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REG NO:20EADE30303

Unit- I: Inclusive Education and Its Historical Perspectives
1. Definition, concept and importance of inclusive education.
2. Historical perspectives on Education of children with diverse needs.
3. Difference between special education, integrated Education and inclusive
4. Educational approaches and measures for meeting the Diverse needs
5. Role of teachers, parents and other community members for supporting
Inclusion of children with diverse needs.

Definitions of Inclusive Education

➢ According to Michael F. Giangreco, “Inclusive education is a Set of values,
principles and practices that seeks more effective and meaningful
education for all students, regardless of Whether they have exceptionality
labels or not”.
➢ In the words of Stainback & Stainback, “Inclusive Education or setup may
be defined as a place where everyone Belongs, is accepted, supports and
supported by his/her peers and other members of the school community in
the course of Having his/her educational needs met”.

Nature of Inclusive Education

1. It works on the Principle of Inclusion i.e. including All. So, all the
students are included in this system of Education in their local schools.
2. Exceptional children may get unique opportunities to Get education with
peers in the same age group Available to those without exceptionality.
3. It aims to integrate and include education of the Disabled children with
the general system of Education so that education of the disabled and
Non-disabled may proceed side by side by fulfilling the Needs and
objectives of both the groups without any Differentiation.
4. It tries to bring desired educational opportunities at The doorstep of
exceptional children rather than Expecting from them, to none and try for
themselves to avail these opportunities.
5. Inclusion provides a foundation for exceptional in Way that are not
possible in special schools and Classes.

Principles of Inclusive Education
Principle of Teaching all Students Students learn in Different ways, so it is
important to develop the skills to Teach in different ways. For example, some
students learn Best when introduced to an information visually, while Others
learn best through hearing information, working in Groups or activity based
Principle of Choosing Appropriate Material
According to this principle, it is important to choose Books and materials that
reflect image of diverse people. Primary sources should be used for selecting
an Appropriate material, relevant to a topic.
Principle of Exploring Multiple Identities
Building Confidence and affirming identity for students, supports Their
Some ways to affirm and encourage students’ identities are
• Creating activities that help students to talk about and feel pride in
• Engaging students in projects.
• Maintaining a respectful environment among the Students, where they
learn to respect each other’s Opinion.

Principle of Teaching and Learning About Cultures

It is important that student learns about others’ cultures and religions in a
positive manner. Student should be Given an opportunity to learn about the
ever changing Cultures of the world

Principle of Adopting and Integrating Lessons Properly

It is important for an educator to be flexible in the Adaptation of all the lessons
in curriculum. If a lesson Is pre-designed, it is always a Good starting point. It
Should provide meaningful opportunities for students to Present their beliefs
and relate it to their personal Experiences.

Characteristics of Inclusive Education
1. It involves valuing all students equally.
2. It increases the participation of students and reduces Their exclusion
from the cultures, curricula and Communities of local
3. It acknowledges the right of students to get an Education in their
4. It emphasizes on the role of schools in community Development as
well as in increasing achievements.
5. It provides least restrictive and most effective Environment to disabled
children, so that they may Develop like normal children.
6. It is a viable approach to attain the goals of Universalization of
elementary education by providing Equality of education and
development opportunities
7. To the disabled who have been denied equality so far.
8. It is a flexible education system that assimilates the Needs of diverse
range of learners and adapts itself to Meet these needs.
Importance of Inclusive Education
1. Inclusion in education involves the process of Increasing the participation
of students in and reducing Their exclusion from the cultures, curricula
and Communities of local schools.
2. Inclusion involves restructuring the cultures, policies and practices in
schools, so that they respond to the Exclusionary Diversity of students in
their locality.
3. Inclusion is concerned with the learning and Participation of all students
vulnerable to exclusionary Pressures not only those with impairments or
those who Are categorized i.e. having special educational needs.
4. Inclusion is concerned with improving schools for staff as well as for
5. A concern with overcoming barriers to the access and Participation of
particular student may reveal gaps in the Attempt of a school to respond
to diversity more generally.
6. All students have a right to education in their locality, Diversity is not
viewed as a problem to be overcome, but as a rich resource to support the
learning for all.
7. Inclusion is concerned with fostering mutually Sustaining relationship
between schools and communities.
8. Inclusion in education is one aspect of inclusion in the Society.
Benefits of Inclusive Education
1. It develops a sense of belongingness and become better Prepared for life
in the community.
2. It encourages the involvement of parents in education of their children.
3. It fosters a culture of respect and provides opportunity to learn about and
accepts individual differences.
4. It Provides better opportunities for learning and Improving the quality of
education for all.
5. It can help to overcome discrimination and promotes Wider inclusion.
6. So, it helps in improving the quality of education for all, which will be
beneficial for each section of the society.
7. It will also overcome the problem of discrimination as Inclusive
education provides equal opportunities to Both disabled and non-disabled

Diverse Learners
Today’s learners are more diverse than ever.
A single classroom May contain students who have sensory motor,
cognitive or Learning disabilities, mental health or behavior issues and
Differences in native language, culture and background Knowledge.
Studies have found that in inclusive classroom set Up, the children are
more compassionate, have better social Skills and higher self-esteem.
Children exhibit patience with Slow learners and more ease with people
who are disabled.
So, inclusive education is an educational concept of Instructional methods,
materials, activities and is evaluation of Procedures is an effort to assist
individuals with wide Differences in their abilities to see, hear, speak, move,
read, Write, understand, attend, organize, engage and remember in a Common
classroom setup

Historical perspective of education of children with diverse needs
Diverse needs children are those who have special Requirement of care
and treatment. These children Are totally different in comparison of a
common child.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle once said that,” Things that are alike
should be treated alike, whereas Things that are unalike should be treated
unalike in Proportion to their un likeness.”

Children with diverse needs have different Saying like:

In Greek and Roman: -deaf, blind and ill children Had more chance.
in old testament: - disability is an impurity.
in new testament: - disability is less a fault or an Evil sign.

Education of children with diverse needs

• The historical perspective on education of children with diverse needs Present
both optimistic and a Pessimistic picture.
Optimistic picture indicates the practice and policies in education of
Children with diverse needs have improved over time that the Attitude of
the society the diverse needs children changed centuries Slowly but

Pessimistic picture indicates how some group of influential people

Though small in number, conspired to subvert any progress towards More
liberal practices, and how the interest of these children were Damaged
and how the conservative forces worked to maintain their Status.

Thus, it is pertinent to know how changes have taken place from superstitions
to segregation

➢ In the ancient time, especially in Egypt, Greek and Rome disabled
children were killed because they were considered Imperfect child.
➢ There was a myth prevailing like, “nothing imperfect Should be brought
up.” But after sometime during middle period due to problems of
religious conviction all over the world some Humanitarian care for the
disabled children were given.
➢ The Prevalent condition for that Whether these children are result of
Anger of God or some mentally ill appressed by Evil spirit
➢ After sometime people viewed mental enough as a disease not the Result
of possession by evil spirits or curse of god.
➢ In ancient India the Persons with disabilities were given the education in
the community in which they lived.
➢ Education was given in the mainstream schools Alongside the non-
handicapped peers in a Gurukul.
2) segregation:
➢ IN 1817, the first special school was established by Thomas galludet at
the Hartford for the education of the deaf.
➢ “In 1829, the new England asylum for the education of blind was founded
in whatertown
➢ The first experimental School idiotic children was founded in 1846 in
Barre, massachusetts.

3)In India, segregated education of children with disabilities begin with First
special school in Amritsar in 1887 by Anne sharpe a missionary Manager.
However, miles (1997) also reported that the first special School for mentally
retarded physically handicapped children began in India at kureseong in 1918.
4) the first college for the deaf was started in 1875 in Columbia.
5) in 1896, rhode island began education classes for individuals with Mental
6)the first remedial centre was set up in England in the late 1940s.
7) in the late 1900s, an American physician, benjamim rush, was one of the first
introducer of the idea to educate the children with Disabilities.

The Kothari commission
the first education of Independent India observed: “the education of the
handicapped Children should be an Inseparable part education system.
The first school for the blind was established in 1887.
an institute for the deaf and mute was set up in 1888.
services for the physically disabled were also initiated the middle of the
Twentieth century.
Individuals with the last to receive attention were Mental retardation, the
first school for the Mentally challenged was Established in 1934.

