A Spoonful of Faith!
A Spoonful of Faith!
A Spoonful of Faith!
Now, this isn't the first letter I have written to you. I actually wrote the first edition
before, but till now, I haven't found it. I will trust that just maybe the Lord wants me to
rewrite it.
I'm sure by now, you must have known the mandate I was given to impart faith into
people, in order to empower the saved and to reach the unsaved and also to restore the
love for holiness within the church.
But currently even more importantly is that I should raise men for Him. Especially in
this institution the Lord has put us in, for the purpose of His kingdom.
And I believe – you're part of those men. Now from the headline. You can already
deduce what this might be about. So please do well to save this letter in your archive
forever so you can always go through it…TIME TO TIME!
According to scriptures, the only criteria for the blessings of the Lord is in you serving
Him! This can be found in Exodus 23:25 which says…
“You shall serve the Lord your God, and he will bless your bread and your
water, and I will take sickness away from among you”
Which clearly means that before you even start to benefit from all I'm going to teach you
now by the Spirit. Before you begin to walk in prosperity, before you begin to divine
health; You must ensure that…
You're very excited about the things of God and that you're serving Him: always being
kingdom minded & kingdom-oriented. So I can boldly say, if you're not serving God,
then most probably…
You're serving self or you're serving the devil. Either way, both of them puts you a step
closer to hell than normal. And you wouldn't want that for yourself…Would You?
And endeavor that you don't just practice religion while claiming to serve God, because
they can dead works without the real Spirit. What do I mean?
Make sure that whatever you're doing in the name of our one Lord Jesus Christ directly
or atleast indirectly leads to the salvation of souls or to the perfection of believers.
If you are among those who keep on complaining about how things are not working for
them, maybe you should ask yourself if you're actually working for Him?
For if you faithfully work for the Master, He makes all things work for you! Meanwhile
take a second and look at this food for thought:
Are those people complaining because things aren't working for them or are things not
working for them because they are complaining – anyways that's just…
So, make sure your thoughts, your words and your actions promotes the kingdom of our
dear Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, while you're out there serving the Lord, take heed to know these things which I'm
imparting unto you. The Good Lord rewards you for:
Real faith is Bible-based. And real faith, which is of the heart, is “Acting on God's Word”
because you see; the Holy Bible is a documentary of Spirit inspired words.
Basically instructions and principles that can make your living successful and
prosperous. And God's instructions are for your benefit not His. The Bible was
documented for you and not for Him!
Therefore you need to humble yourself and start building your faith. And there's
absolutely no need to blame God for any reason. God doesn't owe you anything:
basically, you owe Him everything.
If you desire to live victoriously, then you must live supernaturally. And since your faith
won't build itself, it's your responsibility to do so.
Therefore: If you don't take up the responsibility, you'll die a liability! If really all things
depends directly or indirectly on your faith, then it's so veritable a virtue for you to
And bless God, He gave us the principal means to get faith. If He didn't do so, you could
say He is unjust. Habakkuk 2 vs 4 among many other verses tells us that…
Little wonder why our Lord Jesus Christ emphasized even to the devil that man shall not
live by bread alone, but by any word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
So this goes on to say that our God is a faith God; so we too who have become His
children by the redemptive blood of adoption must also be gods of faith.
The same way a man dies if he has heart failure, that's the same way a person can die if
your faith fails. The only prayer the Good Lord made for the chief of His original
apostles was that his faith fails not.
Actually many that suffered heart attack wasn't because of cholesterol level or any
wonderful statement made by medical science – and I thank God for medical science!
Many a time the person's spirit had already grown weak for there's no faith. This is
mainly why many never survive major temptations.
Because the book of Proverbs says that if a man fails in the day of adversity, it's because
his strength was small. Little wonder why Psalm 119 says: “I kept your words in my
heart lest I sin against thee!”
The same way your muscles won't build itself, that way your faith won't
build itself. You've got to conciously do so.
Here's why: your faith is of so great a value. I could say it's an asset of inestimable value.
It has the power to deliver all you can ever desire.
It has been defined by the Bible as the substance of things hoped for and yet not seen.
Best definition ever!
Defined by the Catholic Church as an invaluable gift from God aiding us to strongly
believe without a shadow of a doubt anything revealed by God. Powerful!
