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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

General Knowledge
(Bangla + English)

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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

1. According to Men’s FIFA ranking on, 10. Which country has recently reached a
which country is in first position? series of agreement with Qatar to facilitate
A. Brazil B. Belgium the World Cup?
C. Germany D. Argentina A. Iran B. UAE
2. Who is newly appointed cricket coach of C. Oman D. Egypt
Australian cricket team? 11. ICC Women T20 World Cup 2023 lifted
A. Justin Langer B. Andrew McDonald by which country?
C. Josh Ingles D. None of these A. Australia B. New Zealand
3. Security Council Presidential Statement has C. South Africa D. Pakistan
recently encouraged which countries to Resume 12. Host country of ICC Women T20 World
Talks on Grand Renaissance Dam Project? Cup 2023?
A. Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt A. Australia B. New Zealand
B. Ethiopia, UAE and USA C. South Africa D. Pakistan
C. Saudi Arab, UAE and Egypt 13. Australian women cricket team won
D. Sudan, Egypt and UK their _______ title of T20 Cricket World
4. What is the name of newly discovered Cup in 2023?
galaxy which may be the earliest and most A. 4th B. 5th C. 6th D. 7th
distant galaxy ever discovered? 14. What is the main reason behind
A. HD1 B. GN-z11 Srilankan economic crisis?
C. Milky-way D. None of these A. political irregularities
5. From which UN body Russian B. Shortage of exporting
membership was suspended on 7 April C. Shortage of Food and Fuel
2022? D. Shortage of foreign currency
A. UNHCR B. UNICEF 15. Giant ice volcanoes has been identified
C. UNHRC D. None of these on: ________?
6. What was the name of the mascot of A. Pluto B. Jupiter
Qatar world Cup 2022? C. Saturn D. Neptune
A. zalumi B. La’eeb 16. What was the theme of the 2023 World
C. telstar D. sikkur Water Day (WWD) __________?
7. Which two teams will play in the first A. Leaving no one behind
match in Qatar world cup? B. Better Water, Better Jobs
A. Qatar and Ecuador B. Qatar and Egypt C. Water for All
C. Qatar and UAE D. Qatar and England D. Accelerating Change
8. What is name of the central bank of 17. 18th G20 Heads of State and
Lebanon? Government Summit 2023 will take place at
A. Bank of Lebanon ____?
B. Central bank of Lebanon A. Delhi B. Jakarta
C. Banque du Liban C. Melbourne D. Shanghai
D. Banque al-fah of liban 18. Current Secretary-General of OIC
9. Which Country is intended to declare as” Hissein Ibrahim Taha belongs to_____?
Bankruptcy” in current times? A. Niger B. Chad
A. Lebanon B. Lithonia C. Morocco D. Mauritania
C. Latvia D. Estonia

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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

19. World largest suspension bridge is 28. The terms Goodput, Throughput and
located in ___________? Maximum throughput are most closely
A. Turkey B. Japan associated with which among the following
C. USA D. UK in computers?
20. What was the theme of International A. Bit Rate B. Response Time
Forest Day 2023? C. Command Line Interface
A. Forest and Sustainable cities D. Random memory
B. Forest and water 29. “Exercise Khanjar” is a military
C. Forest and Ecosystem exercise between India and _____?
D. Forests and Health A. Japan B. Kyrgyzstan
21. ‘REACH’, which was seen in the news C. Bangladesh D. Sri Lankan
recently, is a regulation of the European 30. Which organization developed ‘Crystal
Union regarding ? blade technology’ for aero engines?
A. Climate Change B. Crypto-currency A. ISRO B. HAL C. BEL D. DRDO
C. Chemicals D. Sports 31. Who has become the highest wicket-
22. Which South-American country is taker (187) in IPL cricket so far?
drafting a new Constitution? A. Andrew Toy B. Jasprit Bumrah
A. Chile B. Brazil C. Yuzvendra Chahal D. Dwayne Bravo
C. Argentina D. Bolivia 32. Which album has won the "Album of
23. As per a recent report, which country the Year" award at the 65th Grammy
has the lowest rate of insurance penetration Awards 2023?
across Asia? A. Harry’s House B. Love for Sale
A. Afghanistan B. Sri Lanka C. We Are D. Mohabbat
C. India D. Nepal 33. Which of the following pairs is NOT
24. What is the new name of the NASA’s correctly matched?
SpaceX Crew-4 aircraft? A. SBI - Commercial Bank
A. Inspire B. Freedom B. IDBI - World Bank
C. Aspiration D. Triumph C. RBI - Banking regulatory authority
25. What does ‘S’ stand for in ‘SWIFT’ D. SEBI - Security market regulatory body
financial messaging service? 34. Which of the following is called a
A. Secure B. Society Bankers Cheque?
C. Simple D. Service A. Debit Card B. Fixed Deposit
26. Which country launched a rocket to C. Demand Draft D. Pay Order
place record 22 satellites in space? 35. The value of which of the following
A. UAE B. USA foreign currencies is maximum in terms of
C. China D. Russia rupees?
27. Which city is the host of Mobile World A. Kuwaiti Dinar B. Riyal
Congress (MWC) 2023? C. British Pound D. US Dollar
A. Paris B. Barcelona 36. Expand the term LIBOR?
C. Beijing D. Tokyo A. London Inter-Bank Onsite Rate
B. London Inter-Bank Offered Rate
C. London Inter-Bank Offsite Rate
D. London Inter-Bank Operational Rate
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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

37. Which of the following is NOT a 47. Which film won the best film award at
banking related system? the 95th Academy Awards?
A. Treasury Operation B. Proclamation A. All Quiet on the western front
C. Portfolio Management D. Overdraft B. Belfast
38. Monetary Policy refers to the policy of- C. The Power of the Dog
A. Commercial Banks B. Moneylenders D. King Richard
C. Government D. Central Bank 48. Which player has won the Formula One
39. Many a time we hear about NPA in banking Grand Prix 2023 Saudi Arabian Grand
terminology. What is the full form of NPA? Prix?
A. Negotiable and Preferential Asset A. C. Sainz Jr. B. Lewis Hamilton
B. New performing Avenues C. Charles Leclerc D. Carlos Sainz Jr.
C. Non-Performing Assets 49. Who is the winner of Abel Prize for the
D. Net Performing Average year 2023?
40. Which of the following is NOT a A. C. Sainz Jr. B. Lewis Hamilton
banking related or financial term? C. Luis Caffarelli D. Dwayne Bravo
A. Margin Money B. Payment gateway 50. Gilbert Hongbo, of which country has
C. Polymerization D. Credit worthiness been appointed as the next Director-
41. Which Country registers world’s 1st General of the International Labor
Covid vaccine Carnivac-Cov for animals? Organization (ILO)?
A. US B. Russia A. Ghana B. Ecuador
C. China D. None C. Togo D. Burkina Faso
42. Which country will build first ship 51. Name the country that won FIFA
tunnel? Women’s World Cup 2023?
A. Singapore B. China A. Spain B. Brazil
C. Norway D. Japan C. England D. USA
43. What is the name of the Tropical Storm 52. Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
which made landfall on three southern is located in which country?
African countries? A. China B. Japan
A. Rina B. Ana C. Boss D. Sue C. South Korea D. Russia
44. Which country has qualified for the 53. How many new countries were invited
Qatar 2022 Football World Cup for the first to join BRICS at its 15th summit in
time in 36 years? Johannesburg?
A. Mexico B. Poland A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
C. Ireland D. Canada 54. Who is the champion of men’s tennis
45. Which actress has won the "Best Cincinnati Open 2023?
Actress in a Leading Role" award at the A. Carlos Alcaraz B. Novak Djokovic
95th Oscar Awards 2023? C. Rafael Nadal D. Roger Federer
A. Penelope Cruz B. Jessica Chastain 55. Along with Saudi Arabia and UAE,
C. Scarlett Johansson D. Michelle Yeoh which country is investing heavily in
46. Balikatan 2022 is a military exercise of alternative revenues to crude, gas.
the US Army with which country? A. Bahrain B. Qatar
A. Japan B. Philippines C. Oman D. Kuwait
C. France D. South Korea

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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

56. Where was the BRICS summit held in 65. Who is the Current President of World
2023? Bank?
A. Saint Petersburg B. Mumbai A. Ajay Banga B. David R. Malpass
C. Beijing D. Johannesburg C. Kristalina Logade D. Xi Jingping
57. Who’s the world champion of the 66. The theme of ” SCO Summit 2023 ” is ”
women’s 100m race in World Athletics SECURE” -it Stands for _________?
Championships 2023? A. Security, Economic Development,
A. Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce Connectivity, Unity, Respect for
B. Tamari Davis C. Sha’Carri Richardson Sovereignty and Territorial integrity, and
D. Marie-Josee Ta Lou Environmental Protection
58. Which country launched Chandrayaan- B. Sacrifice, Seclusion, Economic Progress,
3? Cooperation, Restoration and Energy Security
A. Russia B. China C. Selfless Progress
C. India D. None of These D. None of these
59. First country to land on the south Pole 67. The Theme of ” SCO summit 2023 ” is
of the moon on 23rd August 2023 is ______? _____?
A. China B. Russia A. SECURE B. Sacrifice
C. India D. USA C. Seclusion D. None of these
60. Which Indian space agency is 68. Turkey, Russia and Iran to continue
responsible for the Chandrayaan 3 mission? corporation to “Eliminate Terrorists” in: _?
A. ISRO B. NASA A. Yemen B. Oman
C. ESA D. CNSA C. Kuwait D. Syria
61. The US, Australia and Philippines took 69. What is the theme of International
part in joint drills in South China Sea. The Moon Day?
exercises are called A. Lunar demonstration cooperation and
A. Exercise Talisman Sabree stability
B. Exercise Keen Sword B. Lunar cooperation for future sustainable
C. Exercise Alon D. None of these ecosystem
62. Who is Current Secretary General of C. Lunar recommendations for space
South Asian Association for Regional exploration
Cooperation (SAARC)? D. Lunar exploration coordination and
A. Arjun Bahadur Thapa sustainability
B. Ghulam Sarwar C. Esala Weerakoon 70. United Nations Office for Outer Space
D. none of these Affairs (UNOOSA) and the World
63. The 19th Asian Games 2023 will be held Celebrates International Moon Day 2023 on
in ______ from Sept 23 to Oct 8, 2023: A. 17July B. 18 July
A. Hangzhou, China B. Delhi, India C. 19 July D. 20 July
C. Doha, Qatar D. None of these 71. Turkish drone make Baykar signed the
64. T20 WC2024 will be played in: ___? largest deal with _____ in the history of the
A. India B. Pakistan Turkish defense industry:
C. Australia D. West Indies & USA A. Qatar B. Kuwait
C. Saudi Arabia D. None

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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