Movements towards integrated education

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan represent the latest and all The subsuming
initiatives for Universal Elementary Education in the country.
The SSA vision is to Provide useful and relevant elementary education of
satisfactory quality for all by 2010, Bridging all Social and gender gaps
with the active Participation of the community in the school Affairs

PWD ACT 1995

The PWD act 1995 has made integration of students with disability a
Legal responsibility of the government.
The act provided for both Preventive and emotional aspects of
It covers the such Aspects as education, employment, non-discrimination,
prevention and early detection, social security, Research and manpower
Development and affirmation action,
7 categories of disability were Covered in the legislation name the
1) Blindness,
2) low vision,
3) leprosy Cured,
4) hearing impairment,
5) locomotor disability,
6) mental Retardation
7) And mental illness.

Difference between special education, integrated Education and
inclusive education.

Special Education
Special Education is a separate system of education for Disabled children
outside the mainstream education.
It was Based on the assumption that children with disability had Some
special needs, that could not be met in mainstream Schools. Therefore,
they need to study in a separate school with other children having similar
Special education in India was evolved in the 1880’s and special schools
are Generally organized to different disabled categories.
Children Are taught by specialist having expertise on specific
Impairments, their needs may sometimes be understood Better.
In a special school, children grow up with their Disability peers and
develops a common culture.
Special education requires three elements and they are Trained
Professionals including teachers, educationists and physiotherapists.
Special curriculum made for students with different Disabilities.
Infrastructure facilities, like building features, study Places, materials and
The major disadvantage is that it promotes separate Environment because
special schools are usually not available in an immediate environment.
Due to these issues, another Concept of integrated education, came into
existence in 1986, After the recommendation of National Policy of

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Integrated Education
In integrated education, the child is seen as a problem and Not as a
He/she is considered to be different from Others and if he/she cannot
learn, it is his/her problem.
In this way, instead of subjecting the disabled students to a Sort of
segregation by putting them in separate special schools for their
education, their integration (association) with the Non-disabled
population of their peers was targeted to Achieve through this New
Philosophy of Integration.
Thus, it Can be safely called a proper step in putting a disabled Children
into the mainstream i.e. the place and the Opportunities of getting
education and the training with the Population of the non-disabled peers
in the regular schools.
The concept of integrated education, arises as an outcome of National
Policy of Education, 1986 recommended Equal opportunities to all not
only for access but also fed Success.
Integration signifies the process of interaction of disabled with normal
children in the same educational setting.
It Inculcates affection, love and respect for disabled children Among
normal children.
It is less expensive and does not requires special Infrastructure.
Whereas, it is impossible to construct Special schools with a wide
selection of educational paths. But in order to ensure proper functioning
of integrated Education, it is necessary to establish centers for technical
Aids, teaching aids, etc.
In many developing countries, it May be difficult or even impossible to
establish this kind of Services.
It demands a good system of registration of the Visually handicapped and
an effective communication, something which is lacking in many

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Inclusive Education
Inclusion is a term which expresses commitment to Educate each child to
the maximum extent, appropriate in The school and the classroom, he/she
would otherwise Attend.
It involves bringing the support services to the child (rather than moving
the child to the services) and requires Only that the child will benefit
from being in the class (rather than having to keep up with the other
Proponents of inclusion, generally favors newer forms of Education
service delivery.
The era of inclusive settings i.e. educating all types of Children whether
exceptional or normal together in the Regular classes of the mainstream
schools, represents the Modern era and latest development in the history
of Special/disability education.
Apart from dissatisfaction with continuation of special Classes in the
regular schools, a new way of change in the Name of upholding human
right providing equity and Equality of educational opportunities to all
children, gave Birth to a strong build up in favor of inclusion i.e.
Placement of exceptional children in regular classrooms Without
discrimination of any sort.
The goal of inclusive education is to widen access to Education and to
promote full participation and Opportunities for all learners to realize
their potential.
Use of cooperative learning and collaborative problem-solving Strategies,
to meet the diverse needs of all learners without Labelling or categorizing
them is consistent with inclusive Principles.
The promotion of quality in inclusive education requires A clear stated
Policies that aim to promote quality in inclusive education takes account
of international Level policies and initiatives and are also flexible enough
to reflect local level needs.
To implement inclusive Education, the goals of the policy should be
effectively Communicated to all members of an educational Community.
Arrangements for monitoring the Implementation of policies should be
agreed upon at the Policy planning stage.

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Educational approaches and measures for meeting the Diverse needs
The concessions and facilities of diverse learners are given below
Academic Scholarships for the Challenged Persons
➢ The Union Ministry of Welfare, since 1955 has been Operating through
the state governments and union Territories, a scheme of scholarships
awarded to challenged Person for pursuing education in special schools,
being run by Non-government organizations.
➢ The scholarships are awarded to mentally handicapped students, subject
to their being Certified by clinical psychologists. The rate of scholarship
is 1000/ per annum for cases hailing from the lower Socio-economic
status and it is renewable from year to year.

Integrated Education for Challenged Persons

This centrally scheme was launched by the Department of Social Welfare in
1974 and has been transferred to the Department of Education since 1982. The
handicapped Children have the benefit of receiving education in the regular
Schools system. Books and stationary allowance of ₹ 400 per Annum, uniform
allowance of 50 per annum and transport Allowance of 50 per month is given to
Preference in Place of Posting
The Government of India makes a provision for parents in Government
services, having a child with mentally challenged to choose the place of posting.
Government departments and Ministries have been requested to take a
sympathetic view on The merits of each case and accommodate such requests
for Posting to the extent possible.
Reservation of Jobs
As per the Government of India, reservation of 3% in jobs has Been in grade
‘C’ and grade ‘B’ posts for the physically Handicapped persons.

Age Concession
As per the government order, it has been decided to extend The age concession
of 10 years in favor of handicapped Persons for recruitment to posts filled
through employment Exchange in grade ‘C’ and grade ‘D’ posts.

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Financial Fee concession
As per the order, the physically handicapped persons recruited Under the posts
advertised by the UPSC and SSC will be Exempted from the fees payment of
application forms and Examination fees as prescribed by UPSC and SSC.

Conveyance Allowance
The central government employees, who are on regular Establishment and who
are blind or orthopedically Handicapped are to be granted conveyance
allowance at 5% Of basic pay subject to maximum of 100 per month.

Rehabilitation Council of India Act (1992)

➢ The Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) was set up as a Registered
society in 1986. On September, 1992 the RCI Act Was enacted by
Parliament and it became a statutory body On 22nd June, 1993. The act
was amended by Parliament in 2000 to make it more broad based.
➢ The mandate given to RCI is to regulate and monitor services given to
person with Disability to standardize syllabi and to maintain a central
Rehabilitation register of all qualified profession and personal Working in
the field of rehabilitation and special education.
➢ The act also prescribes punitive action against unqualified Persons,
delivering services to persons with disability.
Objectives of RCI
1. To regulate the training policies and programmes in the Field of
rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.
2. To bring about standardised training courses for Professionals dealing
with disabilities.
3. To prescribe minimum standards of education and Training of various
categories of professionals/personal Dealing with people with disabilities.
4. To regulate these standards in all training institutions, Uniformly
throughout the country.
5. To recognize institutions/organizations/universities Running master’s
degree/bachelor’s degree/P.G. diploma/ Diploma/certificate courses for
Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.
6. . To recognise degree/diploma/certificate awarded by Foreign
universities/institutions On reciprocal basis.
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7. To promote research in rehabilitation and special education.
8. To encourage continuing education in the field of Collaboration with
organisations, working in the field of Rehabilitation and special education
by way of Disability.
9. To recognize vocational rehabilitation centers Manpower development
10. . To register vocational instructors and other personnel Working in the
vocational rehabilitation centers.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA),

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was introduced during the 19th plan to
universalise elementary education. It is an Effort to universalise
elementary education by community Ownership of the school system.
It is response to the demand of quality basic education.
It is Also an attempt to provide an opportunity for improving Human
capabilities to all children, through provision of Community owned
quality education in a mission mode.
Article 21 (A) of the Constitution of India and its Consequent legislation,
the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act or RTE Act,
2009 became 1st April, 2010.
This Operative in the country on Development implies that every child
has a right to Elementary education of satisfactory and equitable quality
in formal schools which satisfies certain essential norms and Standards.
Objectives of SSA
1. All children to be in schools, education guarantee Scheme centers,
alternate schools, back to school camp by 2003.
2. All children to complete 5 years of primary schooling by 2007.
3. All children to complete 8 years of schooling by 2010.
4. Focus on elementary education of satisfactory quality with emphasis on
education for life.
5. Bridge all gender and social disparities at the primary Stage by 2007 and
upper primary level by 2010.
6. Universal retention by 2010.
7. Proper measures to be taken to link education to life.