By one of the fathers of faith, God's Apostle of Faith to his generation, and one after him,
and a father to me too. Bishop David Oyedepo defined it very wonderfully as:
That power that unveils the invisible world, delivering it's mission with precision. Now
this is a definition by an apostle of faith indeed!
Now, since I'm an apostle of faith in training: the Spirit Of Jesus Christ taught me using
an analogy of a computer system. I'll use a laptop for the ease of understanding.
Imagine typing a 40 page document in a laptop. Then remember that you'll need ink and
printer to be able to get it out. If not it'll remain in there.
He said that when you pray, what you did is as if you typed in something into the system
in softcopy. When your prayer is in line with His Word, He signs it to approve it.
Now, the printer is your faith, and the ink is the word of God, remember that all these is
powered by an energy, that energy is God Himself, He's the electricity that powers both
the laptop – which is the spirit realm,
And the printer which is your faith, the ink which is His Word and the plain sheets
which represents the natural realm – the physical realm. Why? Well you see, the God
we're talking about is…
I pray that the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead will explain this to you better in
Jesus name! AMEN. And you will because that same Spirit now dwells in you.
Concerning this letter, the Lord told me that He'll cause the same anointing that's in my
spoken word to rest in my written word. Think about that, is the Lord not good?
That's why knowledge of the Word Of God is so important, because without knowledge
of His word, you might be able to print only 4 pages, though the required is 40, because
ink was insufficient.
Faith is genuine display of confidence in God till the desired result is achieved or
obtained (see HEB 10:35 & Rom 4:20-21)
So, since faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word Of Christ. Continue to feed on
God's Word and meditating on it. Job 22 vs 22 says…
“Receive I pray thee, the law from his mouth and lay up his words in your
Can you see it now, the Bible also says in one if the epistles, that the Word of Christ
should dwell richly in you. Now what happens when you get full?
You start speaking! The Bible says in the book of Acts 2 vs 4 that, they were filled with
the Holy Spirit and started to SPEAK… your mouth is like the gun that launches the
faith stored in your heart.
Romans 10 vs 10 says that it's with heart man believeth unto righteousness but with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation! So no matter what you believe, you'll need to
say it!
Isaiah 43 vs 26 says: “...Declare thou, that thou mayest be justified” There's no way
you'll be drunk with the word of God inside of you and you won't start to speak!
And Blessed be God – the One that's More Than Enough! When you speak, God
confirms what you say, and angels go to bring it to pass.
So my dear child, know this principle and hide it in your heart, for it will save you on the
evil day. The power of life and death lies in your tongue!
Knowing how to turn your faith loose will keep you and always keep the devil on the run.
Lay hold on this truth:
Anything you're still too ashamed to say, God is still to ashamed to confirm. Didn't God
the Son Himself say that anyone who's too ashamed to acknowledge Him before men…
He'll be too ashamed to acknowledge before His father God. And you know that Christ is
the Spoken Word Of God made flesh.
Being ashamed of God's Word is being ashamed of Christ, and being ashamed of Christ
will ultimately make Christ ashamed of you!
Imagine the great High priest, the only bridge you have to God is ashamed of telling God
about you? God forbid! So after you're done praying…START SPEAKING!
So continue filling yourself with the Word Of God, you can't be full and not speak, you
can't be drunk and not speak, Proverbs says that nothing witholds rain once the cloud is
For the Word Of God in the book of Matthew 12 vs 34-35 & 37 says some things which
you need to check out for yourself. That's why I keep listing verses for you!
Now, I'll continue to write to you perhaps weekly as the Lord helps me but the summary
of the reason for this letter is in the headline, and the answer to that headline is in the
Post Script {P.S}.
P.S: “...Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you'll
say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing
will be impossible for you”
P.P.S: Therefore don't just tell the mountain to go, tell it where to go to, and it
will obey you, read it up in Matt 17 vs 20 - 21.
Oswaldmary Francis
(Bondservant Of Mary)
You're a BELIEVER not a DOUBTER. You're whatever the Word Of God says you are! If
you believe it, you'll say it boldly, and if you'll say it boldly, the Lord will confirm it, and
when the Lord confirms it…SATAN IS ON THE RUN!
Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit!