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WEEK 1-3 Series and Mathematical Induction


School Zaratan Educational Institute, Inc. Grade Level 11

Grade 11
DAILY LESSON Teacher Mr. Jimmar P. Dela Cruz Learning Area Specialized Subject
LOG Teaching Dates and Time Week 1 Sessions 1-2 Quarter 2nd

Session 1 Session 2
I. OBJECTIVES 2 hours 2 hours
A. Content Standard The learners shall be able to determine key concepts of series and mathematical induction and the Binomial Theorem.

The learners shall be able to keenly observe and investigate patterns, and formulate appropriate mathematical statements and
B. Performance Standards
prove them using mathematical induction and/or Binomial Theorem

The learners can be able to:

 illustrate a series
The learners shall be able to:
C. Learning Competencies/  illustrate the Principle of Mathematical Induction
 differentiate a series from a sequence
Objectives STEM_PC11SMI-Ih-4
 apply mathematical induction in proving identities
 use the sigma notation to represent a series
Series and Mathematical Induction: A. Sequences, Series, and the Sigma Notation, B. The Principle of Mathematical
Induction, C. Arithmetic Sequence and Series, D. Geometric Sequence and Series and E. The Binomial Theorem
A. References Pre- Calculus for Senior High School Students Pre- Calculus for Senior High School Students

White board and white board marker White board and white board marker
Projector Projector
B. Other Learning Resources
Illustration Board Illustration Board
Chalk Chalk
TIC-TAC-TOE- Prepare by dividing a sheet into squares —
The teacher presents a problem about a man named Alex who
three vertical by three horizontal. Don’t leave them blank.
wants to train for a full marathon. He started training for a 21-
A. Reviewing previous lesson Instead, fill the boxes with questions that test their skills in
km run a month prior to a marathon. Given the information, the
or presenting the new topic operations in polynomials, laws of exponents and sigma
students will try to find out the distance he covers for the next
notation. The first one to link three Xs or Os — by correctly
two remaining days.
answering questions — wins.
The teacher will give a mathematical statement an and will try
B. Establishing a purpose for The teacher emphasizes the importance of this topic to solve
to let the students identify if it is true or not. Emphasizing that
a lesson problems such as the first problem given.
we cannot assume that all mathematical statements are correct.
The teacher will now present the topic which is the principle of
C. Presenting the Lesson The teacher will present different string of numbers.
mathematical induction
The teacher will discuss the following terms:
a. Sequence
b. Term
c. Finite Sequence The teacher will discuss the following:
d. Infinite Sequence a. Definition of PMI
e. General Term b. Steps in Proving Using PMI
D. Discussing the concepts
f. Recursive Formula The teacher will discuss examples with different forms of the
g. Summation Notation equations.
h. Index of the Summation
i. Upper Limit and Lower Limit
j. Series
Give more string of numbers as examples.
E. Developing Mastery BINGO CARDS. First, let the students create bingo cards that KNOWING THE PROCESS. The teacher will put students in
contain answers to different sequence and series problems. group of four. Assign each student a color pencil and have
They can arrange the answers in any arrangement they want. them record his/her name so you can see who is responsible for
Make sure they have a separate sheet for calculations. Finally, specific steps in the activity. In round 1, each group will have
instead of calling numbers, state the problem like what is the one statement to prove. Each teammate will complete one step,

and then pass on the worksheet to the next teammate. If
next term for the sequence 1, 5, 9, 13 …, they can check off the
students feel though someone on the item has made a mistake,
number 17 if it’s on their cards. If somebody formed already
they may politely ask their teammates to reconsider. In round 2
vertical, horizontal and slant line, he/she will shout BINGO!
and 3, they will interchange steps to complete.
F. Finding Practical
The students will be given worded problems with real life
Applications of concepts and Each group presents and discusses their output in the class.
applications. They will also solve the first given problem.
skills in daily living
G. Making Generalizations The teacher will summarize students’ answers in the worded The instructor summarizes everything that have been discussed
and Abstractions problems. by every group.
H. Evaluating Learning The teacher will give 10-item quiz. The teacher will give 10-item quiz.
I. Additional activities for The students are tasked to answer their Problem Sets about The students are tasked to answer their Problem Sets about
application or remediation sequence and series. Principles of Mathematical Induction.


