself into a rut. The only difference between a
rut and a grave is the depth. What does it take to
become a success? Believing in one’s self. I’ve
got more confidence in you than you’ve got in
yourself. You see I’ve been where you’ve been.
I’ve sat where you sit. I’ve thought what you
thought. I’ve been to the bottom. I’ve been
depressed. Success is simple. A teacher from the
first grade through the college level. That’s why
we go through it. There’s a great school in
Orlando, Florida where over 300 students being
every morning how to respect for teachers. How
do you understand your daddy when he’s not
exactly talking pleasant to you? How do you
understand people’s frustration? In another four
or five years these children four and six and ten
years old will be shopping up and fighting if their
parents don’t take the course. People cheering,
clapping What does it take to become a success?
Believing in one’s self. Most of you all over this
land I’m talking right over your heads because
I’m telling you, you are important. I’m telling you,
you can have anything you want in this life. But
you’re not going to believe me because you’re
going to look and say “If I could talk like Glen
Turner. Boy, if I could get on that screen. If I
could be all over this world like he does. I could
be something, too.” Let me remind you that I
didn’t start that way. Let me remind you I used to
stand on a stage on a chair with my knees
buckling and knocking together. Just like you
learn to be a good driver or a good teacher, it
takes time. Being a success is simple if you’re
willing to take the first step. That first step is the
hardest thing you’ll ever do. That’s too bad. I
don’t have all of you, but I will extract that check
right out of your pocket because when that check
is purchasing a business course you’ve got one
choice and that choice is to go to work and earn
some money. Let me just say you’ll make it. I’d
like to tell you a story. Many years ago I milked a
cow called Betsy. Betsy was a wonderful cow. It
may sound silly to you but it was a very
important lesson for me at the time. One day I
went out and I sat down on the old rusty bucket
and I had my pants pulled up. I’m sitting there
and I washed her bag down and I’m drying it off
with the old rag that I kept hanging on the fence.
I put my bucket in between my knees and my
elbow where I could shake a leg if a fly got
around she stomped at it and put a foot in the
bucket. I grabbed a hold of two faucets. I just
couldn’t start pulling. Ever have days like that? I
just couldn’t seem to start pulling. Finally I laid
my head against her old tummy and she began
to twitch. She was full and she wanted me to milk
her. Finally, she turned around and looked at me
with those big brown eyes, and said, “Glen,
honey, what’s wrong with you?” I said, “You can’t
talk.” She said, “Yes, I can.” Who knows? There
used to be a horse that talked on TV. Anything is
possible. So, anyway, she says, “Old Betsy loves
you and old Betsy wants to know what’s wrong.”
I said, “The old man took my box tops away from
me, and I was going to make $200 working all
year. He said he needed to pay the landlord
because we didn’t clear enough for the food we
eat.” I said, “Betsy I just feel so miserable. I’ve
got a cold and a runny nose, and I feel so bad I’m
just going to jump in the river. I’m just giving up
on life. I don’t have any decent clothes. People
laughing at me. No shoes.” She says, “Old Betsy
will help you if you just believe in me, honey.” I
said, “How?” She said, “If you would just hold on,
Old Betsy will help. So, if you just hold on, Old
Betsy will jump up and down.” If you just hold on
to the man or woman that brought you here
today, even though you’re smarter than he is,
and I know you think you are. I know you’re going
to wait to see if he becomes great. In fact, you’re
going to encourage him to make it, aren’t you?
You’re going to challenge him, “John I know you
can. It’s all yours buddy.” I’ll bet you tell him he
ain’t crazy. Most of you will say that. Most you
will say that. Get a hold of that man, though,
attend this seminar, go to that class, or her, so
beautiful, wonderful world. It’s a world. It has
abundance of money if we just manage it the
right way. It’s a world. It’s what you can do for
your country, your clubs, and it’s a world where
people can change theirselves. They wouldn’t
have to worry about the world changing. You and
I did our part. If you and I believed in ourselves, if
you had the confidence that I have in myself,
there would be no need for you listening to me.
It’s a beautiful, wonderful world. Dare to be great
people. Transcut, Instrumental Company, all the
companies in all the countries in the world –
there’s beautiful people everywhere. We’ve got
ladies in [INAUDIBLE]. They used to be farmers.
We’ve got a guy in Mexico running the county
that used to wash dishes for $18 a week. Now,
don’t tell me he can’t be done. We got a figure
that’s spreading more love, more understanding
than you can get in the whole church and to
more people. We’ve got factory workers. We’ve
got a cab driver running this race because they
dared to be great. I can not tell you anymore.
How can I make you believe it can happen to
you, and it can happen to me? How can I grab
you by the hand, and get you to believe in
yourself? How can I tell you how much I love you
because God made you? God created you, and
that’s why I don’t criticize you. Even if you don’t
like what I say, I can not criticize your thinking
about me because if I had your background, I had
your friends and I had your neighbors, my
thoughts would be the thoughts that you have.
Before you criticize someone, remember I have
never seen a statute erected of a critic, but the
people they criticize, many statutes have gone
up. The American flag – in 1776, naturally a small
business can start with pennies, and that’s why
they grow. Today, most companies cost to
hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they
stamped the little man out, and that’s why I have
devised a system to help the average man like I
was. The people are weak and don’t have any
companies, and that’s why I band them together,
and you and I can bring them together as small
businessmen to give each other company, to
encourage each other, to bring this country, this
nation away from the mass corporation back to
the individuals as it should be. Where a man or
woman can still reach the stars. If they’re willing
to stand on their toes just a little bit.

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