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Cancer Statistics, 2020: Report From National Cancer Registry Programme,


Article in JCO Global Oncology · July 2020

DOI: 10.1200/GO.20.00122


910 12,494

10 authors, including:

Prashant Mathur Sathishkumar Krishnan



Meesha Chaturvedi Priyanka Das

Indian Council of Medical Research Assam Agricultural University


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Cancer Statistics, 2020: Report From National
original reports Cancer Registry Programme, India
Prashant Mathur, DNB, PhD1; Krishnan Sathishkumar, MSc1; Meesha Chaturvedi, MBBS1; Priyanka Das, B-Level1;
Kondalli Lakshminarayana Sudarshan, MSc1; Stephen Santhappan, MSc, MPhil1; Vinodh Nallasamy, MSc, MPhil1; Anish John, BE1;
Sandeep Narasimhan, MSc1; and Francis Selvaraj Roselind, MSc1; on behalf of ICMR-NCDIR-NCRP Investigator Group

PURPOSE The systematic collection of data on cancer is being performed by various population-based cancer
registries (PBCRs) and hospital-based cancer registries (HBCRs) across India under the National Cancer
Registry Programme–National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research of Indian Council of Medical
Research since 1982.
METHODS This study examined the cancer incidence, patterns, trends, projections, and mortality from
28 PBCRs and also the stage at presentation and type of treatment of patients with cancer from 58 HBCRs
(N = 667,666) from the pooled analysis for the composite period 2012-2016. Time trends in cancer incidence
rate were generated as annual percent change from 16 PBCRs (those with a minimum of 10 years of
continuous good data available) using Joinpoint regression.
RESULTS Aizawl district (269.4) and Papumpare district (219.8) had the highest age-adjusted incidence rates
among males and females, respectively. The projected number of patients with cancer in India is 1,392,179 for
the year 2020, and the common 5 leading sites are breast, lung, mouth, cervix uteri, and tongue. Trends in
cancer incidence rate showed an increase in all sites of cancer in both sexes and were high in Kamrup urban
(annual percent change, 3.8%; P , .05). The majority of the patients with cancer were diagnosed at the locally
advanced stage for breast (57.0%), cervix uteri (60.0%), head and neck (66.6%), and stomach (50.8%) cancer,
whereas in lung cancer, distant metastasis was predominant among males (44.0%) and females (47.6%).
CONCLUSION This study provides a framework for assessing the status and trends of cancer in India. It shall
guide appropriate support for action to strengthen efforts to improve cancer prevention and control to achieve
the national noncommunicable disease targets and the sustainable development goals.
JCO Global Oncol 6:1063-1075. © 2020 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 License

INTRODUCTION patterns of cancer. Several NCRP reports on cancer

Globally, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) accoun- from different registries across India have been
ted for 71% of total deaths. In India, NCDs were esti- published. 8-9
mated to account for 63% of all deaths, and cancer was PBCRs provide statistics on the occurrence and out-
one of the leading causes (9%).1 Cancer registries are come of cancer in a geographically defined pop-
ASSOCIATED recognized as vital components of national cancer- ulation. They also provide the framework for assessing
control programs.2 Publications from developed and the control of cancer in the community. HBCRs are
developing countries provide updated information on concerned with the recording of information on pa-
Data Supplement
cancer occurrence, trends, and projections.3-7 In India, tients with cancer seen in a particular hospital and are
Author affiliations
the systematic collection of data on cancer has been mainly used for reviewing clinical performance and the
and support
performed since 1982 by the population-based cancer
information (if hospital cancer program.10
applicable) appear at registries (PBCRs) and hospital-based cancer registries
the end of this (HBCRs) under the National Cancer Registry Programme This article reports the cancer incidence, patterns, time
article. (NCRP)–National Centre for Disease Informatics and trends, and mortality from 28 PBCRs for the composite
Accepted on June 3, Research (NCDIR) of the Indian Council of Medical period 2012-2016 across India under ICMR-NCDIR-
2020 and published at NCRP. Also, it covers the stage at presentation and type of
Research (ICMR; ICMR-NCDIR-NCRP), Bengaluru
go on July 16, 2020:
(Appendix). NCRP commenced with the objective treatment received by patients with cancer from 58
DOI https://doi.org/10. of generating reliable data on the magnitude and HBCRs for the period 2012-2016 in India under the

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Copyright © 2020 American Society of Clinical Oncology. See https://ascopubs.org/go/authors/open-access for reuse terms.
Mathur et al

Key Objective
This study reports the cancer incidence, patterns, trends, projections, cancer mortality, and clinical aspects of stage at
presentation and treatment for the period 2012-2016 from 28 population-based and 58 hospital-based cancer registries in
India under the network of the National Cancer Registry Programme.
Knowledge Generated
There is heterogeneity in cancer incidence (age-adjusted rate per 100,000: males: Osmanabad and Beed, 39.5 v Aizawl
district, 269.4; females: Osmanabad and Beed, 49.4 v Papumpare district, 219.8) and in patterns across India and a lower
proportion (, 33%) of early stage at presentation for common cancers. The projected incidence of patients with cancer for
the year 2020 in India in males is 679,421 and in females is 712,758.
Results of this study will help in assessing the status and trends of cancer in India. This will assist local- and national-level
stakeholders to implement public health action to control cancer.

network of NCRP. Based on estimates from this period, the generated as annual percent change (APC) and considered
projection of patients with cancer in India for the year 2020 is statistically significant (at P , .05) from 16 PBCRs (with
also included. minimum of 10 years of data) using the Joinpoint regression
program, 4.0.1 (National Cancer Institute).15 The years of
METHODS data for trend analysis varied (11 to 35 years) across the
Presently, there are 36 PBCRs and 236 HBCRs registered PBCRs, and there were 6 PBCRs with more than 25 years
under the ICMR-NCDIR-NCRP. However, this article in- of continuous data.
cludes data from 28 PBCRs and 58 HBCRs, which were
The country was categorized into 6 geographic zones based
complete with at least 1 year of good-quality data. All
on the location of the PBCRs: North (Delhi, Patiala), South
neoplasms with a behavior code of 3 as defined by the
(Hyderabad, Kollam, Thiruvananthapuram, Bangalore, and
International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, 3rd
Chennai), East (Kolkata), West (Ahmedabad urban, Aur-
Edition, and the International Statistical Classification of
angabad, Osmanabad and Beed, Barshi rural, Mumbai,
Diseases and Related Health Problems (10th revision; ICD-
and Pune), Central (Wardha, Bhopal, and Nagpur) and
10) were considered reportable and therefore registered in
NCRP.11 Cancer registration is a complex process. In India, Northeast (NE; Manipur, Mizoram, Sikkim, Tripura, West
cancer registration is active wherein trained registry staff go Arunachal, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Pasighat, Cachar, Dibrugarh,
to different sources (hospitals, diagnostic laboratories, vital and Kamrup urban). Population denominators were de-
statistics departments) for collection of data on a stan- rived from the Census of India, conducted by the Regis-
dardized core form.10 This is followed by quality control trar General and Census Commissioner of India under
checks, duplicate checks, matching with mortality cases, the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.16 The
follow-up of death certificate notifications, and assigning census populations of 2001 and 2011 were used to cal-
death certificate only (DCO). Patients with cancer who were culate the postcensal population estimates for the years
residents in the registration area for a minimum period of 2012 and 2016 by 5-year age groups and sex. For time
1 year before the date of diagnosis were included in the trend analysis, the respective 1981, 1991, 2001, and 2011
registry. Multiple cancer data sources were followed for censuses were taken as the base to estimate inter- or
data collection.10 Quality of the data was maintained per postcensal population by 5-year age groups and sex.17
International Association of Cancer Registries/International A standardized patient information form for HBCRs un-
Agency for Research on Cancer (IACR/IARC) norms.12,13 der NCRP and the data collection methods have been
Incidence and mortality data were retrieved from 28 PBCRs explained previously.18 Newly diagnosed and treated pa-
(urban or rural, or both) for the period 2012-2016. Cancer tients with cancer (N = 667,666) from 58 HBCRs (with
burden measures were calculated as crude rate, age- a minimum of 1 year of a complete dataset) in 2012-2016
adjusted rate (AAR) per 100,000 population using world were pooled and are presented as the relative proportion
standard population,14 and cumulative risk (probability that of clinical stage and treatment. The stage/clinical extent
an individual will be diagnosed with cancer [0- to 74-year- of disease before treatment (excludes previously treated
old age group] in the absence of any competing cause of patients with cancer) was classified into localized only,
death and assuming that the current trends prevail over the locoregional, distant metastasis, and unknown. 19 The
time period). Time trends in cancer incidence rate were completion of planned cancer-directed treatment after

