Oh Shit
Oh Shit
Oh Shit
Draco panicked. He did not know where he was, only that he was nowhere close to home.
Just one night he goes to sleep uneasily in the Malfoy Manor dreading the next day as he was
scheduled to take the Dark Mark, the next he wakes up sopping wet in a small frontal garden
in a time that, seeing the horridly outdated architecture, is not his, and unable to say anything
when asked where is parents are except 'gone'. He doesn't know how he got to some older
time and he doesn't really want to know. Maybe it is Fate fucking with him again. Would be
typical. Last thing he knew his Father was at the Ministry and his Mother was locked in her
room, both likely to die when Father came back...so who knew?
It is the 1940s, as he soon learns, and dread creeps in. Stuck going to Hogwarts for his sixth
year, with nothing more than his name and trying to fend off the curious looks and stares as a
Malfoy seems to pop up out of nowhere, Draco does not know what he is going to do.
Luckily he has Tom by his side...sort of...He just doesn't know what to make of him.
Chapter 1
The first thing he notices when he comes to is that he is freezing. It is freezing, and the
second is that he is absolutely soaked through and it is raining and he is for whatever reason
outside. The third is that his entire body feels like it is going to convulse if he even tries to
move, so he can only groan and whimper and curl wherever he is at trying to spare the tears
that flood his eyes, not that it matters considering the rain would wash them away either way.
He notices, as his fourth thing after coming to from the darkness, as he turns on his side that
there is a rather large, and old, building before him. It was inhabited, if the screaming for
someone inside was not obvious enough. Draco does not know what they are screaming, only
that he wishes they would stop. it hurts his ear drums. It is painful, and he most certainly does
not appreciate it. The last thing he notices is the sign, and with dawning horror the confusion
that was he was not in his time anymore...he did not know when he was, but it was not when
he should be. Those are the only thing he has the chance to know before his vision blurs and
he does not know anything anymore.
The next thing he realizes is speaking, but the words he can actually make out this time.
"Surely we can make space!" A sigh, disappointed and somehow also slightly worried.
"We have been making space for the last three kids. There really is no more. You know this
better than I." A groan, but then Draco coughs, a shudder rolling down his spine once again.
The woman stop talking and turn their gaze towards him.
"There you are," The elder one says, Draco doesn't know what to make of her, unsure as he
just stares, blinking with a blank look on his face. "We were worried for a moment. You
almost got a rather deathly cold from being outside in the cold and rain for so long." Draco
just continued to stare, his face twisting in confusion. "Oh dear, Do you know what day it is?"
Draco shook his head slowly, furrowed brows. "It is July 1st, 1943." Draco grit his teeth, his
eyes staring out at the Matron blankly, still wet, but no tears fell down his cheeks. "D-Do you
know where your parents are?" Draco felt his eyes water, and a his lower lip wobble as he
heard the Dark Lord in his mind. For your insolence, Young Draco, it will not be your
punishment to dole, no...But he had to remember, his parents were not whenever he was, and
furthermore, he had no doubt that the Dark Lord already either tortured them, killed them, or
sent them to Azkaban as he seemed quite fond of doing.
"Gone," He said softly, his voice was monotone, something which seemed to startle the
"They are likely dead by now. That is, if they are lucky." Draco said his words scarcely above
whispering level, the matrons had to lean forwards to hear a word he was saying. He did not
bother speaking louder. He also did not repeat himself, there was no point. They were
muggles, and even if they were not, even if he wanted to, he cannot go back...The Time
Turner was not yet invented. At best he would have to wait until it was to return, and who
knew what he would return to, or if he even could go that far without splitting his existence.
Magic drug him to this time, so Magic would have to deal with his meddling.
"We did just recently have that major defeat a few months ago...remember...at..."
"I remember. February, the first defeat actually. Or at least, major one." All Draco could
gather was that it seemed that Muggles had a war going on as well, not something he wanted
to know. He knew that Grindlewald was still at large, but he definitely was not aware of the
muggle side of things. He groaned, fingers going to his temples leaving the Matrons to shut
"You are most right. Sweetie, how...how old are you?" Draco blinked, startled at the sudden
change, but did not allow that much emotion on his face, nor in his voice as he answered
"I turn sixteen on July 5th, Madam." He said softly. His pale eyes were somewhat eerie to
Muggles, a majority of the time, he knew, which explained the slight startle that they gave as
he turned his eyes towards the first Madam. However, giving points to their credit, they did
not dwell on it.
"Well, you may stay with us for another two years, if you are willing." Draco bowed his head,
he had no other place to go, what would he do? It was not as though he could just march up
onto the Malfoy gates and demand to be taken in. His grandfather would have a fit, he
definitely did not need to see his grandfather angry, his Father showed him the Malfoy anger
and the damage it caused more than once.
"If he does anything, at all, let us know immediately." Draco smiled politely.
"Madam," he said with a slight incline of his head in lue of answering yes or no.
"I am sorry, the rooms are not all that big, but they could be worse." The Second Matron said
simply as she slowly led Draco up the halls. "I will get you different clothes, of course, I
doubt Tom would be willing to share." She sighed heavily. Draco did not care much to
continue to listen to her chatter and ignored her until they got to this mysterious 'Tom's'
Chapter 2
The Matron opened the door gently, the hinges creaking as she did so. Dark eyes clashed with
cool grey as Draco was face to face with a rather handsome young individual. He could
almost feel his cheeks flush as he was looked over with a dull look. His eyes were the colour
of a copper knut. Draco had never really used those when it came to wizarding money,
but...he had seen some of the poorer families pay for them. They were a rather rich and deep
brown. He turned away before he could get further flustered over the eyes, turning to gaze at
the Matron.
"Thank you, for your aid." He said simply, keeping his eyes slightly lowered. He knew that it
looked pathetic, but he needed the aesthetic of pathetic orphan child, though that was kind of
what he was now, an orphan. Either way it was the only reason that they were allowing him
to stay, he was not that stupid, he knew that they pitied him. Typically, he hated pity. It was
annoying when Pansy or Blaise looked at him with that look in their eyes, but at the same
time, he could not really afford to be picky at the moment. Literally. The Matron sighed, a
guilty look in her eyes as she turned, but not before giving Tom a warning look. Draco did
not bother to comment on it, allowing the door to close before sighing heavily, and leaning
against the wall with his eyes closed.
It took a moment for him to get his bearings. He was used to being surrounded by magic. He
had not noticed that until he could no longer feel the slight thrum under his skin. His own
magic was still concealed, To most perhaps it was a rather...eccentric thing to do, but Draco
had learned to be eccentric like his Aunt Bella. It had been necessary, given who occupied his
home. A bit over the top, but at least he knew what he was doing. He could play on their pity,
even if he disliked it. He had to be able to, at this point, there were not really a lot of other
options that he had.
"Who are you?" The so called Tom questioned idly. Draco swallowed, not allowing his
nerves to show. It would be dangerous. He could sense it. Tom Riddle was dangerous, he was
not sure why he felt that way, but he was not about to question it either. He lowered his eyes
in deference to the other. He could sense there was something more about this kid. He felt...as
though he should tread carefully. He was not one to ignore his instincts. At least, not
anymore, he knew that there was a feel about Tom that was dangerous, he was just not sure
what it was.
"My name is Draco, am I to presume that you are Tom?" The other boy nodded slowly once.
"It would seem as though the Matron's are not overly enthused by your presence."
"No, though they are not happy about much around here, least of all myself." Draco nodded,
but did not say anything further regarding the subject. He did not eye Tom either, rather cast
his gaze about the room. He knew what that dangerous feeling was the moment he felt
something stab through his skull. Hissing he turned to narrow his eyes towards the teen.
"Do. Not." He hissed, his eyes turning an icy cold grey as his emotions got the better of him.
"Attempt to go through my mind." His breathing was coming out in small pants as he
continued to stare Tom down. Tom, however, did not even look remotely chastised.
"You are magic." Tom stated, it was not a question. "Thought so." The feeling of danger,
Draco realized what it was. Tom was repressing his own magic, that was why. He could not
sense it but still his instincts had known. He thanked merlin for Veela instinct and how much
more heightened they were than regular wizards. Draco swallowed, his breathing fast. "You
are powerful though, to sense me so quickly."
"I had lessons," Draco muttered, his eyes now on the floor again. "Not as though I taught
"Almost sixteen,"
"Whatever, point is, impressive nonetheless. Shielding is much more difficult than prying
after all." Tom admitted, a shrug of his shoulder as he spoke the careless words.
"Interesting." Tom hummed leaning back as he assessed Draco, who did not cower from his
gaze, but instead returned it as well, fighting off the shivers. "I like you." He declared after
their stare down had lasted at least a few minutes. Draco could not help but start a bit,
"You. I like you. You are interesting." Draco did not question it, merely tilting his head.
"You are a Legilimens," Draco stated. "That is just as impressive as an occlumens, especially
at our age."
"Oh," Draco paused, glancing up at Tom who seemed to be once more enthralled in a book he
was ready. Draco felt an uncharacteristic level of shyness overcome him. "T-Tom,"
"Sir then, if I may, could you perhaps..." Draco sighed, shaking his head. It was too much to
"Go on," Tom ordered. Draco sighed. He got the feeling if he did not he would anger Tom,
and something told him that would be a very bad idea.
"Quite a bit, as it were. Though not as much as some of my friends at school. Why?" Draco
"It is nothing,"
"My previous teacher is...no longer a viable option, considering where I ended up, perhaps
that was obvious. Since you know something, is it...alright if...you helped instead?" Draco
cringed at the horridly worded sentence. "Only if it is acceptable to you, however, given the
circumstances, I have nobody else to aid me, I understand if it is a bit too large a request,
though, you need not feel compelled to accept."
"You sound like my friend too." Tom said with an eye roll. "Sure," He stated, snapping his
book closed. He leaned forwards on the edge of his bed. "But you know that means I have to
try and delve into your mind, correct?"
"I...do, yes,"
"I think I will be fine," Draco stated. "My last teacher was...not the most patient."
"Neither am I."
"And yet I get the feeling you will be a better one than they were. Just...if you manage to
break the barriers, please...stop." Draco whispered, his eyes trained on the floor. "I know that
is a rather large request, and you have no reason to adhere to it, I just..."
"No need to fret, I will stop myself. Rather large risk you are taking, though, I must admit."
"What choice do I have?" Draco asked, imploring the other male. The stress caused tears
finally began to fall, and Tom could not help but think that the blonde looked rather beautiful
whilst crying. "There is a war, muggle and wizard alike. Already, the war would have spread
to norther Europe and it is only a matter of time before Grindlewald turns his very focus on
England. War...is cruel. You never know what someone may do. I was learning to shield my
mind from sorcerers far more powerful than myself, it was my orders, but...I cannot do that
by myself. My previous teacher was not kind but they were effective and now? My parents
are nowhere to be found, I have no guardian, no godfather to care for me, I am on my own.
There is a madman running around..."
"Is Grindlewald that?" Tom interrupted, causing Draco to pause and stare up at him.
"Mad? Is Grindlewald truly mad?" Draco shook his head.
"No, he does make good points, why do you think he has managed to get the war to go on for
so long? He has a lot of support behind him. I understand the jest of what he wants, I even
agree, to some extent, and so would my family, but...I am only a teenager, I have not even
finished my training...barring that, either way, I am at risk. Whether Grindlewald takes
control or the so-called other side does, what happens if I get caught in the middle? Searched,
proded, questioned? Besides, I am sure you are aware of the rumors."
"Oh no, you aren't." Tom laughed leaning against the bed posts. "You are frightened of
Dumbledore. Likely going to Hogwarts now that you are in England, and you are scared
Dumbledore may try and read your mind."
"I will teach you, but I warn you, I am not a lenient teacher."
"Nor am I a lax student." Draco admitted. Tom smirked, a dark look flashing through his
Chapter 3
Tom was uncertain of what he should make of this...wizard. It was clear that there was more
to him than what he was letting Tom see. He had known he was a Wizard, he was hiding his
magical scent, though Tom could not fault him for that considering he often did it as well. It
was...something more than that, though he could not quite put into words what it was. There
was just something...different. He could not figure out what it was that he wanted to do with
him when he had first met him, but the first conversation that he had with the other was
just...oh so illuminating. He feared Dumbledore, which was rare. Tom had not known many
to dislike the twinkly Transfiguration professor, so it was definitely a surprise, but a welcome
one. It was then that he decided that he would help the boy. Whether or not he liked him, the
boy was fearful of Dumbledore, something which was rare, and Tom liked rare things. There
was also more to the story, far more than what Draco was telling him, but he would not push,
would not strain him, no, Tom would wait, for the right opportunity.
In terms of learning, the boy seemed to be quite surprised their first session, though he hid it
quite well. He had braced for something far more painful than what Tom had done to him,
though, and that much had been quite obvious. Tom did not press, but he suspected that when
Draco had meant that his previous teacher had not been very patient, he meant a lot more
then that. It would seem his previous teacher had drove in painfully, something Tom did very
little of. Naturally, forcing yourself into someone's mind was painful, but there were ways to
be more...subtle about it. One did not have to just go ripping through wards.
Draco was also just as dillegent a student as he had claimed. Though Tom felt perhaps a bit
too much. The moment he failed and his shields collapsed the boy seemed to panic. He did
not outwardly express this panic verbally, but the other had quite the expressive eyes. He
could tell quite easily. Tom had always been quite adapt at reading people after all, it was not
that complicated to tell. It was somewhat worrisome that he was so influenced by his
emotions, but it would seem he had a very common trait of entirely ignoring it and trying to
barrel through what he failed to manage.
He was quite hard on himself is what he was. Tom found that somewhat reminsent of his
acquaintences at school, it was rather unnerving to see it play out on some lone wizard of
sixteen. Draco seemed almost insistent that they not do anything for it, which was fine with
Tom. He hated birthdays either way. Yet instead of celebrating, like most children do, so Tom
had realized, he insisted they practice more. Tom spent hours at a time forcing his way
through the blonde's shields. Without resting. It was almost painful to watch just how much
he shoves aside his health in order to perfect his shields. Tom felt it somewhat alarming,
though respectable he supposed.
After about just over a month, Tom had to admit he had grown rather...fond of the blonde. It
was unfortunate, greatly so. Tom was not sure how he felt about this...attachment adding
itself to his life. He did not mind, though, considering the blonde was obedient enough. That
was actually most likely why Tom liked him in the first place. For as much as he reminded
Tom of Abraxas, this was one main difference that the boy had that the Malfoy Heir did not.
To be fair, though, Draco was not a pushover. From what Tom could gather he just avoided
getting into conflicts if possible, an admirable trait since it aided him in what he wanted.
Rather, he avoided getting into conflicts with Tom, though with the other muggle teens, that
was a different story. He did not outright bully them, but he did retaliate should he need to. It
reminded him quite a bit of him, so much so that Tom was momentarily startled when he first
heard the instance. He would not scold Draco, but it was rather refreshing to see Draco less
timid and quiet.
That was what he was, when with Tom. Quiet, except when spoken to, obedient to whatever
Tom desired of him-which served Tom quite well and he was not about to get upset over such
a thing-but Tom was not blind either. He noticed the fearful whispers of life after Hogwarts,
how he avoided the topic of war as much as possible, how he disliked talking bout war, how
those ice gray eyes flashed with a dark look anytime Dumbledore was mentioned, how he
avoided the topic of family strictly. He refused to even mention his last name, and Tom was
fairly sure that Draco was not his full first name though he answered to it well. Yet another
thing Tom noticed was how incredibly perceptive he was of the emotions of others.
That...well that notice had taken Tom a bit longer to realize. After all, what was the point if
someone knew about it? Nonetheless he figured it out. It had taken almost a month, however,
of Draco seemlessly mitigating his emotions for Tom to realize it was happening. The
cunning perception and application of diversion left Tom to not talking about it, though he
was certainly noticing it now. The moment Tom felt his anger going up it had already been
mostly depleated by something Draco had said or done, or whatever else. It was...fascinating,
to have someone by Tom's side that knew how to navigate his unpredictable moods, it was
There were many fascinating things about this boy, the least, however, being the Hogwarts
letter that he and Draco had obtained upon August 3rd.
Chapter 4
Draco supposed he probably should have been better prepared for his Hogwarts letter. In
some regards, this was a rather vital error on his own part, but in others, he was not even sure
if Hogwarts would accept him. He would have just randomly happened upon the students' list
and he was not entirely sure if that was even allowed. He had never heard of transfer
students, had never had a Hogwarts student transfer out either. It was odd to think that he
would be allowed back, although he should not have really questioned it, he just assumed that
he would have been forced to visit the current Headmaster of the school. Really, he should
have known better than that, but he was not entirely certain how the student list for Hogwarts
even worked in the first place.
It was not that, however, that had his blood turn to ice in his veins, it was the name upon the
envelope. Draco Lucius A. Malfoy. The scrawl had him breathing down his terror and
keeping it hidden as he quickly tore the envelope open before Tom would be able to see too
much of it. Not that it really mattered in the end. Draco realized with a rather bitter feeling
that since Hogwarts of this time frame knew his true name, soon Tom and the entire school
would know his true name and he did not even know what to think of that. He would have to
figure out how to deal with it, considering his grandfather was likely going to school at that
very moment. Draco closed his eyes trying to calm himself down, holding the letter between
his two hands and crinkling the sides of it from how tightly he was grasping onto the paper.
"Draco?" Tom questioned, his voice hesitant as he called out his name. Draco inhaled
sharply, opening his eyes and giving Tom a smile.
"I just was not aware that they allowed transfer students." Draco said with a self depreciating
laugh and a small shrug of his shoulders. "I should have, but...it was a bit...well I guess I did
not really think on it too much." Tom nodded, narrowing his eyes slightly at the other,
knowing that he was not telling the full truth, but not bothering to get into that. "Do you
"Yes, Dumbledore is likely on his way right now." Tom said with a sneer, detest clear in his
eyes and tone of voice. Not that Draco could blame him. He himself did not like
Dumbledore, did not trust him either. He swallowed nervously. Tom sighed, a small laugh in
his sigh. "You do not need to worry too much," Tom said simply, standing from his bed, his
school list still laying on his bed as he moved towards Draco. "Last time, I was the only one
dealing with Dumbledore, it will be a bit different now, will it not?" Draco shrugged.
"I don't know," He admitted softly. "I just...I am just worried. He may...He may use my
family against me. I think I have some family in England, at least, I know that I used to. I
have not been close with this part of the family for a long time." His words were almost
hushed. I would not normally admit any of this to Tom, but if he was going to find out at
Hogwarts, perhaps it is best to let him know now rather than waiting until he gets to the
school. "I...My family may be well known, I am not sure. Either here or in France. Either
way, they are not exactly known for their care or kindness."
"Is that why you have not tried to get into contact with them?" Tom questioned, grabbing
Draco's face to tilt it towards him.
"It would be useless." He stated, his voice slightly breathless. "They would question the
validity of my claims either way. My...Well...I was never particularly close with any of the
rest of the family. We sort of...distanced ourselves. It would not mean anything. If I just
showed up asking for help, I would be lucky to just be turned away and not cursed a thousand
times before I could even breathe." Tom hummed, nodding his head in acceptance.
"You are worried that Dumbledore may use this information to blackmail your or
"I am not worried, I am almost certain of it. It is not as though that man cares much for my
Family. I know little of what goes on with my family here, but our dislike for Dumbledore is
universal. My family is a known dark arts family as well. We specialize in the Dark
Arts...there is very little I would guess that he would do to attempt to get the jump on me, or
my family."
"It is on the envelope," Draco said softly, holding it out to Tom. Tom released his face to grab
the paper, smoothing it out to read the name on it. He sucked in a sharp breath at the title.
Draco flinched as he felt iced over brown eyes turn towards his figure once more.
"You are a Malfoy?" He questioned, slight disbelief in his tone. Draco nodded, trying to stem
the trembling of his fingers.
"I am aware that I should have told you earlier. I just do not know how Abraxas will take it, I
know that he will question me and my validity to my claims and I fear what could happen
should he find out. I should have let you know, I know that, I am sorry that I did not I just did
not know how to start it, and I know that I crossed the line by not informing you I just..."
"Enough," Tom commanded, leaving Draco falling silent beyond his own will. "That
is...enough. I know full well how stubborn and complicated Abraxas can be." He said slowly.
"He is my best friend, after all." Draco's eyes turned wide as he stared up at Tom.
"I am sorry," He whispered, turning his gaze back down. Tom grit his teeth, narrowing his
eyes. He lift his hand, bringing it down quick and harsh against the blonde's head,
backhanding him swiftly and sharply. Draco's head snapped to the side, but he did not
question or make a sound. Admirable. Tom thought to himself. Stepping back, he narrowed
his eyes, and all of a sudden Draco was screaming, falling from the bed to the floor, pain
flooding through him. It was not as painful as the Cruciatus Curse, but it had to be some
variant of it, it was far too painful to not be. Tears fell from his eyes as he curled up into a
ball, waiting for Tom to drop the curse.
"Tell me, Draco, is there anything else that you have been keeping from me? Any other
secrets that I should know?" Draco was breathing heavily as he looked up at the elder with
tear filled eyes.
"No," He whispered, his voice coming out barely at all, pain his only friend until Tom willed
it otherwise. he had never heard of a curse like this, and he realized that it must have been
Tom's own invention.
"Are you going to withhold information from me again?" Tom questioned, tilting his head
slightly, watching as Draco's body shook with pain in an almost apathetic manner, it was even
more terrifying to behold.
"No, Sir." Draco immediately stated. Tom nodded, and Draco was so vividly reminded of his
father it was almost terrifying to watch. Tom hummed, kneeling down to his side allowing his
fingers to trace the side of Draco's face.
