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Arrange Ingredients for maximum efficiency - to
reduce your movement to a maximum, everything you need Sandwich Fillings should be within easy reach. The filling is the heart of the sandwich. It is place between or on top of bread. NEEDED TOOLS/EQUIPMENT It provides flavor and body to the sandwich. 1. Storage equipment for ingredients includes refrigeration equipment for cold ingredients and a steam table for hot TYPES OF FILLINGS ingredients. 1. Dry Fillings 2. Hand tools included spreading, spatulas, cutting board and It refers to ingredients such as sliced or cooked meat, knives, including a serrated knife and a sharp chef’s knife for poultry and cheese. cutting the finished sandwich. Also, a slicer is necessary. 2. Moist Fillings 3. Portion control equipment includes scoops for fillings and a It refers to ingredients mixed with salad dressing or portion scale for other ingredients. mayonnaise. 4. Cooking equipment includes griddle, grills, broilers and deep fryers, microwave ovens are good for cooking. Dry Fillings Meat and Poultry Food Cross Contamination Used as fillings should be cooked, covered and Food Cross contamination is the contamination of a food refrigerated. Slice just before the sandwich is to be product from another source. There are three (3) main ways prepared to avoid drying out and lose flavor. Thinly cross contamination can occur: sliced meats are more tender and juicy than thickly Food to food sliced. Equipment/Utensil to food Cheese People to food Cheese dries out rapidly when unwrapped and sliced, when slicing is done ahead, the slices should remain Food to Food Contamination covered until ready to use. Food can become contaminated by bacteria from other foods. This type of cross contamination is especially Moist Fillings dangerous if raw foods meet cooked foods. Fish and Shellfish Most seafood fillings are highly perishable and should People to Food Contamination be left chilled at all times. People can also be a source of cross contamination to Mayonnaise Based Salad foods. Some examples are: The most popular salads for sandwich fillings are tuna Handling foods after using the toilet without properly salad, egg salad, chicken or turkey salad and ham washing your hands. salad. Touching raw meats and then preparing vegetables Vegetable Items without washing hands between tasks. Lettuce, tomato and onion are indispensable in Using an apron to wipe your hands between handling sandwich production, also, any vegetable used in different foods or wiping a counter with a towel then salads may also be used in sandwiches. using the towel to dry hands. Miscellaneous Fruits, fresh or dried, jelly, peanut butter, hard cooked Equipment to Food Contamination egg, and nuts. Using unclean equipment such as slicers, can openers and utensils to prepare food. Sandwich Spreads Using cutting boards and the same knife when cutting A sandwich spread is a spreadable condiment used in different types of foods, such as cutting raw chicken a sandwich, in addition to more solid ingredients. followed by salad preparation. Storing a cooked product, such as a sauce, in an un- Purposes of Spread sanitized container that previously stored raw meat 1. To protect the bread from soaking up moisture from the filling. GUIDELINES TO MAINTAIN THE GOOD QUALITY OF 2. They add flavor. SANDWICH 3. They also add moisture. Guidelines to maintain the good quality of sandwich: Butter 1. Wrap separately in plastic, waxed paper or sandwich bags. Butter protects the bread from moisture, used soft 2. Place in storage pans, cover tightly with plastic wrap and butter to spread on bread. cover with clean damp towels. The towels must not touch the Mayonnaise sandwiches, their purpose is to provide a moisture barrier to Mayonnaise is often preferred to butter as a spread help prevent drying. because it contributes more flavor. 3. Refrigerate immediately and hold until served.