1064 © 2020 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

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Cancer Pattern and Burden in India Under NCRP

TABLE 1. Annual Average No. of Patients for All Sites of Cancer With Incidence Rate per 100,000, Cumulative Risk (0-74 age group) and
Mortality Rate by Sex and Reporting Year for 28 PBCRs Under NCRP
Males Females

Incidence Mortality Incidence Mortality

Cum Cum
Serial No. Registry (period of reference) No. CR AAR Risk AAMR No. CR AAR Risk AAMR
1 Delhi (2012-14) 10,344 112.3 147.0 1 in 6 22.2 9,688 119.6 141.0 1 in 7 17.8
2 Patiala district (2012-16) 1,079 101.6 108.2 1 in 9 32.7 1,215 127.7 124.6 1 in 8 30.1
3 Hyderabad district (2014-16) 1,714 84.2 101.6 1 in 9 15.5 2,151 109.8 136.0 1 in 7 12.5
4 Kollam district (2012-16) 1,986 159.4 127.7 1 in 7 66.5 1,956 139.1 107.1 1 in 9 38.3
5 Thiruvananthapuram district (2012- 2,701 170.4 137.8 1 in 7 57.7 2,865 164.8 127.3 1 in 8 39.5
6 Bangalore (2012-14) 4,407 96.8 122.1 1 in 7 42.6 5,276 125.1 146.8 1 in 6 41.5
7 Chennai (2012-16) 2,894 121.8 119.9 1 in 8 35.7 3,361 141.4 132.8 1 in 7 28.8
8 Kolkata (2012-15) 2,547 109.9 91.2 1 in 10 37.9 2,288 105.9 89.2 1 in 11 32.1
9 Ahmedabad urban (2012-16) 2,916 89.1 98.3 1 in 9 27.0 2,205 74.7 76.7 1 in 12 16.9
10 Aurangabad (2012-16) 385 56.6 70.9 1 in 13 13.5 400 62.9 75.1 1 in 12 8.5
11 Osmanabad and Beed (2012-15) 909 39.3 39.5 1 in 23 10.3 1,117 52.8 49.4 1 in 19 10.4
12 Barshi Rural (2012-16) 145 53.9 50.6 1 in 17 35.0 163 67.2 61.0 1 in 15 36.1
13 Mumbai (2012-15) 6,564 97.3 108.4 1 in 9 66.0 6,865 117.6 116.2 1 in 8 61.4
14 Pune (2012-16) 1,937 67.5 83.0 1 in 11 35.3 2,164 83.3 94.0 1 in 10 35.3
15 Wardha district (2012-16) 478 70.4 64.5 1 in 14 42.3 507 78.7 69.9 1 in 14 37.1
16 Bhopal (2012-15) 892 83.3 101.0 1 in 9 38.3 897 90.4 106.9 1 in 8 30.9
17 Nagpur (2012-16) 1,190 89.0 91.1 1 in 10 21.3 1,209 93.1 89.8 1 in 11 17.7
18 Manipur state (2012-16) 740 47.0 62.8 1 in 14 20.5 900 57.8 71.1 1 in 12 17.3
Imphal West District (2012-16) 227 85.1 95.3 1 in 9 29.6 300 107.9 110.9 1 in 8 24.3
19 Mizoram state (2012-16) 865 146.1 207.0 1 in 5 121.4 747 127.5 172.3 1 in 5 76.4
Aizawl district (2012-16) 436 206.2 269.4 1 in 4 152.7 380 174.6 214.1 1 in 5 89.5
20 Sikkim state (2012-16) 234 69.9 88.7 1 in 10 46.4 226 75.3 97.0 1 in 10 46.2
21 Tripura state (2012-16) 1,312 67.0 80.9 1 in 11 46.0 983 52.0 58.3 1 in 16 28.9
22 West Arunachal (2012-16) 244 56.6 101.1 1 in 8 27.3 234 56.3 96.3 1 in 10 18.9
Papumpare district (2012-16) 94 94.8 201.2 1 in 4 56.5 106 105.1 219.8 1 in 4 37.9
23 Meghalaya (2012-16) 938 92.6 176.8 1 in 5 71.7 566 55.7 96.5 1 in 9 38.1
East Khasi Hills (2012-16) 577 131.0 227.9 1 in 4 95.0 346 76.9 118.6 1 in 8 51.5
24 Nagaland (2012-16) 281 74.5 124.5 1 in 7 27.8 198 56.3 88.2 1 in 10 11.1
25 Pasighat (2012-16) 64 90.7 120.4 1 in 7 30.9 61 88.1 116.2 1 in 8 22.0
26 Cachar district (2012-16) 933 99.2 129.0 1 in 7 25.2 789 87.0 104.8 1 in 9 17.5
27 Dibrugarh district (2012-16) 507 72.5 91.9 1 in 9 24.0 448 66.0 76.8 1 in 12 14.1
28 Kamrup urban (2012-16) 1,245 190.5 213.0 1 in 4 66.7 958 150.8 169.6 1 in 6 37.3

NOTE. Reporting year data given in parentheses; Meghalaya covers East Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills, and Ri Bhoi districts;
Nagaland covers Kohima and Dimapur districts; Pasighat covers East Siang and Upper Siang; West Arunachal covers Tawang, West Kameng,
East Kameng, Upper Subansiri, Lower Subansiri, Kurng Kumey, Papumpare, and West Siang districts.
Abbreviations: AAMR, age-adjusted mortality rate per 100,000; AAR, age-adjusted rate per 100,000; CR, crude rate per 100,000; cum risk, cumulative
risk of developing any site of cancer 0-74 years of age; NCRP, National Cancer Registry Program; PBCR, population-based cancer registry.

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Mathur et al

Males Females
Aizawl district 269.4 (206.2) Papumpare district 219.8 (105.1)
East Khasi Hills district 227.9 (131.0) Aizawl district 214.1 (174.6)
Kamrup urban 213.0 (190.5) Mizoram state 172.3 (127.5)
Mizoram state 207.0 (146.1) Kamrup urban 169.6 (150.8)
Papumpare district 201.2 (94.8) Bangalore 146.8 (125.1)
Meghalaya 176.8 (92.6) Delhi 141.0 (119.6)
Delhi 147.0 (112.3) Hyderabad district 136.0 (109.8)
Thi'puram district 137.8 (170.4) Chennai 132.8 (141.4)
Cachar district 129.0 (99.2) Thi'puram district 127.3 (164.8)
Kollam district 127.7 (159.4) Patiala district 124.6 (127.7)
Nagaland 124.5 (74.5) East Khasi Hills district 118.6 (76.9)
Bangalore 122.1 (96.8) Mumbai 116.2 (117.6)
Pasighat 120.4 (90.7) Pasighat 116.2 (88.1)
Chennai 119.9 (121.8) Imphal West district 110.9 (107.9)
Mumbai 108.4 (97.3) Kollam district 107.1 (139.1)
Patiala district 108.2 (101.6) Bhopal 106.9 (90.4)
Hyderabad district 101.6 (84.2) Cachar district 104.8 (87.0)
West Arunachal 101.1 (56.6) Sikkim state 97.0 (75.3)
Bhopal 101.0 (83.3) Meghalaya 96.5 (55.7)
Ahmedabad urban 98.3 (89.1) West Arunachal 96.3 (56.3)
Imphal West district 95.3 (85.1) Pune 94.0 (83.3)
Dibrugarh district 91.9 (72.5) Nagpur 89.8 (93.1)
Kolkata 91.2 (109.9) Kolkata 89.2 (105.9)
Nagpur 91.1 (89.0) Nagaland 88.2 (56.3)
Sikkim state 88.7 (69.9) Dibrugarh district 76.8 (66.0)
Pune 83.0 (67.5) Ahmedabad urban 76.7 (74.7)
Tripura state 80.9 (67.0) Aurangabad 75.1 (62.9)
Aurangabad 70.9 (56.6) Manipur state 71.1 (57.8)
Wardha district 64.5 (70.4) Wardha district 69.9 (78.7)
Manipur state 62.8 (47.0) Barshi rural 61.0 (67.2)
Barshi rural 50.6 (53.9) Tripura state 58.3 (52.0)
Osmanabad & Beed 39.5 (39.3) Osmanabad & Beed 49.4 (52.8)

