3-2 Fall 23 Final

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pate sil Bri University of Asia Pacific Department of Civil Engineering Final Exai ation, Fall- 2023 Course Title: Princi iples of Management. Course Code : IMG 301. Credit : 2 ‘Time : 02 Hours, Marks : 50 Answer any 04(Four) questions. All questions carry equal marks. L. a) What are the Leadership Theories ? 4 b). Critically explain Charismatic Leadership Theory. 85 2. a) What is the difference between Theory X and Theory ¥ ? 4 b)_ Delineate Mastow’s Needs Theory. 85 3. a) Mention the key Characteristics of Teams. 4 b) Examine the conflict management techniques. 85 4, a) What is SWOT ? Give an example. 4 b) Graphically represent Porter’s Model 5 5. Describe TOWS Matrix. 125 Best of Luck University of Asia Pacific Department of Civil Engineering Final Examination Fall 2023 Program: B.Sc. in Civil Engineering Course Title: Design of Concrete Structures II Course Code: CE 317 ‘Time: 3 hours Credit Hour: 3.00 Full Marks: 100 QUESTION 1 [20 MARKS} a. A flat slab panel of a residential building (Live load 2 kN/m2) is shown in Figure 1. The floor carries 3 kN/m? dead load due to random wall and floor finishes. Thickness of the slab should be based on defection and punching requirements of code. The concrete strength (f.") could be used as 24 ‘N/mm?, Column size is 600 mm x 600 mm, Positive and negative moment coefficients of the panel are 0.35 and 0.65, respectively. Apply the concept to design the slab for long span only. [14 Marks) 1 Sm Panels; | 5.6m Sm pe Figure 1. Panel of flat slab Figure 2. Retaining wall b. A cantilever retaining wall of an artificial lake is shown in Figure 2. Density of soil beside the wall is 1700 kg/m’, active soil pressure coefficient is 0.33, soil is saturated with water (void ratio of the soil is 50%). Deflection of the wall is required to be controlled. Apply the concept to design the wall with optimal thickness in accordance to BNBC 2020. Concrete strength (fe") could be used as 24 Nimm?, [6 Marks] QUESTION 2 [20 MARK: ‘a. Two columns of a multi-storeyed building are 3.5 meters apart is supported by combined footing. Both columns having the same load (dead load is 1000 KN, live load is 300 KN). Bearing capacity of the soil is 180 kN/m?. Size of both columns are 600 mm x 600 mm, 24 MPa conerete could be used in design. Assume, width of the footing is 3 m and thickness is 600 mm. Apply the concept to design long span of the combined footing [14 Marks) b. A10m span of simply supported post-tensioned one way slab is subjected to uniformly distributed dead load (including self weight) of 10 kN/m and live load of 2.4 kN/m. Section of the slab is 1000 mm x 300 mm. Eccentricity of the tendon is 75 mm from bottom of the slab. Apply the concept to obtain required minimum pre-stressing force and stresses at mid-span of the slab. [6 Marks] QUESTION 3 [20 MARKS} The floor plan of a 10-storeyed RC frame structure of residential building is shown in Figure 3. Slabs of the floor is supported by beams (300 mm x 600 mm). Thickness of slab could be minimized in accordance with the requirements of flexure, shear and deflection of code of practice. Propose a solution to have the'minimum required thickness of slab “S1”. Design the short span of slab panel “$1” with the minimum thickness considering safety and environmental issues of BNBC 2020. The slab is contineous, thus, support moment at contineous edge of the slab is subjected to analysis of contineous slab, Required data has to be assumed in design. Shear force co-efficient is 0.5. [20 Marks] Slab $2 5.6m Figure 3: Floor Layout Plan of 10-Storeyed Residential Building QUESTION 4 [20 MARKS) The ground floor column “C1” of the project stated in Question 3 has to be designed. The column is subjected to 700 kN-m moment on its critical axis due to lateral load, As per the floor plan, the ‘maximum width of the column is 500 mm, Design the ground floor column of “C1” considering safety, enyironment and societal requirements. Dimension of the column is required to be minimized