PROCEDURES 1. Kraft Paper Preparing Sandwiches The most used material in packaging. It is made by The preparation of sandwiches requires great deal of hand the sulfate pulping process. Is a heavy-duty paper works. Whether you are making sandwiches in quantity or by that is often used for shipping, wrapping, and order, your goal is to make the production as efficient and packaging. quick as possible. 2. Sulphite Paper Is a tissue paper-like food paper that is especially TIPS 1. Preparation of Ingredients – prepare everything ahead suitable for packaging non-fat dry foods and moist of time, so nothing is left to do but assembles the ingredient. It foods. Sulphite paper does not have a protective includes, mixing fillings, preparation of spreads, slicing bread, coating, so it is easier to handle and particularly meats, vegetable and cheese, separating lettuce, preparing suitable for packaging small dry food items. garnishes and other ingredients. 3. Greaseproof Paper is paper that is impermeable to oil or grease and is also contain items that are not hot, such as a slice of normally used in cooking or food packaging. It is tomato or raw onion on a hamburger. usually produced by refining the paper stock and thus o Hamburger creating a sheet with very low porosity. o Egg sandwich 4. Parchment Paper o Fried Ham and Cheese Sandwich Also known as waxed paper. It is a food-safe coated Cold sandwich paper used in baking and cooking. Its heat-resistant, Cold Sandwiches are amongst the most handy and nonstick surface is ideal for a variety of kitchen tasks, versatile categories of snacks. They can be had from lining pans to funneling ingredients, and even anytime, anywhere, and can be put together in a jiffy! pipe icing onto baked goods. No need to bake, toast or serve warm. Take your pick 5. Zip bags of bread, take your pick of toppings, arrange them A resealable packaging with a zip feature that keeps together and you are ready to go. the container airtight. These packs are designed with o Tuna Sandwich an ergonomical clip which functions like a zipper but o Canape is airtight. The brand offers sandwich bags, snack o Clubhouse Sandwich bags and other bags for various purposes. Open-faced sandwiches Open sandwiches make use of one kind of bread with PREPARE AND PRESENT A SANDWICH the filling on top. The slices of white bread can be cut into squares, triangles or rounds. Mise-en-place o Cucumber Peel Sandwich Spread Is a French kitchen phrase that means “putting in place" or “gathering.” It refers to the discipline and o Tuna Melts organization a good chef exhibits in the kitchen. o Chicken Salad Sandwich Food preparation Rolled sandwiches Is the process of acquiring raw ingredients and Also knows as Pinwheel sandwiches are sandwiches processing them to be ready for consumption. that have been rolled up and cut into rounds. They Food presentation are typically made with soft tortilla wraps, flat bread or Is the art of modifying, processing, arranging, or sandwich bread. Like regular sandwiches, the filling decorating food to enhance its aesthetic appeal. choices are endless. o Cordon Bleu o Ham and Cheese Wrap METHODS OF PREPARING SANDWICHES o Shawarma 1. The preparation of quality sandwich is more than placing a Stuffed sandwiches piece of filling between two slices of bread. Such Types of Sandwiches can be defined as those 2. Mise-en-place is key to the success in this endeavor. having two slices of bread or two halves of the roll 3. Normally, the sandwich has to be served as soon as (which can be toasted also), which have a spread prepared. applied and are filled with a hot or cold filling. 4. Portion controlling the bulk production is the most important. o Tuna Pie Sandwich 5. Put the chosen spread on all the slices. o Cheesy Stuffed Sandwich 6. Place the fillings on the alternate slices evenly and neatly. o Korean Egg Drop 7. Put the garnish if required. 8. Stack two or more sandwiches and remove crust or cut them PORTION CONTROL into desired shapes. 9. Refrigerate them till service. Portion Control is an act of measuring the amount of food needed for a certain serving. It provides accurate serving and PRESENTATION AND LAYOUT gives customer’s satisfaction. Portion Control can be done by The basics of good presentation are the key to good sandwich weighing, scooping, and counting food items. making. 1. The sandwiches should be evenly cut. There are three ways TECHNIQUES USED IN PORTION CONTROL on how to cut a sandwich. 1. Count – determine the total number of ingredients or total Halves sliced of ingredients in preparing sandwich. Thirds 2. Scoop – this technique is used to determine the amount of Quarters spread used in sandwich making. 2. The plates or platters used for sandwiches should be of a 3. Weigh – this technique is used to portion meat. suitable size. 3. Normally the cold sandwiches can be served on a bed of "SHOULD'S" IN PORTION CONTROL shredded cabbage or lettuce. 1. All items for sandwich should be portioned before the 4. The dip or sauces can accompany the sandwiches. service 2. Meats should be sliced and portioned by weight IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER IN PREPARING 3. The portion ingredients must be individually placed in SANDWICH small baggies or placed in small piles separated by 1. Choose the bread individual squares of waxed paper and stacked or layered 2. Choose the condiments. in a storage container 3. Choose the filling. 