WCC Notes
WCC Notes
WCC Notes
Sutherland says thatthere difference in the implementation of the criminal law is due
principally to the difference in the social position of the two types of offenders. Mr.
Sutherland gives examples as follows
A. Judge Woodward, when imposing sentence upon the officials of the H.O. Stone and
Company, bankrupt real estate firm in Chicago, who had been convicted in 1933 of
the use of the mails to defraud, said to them, "You are men of affairs, of experience, of
refinement and culture, of excellent reputation and standing in the business and social
B. The business class, corporate bodies who are part of WCC have immense
influence on the legislatures as well.-This may be illustrated from the Pure Food
and Drug Law. Between 1879 and 1906, 140 pure food and drug bills were presented
in Congress and all failed because of the importance of the persons who would be
affected. It took a highly dramatic performance by Dr. Wiley in 1906 to induce
Congress to enact the law. That law, however, did not create a new crime, just as the
federal Lindbergh kidnapping law did not create a new crime; it merely provided a
more efficient implementation of a principle which had been formulated previously in
state laws.
C. When an amendment to this law, which would bring within the scope of its agents
fraudulent statements made over the radio or in the press, was presented to Congress,
the publishers and advertisers organized support and sent a lobby to Washington
which successfully fought the amendment principally under the slogans of "freedom
of the press" and "dangers of bureaucracy."
Daniel Drew, a pious old fraud, describes the criminal law with some accuracy, "Law is like
a cobweb; it's made for flies and the smaller kinds of insects, so to speak, but lets the big
bumblebees break through. When technicalities of the law stood in my way, I have always
been able to brush them aside easy as anything."
Sutherland catalogues the WCC’C as
1. They have greater influence in moulding law
2. They levy immunity by bribery, political pressure and extending benefit of business
or profession
3. The victim of wcc’s are weak.
4. They confine their victims who are scattered all over the country who could not
organise themselves to fight back. It is like stealing candy from baby.
5. The BCC chooses wealthy and powerful persons to commit burglary/robbery and
hence are caught and punished as their victims are powerful
Sutherland says “The theory that criminal behaviour in general is due either to poverty
or to the psychopathic and sociopathic conditions associated with poverty can now be
shown to be invalid for 3 reasons”
1. The statics of crime is only against blue collar criminals
2. Generalisation of criminality is closely associated with poverty obviously does not
apply to wcc
3. Conventional theories neither describes the lower-class criminality nor the higher
class criminals.
Sutherland offers some new hypotheses which will substitute the old conventional theories as
It is a not genetic/inherited but learned over period of time.
This theory suggests that through interaction with others in a process of
communication (through gesture also), individual learned other people values,
attitude, technique and motivation for criminal behaviour
Process of learning criminal behaviour by association with criminal and anti-criminal
Differential association may vary in frequency, duration, priority and intensity.
Those who become WCC’S generally start their career in good neighbourhood …
graduate from the colleges with same idealism…Get into particular business situation
in which criminality is thing and get inducted into that system
The BCC’S generally start their career in deteriorated neighbourhood and families
and partial separation from law abiding people
criticism vague and unspecific not explain why people not surrounded with criminal
still commit crime or vice-versa
theory is its assertion that criminal behaviour can only be learned through association with
other criminals. It ignores cases where people can be self-motivated and individualistic and
still be moved to crime.
Differential association culminates in crime because of the community is not
organized solidly against that behaviour. The law is pressing in one direction, and
other forces are pressing in the opposite direction.
In business the “rules of games” conflict with “legal rules”… the better business
bureau and crime commissions, composed of business, professional men attack BCC
lent overlook the wcc’s who are their own member
1. EMPLYOEE THEFT: this takes place because small thefts are not noticeable in
large and impersonal corporation…they have very little loyalty to their corporation…
they feel that they deserve what they steal.
2. Embezzlement: stealing money by fraud the offender ranges from low level
employees to top executives…they take money to steal due to “social psychological
process” in 3 phases. In order to get better social status.