72. Which countries has secured top position 82. Aaron Finch retired from one-day
according to the latest Henley Passport Index international cricket on 11 September
2023 to have access of visa-free to 192 countries? 2022.From which of the following countries
A. Japan B. China does he belong?
C. Singapore D. USA A. England B. Australia
73. International Chess Day is being C. New Zealand D. West Indies
observed on which date annually? 83. Who has been named as the Prince of
A. 18th July B. 19th July Wales, in September 2022?
C. 20th July D. None of above A. Prince Andrew B. Prince William
74. India’s third lunar mission, Chandrayaan-3, C. Prince Harry D. Prince Philip
lift off from the spaceport in Sriharikota on? 84. Which country passed a law allowing itself
A. July 16 B. July 14 to carry out a preventive nuclear strike?
C. July 21 D. None of These A. Mongolia B. North Korea
75. Italian Meteorological Society has C. Russia D. South Korea
named the heatwave on July 12,2023? 85. The European Central Bank (ECB)
A. Cerberus Heatwave B. Charon Heatwave raised interest rates by an unprecedented
C. Zoe Heatwave D. None of These ____ basis points to tame runaway inflation.
76. Which country hosted a multilateral A. 25 B. 50 C. 75 D. 100
naval exercise Komodo (MNEK) 2023 in its 86. Volker Turk of which country has been
waters from June 5-8, 2023? appointed as the next United Nations High
A. Iran B. Malaysia Commissioner for Human Rights?
C. China D. Indonesia A. Poland B. Germany
77. After how many years Tanzania has C. Italy D. Austria
moved its capital from Dar es Salaam to 87. Which player overtook Josh Hazlewood
Dodoma? to become the world's number one bowler
A. 50 B. 75 C. 90 D. None of these in the ICC ODI rankings?
78. G-20 Head of States Virtually Meeting A. Mohammad Siraj B. Faishal Khan
was held on 4 July Hosted by__________? C. Imran Khan D. Mohammed Yaqoob
A. Pakistan B. Japan 88. Which country has recently decided to
C. India D. Cuba purchase 12 Sukhoi SU-30 MKI?
79. Rayyanah Barnawi is set to become the A. India B. Bangladesh
first Arab woman astronaut from which C. Sri Lanka D. Philippines
country? 89. Who recently won the Singapore Grand
A. UAE B. Saudi Arabia Prix 2023 title?
C. Bahrain D. None of these A. Carlos Sainz B. Max current
80. Greece boat tragedy took place in which C. Sergio Perez D. Lewis Hamilton
sea ____? 90. Who has topped the 'Global Crypto
A. Sea of Azov B. Ionian Sea Adoption Index 23'?
C. Sea of Marmara D. None of These A. Vietnam B. USA
81. Who is the author of the book titled C. India D. Nigeria
‘Forging Mettle: Nrupender Rao and the 91. India handed over the chairmanship of
Pennar Story’? G-20 to which country?
A. Aradhana Johri B. Ratnakar Shetty A. America B. Brazil
C. Navdeep Singh Gill D. Pavan C. Lall C. France D. Russia
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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

92. Which country has won the SDAT WSF 102. How many times a year does the G20
Squash World Cup 2023 title by defeating summit take place?
Malaysia 2-1? A. Two time in a year B. Five time in a year
A. Egypt B. Japan C. Four time in a year D. Once a year
C. Dubai D. Iraq 103. In which country is the ASEAN
93. Which organization organized the ‘2023 Summit 2023 being organized?
Regional Cooperation and Unity Conference’? A. Japan B. Indonesia
A. CBD B. ADB C. JEE D. IITI C. America D. Iraq
94. Who has got permanent membership in 104. Recently, the President of which
the recent G20 conference? country honored Prime Minister Modi with
A. American Union B. African Union 'The Grand Cross of the Order of Honor'?
C. Pakistani Union D. Iran Union A. Greece B. Japan
95. Recently the country has launched ‘Self C. Iraq D. Iran
Sovereign National Digital ID’ for all its 105. Which country will increase natural
citizens? gas recently?
A. Pakistan B. Bhutan A. Iraq B. Iran
C. Afghanistan D. Sri Lanka C. Pakistan D. Israel
96. Which meeting of the ‘United Nations 106. Where has the Dancing Pikachu
General Assembly (UNGA) was held recently in program been organized recently?
September 2023?
A. Japan B. America
A. 79th B. 68th C. 78th D. 88th
C. France D. Sweden
97. Which country has recently won the title
107. In which Indian city is the 'G20-Digital
of the best country in the world for the
Innovation Alliance (DIA) Summit' being
second consecutive time?
A. Italy B. Europe
A. Lucknow B. Bangalore
C. Switzerland D. America
C. Kohima D. Manipur
98. On which day is ‘International Literacy
108. Which country is the organizer of
Day’ celebrated?
'Army 2023: 9th International Military-
A. 07 September B. 08 September
Technical Forum'?
C. 05 September D. 10 September
A. America B. Japan
99. Kirkuk, which was in news recently, is
C. India D. Russia
located in which country?
109. Which country has recently launched
A. Iran B. South Afrika
the world's first humanoid pilot 'Pibot'?
C. India D. Iraq
A. North Korea B. Iraq
100. Recently, which country is going to
C. Iran D. South Korea
conduct a 'referendum' to recognize the original
110. Recently which country's 'Luna-25
inhabitants of the country in its constitution?
A. Japan B. Germany Spacecraft' crashed on the moon.
C. America D. Australia A. France B. China
101. Which hockey team recently won its C. Russia D. Japan
first Hockey 5s Asia Cup by defeating 111. Recently on which date 'World
Pakistan? Mosquito Day' has been celebrated.
A. Sri Lanka B. India A. 20 August B. 25 August
C. Nepal D. Afghanistan C. 12 August D. 24 August
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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

112. In which country 'World Athletics 14. Which country received highest funding
Championship 2023' has started recently. from Asain Development Bank ADB in 2022?
A. Japan B. Hungary Ans: Pakistan
C. Europe D. France 15. Which country has launched 1 billion
113. Maui Island, which was seen in the meals endowment campaign? Ans: UAE
news, is located in which country? 16. Who becomes second-fastest Asian batter
A. Europe B. France to score 12000 runs? Ans: Babar Azam
C. Japan D. America 17. Who became first Pakistani to receive
prestigious honorary Fellowship award by
English General Knowledge – SET 01
Oxford University? Ans: Malala Yosuzai
1. _________ successfully brokered a deal and
18. Who is the Current Prime Minister of Azad
mediated the decade long Saudi-Iran rivalry in
Jammu and Kashmir?
the Middle-East. Ans: China
Ans: Chaudhry Anwar-ul-Haq
2. ‘Nakba day’ is marked on ___?Ans: May 15
19. Which country has broken its own record
3. Who has been the longest serving president
for the world’s lowest fertility rate?
of Sudan till 2019 ? Ans: Omar Al-Bashir
Ans: South Korea
4. Cyclone Mocha affected Bangladesh and
20. Which country will host the 18th meeting
__? Ans: Myanmar
of “G-20 Summit” in September 2023?
5. Europe Day is celebrated every year on-
Ans: India
Ans: 9 May
21. Ease of doing business report published by
6. Which city is ranked the wealthiest in the
____? Ans: World Bank
world? Ans: New York
22. Which Country is the host of first ever
7. Current CEO of OpenAI (ChatGPT) is ___?
“Global Buddhist Conference”?Ans: India
Ans: Sam Altman
23. ____ becomes first major US city to
8. Which Country hosted 5th China-
broadcast adhan five times a day?
Afghanistan - Pakistan Foreign Ministers’
Ans: Minneapolis
Dialogue? Ans: Pakistan
24. First Pakistani Woman who has Scaled
9. Which country has hosted the “basic plan on
“Annapurna Peak” located in Nepal in April
Ocean policy”? Ans: Japan
2023 is _____? Ans: Naila Kiyani
10. According to the 2023 World Press
25. In 2023,UN commemorate ___ day for the
Freedom Index __ has the worst press
first time. Ans: Nakba Day
freedom? Ans: North Korea
26. Which is the only majority Muslim
11. What was the theme of World Press
member of the NATO alliance? Ans: Turkey
Freedom Day 2023? Ans: Shaping a future of
27. Who has become the first female umpire to
rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for
officiate men’s T20I match?
all other human rights
Ans: New Zealand’s Kim Cotton
12. Which county hosted a foreign ministers’
28. “The Silk Roads: A New History of The
meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation
World” is written by______?
Organization (SCO) on May 4-5 2023 ?
Ans: Peter Frankopan
Ans: India
29. How many countries have banned
13. Which country has recently closed its Last
ChatGPT? Ans: 7
three nuclear reactors? Ans: Germany

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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

30. What is the name of World Largest 49. “How to Avoid Climate Disaster” is
Artificial Forest? written by_____? Ans: Bill Gates
Ans: Saihanba National Forest Park (China) 50. Prime meridian does not pass from?
31. Five Eyes Intelligence-sharing Alliance Ans: Asia
include- Ans: US, Australia, Canada, New
English General Knowledge – SET 02
Zealand, UK
1. Which country become the 31st member of
32. Finland joins NATO on: ______?
NATO ? Ans: Finland
Ans: 4th April 2023
2. Which country has signed a formal MoU to
33. Russia to deploy its Nuclear Tactical Arms
join Shanghai Cooperation Organization
in which country? Ans: Belarus
(SCO) in 2023? Ans: Iran
34. Which country has recently voted to ban
3. Which planet looks reddish in the night sky?
rental e-scooter? Ans: France
Ans: Mars
35. The theme for International Day of Sports
4. ‘Accelerating the change to solve the water
for Development and Peace 2023 is _____?
and sanitation crisis’ is the theme of which
Ans: Scoring for People and the Planet
day? Ans: World Water Day
36. The first liquid Hydrogen powered boat was
5. What is the name of the form of artificial
launched by?Ans: Norwegian Company Norled
intelligence that can take actions using past
37. Which is the world’s first liquid hydrogen
data? Ans: Generative AI
powered boat? Ans: MF Hydra
6. Who wins “Best Actor” Oscar Award 2023?
38. Which country has become the first
Ans: Brenden Fraser
European country to ban ChatGPT? Ans: Italy
7. Who is the Current President of Nepal?
39. Who has taken the Barack Obama as the
Ans: Ram Chandra Poudel
most followers on twitter? Ans: Elon Musk
8. How many countries does the prime
40. How many Countries Are the Members Of
meridian pass through? Ans: 8
NATO? Ans: 31
9. First country to bury imported CO² in the
41. Who has been appointed as the Crown
world? Ans: Denmark
Prince of Abu Dhabi? Ans: Sheikh Khaled
10. President of Bangladesh is - Ans: 22nd
42. When the ‘International Day of Zero
11. The color of a sedimentary rock is often
waste’ observed? Ans: 30th March
mostly determined by_____? Ans: Iron
43. Which country has recently claimed
12. Which country has opened military service
underwater drone test, capable of carrying
to women for the first time in 25 years?
nuclear weapon? Ans: North Korea
Ans: Colombia
44. 50th session of OIC foreign ministers will
13. Where is the bronze statue of Columbo and
be held in? Ans: Cameroon
‘dog’ located? Ans: Budapest, Hungary
45. The Wailing Wall is situated in _______?
14. Sumo is considered the national sport of
Ans: Jerusalem
which country? Ans: Japan
46. “Hamza Yousuf” is the first Muslim Prime
15. Carpology is a discipline devoted to the
Minister in ___? Ans: Scotland
study of what? Ans: Seeds and fruits
47. When did Muslim League changed “Its
16. In 1997, which technological design was
Mission & Vision”? Ans: 1913
named after a Viking king? Ans: Bluetooth
48. Elon Musk on 4th April 2023 changed the
17. The term xerostomia refers to_____?
logo of Twitter from Blue Bird to: __?
Ans: dry mouth
Ans: Dogecoin Dog
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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