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Persons with Disabilities Act (1995)
The most landmark legislation in the history of special Education in India
is the Person with Disabilities (equal Opportunities, protection of rights
and full participation) Act,1995.
The PWD Act, 1995 was comprehensive break through Legislation, that
was provided for education and economic Rehabilitation of people with
disabilities. It states that free Education for children with disabilities up to
the age of 18 Years must be provided in an appropriate environment.
This Comprehensive act, covers seven disabilities, namely blindness,
Low vision, hearing impairment, locomotor disability, mental
Retardation, leprosy cured and mental illness.
National Policy of Disabilities (2006)
National Policy for Persons with Disabilities was formed on 10th
February, 2006. This is a policy confirmed by Ministry of Social
Empowerment. An intent of the policy is to realize The dream of
inclusive society where each person finds equal Space for oneself and the
same for others.
The policy Reminds the privileges of equality and freedom of people in
All spheres of life. It also ensures the belief that its violation Is not
possible at any cost.
The National Policy, 2006 recognise that persons with Disabilities are
valuable human resource for the country and seeks to create environment
that provides them equal Opportunities and complete participation in
society’s Responsibilities to pay his duty as well as awareness to Enjoy
the rights equally.

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Role of teachers, parents and other community members for supporting
Inclusion of children with diverse needs.

Role of Parents
1. Parents matter in inclusive education as vital partners, who Contribute
much to the work of educators, schools and Communities.
2. They matter as parent leaders, mentors and Models of commitments to
excellence in an education and They matter everyday as they influence
and support their Children’s academic achievement.
3. Active parental involvement has been considered to be an Important
factor related to better outcomes in an education of Young children with
and without disabilities in an inclusive Childhood’s programmes.
4. Research has shown that high Levels of parental involvement correlate
with improved Academic performance, higher test scores, more positive
Attitude towards schools, fewer placements in special Education,
academic perservance, lower dropout rates and Fewer suspensions.
5. For children, involvement of their parents Is reported to lead to
improvements in attitudes, behaviours and attendance at school, as well
as their mental health.
6. Without Parent’s Involvement in the school Disagreements may escalate
leading to increased stress, costs and reducing communication and
relationships between Parents and school.
Mainly, there are three barriers of parental involvement and they Are
School barriers (School’s rules, schedule, etc.)
Parental barriers (Time, feeling of shame, etc.)
Other barriers (distance of school from work, relationship with teacher,

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Role of Peers
1. Peer’s support is a strategy that involves placing students in pairs or in
small groups to participate in learning Activities that support academic
instruction and social Skills.
2. This instructional approach does not require Additional staff or extra
funding. Peer’s support provides Teachers with a learning tool, to
enhance instructions for Students with and without disabilities.

The role of peer is so Beneficial for the students with disabilities, as

it is discussed below:
3. Boosts friendship.
4. Increases social initiations, relationships and networks.
5. Increases achievement of IEP’s goals.
6. Greater access to general curriculum.
7. Enhances skill acquisition and generalisation.
8. Greater opportunities for interactions.
9. Higher expectations.
10. Increases school-staff collaboration.
11. Families are more integrated into community.
12. With support and encouragement from adults, young Children with and
without disabilities can form connections That not only provide
enjoyment but help to promote their Growth and development in multiple

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Role of Teachers
Most of the teachers, who teaches in an inclusive classroom Modifies
their curricula to meet the needs of their special Education students.
Teacher’s role is to communicate Regularly with the school, to make sure
that she is aware of The specific learning needs of special education
students and The academic resources that are necessary for them to
Experience success in an inclusive classroom’s setting.
It is also important for teachers to create a safe classroom Environment
that allows special needs children to learn Alongside their peers, while
experiencing positive Socialization.
Teachers are an essential component to ensure The quality of students,
inclusion in the school Environment.
Teachers have direct interaction with Students and play a vital role in
determining student’s Experiences in the classroom, on daily basis.
Educators are required to reconsider their roles, construct New
knowledge and learn new skills to equip themselves for The change.
Now, the teachers are expected to address Problems and to provide
solutions, posed by special needs Students who may vary in their skill
Now, they are Required to undertake initial screening of students, who
are at risk and adapts instruction to make them responsive to Special
needs of the students, to contribute in Individualized Education Program,
meeting work, collaboratively with parents and other professionals and
use Technology to assist students to overcome their short falls.

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Gender Issues in Education
1. Conceptual foundations: sex and gender, gender equality, and gender
2. Inequality of Opportunities, imbalances in educational development,
economic and social consequences of Gender inequality.
3. Status of access enrolment, retention and achievement of girl’s coming
from disadvantaged sections.


Gender refers to socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and/or

attributes that a given society associates with being a woman, man, girl,
or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct,
gender varies from society to society and can change over time.


the sum of the structural, functional, and sometimes behavioral

characteristics of organisms that distinguish males and females

Gender Equality
Gender Equality refers to equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities
for both women and men.
It implies that the interests, needs and priorities of both women and men
are taken into consideration, recognizing the diversity of different groups
of women and men. Worldwide, women’s fundamental rights continue to
be violated, and they face discrimination in access to education, work,
social protection, inheritance, economic assets, productive resources,
participation in decision-making and society.
Women spend two to ten times more time on unpaid work than men,
which is one of the main obstacles to economic and political

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Persistent differences and disparities between men and women have
negative implications on society as a whole.
Women represent half the resources and half the potential in any society.
This potential remains unrealized when women are constrained by
inequality and discrimination.
Many gender disparities emerge in early childhood and intensify in
adolescence. Girls are deprived of access to health care or proper
nutrition, leading to a higher mortality rate.
As they move into the age of adolescence, gender disparities widen. Child
marriage affects girls far more than boys. Globally, nearly 15 million
girls under age 18 are married every year. It’s difficult for them to access
Girls still face barriers to enter in primary and secondary school. The lack
of education provided limits access to skills and jobs in good
organizations and at reputed posts.

What is Gender Justice?

In a comprehensive sense, Gender Justice refers to equal treatment of

both men and women and that justice to the fairer sex. No society can
progress without gender justice as it particularly concerns workplaces and
families providing a framework of human rights as a stepping stone of
liberalization, equality, empowerment to all gender and identities leading
to societal transformation.

To rectify gender justice, key elements are provided globally which are;

1. Fair treatment of women and men in the substantive standard of equality.

2. Fairness at the interpersonal relations and at the level of institutions
mediating and offering redressal when needed.
3. Helps in recognizing and acceptance of long history of gender injustices,
which now have to be favoured with principles of equality
4. Arbitering the social construction of gender by characterizing the third
gender acknowledged as transgender.

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Inequality of Opportunities, imbalances in educational development,
economic and social consequences of Gender inequality.

Factors Identifying Inequalities in Educational Opportunities

The major factors identifying inequalities in educational opportunities have
been stated as follows:

Family Background –
The family background of the individuals is regarded as an important
factor in acquisition of educational opportunities.
Financial status of the individuals is an important factor in influencing
family background.
When the individuals are engaged in reputed employment opportunities
and are financially strong, then they are able to overcome problems and
challenges and are able to provide good quality education to their
On the other hand, when the individuals are not financially strong, belong
to deprived, poverty stricken and economically weaker sections of the
society, they experience challenges in making provision of good quality
education to their children.
The individuals, belonging to various occupations, categories and
backgrounds have recognized the significance of education, but family
background and financial position renders an indispensable contribution
in promoting inequalities in educational opportunities.