as much as possible in accordance to the provisions of BNBC 2020. [20 Marks} QUESTION 5 [20 MARKS) The column “C1” of the project (Question 3) is supported by pile foundation, The maximum capacity of 600 mm diameter bore pile can be consider as 1200 kN. High strength concrete (above 40 MPa) has to be used to reduce depth of pile cap for optimal design, Propose a solution for optimal design of the pile cap considering all options (flexure, shear, punching shear, number of piles) of code (BNBC 2020). Formulate required design equations for high strength concrete, design the pile eap with minimum depth and steel considering safety and environmental issues of BNBC 2020. [20 Marks] University of Asia Pacific Department of Civil Engineering Final Examination Fall 2023 Program: B.Sc. Engineering (Civil) Course Title: Transportation Engineering | Credit Hour: 3.00 Course Code: CE 351 Ti 3 hours. Full Marks: 100, Answer all the questions 1, a) Fuad is observing and taking notes of traffic on a busy highway during a weekday. Based on his observation, he made the following statements throughout the day. Morning Rush: Inbound lanes are congested with slow-moving traffic, Outbound lanes are clear. Midday: Traffic is light, and vehicles move smoothly with a constant flow rate. Evening Rush: Outbound lanes are congested with slow-moving traffic. Inbound lanes are clear New Bypass: A new bypass road opens, increasing traffic on this new route and reducing congestion on the old highway. i) What type of flow is seen in the morning rush on inbound lanes? How would you describe the midday traffic flow? ‘What type of flow occurs in the evening rush on outbound lanes? iv) What type of flow results from the new bypass road opening? 18) ») In the bustling city of Metroville, traffic never seemed to relent. To manage the chaos, the city installed system “X” at various intersections, Ata single intersection, system “X” ensured that traffic lights changed with precision, guiding vehicles efficiently through the intersection. However, as Metroville expanded, the need fora coordinated system became evident. Surprisingly, the head city planner, Sadman, decided to place isolated control systems at closely spaced junctions along busy corridors, intending to reduce congestion and improve safety, Alternatively, traffic engineer Arafat advocated for Demand Responsive Controllers. i) What is System “X"? Discuss the efficiency of that system in cities like Metroville highlighting its advantages and disadvantages. ii) Between Sadman and Arafat, whose opinion is most feasible? Give justification for your answer If neither opinion seems appropriate to you, suggest your options according to the scenario. [S+7] 2. a) What do you understand by approach capacity, effective green time and all red period at an intersection?” all red period is needed to include in designing traffic signals. [64] ») Between traffic signs and traffic markings, which one will you recommend to use in roads? Demonstrate why. 151 {typed intersections and their applicable 3. a) Draw and discuss two special mandatory road signs for usage scenarios. 16) b) Discuss in brief the pro i, Staggered Intersection ii, Roundabout Ia ) Draw a typical trumpet interchange with proper flow directions. 151 a) Ata manually controlled four-legged intersection, the ratio of eycle length and effective green time is found 2.5 for each direction. The approach capacity is 2520 PCU/hr for north and south directions individually, and 4320 PCU/hr for east and west directions individually. ‘The number of vehicles passing the intersection during the intervals of the saturation flow count is given as follows: interval Duration PCU (North-South) PCU (East-West) First 6500 7 9 Last Asec 35 6 Calculate 4) Saturation flow for each direction, ii) Lost time for North-South and East-West. 1446) >) The above-mentioned intersection is to be converted into a two-phase signalized intersection In addition to the data obtained from ques 4(a), following data are given: North-South Inter green period, see 9 Arrival