"I will keep this secret, even help you, as i know once we get to Hogwarts, Abraxas is going
to have questions for you. I even understand why you hid this information from me. I
understand, Grindelwald's war has indeed caused much fear between Wizards, and I know
that Abraxas does have extended family that do not share his views. You...You do, though,
which makes me wonder...were your parents truly killed? or did they leave you, alone, unable
to fend for yourself...What happened Draco?" Draco whimpered, a cry forcing itself from his
throat. "Answer me, and I can make the pain go away," Tom negotiated, and so Draco
"T-The Dark Lord..." He gasped out. "H-He was a-angry with my parents. I-I do not know the
extent of w-what he wanted f-from them. I do n-not know what t-they did either. I-I just
know that one moment...one moment the Dark Lord was angry and my parents were agreeing
to d-do something, and th-the next I am w-waking up alone in the rain." Draco's sentences
were punctuated with pain filled whined echoing from his mouth as the curse did not let up.
"I-I do not know w-what A-Abraxas w-will s-say to that. I d-did not know how to say
anything. I am sorry, please, I am sorry!" Tom sighed, staring at the crying and pleading
Malfoy apathetically.
"I know you are sorry. I can...sense your sincerity. I assume your parents probably did not
wish to join Grindelwald, and sent you out of his reach. Or tried to." Tom smirked slightly.
"Your honesty, is quite refreshing young Malfoy." He laughed. "You have also shown
yourself to be in line with my beliefs, and quite obedient to my orders." He reminensced, his
fingers slowly trailed down the Malfoy's body, relief spreading wherever his fingers landed.
"That is why I am being lenient with you." Tom whispered, his voice coming out as soft and
gentle as his fingers finished canvasing the young boy's body and began once more caressing
Draco's face.
"Th-Thank you," He gasped. Tom rolled his eyes, gathering the boy into his arms, letting
Draco cling to him, which was how Dumbledore opened the door to see them. A tear filled,
thin, grey-eyed Malfoy desperately clinging to the monster he saw as Tom. He heard the
Matron's gasp and rush through trying to seperete the two, but Draco merely screamed any
time they removed him from Tom, fighting as though his life depended on it. Tom watched
with thinly veiled curiosity. It was likely that he had accidentally sent the boy into a
Chapter 5
Tom almost wanted to scoff at the look on Dumbledore's pathetic face when he realized that
Draco would not willingly be separated from him. It was absolutely wonderful, he wished
that he could have it enshrined because it was a rare moment that he managed to catch
Dumbledore off guard. Either way, it had become increasingly clear to the matrons that
leaving Draco outside of Tom's sphere of physical motion was a very bad plan, at least it was
ending badly and rather poorly, for everyone. He supposed they did not know what more to
do, so they just allowed him to hold the boy as they asked Dumbledore to just speak with the
two of them present. Not that Dumbledore had a choice in the matter if he wished to get
anything done.
It was quite a golden response, and Tom was glad for it. It definitely showed Dumbledore
where this new boy's loyalty lay, and though the other was a Malfoy, it would be even more
obvious that he was not to be messed with. He almost laughed aloud at the insanity of
everything going on, but he had a bit more control than that, though the mirth and amusement
in his eyes at Dumbledore's unexpected plight was not entirely hidden. He stroked his fingers
through Draco's hair, slowly, but steadily calming the boy down so that Dumbledore would
be able to at least speak to them. He also studiously ignored the dark look that Dumbledore
was giving him. He cared little for the other man's opinion on things, and he was not about to
yield to Dumbledore, of all people. He had never done so before, and would not do so now.
"Are you doing alright now?" Tom whispered softly in Draco's ear. The breath tickled his
skin, and Draco couldn't help but shiver at it, but he did respond, nodding slowly, and gently
pulling himself out of Tom's embrace. He seemed almost...embaressed. Tom understood that,
considering he had just fought tooth and nail, without magic of course, to stay within his
arms. It was...surprising, but Tom definitely had thought of the possibility. He was not as
blind as Draco seemed to think. Although, perhaps blind was not the word for it.
He knew that Draco knew that he was quite observant, He had to also admit, when he had
first agreed to break into the other's mind repeatedly, he had expected to get some flashes of
what it was that Draco was so terrified of, yet there was almost nothing. While he got
emotions and feelings-usually unbearable fear-there was not really any sort of scenes that
were leaked through. Whoever had trained Draco before had definitely been thorough. He
could not use too much more force, without his wand of course, and that he would not risk. It
was too risky. Wandless magic was one thing, but to use a wand in the vicinity of Muggles?
He knew for sure that would get him into trouble with the ministry. Surprisingly enough,
most mental magic was almost untraceable when done wandlessly, though he supposed that
was a given.
"I, am sorry, I supposed i overreacted a little bit." Draco laughed off, still somewhat closed
off to both himself and Dumbledore. Tom shook his head, allowing his fingers to trail down
the other's arm, reveling in the shiver that it produced. Draco's reactions were so...easily
noticed, at least with him. It was with others that he became more closed and harder to read.
Tom was not sure why, but it was definitely interesting, and he did find that he quite enjoyed
it. He would continue to toy with the other as he pleased, the reactions were just too precious
to let up on.
"No, it is alright," Tom muttered under his breath. He was somewhat surprised that the
Malfoy boy was apologizing now that he was not under the torment that Tom had placed on
him. Then again, he supposed apologies were hard won. Something in this Malfoy had
synced with his elder family and agreed that Tom was not someone to anger or upset, and as
such, both Malfoys tended to be more freely given with their apologies to him. With neither
had he heard them apologize to any other, even when Draco had stolen that one kid's food to
give to him. It was admirable, and no sense of guilt was given. Interesting contradictions, at
the very least. "Besides, you are good now, and we have a Professor here, presumably
wishing to talk to you, is that not right, Professor Dumbledore." Tom spoke the last part with
a slightly louder voice, turning his, and therefore Draco's as well, attention to the older man.
Dumbledore straightened suddenly, clearly not prepared for the attention to return to him so
quickly without warning. He nodded solemnly, and Tom wanted to scoff and fold his arms,
instead he dragged Draco closer to him, placing an arm around his torso, studying the older
man. Dumbledore lifted his chin, staring down at the two of them.
"I presume I do not need to tell you, young Malfoy, what Hogwarts is?"
"No, Professor, I am already aware." Draco stated clearly, his eyes turning a dark gray as he
continued to stare at the Professor. His shields were in tact and strong, which had
Dumbledore slightly reeling. "If you could just hand me my list, if necessary, and the school
appropriate funds for orphans, I will be grateful." He spoke clearly, without any sort of go
between and Dumbledore had not expected such a thing, though Draco felt that stupid. He
may have been pretending to be some American borne Malfoy but he was still a Malfoy
"Of course, I am sure should you have any other questions, Tom will be most able and
willing to help you."
Chapter 6
Both Draco and Tom waited a bit before going to the Alley. In the end, they waited about two
weeks, just before having to leave for school. There were multiple reasons for this, really.
They did not want to draw too much attention, and waiting very last minute ensured that
anyone they did run into was in haste and likely would not wish to hang around to speak with
him. Not just that, but a second reason, at least for Malfoy, was that he himself was not really
ready to see Diagon Alley yet. Thankfully, when he proposed that they wait, Tom did not
comment on the sudden odd emotion that had coursed through the Malfoy boy. He was
grateful for that, Draco knew that he was not really containing himself as best as he should
be. Tom had mentioned that was what he typically did because of the third reason. The other
Orphans. As scared of Tom as they were, it had become sort of a game of chance and dare to
mess with Tom's belongings. It was not something Tom could not handle himself, but it was
tedious, and he disliked having to worry about.
"Okay, so we got permission from the Matron to leave for the day." Draco sighed out the
moment that he opened the doors a smile curling on his face. "Although I think it was really
just her happy that we were leaving for the day. She would have likely agreed no matter
what." Tom hummed and nodded, that seemed about right. The matrons had been like that
with him before as well. It would seem considering Draco was finally able to pry Tom out
with whatever insanity it was that the Matrons thought him infused with, they had been not
one to disagree. This was becoming obvious in the way Draco definitely exploited it.
Then again, Draco would definitely be a Slytherin, so he supposed that was not really all that
surprising. At first, Tom had not really known what to think. He did not particularly care
what others thought of him, that would be far beneath him. Therefore, he had not cared for
the soft mutterings of the matrons. It would seem that Draco had listened, though, and what
he had found was rather interesting. Apparently they were of the opinion that he had been
cursed or something. That did not really surprise him, considering they had thought much the
same when he was younger.
It would seem as though, considering Draco's arrival, his warfare with the other orphans that
were stupid enough to mess with him had diminished quite decently. In fact, it was such a
different, apparently, in his behavior that the Matrons thought that Draco had some power to
aid in excorcisms. Personally Tom thought it was stupid, but considering he normally had to
either fight or sneak out of the orphanage to get to Diagon Alley. It did not really bother him
most of the time, but seeing how easily that Draco got the permission still amused him. They
really must see him as some sort of demonic entity.
"I see, well, we should head out then, we do not know how long this venture will take." Tom
stated simply, waving a hand elegantly. Draco smiled. He was glad that he was going to go
with Tom, somehow, he felt as though it was going to be a bit more safe when he was with
Tom, rather than Draco being by himself. He just...could not get over the danger out this last
summer. It left him shuddering. He knew that his Father had more than every intent to aid the
Dark Lord, but the consequences...they had been earthshattering. The Dark Lord was
terrifying. Draco also thought that he was more than a little bit crazy. He normally would not
make such accusations, but the man was definitely insane. Madness and power did not really
work well together in Draco's mind. He may have been powerful, but whatever had happened
caused Draco to see none of the intelligence, and only the fear of Voldermorts followers. Of
course, Draco understood that, but he was supposed to be of vast intelligence as well as
power, and sometimes...Well, Draco could not deny that he had been smart, but he was really
just insane. His thoughts and plots were mostly headed by his Father or Mother, and Draco
was fairly sure that was mostly why he had even managed to take over the ministry in the
first place. Fear worked well, but only so much. Because of the Dark Lord, a lot of places that
were normally perfectly safe, were not, and Draco himself had dealt with that considering the
Dark Lord had been in his own home. The thought brought a shudder to his body.
"Are you alright?" Tom asked, pulling Draco from his thoughts, "I told you to brink your
jacket." Draco rolled his eyes. That was not the point, and he was not cold. he had told Tom
this multiple times before and he would continue to say it now. "Now, first thing to do, go to
Gringotts." Draco furrowed his brows at that, beating the ferocious cold winds, it should not
be this cold, but it was rather early in the morning. At least it was a normal chill, and not the
abnormal one that seemed to proliferate through the entire magical community.
"Why? We have the funds from the Professor. It is not as though I can access the family
"No, you cant." Tom admitted softly, a smile playing at his lips. "That does not mean I don't
have my own little bit of funds." Draco stared at Tom shaking his head softly. He could not
ask Tom to do that.
"No," Draco said sternly. "I do not feel as though that is right." Tom sighed, pulling Draco in
by his shoulder, pinning him to the side of a building and staring at him sternly, his eyes
"Did I ask?" He asked his head tilted as though he were genuinely curious. "As it were, we
are not going to take much out of my personal vault, but I think you vastly underestimate
how I climbed ranks the first couple years at Hogwarts." Tom said, his voice purposefully
light. "As it were, we cannot exactly come in with the finest of clothes, and that is useless,
but I also refuse to go back to Hogwarts in rags. I ran a little...gambling scheme, as well as
tutoring business that was quite profitable. There is no need to be so...worried. Barring that,
you can't go to Hogwarts in some...fancy clothes, not if we are going to play up your being an
abandoned orphan." Draco nodded, feeling a tad bit better about the situation.
"I overstepped, that was my mistake." Tom hummed, he did not quite apologize, but then
again, it was close enough that it kind of still counted. It was an acknowledgement, which
was more than Tom normally got from Slytherins. He gave Draco a smile.
They rushed from gringotts as quickly as possible, neither of them particularly fond of
Goblins. Sure the creatures held a sense of intelligence that was beyond some other magical
beings, but that did not mean that they were easy to handle, and it was hard enough trying to
ensure that they did not hold a blood test for Draco as they had been quite adamant. For
whatever reason, though, Draco had refused, stedfastly. He did not want one done, and
though Tom could not help but be slightly curious as to why considering it would be all that
he would need to ensure that he got what he wanted from Abraxas, he would have his proof
and everything, and therefore he would not need to prove himself anymore to the Malfoys,
but Draco had been stedfast. He refused. Tom did not want to dwell as to why it was the other
was refusing a free bloodtest that would solve plenty of his problems, but he could also not
help but be somewhat curious about the situation at the same time.
Of course, it was fully within the rights of a wizard to refuse a bloodtest, and there were
many that did, not wanting their lineage outed, but that was the thing with Draco's situation,
though. Tom idly curled a strand of the silvery blond hair through his fingers as he gazed
directly at the other's pale eyes. "You are obviously a Malfoy, it is way too obvious. So unless
you want to pretend you are from some Veela heritage, everyone will notice almost
immediately. Abraxas will likely demand a blood test either way, so what is the point in
extending it out longer?" Tom questioned, dropping the strand of hair back across Draco's
eyes. The other just sighed.
"They can demand one, but they cannot force me to take one, all they can do is ask for it, or
attempt to acquire my blood in some form for the test. However, it is different if they ask me
to do one, versus if I do one prior. For one, it would be seen as presumptuous, whether the
test was proven accurate or not. For two, it may be seen as an attempt in overthrowing the
current Heir. I am already worried about Abraxas' response to my even going to the same
school as him, let alone the fact that we will be in the same house, I do not need him thinking
I am vying for his title as the Heir." Draco huffed, a slight roll of his eyes, but not
quite...never quite the roll of the eyes, ever such a Malfoy. Tom did not know who it was that
raised Draco, at least not really he was not all that good with the pureblood lineage still, but
whoever it was did quite well at instilling the pureblood mannerisms within him, particularly
the ones of the malfoys.
That was something that Tom had figured out quite early on, that each pureblood family was
like their own little clan. Their family tended to have certain...inherited characteristics that
were often passed down from the parents to the children, or child, and it continued onwards.
For the Blacks, it was their unhinged insanity, as well as their endless loyalty. Granted, that
loyalty tended to border on obssessivness but at the same time, not to mention the outbursts
of temper. The Blacks may be a composed Slytherin family, but out of the other families, they
were the most tempermental. It could only take a moment before their entire emotional
sphere changed to something totally different. As both terrifying and wonderous to behold, it
drove itslef more so in the woman of the family, or so from what Tom had managed to gather
in the last few years. As for the Malfoys, they had some...rather interesting traits of their own.
Of the families, they were the most put together. They had slight marks against themselves
from time to time when they would lose their at temper, and it was usually due to some
personal slight or insult that they took notice of and disagreed with, however outside of that,
their masks were almost unparalleled and it was why when they did find someone that they
willingly dropped their acts for (tom, in the case of both Abraxas and the young Draco it
would seem, Tom felt a sense of an ego boost at that) was quite rare and when it did happen,
many should probably be wary of said person. However, there was more than just their acting
and masks of emotions, something he knew that Draco had managed somewhat perfectly,
there was still some cracks, but he was young, and furthermore, he knew the other was
traumatized-it was just by what that he did not know-and that tended to wreck havoc on the
mental state either way. It did not mean that they were not useful still, the boy still had plent
of the other traits of the Family, and their ability to negotiate, manipulate, and con some of
the brightest people was unparalleled. Draco did this quite a lot, and Tom was quite sure he at
times did it without knowing. As with the Blacks, the malfoys were known for their
incredibly dark bloodlines, and their magic tended to be rather dark as well.
Tom wondered if perhaps Draco had knowledge on some of the dark magicks that his family
supposedly taught. He knew Abraxas did, and had even perused the other's library at his
agreement. The Malfoy library was quite extensive, and it was also rather impressive as well.
He had heard from both Abraxas and Walburga that the Black library was more...fill with
darker books but Tom had yet to actually see it.
"That does make sense, now that you mention it," Tom agreed, having to see the reality of the
situation before him. Negotiation, logic, analytics, those were the specialties of the Malfoy
family, and while it may not seem like it was a special art, the Malfoys tended to be rather
gifted in the arts of mind magics, which oftentimes helped with such things. He knew
because Tom himself was gifted in the arts of mind magicks. He also knew that Draco's
persuasions were always done quite well, on point, and usually he was using some subtle
magic suggestion, even if he was unaware of it. Tom also knew such things had not really
worked on him...ever, so that he would not have to worry about that with Draco.
"It doesn't matter either way in the end. Abraxas is going to hate me either way." Draco
admitted, his eyes staring down dejectedly.
"He will not, and if he does, I want you to let me know." Draco nodded, agreeing to do so,
and Tom seemed satisfied enough. "Let us hurry, we should get back to the orphanage by
dark, I do not want to have to sneak in through the window."
Chapter 8
"Are you ready?" Tom questioned Draco, glancing towards him from the corner of his eye.
He knew that Draco was quite anxious at going to Hogwarts, partially because there was not
really any way to avoid Abraxas, or Walburga, or anyone of the others that Tom knew, and
the ones that Draco knew as well, though Tom was more than aware that Draco was
particularly unnerved about seeing Abraxas. He had been unable to even think about it
without raking nails down the skin of his arms for the last three nights. As it were, Tom had
taken to immobilizing him all three nights to ensure that he did not return to school with
bloodied arms. Not that he could not just provide a healing spell, but they could not do that
until they stepped onto the Platform, or the Train, both of which were risks for getting caught,
and Tom did not want to have to explain that along with everything else.
"I doubt that I am going to be any more ready than what I am already, so let us not waste
time." Draco said with a slight sigh. Tom hummed, somewhat amused, but in the end he
merely walked through the barrier with Draco. Both walked through without hesitation, yet
another thing that he noticed. Draco must have been used to being around magic for quite
some time, which made sense considering the boy was a bastard descendant of the Malfoy
family. Or at least, Tom was assuming that he was a bastard, but he was not entirely certain.
Tom grabbed the wrist of Draco's sleeve whilst he was in a slight daze from the barrier, and
tugged him forwards onto the train. It would seem that he was not exactly overtly gladdened
by the loud cacophony of people and the heavy crowds, so Tom felt it best to hurry and pull
Draco onto the train before anything else. He wanted Draco to sit with him, and therefore that
also meant that it was important to get a seat before others in the Train. He did not want to
have to try and find Abraxas, not that he would. Even if he did sit apart from Abraxas he was
certain that the boy would hunt him down. That tended to be something that he did quite
often. not that Tom was complaining. Hauling Draco down the corridors of the train he
waited until they got the the middle section, shoving him into one of the compartments and
pressing down on his shoulders to get him to sit whilst Tom transported their luggage. It was
not all that difficult, though Draco was eyeing him carefully.
"What is it?" Tom inquired, tilting his head slightly. Draco just shook his head, rolling his
eyes slightly. Tom huffed before sitting down across from Draco, pulling his leg up to rest
over his other, mimicking the way that Draco was sitting. Draco glanced towards him as he
did this, not quite sure what the point of that was but also not questioning the decision either.
"Well, Abraxas will likely find us if not before the train takes off soon after. Now, I suppose,
is better than any to prepare yourself to see him." Draco narrowed his eyes slightly.
"Prepare myself? I have been prepared as best as I can, anything more now is just overkill,
and will do nothing for me." Draco scoffed. Tom did not deign to comment on the fact that
there was always something more one could do to prepare themselves for the coming future.
It would fall on heedless ears, but also, in this case, Draco was right not to continue to fret
over what was to happen and he could admit he was rather proud of the boy for stating things
in such a manner. It baffled him somewhat, how Draco was both reverent and yet, strong
enough to contend to him. Abraxas was of a similar vein, though, so he should not really be
surprised. It would seem it ran in the genes.
"Well, then I hope you are ready, because I hear him." Draco stiffened slightly, but Tom was
right, the ringing quality of Abraxas' voice was wandering down the corridors. The train was
a minute out to take off, so Tom had been quite right in his own assessments, but Draco was
finding that Tom tended to be right in his assessments, so he could not really care much to
question it. He swallowed, and upon a brief look with Tom, the latter could see the worry
filtering through his eyes right before the doors slid open and it was masked instantly.
It was beautifully done, and expertly as well. Yet another reason why Tom was constantly
reassured that Draco was a Malfoy. Such tactics were typical of the proud family. Abraxas,
along with Walburga, had opened the doors and filtered themselves in. Abraxas sat next to
Tom, whilst Walburga sat a little ways from Draco on the the same side as him. Typically,
there would be at least another two people in the compartment, but Tom glared as Rodolphus
and Avery attempted to enter the compartment. Abraxas quickly ushered them out, saying
that Tom had some thing that he needed to speak with himself and Walgburga specifically,
but phrasing it in a way that made it seem as though it were not a positive thing, and therefore
ensuring the two rushed off, not wanting to hear Tom's wrath against two of his followers.
They all knew full well the anger of Tom Riddle, and it was never good, and an absolute
horror to witness.
Abraxas entered the compartment once more, casting a silencing spell, and a warding spell,
before returning to his seat, his eyes on Draco. "Who is this?" He questioned, glancing
towards Tom.
Chapter 9
"A casualty of Grindelwald's war." Tom said with a shrug. "He was found and brought to the
muggle place I live at." Abraxas was staring at him, likely assessing Draco and everything
about him. After all...his hair, his eyes...his general demeanor and delicate genes...Draco was
almost surprised that he was not getting glares from the beginning. He calmed his racing
heart, knowing that there was no way that Abraxas used legilimecy, it was not overly
common among this side of his family. He got a weird mix of the abilities of the Blacks and
the Malfoys, but it was something he knew how to use, and quite well he may add. It was not
as though Abraxas was aware of that, but considering how close it would seem he was with
Tom, Draco had no illusions that this would likely happen soon enough.
"Oh?" Abraxas considered. "And what happened to make you flee to muggle territory?" He
questioned, leaving Draco's breath stuttering in his chest. He inhaled sharply but otherwise
met Abraxas' gaze confidently and tilted his head to the side slightly.
"You did not? Well, then, why are you here?" Draco stiffened, turning to look at Abraxas
coldly, and the latter felt his shoulder rise with a sort of tension that had not been there
previously. He was not sure what about this boy seemed to rise his guard, but there was
something so...familiar in that look and he was not overly fond of it either.
"I woke up here. It was not as though I wanted to be here. My parents are likely either
tortured, dead, or in azkaban at this point and I am not entirely sure what it is that is going on
or what they agreed to do for the Dark Lord, but either way, there is nothing to be done about
that. I cannot feel them, cannot reach them, and presume them dead. Yet, I am still here. It is
foolish to pretend that I know what happened, but I did not flee. I may be a preservation of
myself, but I am not a total coward." Draco leaned back on the train seat. "Besides, even if I
were a coward, I am not stupid. There is more than enough resources to find me should the
Dark Lord not satisfy himself with my parents. It is foolish to attempt to do so, and will only
likely increase the torment bound to happen upon myself. Therefore, I can only presume that
I was sent here...why or how or for whatever reason, I do not know, but rest assured, I did not
flee from anyone, or anything."
"I see," Abraxas said simply, not bothering to push the issue, he knew that the other was
telling the truth. It was obvious in the genuine anger that they had felt at the implications that
he would just run away. Furthermore, the last part...wanting something...that was interesting.
The Dark Lord had to be Grindlewald, there was no other, so this was more interesting
information than anything else. "I apologize then, I should not have suggested such a thing."
The boy closed his eyes and breathed deeply, but gave him a smile. Abraxas grit his teeth,
eyes slightly wide. He recognized that tactic...
But it was one that many used, surely, it had nothing to do with the Family. It was a very
common Malfoy technique though, that Heirs are trained to use when they wish to keep their
appearance of calm but are trying to collect themselves and are playing at composure. Sure,
some other families have similar techniques, and it was used previously by some of the other
noteable families, but that was the point...noteable. He had no idea who this person was, or
where they came from, but he was certain that a random Malfoy member of the family would
not be willing to dwell in the Muggle world for any length of time, at least...and again, it was
taught to Heirs, and this boy was not an heir.
"It is fine, there was no harm done, after all, and I do suspect you would have been
worried...so thank you, I suppose." The words were polite, but Abraxas knew that sort of
politeness and bristled at it being directed at him. This boy...this boy was annoying him, and
there was not much that he could do without trying to get Tom to ditch him, which he already
knew was not going to happen. Whatever it was that had happened during this boy's stay
during the moments he knew Tom had obviously left an impression. Tom did not just speak
with anyone, after all.
"Now, Draco, Play nice." The order startled Abraxas slightly, as did the bowing of the head
and the softly spoken, 'yes, sir'. That made things quite a bit more interesting, because it had
been obvious that Tom liked the boy, he clearly introduced them by having him in the
compartment car, but even still, to hear him reprimand the boy for something...it was
interesting, and the reaction was even further interesting. It was clear that whoever this boy
was they deferred to Tom, just not...at first glance.
Abraxas had to also admit, it made him irate that someone would defer to Tom, and yet have
no issue being defiant with him. Whilst Tom definitely had the support of a majority of the
Slytherin's by now, and he himself could hardly claim the title of Slytherin Prince anymore,
he was not used to someone deferring to Tom before they did so to him. It was jarring and he
was not really sure what to make of it.
Chapter 10
"Now, Draco, play nice." Draco bowed his head, acknowledging the order easily. In his
defense, his grandfather was being a bit of an annoyance, and Draco had never taken to those
well, particularly when it came to prying into his state of affairs. The audacity of this...this
wizard to dare that he had fled out of fear. Granted, Draco had no qualms of fleeing should
the benefits outweigh the negatives, but he had not fled anything! He had been forced to be
here in the first place. He had allowed his frustration and his anger to come to the fore, Tom
was right to chastise him, particularly considering the upcoming moments and how Abraxas
likely was going to take something like that. He should not have sharply spoken to his
grandfather the way that he did, but it was too late for that now.
"Now that we are all past the serious questions, Abraxas," Tom stated, his eyes boring into
the Malfoy's own. Abraxas grit his teeth inwardly, but nodded once. There was not much
more that he could do, after all. Tom had made his own stance clear, and it was obvious that
this...mystery boy who had the training of an Heir and yet deferred to Tom over himself, was
clearly not someone that Abraxas was going to be allowed to target. He longed to understand
more of what the relationship between this boy and Tom was, but he knew more questions
regarding the subject would be swiftly derailed, and only serve to anger Tom, which was not
something he needed at the moment, and definitely not before they even reached Hogwarts.
"What is it?" Abraxas questioned, he knew that tone of voice, though he was not entirely sure
what Tom would be getting at. He did not know if he wanted to know either, it was worrying.
First he brings some random wizard from a muggle family whom got abandoned due to the
war, or orphaned, one of the two, into their social group, and now he had something he
wished to speak to Abraxas personally on? What more was there going to be before they even
hit the Great Lake? They had barely been on this stupid train for but an hour, at most, and
things were already derailing.
"I wish to introduce Draco to our little group." Tom said immediately, causing Draco to jolt
his eyes towards him in shock, and Abraxas hastily held his breath in similarly the same.
"I have thought far long and clear about it. Or are you going to test my judgement now?"
Tom's voice had dipped lower, a dangerous edge marking it's way into it. Draco immediately
tensed, swallowing nervously as he hesitantly let his fingers graze the edges of Tom's
"S-Sir," The blonde said, his voice a mere hushed whisper. Tom paused, his dark eyes
glancing back towards the now shivering blonde. Abraxas eyed the two carefully. Something
about the way Tom spoke had unnerved the new boy. Or perhaps, was it the intent in his
magic that had abruptly sharpened momentarily. Either way, something happened. The boy
was perfectly calm not moments ago, and yet now he was stuttering, shivering, and trembling
down to his fingers. Tom, meanwhile, did not seem to care much, turning his body slightly to
face the other's, eyeing down the Draco boy.
"What is it?" He demanded, Abraxas was familiar with the tone, and it normally did not spell
great joy for anyone hearing it, although it was one of the less feared tones that Tom was
known to use. He doubted Draco would be beat or cursed or hexed for interferring, a unique
occurence all to its own. There was more to this boy than what Tom was stating, and Abraxas
deeply wished to know what it was.
"Y-Your magic," The words were spoken lowly, and had Abraxas not been paying attention,
he doubted that he would have heard it. The words themselves were not of interest, but the
reaction to them were. They all knew Tom tended to hide his magic well, almost always did,
and his control over his magic was far beyond his years, and from what Abraxas had
managed to gather it had always been as such, but for a random wizard to be able to sense
such hidden magic so effortlessly, and to recognize the danger that magic posed when
released on another person, the slight change as well? That was the interesting part.
"Ah, yes, I forgot. Forgive me," The words were not a question, but closer akin to an order.
Abraxas did not fail to notice how this Draco merely kept his head bowed, eyes fluttering
shut as Tom cupped the blonde's face in his hands, thumbs drawing over the edges gof his
eyes. "I will be more careful, of course." Tom released Draco's face from his hands, a dark
look echoing through his eyes once more. "However, you know I do not take well to being
interrupted," The words were spoken darkly, and Abraxas noticed how Draco seemed to full
body flinch, his body suddenly going stiff.
Tom's little curse. Not at high capacity, but still, the pain....
"I think perhaps, we are going a bit too far." Abraxas said simply. "There is no need to punish
the boy, my Lord, please," He had no idea why it was that he felt compelled to say such a
"Perhaps you are right, Abraxas, after all it was merely his worry for you that prompted such
impulsive behavior." Tom said simply, releasing the spell from Draco's body, who collapsed
off the seat and onto the floor. Or perhaps the curse was not the reason, but the pain
tolerance of the boy was higher than the curse...at least enough to keep him from
screaming. Abraxas realized abruptly. Tom did not waste much time in pulling Draco in,
letting the other kneel and lean his head against his thigh, shivering in terror and fear still.
"S-Sir," The small whimper left the boy's lips again and Tom sighed heavily. Fingers reached
down to card through delicate silver blond locks.
"I am not going to do anything to him, besides we are nearing hogwarts, that would be
nothing but foolish. We have more important things to discuss, after all."
"My lord, if I may..." Abraxas trailed off and Tom sighed, put upon. He turned his eyes
towards Abraxas, flooding the other's mind with his own memories. it was rare the Lord
would do such a thing, and he was not prepared for it either, his body jolting with the sudden
floored feeling of being invaded mentally.
Chapter 11
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes
"You are going to be getting a roommate." Tom bit his tongue but did not say anything. The
matron seemed a bit nervous, leaning back and forth. "of course just for a bit, I swear." As
though they ever kept their promises, which they did not, meaning that he did not believe her,
but either way, it did not matter. These things happened, and whilst they had attempted to
ensure his lack of a roommate for a while, too nervous of what he would do to them, it was
only folly to expect them to be capable of ensuring it continued. He just shrugged, and they
left. He would assume this new person was soon to be brought to him, and they just wanted to
forewarn him. Likely to get him to play nice, even though he doubted that would care too
much after all is said and done. He huffed, rolling his eyes amused. Just the sort of thing they
would do.
The boy was prettier than he expected. Tom felt his heart surge as watery ice gray eyes bowed
down before him thanking him, as though there was any reason to thank him, he had done
nothing so far. He seemed to be...lost a bit. As though he were uncertain how to get his
bearings straight.
"Who are you?" Tom questioned, wanting to know. He stared at the boy.
"My name is Draco, am I to presume you are Tom?" Tom stared at him but nodded in answer
to his question."It would seem as though the Matrons are not overly enthused by your
""No, though they are not happy about much around here, least of all myself." He said
simply. He hummed, sending a small trail of thought towards the boy who instantly reacted.
"My previous teacher is...no longer a viable option, considering where I ended up, perhaps
that was obvious. Since you know something, is it...alright if...you helped instead?"
"You are too frantic." Tom said simply, watching Draco collapse for what had to be the fourth
time that day. On his hands and knees Draco shuddered, his breathing coming in sharp gasps
as he heaved breath in. "You are hasty, that is useless." Tom dug the words in, watching as
Draco flinched slightly at the words, but did not stop, fingers curling into his palms.
"I know," He whispered softly. "I am sorry." He said instead. Tom rolled his eyes.
"I do not want you to apologize." Tom said coldly. "I want you to focus. I am sure your other
teacher told you focus all of the time, you are horribly erratic." Draco bowed his head but
"Enough!" Tom shouted, slapping Draco across the side of the face. Draco did not fight him
but his eyes were watery the next he looked at Tom. The latter sighed heavily. "I hate to
punish you, and you know this," He said reluctantly. "However, you deserve that, and you
know that as well."
"Yes, Sir," Draco whispered, his voice barely cracking. However Tom knew that it was hiding
the upset.
"Let us try again later, perhaps you will make better progress with a little clearer a head."
Draco grit his teeth but nodded.
"Well done," Tom said simply, a small smile curling on his lips. "You figured it out finally."
Draco gave a look of victory, proceeded quickly by a sigh.
"But that was only done lightly. I shall have to continue to fortify."
"That is one way to put it, certainly. Then again, it is not like those in my family are known
for their kindness." Tom hummed thoughtfully at that.
"Dumbledore is agitating at the best of times, but today he really was irksome." Draco huffed
out, flopping on the bed, brows furrowed.
"Why is that?"
