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Populations in Ecosystems Exam Booklet

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Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) is an aquatic plant which has become a major pest of
waterways in parts of the USA. Hydrilla is not a native species of the USA. It was introduced into
natural habitats from aquariums. In many freshwater habitats it has rapidly become the dominant
Name: plant species.
Exampro A-level Biology (7401/7402)
(a) In many freshwater habitats Hydrilla has rapidly become the dominant plant species.
Populations in Ecosystems Exam Booklet Class: Suggest two reasons why.




(b) The spread of Hydrilla has had economic consequences for commercial activities and for
Date: the government’s environmental agency.
Suggest two economic consequences of the spread of Hydrilla.

Time: 140 1......................................................................................................................

Marks: 101 2......................................................................................................................

Comments: (2)

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(c) Scientists investigated the effect of the chemical fluridone as a method of controlling (ii) A scientist reviewed the results of this investigation. He suggested that fluridone
Hydrilla. The study was carried out using samples of Hydrilla grown under controlled should be used in the habitat at a concentration of 5.0 μg dm–3 rather than at the
laboratory conditions. Several samples of the plant were grown at different concentrations other concentrations tested. Use the information provided and your knowledge of
of fluridone. The results are shown in the following table. chemical control to explain why he made this suggestion.

Days of treatment ...............................................................................................................

0 20 40 60 ...............................................................................................................

Concentration of
Mean biomass of Hydrilla / g
fluridone / μg dm–3 ...............................................................................................................

0.0 5.0 16.4 20.4 33.4 ...............................................................................................................

0.5 5.0 14.1 18.2 31.3 ...............................................................................................................

1.0 5.0 9.7 8.9 7.4 ...............................................................................................................

5.0 5.0 4.6 2.8 1.3 ...............................................................................................................

25.0 5.0 3.2 1.6 0.4 (Extra space) ........................................................................................

(i) The scientists obtained the biomass of each sample by heating it at 75 °C for 2
hours. ...............................................................................................................
They then weighed the sample, reheated it for 15 minutes and weighed it again. They
continued this cycle of reheating and weighing until they found the sample had a ...............................................................................................................
constant mass.
Explain how this method helped to provide a reliable measurement of the biomass. (4)

(d) Scientists have also investigated the use of an integrated system to control Hydrilla.
This involved using fluridone and a fungus as a biological control agent. They set up four
different experiments.
• Experiment 1 – Hydrilla left untreated
............................................................................................................... • Experiment 2 – Hydrilla treated with the fungus
(2) • Experiment 3 – Hydrilla treated with fluridone
• Experiment 4 – Hydrilla treated with both fluridone and the fungus.

The scientists determined the biomass of Hydrilla at the end of each experiment.

(i) Experiment 1 acted as a control. Explain why the scientists carried out experiment 1.



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(ii) The scientists isolated the fungus from the tissue of Hydrilla growing in its country of Q2. Answers should be written in continuous prose, where appropriate.
origin. Suggest two possible advantages of using this fungus as the biological
control agent. Quality of Written Communication will be assessed in these answers.

1............................................................................................................. The waste material from coal mines is deposited in pit heaps. A particular mine closed and the
colonisation of an area of its pit heap was studied for a period of 80 years. Species of plants that
............................................................................................................... were found growing on the pit heap were recorded in two categories, short-lived plants that grow
for one or two years before dying and long-lived plants that continue to grow for several years.
2............................................................................................................. The graph shows the percentages of short-lived and long-lived plants on the pit heap.


(iii) The treatment in experiment 4 was the most effective. Use your knowledge of
integrated pest control systems to suggest why the treatment in experiment 4 was
the most effective.





(Extra space) ........................................................................................

(Total 15 marks)

(a) Using your knowledge of succession, suggest explanations for the changes in the
percentages of short-lived and long-lived plants

(i) over the first 20 years;









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(ii) between 30 and 80 years. The ecologists then added a different number of newts to each pond. Newts are predators.
Figure 1 shows the effect of increasing the number of newts on the percentage survival of the
............................................................................................................. tadpoles of each species.