Socio-Economic Status –
The socio-economic status of the individuals is regarded to be of utmost
significance in the acquisition of educational qualifications.
This is primarily characterized by the occupation that the individuals are
For instance, businessmen, who are engaged in production and
manufacturing of goods and services may encourage their children to
pursue Masters of Business Administration (MBA) educational

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Whereas, when individuals are engaged in medical professions, they may
encourage their children to pursue medical educational qualifications and
so forth. On the other hand, poverty-stricken individuals and the
individuals, belonging to deprived and marginalized sections of the
society may experience financial problems to a major extent in getting
their children enrolled in educational institutions. In Government schools,
education is provided free of cost, hence, they are fortunate enough to get
their children enrolled in Government schools.

Psychological Barriers –
The psychological barriers are the psychological problems, such as,
stress, anxiety, pressure, depression and demotivation. Usually, when
students migrate to other cities or countries, they experience differences
in the system of education.
As a result of these differences, they experience problems in acquiring an
efficient understanding of the academic concepts. As a consequence, the
feel stressed.
When they are unable to achieve good grades, and experience academic
setbacks, these factors further augment psychological barriers.

Choice of Discipline –
The individuals may make selection of different disciplines in their
pursuance of academic goals. In senior secondary education, they
normally make a selection between arts, commerce and science.
The differences in the choice of disciplines are attributed to the traditional
perceptions of the gender roles. Science and engineering are masculine
and are suitable to men. Whereas, health and education are regarded as
famine and suitable to women.
Whereas, in higher educational institutions also, they make selection of
the program, based upon their academic scores, interests and abilities.
When the individuals are making choice of disciplines, they need to
ensure that they will be able to pursue them in an appropriate manner.
Research has indicated that in some cases, individuals make selection of
the field, but experience problems and difficulties in the achievement of
academic goals.
The differences in the choice of disciplines are apparent. It is not only in
India but in other countries of the world as well.

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Teaching-Learning Materials –
Teaching-learning materials are regarded as vital factors that promote
educational inequalities.
The inequalities within the teaching-learning materials are based upon the
levels of education, grade levels of students, skills and abilities on the
part of the instructors and achievement of academic outcomes.
The teaching-learning materials that are used in educational institutions
are, charts, posters, textbooks, technologies, hand-outs, documents,
reports, other reading materials, models and so forth.
In pre-schools, playthings are also regarded as important teaching-
learning materials, as learning of the students begins with play.
Whereas, in secondary schools, colleges and universities, instructors
make use of technologies, models, charts, posters, books and other
reading materials in imparting understanding in terms of academic
concepts to the students.
When the instructors are making use of teaching-learning materials, they
need to be well-equipped with their usage.

Infrastructure –
Infrastructure is regarded as an important factor in making provision of
amiable and suitable environmental conditions within the educational
The inequalities, particularly regarding infrastructure is primarily
depicted within the country in urban and rural schools.
In schools in urban communities, the infrastructural facilities are usually
in a well-developed state. There is provision of proper furniture,
materials, equipment, technologies, civic amenities, restrooms, library
facilities, playgrounds and so forth.
The availability of proper infrastructure enables the members of the
educational institutions to work operatively towards the pursuance of
academic goals.
On the other hand, in rural schools, there are lack of infrastructural
facilities. Hence, these are primary causes promoting drop out of students
from schools, especially girls.
Therefore, it is necessary to formulate measures and policies that lead to
augmentation of infrastructural facilities in rural schools and cause a
reduction in the drop-out rate.

24 | P a g e
Teaching-Learning Methods –
In educational institutions at all levels, there are differences in the
teaching-learning methods. The differences in these methods are
The teachers are required to make use of these methods in accordance to
the grade levels, learning abilities, subjects and concepts and academic
The teaching-learning methods that are used in secondary schools are
different from the ones, used in colleges and universities.

The differences in these methods are normally characterised by ways that

are implemented in teaching and learning. For instance, when a teacher is
imparting knowledge in English lesson plans, then textbooks are used.

Whereas, when a supervisor is supervising his students regarding doctoral

thesis, he may make use of technologies. Hence, there are inequalities in
the teaching-learning methods at all levels of education.

Programs and Policies within Educational Institutions –

The implementation of policies and programs within educational
institutions need to be formulated with the main purpose of promoting
well-being of the members, including teachers, staff members and
In schools and in higher educational institutions, research has indicated
that women and girls have experienced discriminatory treatment and
criminal and violent acts.
These acts have had a major influence upon the mind-sets of the
individuals and even compel them to drop out of schools.
When students discontinue their education, before their educational skills
are honed, then it promotes inequality. There have been examples of
siblings within the households, who differ from each other in the
acquisition of educational qualifications.
Therefore, to curb inequality of educational opportunities, it is necessary
to formulate programs and policies that are vital to increase the retention
rate of students, especially girls.

25 | P a g e
Health and Well-being –
Health and well-being of the individuals matter to a major extent in the
acquisition of education. When the individuals are healthy and do not
experience any health problems and illnesses, they are able to concentrate
well on their studies.
Though research has indicated that individuals with health problems and
disabilities are also getting enrolled in educational institutions to pursue
educational goals.
When they are motivated towards learning, they do not let their health
problems and disabilities to cause barriers within the course of
achievement of academic goals.
Research has indicated that in some cases, individuals experience visual
impairments or hearing impairments or are not ambulatory.
In such cases, educational institutions have made provision of services to
facilitate their learning, such as, disabled friendly ramps, hearing
equipment, furniture in classrooms and so forth.

Lack of Standardization in Curriculum and Assessment Systems –

Lack of standardization in curriculum and assessment systems in some
schools and higher educational institutions is one of the crucial factors in
promoting inequalities.
The reason being, the school practices are different in accordance to the
social and ability composition of their intakes.
In some cases, schools have higher standards and quality education,
whereas, in other schools, there are less demanding expectations in terms
of the curriculum and assessment systems.
It is the integral job duty of the teachers to ensure that curriculum and
assessment procedures are put into practice in a well-organized manner.
When the teachers will be well-aware in terms of making use of these
strategies, then they will be able to bring about improvements in the
academic performance of the students and facilitate good academic

26 | P a g e
Status of access enrolment, retention and achievement of girl’s coming from
disadvantaged sections.
The DPEP (District Primary Education Program) was initiated in 1994 in
142 districts spread over seven states, to support the state governments in
their efforts to improve access and retention, increase learning achievement
and decrease dropout rates in a manner such that social and gender
inequities are reduced to the minimum.
Therefore, considerable priority is given to interventions aimed at
improving access, retention and achievement especially of the girls, SC and
ST students through targeting and special strategies with a focus on
participatory processes of planning and management.
A situational analysis was conducted to assess the access and retention in
DPEP districts, especially in the light of concerns for equity and quality of
The analysis also made an attempt to compare the performance of DPEP
ones in the selected states. The analysis was based on secondary sources of
data obtained from the state Directorate of Education and also from the
EMIS (Educational Management Information System) established under
the DPEP.
The analysis of enrolment trends was seen in the context of national and
state level trends. At the national level, the primary stage enrolment is
witnessing a declining growth rate.
It fell from about 6.2% per annum in the fifties to 5% in seventies with a
peak of 7.5% per annum during the sixties. The eighties registered a sharp
decline in the growth rate (2.65% per annum) and the trend continued with
a growth rate of 2.06% in the early nineties.
The latest trends indicate a near stagnation of enrolment in primary stage
with 0.67% growth rate (per annum) between 1993-94 to 1996-97.
The long term declining trend and the recent stagnation in enrolment at
primary stage is a matter of concern as the country is still far away from
the threshold of universal primary education.
It is in this context that the performance of DPEP districts in terms of
enrolment, retention and other qualitative indicators has to be viewed.

27 | P a g e
The DPEP districts outperformed the non-DPEP districts as far as
enrolment gains were concerned (1993-94 to 1996-97). The differential
increase in enrolment between DPEP and non-DPEP in four of the seven
DPEP states, namely Assam, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra
was in the range of 3.7 to 16.8 percentage points. In Kerala, where
enrolment decline was discernible for the last two decades, the decline in
DPEP districts was far lower than that of the non-DPEP districts (3.9
percentage points).
The data for Tamil Nadu indicates that enrolment growth in DPEP and non-
DPEP districts is not statistically significant. The data for Karnataka
showed inconsistent behaviour for the last few years, and hence was not
In 39 of the 42 DPEP districts, for which data was available, the enrolment
increased by about 630,000 children amounting to an increase of nearly
8.5% in one year alone (1995-96 to 1996-97). Among the DPEP states, the
maximum increase was recorded in Assam.
Although, the sources of data were not the same, the enrolment increase in
DPEP was far more impressive as compared to the all India scenario, where
the enrolment increase was only 600,000. There were many states in India,
where decline enrolment has been observed during the last few years. This
trend is somewhat disturbing, as none of these states has reached the
threshold of universalisation of primary education.

28 | P a g e
Unit- III: Health Education
1. Health Education- concept, definition, aims & Objectives of Health
2. Principles of Health Education.
3. Physical and mental Health; to between Physical and mental Health:
meaning and concept of mental health. Consequences of mental illness.
4. Approaches to Physical and mental Health.
5. Role of parents, teachers and school in maintaining physical and mental



1. Health Education is concerned with promoting health as well as

reducing behavior induced diseases.
2. In other words, health education is concerned with establishing or
inducing changes in personal and group attitudes and behaviour
that promote healthier living.


1. HEALTH EDUCATION as the sum of experiences which favourably

influence habits attitudes and knowledge relating to the individual
community and social health

2. Health education like general education is concerned with changes in

knowledge, feelings and behaviour of people. In its most usual form it
concentrates on developing such health practices as are believed to bring about the
best possible state of wellbeing.”
3. The Joint Committee on Health Education and Promotion Terminology of 2001
defined Health Education as:
“any combination of planned learning experiences based on sound theories that
provide individuals, groups, and communities the opportunity to acquire
information and the skills needed to make quality health decisions. “

29 | P a g e
The following are some of the main aims of health education
1. To provide information about health and its value as community asset.
2. To maintain norms of good health.
3. To take precautionary and preventive measures against communicable
4. To render assistance to the school going children an understanding of the
nature and purpose of health services and facilities
5. To develop and promote mental and emotional health.
6. To develop a sense of civic responsibility.


The following are the comprehensive list of functional objectives of health
education to be adopted in schools
1. To enable the students to develop a scientific point of view of health with
reference to traditional and modern concept of health.
2. To enable the students to identify health problems and understand their
own role on health and to medical agencies in meeting those problems.
3. To enable the student to take interest in
current eventsrelated to health
4. To increase knowledge of the factors that affect health.
5. To encourage bevaviour which promotes and maintains health.
6. To cultivate the desirable health practices and health habits
7. To enlist support for public health measures when necessary to press for
appropriate governmental actions.
8. To encourage appropriate health services especially preventive services.
9. To inform the public about medical advances their
uses and their limitations.
10. To provide information to the about healthy living.
11. To establish a scientific attitude toward health.
12. To identify health problems and take preventive measures
against communicable diseases.
13. To improve environmental sanitation and cleanliness of their home and
14. To know and to appreciate the view that health is an
asset to every individual and good health is the foundation of
30 | P a g e
15. To teach the students to fight against superstition and
prejudices in the community regarding bad health practices.
16. To influence and motivate the students, children, adults
and parents to attend periodic medical examination through
health education programme.
17. To enable the individual, to know the effects of exercise, rest, recreation
on health and propagate the danger of population explosion on health.
18. To appreciate the health programmes undertaken by the
school and community to improve it.


➢ it is the degree by which the message to be communicated is perceived as
trustworthy by the receiver.
➢ It should be scientifically proven, based on facts and should be compatible
with local culture and goals.
➢ E.g.- HE regarding control of COVID 19 outbreak must involve
information about the fatality of the virus. Health Educator disseminate
simple advice related to its control like use of hand - sanitizer, soap and
mask for prevention of this disease.

➢ it is a psychological principle that people are unlikely to listen to those
things which are not to their interest.
➢ If the health education topic is of interest to the people, they will listen to
➢ Health educator should identify the “felt needs “of the people and then
prepare a program that they can actively participate in to make it

31 | P a g e
➢ It is based on psychological principle of active learning, create a sense of
involvement, personal acceptance and decision making: provides
maximum feedback.
➢ Health education should aim at encouraging people to work actively with
health workers and others in identifying their own health problems and also
in developing solutions and plans to work them out.
➢ Health Educator should encourage people to participate in the programme.
➢ Once the people are given a chance to take part in the programme it leads
to their acceptance of the programe.
➢ Methods like group discussion, panel discussion etc. provide opportunities
for people’s participation.

➢ The need for incentives is a first step in learning to change. It is contagious.
➢ It is “the fundamental desire for learning in an individual”.
➢ Health education can be facilitated by the motivation provided by the desire
to achieve individual goals.
E.g.-for a teenager, esthetics might be a motive to take care of his health whereas
for an adult, the expenses of undergoing manufacture of mask and sanitizer.

Health educator should always communicate in the language people easily
Principle of comprehension involve
➢ understanding level of the people who receive health education.
➢ Level of literacy of the audience
➢ Use of word familiar word instead of strange or new word
➢ Limited use of medical or technical term

32 | P a g e
➢ This is the principle that refers to the repetition needed in health education.
➢ It is not possible for the people to learn new things in a short period of time.
➢ So repetition is a good idea.
➢ This can be done at regular intervals and it helps people to understand new
ideas or practice better.
➢ It acts like “Booster Dose” in Health Education

➢ For any programme to be successful it is necessary to collect feedback to
find out if any modification is needed to make the programme more
E.g.-The difficulties faced by the people during home base sanitizer and mask
preparation like scarcity of raw materials is needed to be reported to the Health
educator to make the programme successful.

➢ If the learning process is accompanied by doing new things it is better
instilled in the minds of people.
➢ “If I hear, I forget; if I see, I remember; if I do, I know

➢ Before the start of any Health Education programme, Health Educator
should find out how much the people already know and then give them the
new knowledge.
➢ The existing knowledge of the people can be used as the basic step up on
which new knowledge can be placed.

33 | P a g e
➢ This principle states that the health educator should have good personal
qualities and should be able to maintain friendly relations with the people.
➢ The Health Educator should have a kind and sympathetic attitude towards
the people and should always be helpful to them in clarifying doubts or
repeating what is not understood.

➢ The health educator should follow what he preaches.
➢ He should set an example to others to follow

➢ Community leaders can be used to reach the people of the community and
to convince them about the need for Health Education.
➢ Leaders can also be used to educate the people as they will have a rapport
and will be familiar with the people of their community.
➢ The leader will have an understanding of the needs of the community and
advice and guide them.
E.g.-HE regarding control of COVID 19 outbreak if disseminate through
community leaders then it will be much more acceptable as he/she know the
people of his/her community.

34 | P a g e
Physical health and mental health

Meaning of physical health:

➢ Traditional definitions of physical health prior to the onset of modern
medicine would have considered someone physically healthy if he or she
was not stricken with a serious illness.
➢ Today's definition can consider everything ranging from the absence of
disease to fitness level.
Components of Physical Health
1. Physical activity - includes strength, flexibility, and endurance
2. Nutrition and diet - includes nutrient intake, fluid intake, and healthy
3. Alcohol and drugs - includes the abstinence from or reduced consumption
of these substances
4. Medical self-care - includes addressing minor ailments or injuries and
seeking emergency care as necessary
5. Rest and sleep - includes periodic rest and relaxation,
along with high quality sleep

Mental health
The World Health Organization (2005) defines mental health as “a state of
wellbeing in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope
with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able
to make a contribution to her or his community”.

Relationship between Physical and Mental Health

1. A clear distinction is often made between 'mind' and ‘body'. But when
considering mental health and physical health, the two should not be
thought of as separate.
2. Poor physical health can lead to an increased risk of developing mental
health problems. Similarly, poor mental health can negatively impact on
physical health, leading to an increased risk of some conditions.

35 | P a g e
Characteristics of mental health
1. Ability to enjoy life
2. Resilience
3. Balance in life
4. Flexibility
5. Self actualization

Some of the characteristics of mentally healthy persons are

1. They feel good about themselves
2. They do not become overwhelmed by emotions such as fear, anger, love,
jealousy, guilt or anxiety
3. They have lasting and satisfying personal relationships
4. They feel comfortable with other people
5. They can laugh at themselves and with others
6. They have respect for themselves and for others even if there are
7. They are able to accept life ‘s disappointments
8. They can meet life ‘s demands and handle their problems when they
9. They make their own decisions
10. They shape their environment whenever possible and adjust to it when
11. They have a positive self-concept.
12. They nurture a sense of personal worth.
13. They can make adjustments.
14. They feel secure about themselves.
15. They feel secure and comfortable in a group.
16. They exhibit a sense of self-respect.
17. They can balance their personal, professional and
recreational life.
18. They are self-evaluative and self-critical in a positive way.
19. They nurture universal values and strive to live accordingly.
20. They are self-directed.
21. They approach and handle their problems with equanimity.
22. They can think independently and solve their problems largely by
36 | P a g e
23. They don’t blame others when things go wrong in their life.
24. They have a sense of responsibility towards
themselves and others.
25. They can shape their environment and make adjustments when
26. They set realistic goals for life.
27. They have a variety of interests in life.
28. They form their world view based on realistic

Consequences of mental illness

Meaning and Definitions of mental illness:

1. Mental illness refers to “suffering, disability or morbidity due to mental,

neurological and substance use disorders, which can arise due to the
genetic, biological and psychological make-up of individuals as well as
adverse social conditions and environmental factors”
2. An illness with psychological or behavioural manifestation and/or
impairment in functioning, due to social, psychological, genetic, physical
or biological disturbances.”
3. Mental illness can be seen in purely sociological terms, as a deviation
from socially approved standards of interpersonal behaviour, or as an
inability to perform one’s sanctioned social roles.
4. In social science literature it is generally agreed that the mental illness
refers to dysfunctional interpersonal behaviour, judged to be
dysfunctional in terms of the norms and values held by the observer”
5. Mentally ill person means a person who is in need of treatment by reason
of any mental disorder other than mental retardation

37 | P a g e
Causes of Mental Illness
Although the exact cause of most mental illnesses is unknown, most
develop as the result of a combination of biological, psychological and
environmental factors. such as
1. Long-term substance abuse
(ದೀರ್ಘಕಾಲೀನ ಮಾದಕ ದರವ್ಯ ಸೀವ್ನೆ )
2. Poor nutrition and exposure to toxins
3. Undergoing severe psychological trauma as a child, including emotional,
physical or sexual abuse
4. Death or divorce
5. Dysfunctional family life
6. Feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, anxiety, anger or loneliness
Social or cultural expectations.

Classification of mental ill health

➢ Common mental health disorders Common disorders refer to obsessive‐
compulsive and related disorders, trauma and stressor‐related disorders,
dissociative disorder, somatic symptom and related disorders, eating
disorders, disruptive, impulse‐control and conduct disorders, substance‐
related and addictive disorders and neuro-cognitive disorders

➢ Severe mental health disorders: Severe mental disorders include

schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, mood disorders.

Factors underlying Abnormal behaviour

Biological factors:
Influences all aspects of our behaviour. A wide range of biological factors
such as faulty genes, endocrine imbalances, malnutrition, injuries and
other conditions may interfere with normal development and functioning
of the human body.

38 | P a g e
Psychological models:
➢ Provides a psychological explanation of mental disorders. These
models maintain that psychological and interpersonal factors have
a significant role to play in abnormal behaviour.
➢ The psychological models include the
psychodynamic, behavioural, cognitive, and humanistic-
existential models.

Psychodynamic model:
➢ Psychodynamic theorists believe that behaviour, whether normal or
abnormal, is determined by psychological forces within the person
of which she/he is not consciously aware.

Behavioural model:
This model states that both normal and abnormal behaviours are learned
and psychological disorders are the result of learning maladaptive ways
of behaving.

Cognitive model: This model states that abnormal functioning can result from
cognitive problems. People may hold assumptions and attitudes about
themselves that are irrational and inaccurate.

Diathesis-stress model:
This model states that psychological disorders develop when a diathesis
(biological predisposition to the disorder) is set off by a stressful

39 | P a g e
Approaches to Physical Health and Mental Health
A healthy body, a better lifestyle, a healthy eating routine, daily exercise, going
to a specialist for screening tests, and proper sleep are necessary.

Healthy Lifestyle
1. woman starts eating healthy foods for her good physical health.
2. It is not a secret that a healthy lifestyle can help keep up your physical
3. It can assist you with feeling better, staying at a healthy weight, and having
a lot of energy for both work and play.
4. Additionally, it can bring down your risk for severe chronic diseases like
heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
5. You can do the following steps listed below to boost your physical health.

Healthy Eating
1. Keeping a balanced diet can help maintain your physical health.
2. It is vital to eat foods that have minerals and vitamins.
3. Furthermore, the kinds of food contain vegetables, fruits, dairy, whole
grains, and a source of protein.
4. Again, balanced nutrition is perfect for your overall health.
5. Foods are grouped for they offer comparative measures of key nutrients.
6. For instance, key nutrients of yogurt, milk, cheese, and other possible
choices include protein and calcium.
7. On the other hand, the fruit group is a better source of vitamins, mainly
vitamin C.
8. It is ideal for picking various foods within each food group since various
food sources give different sorts and amounts of supplements.
9. Selecting an assortment of foods will help you make exciting meals to not
get exhausted with your healthy eating.

40 | P a g e
Daily Physical Activity or Exercise
1. Being physically active is truly important to maintain good physical and
mental health.
2. There are numerous advantages of regular exercise and keeping up with
fitness because it improves energy levels, increases muscle strength and
brain function.
3. Additionally, it diminishes the risk of numerous diseases, and it can help
you keep up a healthy weight.
4. According to Dr. James Levine, sitting is riskier than smoking, kills a more
significant number of individuals than HIV, and is more deceptive than
5. Additionally, researchers discovered that prolonged sitting expands the
risk of fostering various medical conditions such as different types of
cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
6. Regular exercise supports you to maintain and develop good physical
health. Whatever phase of life you are presently at, there are many various
exercise choices to try.
7. Exercise does not simply mean going to the gym or taking off for a run. It
might be just walking to and from the shops instead of getting in the vehicle
or getting off the bus a couple of stops earlier.

Screening Tests
1. The woman runs for 30 minutes every morning. A screening test helps
identify potential diseases or health issues in those individuals who do not
have any sickness symptoms.
2. Screening tests like dental checkups play a vital role since they are the most
ideal approach to discovering the disease early.
3. Furthermore, according to the American Cancer Society, screening can
discover or even prevent half of the new cancer cases.
4. Also, screening tests uncover the danger factor of which a health issue or
behavior puts you in danger of getting the disease.
5. Assuming you know your risk factors, you can make specific lifestyle
changes that eventually prevent the problem that they may lead to.

41 | P a g e
1. Are you aware that not getting sufficient sleep can make a person fat? Sleep
deprivation or lack of sleep is one of the most significant danger factors in
2. In a brief study on sleep duration, the authors discovered that grown-ups
not getting sufficient rest were 55% bound to be obese. Worse, young
children were actually 89% bound to be obese because of not getting
enough sleep.
3. Other than this, lack of quality sleep can prompt excessive daytime
sleepiness, poor memory, tiredness, depression, and anxiety. So getting
sufficient good quality sleep is necessary for everyone.
4. How much sleep you need changes likewise from one individual to
another, yet the accompanying picture gives you a general guide.

➢ Doing the discussion above, you can have good physical health,
leading to a quality of life.
➢ When individuals are in optimal physical health, they can perform
different exercises, advance wellbeing, and create or develop
abilities for their general health. Their body is solid and disease-free,
so their emotional and mental health is likewise healthy.

42 | P a g e
Role of parents, teachers and school in maintaining physical and mental

Role of teachers
➢ The role of the teacher in making children or students aware of their mental
health is very prominent as they spend a lot of time with them once they
are joined in schools.
➢ Every subject teacher of the student must concentrate on the mental health
of the student rather than the academics because, if they are good at their
mental ability, they will reflect the same in studies.
So let us see how teachers play a significant role and how they can assist a student
from childhood in their mental health:

1. Observation: A teacher must observe their students and notice any

changes in their behavior.
2. Assessment: Assessing involves testing whether they are mentally ill or
healthy by using various techniques
3. Educating: Making them aware of the problems that they may face by
mental health inconveniences may also lead them to overcome those by
confidence filled by teachers.
4. Questioning: If a child does not mingle with the other students, he needs
to be identified and needs to question appropriately to know his problem
he is facing to play or interact with others.
5. Prevention: Once the teacher is aware that a child is having some issues
regarding mental health, they need to inform to the concerned people, and
he or she has to be taken to the professional help. This must be done as
soon as possible.
Now that the role of a teacher is clear, let us understand how parents have to take
care of their children’s mental health at home.