flow, PCU/hr (individually in both directions) 1260 i) Design the signal ii) Draw the concerned bar diagram. iii) Dray the phase diagram. [10+6+4) ‘The secondary street ofa city is a two-way road and has 2 lanes on each direction. Determine lighting layout of the road with mounting height of 40 ff, surface reflectance of 20% and a maintenance factor of 0.7. Consider, Fluorescent bulb. Given, Night-time vehicle flow (both direction) = 1000 vph Refer to the annexure (Table 1-4, Figure 1) for necessary data 10) A survey has been conducted on six vehicles traversing throughout a 20 km stretch of a road to calculate spot speed. Data are obtained as follows ‘Vehicle No. | Travel Time (hr) [ Spot Speed (kmph) | Cumulative Frequency I oe A 5 if 2 2 B 20 a 133) ¢ 50 4 1 D 80 3 08 E | 90. 6 0.67 F 10 i) Determine time-mean speed. ji) Determine design speed and safe speed for the road (use graph paper). i461 Annexure TABLE 1 RECOMMENDED AVERAGE ILLUMINATION (LUMENS/ET?) Vehicular traffio® (vph) Pedestrian traffic Very light Light Medium Heavy (£180 vph) | _(150-500vph)_| (500-1,200vph) | _ (1,200 vph) _ Heavy ~ 08 1.0 12 Medium - 06 08 1.0 Light 02 04 06 08 Notes: ‘As on main business street ‘As on secondary business streets As on local streets (2) Night hour flow in both directions TABLE 2 ADJUSTMENT FACTORS FOR RECOMMENDED AVERAGE ILLUMINATION VALUES ‘Surface Reflectance “Adjustment Factors S%orless ae 1 10% 4.0 20% or more 0.75 TABLES LIGHTING SOURCE CHARACTERISTICS ‘Source Types Expected Life Lighting Efficiency, Waltage 3) (Lumens/Watt) fall) Tungsten 1000 8-14 Up to 1000 Fluorescent 6000 50-75 Up to 250 ‘Sodium ‘6000 100 - 120 up to 160 Mercur 7500 20-60 10400 Ficure 1 Coefficient fU ation CO-EFFICIENT OF UTILIZATION CURVES (FOR LIGHT DISTRIBUTION TYPE Ill) Ratlo = Road wiethiMounting Height Note: Due to poor maintenance, the actual co-efficient of utilization Is reduced by a factor usually 0.8 (I. taken as 60%), TABLE 4 RECOMMENDED ARRANGEMENT OF STREET LIGHTING Type of Arrangement Pavement Width ‘One side Width <= sort Both sides — Staggered 30ft > Width <= 60ft Both sides — Opposite Width > 6Oft x ¥ University of Asia Pacific Department of Civil Engineering Final Examination, Fall 2023 Program: B.Sc. in Civil Engineering Course Title: Engineering Hydrology Credit Hour: 3.0 Course Code: CE 363 ‘Time: 3 hours Full Marks: 100 Answer all the questions (10+20+25+20+25). The numbers inside the brackets indicate marks, 1 (@ What happens to the hydrograph when it travels downstream? Discuss the’ (5) reasons. (b) Discuss the importance of peak flow estimation. (5) 2 (a) “Through aquifer, Darcy's velocity is lower than the seepage velocity. For (10) estimating travel time of water through aquifer, it requires seepage velocity”. Prove the statement mathematically. (b) Discuss the applications and characteristics of deterministic and stochastic (10) models in hydrology. 3. (a) An urban watershed is shown below along with the travel paths from the most (15) remote points in each subarea. The details of the subareas are given in the accompanied Table (Table 1). Use the provided Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curve with Kirpich formula to determine the 20-yr peak flow at the 1077 drainage outlet G. Kirpich formula for overland flow time, ti= 0.0078 “Ta5¢ 10031 teavency fe z sn tequency Ze Ey 3 Bs gs Gu Ss 3 z ge 1 0 10 2 30 40 60 60 70 60 90 100 10 120 Duration (nia) Table 1 Drainage Area Arca acres) ‘Type of Surface Path __Length (f)__ Slope (%) p 12.0 Bare surface, C= Od AB 1300 60 2 BS Asphalt paved, C= 0.8 BD 1250 1s 1420 20 3 8 Lawn, C= 03 ED 1800 4 Ma Concrete paved, C= 0.9 1510 (©) (Groundwater flows through an aquifer with otoss-sectional area of 10" m? and a (10) Tength of 1500 m, Hydraulic heads are 300 m and 250 m atthe groundwater entry and exit points in the aquifer, respectively. Groundwater discharges into a strears at the rate of 750 m’/day. Determine the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, 4 Determine the hydrograph at the downstream section using the Muskingum