18. Who is recently tagged as “Asian Iron 41. Portuguese East India Company was
Lady” by British periodical The Economist- established in ____? Ans: 1628
Ans: Sheikh Hasina 42. How many times Kami Rita Sherpa scale
19. Bakhmut is the City of - Ans: Ukraine Mount Everest? Ans: 27
20. PM Sheikh Hasina recently meet with the 43. Cyclone 'Mokha' hits Bangladesh coast -
PM of - Ans: UK Ans: 14 May
21. Who is dubbed Turkey's 'Gandhi'? 44. Pulitzer Prize, 2023 in Journalism -
Ans: Kemal Kilicdaroglu Ans: AP & New York Times.
22. Who has 49th G7 presidency in 2023? 45. Name of the newly registered 41st political
Ans: Japan party of Bangladesh- Ans: Insaniat Biplob
23. The name of Türkiye's national combat 46. Syria regained membership of the Arab
aircraft, known as TF-X, is - Ans: KAAN League- Ans: 7 May
24. Where is the next G20 summit meeting 47. Name of the first docu-fiction based on
2023? Ans: Delhi secret intelligence documents about
25. No. of countries are there in G20? Ans: 19 Bangabandhu: Ans: File number 606
26. What is the theme of G20 summit 2023? 48. A meeting on Rohingya repatriation was
Ans: One Family. One Future held between Bangladesh and Myanmar under
27. Capital of Russia? Ans: Moscow the mediation of China: Ans: Kunming
28. Top Team of ICC ODI Ranking 2023 - 49. Asia's first 'Chief Hit Officer' announced
Ans: Australia on 3rd May, 2023- Ans: Bushra Afrin
29. Samaresh Majumdar died on- Ans: 8 May 50. Bangladesh Rank- National Cyber Security
30. The name Mocha (pronounced as Mokha) Index 2023: Ans: 35th
was proposed by- Ans: Yemen 51. Which organization won the Nobel Peace
31. How many individuals got Ekushey Padak Prize for climate change related activities?
2023? Ans: 19 Ans: IPCC
32. The baht is the official currency of- 52. Who was the first Chief Minister the
Ans: Thailand undivided Bangla? Ans: A.K. Fazlul Huq
33. 29th Gas field of Bangladesh is – 53. The International Mother Language Day
Ans: Bhola's Ilisha was declared in- Ans: 1999
34. Which country has highest GDP? 54. What country is Usain Bolt originally
Ans: USA from? Ans: Jamaica
35. Durand line was demarcated in which 55. Burkina Faso is a ____ Ans: Country
year? Ans: 1893 56. No. of Commercial Banks- Ans: 58
36. Theme of world cancer day 2023 is ____? 57. The concert for Bangladesh was held in-
Ans: Close the Care gap Ans: New York
37. The headquarter of ASEAN?Ans: Jakarta 58. Who upheld Bangladesh to the world in
38. Country which has taken presidency of UN 1971 during the liberation war?
security council? Ans: Russia Ans: George Harrison, Simon Dring Pandit
39. Which country ranked worst/ 180th in Ravi Sarkar
transparency international index? 59. What is the name of the Capital of East
Ans: Somalia Timur? Ans: Dili
40. When was the first election held in 60. ‘Cape of Good Hope’ is situated in-
Bangladesh? Ans: 7 March, 1973 Ans: South Africa
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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

61. Which country is the father of democracy? ✓ Avmi t 13

Ans: Greece ✓ dvBbvj †fby¨ t b‡i›`ª †gv`x †÷wWqvg, Avn‡g`vev`
62. The Capital of Kosovo- Ans: Pristina ✓ †jv‡Mvi bvg t bvfvivmv
63. What is the currency of Italy? Ans: Lira ✓ cÖvBR gvwb t
64. Which language is largest speaking in the wek¦Kvc Rqx- 4 wgwjqb Wjvi (cÖvq 33 †KvwU UvKv)
world? Ans: Mandarin wek¦Kvc dvBbvwj÷- 2 wgwjqb Wjvi (16.5 †KvwU UvKv)
†mwgdvBbv‡j civwRZ `j- 8 j¶ gvwK©b Wjvi (6.6 †KvwU UvKv)
65. Which continent is produced greater
MÖæc c‡e© civwRZ `j- 1 j¶ gvwK©b Wjvi (82 j¶ UvKv)
portion of tea? Ans: Asia
MÖæc c‡e© cÖwZwU R‡q- 40 nvRvi gvwK©b Wjvi (33 j¶ UvKv)
66. Which is the smallest country in terms of
population in Asia? Ans: Maldives AviI †Ljvi Lei
67. How many times bigger is Asia continent 1. wµ‡KU BwZnv‡mi cÖ_g †evjvi wn‡m‡e wU-‡Uv‡qw›Ui
than Europe in size? Ans: 4.5 times msw¶ß dig¨v‡U wek¦ †iKW© M‡o‡Qb kvwnb kvn
Avwd«w`| cvwK¯Ív‡bi ZviKv †cmvi Bsj¨v‡Ûi
Gwkqv Kvc 2023 fvBUvwjwU eøv÷ Uzb©v‡g‡›U bwUsn¨vgkvqv‡ii n‡q
✓ cÖ_g Avmi --- 1984 mv‡j| Bwbs‡mi cÖ_g Ifv‡i 4 DB‡KU wkKv‡ii BwZnvm
✓ e¨e¯’vcK --- Gwkqvb wµ‡KU KvDwÝj(Gwmwm) M‡o‡Qb|
✓ me©vwaK ivb --- mb_ Rqmywiqv (1220) 2. I‡q÷ BwÛR‡K QvovB Gev‡ii wek¦Kvc
✓ me©vwaK DB‡KU --- gywËqv gyiwjaib(30wU) 3. Dmgvb LvRv-Iqvb©vi‡K ev‡R gšÍe¨ Kivq Ggwmwmi 3
✓ me©vwaK weRqx `j --- fviZ (8wU) m`m¨ wbwl×
✓ Gev‡ii Avmi --- 16 Zg,2023| 4. AvBwcGj bv †L‡jI UvKv cv‡”Qb mvwKe-ZvmwKb
✓ Av‡qvRK --- kªxjsKv I cvwK¯Ívb| 5. Bsj¨v‡Ûi bvMwiKZ¡ wb‡q AvBwcGj †Lj‡Z Pvb Avwgi
✓ †gvU g¨vP --- 13wU 6. Kz‡qZ‡K nvwi‡q mv‡di beg wk‡ivcv wRZj fviZ
✓ cÖvBR gvbx --- weRqx 1 jvL 50 nvRvi Wjvi (fviZxq 7. 2024 mv‡j eªvwR‡ji `vwqZ¡ †b‡eb Avb‡PjwË
gy`ªvq 1 †KvwU 64 jv‡Li †ewk), ivbvm© Avc 75 nvRvi 8. RywU evua‡jb †`k‡miv Zxi›`vR †ivgvb-w`qv
Wjvi (fviZxq gy`ªvq 82 jv‡Li †ewk)| 9. †¯cvU©m †W¯‹ eÜ K‡i†Q wbDBqK© UvBgm
✓ weRqx --- fviZ 51/0 ivb,6 Ifvi 1 ej| 10. mvwKe Avj nvmv‡bi wek¦ †iKW©- evsjv‡`‡ki Z…Zxq
✓ ivbvm© Avc --- kªxjsKv 50/10,15 Ifvi 2 ej| wµ‡KUvi wn‡m‡e me ms¯‹iY wgwj‡q 14000 iv‡bi
✓ Z…Zxq ¯’vb --- evsjv‡`k| gvBjdjK ¯ck© K‡i‡Qb mvwKe|
11. 2025 ch©šÍ †gwm B›Uvi gvqvwgi n‡q †Lj†eb|
✓ dvBbvj g¨vP †fby¨ --- ivbvwmsn †cÖgv`vmv †÷wWqvg,
12. bvix wµ‡KUvi‡`i Rb¨ mymsev` w`j AvšÍR©vwZK wµ‡KU
Kj‡¤^v, kªxjsKv|
KvDwÝj (AvBwmwm)| GLb †_‡K †Q‡j Ges †g‡q‡`i
✓ Uzbv‡g›U †miv--- KzjØxc hv`e(fviZ), DB‡KU 9wU|
wµ‡K‡U cÖvBRgvwb mgvb n‡e|
✓ g¨vb Ae `¨v g¨vP--- †gvnv¤§` wmivR( fviZ), 21 iv‡b
13. AvšÍR©vwZK dzUej †dWv‡ik‡bi (wddv) me‡kl
6 DB‡KU wb‡q‡Qb|
i¨vswKs nvjbvMv‡` wZb avc GwM‡q‡Q evsjv‡`k dzUej
✓ m‡e©v”P ivb--- ïfgvb wMj (fviZ) 302|
`j| 189Zg Ae¯’v‡b D‡V G‡m‡Q jvj mey‡Ri `j|
✓ m‡e©v”P DB‡KU---- gvw_mv cvw_ivbv (kªxjsKv) 11 wU| 14. wek¦Kv‡ci †cÖv‡gv‡Z kvniæL-Avwd«w`
2023 wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc 15. Gev‡ii RvZxq †Uwej †Uwbm PÆMÖv‡g n‡e|
✓ ZvwiL t 5 A‡±vei, 2023 16. evsjv‡`k wmwi‡R ev‡R AvPi‡Y 2 g¨vP wbwl× fviZxq
✓ ZË¡veavqK t AvšÍR©vwZK wµ‡KU KvDwÝj gwnjv AwabvqK
✓ wµ‡K‡Ui aib t GKw`‡bi AvšÍR©vwZK 17. hy³ivóª I I‡q÷ BwÛR `y‡`‡ki Av‡qvR‡b wU-‡Uv‡qw›U
✓ cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi aib t ivDÛ-iweb I bK-AvDU wek¦Kvc AbywôZ n‡e AvMvgx eQi| wU-‡Uv‡qw›U wek¦Kvc
✓ Av‡qvRK t fviZ ïiæ n‡e 4 Ryb|
✓ AskMÖnYKvix `j t 10 18. wµ‡KU‡K we`vq ej‡jb eªW
✓ †Ljvi msL¨v t 48 19. †ivbvj‡`vi m‡½ Avj bv‡m‡i †hvM w`‡q‡Qb mvw`I gv‡b
✓ †gvU †fby¨ t 10
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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

20. AvšÍtevwnbx Ry‡Wv cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi cyiæl wefv‡M wewRwe 14. 2024 mv‡j G-20 Gi 19 Zg m‡¤§jb AbywôZ n‡e
P¨vw¤cqb - eªvwRj|
21. †gwm‡K UcwK‡q kx‡l© †ivbvj‡`v 15. 2025 mv‡j G-20 Gi 20Zg m‡¤§jb AbywôZ n‡e
22. 128 eQi ci Awjw¤c‡K wdi‡Z cv‡i wµ‡KU - `w¶Y Avwd«Kv|
23. Avev‡iv cvwK¯Ív‡bi cÖavb wbe©vPK n‡jb BbRvgvg 16. 2023 mv‡j Commonwealth Gi 27 Zg m‡¤§jb
24. Igivn cvj‡b Kwig †eb‡Rgv AbywôZ n‡e - mv‡gvqv
25. wek¦Kvc †RZvi g‡Zv wµ‡KUvi †bB fvi‡Z: †kv‡qe 17. 2023 mv‡ji NAM Gi 19 Zg m‡¤§jb n‡e
AvLZvi - DMvÛv|
26. iæ×k¦vm UvB‡eªKvi wjMm Kvc wR‡Z BwZnvm Moj 18. evsjv‡`‡ki `xN©Zg b`x- BQvgZx| ˆ`N¨©- 334 wKtwgt
†gwmi gvqvwg
19. BRICS- Gi bZzb m`m¨ n‡”Q wgki, Bw_Iwcqv,
27. bvix dzUej wek¦Kv‡ci dvBbv‡j Bsj¨vÛ‡K 1-0 †Mv‡j
Bivb, Av‡R©w›Ubv, mshy³ Avie AvwgivZ I †mŠw`
nvwi‡q P¨vw¤cqb n‡q‡Q †¯cb| cÖ_gevi wk‡ivcv R‡qi
¯^v` †cj †¯cb|
20. 4 eQi ci BD‡b‡¯‹vq wdij- hy³ivóª
28. †`‡ki µxov½‡b Ae`v‡bi Rb¨ †kL Kvgvj µxov
21. Igivn cvj‡b B-wfmv Pvjy Kij- †mŠw`
cyi¯‹vi †c‡q‡Qb 10 µxov e¨w³Z¡ I `yB cÖwZôvb|
22. wewewmi wgwWqv A¨v‡µwW‡Ukb evwZj Kij- wmwiqv
evsjv‡`k AviPvwi †dWv‡ikb †c‡q‡Q †miv msMV‡bi
23. wek¦L¨vZ mvgwqKx †dve©m Ô30 Ab~aŸ© 30Õ ZiæY mdj
¯^xK…wZ| G Qvov †Ljvayjvq c„ô‡cvlKZvi Rb¨
e¨w³‡Z¡i ZvwjKv cÖKvk K‡i‡Q| G‡Z KvbvWv cÖevmx
evsjv‡`k e¨vsKvm© A¨v‡mvwm‡qkbI ¯^xK…wZ †c‡q‡Q|
evsjv‡`wk M‡elK I D‡`¨v³v 28 eQi eqwm bebxZv
mv¤cÖwZK evsjv wR‡K †mU 01 bvIqvi ¯’vb †c‡q‡Qb| GB ZvwjKvq GKgvÎ evsjv‡`wk
1. cÖavbgš¿x RvwZms‡Ni Mfxi mgy`ª welqK Pzw³‡Z mB wZwb| e¨emv †¶‡Î we‡kl Ae`vb ivLv 30 eQ‡ii Kg
K‡ib- 21 †m‡Þ¤^i 2023 eqwm 30 Rb‡K wb‡q eyaevi GK cÖwZ‡e`‡b ZvwjKvwU
2. "RvZxq †WweU KvW©" Pvjy Ki‡Z hv‡”Q evsjv‡`k cÖKvk K‡i †dve©m
e¨vsK| m¤¢ve¨ ZvwiL - 1 b‡f¤^i, 2023 24. AvgvRb i¶vq 8 †`‡ki cÖ_g kxl© m‡¤§jb - Ôc„w_exi
3. 17 †m‡Þ¤^i, 2023 RvwZms‡Ni ___ Zg Awa‡ekb dzmdzmÕ ‡K evuPv‡Z cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv kxl© m‡¤§j‡b †hvM
ïiæ - 78Zg w`‡q‡Q AvgvRb mn‡hvwMZv Pzw³ ms¯’vi (GwmwUI) 8
4. evsjv‡`‡ki 24Zg bewbhy³ cÖavb wePvicwZ †`k| ewjwfqv, eªvwRj, Kjw¤^qv, BKz‡qWi, Mvqvbv,
- Rbve Ievq`yj nvmvb| †ciæ, mywibvg I †fwbRy‡qjv| `yw`‡bi ˆeVKwU DËi
5. BDGm I‡cb 2023 P¨vw¤cqb - †bvfvK †Rv‡KvwfP eªvwR‡ji †e‡jg kn‡i n‡q‡Q|
6. 23 Zg wek¦Kvc dzUe‡ji †fb¨y KZwU? - 10wU 25. †b`vij¨vÛ‡m Ô‡e÷ Ae evsjv‡`kÕ cÖ`k©bx
7. m¤cÖwZ KvuVv‡ji †h bZzb RvZ D™¢vweZ n‡q‡Q Zvi 26. evwj©‡b ¯^Y©c`K Rqx cÖwZeÜx ¯^Y©v
bvg- evwi-6 27. fviZ †_‡K cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv †Ws¸-g¨v‡jwiqv †U‡÷i
8. m¤cÖwZ wjweqvq AvNvZ nvbv N~wY©S‡oi bvg - W¨vwb‡qj wKU Avg`vwb
9. cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv †`‡k RvZxq Pv cyi¯‹vi †`Iqv nq mv¤cÖwZK evsjv wR‡K †mU 02
- 4 Ryb 2023 mv‡j
1| me©Rbxb †cbkb Kg©m~wP Pvjy n‡q‡Q - 17 AvM÷ 2023
10. G-20 Gi bZzb m`m¨: Avwd«Kvb BDwbqb| Avwd«Kvb 2| †`‡ki cÖ_g Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖmI‡q (Dovj moK)
BDwbqb m`m¨c` jvf K‡i: 9 †m‡Þ¤^i, 2023| D‡Øvab n‡e- 2 †m‡Þ¤^i
eZ©gv‡b m`m¨ - 21wU (19wU †`k Ges 2wU ms¯’v)| †h 3| me©†kl wRAvB mb`cÖvß cY¨ †KvbwU?
2wU ms¯’v G-20 Gi m`m¨: BD‡ivcvxq BDwbqb I - bv‡Uv‡ii im‡Mvjøv
Avwd«Kvb BDwbqb| 4| AvwU©wdwkqvj B‡›Uwj‡RÝ Gi gva¨‡g cÖ_g msev`
11. LDC Gi cÂg m‡¤§jb 2023 mv‡j AbywôZ nq cwVKvi bvg- AcivwRZv (P¨v‡bj 24)
- †`vnv, KvZvi| 5| †`‡k GLb †gvU GI cY¨- 17wU
6| cix¶vg~jKfv‡e K‡e †g‡Uªv‡ij AvMviMvuI †_‡K gwZwSj
12. G- 7 Gi 2023 mv‡j 49Zg m‡¤§jb AbywôZ n‡e
ch©šÍ Pvjy nq - 7 RyjvB 23
- wn‡ivwkgv, Rvcvb|
7| †Ws¸ f¨vw·‡bi bvg- †Wsfvw·qv
13. 2023 mv‡j G-20 18Zg m‡¤§jb- bqvw`wj, fviZ|
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8| 2023 mv‡j evsjv‡`‡k mv¶iZvi nvi 38| mywcÖg †Kv‡U©i myeY©RqšÍx Dcj‡¶ Gi cÖv½‡Y bewbwg©Z
- 76.42%(weweGm) ¯§„wZ¯Í¤¢ - Ô¯§„wZ wPiÄxeÕ
9| evsjv‡`k e¨vsK KZ©…K wWwRUvj e¨vs‡Ki Rb¨ b¨~bZg 39| Px‡bi †bZ…Z¡vaxb evwYwR¨K eøK Avi‡mc G †hvM`v‡bi
cwi‡kvwaZ g~jab - 125 †KvwU UvKv wm×všÍ wb‡q‡Q - evsjv‡`k
10| wbevPb Kwgkb Aby‡”Q` KZ? - 118 bs 40| e½eÜy RbcÖkvmb cyi¯‹vi-2023 †c‡q‡Qb - 28 Rb
11| evsjv‡`‡ki ivóªcwZ KZZg - 22Zg e¨w³ I 2wU miKvwi cÖwZôvb) `ywU cÖwZôvb- Lv`¨ gš¿Yvjq
12| BD‡b‡¯‹v m`m¨ †`k †gvU KZwU? - 194wU Ges RvZxq ü‡`&ivM Bbw÷wUDU I nvmcvZvj| RvZxq
13| evsjv‡`‡k GLb wek¦ ¯^xK…Z meyR KviLvbvi msL¨v - ch©v‡q RbcÖkvmb c`KcÖvß e¨w³ ev `‡ji AšÍf©z³ Kg©Pvixiv
200wU bv‡gi †k‡l Ôe½eÜy cvewjK A¨vWwgwbw÷ªkb A¨vIqvW©Õ Gi
14| evsjv‡`‡ki me‡P‡q eo ivevi W¨vg Gi bvg- msw¶ß iƒc ÔwewcGGÕ UvB‡Uj e¨envi Ki‡Z cvi‡eb|
PvucvBbeveMÄ (‡`‡ki me‡P‡q eo I `w¶Y Gwkqvi 10g 41| m¤cÖwZ Rvcv‡b AvNvZ nvbv N~wY©SowUi bvg - Lvbyb
e„nËg ivevi W¨vg wbg©vY Kiv n‡”Q PvucvBbeveM‡Ä|) 42| evsjv‡`‡k wewb‡qv‡M kxl© 5 †`k (wgwjqb gvwK©b Wjv‡i)
15| †g‡Uªv‡i‡ji we‡kl cywjk Gi bvg wK? hy³ivR¨ (560.68) hy³ivóª (354.19)
- Gg Avi wU cywjk `w¶Y †Kvwiqv (312.94) †b`vij¨vÛm (303.33)
16| ¯^vaxbZv Bk‡Znvi K‡e †NvlYv nq? - 3 gvP©, 1971 wm½vcyi (269.93)
17| FBCCI Gi bZzb †cÖwm‡W›U- gvneyeyj Avjg 43| †`‡ki BwZnv‡mi me‡P‡q eo †mŠi we`¨yr †K›`ª
18| RbZv e¨vsK wjwg‡UW Gi bZzb bvg - bvg: wZ¯Ív †mvjvi wjwg‡UW
- RbZv e¨vsK wcGjwm Drcv`b ¶gZv: 200 †gMvIqvU
19| Bmjvgx e¨vsK Gi bZzb bvg - Bmjvgx e¨vsK wcGjwm ¯’vb: my›`iMÄ,MvBevÜv
20| RvZxq msMxZ K‡e MÖnb K‡i? - 3 gvP©, 1971 44| 2023 mv‡j KgbI‡qj_ †QvUMí cyi¯‹vi cvb
21| RvZxq †kvK w`em K‡e? - 15B AvM÷ - †Kvqv‡g g¨vKdvimvb (‡`k- R¨vgvBKv)
22| ˆewk¦K kvwšÍ‡Z kxl© †`k †KvbwU? - AvBmj¨vÛ (2022) 45| 2023 mv‡j ievU© MvW©bvi †d‡jvwkc †c‡q‡Qb
23| wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvB‡bi ms‡kvwaZ bZzb bvg - evsjv‡`wk Av‡jvKPÎx gy‡bg Iqvwmd
- mvBevi wbivcËv AvBb 46| wmwf‡Ujv ivwb‡qwi cyi¯‹vi 2025 weRqx
24| ¯§vU© evsjv‡`k w`em- 12 wW‡m¤^i - ¯’cwZ wiRfx nvmvb (evsjv‡`k)
25| mv‡K©i eZ©gvb gnvmwPe 47| e½eÜyi wK‡kvi Rxeb wb‡q wbwg©Z Pjw”PÎ
- †Mvjvg mv‡ivqvi (15 Zg), evsjv‡`k, wZwb mv‡K©i Z…Zxq - `ytmvnmx †LvKv
evsjv‡`wk gnvmwPe| 48| 15Zg weªKm m‡¤§jb - 22 †_‡K 24 AvM÷, 2023;
26| DošÍ Mvwo ˆZwii †Nvlbv w`j eªvwR‡ji D‡ovRvnvR `w¶Y Avwd«Kvi †RvnvbmevM©|
wbg©vZv Gg‡eªqvi mn‡hvMx - "Bf" 49| AvšÍR©vwZK b¨vqwePvi w`em - 17 RyjvB
27| mvK© mvwnZ¨ cyi¯‹vi FOSWAL-2023 †`qv nq - 50| bZzb †bŠevwnbx cÖavb
e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb ‡K - fvBm GWwgivj †gvnv¤§` bvRgyj nvmvb
28| †kb‡Rb fz³ eZ©gv‡b †gvU †`‡ki msL¨v - 27 51| evsjv‡`k we‡k¦i - 52 wU †`‡k gvQ ißvwb K‡i
29| eZ©gv‡b we‡k¦i me‡P‡q abx †`k 52| †MÖU wngvjqvb †UªBj Gi 1700 wK.wg. c_ cvwo †`Iqv
- Avqvij¨vÛ (wØZxq jy‡·gevM©) evsjv‡`wk - BKivgyj nvmvb kvwKj
30| 2023 Gwkqv Kv‡ci 16 Zg ms¯‹iY †hŠ_fv‡e 53| we‡k¦i 1g evRviRvZ †Ws¸ wUKv
Av‡qvRK - cvwK¯Ívb Ges kªxj¼v - †W½f¨vw·qv (mv‡bvwd †Kv¤cvwb, d«vÝ)
31| evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g gwnjv ivóª`~Z - gvngy`v nK †PŠayix 54| G‡`‡ki GKgvÎ PZz‡`©kxq ¯’je›`i
32| †`‡k cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv we`¨yrPvwjZ Mvwoi PvwR©s †÷kb - evsjvevÜv; cÂMo †Rjv
Pvjy n‡q‡Q - ivRavbxi †ZRMvuI‡q 55| ‡`‡ki me‡P‡q eo cqt‡kvabvMvi - wLjMvuI, XvKv
33| †`‡ki cÖ_g cvZvj †i‡ji ˆ`N¨© KZ wK.wg.? - 31.10 56| bvix wµ‡K‡U †`‡ki n‡q cÖ_g kZK K‡ib
34| b¨v‡Uvi kxl© m‡¤§jb K‡e AbywôZ nq? - dviRvbv nK wcswK
- 11-12 RyjvB 2023 57| †_ªWm Gi gvwjKvbv - †gUv
35| †`‡ki 17Zg wRAvB cY¨ wn‡m‡e †NvlYv nj 58| ‡Møvevj ¯‹zj wgjm †Kvqvwjkb G †hvM †`Iqv
- bv‡Uv‡ii HwZn¨evnx KvuPv‡Mvjøv - 85 Zg †`k evsjv‡`k
36| K‡ivbvi bZzb aiY - †KvwfW Gwim 59| GwWwe Gi cÖ_g evsjv‡`wk fvBm †Pqvig¨vb
37| Pvu‡`i K¶c‡_ cÖ‡ek K‡i‡Q fvi‡Zi gnvKvk hvb - dvwZgv Bqvmwgb
- ÔP›`ªhvb-3Õ (5 AvM÷, 2023) 60| evsjv‡`k- fviZ iæwc‡Z †jb‡`b ïiæ - 11 RyjvB, 23
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61| ‡emiKvwi e¨vsK Gi cwiPvjK Gi †gqv`Kvj - 12 eQi cvU Drcv`‡b kxl© †Rjv- dwi`cyi
62| 14 Zg mvd Rqx †`k - fviZ Zzjv Drcv`‡b kxl© †Rjv- wSbvB`n
63| m¤cÖwZ aŸsm nIqv Wz‡evRvnvR - UvBUvb Mg Drcv`‡b kxl© †Rjv- VvKziMvI
64| AvšÍR©vwZK wU Uz‡qw›Ui BwZnv‡m 50 Zg n¨vwUªK K‡ib Avjy Drcv`‡b kxl© †Rjv- e¸ov
- Kwig RvbvZ (AvdMvwb¯Ívb) wPswo Drcv`‡b kxl© †Rjv- mvZ¶xiv
65| cÖevmx Avq MÖn‡Y kxl© †`k - fviZ; evsjv‡`k - 7g KvVvj Drc`v‡b kxl© †Rjv- MvRxcyi
66| m¤cÖwZ evsjv‡`k - hy³ivóª Gi g‡a¨ wUKv cø¨v›U ¯’vc‡b ZvgvK Drcv`‡b kxl© †Rjv- Kzwóqv
mg‡SvZv n‡q‡Q| GLv‡b 13 cÖKvi wUKv cvIqv hv‡e| 85| †`‡k eZg©v‡b M¨vm‡¶Î KqwU?
67| exR cix¶vq AvšÍR©vwZK ¯^xK…wZ †c‡q‡Q - 29 wU; me©‡kl Bwjkv-1, †fvjv
- jvj Zxi wmW Gi cÖwZôvb : Gg Gb wU mxW †Uw÷s 86| wµ‡ÞvKv‡iwÝi ¯^xK…wZ`vbKvix cÖ_g †`k
68| †`‡ki BwZnv‡m cÖ_g K…wÎg eyw×gËv Gi msev` - Gj mvj‡f`i
Dc¯’vwcKv - AcivwRZv 87| NATO Gi m`i`ßi †Kv_vq ? - eªv‡mjm
69| m¤cÖwZ †`‡k Rjn¯Íx Gi K¼vj evwb‡q‡Q - cUzqvLvjx 88| ga¨ Gwkqvq Aew¯’Z AvqZ‡b me©e„nr cÖRvZ‡š¿i bvg
weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq Gi GK`j M‡elK - KvRvL¯Ívb
70| Xvwe †Z we‡kl mgveZ©b n‡e 89| UNESCO KZ Zvwi‡L 21 †deªæqvwi AvšÍR©vwZK
- 2023 mv‡ji A‡±vei gv‡m gvZ…fvlv w`em wn‡m‡e ¯^xK…wZ †`q? - 17 b‡f¤^i 1999
71| Igivn& Kvix†`i Rb¨ - B wfmv Pvjy K‡i‡Q †mŠw` Avie 90| e½eÜy ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki ivóªcwZi `vwqZ¡ MÖnY K‡ib
72| m¤cÖwZ 'bZzb Pxb bxwZ' †NvlYv K‡i‡Q- Rvg©vwb KZ Zvwi‡L? - 10 Rvbyqvwi, 1972
73| evsjv‡`k m¤cÖwZ gvwj †_‡K kvwšÍi¶x cÖZ¨vnvi K‡i 91| ¯^b© Drcv`‡b kxl© †`k - †RvnvÝevM©
74| we‡k¦i cÖ_g wg‡_bPvwjZ i‡KU - Zhuque 2 92| BSTI Gi c~Y© Awfe¨w³ Kx?
75| 2024 mv‡j MÖx®§Kvjxb Awjw¤cK †MBg‡mi Av‡qvRK Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institute
†`k - d«vÝ 93| KvM‡Ri cÖavb ivmvqwbK Dcv`vb †KvbwU?- †mjy‡jvR
76| b¨v‡Uvi eZ©gvb gnvcwiPvjK - ‡Rbm ÷‡jbevM© 94| evsjv‡`k ¯‹qvi †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z? - jvB‡ewiqv
77| CPTPP †Z bZzb †hvM`vbK…Z 12Zg †`k - hy³ivR¨, 95| e½eÜy m¨v‡UjvBU-2 K‡e Dr‡¶cY Kiv n‡e?
CPTPP Gi c~Y©iƒc n‡”Q: Comprehensive and - 2023 mv‡ji wW‡m¤^i
Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific 96| evsjv‡`‡ki ˆZwi cÖ_g b¨v‡bv m¨v‡UjvB‡Ui bvg wK?
Partnership - eª¨vK A‡š^lv
78| hy³iv‡óªi 4_© e¨vsK wn‡m‡e Gevi †`Dwjqv n‡jv 97| wbDwRj¨v‡Ûi Avw`evmx‡`i wK ejv nq? - gvIwi
"nvU©j¨vÛ UªvB-‡÷U e¨vsK"| 2023 mv‡j †`Dwjqv nIqv 98| RvwZmsN w`em- 24 A‡±vei
Av‡Mi 3wU gvwK©b e¨vsK¸‡jv h_vµ‡g wmwjKb f¨vwj e¨vsK, 99| evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡b †gvU KZwU Zdwmj Av‡Q ?- 7wU
wmM‡bPvi e¨vsK Ges dv÷© wicvewjK e¨vsK 100| evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq cZvKvi wWRvBbvi †K?
79| KZ ZvwiL †_‡K evRv‡i †Lvjv mqvweb †Zj weµq - Kvgiæj nvmvb
wbwl× n‡q‡Q - 1 AvMó 2023
80| KjvMv‡Qi myZvq 'KjveZx' kvox Drcv`b n‡q‡Q †Kvb mv¤cÖwZK evsjv wR‡K †mU 03
†Rjvq? - ev›`ievb 1| Av‡R©w›Ubvi gy`ªvi bvg wK? -Av‡R©›UvBb †c†mv
80| 2023 mv‡ji (3 RyjvB †_‡K 16 RyjvB) DB¤^jWb 2| mv¤cÖwZKKv‡j †hB mve‡gwibwU weaŸ¯Í n‡q‡Q, †mwU
P¨vw¤cqbwkc Gi KZZg Avmi AbywôZ nq?- 136 Zg †Kvb †Kv¤cvwbi gvwjKvbvq wQj? - Ikvb‡MU
81| `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi cÖ_g bvix Kwgkbvi 3| 15Zg wRAvB mb`cÖvß cY¨ †KvbwU? - e¸ovi `B
- †gvQv. AvwQqv LvZzb 4| wK‡qf †Kvb †`‡ki kni? - BD†µb
82| 2023-2024 A_©eQ‡ii ev‡R‡U 5| Avev‡iv we‡k¦i kxl© abx n‡q‡Qb - Bjb gv¯‹
- mvaviY Kigy³ Avqmxgv -3,50,000 UvKv 6| AwZcÖej N~wY©So Ôwech©qÕ, bvgKiY K‡i‡Qb - evsjv‡`k
7| kw³kvjx ÔmvigvZÕ †¶cYv¯¿ †Kvb †`‡ki? - ivwkqv
- wRwWwci cÖe„w×i j¶¨gvÎv -7.5% 8| 2030 wek¦Kv‡ci Av‡qvRK wn‡m‡e _vK‡e bv †Kvb
- g~j¨ùxwZ -6.0% †`k? - †mŠw` Avie
83| evsjv‡`k RvwZms‡Ni - 136Zg m`m¨, 9| m¤cÖwZ wgm‡ii m‡e©v”P ivóªxq †LZve †c‡q‡Qb †Kvb
KgbI‡qj‡_i- 34Zg m`m¨, IAvBwmi- 32Zg m`m¨ †`‡ki cÖavbgš¿x? - b‡i›`ª †gv`x (fviZ)
84| avb Drcv`‡b kxl© †Rjv- gqgbwmsn 10| d«v‡Ýi ivRavwbi bvg - c¨wim
gvQ Drcv`‡b kxl© †Rjv- gqgbwmsn 11| Av‡R©w›Ubvi †Mvji¶‡Ki bvg wK?- Gwgwjqv‡bv gvwU©‡bR
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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

12| †gUvi bZzb mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM A¨vvc Gi bvg wK? ✓ P¨vw¤cqb: wbDwRj¨vÛ
- †_ªWm ✓ ivbvm© Avc: fviZ|
13| wRAvB mb`cÖvß me©‡gvU wRAvB cY¨ KqwU? - 15wU 30| 2023-24 A_©eQ‡ii gy`ªvbxwZ †NvlYv Kij evsjv‡`k
14| cvqiv Zvc we`¨yr †K›`ª †Kvb †Rjvq Aew¯’Z? e¨vsK gy`ªvùxwZ Uv‡M©wbs bxwZ †_‡K m‡i G‡m Gevi M„nxZ
- cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvq n‡q‡Q:
15| cÙv †mZzi Awdwmqvj bvg Kx? - cÙv eûgyLx †mZz ✓ my`nvi Uv‡M©wUs bxwZ| (G bxwZ‡K kU© Uvg© gywfs
16| mve‡gwib Gi evsjv bvg wK? - Wz‡evRvnvR Gfv‡iR †iU wn‡m‡e †NvlYv K‡i evsjv‡`k e¨vsK)
17| AvqZ‡bi wePv‡i ivwkqvi c‡i BD‡iv‡ci wØZxq e„nËg ✓ †i‡cv †iU: 6.5 kZvsk Ges wiRvf© †i‡cv †iU: 4.5
ivóª †KvbwU? - BD†µb kZvsk
18| What is a GI stand for? ✓ †¯ckvj †i‡cvi bZzb bvg: ÷¨vÛvW© j¨vwÛs d¨vwmwjwU
- Geographical Indication (SLF)
19| m¤cÖwZ evsjv‡`k wµ‡K‡Ui †Kvb †L‡jvqvo Aemi MÖnY ✓ bxwZ my` I wifvm© †i‡cvi bZzb bvg: ÷¨vÛvW© wW‡cvwRU
K‡i‡Qb? d¨vwmwjwU (SDF)
- Zvwgg BKevj (Z‡e 07 RyjvB cÖavbgš¿xi wb‡`©‡k Aem‡ii ✓ 2023-24 A_©eQ‡ii gy`ªvùxwZ nvi: 6%
wm×všÍ cÖZ¨vnvi) ✓ 2023-24 A_©eQ‡ii cÖe„w× e„w×i nvi: 7%
20| mvd bvix Ab~aŸ©-20 dzUej P¨vw¤cqbwk‡ci dvBbv‡j 31| RvZxq cwiPq wbeÜb AvBb, 2023, gwš¿mfv Aby‡gv`b
†bcvj‡K KZ †Mv‡j nvwi‡q‡Q evsjv‡`k? - 3 †Mv‡j †`q: 12 Ryb, 2023| cwiPvjbv Ki‡e: ¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi
21| BD‡b‡¯‹v-evsjv‡`k e½eÜy cyi¯‹vi †cj myi¶v †mev wefvM|
- wgDwRK µm‡ivWm (wR¤^vey‡q)| 32| m¤cÖwZ Avwd«Kvi †Kvb †`k †_‡K evsjv‡`wk
22| gywRebMi miKv‡ii KqwU gš¿Yvjq - 12wU kvwšÍi¶x‡`i cÖZ¨vnv‡ii wm×všÍ †bqv nq? - gvwj
23| Amgvß AvZ¥Rxebx †gvU KZwU fvlvq I me©‡kl †Kvb 33| GI cY¨ GLb 17wU;
fvlvq Ab~w`Z n‡q‡Q? - †gvU 19wU fvlvq cÖKvwkZ n‡q‡Q ✓ me©‡kl 17Zg- bv‡Uv‡ii KvuPv‡Mvjøv
(me©‡kl: wÎcyiv) Ges †gvU 20wU fvlvq cÖKvwkZ n‡q‡Q ✓ 16Zg cY¨ - wm‡j‡Ui kxZjcvwU
24| mvsnvB †Kv-Acv‡ikb AM©vbvB‡Rk‡bi bZzb m`m¨: ✓ 15Zg cY¨ - e¸ovi weL¨vZ `B
Bivb, (eZ©gv‡b m`m¨ msL¨v: 09) ✓ 14Zg cY¨ - PvucvBbeveM‡Äi Avwk¦bv I j¨vsov Avg|
25| Bangabandhu SAFF Champions – 2023 ✓ 13Zg cY¨ - PvucvBbeveM‡Äi j¨vsov Avg|
✓ Av‡qvRK †`k: fviZ ✓ 12Zg cY¨ - †kicyi †Rjvi Zzjmxgvjv avb|
✓ P¨vw¤cqb: fviZ (9g evi) 34| evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki bZzb Ges 2q bvix †WcywU Mfb©i
✓ ivbvi Avc: Kz‡qZ n‡jb - b~iæb bvnvi
✓ †miv †L‡jvqvo: mybxj †QÎx (fviZ) 35| ivóªcwZi Abycw¯’wZ‡Z `vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡ib - ¯cxKvi|
✓ m‡e©v”P †Mvj`vZv: mybxj †QÎx (fviZ) 36| KY©dzjx U¨v‡b‡ji ˆ`N¨© KZ? - 3.4 wK.wg
✓ †miv †MvjwKcvi: Avwbmyi ingvb wR‡Kv (evsjv‡`k) 37| mvBevi wmwU ejv nq - wm‡jU
26| cÖ_g evsjv‡`wk wn†m‡e Gkxq Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki (GwWwe) 38| †m‡Þ¤^i Ab h‡kvi †ivW Gi iwPqZv - A¨v‡jb wMÝevM©
fvBm †cÖwm‡W›U wn‡m‡e wb‡qvM †c‡q‡Qb - dvwZgv Bqvmwgb 39| e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb K‡e RywjI Kzwi cyi®‹vi cvq
27| we‡k¦i emevm‡hvM¨ kni- 2023 Gi ZvwjKv cÖKvwkZ| - 1973 mv‡j
ZvwjKv cÖKvk K‡i: jÛbwfwËK cÖwZôvb "B‡Kvbwg÷ 40| †g‡Uªv‡i‡j mnvqZvKvix †`k - Rvcvb
B‡›Uwj‡RÝ BDwbU (BAvBBD)" ZvwjKvq kxl© kni: wf‡qbv, 41| †Kvb cwÎKv e½eÜy‡K poet of politics Dcvwa †`b
Aw÷ªqv| ZvwjKvq me©wb‡¤œ Ae¯’vb: `v‡g¯‹, wmwiqv| ZvwjKvq - wbDR DBKm
evsjv‡`‡ki ivRavbx XvKvi Ae¯’vb: 166Zg| 42| AvšÍR©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em ¯^xK…wZ †`qv nq
28| 2022 mv‡j cÖevmx Avq MÖn‡Y kxl© †`‡ki ZvwjKvq - 1999 mv‡j
evsjv‡`‡ki Ae¯’vb - 8g| †mvm©: wek¦e¨vsK| 43| AgZ¨© †mb †Kvb wel‡q M‡elYv K‡i †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi
29| wek¦ †U÷ P¨vw¤cqbkxc 2021 - 2023: cvb? - `ywf©¶ I `vwi`ª
✓ P¨vw¤cqb: A‡÷ªwjqv 44| †ivwn½v Bm¨y‡Z †Kvb †`k gvqvbgv‡ii weiæ‡× gvgjv
✓ ivbvm©Avc: fviZ| K‡i - Mvw¤^qv
✓ †cøqvi Ae `¨ g¨vP: Travis Head. 45| bvix cyiæl mgZvq `w¶Y Gwkqvq kxl© †`k - evsjv‡`k
✓ AskMÖnYKvix `j: 9wU| 46| Gwkqvb Bb‡Wvi †Mg Rq K‡ib- Bgivbyi ingvb
GwU wØZxq Avmi| cÖ_g Avm‡ii 47| Ryg A¨v‡ci cÖwZôvZv †K? - Eric Yuan

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48| †mvbvjx e¨vs‡Ki eZ©gvb bvg - †mvbvjx e¨vsK wcGjwm 7| evsjv‡`‡k Iqvb‡W wµ‡K‡U `ªæZZg †mÂzwi K‡ib
49| evsjv‡`k KbmvU© nq - †gwWmb ¯‹qvi Mv‡W©b,wbD BqK© - gykwdKzi iwng (100/60)
50| myBRvij¨v‡Ûi cÖvPxb bvg - †nj‡fwkqv 8| †Kvb †`k AvšÍR©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em wej cvm K‡i
51| cÖ_g bvix Gfv‡i÷ weRqx - wbkvZ gRyg`vi - KvbvWv (30 gvP© 2023)
52| wcÖÝ n¨vixi AvZ¥Rxebxg~jK eB - Spare
9| AvMÖvw`¸b mxgvšÍ †Kv_vq? - bIMvu
53| cÖ_g G_‡jwUK ¯^Y© weRqx - Bgvbyi ingvb (w¯cÖ›U)
54| 2022 mv‡j kvwšÍ‡Z †bv‡ej †c‡q‡Qb 10| e½eÜy †kL gywReyi †Kvb mvwnZ¨ cyi¯‹vi?
- Av‡jm weqvwjqvZw¯‹ - mvK© mvwnZ¨ cyi¯‹vi- 2023
55| eZ©gv‡b †`‡k gv_vwcQz ˆe‡`wkK F‡Yi cwigvY KZ? 11| "Amgvß AvZ¥Rxebx" K‡e cÖKvwkZ nq? - Ryb 2012
- 558 gvwK©b Wjvi 12| †`‡k cÖ_g mve‡gwib NvuwUi bvg?
56| †Kvb AvšÍR©vwZK ms¯’v evsjv‡`k‡K m‡e©v”P cwigv‡Yi - weGbGm †kL nvwmbv (20 gvP© 2023)
FY w`‡q‡Q? - wek¦e¨vsK (1,816 †KvwU gv.W.) 13| behvÎv I RqhvÎv Kx? - mve‡gwib
57| 27 †deªæqvwi 2023 evsjv‡`‡k †Kvb †`‡ki `~Zvevm
Pvjy Kiv nq? - Av‡R©w›Ubv 14| Wv| Rvdiæjøvn †PŠayix cÖqvY K‡i? - 11 GwcÖj 2023
58| hy³iv‡óªi cÖ_g gymwjg bvix wePviK n‡jb 15| "civ_©ciZvi A_©bxwZ" Kvi †jLv? - AvKei Avwj Lvb
- evsjv‡`wk es‡kv™¢‚Z bymivZ Rvnvb (2023 mv‡j) 16| GI cY¨ KZ wU? - 11 wU
59| BD‡iv‡ci †Kvb †`‡k "evsjv‡`k w`em " cvjb Kiv 17| b¨v‡Uvi me©‡kl m`m¨? - wdbj¨vÛ (31 Zg)
nq? - ‡b`vij¨vÛ‡m 18| Px‡bi cÖavbgš¿x bvg? - wj wKqvs
60| evsjv‡`k bvix wµ‡KU `j †U÷ gh©v`v jvf K‡i?
19| SAARC gnvmwPe †Kvb †`‡ki? - evsjv‡`k
- 1 GwcÖj 2021 mv‡j|
61| miKvwi D‡`¨v‡M †`‡k ¯’vwcZ cÖ_g †mŠiwe`¨yr †K›`ª 20| cÖ_g ¯§vU© †Rjv? - PÆMÖvg
Aew¯’Z †Kv_vq? - KvßvB,ivOvgvwU| 21| DPED Gi c~Y©iƒc Kx?
62| wR bvBb ev MÖvÛ bvBb †Kvb dm‡ji RvZ? - †cu‡c - Diploma in primary Education
63| we‡ki cÖ_g m¤c~Y© ˆe`¨ywZK I ¯^qswµq gvjevnx 22| PTI Gi c~Y©iƒc ?
Rvnv‡Ri bvg wK? - Yara Birkeland
- Primary teachers Training Institute
64| K‡ivbv wPwKrmvq Aby‡gvw`Z cÖ_g A¨vw›UfvBivj
U¨ve‡j‡Ui bvg wK? 23| PTI Gi evsjv bvg wK?
- Monlupiravir (cÖ¯‘ZKvix †`k- hy³ivóª) - cÖvBgvwi wk¶K cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª
65| KjKvZvi †cÖm K¬v‡e K‡e "e½eÜy msev` †K›`ª" 24| wWwcGW †Kv‡m©i †gqv` KZ? - 1.5 eQi
D‡Øvab Kiv nq? - 28 A‡±vei 2021 25| eZ©gv‡b †Kvb †kªYx ch©š— wk¶v eva¨Zvg~jK Kiv
66| †`‡ki BwZnv‡m AvšÍR©vwZK wµ‡K‡U cÖ_g bvix n‡q‡Q? - Aóg †kªYx
†mÂzwiqvb †K? - kviwgb Av³vi
26| NCTB Gi c~Y©iƒc wK?
mv¤cÖwZK evsjv wR‡K †mU 04 - National Curriculum and Textbook Board
1| cÖfvekvjx weªwUk mvgwqKx Ô`¨ B‡Kvbwg÷Õ Gi cÖwZ‡e`b 27| IER Gi c~Y©iƒc ?
Abyhvqx, Gwkqvi †jŠngvbex (Avqib †jwW) wn‡m‡e AvL¨v - Institute of Education and Research
†c‡q‡Qb †K? - evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv 28| cÖv_wgK wk¶v Awa`߇ii cÖavb †K?
2| we‡k¦i e„nËg wegvbevnx iYZixi bvg Kx? - c`ex gnvcwiPvjK
- BDGmGm †Rivì Avi †dvW© (hy³iv‡óªi) 30| DPE Gi c~Y©iƒc wK?
3| Biv‡bi `yB nvRvi wK‡jvwgUvi cvjøvvi e¨vwjw÷K - Directorate of Primary Education
†¶cYv‡¯¿i bvg Kx? - LvBevi| 31| cÖv_wgK wk¶v †Kvb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb?
4| ÔUvBMvi Ae gnxk~iÕ bv‡g L¨vZ †K? - wUcy myjZvb| - cÖv_wgK I MYwk¶v gš¿Yvj‡qi Awab|
5| eZ©gv‡b evsjv‡`‡k wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi msL¨v KqwU? 32| cÖv_wgK wk¶v gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖwZgš¿xi bvg wK?
- 12wU| - †gvnv¤§` RvwKi †nv‡mb
6| KvRx bRiæj Bmjv‡gi cÖ_g cÖKvwkZ Kve¨MÖš’ 'AwMœexYv' 33| cÖv_wgK wk¶v mwP‡ei bvg wK?
KZ mv‡j cÖKvwkZ nq? - 1922 mv‡j| - †gvt Avwgbyj Bmjvg Lvb
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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

34| MoPME Gi c~Y©iƒc wK? 59| Iqvb‡W wµ‡K‡U evsjv‡`‡ki m‡e©v”P `jxq ivb
- Ministry of Primary and Mass Education - 349 (Avqvij¨v‡Ûi wec‡¶)
35| NAPE Gi c~Yi© ƒc? 60| wU-20 †Z evsjv‡`‡ki `ªæZZg nvd †mÂzwii gvwjK
- National Academy for Primary Education - wjUb `vm (18 e‡j 50 ivb)
36| †bc Gi cÖavb †K? - gnvcwiPvjK 70| †U÷ wµ‡K‡U evsjv‡`‡ki m‡e©v”P iv‡bi gvwjK
37| †bc †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z? - gqgbwmsn - gykwdKzi ingvb (5417 ivb)|
38| DPED G KqwU welq cov‡bv nq? - 7 wU 71| e½eÜyi bZzb MÖš’ - ¯§„wZi wgwQj, 6wU wbeÜ wb‡q
39| cÖv_wgK wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨ KqwU? - 13wU cÖKvwkZ ¯§„wZi wgwQj| e½eÜy wbeܸ‡jv wj‡LwQ‡jb †nv‡mb
40| evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki nUjvBb b¤^i? - 16236 knx` †mvnivIqv`©x I †Zvdv¾j †nv‡mb gvwbK wgqv‡K
41| cÖv_wgK wk¶vi cÖvwšÍK †hvM¨Zv KqwU?- 29wU wb‡q|
42| cÖv_wgK wk¶vi †gvU welq KZwU?- 12wU 72| evsjv‡`‡ki cÖ_g mve‡gwib NvuwU -weGbGm †kL
43| miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi msL¨v KZwU? nvwmbv| GUv D‡Øvab nq 20 gvP© 2023 mv‡j| weGbGm
- 65,593 †kL nvwmbvi Ae¯’vb K·evRv‡i|
44| cÖv_wgK wk¶vi †kªYxmsL¨v KZ? - 2wU 73| eZ©gv‡b evsjv‡`‡ki `ywU mve‡gwib Av‡Q| Px‡bi KvQ
45| wk¶vi aviv KqwU? wK wK? †_‡K µqK…Z mve‡gwib `y‡Uv n‡jv - behvÎv I RqhvÎv|
- 3wU (AbvbyôvwbK, AvbyôvwbK, DcvbyôvwbK) 74| evsjv‡`k wdì nvmcvZv‡ji cÖwZôv Wv. Rvdiæjøvn
46| RvZxq wk¶vbxwZ 2010 Gi j¶¨ I D‡Ïk¨ KqwU? †PŠayix g„Z¨yeiY K‡ib- 11 GwcÖj 2023 mv‡j|
- 30 wU 75| Wv. Rvdiæjøvn †PŠayix KZ©…K MY¯^v¯’¨ †K›`ª cÖwZwôZ nq
47| cÖvK-cÖv_wgK wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨ KqwU? - 17 wU - 1972 mv‡j|
48| eZ©gvb wk¶vgš¿xi bvg wK? - W. w`cy gwb 76| cÖL¨vZ fv¯‹i kvgxg wkK`vi g„Z¨yeiY K‡ib - 21 gvP©
49| cÖv_wgK I MYwk¶v cÖwZgš¿x - †gv: RvwKi †nv‡mb 2023 mv‡j| Zvui weL¨vZ fv¯‹h© n‡jv †¯^vcvwR©Z ¯^vaxbZv|
50| cÖv_wgK I MYwk¶v Awa`߇ii gnvcwiPvjK (AwZwi³ 77| eZ©gv‡b Rvcv‡bi cÖavbgš¿x - dzwgI wKwk`v
`vwqZ¡) - †mv‡nj Avn‡g` 78| RvwZms‡Ni m`i `߇i mgy`ª i¶vq nvB wmR wUªwU
51| evsjv‡`‡k cÖv_wgK wk¶v AvBb Rvix nq KZ mv‡j? ¯^v¶wiZ nq - 4 gvP©, 2023 mv‡j|
- 1974 mv‡j 79| RvwZms‡Ni m`i `߇i cvwb m‡¤§jb AbywôZ nq -
52| evsjv‡`‡k eva¨Zvg~jK cÖv_wgK wk¶v KLb †_‡K Pvjy 22gvP© - 24 gvP©, 2023 mv‡j|
Kiv nq? - 1 Rvby, 1992 mv‡j 80| eZ©gv‡b †fŠ‡MvwjK wb‡`©kK (GI) cY¨ - 17wU
53| eZ©gv‡b WHO Gi gnvcwiPvjK 81| PZz_© wkíwecøe kãwU cÖ_g e¨envi K‡ib - Rvg©vb
- †UWim Avavbg †MvweqvÝ (Bw_Iwcqv) BwÄwbqvi K¬vDm †kvqve| PZz_© wkíwecø‡ei welqe¯‘ n‡jv
54| eZ©gv‡b OIC Gi gnvmwPe B›Uvi‡bUwfwËK Kvh©cÖwµqv ch©‡e¶Y I wbqš¿Y|
- n~‡mBb Beªvwng Zvnv (kv`) 82| RvwZms‡Ni kvwšÍi¶x wgk‡b ˆmb¨/ bvix ˆmb¨ †cÖi‡Y
55| SAARC Gi eZ©gvb gnvmwPe kxl© †`k - evsjv‡`k|
- †Mvjvg mviIqvi (evsjv‡`k, 15Zg) 83| eZ©gvb evsjv‡`‡ki GDP †Z me‡P‡q †ewk Ae`vb
56| wbD †W‡fjc‡g›U e¨vs‡Ki (NDB) eZ©gvb †cÖwm‡W›U -‡mev Lv‡Zi (51.48%)
- w`jgv iæmd (eªvwRj) 84| e½eÜy wdj¥ wmwU n‡e - MvRxcy‡i|
57| MCC (Marylebone Cricket club) Gi AvRxeb 85| evsjv‡`‡ki eZ©gvb I 22Zg ivóªcwZ- kvnveywÏb Pzày|
m`m¨ n‡jb cÖ_g evsjv‡`kx wµ‡KUvi- gvkivwd web gZ©zRv 86| eZ©gv‡b evsjv‡`‡ki gv_vwcQz Avq
(evsjv‡`kx wn‡m‡e 3q Ges wµ‡KUvi wn‡m‡e 1g) - 2765 gvwK©b Wjvi|
58| Iqvb‡W wµ‡K‡U evsjv‡`‡ki `ªæZZg †mÂzwi K‡ib 87| ivwkqv BD‡µ‡b mvgwiK Awfhvb ïiæ K‡i
- gykwdKzi iwng (60 e‡j 100 ivb), Avqvij¨v‡Ûi - 24 ‡deªæqvix 2022 mv‡j|

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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

88| 17 gvP© 2023 mv‡j cywZ‡bi weiæ‡× †MÖdZvwi 111| Iqvb‡W wµ‡KU wek¦Kvc 2023 Gi †jv‡Mvi bvg ivLv
c‡ivqvbv Rvwi K‡i ICC (International Criminal n‡q‡Q - bvfvivmv|
Court), ICC Gi wePviK msL¨v 18Rb| 112| evsjv‡`‡ki `ªyZZg gvbex - wkwib Av³vi
89| gvwK©b †cÖwm‡W›U †Rv evB‡Wb BD‡µ‡bi wK‡qf mdi 113| †g‡Uªv‡ij D‡Øvab nq - 28 wW‡m¤^i 2022 mv‡j
K‡ib - 20 ‡deªæqvix 2023 mv‡j| 114| cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv ¯§vU© evsjv‡`k K_vwU e‡jb
90| ivwkqvq wbwg©Z we‡k¦i cÖ_g fvmgvb cvigvYweK - 12 wW‡m¤^i 2022 mv‡j
we`¨yr‡K›`ª - GKv‡Wwg jvgv‡bv‡mvf| 115| †fvjvq Avwe¯‹…Z bZzb M¨vm Kz‡ci bvg - Bwjkv-1
91| BD‡iv gy`ªv MÖnYKvix me©‡kl †`k 116| XvKvi †g‡Uªv‡i‡ji cÖ_g bvix PvjK - gwiqg AvwdRv|
- ‡µv‡qwkqv (20 Zg †`k) 117| 2022 mv‡ji KvZvi wek¦Kv‡c cÖ_gev‡ii gZ bvix
92| BD‡ivcxq BDwbq‡bi m`m¨ †`k- 27wU| †idvwi wn‡m‡e `vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡ib - d«v‡Ýi †¯Ídvwb d«vcvZ©v|
93| G eQi BRICS m‡¤§jb AbywôZ n‡e 118| KvZvi wek¦Kv‡c dvBbvj g¨vP AbywôZ nq
- `w¶Y Avwd«Kvq - jymvBj †÷wWqv‡g|
94| G-20 m‡¤§jb AbywôZ - bqvw`wj, fvi‡Z 119| KvZvi wek¦Kv‡c †gvU - 32wU `j MwYZ MÖnY K‡i|
95| COP-28 m‡¤§jb AbywôZ - `yevB, Avie AvwgivZ 120| dzUej wKse`wšÍ †c‡j g„Z¨yeiY Kib
96| evsjv‡`‡ki eZ©gvb cÖavb wbe©vPb Kwgkbvi - 29 wW‡m¤^i 2022
- KvRx nvweeyj AvDqvj 121| ¯^vaxbZv cyi¯‹vi 2023 †c‡q‡Qb - 9 Rb
97| eZ©gvb `y`K †Pqvig¨vb - gCb DwÏb Ave`yjøvn 122| cvigvYweK A¯¿ †gvZv‡q‡b ivwkqv-‡ejviæk Pzw³
98| eZ©gvb gvbevwaKvi Kwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨vb ¯^v¶wiZ nq - 25 †g 2023
- Kvgvj DwÏb Avn‡g` 123| MvRxcyi wmwU Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi cÖ_g bvix/ †`‡ki wØZxq
99| we‡k¦i e„nËg gy³ evwYR¨ Pzw³ - RCEP bvix †gqi - Rv‡q`v LvZzb
G Pzw³i D‡`¨v³v †`k Pxb| m`m¨ 15wU †`k| 124| cÖ_g bvix †gqi - Wv. †mwjbv nvqvr AvBfx
100| ¸M‡ji eZ©gvb CEO fviZxq esk™¢‚Z 125| †`‡ki cÖ_g bvix wbe©vPb Kwgkbvi - KweZv Lvbg
- my›`i wcPvB 126| Avwcj wefv‡Mi cÖ_g bvix wePvicwZ
-wePvicwZ bvRgyb Aviv myjZvbv
101| gvB‡µvmd‡Ui eZ©gvb CEO
127| e¨vsK I Avw_©K cÖwZôv‡bi nqivwbi cÖwZKvi †c‡Z
- fviZxq esk™¢‚Z mZ¨ bv‡`jv
evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki nUjvBb b¤^i -16236
102| PvKgv m¤cÖ`v‡qi cÖ_g bvix e¨vwi÷vi
128| gy³ Mbgva¨g m~PK, 2023 - (1g-biI‡q
- iv½vgvwUi f¨vwj PKgv
evsjv‡`k-163 Zg)
103| we‡k¦ cÖ_g †Wªvbevnx iYZix Pvjy K‡i - Zzi¯‹
104| evsjv‡`‡ki e„nËg ißvwb evRvi - hy³ivóª 129| NDB Gi eZ©gvb †cÖwm‡W›U
105| evsjv‡`ki e„nËg Avg`vwb evRvi - Pxb - w`jgv iæ‡md (Dilma Rousseff)
106| cÙv‡mZz‡Z cix¶vg~jK †ij Pvjy nq 130| AIIB Gi eZ©gvb †cÖwm‡W›U
- 4 GwcÖj 2023 mv‡j - wRb wjKzb (Jin Liqun)
107| †g‡UªvjvB‡bi wbivcËvi Rb¨ MwVZ cywjk †dv‡m©i bvg 131| `vevq bZzb wek¦ P¨vw¤cqb - wWs wj‡ib
- MRT cywjk 132| exi‡kªô gwZDi ingv‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i wbwg©Z
108| 2022 mvd bvix P¨vw¤cqb †`k QvqvQwei bvg - Aw¯Í‡Z¡ Avgvi †`k
- evsjv‡`k (evsjv‡`k †gvU †Mvj K‡i 23wU)| 133| 2024 mv‡ji BRICS m‡¤§jb AbywôZ n‡e
109| mvd Rqx evsjv‡`k `‡ji AwabvqK - Kazan, Russia
- mvwebv LvZzb| 134| †`‡ki cÖ_g A_© mwPe - L›`Kvi Avmv`y¾vgvb
110| 2023 mv‡j 13Zg Iqvb‡W wµ‡K‡U wek¦Kvc AbywôZ 135| †`‡ki cÖ_g bvix A_© mwPe - dvwZgv Bqvmwgb
n‡e - fvi‡Z| 136| NDB Gi bZzb m`m¨ †`k
- wgki, ‡gvU m`m¨ †`k 8wU

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English General Knowledge Selected Questions SURE MCQ

137| wek¦e¨vs‡Ki g‡Z, 2022-2023 A_©eQ‡i wRwWwc

cÖe„w× n‡e - 5.2%
138| Kjv Mv‡Qi Avuk †_‡K ˆZwi cÖ_g kvwo- KjveZx wUcmt mv¤cÖwZK mvaviY Ávb Gi †Kvb eB nq bv| cÖwZw`b
139| m¤cÖwZ LDC †_‡K †ei n‡q hv‡”Q `w¶b Gwkqvi †h †hfv‡e fvZ LvB, NygvB, wVK †mfv‡eB mvaviY Ávb co‡Z
†`k - f‚Uvb| n‡e| Kvib GB welqwU cÖwZw`b cwieZ©b nq|
140| f‚Uvb LDC †_‡K †ei n‡e - 13 wW‡m¤^i 2023; †hmKj †mvm© n‡Z cv‡i mvaviY Ávb Gi g~j wfwËt
141| hZZg †`k wn‡m‡e †ei n‡e - 7g †`k wn‡m‡e ; 1| cÖwZw`‡bi wbDR †nWjvBbm
142| eZ©gvb we‡k¦ LDC fz³ †`k †gvU - 46wU 2| cÖwZw`‡bi wUwf wbDR
143| 3wU eB‡qi Rb¨ mvK© we‡kl mvwnZ¨ cyi¯‹vi (2023) 3| †dmeyK Gi wewfbœ cÖ¯‘wZg~jK MÖæc
†c‡jb e½eÜy| (Amgvß AvZ¥Rxebx, KvivMv‡ii †ivRbvgPv 4| BDwUDe
Ges Avgvi †`Lv bqvPxb 1952) 5| wewfbœ mvgwqKx/Kv‡i›U G‡dqvim
144| †`‡ki cÖ_g ¯§vU© MÖvg - wnRjx (wSbvB`n) GQvovI Avcbv‡K cÖwZwbqZ PP©v Kivi Rb¨ evmvq ev
145| †`‡ki cÖ_g ¯§vU© Dc‡Rjv - wkePi (gv`vixcyi) AbjvBb/AdjvB‡b g‡Wj †U÷ w`‡Z n‡e|
146| †`‡ki cÖ_g ¯§vU© †Rjv - PÆMÖvg (cÖ¯ÍvweZ) Z‡e wd·W mvaviY Áv‡bi Rb¨ wb‡Pi UwcK¸‡jv AZ¨šÍ
147| gy`ªvùxwZi nv‡i kx‡l© i‡q‡Q Av‡R©w›Ubv (102%), ¸iæZ¡c~Y©:
wØZxq Zzi¯‹ (55.18%), Z…Zxq ¯’v‡b Av‡Q ivwkqv (11%)| 1| gyw³hy×
148| GCC Gi bZzb †m‡µUvix †Rbv‡ij wb‡qvM n‡q‡Qb 2| †kL nvwmbv
- Jassim Al-Budaiwi (Kz‡qZ) 3| e½eÜy
4| Av‡gwiKv, Pxb, ivwkqv, fviZ
149| GjwWwmi cÂg m‡¤§jb 2023 mv‡j AbywôZ nq
- ‡`vnv, KvZvi 5| evsjv‡`‡ki A_©bxwZ Ges e¨vswKs
150| 2024 mv‡j wR-20 Gi 19 Zg m‡¤§jb AbywôZ n‡e
- eªvwRj
151| 2025 mv‡j wR-20 Gi 20Zg m‡¤§jb AbywôZ n‡e
- `w¶Y Avwd«Kv
152| 2023 mv‡j BRICS Gi 15 Zg m‡¤§jb AbywôZ
n‡e - `w¶Y Avwd«Kv
153| 2023 mv‡j KgbI‡qj‡_i 27Zg m‡¤§jb AbywôZ
n‡e - mv‡gvqv
154| 2023 mv‡ji NAM Gi 19 Zg m‡¤§jb n‡e
- DMvÛv
155| Avwmqv‡bi 15Zg gnvmwPe wbhy³ n‡q‡Qb
- Dr. Kao Kim Hourn (K‡¤^vwWqv)
156| evsjv evbvb mwVK Kivi Rb¨ evsjv‡`k Kw¤cDUvi
KvDwÝj (wewmwm) ‰Zix I‡qe mvB‡Ui
bvg - "Spell.bangla.gov.bd"
157| fzj evbvb kbv³ I ms‡kvab Kivi Rb¨ †`‡ki cÖ_g
†¯cj †PKvi mdUIq¨v‡ii bvg -"mwVK"|
158| B‡›`v‡bwkqvi ivRavbx - bymvbZviv|
159| KvZv‡ii cÖavbgš¿x
- †kL †gv: web Avãyj ingvb Avj _vwb|
160| cÖvK…wZK M¨vm ißvwb‡Z kxl© - ivwkqv
we`¨yr Drcv`‡bi kxl© - Pxb

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