43 | P a g e
Role of parents
1. The mental disorder usually develops when a child is profoundly
disappointed by anyone’s behavior towards them.
2. The disappointment or deeply hurt moment may occur in the schools or
sometimes even at home.
3. If your child has come to you and told you that he lost his pencil box, he
or she must be taken close to you and asked how did they lose it.
4. If they are unable to answer, make them aware that you will not scold if it
is their mistake.
5. Tell them that it is ok for now but never lose it again because things are
precious to be bought repeatedly.
6. Make them understand rather than shouting and scolding them.
7. Make some time for your children when they are home and spend quality
time with them.
8. Help in their home works, ask what they were taught in the school, what
did the teacher tell about your last assignment? Enquire about their daily
9. Also, keep in touch with the teacher to know your child’s update regarding
academics and also his movements in the class because children feel free
in the schools as compared to home, and they enjoy the school
10. For such type of children, create a school kind of environment at home so
that they can enjoy the house as well.
11. If you notice any severe changes, you should not panic but immediately
contact for a psychologist or psychiatrist’s help.
12. Children are sensitive, and they should be handled with ultimate care.
13. The childhood stage is where they learn so many things and adopt a way
of life.
14. So we need to make them follow a proper pattern so that they get
accustomed to it and lead a glorious life in the future.

44 | P a g e
Unit-IV: Yoga Education
1. Basics in Yoga- Meaning, definition, need & importance of yoga.
2. Historical background of Yoga,
3. types of yoga, Asanas, Pranayam, Bandha, &Kriya,
4. Benefits & Effects of Yoga on Mental and physical health.

Meaning, definition

Yoga means ‘union’ or ‘connection’. In Sanskrit, the word ‘yoga’ is used to

signify any form of connection. Yoga is both a state of connection and a
body of techniques that allow us to connect to anything.

Yoga is an ancient system of physical, mental and spiritual practices that

have been passed down through the generations from teacher to student.

Yoga is a Sanskrit word translated as “yoke” or “union.” To yoke means to

draw together, to bind together; or to unite. Its aim is to yoke or create a
union of the body, mind, soul, and universal consciousness. This process of
uniting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ourselves is
what allows yogis to experience deep states of freedom, peace and self-

45 | P a g e
Need and Importance of Yoga

Some of the vital importance of yoga in our life are mentioned below:

1. Enhances brain function

2. Reduced stress levels
3. Changes gene expression
4. Increases flexibility
5. Lowers blood pressure
6. Improves lung capacity
7. Improves concentration and focus
8. Helps in achieving tranquility and calmness
9. Builds self-control
10. Alleviates anxiety
11. Allows self-acceptance
12. Improves sleep cycle
13. Alleviates chronic back pain
14. In diabetics, it lowers blood sugar levels.
15. Enhances sense of equilibrium
16. Bone strength
17. Helps in weight management
18. Reduces the chance of heart disease

46 | P a g e
What are the Different Types of Yoga?

1. Hatha Yoga
➢ This is the most common form of yoga today. ‘Ha’ here means ‘sun’ and
‘tha’ means moon. In other words, Hatha yoga brings together the energy
of the sun and the moon towards a complete balance in the body.
➢ Hatha yoga uses different postures combined with breathing exercises to
purify both body and mind and thereby controlling and reversing a
number of diseases.
➢ This type of yoga can be practiced by anyone who wants as long as you
have access to a training video – though the best way to learn to practice
yoga is with the help of a teacher who could guide you in your

2. Raja Yoga
1. Raja Yoga is also known as ‘Royal Yoga’ (Raja means King in Sanskrit).
This yoga is practiced by people who are using meditation for a higher
achievement than only physical and mental fitness.
2. This type of yoga is used by people who have a religious bent of mind
and want to immerse themselves in long and deep meditation.
3. The Hatha yoga prepares both the body and mind for this type of yoga
and hence, before Raja Yoga is even attempted, the person should first of
all be well adept with Hatha Yoga.
4. This is a branch of yoga that is practiced by sages.

3. Jnana Yoga
➢ Jnana means wisdom is Sanskrit language and hence this type of yoga
concentrates on learning. Jana yoga is one of the most difficult of the
yoga practices as this involves the study of the ancient scriptures besides
practicing yoga physically.
➢ This type of yoga concentrates on the development of the intellect of an
individual and his/ her connection with the larger universe as a whole.

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4. Tantra Yoga
1. This type of yoga is definitely the most misunderstood and at the same
time controversial forms of yoga. This pertains to discipline and training
to accept desire as an integral part of one’s function.
2. Tantra yoga is a spiritual way to enjoy sex in a more sublime form. This
is definitely not a license for orgies, neither it calls for abstinence or
3. There are two major branches of Tantra Yoga – Dakshinachara or the
“Right Hand Path” and the Vamachara or the “Left Hand Path”.

5. Karma Yoga
1. Karma yoga believes in the complete balance of the Universe and hence
implies that a person’s behavior usually impacts his/ her future.
2. It shows that there is a complete and definite connection between each
person and the Universe and literally ‘what goes in, comes out back’.
3. This is another branch of yoga which is mostly practiced by those who
renounced the worldly life and want to lead an ascetic life.
4. Karma yoga promoted selfless service and care to the less fortunate as
devotion to God.

6. Bhakti Yoga
1. Bhakti means ‘devotion’ and hence this branch of yoga is dedicated to the
love of God and through it, love of all life and mankind.
2. This is a form of meditation which concentrates on channelizing all the
energy towards becoming more loving and tolerant of others.

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➢ “Asana” is the Sanskrit word for a physical posture. Expressed in general

terms Asana denotes a specific position which can be held in a relaxed
and comfortable manner for a long period of time.
➢ In the 2nd Century before Christ, Patanjali wrote down the principles of
Yoga practice in the “Yoga Sutras” (aphorisms).
➢ He named only the meditation posture “Asana” and the physical postures
he termed “Yoga Vyayam”.
➢ However, in common usage the dynamic Yoga exercises also became
known as Asanas
➢ Many Asanas were derived from the natural movements and positions of
animals and carry the names of animals such as “cat”, “deer”, “tiger”,
“hare”, etc.
➢ These postures make use of examples from nature on how to help oneself.
Asanas have a far-reaching effect upon body and mind.
➢ The animals instinctively used these movements and positions because of
their natural benefits.
➢ These effects are attained through the practice of the Asanas. For
example: Marjari (The Cat) for stretching the body and the spine,
Bhujangasana (The Cobra) for the release of aggression and emotions,
and Shashankasana (The Hare) for relaxation. The headstand
(Shirshasana) and Lotus (Padmasana), are regarded as the supreme or
“royal” Asanas.

Health Benefits from the Regular Practice of Asanas

1. Flexibility of the spine is increased
2. The joints become more mobile
3. The muscles are relaxed, toned and receive a plentiful supply of
4. Organ and glandular activity is stimulated and regulated
5. The lymphatic system and metabolism are stimulated
6. The immune system is strengthened
7. Circulation and blood pressure are normalised and stabilised
8. The nervous system is calmed and strengthened
9. The skin becomes clear and fresh

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The second “pillar” of the Yoga exercises is PRANAYAMA

Pranayama is the conscious and deliberate control and regulation of the
breath (Prana means breath, ayam means to control, to regulate).
With each breath we absorb not only oxygen, but also Prana.
Prana is cosmic energy, the power in the Universe that creates, preserves
and changes.
It is the basic element of life and consciousness. Prana is also found in
food, therefore it is very important to have a healthy and wholesome
vegetarian diet.

Effects of Pranayamas

Preservation of the body’s health

Purification of the blood
Improvement in the absorption of oxygen
Strengthening the lungs and heart
Regulation of blood pressure
Regulation of the nervous system
Supporting the healing process and healing therapies
Increasing resistance to infection

Kriya Yoga?
Kriya yoga is often referred to as the “Yoga of Action or Awareness”. It
is an ancient meditation technique that uses pranayama (breathwork),
mantra (chanting) and mudras (spiritual hand gestures) to rapidly
accelerate spiritual growth. The ultimate goal of a kriya practice is to
achieve spiritual awakening or enlightenment (aka Samadhi).

