BTP-Guidelines Updated
BTP-Guidelines Updated
BTP-Guidelines Updated
A. Introduction
1. All B.Tech final year students shall carry out major project work as a compulsory
component of their course curriculum in the 8th semester.
2. Aim of the final year project is to develop student’s knowledge for solving technical problems
through structured project research work in order to produce competent and sound engineers.
3. The project can be done in two modes:
a. 6-month B.Tech Project at campus
b. 6-month Industrial Internship
4. Student project/internship must be unique. Similar work/titles even with minor
differences will not be allowed.
5. Each project activity must be supervised by a faculty member of the concerned
department. These faculty members are termed as Supervisors. There can be at most
two supervisors for a B.Tech Project; out of which at least one shall be from the
Department and the other from outside the Department/Institute.
6. Every student is required to prepare documentary proofs of the activities done by him.
The evaluation of these activities will be done by Program Head/Cell In-charge/ Project
Head/ TPO/ faculty mentor or Industry Supervisor.
7. The supervisor must monitor the progress being carried out by students on regular basis.
The supervisor shall look into the project report prepared in the desired format before
the final submission.
8. Students will be allowed to switch from Institute-Project to Industrial-Internship only
in first four weeks.
B. General Guidelines
The general guidelines for the B.Tech project:
1) 6-month B.Tech Project at campus
a) Student shall decide on the scope of work (within first two-weeks) he/she would be
working as part of his/her project work in consultation with his/her supervisor.
b) Student shall submit Synopsis of his work in consultation with supervisor to
T&P office by making appropriate required changes to ‘FORMAT – 3’
c) Student must maintain a Daily-Diary/Daily-log of his/her work (‘FORMAT – 4’)
and must report to his/her supervisor daily
d) Student must present his/her work to the evaluation panel as and when notified
byT&P office pertaining to “Evaluation Scheme”
e) The student, after completion of the project, must submit required number of
duly signed Project Report copies to T&P office. Project report must be prepared
basedon “Project-Report Guidelines” provided.
f) The student should communicate outcome of his/her project work in reputed
3. Third/End-Sem Presentation (Industrial-Internship students:400 Marks Institute-Project students:200 Marks)
e) Shall be held at the end of completion of Internship/project work within the stipulated
period for internship.
f) Student presentation should include: Incorporation of suggestions from second/mid-
semester presentation, Description of Concepts and Technical Details, Complete
Project Demonstration, Conclusion, etc.
4. Research Publication (Institute-Project students:200 Marks)
g) The student should communicate his/her project work in reputed
5. Evaluation by Project Supervisor (200 Marks)
h) Supervisor should be in regular touch with the student to evaluate the student
based on: Technical Knowledge and Awareness related to the Project,
Regularity/Attendance, Quality of the Project Report, etc.
D. Project-Report Guidelines
1. The content of the report, which is submitted to the Institute in partial fulfilment
for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology, is very much important. It is
also imperative that the report, to be acceptable by the Institute, shall essentially meet
a uniform format emphasizing readability, concordance with ethical standards and
Institute-wide homogeneity.
2. The B.Tech Project-Report submitted by the students will be passed through a
plagiarism check using the Turnitin or similar anti-plagiarism software. Reports which
bear similarity of more than 5% with a single source and a cumulative similarity of
20% will be identified and communicated to the evaluation committee and On-
campus BTP supervisor/mentor. Note that subsequent revision of the BTP report is
not possible under any circumstances.
3. On successful completion of the third/final presentation, the student shall be required to
submit three hard-bound copies of the final, corrected project report.
E. Report Layout
The report has to be organized in the following order.
1. Cover Page
2. Inside Color Title Page
3. Color Certificate signed by the Supervisor(s) (in the stipulated format)
4. Internship Certificate*
5. Declaration signed by the Candidate (in the stipulated format)
6. Acknowledgements
7. Abstract
8. Table of Contents
9. List of Figures
10. List of Tables
11. Abbreviations/Notations/ Nomenclature (if any)
12. Text of the Report
Chapter 1
Chapter 2….