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

Rate per 100,000 Rate per 100,000
North South East West Central Northeast

FIG 1. Comparison of all cancer sites’ age-adjusted incidence rates (AARs) of all population-based cancer registries, 2012-2016 (International Statistical
Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision: C00-C97). AARs are in blue and crude rates are given in parentheses in red. Thi’puram
district, Thiruvananthapuram district.

diagnosis was classified as surgery, radiotherapy, systemic that Aizawl district had the highest AAR (269.4) and
therapy, and multimodality (combination of surgery and/or mortality (152.7) rate among males. One of every 4 males in
radiotherapy and/or systemic therapy). Aizawl district, Papumpare district, East Khasi Hills district,
Good-quality data indices of microscopic verification (MV and Kamrup urban are likely to develop cancer in the age
%) above 75%, DCO% below 20%, other and unspecified group of 0-74 years. One of every 4 females in the Pap-
sites (O&U%) below 15%, and mortality-to-incidence ratio umpare district and 1 of 5 females in Mizoram state are
(M:I%) were calculated for each PBCR and accordingly likely to develop cancer in the age group of 0-74 years.
classified.12,13 NCRP has developed in-house software On comparison of AARs for all sites of cancer (ICD10: C00-
(PBCR and HBCR Data Management) for data capture, C97) across the population among males, Aizawl district
quality checks, duplicates checks (deterministic and (269.4) had the highest AAR and was approximately twice
phonetic-similar sounding duplicate names), and mortality- the AAR of Delhi PBCR (147.0). East Khasi Hills district of
incidence matching. The list of errors was sent back to Meghalaya (227.9) had the second highest AAR, followed
registries for clarifications and corrected at each level. by Kamrup urban (213.0) and Mizoram PBCR (207.0).
Incidence data for 2012-2016 was used as a reference for Among females, Papumpare district (219.8) had the
projection of patients with cancer in India until 2020 by sex
highest AAR. In the rest of the regions (excluding NE), Delhi
and anatomic site (see Data Supplement for more details).
had highest AAR (147.0), followed by Thiruvanathapuram
RESULTS district (137.8) among males; Bangalore (146.8) had
highest AAR, followed by Delhi (141.0) among females
Average annual number of patients for all sites of cancer
(Fig 1).
with incidence rate, cumulative risk by sex, and mortality
rate according to different regions in India between 2012 East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya had the highest rel-
and 2016 are given in Table 1. PBCRs in the NE showed ative proportion of cancers associated with the use of to-
the highest incidence rate in both sexes. It was observed bacco, with 70.4% and 46.5% for males and females,

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Cancer Pattern and Burden in India Under NCRP

(46.3, 62.1) 41.2 Delhi 12.4 (18.5,14.8)
(36.9, 39.9) 36.4 Patiala district 13.1 (16.6,16.8)
(67.7, 52.9) 42.5 Kollam district 12.4 (12.4,17.2)
(35.6, 42.6) 42.2 Hyderabad district 13.5 (19.1,14.8)
(49.5, 47.6) 40.6 Chennai 13.6 (18.1,19.2)
(62.0, 49.0) 36.1 Thi'puram district 10.1 (12.5,16.8)
(29.7, 38.7) 33.4 Bangalore 14.2 (20.1,16.3)
(51.3, 42.3) 46.7 Kolkata 15.4 (13.7,16.3)
(50.0, 54.3) 56.1 Ahmedabad urban 18.6 (14.5,13.9)
(31.6, 40.0) 55.8 Aurangabad 16.3 (12.7,10.2)
(16.1, 16.5) 41.0 Osmanabad & Beed 12.7 (6.1, 6.7)
(26.4, 32.5) 39.1 Pune 15.2 (14.6,12.7)
(37.7, 41.8) 38.7 Mumbai 15.6 (18.2,18.4)
(18.5, 17.3) 34.3 Barshi rural 14.9 (8.6,10.0)
(45.8, 55.3) 54.9 Bhopal 17.7 (19.6,16.0)
(41.1, 41.5) 46.2 Nagpur 17.3 (15.8,16.1)
(29.9, 27.0) 42.4 Wardha district 18.6 (12.7, 14.6)
East Khasi Hills
(92.2,161.3) 70.4 46.5 (58.1, 35.8)
(61.9, 119.7) 66.9 Meghalaya 43.1 (44.6, 24.0)
(53.6, 71.3) 54.0 Cachar district 23.4 (26.9, 20.4)
(34.9, 43.2) 52.1 Tripura state 21.1 (13.0, 11.0)
(37.6, 48.9) 51.8 Dibrugarh district 21.8 (18.2, 14.4)
(98.2, 110.2) 51.6 Kamrup urban 23.5 (43.2, 35.4)
(97.3, 127.1) 47.2 Aizawl district 24.4 (56.9, 42.6)
(63.2, 89.3) 43.3 Mizoram state 22.1 (42.3, 28.1)
(29.3, 51.1) 39.3 Nagaland 11.5 (12.5, 6.5)
(31.7, 36.8) 37.3 Imphal West district 19.1 (22.2, 20.6)
(17.3, 24.7) 36.8 Manipur state 19.5 (15.8, 11.3)
(22.9, 29.5) 32.8 Sikkim state 18.2 (19.2, 13.7)
(28.9, 67.7) 30.5 Papumpare district 14.4 (43.6, 15.1)
(26.3, 36.1) 29.0 Pasighat 10.9 (14.5, 9.6)
(13.9, 26.6) 24.5 West Arunachal 11.1 (13.7, 6.3)
Males (%) Females (%)

FIG 2. Sites of cancer associated with the use of tobacco (%), 2012-2016. Crude rate in red and age-adjusted
rates in blue are given in parentheses. Sites of cancer associated with the use of tobacco, anatomic sites
(International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision codes), lip (C00);
tongue (C01-C02); mouth (C03-C06); pharynx (C10 and C12-C14); esophagus (C15); larynx (C32); lung (C33-
C34); urinary bladder (C67).33 Thi’puram district, Thiruvananthapuram district.

respectively. The higher proportion of cancers associated most common sites across the PBCRs. Thyroid cancer was
with use of tobacco was in the NE states, followed by the second most common cancer in the PBCRs of Thir-
registries in the West and Central regions (Fig 2). uvananthapuram and Kollam, whereas lung cancer was
Among males, lung, mouth, esophagus, and stomach were seen in Manipur and Mizoram state. In the NE region, the
the most common cancer sites. Among females, breast third most common cancers were stomach and gallbladder
cancer, followed by cervix uteri and ovary cancer, were the (Data Supplement). The decadal changes in leading sites of

JCO Global Oncology 1067

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Mathur et al

Breast (Female) Cervix Uteri


Proportion (%)

Proportion (%)
60 60

40 29.0
40 32.8

20 10.3 20
3.7 5.1 2.2
0 0
Localized Loco Distant Unknown Localized Loco Distant Unknown
only regional metastasis extent only regional metastasis extent

Head & Neck (both sexes) Stomach (both sexes)

Proportion (%)

Proportion (%)
60 60 50.8

40 40
25.2 24.7
20 20
4.8 3.4 5.8
0 0
Localized Loco Distant Unknown Localized Loco Distant Unknown
only regional metastasis extent only regional metastasis extent

Lung (male) Lung (female)

Proportion (%)

Proportion (%)
60 60
44.0 47.6
40 40 29.8

13.9 17.0
20 20
5.1 5.6
0 0
Localized Loco Distant Unknown Localized Loco Distant Unknown
only regional metastasis extent only regional metastasis extent

FIG 3. Relative proportion (%) of patients according to clinical extent of disease, 2012-2016 (proportion [%] may not
total 100% because of rounding).

cancer from 6 older PBCRs (Barshi rural, Bangalore, decrease in the incidence rate of cervical cancer in 10
Bhopal, Chennai, Delhi, and Mumbai) were observed for PBCRs, except in Dibrugarh district and Pune. Lung cancer
the first 10 and last 10 years of data (Data Supplement). showed a significant increase in 11 PBCRs among females
(Fig 4).
The relative proportion of patients according to clinical
extent of disease at the time of diagnosis as seen in the Among 28 PBCRs, MV%, ranged between 77% (Patiala)
pooled data of 58 HBCRs for common sites of cancer and 96.7% (Hyderabad); DCO% ranged between , 0.05%
showed that the majority of patients with cancer were di- (Osmanabad and Beed) and 19.4% (Patiala); O&U%
agnosed as locally advanced/locoregional for breast ranged between 1.8% (Hyderabad) and 13.0% (Patiala).
(57.0%), cervix uteri (60.0%), head and neck (66.6%), and M:I% was high in Barshi rural (67.2%) followed by Wardha
stomach (50.8%) cancer. The majority of patients with lung (59.2%) and Mumbai (56.0%; Data Supplement).
cancer were diagnosed with distant metastasis in males The projected incidence of patients with cancer in India
(44.0%) and females (47.6%; Fig 3). The relative pro- among males was 679,421 (94.1 per 100,000) and among
portion of types of cancer-directed treatment received (only females 712,758 (103.6 per 100,000) for the year 2020.
at the reporting hospital) according to clinical extent of One in 68 males (lung cancer), 1 in 29 females (breast
disease before treatment showed that multimodality was cancer), and 1 in 9 Indians will develop cancer during their
the first choice of treatment (locoregional, 79.5%; localized, lifetime (0-74 years of age; Table 2). The projected 5 most
74.4%; distant metastasis, 47.6%; Data Supplement). common cancers in 2020 for males (lung, mouth, prostate,
tongue, and stomach) constitute 36% of all cancers and for
The estimated APC in cancer AAR for selected anatomic females (breast, cervix uteri, ovary, corpus uteri, and lung)
sites of cancer over the time period showed an increase in constitute 53% of all cancers (Data Supplement).
the incidence rate of all sites of cancer (12 PBCRs in males
and 13 PBCRs in females). There was a significant increase DISCUSSION
in the incidence rate of breast cancer across all PBCRs over India exhibits heterogeneity in cancer. The incidence rates
the years, except in Nagpur PBCR. There was a significant of Aizawl district were observed to be 7 times and 4 times

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Cancer Pattern and Burden in India Under NCRP

All Sites (males) Breast (females) Head & Neck (males) Lung (males) Stomach (males)
Kamrup urban 3.8* Aurangabad 6.8* Aurangabad 4.4* Kamrup urban 4.2* Kamrup urban 6.5*
Thi'puram taluk 3.2* Sikkim state 5.8* Nagpur 1.7 Kollam district 3.4* Sikkim state 2.4*
Aurangabad 2.3* Kamrup urban 5.0* Pune 1.7 Aurangabad 2.8 Thi'puram taluk 0.6
Pune 1.6* Mizoram state 4.6* Kamrup urban 1.4 Pune 2.2 Nagpur 0.2
Chennai 0.9* Dibrugarh district 4.1* Delhi 1.3* Chennai 1.5* Delhi 0.1
Delhi 0.9* Pune 3.8* Mizoram state 0.9 Bangalore
Mizoram state 1.4 –0.5*
Nagpur 0.9 Thi'puram taluk 3.3* Chennai 0.6*
Delhi 1.3* Pune –0.7
Bangalore 0.8* Bangalore 3.1* Bhopal 0.6*
Bangalore 1.3* Chennai –0.9*
Mizoram state 0.7 Imphal West district 3.0* Bangalore 0.0
Thi'puram taluk 1.2 Dibrugarh district –1.3
Kollam district 0.7 Kollam district 2.7* Kollam district –0.2
Barshi rural 0.3 Chennai 2.6* Thi'puram taluk –0.3 Nagpur 0.2 Mumbai –1.7*
Bhopal 0.1 Bhopal 2.1* Sikkim state –0.4 Bhopal –0.4 Kollam district –1.9
Imphal West district –0.1 Delhi 1.5* Dibrugarh district –0.6 Mumbai –1.0* Mizoram state –3.1*
Mumbai –0.5* Mumbai 1.4* Imphal West district –0.6 Sikkim state –1.5 Bhopal –4.3*
Sikkim state –0.8* Barshi rural 0.5* Barshi rural –1.4* Dibrugarh district –1.6 Aurangabad –8.4*
Dibrugarh district –1.3* Nagpur 0.4 Mumbai –1.5* Imphal West district –1.7 Imphal West district –11.8*
–3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 –3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 –3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 –16.0 –8.0 0.0 8.0

Annual Percentage Annual Percentage Annual Percentage Annual Percentage Annual Percentage
Change (%) Change (%) Change (%) Change (%) Change (%)

All Sites (females) Cervix Uteri Head & Neck (females) Lung (females) Stomach (females)
Kamrup urban 3.8* Mizoram state 2.1 Nagpur 3.7* Thi'puram taluk 7.1*
Thi'puram taluk 3.5* Aurangabad 2.1 Aurangabad 1.2 Nagpur 6.8* Kamrup urban 11.7*
Aurangabad 3.1* Sikkim state 0.3 Bhopal 0.9 Kamrup urban 5.8* Pune 1.1
Pune 2.1* Kamrup urban 0.0 Mizoram state 0.6 Bangalore 4.5* Kollam district 0.3
Mizoram state 1.5* Dibrugarh district –1.5 Dibrugarh district 0.5 Aurangabad 4.5*
Kollam district 1.4* Bangalore –1.9* Bangalore –0.1
Kamrup urban 0.4 Chennai 4.4*
Bangalore 0.8* Bhopal –2.1* Dibrugarh district –0.7
Delhi 0.3 Pune 4.2*
Bhopal 0.7* Pune –2.3 Chennai –0.7*
Pune –0.4 Dibrugarh district 3.9*
Barshi rural 0.5* Mumbai –2.4*
Barshi rural Imphal West district –0.5 Delhi 3.0* Delhi –1.2*
Nagpur 0.4 –2.4*
Chennai 0.3* Delhi –2.8* Chennai –1.0 Kollam district 2.4 Mumbai –1.6*
Imphal West district 0.2 Kollam district –3.1* Mumbai –1.3* Bhopal 2.1* Sikkim state –1.7
Mumbai 0.1 Nagpur –3.1* Bangalore –1.4* Mumbai 1.8*
Nagpur –2.3
Dibrugarh district 0.0 Chennai –3.5* Thi'puram taluk –1.5 Mizoram state 0.5
Delhi 0.0 Thi'puram taluk –4.3* Kollam district –2.6* Imphal West district –1.2 Mizoram state – 2.8*
Sikkim state –0.6 Imphal West district –5.7* Sikkim state –3.1 Sikkim state – 3.0 Imphal West district – 3.5
–3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 –6.0 –3.0 0.0 3.0 –3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 –3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 –8.0 0.0 8.0 16.0

Annual Percentage Annual Percentage Annual Percentage Annual Percentage Annual Percentage
Change (%) Change (%) Change (%) Change (%) Change (%)

FIG 4. Annual percentage change (APC) in age-adjusted incidence rates (AAR) over the time period. Calendar years of incidence data for each population-
based cancer registry (PBCR) used in trend analysis: Chennai (1982-2016); Mumbai (1982-2015); Bangalore (1982-2014); Barshi rural (1988-2016);
Bhopal (1988-2015); Delhi (1988-2014); Kamrup urban (2003-2016); Mizoram state (2004-2016); Dibrugarh district, Sikkim state, Imphal West district;
Aurangabad; Thiruvananthapuram (Thi’puram) taluk; Nagpur (2005-2016); Kollam district; Pune (2006-2016); PBCRs with small numbers (, 10 patients)
per year not analyzed. Increase in APC in red, decrease in APC in green. (*) APC significantly different from zero; P , .05. Thi’puram PBCR expanded its
coverage to district from the year 2012 onwards. Hence, Thi’puram taluk data was used for trend analysis. Thi’puram taluk, Thiruvananthapuram taluk.