Although an ancient technique practiced in India for centuries, kriya yoga

was not introduced to the west until the 1920s by Paramahansa
The practice gained worldwide attention when mentioned later in his
book, Autobiography of a Yogi, where he defined kriya yoga as “union
with the infinite through a certain action or rite.”

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The 6 Shat Kriyas are:

1. Kapalabhati: “Kapala” is sanskrit for “skull” and “bhati” is sanskrit for

“shine”, hence Kapalabhati is the skull shining breath. This pranayama or
breathing technique purifies the frontal region of the brain and cleanses
the respiratory system and nasal passage.
2. Trataka: Trataka the exercise of fixing the gaze steadily on an object
without blinking. The practice of Trataka activates the tear glands,
purifying the visual system. It is said to improve eyesight as well as
promote enhanced concentration.
3. Neti: Neti is a technique to purify the nostrils. There are four types of neti
purification where different mediums (water, milk, ghee or a waxed
thread) are used to cleanse and clear the nasal passage. Cleansing the
nostrils helps to prevent irregular breathing and other nasal ailments.
4. Dhouti: Dhouti kriyas are meant for cleansing the intestine. There are
three types of Dhouti kriyas, all which are helpful to relieve gastric
issues, acidity and asthma.
5. Nauli: Naul kriya purifies and strengthens all the vital internal organs.
Agnisara kriya and Uddiyana bandha are preparatory practices for the
three Nauli kriyas. These kriyas help to relieve constipation and activate
the function of the liver, spleen and other organs.
6. Vasti: Vasti kriya is the practice of cleansing the rectum and is
essentially a yogic enema to clean the colon.


Bandha is a Sanskrit word, that means ‘lock or ‘to bind’. As the

practice of Bandha locks or binds prana in certain parts of the
body, therefore, its name is Bandha. The meaning of Bandha can
be defined as:

The Yogic practices that lead to the activation of energy in certain

specific parts of the body, with the help of the contraction on some
muscle fibres, that accelerates the functions of all organs attached
to that area.

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importance of Bandhas, what they actually do:

Bandhas lock these doorways so that Pranic energy don’t leak

unnecessarily into the atmosphere.
Usually, some areas of our body are energy-rich & some are
energy-deprived. In energy-rich areas, Prana is actually get stuck
by muscular tension.
Bandhas redirects this stuck energy to the energy-deprived regions.
Bandhas are great tools to get control over different koshas of the
body, firstly through physical means then with just mental
As the bandhas are very helpful in the stimulation of the chakras,
therefore, Yogis perform Bandhas for Kundalini awakening.

Types of Bandhas

1. Minor Bandhas
These are performed by locking our hand & feet area.
Hasta Bandha – Hand locks
Pada Bandha – Feet locks

2. Major Bandhas
These are performed by locking muscles near to pelvis, abdomen & throat
Mula Bandha
Uddiyana Bandha
Jalandhara Bandha

3. Maha Bandha
This body lock is when all 3 major bandhas are performed altogether,
called Maha Bandha.

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Historical background of Yoga

➢ Yoga’s history has many places of obscurity and uncertainty due to its
oral transmission of sacred texts and the secretive nature of its teachings.
➢ The early writings on yoga were transcribed on fragile palm leaves that
were easily damaged, destroyed or lost.
➢ The development of yoga can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago, but
some researchers think that yoga may be up to 10,000 years old old.
➢ Yoga’s long rich history can be divided into four main periods of
innovation, practice and development.

Pre-Classical Yoga

1. The beginnings of Yoga were developed by the Indus-Sarasvati

civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago.
2. The word yoga was first mentioned in the oldest sacred texts, the Rig
3. The Vedas were a collection of texts containing songs, mantras and
rituals to be used by Brahmans, the Vedic priests.
4. Yoga was slowly refined and developed by the Brahmans and Rishis who
documented their practices and beliefs in the Upanishads, a huge work
containing over 200 scriptures.
5. The most renowned of the Yogic scriptures is the Bhagavad-Gîtâ,
composed around 500 B.C.E.
6. The Upanishads took the idea of ritual sacrifice from the Vedas and
internalized it, teaching the sacrifice of the ego through self-knowledge,
action (karma yoga) and wisdom .

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Classical Yoga

1. In the pre-classical stage, yoga was a mishmash of various ideas, beliefs

and techniques that often conflicted and contradicted each other.
2. The Classical period is defined by Patanjali’s Yoga-Sûtras, the first
systematic presentation of yoga. Written some time in the second century,
this text describes the path of RAJA YOGA, often called "classical
3. Patanjali organized the practice of yoga into an "eight limbed path"
containing the steps and stages towards obtaining Samadhi or
4. Patanjali is often considered the father of yoga and his Yoga-Sûtras still
strongly influence most styles of modern yoga.

Post-Classical Yoga

1. A few centuries after Patanjali, yoga masters created a system of practices

designed to rejuvenate the body and prolong life.
2. They rejected the teachings of the ancient Vedas and embraced the
physical body as the means to achieve enlightenment.
3. They developed Tantra Yoga, with radical techniques to cleanse the body
and mind to break the knots that bind us to our physical existence.
4. This exploration of these physical-spiritual connections and body
centered practices led to the creation of what we primarily think of yoga
in the West: Hatha Yoga.

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Modern Period

1. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, yoga masters began to travel to the
West, attracting attention and followers.
2. This began at the 1893 Parliament of Religions in Chicago, when Swami
Vivekananda wowed the attendees with his lectures on yoga and the
universality of the world’s religions.
3. In the 1920s and 30s, Hatha Yoga was strongly promoted in India with
the work of T. Krishnamacharya, Swami Sivananda and other yogis
practicing Hatha Yoga.
4. Krishnamacharya opened the first Hatha Yoga school in Mysore in 1924
and in 1936 Sivananda founded the Divine Life Society on the banks of
the holy Ganges River.
5. Krishnamacharya produced three students that would continue his legacy
and increase the popularity of Hatha Yoga: B.K.S. Iyengar, T.K.V.
Desikachar and Pattabhi Jois.
6. Sivananda was a prolific author, writing over 200 books on yoga, and
established nine ashrams and numerous yoga centers located around the
7. The importation of yoga to the West still continued at a trickle until Indra
Devi opened her yoga studio in Hollywood in 1947.
8. Since then, many more western and Indian teachers have become
pioneers, popularizing hatha yoga and gaining millions of followers.
9. Hatha Yoga now has many different schools or styles, all emphasizing the
many different aspects of the practice.

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Benefits & Effects of Yoga on Mental and physical health

Yoga seems like a very mild way to exercise but practicing yoga regularly
actually offers the same health benefits of higher impact exercise… without the
stress on your joints.

1. It can build muscle, improve physical strength and fitness, and burn
calories just like cardio and strength training.
2. Here are some physical benefits you can look forward to with regular
yoga practice.
3. Improved balance and flexibility.
4. Better posture.
5. Reduced fatigue.
6. Healthier heart rate and lower blood pressure.
7. Chronic pain relief in the joints and muscles.
8. Better sleep.
9. Increased strength and stamina.
10. More energy.
11. Improved circulation.
12. Weight loss and easier weight maintenance when combined with a
healthy diet.
13. The Benefits of Yoga for Men, Women, and Children
14. Let’s take a look at some specific ways yoga can benefit men, women,
children, and senior adults.

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Yoga for Men

In addition to the mental and physical benefits outlined above, there are some
specific things men can look forward to with a commitment to regular yoga

1. Improved flexibility, respiratory function, range of motion, and energy…

all of which can boost athletic performance in other sports.
2. Faster recovery after high-intensity exercise due to reduced inflammation
and faster healing of the muscles, joints, and connective tissues.
3. Reduced injuries during physical activity due to improved flexibility,
strength, and greater body awareness.
4. Improved sex life due to increased self-confidence, lower stress levels,
and better physical health.
5. Better muscle tone due to improved circulation and oxygenation of the
6. Improved mental focus and memory due to enhanced cognitive function
related to the meditative aspects of yoga.

Yoga for Women

Here are some yoga benefits that will speak to women in particular.

1. Improved hormone balance and reduced symptoms during

menstruation and menopause.
2. Reduced worry and anxiety.
3. Improved posture.
4. Improved self-confidence.
5. Weight loss and easier weight management.
6. Improved skin health due to improved circulation and oxygenation of
the blood.

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