The Great Lakes Entomologist The Great Lakes Entomologist
The Great Lakes Entomologist The Great Lakes Entomologist
The Great Lakes Entomologist The Great Lakes Entomologist
Volume 2
Numbers 1/2 -- Spring/Summer 1969 Numbers Article 12
1/2 -- Spring/Summer 1969
June 2017
Recommended Citation
Nelson, Sigurd Jr. 2017. "Introduction to Zoology. T. H. Savory. New York: Philosophical Library, 1968. viii,
239 pp. $6.00.," The Great Lakes Entomologist, vol 2 (1)
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Nelson: Introduction to Zoology
galls and their makers and discusses the basic life histories, alternation
of generations, and effects of the agent on the host. He concludes with a
short chapter on collecting and preserving galls.
The book is generous with. its illustrations--some 293 photos and drawings in
full color and nearly two dozen in black and white showing representative
galls, gall occupants, and a few 'non-galls'. The annotated list, which occupies
one-half of the book, is arranged systemically by order of host plant accord-
ing to Warburg's Flora of the British Isles (1962), and covers galls of ferns,
coniferous and deciduous trees, shurbs, flowers, and grasses. Each annotation
lists the host, location and description of the gall, type and name of the agent,
biology of the agent, and other interesting addenda.
The author's objectives a r e three-fold: to provide a means of gall identifica-
tion from easily found field characters; to outline the mode of life of the prin-
cipal gall-causing agents; and to suggest means of investigating galls in the
field and in the home. He has certainly fulfilled these objectives. At the
same time he has attempted to attain a measure of simplicity in order to
appeal to a wide audience, but still maintain precision and accuracy.
This book has limited use for gall identification in America. Gall-makers
a r e often highly host specific, s o only a few of the galls represented a r e com-
mon to both sides of the Atlantic, and then mainly because the same hosts
areinbothplaces. Yet T h e Pocket Encyclopedia of Plant Galls will be of
great interest to the American entomologist because of the excellent treatment
of its non-taxonomic aspects. I t should be useful to the amateur who has a
casual interest in galls, and to the more seasoned gall-oriented veteran.
Louis F . Wilson
North Central Forest Experiment Station
Michigan State University
East Lansing
This book would delight the traditional zoologist a s its emphasis is on syste-
matics and evolution. primarily based on morphology. By the author's own
admission he neglects a r e a s concerning histology, embryology, physiology and
genetics, while giving little time to a r e a s he terms animal biology--symbiosis,
parthenogenesis, behavior and parasitism. Dr. Savory feels the aforementioned
areas warrant volumes of their own. Yet this book i s titled Introdrrction to
Zoology. Perhaps a better title would be Introrlrrction to Zoology, Part I. Sys-
ternatirs and Ec0111tion.
The book i s divided into four parts. P a r t One, Introductory Zoology, is con-
cerned with the approach pursued in the succeeding pages. P a r t Two, Sys-
tematic Zoology, includes fundamental concepts related to the classificatory
system, its basis, aims and limitations. Included within this section are actual
classificatory schemes with emphasis on variability in different schemes due
to ignorance, uncertainty and personal opinion. P a r t Two is culminated by a
brief treatise on nomenclature. With this systematic basis i t is unfortunate
that the book was published without italicizing or o.therwise denoting generic
and species names.
Sigurd Nelson, J r .
Dept. of Zoology
Michigan State University
E a s t Lansing