13. References
14. Appendices (if any)
15. Non-paper materials (if any)
16. Supervisor Evaluation of Intern*
17. Student Feedback of Internship*
{Item 12, 13, and 14 can be printed with Double side printing. All other must be with
Single Side Printing.
3. Home
6. Overall GPA:
7. Internship Preference
Location/Address Core Area Company/Institution
The General Manager (HR)
Subject: REQUEST FOR 6 Months INDUSTRIAL TRAINING of B.Tech.-4 years Degree Programme.
Dear Sir,
Our Students have undergone internship training in your esteemed Organization in the
previous years. I acknowledge the help and the support extended to our students during training
in previous years.
/ (For first time industry) You must be aware that internship mandatory for all technical
education students.
In view of the above, I request your good self to allow our following students
for practical training in your esteemed organization. Kindly accord your permission and give
at least one-week time for students to join training after confirmation.
This training being an essential part of the curriculum, the following guidelines have been
prescribed in the curriculum for the training. You are therefore, requested to please issue
following guidelines to the concerned manager/Industrial Supervisor.
1. Internship schedule may be prepared and a copy of the same may be sent to us.
2. Each student is required to prepare Internship diary and report.
3. Kindly check the Internship diary of the student daily.
4. Issue instruction regarding working hours during training & maintenance of the
attendance record.
Your efforts in this regard will positively enhance knowledge and practical skills of the student.
Your cooperation will be highly appreciated and we shall feel obliged.
The students will abide by the rules and regulation of the organization and will maintain a
proper discipline with keen interest during their Internship. The students will report to you on
dated. ................... along with a copy of this letter.
If vacancies exist, kindly do plan for Campus/Off Campus Interview for batch passing
out students in above branches. CHECK THIS (link to institute T&P website/brochure)
A Line of confirmation will be highly appreciated.
With warm regards,
Yours sincerely,
• Knowledge and Understanding
• Skills
Day - 1 Date
Time of
Time of Arrival Remarks
Name of
Dept./Division finished
Name of
with email-id
Student Name: Date:
Work Supervisor: Title:
Internship Address:
Dates of Internship: From To
Please evaluate your intern by indicating the frequency with which you observed the following behaviours:
Parameters Satisfactory Good Excellent
Performs in a dependable manner
Cooperates with co-workers & supervisors
Shows interest in work
Learns quickly
Shows initiative
Produces high quality work
Accepts responsibility
Accepts criticism
Demonstrates organizational skills
Uses technical knowledge and
Shows good judgment
Demonstrates creativity/originality
Analyses problems effectively
Is self-reliant
Communicates well
Writes effectively
Has a professional attitude
Gives a professional appearance
Is punctual
Uses time effectively
Student Name: Date:
Industrial Supervisor: Title: _
Supervisor Email: Internship is: Paid Unpaid
Internship Address:
Faculty Coordinator: Department:
Dates of Internship: From To
***Please fill out the above in full detail***
Give a brief description of your internship work (title & tasks for which you were responsible):
Helped me discover new aspects of myself
that I didn’t know existed before
Helped me develop new interests and abilities
Helped me clarify my career goals
Provided me with contacts which may lead to
future employment
Allowed me to acquire information and/or use
equipment not available at my Institute
In the Institute internship program, faculty members are expected to be mentors for students.
Do you feel that your faculty coordinator served such a function? Why or why not?
How well were you able to accomplish the initial goals, tasks and new skills that were set down
in your learning contract? In what ways were you able to take a new direction or expand beyond
your contract? Why were some goals not accomplished adequately?
What has been the most significant accomplishment or satisfying moment of your internship?
Considering your overall experience, how would you rate this internship? (Circle one).
( Satisfactory / Good / Excellent )
Give suggestions as to how your internship experience could have been improved. (Could you
have handled added responsibility? Would you have liked more discussions with your
professor concerning your internship? Was closer supervision needed? Was more of an
orientation required?)