routing (20) method ifa storm produced the hydrograph at the upstream section given in the table below. The Muskingum constants are K = 8 hours and x = 0.15 for the reach, In the beginning, the outflow is 15 m‘/s, bce mht Fat és (tx+540) (cheat) (jar+k—kr) (5ar+ =k) (at+ k= kx) ‘Time, hr. | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ¥ 10 Flow,mis [15 2775 160220200 160885025 2 5 The annual maximum flood measured ata local valley for 20 years are given below. (25) * Max, Flood Max. Flood earl cy [ Yer] hy 2004] 5200 2014 4200 12005 | 2100 2015 3900 [2006 5000 2016 3200 12007, 4500 2017 4100 |2008 3600 2018 3400 |2009| 3500 2019 7100 2010| 2400 2020 5100 12011) 2100 2021 800 |2012| 3000/2022 680 2013| 2300 2023 700 Plot the data using the Weibull plotting position formula, Based on the graphical method and the frequency factor method estimate the 15-year annual maximum flood, the exceedance probability and return period for an event of 3500 ft/s using ( lognormal and (i) normal distribution. The standard deviation of normally and Jognormally distributed data are 1657.45 and 0.29, respectively, Based on the statistical analysis used in (i) and (ii) investigate whether the data fellows lognormal or normal distribution. If the data does not follow any of these distributions, what will you suggest. Justify your suggestions. Use the frequency factor table given below (Table 2) ‘Table 2 Table Frequency Factor for Normal Distribution Exceedance Exceedance Probability _ Return Period K Probability _ Return Period 0.0007 ~~ 10,000 3719 0.450 222 0.0005 2,000 3.291 0.500 2.00 0.001 1,000 3.090 0.550 1.82 0.002 500 2.88 0.600 1.67 0.003 333 276 0.650 1.54 0.004 250 265 0.700 143 0.005 200 2576 0.750 1.33 0.010 100 2326 0.800 1.25 0.025 40 1.960 0850 1.18 0.050 20 1.645 0.900 ut 0.100 10 1.282 0.950 1.053 0.150 6.67 1,036 0.975 1.026 0.200 5.00 0.842 0.990 1.010 0.250 4.00 0.674 0.995 1,005 0.300 3.33 0524 0.999 1,001 0.350 2.86 0.385 0.9995 1.0005 0.400 2.50 0.253 0.9999 1.0001 University of Asia Pacific Department of Civil Engineering Final Examination Fall 2023 Program: B, Se. Engineering (Civil) Course Title: Environmental Engineering II Course Code: CE 333 ‘Time: 3.00 Hours Credit Hour: 3.00 Full Mark: 120 There are five (5) questions. Answer all the questions in both sections. Assume any missing data, (Necessary formulae are attached; Assume reasonable data if necessary) Section A L@) In a rural area, families have been using traditional pit latrines for generations. iz Be However, in recent years, there has been a concerning rise in the number of children falling ill due to waterborne diseases. (i Identify the problems associated with pit latrines in that area and select an onsite [5] sanitation system for the community that can overcome this problem. (ii) Explain how human waste generated from your proposed sanitation system can [5] be converted into energy. 1.(b) (i) Differentiate between septic tank and small-bore sewerage systems. 7] (ii) Explain how septic tank brings a change in the SBS in terms of sewer network [7] and treatment plant design. 2a) Determine the size of the required anaerobic digester for treating sludge with the [10] following properties: Average design flow 5000 m/d_ Dr nv 0.25 kg/m® Ultimate BOD removed 0.16 kg/m* Solids content 5% Oc = 20d = 0.07 kg/ky BOD ka 0.03 dt Solid specific gravity 1.02 Waste utilization efficiency [75% _ Necessary equations are attached below: Y{OWS,-8 apy p=. 1+k,0, 2.(b) Discuss the nutrient removal routes of waste stabilization ponds and the problem [8] associated with phosphorus removal in these ponds. 3.(a) Explain the process of treatment of tannery effluent with a flow diagram. 191 350 Likg) «(0 (Sy Page 1 of 3 3.(b) Wastewater flow from an area averages 5000 m*/d during November (winter) and [9] 7000 m‘/d during June (summer). The average temperature of November is 10°C and in June (summer) average temperature is 30°C. The mean concentration of influent BODs is 300 mg/L. Reaction coefficient K is 0.25 d'' at 20°C, and 0 is 1.06. Select a facultative pond treatment system for the area to remove 90% of the incoming BODs. Assume dispersion factor 0.5. Use the following graphical plot of the Thirumurthi ‘equation if required. 