that of Osmanabad and Beed district PBCRs in males and cancer incidence pattern with the Southeast Asian region.23
females, respectively. The highest cancer incidence rate Overall, these findings on patterns of cancer were similar to
was observed in the NE region (6 PBCRs for males and 4 previously published reports under NCRP.8
PBCRs for females) than other areas in the country. The Cancer of the breast (19 PBCRs) and cervix uteri (7 PBCRs)
leading sites of cancer in the NE region were nasopharynx, were the most common cancers in women. The highest
hypopharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, lar- burden of breast cancer was observed in metropolitan
ynx, lung, breast, and cervix uteri. The NE region lacks cities. There is an increase in the trend of incidence of
required infrastructure with respect to specialized treat- breast cancer, whereas cervix uteri cancer is on the de-
ment facilities, human resources, as seen by the low 5-year cline. A steady increase in breast cancer in most of the
survival of breast, cervix, and head and neck cancer PBCRs including newer PBCRs, poses a great health
compared with rest of India. A substantial proportion of challenge to women in India.24 Presently, breast cancer
patients with cancer from the NE region are traveling and cervix uteri are the leading sites of cancer among
outside the NE for treatment and cancer care.20,21 Local women in India, posing an important public health problem
cultural factors and lifestyle choices may have contributed that needs important input from various health and other
to the heterogeneity in cancer incidence pattern and dif- agencies to tackle.25 A multidisciplinary approach to breast
ferences in India, as was seen in Thailand.7 cancer, including awareness programs, preventive mea-
Lung (9 PBCRs), mouth (9 PBCRs), esophagus (5 PBCRs), sures, screening programs for early detection, and avail-
stomach (4 PBCRs), and nasopharynx (1 PBCR) cancers ability of treatment facilities, are vital for reducing both
were the most common cancers in men. Lung cancer was incidence and mortality of cancer in Indian women.26
the leading site in metropolitan cities and the southern The incidence rate of thyroid cancer among women is
region, whereas mouth cancer was the leading site in the increasing, and it is most common in the districts of
West and Central regions. Lung cancer and oral/mouth Thiruvananthapuram and Kollam in Kerala. The high
cancer were the most common cancers among males in the burden of thyroid cancer in Kerala could be due to
Indian subcontinent.22 Cancers of the esophagus, stom- overdiagnosis,27 as was observed even in high-income and
ach, and nasopharynx were the leading sites in the NE low- and middle-income countries.28 AAR in Barshi rural is
region of India. Here, the cancer incidence pattern is dif- almost one third of urban PBCRs (males, 50.6 v 147.0;
ferent from the rest of India. There are similarities in the females, 61.0 v 146.8), and the increase in APC was

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Mathur et al

TABLE 2. Projected Incidence of Cancer Statistics in India, 2020

Male Female Both Sexes

Site Patients CR Cum Risk Patients CR Cum Risk Patients CR Cum Risk
All sites 679,421 94.1 1 in 9 712,758 103.6 1 in 9 1,392,179 98.7 1 in 9
Oral cavity and pharynx 139,018 19.2 1 in 41 49,951 7.3 1 in 112 188,969 13.4 1 in 60
Tongue 39,902 5.5 1 in 147 13,870 2.0 1 in 401 53,772 3.8 1 in 215
Mouth 57,380 7.9 1 in 103 22,483 3.3 1 in 241 79,863 5.7 1 in 144
Pharynx 3,029 0.4 1 in 1,793 1,102 0.2 1 in 5,475 4,131 0.3 1 in 2,701
Other oral cavity 38,707 5.4 1 in 137 12,496 1.8 1 in 476 51,203 3.6 1 in 213
Digestive system 163,845 22.7 1 in 32 110,137 16.0 1 in 50 273,982 19.4 1 in 39
Esophagus 32,622 4.5 1 in 159 20,206 2.9 1 in 264 52,828 3.7 1 in 198
Stomach 32,713 4.5 1 in 160 17,430 2.5 1 in 319 50,143 3.6 1 in 213
Small intestine 2,155 0.3 1 in 2,492 1,451 0.2 1 in 3,901 3,606 0.3 1 in 3,044
Colon 20,572 2.8 1 in 260 15,685 2.3 1 in 348 36,257 2.6 1 in 298
Rectum 21,915 3.0 1 in 244 14,985 2.2 1 in 372 36,900 2.6 1 in 295
Anus, anal canal 2,897 0.4 1 in 1,865 2,028 0.3 1 in 2,682 4,925 0.3 1 in 2,200
Liver and intrahepatic bile 26,678 3.7 1 in 189 10,732 1.6 1 in 514 37,410 2.7 1 in 277
Gallbladder and other 12,385 1.7 1 in 422 19,510 2.8 1 in 284 31,895 2.3 1 in 340
Pancreas 11,908 1.6 1 in 429 8,110 1.2 1 in 657 20,018 1.4 1 in 519
Respiratory system 103,552 14.3 1 in 48 32,480 4.7 1 in 165 136,032 9.6 1 in 74
Larynx 27,146 3.8 1 in 184 3,316 0.5 1 in 1,633 30,462 2.2 1 in 331
Lung and bronchus 71,788 9.9 1 in 68 26,490 3.9 1 in 201 98,278 7.0 1 in 101
Other respiratory organs 4,618 0.6 1 in 1,273 2,674 0.4 1 in 2,156 7,292 0.5 1 in 1,600
Bones and joints 8,115 1.1 1 in 1,013 5,840 0.8 1 in 1,370 13,955 1.0 1 in 1,162
Soft tissue 8,047 1.1 1 in 842 6,590 1.0 1 in 1,052 14,637 1.0 1 in 936
Skin (excluding basal and 11,203 1.6 1 in 510 8,962 1.3 1 in 640 20,165 1.4 1 in 568
Melanoma of the skin 3,003 0.4 1 in 1,904 2,364 0.3 1 in 2,281 5,367 0.4 1 in 2,075
Other nonepithelial skin 8,200 1.1 1 in 695 6,598 1.0 1 in 890 14,798 1.0 1 in 781
Breast 5,377 0.7 1 in 1,022 205,424 29.9 1 in 29 210,801 15.0 1 in 56
Genital system 51,994 7.2 1 in 105 155,630 22.6 1 in 36 207,624 14.7 1 in 54
Uterine cervix — — — 75,209 10.9 1 in 75 75,209 10.9 1 in 75
Uterine corpus — — — 26,514 3.9 1 in 190 26,514 3.9 1 in 190
Ovary — — — 43,886 6.4 1 in 133 43,886 6.4 1 in 133
Vulva — — — 2,138 0.3 1 in 2,459 2,138 0.3 1 in 2,459
Vagina and other genital, — — — 7,570 1.1 1 in 745 7,570 1.1 1 in 745
Placenta — — — 313 0.0 1 in 30,912 313 0.0 1 in 30,912
Prostate 41,532 5.7 1 in 125 — — — 41,532 5.7 1 in 125
Testis 4,352 0.6 1 in 2,095 — — — 4,352 0.6 1 in 2,095
Penis and other genital, 6,110 0.8 1 in 916 — — — 6,110 0.8 1 in 916
Urinary system 33,269 4.6 1 in 158 11,265 1.6 1 in 502 44,534 3.2 1 in 240
Urinary bladder 20,470 2.8 1 in 250 5,403 0.8 1 in 1,014 25,873 1.8 1 in 402
Kidney and renal pelvis 12,363 1.7 1 in 442 5,657 0.8 1 in 1,038 18,020 1.3 1 in 620
(Continued on following page)

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Cancer Pattern and Burden in India Under NCRP

TABLE 2. Projected Incidence of Cancer Statistics in India, 2020 (Continued)

