Bahasa Inggris 2024

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Kelas 4


1. Menyimak- Peserta didik Where is Peserta didik PG 1,2,3,7,11,
Berbicara mampu My dapat mengerti 16
(Listening- menggunakan Pencil? nama-nama
Speaking) kalimat Bahasa ruangan
Inggris dengan pola dengan
yang sesuai menggunakan
dengan konteks Bahasa Inggris
yang dibicarakan.
Peserta didik PG 4,5
angka dalam
Bahasa Inggris
Peserta didik Isian 28,29
dapat menulis
dengan angka
Bahasa Inggris
Essai 31,34,35
Peserta didik dapat Peserta didik PG 6,14
memahami maksud mampu
dari informasi yang mengetahui
disampaikan informasi yang
dengan bantuan tertera pada
visual (gambar). gambar.
Peserta didik bisa The Peserta didik Isian 21,22,25,2
mengerti perintah Stove in mampu 6,30
sederhana yang the memahami Essai 32,33
berkaitan mengenai Kitchen dan menulis
beberapa benda kosakata
yang terdapat di sederhana
lingkungan sekitar yang berkaitan
dengan benda
2. Membaca-memirsa Peserta didik dapat dan
(Reading, Viewing) memberikan lingkungan
respons secara dalam Bahasa
lisan dan Inggris..
komunikasi non-
verbal terhadap
teks sederhana
yang tertera pada
lembar soal.
Peserta didik Where is PG 6,8,9,10,1
mampu menulis My 1,12,13,14
kosakata Pencil? ,17,18,20
sederhana yang Isian 22,27
berkaitan tentang
ruangan dan
Bahasa Inggris.


1. D 6. B 11. B 16. A
2. D 7. A 12. D 17. C
3. C 8. C 13. C 18. B
4. C 9. A 14. D 19. A
5. B 10. C 15. B 20. B


1. Frying Pan 6. Shampoo

2. Take a Bath 7. Living Room
3. Dining Room 8. Fifty Five (55)
4. Seventy Seven (77) 9. Ten (10)
5. Cup 10. Tooth Brush


1. We go to the beach on summer holiday

2. a. Dipper / b. Tooth Paste / c. Towel
3. Stove, Frying Pan, Pan, Spatula, Spoon, Fork, Knife, Fridge/Refrigerator,
Cutting Board (talenan), Blender, Bowl, Plate, Cup, Glass, Rice cooker,
Oven, Grill, etc. (Kebijakan Guru)
4. a. Bersih / B. Kotor / C. Kecil
5. Bedroom, Kitchen, Living Room


- Bagian I : 20 x 1 = 20
- Bagian II : 10 x 2 = 20
- Bagian III :5x4 = 20
TOTAL = 60

Jumlah Skor : 6
Jalan : Widuri II No.29 Atsiri Permai Kec.Bojonggede Kabupaten Bogor Telp.-
Email : [email protected]

I. Choose the best answer!

1. You can watch TV in …

a. dining room c. bathroom
b. bedroom d. living room
2. I sleep in my …
a. bathroom c. garage
b. kitchen d. bedroom
3. Nina is eating lunch at school …
a. yard c. canteen
b. library d. park
4. 67 – 32 =
a. forty five c. thirty five
b. thirty seven d. sixty seven
5. Ninety two minus seventeen equal …
a. 85 c. 55
b. 75 d. 65
6. What is she doing?
a. eating c. mopping
b. cooking d. sleeping
7. Anto take a bath in …
a. bathroom c. bedroom
b. living room d. backyard

Read the text down below to answer number 8 – 12!

“Lunch in Cafetaria”
The cafeteria is full with students, they are buy some food, eating, and talk each
other. Sarah buy a slice of pepperoni pizza, while Lily chose to buy a sandwich. The
cafeteria staff smiled as they handed over their meals, and then they searched for a
Finally, they found a spot near the window. As they sat down, Sarah unwrapped
her pizza and took a big bite. “This is amazing!” and then Lily laughed, “You always
say that!”. They talked about their classes and shared funny stories about their
school activity.

8. What is the title of the text?

a. Lunch Together c. Lunch in Cafetaria
b. Sarah and Lily d. My Cafetaria
9. Why the Cafetaria full of students?
a. for buy some food c. share funny story
b. walking and talking d. borrow a book
10. What is Lily buy for food?
a. pepperoni pizza c. sandwich
b. pumpkin soup d. bread toast
11. Where are they sit and found spot?
a. behind cafetaria staff c. join with other students
b. near the window d. searched for a table
12. What is Sarah and Lily Talk about?
a. about cafetaria staff c. about Lily Laugh
b. about pizza and funny stories d. about Classes and School Activity
13. We use eyes to …
a. talk c. see
b. eat d. run
14. Where is the book in this picture?
a. in the table c. on the chair
b. in the chair d. on the table
15. I use … to clean my body.
a. shampoo c. tooth paste
b. soap d. towel
16. Jena cook soup for dinner in the…
a. kitchen c. bedroom
b. Bathroom d. garage
17. My House has …. Livingroom for our Big Family.
a. small c. large
b. dirty d. tiny
18. Me and my friends are …. to the school by walk.
a. running c. sleep
b. going d. together
19. Fani …. in the bedroom at night.
a. sleep c. eat
b. read d. watch
20. Andika sit …. the sofa.
a. at c. in
b. on d. beside

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

21. We use …_________ for frying the fried chicken. (wajan penggorengan)
22. Michael …____________ in the bathroom. (mandi)
23. George and Aurie having dinner in the …___________________ (ruang makan)
24. The number before 78 is …__________________________________________
25. My Dad use a …_________________ for his hot coffee. (cangkir)
26. Jose buy a bottle of …_______________ for cleaning hair. (shampo)
27. We watched television with family in …______________________ (ruang tamu)
28. Nineteen plus thirty six is …__________________________________________
29. Twenty minus ten is …_____________________________________________
30. Sikat gigi in English is …___________________________________________

III. Essai!

31. Arrange the word into a good sentences!

go – beach – We – summer holiday – to – the – on
32. Translate the words below into English!
a. Gayung = ______________________________________________
b. Pasta gigi = ______________________________________________
c. Handuk = ______________________________________________
33. Mention 3 things in the kitchen!
34. Translate the words below into Indonesian!
a. Clean = ______________________________________________
b. Dirty = ______________________________________________
c. Small = ______________________________________________
35. Mention 3 rooms in the text below!
My Family lives in a house. Our house has two bedrooms. We cook in the
kitchen. We watch TV in the living room. I like to read and books and do my
homework in my bedroom. Our house is comfy place.

Identitas Penulis Naskah Soal

Nama : Dewi Cantika Fatimah Anggraini S,Pd.
Sekolah : SD Negeri Ragajaya
No. Telp : 0878-2521-0771

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