4. Cheese served by the slice should be sliced to an exact 4. Assemble all the sandwich ingredients. thickness to ensure consistent portion 5. Cook the sandwich and serve it hot. 5. Garnishes such as lettuce leaves should be separated from the heat. Tomatoes should be sliced uniformly and DIFFERENT SANDWICHES PROJECTS positioned by count. Hot sandwich TOOLS USED IN PORTION CONTROL Consist of hot fillings, usually meats but sometimes 1. Obsessive Chef's Cutting Board - Used for cutting, it has fish, grilled vegetables, or other hot items, between measurement guide to cut your ingredients with exact two slices of bread or two halves of a roll. They may portion. 2. Portion Scale - It is used to measure the weight of Right Quantity – the quantity purchased must be ingredient or other food. enough for immediate consumption not unless there 3. Portion Scoop – Also known as dishers, come in a wide is a need of purchase extra stocks when there is an range of sizes and are handy for quick dispensing of unanticipated increase of price or food shortage. uniform servings of cookie dough, muffin batter, potato Right Price- the items must be purchased at the salad, ice cream, and other soft and difficult-to-manage lowest possible price but one must be sure that it foods. meets required specifications. Right source/place – The source from which the PORTION CONTROL OF SANDWICH AND ITS material is procured should be dependable and INGREDIENTS & IMPORTANCE OF PORTION CONTROL capable of supplying items of uniform quality. Right Time – time deliveries is a must. Buying foods Portion Control is necessary to proportionate the weight, in season should also be considered since they are scoop and slice of food items, like ham and roasted beef. usually cheaper and of better quality and when they are out of season. PORTION CONTROL OF SANDWICH AND ITS Right Cost – you should always keep in mind any INGREDIENTS additional costs that may be incurred due to transport, Other ingredients can be portion control, by slicing the shipping and delivery. meat thinly and correctly. You will need a good meat slicer and a scale to weigh your meat. WAY IN CHOOSING A MEAT For sandwich fillings you can use scoops, make sure The color of the meat it does not exceed the scoop edges, the scoop is The smell made so you can proportionate amount of food fills The meat surface the scoop, no more or no less. Meat Fat Sliced items are portioned by count and by weight. If The Meat Texture portioning is by count, take care to slice to the proper The Sell-By-Date thickness. If done by weight, each portion can be placed on TIPS IN CHOOSING VEGETABLES squares of waxed paper or stacked in a container. Look at the color vegetables Choose leaves that don't wilt IMPORTANCE OF PORTION CONTROL Pay attention to the texture of vegetables 1. To Control Your Food Costs - Controlling costs, Make sure it's not mushy or smells good. setting budgets, and pricing goods are essential for Distinguish organic vegetables and do not success in any hospitality or culinary business. Therefore, portion control helps in maintaining the CREATIVE SANDWICH PREPARATION needed quantity in a serving. 2. To Reduce Your Waste - If your portions are too big, Presentation – Presentation is the art of telling guests about and leftover food is being sent back by the customer the food by the way it is arranged. at the end of the meal, this is pure waste and profit in the bin. Using portion control helps eliminate this A variety of words are used to describe the effect of each problem. element in a presentation: simple, elegant, balanced, 3. To Maintain Consistency - Consistency builds trust integrated, unified, organic or even synergistic. with your customers, creates a reputation, and ultimately, enhances your bottom line. Also, food should appear as it is served in a restaurant. Objective of Food Presentation TIPS TO CONTROL PORTION SIZE Serve foods at the best possible temperature, for both 1. Standardise your recipes - A standardized recipe will safety and flavor.\ produce a product that is close to identical in taste Give foods an attractive and appropriate appearance. and yield every time it is made, no matter who follows Make it way for the guest to identify and eat the food. the directions. Highlight all aspects of a dish: colors, aromas, 2. Have the right utensils - The most important part of temperatures, shapes, height, and texture. portion control (and the easiest to implement) is using the right measuring tools. We’re talking cups, spoons, Plating – The art of arranging, decorating, and presenting food ladles or even scoops and scales where necessary. in a way that improves its aesthetic appeal to the diner when 3. Train your staff- All of these tips will go to waste if served. your kitchen staff isn’t on board. Make sure you train your staff to use standard recipes and measure the Garnishing – Garnishes serve as an accent to perk up or food for each serve to keep the quantity in check. highlight the color of the main dish. It's meant to enhance and 4. Consider your purchases - Make sure you order the match the flavors of the dish, not overpower it right type of products (and the correct quantity) for the number of portions it will give. Don’t settle to cheap Ways to Plate and Garnish Sandwich ingredients that will ruin the food. 1. Spread leaf lettuce on a tray, decorate the tray edges with the top curly part of the leaves the base of the PURCHASING INGREDIENTS leaves points toward the center of the tray. This creates a decorative bed for the sandwiches and PURCHASING garnishes. The process of getting the right products into a facility and to 2. Spear the center of each sandwich with a long be consumed at the right time and in a form that meets pre- toothpick if the sandwiches are layered, such as club established standards for quantity, quality and price. sandwiches or slices of submarine sandwiches. The pick keeps the sandwich together on the tray and 6R’s in PURCHASING INGREDIENTS makes them neater for guests to select, so the Right Quality – this means acquiring the good or sandwich won’t fall apart when someone picks it up. services at the desired specifications. 