3. FINANCIAL FRAUDS: To evade pay taxes and specially income taxes…middle
class and upper class are most common culprits…through chartered accountant to
manipulate their taxes…inside trading is also prevalent
1. Medical deviance: fee splitting doctors receive from another medical professional for
referring a patient to him…unnecessary surgery to get paid more…billing for services
not given…large no. of examinations are conducted…doctors prescribe those medics
of a company who sends them costly gifts
2. Lawyers’ lawlessness: practising of overcharging clients…tax lawyer teaches trick to
other to evade tax.
3. Accounting abuse: fraud or negligence in the course of audits…conflict of interest
prevents many accountant example “Satyam scandal”
When a person offers, promises, or gives a bribe, it is called active bribery, and when a
person requests, receives, or accepts a bribe, it is called passive bribery. Both forms are of
concern to companies and are outlawed.
Foreign corrupt practces act deal only with active bribery
Example of active bribery bribing police officer to escape fines or criminal prosecution
1. Organisation of economic cooperation and development (OECD)- convention on
combating bribery of foreign public officials in international business
transaction- 1961 Canada and USA joined the organisation was names as OECD- its
headquarter at Paris- 31 countries as members- it criminalised corruption in
international business transaction and addressed the criminal liability
OECD also passes convention against corruption which was signed in 1997 and came into
force in 199
2. Council of European criminal law convention on corruption- nov 1998-this
council discuss active/passive bribery of national, international in “politics”, “private
sector”- addressed international cooperation to deal all these corruption in WCC’s
3. Group of states of Europe against corruption(GRECO) was established by a
resolution by EU in may 1999 to fight against corruption
4. 20 guiding principles for the fight against corruption Page 39-40 resolution
adopted by EU council in nov 1997. It formed a multidisciplinary group on
7. African efforts (40 and 41 page)
Transparency international is international NGO which is bases in Germany (berlin)
found in 1993- non-profit purpose is to take action to combat GLOBAL
It also publishes for example
1. Global corruption barometer
2. Corruption perception index
TI it members have grown from few individual to more than 100
2016 global go to think tank index report 27th of 150 in world-wide think
TI state that it is global society organisation leading the fight against corruption.
TI mission is to create change toward a world free of corruption
Define corruption as abuse of entrusted power to private gain which
eventually hurt everyone who depends on the categorist of people in a position of
TI does not take up “investigation” on single case of corruption or expose invdual
cases-it develops tool to fight corruption and works with other civil society
Since 1995 TI has issued an annual “corruption perception index”- it also publishes
a global corruption report, a global corruption barometer and bribe prayers index
Peter eigen. Micheal whihen, Hansjorg elshort
Funding from siemens in 2015 it was reported that TI accepted 3m dollar from siems-
siemens in 2008 paid on of the largest “corporate corruption” fine in history which is 1.6b
dollar-for bribeing govt official in various countries-TI recied the money form siemens even
TI due diligence procedure prohibit the organisation from accepting money from corporation
want to “green wash” their reputation by making donation
This really shows that TI is not pure as people think
Non-support of Edward Snowden nov 2013 TI chapter at Germany and Ireland proposed
a resolution calling for the “end prosecution of j Snowden…he should be recognised as
whistle-blower for his help to reveal the overreaching and unlawful surveillance by secret
service” but final resolution passed in its plenary session excluded any reference to
Snowden and call for “comprehensive protection on whistle bower from all retaliation”
(Page 53-55) siemens story
Country score indicates the perceived level of public sector corruption on scale of
0(highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean)
Denmark tops the list with 90 score…Finland 2nd…New Zealand 3rd…last 180th
The CPI doesn’t measure private sector corruption like money laundering, tax fraud,
financial secrecy or illicit flow of money
CPI shoes no country is corruption free
India ranks 93rd (39 score) out of 180…85th in 2022….76th in 2015
Module 3
1. IPC 1860
Incodles some of the crimes which are now regard as WCC or corruption. corruption
was quite high in British raj
Chapter 9 sections 161 to 165a. later on prevention of corruption act came and
provisions in ipc were deleted and included in this act. These are related to corution
by public servant. “public servant” given more elaborate definition in the act
Chapter 9a corruption practise related to elections 171 b (briberu in election),
171h (illegal payment in connection with elections) 171 I (failure to keep accunts)
Chapter 12 offence relating to coins and govt stamp to get illegal money
Chapter 17 criminal misappropriation of property 403/404. Criminal breach of
turst 406-409. Cheating 415-420
Chapter 18 offences like documents and property marks and offences related to
currency notes and bank notes
5. Mining usually takes place in forested area and destroy the ecosystem and illegal mining
causes huge loss of forest
6. Air pollution due to coal-based power plant
Carbon trading
7. Pollution due to atomic energy plants are huge. The disposal of waste in dangerous. (for
example, Chernobyl in USSR)
8. Environmental crimes are widely recognised as among some of the most profitable form
of trans national criminal activities their monetary values was estimated on 2018 at
between 91 to 256 billion annually, most likely the 4th largest criminal area after drugs,
counterfeit and human trafficng.