Male Female Both Sexes

Site Patients CR Cum Risk Patients CR Cum Risk Patients CR Cum Risk
Ureter and other urinary 436 0.1 1 in 10,843 205 0.0 1 in 21,892 641 0.0 1 in 14,531
Eye and orbit 1,304 0.2 1 in 6,870 953 0.1 1 in 9,063 2,257 0.2 1 in 7,792
Brain and other nervous 19,979 2.8 1 in 341 12,750 1.9 1 in 546 32,729 2.3 1 in 419
Endocrine system 9,263 1.3 1 in 709 26,665 3.9 1 in 279 35,928 2.5 1 in 402
Thyroid 8,570 1.2 1 in 759 26,095 3.8 1 in 285 34,665 2.5 1 in 416
Adrenal gland 693 0.1 1 in 10,797 570 0.1 1 in 14,053 1,263 0.1 1 in 12,209
Lymphoma 32,695 4.5 1 in 197 20,247 2.9 1 in 296 52,942 3.8 1 in 236
Hodgkin lymphoma 7,294 1.0 1 in 1,150 3,936 0.6 1 in 1,871 11,230 0.8 1 in 1,418
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 25,344 3.5 1 in 238 16,263 2.4 1 in 352 41,607 3.0 1 in 284
Malig Imn Prol D 57 0.0 1 in 101,774 48 0.0 1 in 164,355 105 0.0 1 in 126,050
Multiple myeloma 10,725 1.5 1 in 465 7,756 1.1 1 in 646 18,481 1.3 1 in 541
Leukemia 32,481 4.5 1 in 239 21,132 3.1 1 in 353 53,613 3.8 1 in 284
Lymphoid leukemia 14,159 2.0 1 in 608 7,419 1.1 1 in 1,138 21,578 1.5 1 in 789
Myeloid leukemia 14,913 2.1 1 in 474 11,275 1.6 1 in 617 26,188 1.9 1 in 536
Leukemia uns 3,409 0.5 1 in 2,287 2,438 0.4 1 in 2,980 5,847 0.4 1 in 2,583
Other and unspecified 48,554 6.7 1 in 114 36,976 5.4 1 in 153 85,530 6.1 1 in 131
primary sites

Abbreviations: CR, crude rate; cum risk, cumulative risk of developing cancer at 0-74 years of age; Malig Imn Prol D, malignant
immunoproliferative diseases; Uns, unspecified.

less compared with urban PBCRs. This needs additional proportion (88.1%) were seen in Uttarakhand.33 Multi-
investigation. modality was the most common treatment given for breast
and head and neck cancers. A multi-institutional study
There are cancers of several anatomic sites known to be
estimated that 65% of new head and neck cancers with
associated with the use of tobacco.29 Based on PBCR data,
locally advanced disease did not receive the benefit of
almost one third of the cancers were known to be asso-
optimal treatment, resulting in poor survival.34
ciated with the use of tobacco in India. India state-level
disease burden initiative cancer collaborators estimated Less than one fifth of lung and stomach cancers were
that tobacco use was the highest contributing risk factor for diagnosed as localized only. Systemic therapy was the most
cancer in India. In India, lung cancer can be attributed to common type of treatment given for lung and stomach
tobacco use and air pollution, which are the leading risk cancer. A previous report on HBCR results showed similar
factors.30 Approximately 70% of cancers in India were findings.8a A hospital-based study from northern India
potentially preventable through modifiable risk factors.31 showed that 90% of patients with lung cancer were di-
agnosed at an advanced stage of the disease, and there
Because it is difficult to obtain information on the clinical
was a delay in diagnostic evaluation and treatment.35
extent of disease and treatment from PBCRs, the hospital
Creating cancer awareness, preventing risk factors, and
database was used for such analysis.10 The majority of
improving access to care among people would result in
breast and cervix uteri cancers were diagnosed at a locally
downstaging of cancer.
advanced stage. Chemoradiation was the most common
type of treatment of cancer cervix uteri. A multi-institutional The measure of validity, MV%, was above 77% for all the
study from India on cervix cancer showed significantly PBCRs. Varying patterns of DCO% and M:I% were ob-
better survival with chemoradiation than radiation alone in served among PBCRs which were dependent on the quality
the locally advanced stage.18 A study from Chennai showed of death registration and certification.13 Efforts to improve
that concurrent chemoradiation for locally advanced cer- the quality are always underway. In some registries, low
vical cancer resulted in the best disease-free survival.32 Two DCO% (, 1%) is due to nonavailability of all-cause mor-
thirds of the patients with cancer were diagnosed at the tality data and incomplete/incorrect certification of cause of
locoregional stage for head and neck cancers from HBCRs. death. Some registries had an efficient trace back proce-
Similar to that, a low proportion of patients with head and dure by house visit/phone. Data from PBCRs were regu-
neck cancer presented in the early stage, and a high larly published in successive volumes of Cancer Incidence

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Mathur et al

in Five Continents (CI-5) by WHO-IACR/IARC. The incidence with cancer, are likely to influence the projected number of
data from 15 PBCRs under NCRP (India) were published patients.
in Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, Volume XI, by WHO- PBCRs in this study covered 100 million average annual
IACR/IARC.36-38 person-years, accounting for coverage close to 10% of the
The projected incidence of patients with cancer is higher for population in India. Cancer registration in India faces
females (712,758) than males (679,421) for the year 2020. several challenges because it is not a notifiable disease,
The projected national cancer incidence burden in 2020 posing challenges to data collection.39-42 The mortality
will be 98.7 per 100,000 population (1,392,179 patients) registration system has several gaps, including incomplete
as a conservative estimate. It is assumed that the observed and inaccurate certification of cause of death.43,44 Regis-
rate of 2012-2016 will remain unchanged until 2020. The tering through passive notification by health care providers
time trend in rate was not used to avoid uncertainty in the to report cancer occurrence in India would improve the
projection for a populous country like India. NCRP has coverage with limited resources. Linking of cancer registry
estimated a slightly higher number of patients with cancer data with Ayushman Bharat,45 mortality databases, and the
compared with IACR/IARC and GLOBOCAN for all sites of Hospital Information System would improve cancer regis-
cancer in 2018. This may be because of a difference in tration, follow-up, and outcome data.
methodology and use of recent data (1,392,179 v This study provides a framework for assessing the status
1,157,294).22 This is the first such attempt in the country and trends of cancer in India. This shall guide appropriate
and will be further updated on availability of the next data support for action to strengthen efforts to improve cancer
set and census information. The influencing factors, such prevention and control to achieve the National NCD targets
as risk factors/behavior, case finding procedure, screening and the sustainable development goals.46,47 The data also
program, and improved techniques for detecting patients provide leads to key research questions.


National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research, Bengaluru, India INTEREST
The following represents disclosure information provided by authors of
CORRESPONDING AUTHOR this manuscript. All relationships are considered compensated unless
Prashant Mathur, PhD, National Centre for Disease Informatics and otherwise noted. Relationships are self-held unless noted. I = Immediate
Research, ICMR Complex (II Floor), Poojanahalli, Kannamangala Post, Family Member, Inst = My Institution. Relationships may not relate to the
Bengaluru, Karnataka 562 110 India; Twitter: @ncdirindia; e-mail: subject matter of this manuscript. For more information about ASCO’s
[email protected]. conflict of interest policy, please refer to www.asco.org/rwc or ascopubs.
Open Payments is a public database containing information reported by
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS companies about payments made to US-licensed physicians (Open
Conception and design: Prashant Mathur, Krishnan Sathishkumar, Payments).
Meesha Chaturvedi
Collection and assembly of data: Prashant Mathur, Krishnan No potential conflicts of interest were reported.
Sathishkumar, Meesha Chaturvedi, Priyanka Das, Kondalli
Lakshminarayana Sudarshan, Anish John, Francis Selvaraj Roselind
Data analysis and interpretation: All authors
Manuscript writing: All authors The authors acknowledge the contribution of the 28 population-based
Final approval of manuscript: All authors cancer registries and 58 hospital-based cancer registries under the
Accountable for all aspects of the work: All authors National Cancer Registry Program, which contributed data, and Research
Area Panel Expert Group on Cancer.