3. Arrange the sandwiches by the filling, with the contents exposed to make sandwich selection more STORING SANDWICHES obvious. 4. Sandwich quarters should be arranged with cut edge Storing sandwiches is one of the most important activities after of the sandwich pointing up at the viewer. preparation wherein they are to be kept properly to avoid 5. Arrange finger sandwiches in a spiral or setting up the spoilage. The most important principles for sandwich safety are sandwiches in rows in the tray, with a row of keeping temperatures cool and avoiding cross contamination. garnishes between each row of sandwiches. Remember the basic formula 4-40-140 which means 6. Place vegetarian sandwiches on a separate tray from perishable foods should spend no more than 4hours at a sandwich made with meat products. temperature between 40 and 140°F. By the end of 4 hours 7. Handle food picks carefully. Remove food picks bacteria may have multiplied to unsafe levels, so food that has before giving sandwiches to children or impaired sat out at room temperature for two hours and then been adult. returned to the refrigerator has only another two hours of room 8. Plate pinwheel sandwiches in a circular design on a temperature shelf life left unless it has been cooked again. platter with the pin wheel filling facing upward to show off the colors of the ingredients. STORAGE OF RAW MATERIALS/INGREDIENTS Raw materials and ingredients should be stored and ELEMENTS OF CREATIVE SANDWICH handled properly to prevent spoilage, contamination and damage. Stocks of raw materials and ingredients should be The way food is presented has a significant impact on how it is consumed in a first-in-first-out basis. Raw materials should be perceived by consumers. There elements or factors may stored at proper temperatures: include the way food is presented, its quality and what is Frozen items should be stored at - 18˚C or below. placed around it. Food presentation can have a significant Chilled items should be stored at 4˚C or below. impact on how good food tastes, or even how much the consumer wants to eat. Storage of Sandwich 1. Some sandwich ingredients and fillings should be Students who can identify the elements and evaluate their role cooked, covered in a separate airtight containers, in the composition of a food will be better able to understand a refrigerated until ready to use. cook’s choices. 2. Keep bread tightly wrapped and in moisture proof Creative Sandwich wrapping. This stops it from drying and guards against picking up odors. It should be away from 1. BALANCE ovens and hot equipment. Balance in sandwich making is important. It is 3. If bread must be kept more than one day, it may be achieved through having balance in flavor, texture, frozen thaw, without unwrapping. and color. The fillings should go with the kind of bread 4. Wrap sandwiches with wax paper, paper napkins to be used for a sandwich. A white bread is fairly plastic wraps or aluminum foil to keep them in good floppy which goes well with heartier fillings like steak condition. and crunchy vegetables. 5. To keep a number of unwrapped sandwiches just 2. FLAVOR place a damp towel in a shallow pan and cover with The choice of spread and fillings are very important in wax paper. Arrange layers of sandwiches with wax preparing sandwich. Both add flavor to the sandwich. paper between each layer. Put wax paper over the Plain butter, compound butter, and mayonnaise do sandwiches and cover it with a damp towel. Keep the not add moisture and richness but also flavor to the sandwiches in the refrigerator until serving time. sandwich. 6. Refrigerate sandwiches for as long as possible. If 3. HEIGHT there will be a time between making and serving A basic sandwich can be made appealing and cover each tray with wax paper or cling wrap to satisfying. Add fillings and vegetables for the height of prevent the sandwiches from drying out. the sandwich. Lettuce is laid on the slice after the 7. All sandwiches should be stored at recommended spread. On top of the green, meat filling is added, and chill temperatures 0.5°C, soon after packing topped with the shredded carrots, shredded cabbage, 8. Packing must be clearly labeled with the product and thinly sliced tomato in rounds. description, use by date and storage requirement. 4. COLOR Garnished do not only enhance the flavor of the STORING TECHNIQUES sandwich but they also add color that make 1. Wrapping – to draw, fold in order to cover sandwiched attractive. The fillings should harmonize 2. Packaging Material – used package sandwich not only with the flavor but also with the color. 3. Cold Storage – the process of preserving perishable 5. TEXTURE food on a large scale by means of refrigeration Texture refers to the softness, tenderness, 4. Chilling – to refrigerate or to reduce the temperature smoothness and crunchiness of the ingredients in of food preparing sandwiched as perceived in the mouth. 5. Freezing – application of low temperature that changes the state of water in the food from liquid to ACCOUTREMENT- refers to ketchup, mustard, guacamole solid ice. and sour cream, served as condiments that go with the meal. 6. Refrigeration – to keep cold or cool. PALATE- sense of taste. SOGGINESS- Completely moist and usually soft.
Creative sandwich tips
1. Pay attention to proportions 2. Pick the best slice 3. Choose your bread type 4. Moisten with a spread 5. Vary your fillings 6. Be Creative