............................................................................................................. Figure 1







S (b) Mine waste often contains metal ions at concentrations that are toxic to plants. Populations
of two species of grass, red fescue and common bent, have been found on pit heaps
contaminated with zinc ions.
(a) (i) Describe the effect of an increase in the number of newts on the percentage survival
Describe an experiment you would carry out in order to determine which of the two
of the tadpoles of each of the toad species.
species has the greater tolerance to zinc ions in the soil.
(ii) Suggest an explanation for the effect of an increase in the number of newts on the
...................................................................................................................... percentage survival of the tadpoles of spring peeper frogs.

...................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................
(Total 9 marks) .............................................................................................................



Q3. The young of frogs and toads are called tadpoles. Ecologists investigated the effect of
predation on three species of tadpole. They set up four artificial pond communities.

Each community contained

• 200 spadefoot toad tadpoles

• 300 spring peeper frog tadpoles
• 300 southern toad tadpoles.

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Figure 2 shows how the masses of the tadpoles were affected in each pond during the (a) Species X is the first tree to become established in the succession. Use the graph to
investigation. explain why it is likely to become established earlier in the succession than Y or Z.

Figure 2 ......................................................................................................................






(b) Species X may change the environment so that it becomes more suitable for species Z.

Use the graph to explain why.


(b) Using the information provided in Figure 1 explain the results obtained in Figure 2. ......................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................... (Total 5 marks)


(Total 6 marks)
Q5. Tropical rainforests are being cut down at a rapid rate. It is generally agreed among
biologists that conservation of the remaining forests is necessary.

(a) What is meant by conservation?

Q4. The graph shows the effects of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis of three species
of tree, X, Y and Z. Each of these species occurs at a different stage in succession. ......................................................................................................................


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(b) Give three reasons why tropical rainforests should be conserved. (c) The pine trees in the forest have leaves all year. Explain how this results in a low species
diversity of plants in the forest.
1 ...................................................................................................................
2 ...................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................... (1)
(Total 4 marks)
3 ...................................................................................................................

(3) Q7. (a) Succession occurs in natural ecosystems. Describe and explain how succession
(Total 4 marks)



Q6. The diagram shows the dominant plants in communities formed during a succession from
bare soil to pine forest. ......................................................................................................................






(a) Name the pioneer species shown in the diagram. (5)


(b) The species that are present change during succession. Explain why.






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(b) Changes in ecosystems can lead to speciation. In Southern California 10 000 years ago a Use of population data allows demographic changes to be recognised.
number of interconnecting lakes contained a single species of pupfish.
Birth rate is the number of births per 1000 people in a year. In 2007, a researcher compared birth
Increasing temperatures caused evaporation and the formation of separate, smaller lakes rates in different countries. Some of his data are shown in the following table.
and streams. This led to the formation of a number of different species of pupfish. Explain
how these different species evolved.
Country Birth rate per 1000 people
China 12
Germany 8
India 24
Kenya 40
United States 14

...................................................................................................................... The researcher also investigated the age structure of the population of a European country. He
produced an age population pyramid showing the age distribution of males and females in the
...................................................................................................................... population. Males and females can be shown as a number or as a percentage. The age
population pyramid he produced is shown in the figure below.



(Total 10 marks)

Q8. Ecologists used a method called proportional sampling to estimate the population size of an
animal species. This method is based on assumptions. Two of the assumptions are given

1. They know the size of the area, A, where the animal population lives.
2. The animals are uniformly distributed in this area.

To carry out the method, the ecologists:

• chose a region of known size, R, inside area A

• counted the number of animals in region R. They called this number S
• assumed that the number, S, would be in proportion to the size of the total population, P, in
area A.