According to INTERPOL-UNEP report 2016illegal activities that involve the
environment, biodiversity or natural resources are often lucrative and involve comparatively
low risks for criminal
UN environment titled “the state of knowledge of crimes that have serious impact on
environment” lists 5 most prevalent environmental crimes
1. Wildlife crime
2. Illegal logging rose wood trafficking in west Africa- high international value
3. Illegal fishing
4. Pollution crimes
5. Waste trafficking
6. Illegal mining
7. Illegal production of CFC
INDIAN perspective
1) Amur falcon conservation in Nagaland
2) Curbing the “dancing bear”
3) Reducing hornbill poaching in ARUNACHAL PRADESH
4) Red sanders smuggling
CARBON TRADING is buying and selling credits that permits a company of other entity
to emit certain amount of carbon dioxide carbon credit and carbon trade are authorised
by govt. with the goal of gradually reducing overall carbon emission and mitigating its
contribution to climate change China has biggest carbon market
2021 JulyChina started national emission trading program involve 2200+
companies in power sector and is designed to help the country reach it goal of achieve
carbon neutrality by 2060
European union emissions trading system 2nd largest carbon trade in world
Carbon trade originated in KYOTO PROTOCOL of un treaty that set the goal of
reducing emission by 5% below 1990 level by 2012
The idea behind carbon trading is similar to trading of securities or commodities in
market place carbon is given an economic value allowing people or companies to
trade it if nation buys carbon, it means buying the right to burn it and nation selling
carbon mean giving up of right to burn
Forest certification become a trade barrier for developing countries
About 4% of global forest areas in currently certified, mostly in developed countries
Certification of forest management and eco- labelling of forest product are receiving
much attention as potential investment for promoting export
In India it is in very nascent stage. Forest certification include 1) forest management
unit and chain of custody certification
Eco certification is rigours process that consist of an independent and impartial
certification body assessing the conformity of a product, service or system with
environmental and social requirement specified in a standard
EUTA-EU timber regulation is an example to prevent entry of illegal timber
1. Motive for financial gain
2. Non-compliance in environmental matter may be company policy or due to mangers
personal gain
3. Mangers are over jealous to improve financial condition of company
4. It may be “rule” in a corporation to ignore environmental restriction to save money and
earn more profit
WCC mainly related and motivated to financial gain.
Any crime in the internet is called cybercrime and these crimes are non-violent in
nature and especially motivates towards financial gain then it becomes WCC
For example credit card fraud, mail fraud, phishing, identity theft, copyright
privacy hacking, Pegasus
Pegasus its spyware developed by the Israeli cyberarm from NSO group that can
be covertly installed in mobile phones and other decision NSO GRUP developers
Pegasus used by many countries IT ministry of India said that 45 Countries are
using it rumours that govt of India sing it against the media, politicians, opposition
leader and also against the activists and NGO and many Delhi based on Kashmiri
agencies and media
NSO and Israeli govt claimed that their spyware is only sold to govt but none of the
nation including India came forward to accept
Zero click method to infect device without device owner consent
TARGETPegasus target every pillar of our democracy. Congress govt demands a
probe. Bengal poll not spared NSO denied any wrong doing because they say that
there develop it for use against criminals and terrorist and made available only to
military and law enforcement and intelligence agencies