GC7020 T3 Capstone Session 9
GC7020 T3 Capstone Session 9
GC7020 T3 Capstone Session 9
– Session 9
Dr Alison Bishop
29th July 2024
Today we are
looking at how to
write it all up
The sections, in order – word counts
• Introduction [300 – 500 words]
• Systematic literature review [3000 – 3500 words]
• Proposal [500 – 1000 words]
• Planning [800 – 1000 words]
• Development [1500 – 2000 words]
• Outcome [1500 – 2000 words]
• Discussion [1200 – 1500 words]
• References are included in the word count
• Appendices are not included in the word count.
• Note that you cannot write the top number of
words listed here for each section as you will be
over the word count. So, these are guidelines
Introduction (300 – 500 words)
The introduction is clear
and comprehensive;
rationale for the project is
theoretically based and
showing evidence of
critical thinking. The gaps /
questions are clearly
presented with reference
to papers that the study
aims to capture
Systematic literature review – part 1
Systematic literature review part 2
Systematic literature
review (3000 – 3500
Will the format of your artefact bring any additional and relevant challenges
to its implementation / intended use?
Development (1500 – 2000 words)
Demonstrate the solid link between the real-world need identified and the existing
research (SLR and other relevant sources)
What decisions were made, why they were necessary, why was your final choice was the
relevant one (e.g., deciding between an online vs. in-person training; components within a
leadership development program; topics to include in a policy document; etc)
Outcome (1500 – 2000 words)
Now that you have already shared your insights on:
What the real-world need is and what the artefact is, generally
How your artefact is expected to help, broadly
How it was planned and developed, in detail
Consider also:
The particulars of the actual artefact (i.e., final version)
How the various components or parts will be used
What the artefact looks like in its final iteration
What materials / information developed as part of the project
Discussion – See week 8 slides
Appendices – what
goes here?
• Your PRISMA protocol diagram
• Your artefact
• Anything else that you signposted in the
main body of text.
Point Evidence
1) State your point
How to write critically
– with evidence.
• Completeness
• Other important factors
• Different findings
• Consider all aspects
• Analyse and evaluate
Break out rooms
• In your breakout rooms please discuss the difference between
analysing and evaluating. Can you create some questions
together that would help you to analyse and evaluate when you
are writing up your work.
• Examples to get you started:
• Analysing – Could there be other explanations or conclusions?
• Evaluating – How far do the results address the research
How to not overclaim on your
• Do: Use cautious language – ‘this might lead to’
‘this may mean’
• Don’t: use absolutes like ‘this proves’
What is a capstone – part 1
The Introduction (rationale, gaps and
Week 9 To do list
1) Finish tasks from weeks 1 – 8
2) Keep going
3) Smile – you are doing great!
4) Attend your supervision group
– see the meeting link in your TEAMS channel
5) Don’t worry about things we haven’t covered yet,
or if you aren’t quite as far on as others.
6) Take the next steps, whatever they are.
7) Ask for help if you need it.
Any questions?