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Mathur et al

APPENDIX Suryanarayana Deo, MS, N. Manoharan); Patiala District PBCR -

Government Medical College and Rajindra Hospital, Punjab (Vijay
Kumar Bodal, MD, Mohanvir Kaur, MD); Hyderabad PBCR - Nizam’s
INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH–NATIONAL Institute of Medical Sciences, Telangana (G. Sadashivudu, MD,
CENTRE FOR DISEASE INFORMATICS AND U. Srihari); Kollam PBCR - District Cancer Registry Kollam, Regional
RESEARCH–NATIONAL CANCER REGISTRY PROGRAM Cancer Centre, Kerala (Rekha G Nair, MD, P. Jayalekshmi, PhD);
Thiruvananthapuram PBCR - Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvanan-
INVESTIGATOR GROUP thapuram, Kerala (Aleyamma Mathew, PhD, Preethi Sara George,
Swetha Acharya, Dillip Kumar Agarwalla, Zarika Ahmed, Gazi Naseem PhD); Bengaluru PBCR – Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology,
Ahmed, Shiraj Ahmed, B.S. Ajaikumar, P. Anandhi, Anil Kumar Karnataka (Ramachandra, MS, C. Ramesh, PhD, C.R. Vijay,
Anand, Ramandeep Arora, R.A. Badwe, Manas Ranjan Baisakh, PhD); Chennai PBCR – Cancer Institute (WIA), Tamil Nadu
Balamuralikrishna, Debabrata Barmon, Sangita Bhandari, Samir (R. Swaminathan, PhD, R. Rama Ranganathan, PhD); Kolkata PBCR –
Bhattacharya, M. Bhattacharyya, Arup Bhowmik, T.W. Bhutia, T. Bindhu, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute and Saroj Gupta Cancer Centre
Vijay Kumar Bodal, Pradeep Chandrakar, Latha Chaturvedua, and Research Institute, West Bengal (Samir Bhattacharya, PhD,
Richa Chauhan, Saia Chenkual, S. Chhabra, Lily Chhakchhuak, Vivek Syamsundar Mandal, PhD, Durgaprasad Nanda, MS); Ahmedabad
Choudhary, Ashok Kumar Das, Rituparna Das, Dhritiman Datta, urban PBCR – Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Gujarat (Shashak
Biswajit Debbamma, Shiromani Debbarma, S.V. Suryanarayana Deo, Pandya, MS, Anand Shah, MD); Mumbai, Aurangabad, Nagpur, Pune
Vinay Deshmane, Madhubala Devi, Punyabati Devi, Laishram Purnima PBCRs – Indian Cancer Society, Maharashtra (Vinay Deshmane, MD,
Devi, Rajesh Dikshit, H. Dkhar, Biswajit Dubashi, Debanarayan Dutta, S.S. Koyande); Barshi Expanded (Osmanabad and Beed Districts)
Vijay Gadagi, Vinay Gadigi, B. Ganesh, M.S. Ganesh, K.V. Gang- PBCR – Nargis Dutt Memorial Cancer Hospital, Maharashtra (NS
adharan, Nitin Gangane, Uma Garg, Preethi Sara George, Sushmita Panse); Barshi Rural PBCR – Tata Memorial Hospital, Maharashtra
Ghosal, Radha Ghosh, Debasis Gochhait, Ajay Gogia, H.K. Goswami, (R.A. Badwe, MS, Rajesh Dikshit, PhD); Wardha PBCR – Mahatma
Ashutosh Gupta, Manish Gupta, Kaveri Hallikeri, Rajesh Harsvardhan, Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Maharashtra (Nitin Gangane,
B.H. Srinivas, Vandana Jain, Swarima Jaitley, K.L. Jayakumar, MD, Swapna Maliye, S. Chhabra, MD); Bhopal PBCR – Gandhi
P. Jayalekshmi, Kaling Jerang, G. Jongkey, J. Seios, K. Vijayakumar, Medical College, Madhya Pradesh (Reeni Malik, MD, Atul Shrivastava);
D. Kadambari, Geeta Kadayaprath, Ravi Kannan, R. Kapoor, Tejinder Manipur PBCR – Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Manipur
Kataria, Mohanvir Kaur, Swarn Kaur, K. Gunaseelan, Shehna A. (Madhubala Devi, MD, Punyabati Devi, MD, Laishram Rajesh, MD,
Khader, V. Khamo, Nazir Ahmad Khan, Sushma Khuraijam, Marla K. Sushma Khuraijam); Mizoram PBCR – Civil Hospital, Mizoram (Eric
Prashanth, Anjali Kolhe, S.S. Koyande, Adishi Kri, Dinesh Kumar, Zomawia, MD, John Zohmingthanga, MD, Lalchhanhimi, MD, Saia
G. Dilip Kumar, Narender Kumar, S. Shiva Kumar, Sunil Kumar, Chenkual, MD, B. Zothankima, MD, Lily Chhakchhuak, MBBS, Jerry
Rajesh Singh Laishram, Lalchhanhimi, K. Lalfakzuala, Lalhlupuii, Lalrinsanga, MBBS); Sikkim PBCR – Sir Thutob Namgyal Memorial
Doris Lallawmzuali, Jerry Lalrinsanga, Cindy Lalthanpuii, Imliwati Referral Hospital, Sikkim (T.W. Bhutia, MD, Priya Darshini Pradhan,
Longkumer, M.B. Jayaraman, Gautam Majumdar, Reeni Malik, Swapna MD, Sangita Bhandari); Naharlagun (West Arunachal) PBCR – Timo
Maliye, Indranil Mallick, Syamsundar Mandal, N. Manoharan, Lone Riba State Hospital, Arunachal Pradesh (Sopai Tawsik, MD, Shyam
Mohammad Maqbool, Aleyamma Mathew, Sanjay Mishra, Janmejay Tsering, MD, K.R. Adishi, MD, Gamba Padu, MD); Meghalaya PBCR –
Mohapatra, C.T. Muthukumaran, Rekha G. Nair, Prem Nair, Sunithra Civil Hospital, Meghalaya (W.B. Langstieh, H. Dkha, MD, B. Sohliya,
Nair, Durgaprasad Nanda, D.K. Nath, Partha Nath, N. Venkatesh, MD, L Purnima Devi, MD); Nagaland PBCR – Naga Hospital Authority,
Gamba Padu, Rakesh Pandey, Shashank Pandya, Sangeeta Pankaj, Nagaland (V. Khamo, MD, Kedozeto Punyu, MD); Pasighat PBCR –
N.S. Panse, Sujith Chayu Patanaik, P.C. Pathy, Jeremy L. Pautu, K. Bakin Pertin General Hospital, Arunachal Pradesh (Kaling Jerang,
Pavithran, Prasanth Penumade, Priya Darshini Pradhan, Aruna E. PGDCP, G. Jongkey, MD); Tripura PBCR – Cancer Hospital, Regional
Prasad, Punitalal, Kedozeto Punyu, K. Kalpana Raghunath, Mujeeb Cancer Centre, Tripura (Gautam Majumdar, MD, Arup Bhowmik, MD,
Rahman, Vinod Raina, Ravi Shankar Rajendra, Ramachandra, C. Rituparna Das, MD, Shiromani Debbarma); Cachar PBCR – Silchar
Ramesh, B.S. Ramesh, Rakesh S. Ramesh, R. Rama Ranganathan, Medical College, Assam (Shah Alam Sheikh, MD, R.P. Banik, MD);
Rita Rani, K. Ratheesan, Sudhir Rawal, Prarthana Roselil, G. Sada- Dibrugarh PBCR – Assam Medical College and Hospital, Assam
shivudu, B.J. Saikia, Projnan Saikia, S.K. Samantara, A. Santa, (Projnan Saikia, MD, Zarika Ahmed, MD); Guwahati (Kamrup urban)
Anupam Sarma, N. Hariharanadha Sarma, Sunil Kumar Saxena, Pooja PBCR – Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah Cancer Institute (Regional Institute
Sethi, Anand Shah, B.K. Sharma, Jagannath Dev Sharma, Sudarshan for Treatment and Research), Assam (Jagannath D. Sharma, MD,
Sharma, Shah Alam Sheikh, Kamalaksh Shenoy, Dinesh Shet, Atul Anupam Sarma, MD, Debabrata Barmon, MD, Shiraj Ahmed, MD).
Shrivastava, B.R. Shrivastava, Sushma Shrivastava, Alben Sigamani,
Neetu Singhal, Indibor Singh, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Usha Singh, Hospital-Based Cancer Registries A.J. Hospital & Research
Badarisha R. Sohliya, G.S. Sreenath, U. Srihari, V.G. Sudhakaran, Centre, Mangalore (Marla K. Prashanth, MS, Kamalaksh Shenoy, MD);
Saina Sunilkumar, Partha Sarathi Sutradhar, R. Swaminathan, A Acharya Harihar Regional Cancer Centre, Cuttack (Dillip Kumar
Talukdar, Ritesh Tapkire, Sopai Tawsik, B. Paul Thaliath, K.T. Har- Agarwalla, MD, Janmejay Mohapatra, MD, P.C. Pathy, MD, S K
ichandrakumar, Pampa Ch. Toi, Shyam Tsering, B.B. Tyagi, Ajith Samantara, MD); Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research,
Kumar, V.R. Ashok Kumar Vaid, K. Velavan, C.R. Vijay, W.B. Langstieh, Kochi (Debanarayan Dutta, MD, K. Vijayakumar, MS, Prem Nair, MD,
Chaitali Wagmere, Meenu Walia, John Zohmingthanga, Eric Zomawia, K. Pavithran, MD); Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneswar (Manas Ranjan
and B. Zothankima. Baisakh, MD); Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad (Neetu
Singhal, DNB); Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh (H. K. Goswami,
MD); BPS Government Medical College for Women, Sonipat (Uma
Names Listed Alphabetically Garg, MD, Swarn Kaur, MD); Cachar Cancer Hospital, Silchar (Ravi
Affiliations. National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research, Kannan, MS, Ritesh Tapkire, MS), Cancer Hospital & Research In-
Indian Council of Medical Research, Bengaluru, India: Prashant stitute, Gwalior (B.R. Shrivastava, MS); Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai
Mathur, DNB, PhD; Krishnan Sathishkumar, MSc; Meesha Cha- (R. Rama Ranganathan, PhD, R. Swaminathan, PhD); Chittaranjan
turvedi, MBBS; Priyanka Das, B-Level; Kondalli Lakshminarayana National Cancer Institute, Kolkata (Partha Nath, MD, Syamsundar
Sudarshan, MSc; Stephen Santhappan, MSc, MPhil; Vinodh Nallas- Mandal, PhD); B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati (M Bhatta-
amy, MSc, MPhil; Anish John, BE; Sandeep Narasimhan, MSc; and charyya, MD, Ashok Kumar Das, MS, B J. Saikia, MD, A Talukdar, MS,
Francis Selvaraj Roselind, MSc. Jagannath Dev Sharma, MD); B.R. Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer
Hospital, New Delhi (Ajay Gogia, MS, Sunil Kumar, MS, S.V. Sur-
Population-based cancer registries. Delhi population-based yanarayana Deo, MS, N. Manoharan, G.K. Rath, MD); Erode Cancer
cancer registry (PBCR) – B.R. Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer Centre, Thindal, Erode (K. Velavan, MD); Father Muller Medical
Hospital, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (S.V. College Hospital, Mangalore (Dinesh Shet, MD); Fortis Memorial

