Charts and Table Essay 28
Charts and Table Essay 28
Charts and Table Essay 28
"Overall, the wasted glass bottles are firstly collected, and
go to the factory, where they experience various stages
before sold again in the market."
"Firstly collected" is a bit redundant. You can just
say "collected".
The phrase "experience various stages" can be
reworded for clarity. The bottles don't "experience"
the stages; they are "processed" in the factory.
The phrase "before sold again" is a bit awkward. You
could say "before being resold".
"Overall, discarded glass bottles are collected and
processed in a factory, where they undergo several stages
before being resold in the market."
Stage 1:
"In more detail, the recycling process begins with
assembling the glass bottles used before into the
collection points. These bottles are transported to the
processing factory, where it will be thoroughly
transformed, by the company’s specialized vehicles."
"Assembling the glass bottles used before" can be
simplified. Try "used glass bottles are collected at
designated points".
"Where it will be thoroughly transformed" is vague.
A more specific phrase like "where they are
processed" is clearer.
The phrase "by the company’s specialized vehicles"
could be removed for brevity, or you could specify
that these are recycling vehicles.
"The recycling process starts with used glass bottles being
collected at designated points. These bottles are then
transported to the processing factory by specialized
recycling vehicles."
Stage 2:
"In the manufacture, the bottles scatter under the high-
pressure water. Then they are categorized according to
their colors, including clear, green, or brown ones before
transferred to the glass factory."
The word "manufacture" should be "factory" here.
"The bottles scatter under the high-pressure water"
sounds unclear. You can rephrase it as "the bottles
are cleaned using high-pressure water".
The phrase "including clear, green, or brown ones
before transferred" is a bit awkward. Rewriting this
as "and sorted into clear, green, and brown
categories before being transferred" is smoother.
"At the factory, the bottles are cleaned using high-
pressure water. They are then sorted by color—clear,
green, or brown—before being transferred to the glass
Stage 3:
"In the factory, glass pieces, the products of the high-
pressure flows, are burned in furnace at the extreme
temperatures – around 600 to 800 degree Celsius,
producing the melted recycled glass. This liquid glass will
be combined with the new liquid glass."
The phrase "the products of the high-pressure flows"
is unclear. You could simply say "the glass pieces
are melted in a furnace".
The temperature should be written as "degrees
The phrase "liquid glass will be combined with new
liquid glass" is clear but could be slightly shortened
to maintain fluency.
"At the glass factory, the glass pieces are melted in a
furnace at temperatures of 600 to 800 degrees Celsius,
forming recycled liquid glass. This is then combined with
new liquid glass."
Final Stage:
"The hot mixture, subsequently, was poured into bottle-
shaped mould, forming the recycled glass. After the
process, the new recycled bottles are readily allocated into
the markets, probably being sold at a lower price,
terminating the recycling process."
"Was poured" should be in present tense to maintain
consistency ("is poured").
"Allocated into the markets" sounds slightly off. A
clearer phrase would be "distributed to markets".
The speculative phrase "probably being sold at a
lower price" feels unnecessary in this context, as it's
not indicated in the diagram. You could omit it.
"The hot mixture is then poured into bottle-shaped molds,
forming the recycled glass bottles. These new bottles are
then distributed to markets, completing the recycling