Week 5 September 4 Fold and Fault

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GRADE San Mateo Senior

11 School High School Grade Level 11

DAILY Maria Cecilia S.J. Salvosa/
LESSON Aaron Stan S. Cerezo/ Berly
Earth and Life
LOG Teacher R. Paul/ Mary Joy R. Learning
Madredijo/ Ronalyn Area
Teaching WEEK 5
Dates and September _____, 2024 Quarter First
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
5. the folding and faulting of rocks
6. plate tectonics
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to conduct a survey to assess the possible
geologic/ hydrometeorological hazards that your community may
C. Learning Competencies 1. Explain how the movement of plates leads to the formation of folds and
faults. (S11/12ES-Id-22)
1. Describe the types of plate movement.
2. Demonstrate the movement of plates that leads to fold and fault.
3. Cite the importance of plate tectonics and movement of plate.


A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learner’s Materials pages Mercado, Rochelle M. (2020). Earth and Life Science_Alternative Delivery
Mode Origin and Structure of the Earth (pp. 151-168). DepEd Region IV-A

3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. PROCEDURES Daily Routine (5 mins)
1. Greetings
2. Opening Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Classroom rules
A. Reviewing previous Teaching Strategies: Interactive Instruction, Indirect Instruction
lesson or presenting the new Philosophy: Progressivism
lesson. Technique: Reflective discussion, Whole class discussion

Learning Task 1: Let’s Recall (5 mins)

Direction: Fill in the blanks.
1. During the early formation of the Earth, the internal heat energy that
gradually gathered together by means of dispersion in the planet during its
few million years of evolution is called ___________.
2. The thermal energy released as a result of spontaneous nuclear
disintegration is called __________.
3. __________ is a process under the earth’s crust where formation and
of magma occur.
4-5. Magma is found in the __________ of the volcano while __________ is
found on the surface of earth once the volcano erupts.
B. Establishing a purpose for (5 mins)
the lesson. 1. Describe the types of plate movement.
2. Demonstrate the movement of plates that leads to fold and fault.
3. Cite the importance of plate tectonics and movement of plate.
C. Presenting Teaching Strategies: Direct Instruction, Indirect Instruction, Interactive
examples/instances of the new Instruction
lesson. Philosophy: Constructivism
Technique: Concept formation, Whole Class Discussion

Learning Task 2: What’s In (10 mins)

Direction: Cross out the words which are not associated with plate
tectonics. Then, put the remaining words and write your understanding
below the box.


Guide Questions:
1. What is plate tectonics?
2. Explain the types of plate movement?
Explain how the movement of plates leads to the formation of folds, faults, trenches, volcanoes, rift
valleys, and mountain ranges.
D. Discussing new concepts Teaching Strategies: Direct Instruction, Indirect Instruction, Interactive
and practicing new skills# 1 Instruction
Philosophy: Constructivism, Progressivism
Technique: Concept formation, Think-Pair-Share

Learning Task 3: Crossword Puzzle (7 mins)

Direction: Fill out the crossword puzzle with the correct terms using the
given clues.

Guide Questions:
1.What is the difference between fold and fault?
2. How does movement lead to the formation of fold and fault?
Explain how the movement of plates leads to the formation of folds, faults, trenches, volcanoes, rift
valleys, and mountain ranges.
E. Discussing new concepts Teaching Strategy: Indirect Instruction, Interactive Instruction, Experiential
and practicing new skills #2. Philosophy: Progressivism, Constructivism
Technique: Concept-Formation, Small group discussion, Demonstration,
Brainstorming, Cooperative Learning

Learning Task 4: Let’s Do It! (7 mins)

Direction: Demonstrate the movement of plates that leads to fold and fault.
Group 1-4 Fold
Group 5-8 Fault

Guide Questions:
1. Give three (3) descriptions about the picture.
2. What is the material being extruded by Mount Mayon? Where do you
think did this material come from?
Explain how the movement of plates leads to the formation of folds, faults, trenches, volcanoes, rift
valleys, and mountain ranges.
F. Developing Mastery Teaching Strategies: Direct Instruction, Indirect Instruction, Interactive
(Leads to Formative Instruction
Assessment 3) Philosophy: Constructivism, Progressivism
Technique: Concept-Formation, Whole Class Discussion

Learning Task 5: Got It! (10 mins)

Direction: From the word pool given below, identify the term being
described in the following statements.
__________1. This phenomenon is created during transformation of plate’s
movement and it is a kinematic phenomenon caused by the relative density
of oceanic lithosphere and relative weakness of asthenosphere.
__________2. This plate’s movement creates mountain and volcanic arc.
Marianas Trench is also created by this movement.
__________3. The movement of this plate is towards the opposite direction
or moving away from each other.
__________4. It is a process of rising up hot, dense liquid materials and
creates new seafloor.
__________5. This is a theory that supports that supports continental drift
theory and seafloor spreading.

Guide Questions:
1. What is magma? Magmatism?
2. How is magma formed?
3. Based on the graph:
a. Which of the following elements
has the highest amount in the
b. Which of the following elements
has the lowest amount in the
G. Finding practical applications Teaching Strategies: Indirect Instruction
of concepts and skills. Philosophy: Behaviorism
Technique: Inquiry

Learning Task 6: App! App! and Away! (5 mins)

1. How will you justify that plate tectonics or movement of plate boundaries
is also beneficial to us?
H. Making generalization and Teaching Strategies: Indirect Instruction
abstractions about the lesson. Philosophy: Constructivism
Technique: Reflective discussion

Learning Task 7: I New It! (5 mins)

Guide Question:
1. What are the types of plate movement?
2. What are the movement of plates that leads to fold and fault?
3. What is the importance of plate tectonics and movement of
I. Evaluating learning. Learning Task 8: This is It! (6 mins)
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Movement of plate boundaries results too many events or land
formations, which of the following is the reason of mountain formations.
A. Converging Plates
B. Diverging Plates
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
2. It is a region where plates meet.
A. Fault
B. Mountain
C. Plate Boundary
D. Volcanic Arc
3. There are three distinct types of plate boundaries, which of those types
creates zone of tension by moving the plates apart?
A. Convergent Boundary
B. Divergent Boundary
C. Transform Fault
D. None of these
4. When two tectonic plates collide, the continental crust usually rise up over
the oceanic crust because it is______.
A. Denser than continental crust
B. Less dense than oceanic crust
C. Thicker than continental crust
D. Thinner than continental crust
5. Predict what geologic features could result out of this boundary.

Answer Key:
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. mid -ocean ridge
J. Additional activities for Teaching Strategies: Independent Study
application or remediation. Philosophy: Constructivism, Progressivism
Technique: Assigned Question

Learning Task 9: Wait, there’s more!

Conduct a short interview with one or two of your family members.
Ask them about how they think the mountain, valley, ridges and volcanoes
are formed. List all their responses. Afterwards, inform them on how those
formations formed based on what you have learned from the lesson.

Questions Responses Feedback

V. REMARKS _Proceed to the next lesson _ Reteach

_Remediation _Continue next meeting

A. No .of learners who earned 80% in the 11 FBS A
11 ABM B
B. No. of learners who require additional 11 FBS A
activities for remediation.
11 ABM B
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of 11 FBS A
learners who have caught up with the
lesson. 11 ABM B
D. No. of learners who continue to require 11 FBS A
11 ABM B
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials

did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:


Master Teacher I Special Science Teacher I Teacher II


Teacher II Teacher I

Noted by:

Assistant Principal II

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