"He just...I do not know, perhaps I am getting agitated simply off of seeing him and it is more
so than the thoughts of him, either way, it is irrelivent. I am agitated." Tom let out a small
"Draco, you cannot be angry at our dearest Transfiguration teacher every time you see him.
He will figure it out."
"That won't matter the moment I am placed in Slytherin. Not to mention he knows my family
name. I doubt it will come as a shock to anyone that I dislike the idiot."
"Draco," The other bowed his head chastised. "I would hope that you will do your best to
disguise your dislike of the man whilst in public."
"Of course," Draco said with a slight eye roll. "I am not entirely stupid."
Abraxas gasped, his breath heaving as he stared at Tom, his hand was placed of his racing
heart and he glanced to where Tom was now comforting Draco. He has plans for the boy,
though I am not entirely sure what they are. Abraxas thought to himself.
Everyone living in Red states in America, please be safe, and warn family that do live in
those states to be safe. If you are separating yourself from your family due to the
political situation at the moment, do not worry, I am right there with you. If you wish to
speak or want/need some support you can contact me through my wattpad, it is on my
profile. I feel for all of you, and while I live in California, so I am less likely to be
forced to deal with the more excess laws, I do understand the fear and terror going
around due to the overturn of roe v wade, and the recent 6 to 3 vote of teachers leading
prayer. This country is going back so fast. So if you need support, or advice, or want to
just rant, I assure you I understand.
if you are doing protests, please remember to be careful. Anyone who is not in the US,
please support anyone you know that is in the US right now, cus we dealing with some
Chapter 12
Abraxas watched Tom warily as he let his fingers card through the blonde's hair. He had no
idea who this boy was, but it was clear that Tom was fond of him, which meant that anyone
with sense would be careful. It was obvious that Tom had some sort of...plan for this boy.
Abraxas was not entirely sure who he was, but from what he could tell of what Tom had
shown him, he could tell that this boy was powerful. He was not entirely sure what it was that
they had been practicing, but it had clearly been something difficult. Tom had even praised
him at times. Tom never gave praise to anyone, ever. It was almost always some form of
criticism, or a compliment that was truly an insult to anyone who had a brain. This boy had
been straight up praised, and it was rather baffling to Abraxas, but he was not going to
question it.
This boy had power, of a sort. Whatever it was that Tom had seen, that much was obvious.
He was able to read Tom's magical fluctuation, which was not something Abraxas had seen in
any but extremely powerful half bloods and purebloods. That alone meant that he was
extremely sensitive to magic, which was a heavy indication that he was far more powerful
than he seemed to be. Well, that and the fact that Tom was bothering with him in the first
place. Tom was not typically someone who wasted time on those he felt were useless to him,
which meant that this boy served a purpose, or had potential in something that Tom wanted.
Abraxas wanted to throw something at the mystery boy, because every part of him screamed
that there was more to what he was being told, but he also knew better than to question Tom's
judgement. Whatever it was that had Abraxas writhing in discomfort was irrelavent if he
ended up dead before he could figure out what the feeling was.
"Now, as for what is going to happen when we return to Hogwarts, I intend to introduce him
to the others after our first feast, and Slughorn's welcome speech." Abraxas felt something
similar to a chill roll down his spine, but he did not comment on it. It was obvious that Tom
had made up his mind, and nothing any of them stated was going to change it, he knew Tom
too well to even bother attempting to try further. In all reality, I am quite lucky that this
Draco had intervened when he did. Abraxas thought to himself, sitting himself on the edge of
the seat, nerves lit. Had he not, I cannot say that I would have managed...to be sitting here
right now, I would likely be on the floor, as he is, well, not exactly as he is but as he was,
twitching and screaming in pain.
"Would you like me to ensure that the others are gathered?" He asked softly, not bothering to
even attempt to talk Tom out of it. Certainly not after the last instance. Although, he could
not help but be rather...surprised. Tom had not mentioned punishing him for attempting to
question him. He had punished Draco for interrupting him, but Abraxas had yet to be
punished for his transgressions too. Draco had...somehow and Abraxas was certainly curious
but baffled as to how, managed to get Tom to completely derail an upcoming punishment.
Once the thought passed through Abraxas' mind, he could not stop thinking about it. It was
like a pest that he could not get rid of. He knew that this person was obviously of interest, but
to...to manage that? Nobody has ever managed to get Tom to stop subjecting another to
punishment that he feels that they have deserved. Hell, most people would not have even
managed to get away with cutting Tom off with such a light punishment. He managed to not
only get Tom to stop his impending punishment on me for daring to question him-something
which Tom hates more than most things-and then proceeded to get off with a rather light
punishment for cutting him off.
Abraxas saw the boy in a slightly new light now. Before, he had been skeptical, but knowing
that there was someone that had some, if not a lot, of influence over Tom's brash and at times
downright impulsive actions was...well it was certainly someone to keep an eye on if nothing
more. Abraxas knew that that this person had the potential to be far more than any of them
contemplated. Tom was extremely dangerous at the best of times, and extremely volatile
other times. This person seemed to be able to somewhat absorb some of Tom's instinct to lash
out immediately in painful and violent ways. Abraxas knew that anyone able to do that was
someone they should have around as much as possible.
"Yes, they will all need to stay in the commons after Slughorn's talk, there I shall introduce
Draco to the group. i have a feeling he will fit right in." Tom said with a sly smile towards
Abraxas. He did not quite get the reason for the look but did not want to question it either.
Tom was acting oddly, and he did not know if that was a good thing, or if that was a bad
"What is it, Walburga?" Tom questioned, rolling his shoulders up with a sigh. He turned to
stare at her blankly.
"Are you two...involved with each other or something?" The hesitance in her voice was
understandable, but Abraxas could not help but stare at her for her bold question. How could
she even begin to question Tom on such a thing? That is extremely private. Although, that
would explain a lot of things, should they be together. Yet, Tom claims to have only known
him for a short while, and beyond that...I had not seen any indications that Tom had any sort
of desire for anyone...ever.
"I do not believe that is any of your business, is it?" Tom questioned back, his voice going
hard and his eyes going cold. The boy, Draco, pulled himself up from where he had been
kneeling at the floor for the better part of an hour now. He sat next to Tom, leaning back
against the seat, his own pale gray eyes staring unnervingly into the Black woman's.
"Just curious?" The boy asked, his voice holding a thin strain of contempt. "I must say, you
should probably best learn to curb that pesky curiosity sooner, rather than later." The words
were held strong, and he held his eyes straight at hers, as though he had not just been in a
submissive pose for the last hour, having constantly submitted to Tom multiple times just
within this trip. Abraxas had to give the other credit where credit was due. Most people
would never dream of challenging Tom, it was dangerous. Abraxas was somewhat heartened
to see that there was a certain sense of tenacity in his spirit as well. He knew that Tom was
unlikely to pick cowards as much more than body armor, but even still.
Chapter 13
Orion was watching Tom and Draco carefully, a bit unnerved, if he was honest. He had
thought that things were going to go as they normally did, and he had no reason to think
otherwise either. However, it was as though some other forces were destined to prove his
desire wrong...horribly so at that. Down from the moment that he had woken he figured that
something would have changed. For one, his father and mother had been acting rather odd
the last couple of weeks. He was not sure why, did not know that he cared enough to bother
checking, but the whispered and hushed sounds behind closed doors over the loud screaming
was definitely unnerving if nothing more.
"I hope, of course, that everyone will be most amicable," Orion shrugged at the words,
Abraxas nodded understandingly, and Walburga-predictably-merely rolled her eyes. She
probably found the whole situation stupid. It was just lucky enough that she did not shout that
to the heavens. Orion worried about what Tom would think about that, and there were times
that he was truly worried that Tom would simply cut her from the group with how she acted
towards him. Whilst she could be useful, there was more than one Black in the group, and
Orion had more power than she did. Tom truly only needed one of them, and Orion was not
going to risk his position because Walburga wanted to be stupid and thought she knew better
than everyone else.
"I will ensure it, my lord," Abraxas stated smoothly, expertly diverting the attention back
onto him. Orion breathed a sigh of relief. At least there will probably be no comments on
Walburga's rather bad attitude. Hopefully that is. Orion could not say that Tom had not seen
her do such a thing, and if he had there was bound to be a talking to later. He could only hope
for the best, at the moment, though, and was grateful for Abraxas swift action. They all knew
that Walburga had a bad temper, worse than even his which was quite impressive.
“Good, I would hope that everyone would be quite eager to meet our newest addition.” Tom
said simply, as though this information was not a rather large revelation. Even Abraxas could
not quite hold in his gasp as Tom stated such. It was obvious that Tom had far more
information on this Draco than they did. He knew that there was something that they were
not being told, but he was not sure what it was. Orion was usually able to read Tom far better
than this, but other than some surface layer smugness, it was hard to see what necessarily was
going on.
There had to be some sort of…of…influence. Some sort of intimacy or something on the part
of Draco. Otherwise Tom would never show favor like this. Tom had not even known the boy
nearly as long as he knew them. At least, from what Orion could gather they had only known
each other during the summer, during which Draco had been dropped off at the Orphanage
that Tom was living in. That only equated to a few months at most, and yet he was already
willing to share favor and status with him? There had to be more to the story.
“If you have to be forgiven…” The boy cut Abraxas of, leaving Walburga and Orion to stare
at him with slightly opened mouths and wide yes. “Perhaps you should not say anything at
all. After all, knowing what to say as well as when to say it is an art, isn’t it Sir?” Draco
directed the last part to Tom, the latter merely lifting his lips upwards in a smirk.
“The boy has a point, Abraxas. perhaps you should hold your tongue this time, before you
say something I will make you wish you hadn’t.”
Chapter 14
The ride was for the most part, silent after this. Silent, but still unnerving. This newest
addition to their group had some sort of sway upon their Lord, and it was obvious that the
Lord cared some great deal for this new addition, but nobody could bring themselves to say
anything. Part of it was just nerves, the other part was worry. They did not know what they
should say, much less how to say anything with Tom carefully assessing their every move.
Only a fool would try and say that Tom was not ever so terrifying. He was the most terrifying
of all of them, and would definitely be the most dangerous in time.
Abraxas was still somewhat reeling from the words that the young one had stated. It was not
that he had been wrong, because he had not. Upon reflection, Abraxas knew that he had
overstepped his boundaries once more, and he should be grateful for the fact that this boy
was able to curb the wrath that elsewise would be sure to be levied upon him. It was
just...well a part of him was annoyed, and the other part of him was frustrated. Some person
dared to speak up for him despite the fact that he had not wanted nor needed them to? It was
almost agitating to the max. He knew that there was little to be done about it, but that that did
not mean that he had to appreciate the intervening. Whilst he should be appreciative, he just
could not find it within himself to be grateful.
As such, none of them spoke. Tom flicked open a book, mirroring the boy who had stole one
from Tom's collections, and had begun leafing through it. They seemed to realize that talking
was simple not going to continue, and as such, Orion and Walburga pulled their own books
from their book sacks, and Abraxas reluctantly continued suite. It would not do to show his
contempt so early, much less towards someone that Tom clearly held regard for. Though
Abraxas was hard pressed to figure out why. It was probably given his assured nature.