School Zaratan Educational Institute, Inc. Grade Level 11

Grade 11
DAILY LESSON Teacher Mr. Jimmar P. Dela Cruz Learning Area Specialized Subject
LOG Teaching Dates and Time Week 2 Sessions 1-2 Quarter 2nd

Session 1 Session 2
I. OBJECTIVES 2 hours 2 hours
A. Content Standard The learners shall be able to determine the key concepts of series and mathematical induction and the Binomial Theorem.
The learners shall be able to keenly observe and investigate patterns, and formulate appropriate mathematical statements and
B. Performance Standards
prove them using mathematical induction and/or Binomial Theorem
The learners shall be able to:
 illustrate Pascal’s Triangle in the expansion of for small positive integral values of
C. Learning Competencies/
 prove the Binomial Theorem

Series and Mathematical Induction: A. Sequences, Series, and the Sigma Notation, B. The Principle of Mathematical
Induction, C. Arithmetic Sequence and Series, D. Geometric Sequence and Series and E. The Binomial Theorem

A. References Pre- Calculus for Senior High School Students
White board and white board marker
B. Other Learning Resources
Illustration Board
A. Reviewing previous lesson STAND UP, SIT DOWN: The teacher will give a straightforward review about evaluating functions: The teacher will pick a
or presenting the new topic number/expression, and students must stand if the answer to an equation the teacher read aloud matches that number. If it isn’t,
they remain seated in a circle. For example, you can tell students to stand if the answer is:

Greater than 10
An even number
The students are asked with the following questions:
B. Establishing a purpose for
1. Have you tried expanding binomials with larger exponent?
a lesson
2. What are the techniques you used to make it easier?
C. Presenting the Lesson The teacher presents the lesson about the Pascal’s Triangle and Binomial Theorem.
The teacher will discuss the following:
a. Definition of Binomial Theorem
b. Give the Binomial Expansion
D. Discussing the concepts
c. Proof of Binomial Theorem (by PMI)
d. Definition of Pascal’s Triangle.
e. Give examples
CREATE MNEMONIC DEVICES. The teacher will let the students discover a mnemonics/technique in which they can easily
E. Developing Mastery
expand binomials in a short span of time.
F. Finding Practical
Applications of concepts and The students will present their mnemonics inside the class.
skills in daily living
G. Making Generalizations
The teacher summarizes all the lesson for the day.
and Abstractions
H. Evaluating Learning The teacher will give 10-item quiz.
I. Additional activities for
The students are tasked to answer their Problem Sets about Binomial Theorem and Pascal’s Triangle.
application or remediation


School Zaratan Educational Institute, Inc. Grade Level 11
Grade 11
DAILY LESSON Teacher Mr. Jimmar P. Dela Cruz Learning Area Specialized Subject
LOG Teaching Dates and Time Week 3 Sessions 1-2 Quarter 2nd

Session 1 Session 2
I. OBJECTIVES 2 hours 2 hours
A. Content Standard The learners shall be able to determine the key concepts of series and mathematical induction and the Binomial Theorem.
The learners shall be able to keenly observe and investigate patterns, and formulate appropriate mathematical statements and
B. Performance Standards
prove them using mathematical induction and/or Binomial Theorem
The learners shall be able to:
 determine any term of , where is a positive integer, without expanding
C. Learning Competencies/
 solve problems using mathematical induction and the Binomial Theorem

Series and Mathematical Induction: A. Sequences, Series, and the Sigma Notation, B. The Principle of Mathematical
Induction, C. Arithmetic Sequence and Series, D. Geometric Sequence and Series and E. The Binomial Theorem

A. References Pre- Calculus for Senior High School Students
White board and white board marker
B. Other Learning Resources
Illustration Board
PLEASE DON’T STOP THE MUSIC: the whole will stand and everybody must dance to the beat of the music. Once the
A. Reviewing previous lesson
music stops, everybody must also stop. If a student failed to do it or stops lately, he/she will be thrown the question about the
or presenting the new topic
previous topic they had (Pascal’s Triangle and Binomial Theorem)
B. Establishing a purpose for The teacher will elaborate the importance of the new topic by letting the students solve a question without using the knowledge
a lesson of the new lesson. Example is find the 7th term of the binomial (2 x+ 6)9

The teacher will present the new topic about rth term of the binomial expansion and solve problems involving mathematical
C. Presenting the Lesson
The teacher will discuss the following:
1. Formula for the rth term in the binomial expansion
D. Discussing the concepts
2. Proving mathematical statements through PMI
3. Solving problems about the binomial expansion using the binomial theorem
SCRAMBLED BACK TO BACK. The teacher pre-group the students according to their ability. It involves 2 sets of 5 pair of
classmates standing beside the blackboard with chalk and illustration in hand, facing away from one another. The teacher will use
E. Developing Mastery
the chant “scramble scramble stops …” requiring each competitor to write their answer about binomial expansion and the nth
term of the expansion on the board. Using this information, a competitor wins by raising the correct answer first.
F. Finding Practical
Applications of concepts and The students will be given worded problems with real life applications of PMI and Binomial Theorem.
skills in daily living
G. Making Generalizations
The teacher summarizes all the lesson for the day.
and Abstractions
H. Evaluating Learning The teacher will give 10-item quiz.
I. Additional activities for
The students are tasked to answer their Problem Sets about Binomial Theorem and PMI.
application or remediation

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