Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition
June 13 – 17, 2016, Seoul, South Korea
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CFX. A numerical PCP model [13] for Newtonian fluid unstructured mesh generation is flexible for complex shape
predicts the flow rate used simplified form of Navier-Stokes geometry and dynamic mesh applications. The domain was
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equation and the results are close to the experimental results. discretized using octree approach, which generates tetrahedral
Berton et al. [14] presented a full transient 3D model mesh. The octree method is robust, generates mesh using top-
considering both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. The down meshing approach, and does not require any surface
recent studies [15-16] considered the deformation of stator mesh to generate the volume mesh. The computational domain
(elastomeric PCP) and developed model for predicting the is discretized by a mesh consisting of 2,285,938 elements as
flow variables. The main difficulties in 3D modeling arise shown in the fig.2.
because of the transient flow, complex geometry and the
moving boundaries. Table 1.Geometrical details of PCP
In this paper, a 3D CFD unsteady model of PCP has been
developed to predict the flow rate at the zero differential Parameters Dimensions
pressure with different speeds. The CFD results are validated Eccentricity (E) 4.039mm
with the experimental results and detailed analysis has been Rotor diameter 39.878mm
presented. Stator diameter 40.248mm
Stator pitch 119.99mm
PCP GEOMETRY Number of stages 3
The operating principle of PCP was first described by
Moineau [6]. The work was based on the geometry with the
hypocycloidal design of the rotor-stator profile. A PCP
consists of a single threaded rotor and a double threaded Ps Stator
stator. The rotor cross section is circular which is
perpendicular to the axis along the length. The center of each Rotor
successive circular section lies along the helix and it is called
the axis of the rotor. The center of the rotor cross section is
offset from the axis of the rotor at a distance called the
eccentricity (e). The cross section of stator (fig.1) has two
semicirclesjoined by two tangential lines and the center to
center distance is4e[1,17].
Due to rotation of rotor, cavities are formed progressively,
andone cavity openswhile another closes. The fluid gets Axis
transferred from the closing cavity to the opening cavity and
pressuredifferential increases. The pressure capacity of PCP Pr
depends upon the number of the cavities. The leakage flow or
back flow occurs from a higher pressure cavity to a lower Axis
pressure cavity and reduces the overall efficiency.
Figure 1.PCP geometry: rotor and stator
The CFD analysis was done in a three-stage metallic PCP,
and it was validated with experiment results [3, 10]. Details of
the pump specifications are given in Table 1. The 3D
geometry of the pump was created in pre-processor CAD
software. A full pitch was considered for the analysis, and a
clearance between the stator and the rotor was taken as 0.5mm
instead of actual clearance 0.385mm. This small increase in
clearance was due to the thin-section meshing difficulty and
also to avoid negative volume cell formation during mesh
movement. The increase in clearance may lead to increase in
the leakage and decrease in the discharge of the pump. The
rotor pitch length is one half of the stator pitch length, and one
stage equals to one stator pitch.
In this analysis, the fluid domain was discretized and the
flow equations were solved by numerical method. The domain
was extracted for fluid flow and the solid body (rotor) was Figure 2. Unstructured mesh in the fluid domain
kept as a hollow helical cylinder. The unstructured mesh was
generated in the meshing software ANSYS-ICEM CFD. The