8 fe N ca 6] ve 3 TNs\ et VN & 2 x * : ‘ S 3 ah. —_ hohe. NNN ° esl i. ‘ Bae ‘ ne on | a | Z t | iL r ss # 10 20 4060 Percent remaining, SiS Figure: Graphical plot of the Thirumurthi equation, Section B 4.(a) ‘The BODs of a wastewater sample is 300 mg/L. at 20°C. k at 20°C is 0.20 per day. [15] Calculate the BODs of the sample at 12°C, (b) Explain the differences between step and tapered aeration processes employed for [10] wastewater organic removals. (©) Identify the role of the disk-shaped plastic media in a rotating biological contactor [5] (RBC) treatment system. 5.(a) Indicate the effect of oxygen and carbon availability on nitrogen removal processes [10] in a tertiary wastewater treatment system. (b) The wastewater produced from an area of a city corporation is directly discharged ito an adjacent lake, Because of the substantial pollutant composition of the discharged wastewater, the receiving water body is severely polluted. ‘The city corporation appointed you as an environmental engineer to design a natural-based treatment plant (for example, constructed wetlands) to treat the generated wastewater Page 2 of 3 in that area and protect the ecological balance of the receiving water body. The water quality parameter of the generated wastewater is provided in the following Table Table, Pollutants concentration of the wastewater. Unit Concentration pH = 73 Do | 0. NHN 40 NO3-N 30 ‘TN 100 BODs __| mg/L 700. cop [i100 TP 1 Propose a flow diagram of the natural treatment processes that will only [7.5] remove organic pollutants (BOD and COD). Propose a natural treatment process flow diagram if nutrient removal [7.5] (nitrogen and phosphorus) is also required, along with organic removals. Analyze ways to achieve higher organic removals if the available land area [5] restricts you from designing multiple nature-based treatment units? Page 3 of 3 University of Asia Pacific Department of Civil Engineering Final Examination Fall 2023 Program: B.Se. Engineering (Civil) Course Title: Structural Engineering Il Course Code: CE 313 me: 3 hours Credit Hour : 3.0 Full Marks: 100 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS, Assume any missing data reasonably. (Roll=Last two digits of your registration number) PAR - Calculate the horizontal deflection at D of the frame in Fig.l by the Unit Load Method [Consicer:E=200% 10° kN/m? and 1=300%104m"] 115] S0kN 20kN 100 kN 115) in Analyze the Beam in Fig.3 by For Method and determine the reactions and draw the bending moment diagram[EI=Constant {10} GOKN — 20kN a_t s B cy t4m+—10 m 20m — 4. Calculate the vertical deflection of joint F of the truss in Fig.d by the Unit Load Method [EA=Constant] [10] 13 m LOOKN 5m —H1.5 mi Fig.d PART-B 5. Analyze the frame shown in Fig.5 by Portal Method to draw the Shear Force and Bending Moment diagrams. 110) 43 cfr 3m sol | 4m $m——+—4m— 4 Fa m5 m-+5 m4 m4} Fig.S Fig.6 6. Analyze the mill bent shown in Fig.6 by Portal Method to determine the reactions at support A and F. Also, determine the force in members DF and IL. [05} 7. (i) Draw the qualitative influence lines of the beam shown in Fig.7, {05} (a) Bending moments Ms, Mo, Me (b) Support reactions Rr, Ro and (©) Shear forces Vu™, Ve! (ii) Analyze the beam to calculate the maximum value of Re , if the beam (Fig. 7) is subjected to a uniformly distributed dead load of 20 kN/m, moving live load of 25 kN/m and 100 KN concentrated load [Given: El = constant] 110) A kh n—}— Sm —-—6 m—}2 m2 m+-—3 m 8. Analyze the frame in Fig.8 using Moment Distribution Method to draw the bending moment diagram [EI = Constant] 7 kN [15] 5 kewim SO KN TkN/m, | 4m bm #—sm—4 Fig. 9, Analyze the frame shown in Fig.9 to draw the bending moment diagram using Vertical Load (Approximate) Method and of the frame. [05] (+ Tug + tu) a2 7(2te + ae) aS T FGug + tay ( “rua xp ju

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