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Cancer Pattern and Burden in India Under NCRP

Research Institute, Gurugaon (Vinod Raina, MD, B. B. Tyagi, MS); Pravara Rural Hospital & Rural Medical College, Loni (Vandana Jain,
Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal (Atul Shrivastava, Sushma Shriv- MD, Chaitali Wagmere, MD); Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Re-
astava); General Hospital, Ernakulam (Balamuralikrishna, DMRT, search Centre, New Delhi (Swarima Jaitley, Sudhir Rawal, MS); Re-
J. Seios, MD, Sunithra Nair, MBBS); Government Medical College, gional Cancer Centre, Raipur (Pradeep Chandrakar, MD, Vivek
Thrissur (K.L. Jayakumar, MD, Shehna A. Khader, DNB, M.B. Choudhary), MD; Regional Cancer Centre, Agartala (Dhritiman Datta,
Jayaraman, MD, V.R. Ajith Kumar, DMRT); Govt Arignar Anna Me- MD, Biswajit Debbamma, MD, Partha Sarathi Sutradhar, MD, Gautam
morial Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Kanchipuram (P. Majumdar, MD); Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram
Anandhi, MD, C.T. Muthukumaran, MBBS); HCG Bangalore Institute (Preethi Sara George, PhD, Aleyamma Mathew, PhD); Regional
of Oncology, Bengaluru (BS Ajaikumar, MD, B.S. Ramesh, MD); HCG Cancer Centre Kamala Nehru Memorial Hospital, Allahabad (Radha
NMR Cancer Centre, Hubli (Sanjay Mishra, MD); Indira Gandhi In- Ghosh, DNB, B. Paul Thaliath, MD); Regional Cancer Centre, Indira
stitute of Medical Sciences, Patna (Sangeeta Pankaj, MD, Rajesh Gandhi Medial College, Shimla (Manish Gupta, MD, Sudarshan
Kumar Singh, MD); Indo-American Cancer Institute & Research Sharma, MD); Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal (Indibor
Centre, Hyderabad (G. Dilip Kumar, DNB, Sujith Chayu Patanaik, MS, Singh, MD, Madhubala Devi, MD, Punyabati Devi, MD, Rajesh Singh
K. Kalpana Raghunath, MBBS, A. Santa, MD); International Cancer Laishram, MD); RST Regional Cancer Hospital, Cancer Relief Society,
Centre, Neyyoor (Prarthana Roselil, MD, V.G. Sudhakaran, MD); Nagpur (Anjali Kolhe, MD, B.K. Sharma, MD); Rural Development
Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bengaluru (Ramachandra, MS, Trust, Bathalapalle (N. Hariharanadha Sarma, MD); Sanjay Gandhi
C. Ramesh, PhD): Mahavir Cancer Sansthan and Research Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow (Rajesh
Patna (Richa Chauhan, MD, Ravi Shankar Rajendra, MD, Rita Rani, Harsvardhan, MD, MD, Rakesh Pandey, MD, Punitalal, MD); SDM
DNB, Usha Singh, MD); Malabar Cancer Centre, Kannur (T. Bindhu, College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad (Swetha Acharya,
K. Ratheesan, Saina Sunilkumar, MD); Mandya Institute of Medical MS, Kaveri Hallikeri, MS); Shakuntala Memorial Hospital & Research
Sciences, Mandya (S. Shiva Kumar, MS, N. Venkatesh, MD); Max Centre,, Hubli (Vijay Gadagi, MD, Vinay Gadigi, MD); Sher-I-Kashmir
Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi (Anil Kumar Anand, MD, Ram- Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar (Nazir Ahmad Khan, MD, Lone
andeep Arora, MD); Max Super Specialty Hospital, Patparganj (Geeta Mohammad Maqbool); St. Johns Medical Hospital, Bengaluru
Kadayaprath, MS, Meenu Walia, MD); Medanta Cancer Centre, (Rakesh S Ramesh, DNB); Tata Medical Centre, Kolkata (Indranil
Gurugaon (Tejinder Kataria, MD, Ashok Kumar Vaid, MD); MES Mallick, MD); Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai (B. Ganesh, PhD, R.A.
Medical College & Hospital, Perinthalmanna (K.V. Gangadharan, MD, Badwe, MS; The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad
Mujeeb Rahman, MS); Mizoram State Cancer Institute (Civil Hospital), (Shashank Pandya, MS, Anand Shah, MD); Vydehi Institute of Medical
Aizwal (K. Lalfakzuala, MD, Lalhlupuii, MD, Doris Lallawmzuali, MD, Sciences, Bengaluru (M.S. Ganesh, MS, Aruna E. Prasad, MD);
Cindy Lalthanpuii, MD, Jeremy L. Pautu, MD, B. Zothankima, MD); JIPMER, Regional Cancer Centre, Puducherry UT (Biswajit Dubashi,
Narayana Hrudayalaya Health City, Bengaluru (Alben Sigamani, MD); MD, D. Kadambari, MD, Debasis Gochhait, MD, G.S. Sreenath, MD, K.
North East Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Guwahati (Gazi Gunaseelan, K.T. Harichandrakumar, MD, Latha Chaturvedua, MD,
Naseem Ahmed, MD, Imliwati Longkumer, D.K. Nath, MD); Post- Pampa Ch. Toi, MD, Pooja Sethi, MD, Prasanth Penumade, MD, B.H.
graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh UT Srinivas, MD, Sunil Kumar Saxena, MD); Government Medical College,
(Sushmita Ghosal, MD, R. Kapoor, MD, Narender Kumar, MD); Jammu (Dinesh Kumar, MD, Ashutosh Gupta, MD).

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