Though Abraxas could only assume that he had been teaching the boy to learn occlumency,
he figured that it was likely that the nature in which they had been learning was some that
had endeared him to the other. He knew that there had been something else going on, but
Abraxas found himself fuzzy on most of the details.
He stared at the two over the top of his book. It was scary, to some extent, to realize that
someone had such a heavy influence on their leader. He would have to keep a careful eye on
this one. It was likely that they would not be placed in Slytherin, though Abraxas knew that
the odds of that were lower than he was trying to tell himself. He wanted to say that the boy
would be placed in Ravenclaw, but he knew, just as everyone knew, that Malfoys stayed in
Slytherin. He supposed there was a very minor chance that the boy could be placed in
Ravenclaw, but seeing the sly look that the boy gave...Well there was just something about
the boy that breathed a Slytherin. Abraxas could not, in good conscious, lie to himself like
that. There was no way that this problem was going to be fished off to some other house.
No, unfortunately this was a problem that Abraxas and his house were going to have to deal
with. How they were going to manage that? Well, he had not really gotten to that part yet.
There was the complication of Tom. Tom clearly regarded the boy greatly, which would
definitely cause them some issues later down the road. Or even early down the road. Abraxas
had been replaced by this lesser Malfoy. He was...he had no idea what to feel about that, but
the traditional anger and frustration flew through himself at the thought.
A lesser Malfoy, and yet there was little doubt that the boy was a Malfoy all the same. It was
not just the clear genes, but the fact that his letter would have said it, and his name would be
called as such when they got to Hogwarts. Only an idiot would claim to be a Malfoy,
particularly when one Malfoy is known to be attending Hogwarts, and when consorting with
someone who knows Malfoys. Abraxas knew this would throw Slytherin in for a loop, and
knowing that...it was difficult to figure how he should proceed.
One thing was for certain, and that was he would have to be careful. A Malfoy of unknown
origins comes waltzing to Hogwarts. It could cause issues for him when it comes to the
heirship. He would have to watch the boy carefully, assess him as much as possible to figure
out just how much of a threat he posed.
For now, Abraxas thought to himself, idly turning yet another page that he had not quite read
in the book he held, For now I shall simply have to try and play as friends. It will certainly
get me much close than open hostility.
"We are here," The boy whispered to Tom, who put his book down, and grabbed the other
book from the Malfoy's hands.
"Good," Tom stated simply, pulling himself to his feet as he reached down to grab the other's
own and pull him up in kind. "I do hope that everything goes relatively smoothly. I am
exhausted, and wish to eat something swiftly and return to bed."
Chapter 15
Draco was dead sure everything was not going to go smoothly. It was only in part because
Tom had said such. After all, there was very few things that went well when you wanted them
to. It was also because the way that his luck was going, and it was not going necessarily well,
he doubted that there would be a smooth transition at any point in time, anywhere. He also
had no idea how he was supposed to be sorted. Not that he needed resorting, he knew what
his house was, and the Sorting hat would be a buffoon to declare otherwise, but besides that,
there was the slight problem of how exactly he was supposed to be introduced. He was just a
random Malfoy coming into the Slytherin house pretty much out of nowhere, and having
obtained the favor of their leader...clearly. It was bad enough his own grandfather held him in
some sort of wary regard, but his other relatives did as well? At this point, for him of course,
a relaxing night was not what he was going to get. He was going to have to put extra wards
and spells on his things to ensure their safety, as well as his own four poster.
He had been worried about this before, though he had not really talked about it with Tom.
Seeing these people that, some of them, he had only seen pictures of...it was going to be
weird. He had been horribly nervous of it. Particularly his Grandfather. He had actually
known his grandfather, and seeing him with these...people...seeing a side of him that, to be
perfectly honest, Draco was not sure he wanted to see was unnerving. He had known his
Grandfather had been ruthless when he was younger. He knew that something had driven that
ambition away from him, though Draco was uncertain as to what it was. Now, with the
chance of actually finding out..He realized he did not want to. It was all just a little bit too
jarring for him.
It was not just that, but there was so many unknowns. Draco knew that it could be something
good for him, but he was just...anxious. He was nervous. Facing his grandfather's people,
interacting with them, and mingling with them...well it was too late to change his course.
Tom was their leader, from what he knew and it was obvious from what he could tell. It
would be stupid to try and drift away from them now. Furthermore, it was practically
suicidal. Nobody would be able to survive Hogwarts if they were a loner. It was impossible.
Even his Godfather could not get away with doing that. He had suffered greatly in his
attempts to try to do so as well. That was, until his father had practically adopted him into the
fold. Draco was sort of fuzzy on the details of how that happened, but disregarding that the
point was that it was simply not possible. He also did not particularly relish attempting to do
what his Godfather had. Not when he could just as easily escape such a fate. Call him selfish
or whatever else have you, Draco was not stupid. He was not brave. If being uncomfortable
was his way to safety...he could deal with that. It would be difficult to deal with, for certain,
but it was something that he could do nonetheless.
Draco dropped off the train stairwell after the young Dark Lord, having the latter surprisingly
turn to steady him at his waist. Draco stared after him as he was placed gently on the ground
before having the Lord turn back around as though nothing had happened and walk away. His
brain was slightly static at the moment, and he was grateful-because of the situation but likely
not in any other format-when Orion gently pushed him forwards, leading to Draco's head
clearing finally, and him walked after Tom, not quite as able to stop his own reaction. Why
did he do that? Was the thought that plagued Draco's head. He sighed, letting his fingers drift
lightly towards his temples before forcing his arm down once more. It was a ridiculous
reaction, and he was not even really sure why he reacted like that himself. Perhaps it was
because this Dark Lord was different, maybe it was something else. Either way, he would
need to keep his public reactions down quite a bit more. He was...not entirely sure how he
was going to manage that, but he would find a way.
Chapter 16
His anxiety skyrocketed when he realized he would be the first to be sorted, not the last. As a
result, he was forced to separate from Tom and company. Tom, with a fleeting press against
his shoulder and a whisper in his ear to 'be good' left for the Great Hall, leaving Draco with
Dumbledore, which truly made him want to strangle the old man. Not that he could, he could
barely handle doing that in his own time, despite how much he had thought of it, it would
definitely ruin his reputation before Hogwarts even began. He did not need to be having them
loose points before school even started, technically, though Draco was not sure that was even
allowed. Then again, when had Dumbledore bothered doing things the proper way, rather
than bending or outright breaking rules for his favorites? He would do the same if it would
punish his least desirables. Draco had seen it happen over and over again when the old idiot
was Headmaster, and did not particularly relish having to deal with it once more only this
time as him being a teacher. It would definitely make things more complicated.
The waiting did not happen for as long as Draco feared it was. The first years showed up,
watching him curiously, which Draco studiously ignored. Dumbledore left, the transfer was
spoken over by Headmaster...who ever was headmaster at this time. If Draco's logs were
correct it should be Armando Dippet, and from what he had managed to gather, the other was
Headmaster for quite some time, with great successes. It was next to no time that his name
was called, and Draco pushed the doors open, leading the first years in, ignoring their gaggle
and awe as he strode to the had, which confidently once more placed him in Slytherin before
it even touched his head. Draco couldn't help but smirk at that. He felt a bit of pride, at his
sorting going the same six years later...technically six years. He had never had any doubt that
his house was Slytherin. He was proud to be one as well.
Walking briskly to the Slytherin Table, he was met part of the way there, by Tom, his Prefect
Badge gleaming in place. Tom guided him, arm around his torso as he did so, much to the
surprise and slight concertation of others in the Great Hall. Nobody was even paying much
attention to the first several first years that were getting sorted, instead focused on watching
this sudden appearance of a Malfoy around Abraxas' age, sorted in Slytherin, and clearly
having garnered the seeming impossible affections of one Tom Riddle. Many were jealous,
others just confused, and some were curious and interested. Draco did not much care for any
of them. Instead he was focusing on the person besides him.
"Did you behave?" Tom muttered under his breath, fingers digging into his ribs as he asked
the question.
"Yes, Sir," Draco stated back, equally as quite, though slightly more out of breath from the
abrupt sensation on his side.
"Good," It was all that Tom had said, but Draco could not quite help the warm feeling that
spread through him at that. Good...He could scarcely remember the last time his Father, or
Mother, Godfather, tutors, teachers, or really anyone barring Tom had ever stated that he was
good at anything. Perhaps that was why he seemed too subservient to this...this Tom. Perhaps
it was the familiarity of his magic that sent shivers down his spine as it reminded him of...his
other self. Perhaps it was something entirely different, Draco did not really know. He would
presume it was probably a mix, considering he had not even managed to make the correlation
of his even being the Dark Lord of his time until his grandfather had called him 'my lord'. It
had been a somewhat startling realization, but one that Draco felt proud he held in quite well.
Besides, he had a feeling that a part of himself had truly suspected such a thing, but just had
not given way to allow the suspicions to bear fruit.
Tom led Draco right to the middle of the table, shoving Abraxas slightly further down the
table, ending in the entire bench shuffling minorly down a bit. Tom would never typically do
something like this, but Draco was quite the special case. He was his...project. His little Pet.
Personally, Tom felt as though Draco was far more fun to deal with than Abraxas. Of course,
he had made do with the people that he had been given and managed to influence, Abraxas
being the most fun of those people, but even then, Draco held a different sense
of...submission. Something about it made Tom want to test it, to truly see how subservient the
sixteen year old truly was to him. He was not stupid, he knew a part of Draco feared him, that
had been obvious enough in their lessons, but a part of him admired him, idolized him, and
craved his praise to an extent as well. It was...invigorating. Furthermore there was just
something more...pure to it than the attentions Tom had received from others. It was more
fascinating seeing the subservient nature on something so dangerous. Abraxas was obedient
too, yes, but there was no hesitation or reluctance in the obedience of Draco. Tom wanted to
continue to toy with him, and to do that he had to ensure that none others would toy with
what was his. Draco was his pet, after all, and he could not be allowing others to mess with
him. Tom had his own distinct plans with Draco that were far from the plots that he had with
his other followers.
Chapter 17
Dippet was far different from Dumbledore, who was heavy on theatrics and such. He was
grateful enough that he had managed to make it through the sorting, and even more so that
Tom was besides him still. He supposed it was stupid to worry whether Tom would allow him
to take his side, the other had made his claims quite obvious, something which Draco felt a
bit of a warmth and a chill at the same time when it regarded such a thing. The Dark Lord
found him pleasing enough to take him under his wing, it was something that the Lord of his
own time had done as well, but of a different nature. Tom clearly had his wits about him at
the moment, which was more than what could be said for...well...It was obvious enough that
something had caused the Dark Lord of his time to go from calculating and cold to...insane
and calculating. Still terrifying, still intelligent, still smart, but just sheerly insane. Draco was
glad, to an extent, that this version of the Dark Lord was as sane as he was, and though it was
clear he was not what one could consider normal, by any shape of the term, he was at least
not crazy like he had been in Draco's original time.