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In the UK, the total numbers of people with illnesses such as type II diabetes and Alzheimer’s Q9. A 75 m tall tree released very large numbers of small seeds. Ecologists used quadrats along
disease are not known. a transect to measure the number of these seeds at different distances from the tree. Their
results are shown on the graph.
(a) A doctor has records of the people within her practice who have been diagnosed with type
II diabetes. The method of proportional sampling can be adapted to use these records to
estimate the number of people in the UK with type II diabetes.
Explain how.







(b) Aging is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. A worker in a UK care home for patients with
Alzheimer’s disease saw the figure above. She concluded that the number of people with
Alzheimer’s disease would increase in the UK in the future.
Do you agree with her conclusion? Explain your answer.
The seeds of this tree are dispersed by wind. The diagram shows the pattern of seed dispersal
........................................................................................................................ from this tree.





(Extra space) .................................................................................................


(Total 5 marks)

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Agricultural scientists divided a field into a number of different plots. They planted soya bean (a) A scientist measured the number of seeds landing at different distances from a parent
seeds in these plots at different sowing densities. The diagram shows how these plots were tree. He then produced a theoretical model. He used this model to predict how the number
arranged. The numbers show the sowing densities in seeds per m2. The plots containing seeds of new trees that grew from the seeds and survived varied with distance from the parent
tree. The scales used for the two vertical axes are different.
sown at a density of 250 seeds per m2 have been shaded.
The predictions from this model are summarised in the graph.
250 500 1000 15 25 50 100

15 25 50 100 250 500 1000

25 50 100 250 500 1000 15

50 100 250 500 1000 15 25

1000 15 25 50 100 250 500

500 1000 15 25 50 100 250

(i) Explain why the model predicts a low number of surviving trees at point A
100 250 500 1000 15 25 50

The scientists recorded the number of soya bean plants growing in each plot at different times ...............................................................................................................
after the start of the investigation. Their results are shown in the table.

Number of seeds Mean number of plants surviving per m after 2 ...............................................................................................................

planted per m ...............................................................................................................
22 days 39 days 61 days 93 days

15 15 15 15 15 ...............................................................................................................

(Extra space) ........................................................................................

25 24 24 24 23
50 47 46 46 41
100 98 96 96 87 (3)

250 246 242 204 196

(ii) Explain why the model predicts a low number of surviving trees at point B.
500 492 486 313 124
1000 987 788 276 95



(Total 5 marks)

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Q10. (a) Explain what is meant by the ecological term community (c) The graph shows the relationship between the depth and the temperature of the water in
the lake.




(b) Scientists investigated the distribution of three species of fish in a lake. They recorded the
range of depths where each species was found. The table shows their results.

Species of fish Range of depths /m

White bass 0 to 8.4

Walleye 6.8 to 10.0

Sauger 7.2 to 14.6

(i) Use information from the table to give the range of depths at which all three species
of fish may be found living together.

Answer ............................................................ m
A student concluded that the temperature of the water in the lake determined the depth at
(ii) Suggest and explain one advantage to the fish of occupying different depths in the which the species of fish were found. Use the table and the graph to evaluate this

(Extra space) .................................................................................................


(Total 7 marks)

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Q11. Algae are photosynthesising organisms. Some algae grow on rocky shores. A scientist (c) Use the results of this investigation to describe and explain the process of succession.
investigated succession involving different species of algae. He placed concrete blocks on a
rocky shore. At regular intervals over 2 years, he recorded the percentage cover of algal species ........................................................................................................................
on the blocks. His results are shown in the graph.







(Extra space)..................................................................................................



(Total 7 marks)
(a) Name the pioneer species.


(b) (i) The scientist used percentage cover rather than frequency to record the abundance
of algae present. Suggest why.




(ii) Some scientists reviewing this investigation were concerned about the validity of the
results because of the use of concrete blocks.
Suggest one reason why these scientists were concerned about using concrete
blocks for the growth of algae.




Page 21 of 29 Page 22 of 29
Q12. A student investigated an area of moorland where succession was occurring. She used (b) The diversity of animal species is higher at E than A. Explain why.
quadrats to measure the percentage cover of plant species, bare ground and surface water
every 10 metres along a transect. She also recorded the depth of soil at each quadrat. Her ........................................................................................................................
results are shown in the table.
Percentage cover in each quadrat A to E ........................................................................................................................

A B C D E ........................................................................................................................

Bog moss 55 40 10 – – .................................................................................................. ......................

Bell heather – – – 15 10
(c) The student used the mark-release-recapture technique to estimate the size of the
Sundew 10 5 – – – population of sand lizards on an area of moorland. She collected 17 lizards and marked
them before releasing them back into the same area. Later, she collected 20 lizards, 10 of
Ling – – – 15 20 which were marked.
Bilberry – – – 15 25 (i) Give two conditions for results from mark-release-recapture investigations to be
Heath grass – – 30 10 5
Soft rush – 30 20 5 5
Sheep’s fescue – – 25 35 30
Bare ground 20 15 10 5 5
Surface water 15 10 5 – – (2)

Soil depth / cm 3.2 4.7 8.2 11.5 14.8 (ii) Calculate the number of sand lizards on this area of moorland. Show your working.

– Indicates zero percentage cover.

(a) Explain how these data suggest that succession has occurred from points A to E along
the transect.


Answer = .....................................
........................................................................................................................ (2)
(Total 9 marks)

.................................................................................................. ......................


(Extra space).................................................................................................



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Q13. Ecologists used a method called proportional sampling to estimate the population size of an (c) Population size can be estimated using proportional sampling or mark-release-recapture.
animal species. This method is based on assumptions. Two of the assumptions are given
below. (i) How do the assumptions made in proportional sampling differ from those made in
1. They know the size of the area, A, where the animal population lives.
2. The animals are uniformly distributed in this area. ...............................................................................................................

To carry out the method, the ecologists: ...............................................................................................................

• chose a region of known size, R, inside area A ...............................................................................................................

• counted the number of animals in region R. They called this number S
• assumed that the number, S, would be in proportion to the size of the total population, P, in ...............................................................................................................
area A.
(a) Proportional sampling can be used to estimate the population size of a species that is
uniformly distributed.
(ii) Give one assumption about the animals caught that is made in both methods.
(i) What is a species?
............................................................................................................... (1)
(1) (Total 7 marks)

(ii) What is meant by uniformly distributed?

Q14. When most people fold their arms, they either always have their left arm on top, L, or
............................................................................................................... always have their right arm on top, R. A geneticist investigated this characteristic on five small
islands, A, B, C, D and E.
Her results are shown in Figure 1.
(1) Figure 1

(b) Use the letters A, R and S to write an equation showing how proportional sampling is used
to estimate the total size of a population, P. Show your working.

P = .............................................................................

On one of the islands she recorded the arm-folding characteristics of parents and their children.

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These results are shown in Figure 2. (b) The geneticist concluded that arm-folding is not determined by a single gene with a
dominant allele and a recessive allele.
Figure 2
Use information from Figure 2 to explain why she reached this conclusion.
Arm-folding of the children / % ........................................................................................................................
Arm-folding of parents
Right arm on top, R Left arm on top, L ........................................................................................................................

R and R 41 59 ........................................................................................................................

R and L 45 55 ........................................................................................................................

L and L 44 56 ........................................................................................................................

The geneticist concluded that arm-folding is not determined by a single gene with a dominant
allele and a recessive allele. (Extra space) ..................................................................................................
(a) The geneticist investigated arm-folding on five small islands. ........................................................................................................................
(i) Use information from Figure 1 to describe the results she obtained. ........................................................................................................................

............................................................................................................... (c) In another study, the geneticist investigated arm-folding in genetically identical twins.
Data from this study supported her conclusion from the island study.
Suggest the evidence she found that supported her conclusion.
(2) ........................................................................................................................

(ii) Suggest advantages of using island populations in this investigation. (1)
(Total 8 marks)





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