It took Dippet seconds to welcome the students, and start the feast, unlike Dumbledore who
liked to make a long and winding speech, or something that simply made no sense and
caused everyone to roll their eyes. Tom wasted next to no time shoving his plate full of food
and gently nudging it in front of him before serving himself. Draco had to admit, that he was
a bit surprised about that. He knew that Tom regarded him as some sort of possession,
considering that was pretty much what Tom was capable of, and it had been made even more
obvious during their Occlumency lessons that Draco had insisted on. It was not the same sort
of obsessive feel that the Dark Lord of his time had, which Draco was grateful for, but it was
obsessive nonetheless. Draco did not even understand what it was that appealed to Tom more
with him than someone else, but then again, he supposed it did not really matter, in the end. It
just felt odd, and concerning to a degree. Though he could do nothing about it. It was not his
fault that he literally got dropped off before Tom's orphanage. There was nothing for it in the
The dinner was hushed at the Slytherin table. It was something Draco noticed, because it was
fairly rare during his time, though it still often happened, especially as the semester dragged
on, and particularly the last year that he had went. Umbridge really messed things up at
Hogwarts, and while Draco may have taken her side (it was always wise to side with a
ministry official at Hogwarts if they were there for the reason that Umbridge had been) it did
not mean that any of his counterparts actually liked her. As much as they may have played
that up, and many of them were happy that Draco had when things began to go to shit
halfway through the semester, it had meant that they were practically immune to anything she
did. She straight tormented a lot of the students, ripping all clubs and fun, but Draco had
managed to get her to allow the Slytherin house a lot of leniency in that regard, something
that would have never happened had he not joined her early on.
It was that year that this reminded him of. Everyone was silent, the atmosphere was tense, it
was almost as though Slytherin was in a different dimension, rather than a different table in a
bustling hall. The other tables were talking, laughing, and they were silent. He knew it was
because of the drama. A strange Malfoy came in out of nowhere in the middle of the
Hogwarts schooling and managed to somehow captivate the Slytherin King. It was not his
fault, truly, but he knew that this was merely the reaction that came with this sort of
information. It happened often enough in his own time, though not to such a vast degree and
not nearly something like this.
It did not take long for dinner to end, the treats to be finished, and goblets emptied. Dippet
stood the Head Boy and Girl of each house up and to the head of each table, before directing
the first years to leave with the Head boy and girl. Personally, Draco felt it was far more
efficient than what Dumbledore did, which was essentially having all of the prefects struggle
to find the first years and the head boy and girl did...something. He knew that the Slytherin
Head boy and girl always aided in rounding up the 1st years, but at least this way everyone
would know who was in charge of the prefects that year. The badges alone made it somewhat
obvious, but first years did not know that. He had always found it annoying to see the first
years and prefects scrambling towards each other in the other houses. Slytherin house had a
bit more decorum and the first years gathered themselves together, but it was not so with any
of the others.
"We are leaving now," Tom whispered in his ear, stepping out of the bench and pulling Draco
up with him, arm once more latching around his waist to keep him close. Abraxas, Walburga,
and Orion circled around him, along with a few other notable purebloods. Draco vaguely
recognized several of them, but it had been a long while since he was required to keep up
with the parents of his father's generation of purebloods. The fact that he recognized any of
them, outside of the ones that he was directly related to, was almost a miracle. He was fairly
sure he noticed Theodore's grandfather walking ahead with the first years, though was not
entirely sure.
They made their way to the common room, taking the short cut. The Head Boy and Girl
would take the first years around a bit of a bend, pointing out a few of the wings that you had
to take in order to get to the common room. It helped in ensuring they somewhat knew where
they were. They would also be taught a spell that would tell them where they were at any
given moment, well, if the spell had been invented yet. Draco recalled learning it his first
year, which had been unendingly helpful. He had been quite grateful for it. Meanwhile, the
pile of students, lead by himself and Tom, along with the Malfoy and Blacks, reached the
common room with no difficulty.
"Salazaar," The password spoken, and received, the snake echoed around the doorway,
leaving an ornate cedar wood door. Draco noted with some alarm that it was a different type
of wood now than in his time. Perhaps they had just changed it due to...well he did not know
really. In his time the wood was ebony, not cedar. It drew a more dreary crowd but still. Tom
pulled Draco into the common room and down the stairwell to sit on the green couches
before Salzaar's portrait. Draco leaned into his side, tired, though he was not sure why.
Perhaps the day's mental toll was just too much for him now, though that simply did not make
sense. he had gone through far more than that.
Chapter 18
The other students of the Slytherin House piled through the common room, the first years
admiring the decor, as Draco knew they were wont to do. As much as one could hear or read
about the common rooms in Hogwarts, it was something else to actively see them for
yourself. Draco himself had only been to the Slytherins and Ravenclaw common rooms, and
both were so different from what one heard or could even imagine it was difficult to really
understand until you saw in person for yourself what they were like. Ravenclaw common
room was nice, but Draco held a particular fondness for the Slytherin common rooms. It was
similar to the Malfoy Manor, barring the more cozy feeling to it. The Manor was almost
always cold, no matter how one looked at it.
Leaning his head against Tom's shoulder, he allowed his eyes to drift shut slowly, ignoring
the chatter around him, just letting his magic settle, and his mind try and calm itself from the
clash of memories, both good and bad, that seemed to rifle through him at the prospect of
being back. It was difficult a matter to settle. He could not really understand why he was here
in this time, and knowing that he was on his own without his parents...well that could be a
good or bad thing depending on how one saw it. While he was not entirely fond of his
parents, they did provide him some aid, including money and housing. He had the housing
covered with that Muggle Orphanage, as much as he may not like being there, but
finances...that was something else entirely.
"Come now," Tom gently shoved his side, causing Draco to pull himself up into a sitting
position, blinking blankly as he stared at the circle of purebloods that had gathered around the
two, and were staring. He was not sure how he felt at that, but did not say anything and
allowed his blank mask to fully cover his thoughts on the current situation. They were staring
with some sort of curious expression on their face that, had Draco cared enough or even been
less tired would have likely figured out, and Draco presumed it was because he had been
caught leaning against their infamous dark Lord. From what he had managed to gather just
from the Great Hall, Tom was not one who willingly gave his affections out easily. He has
some sort of plot for me, which while I should be wary over, I cannot very well do much
about. Plots were always exhausting, and Draco greatly preferred being the one who made
them over the one who was trapped in them, it was much more fun being the one pulling the
strings. Even if I cannot figure out why it is that the Dark Lord seems to have some sort of
plot to use me, somehow, I figure it can't possibly be worse than when he was an unstable
lunatic. Which was true. This Lord was far more sane than the one that Draco knew. he may
not know what had happened to cause said crazy, but he also did not really think he cared
much when that Dark Lord was not his current priority.
"My Lord, who is this...newcomer?" Someone questioned...Draco narrowed his eyes slightly,
trying to place them, but he sighed. It was just difficult. So many pureblood families had dark
hair and dark eyes in their gene pool it was almost impossible to figure where one came over
another. His own hair color was a lot more distinctive, and there was very few pureblood
families that had it, similar enough to the Weasley's ginger hair.
"Now, now, Avery, no need to be rude." Tom stated, clicking his tongue to show his
displeasure at the other. Draco inhaled slightly. Avery...Draco thought to himself. At least that
explains the sleezy voice. I should have probably put that one together sooner. All the Averys'
sound the same, at least from what I can tell. He ignored the chastisement of himself in favor
of watching Avery seem to cringe slightly in on himself. It was funny to watch the Averys'
freak. Even Draco was able to do it when he was young. For a pureblood family, they were
overly simple in their fears. It was almost boring trying to toy with them, though he supposed
it passed time sometimes, when there was nothing more to do. "I am sure you heard at the
sorting, this is young Draco Malfoy."
"Where the hell did another Malfoy come from?" Someone else asked. Draco leaned his head
back against the sofa, ignoring the conversations, deciding to instead close his eyes as his
face tilted up towards the ceiling. He did not want to keep trying to figure out who was from
what family, especially since they all looked so young. Trace resemblences to those he did
know was annoying at best and served him no purpose when so many families had similar
features to the others.
"The point, I think," He knew that was Abraxas. Malfoy's had a rather distinct way of talking,
after all, and he was not pleased. Draco yanked his body forwards, leaning his elbows on his
knees, placing his head delicately in his hands as his fingers gently landed over his cheeks as
he tilted his head to stare at the group, grey eyes piercing through the crowd of people, hair
slightly obsurcing his face.
"Does it matter?" Draco cut off Abraxas, staring everyone down. Abraxas hushed himself,
not wanting to speak, not after the train ride over there...and the fiasco...it was safer to just
stay silent, he was beginning to realize, when the young Malfoy got like this...this tone.
"What do you..."
"I believe," Draco stated, cutting off yet another dark brown haired pureblood-the other one
was Avery, so he had at least one pureblood in the group outside of the Malfoys and Blacks
placed but this one...this one he could not recognize yet-"I asked a yes or no question..." The
air thickened as Draco's eyes flashed dangerously, a smile on his face. "Why is it that the
answer is not a simply yes...or no?"
"Then I think, as far as I am aware, if it has no bearing on you, you should not be prying."
Draco let his heels shove his body backwards on the couch, staring at the others with a lifted
brow. "Unless the sacred 27 seem to think it is of their place to pry into the Malfoy family's
buissness, despite the fact that none of you are patrairchs yet...I would think, that if it is such
a concern for the other sacred families, your patriarchs will have a conversation with the
Malfoy head of house...until then, I suggest silence...before you say something you regret
saying in the long run."
Chapter 19
This could complicate things...Draco thought to himself, frustration laced through his
features as he tried to sort things out. This could majorly complicate things, and he was not
entirely sure that he wanted to deal with the potential fallout that was bound to occur. It was
bad enough he had people questioning him, his name, his blood, but he was lucky...in some
ways. They had not connected all of the dots. It was hard enough just to figure out where he
fell in line to the malfoys, because technically he did not...at least not yet. His Black heritage
was still hidden, though he had a feeling that it would not be long until that was figured out
just the same. He would hide it as far as he could, he definitely did not need such a ruthless
family on his head, or rather, over his shoulder. The Blacks had a long line of danger
associated with them, and Draco was lucky he was not in trouble as of yet...though he had a
feeling that would be rectified quite quickly.
"I wonder what will happen when they do find out," Draco muttered to himself, safe behind a
plethora of silencing charms and wards that he had placed around his bed and trunk the
moment he had walked to his rooms. The danger that he was in...it was even more so than
associating himself with Tom Riddle, although that came with quite a bit of danger too (more
so than he would like to think if he was honest) but there was more to it then that. He would
have to really question what he was going to do...and how he was going to handle the
situation that was coming forwards. Things would only get more and more chaotic, and he
was already dealing with the impending Dark Lord's obsession with him...just as in his own
He hated to think that he got tangled with the Dark Lord so quickly, but it was obvious that
was who he was. It was just his luck to not only be dropped in a different time, but right onto
the Dark Lord's doorstep. At least he seemed to have some sort of intelligence. Draco could
be wrong, of course, but too many things added up for him to just write it off as paranoia. At
the end of the day, he can make as many wishes as he wants, but it would do him no good to
bother trying to delude himself. He had to keep his wits about him, even if he was already
hopelessly confused. Things would not be getting better, and now he had to worry about
classes on top of that.
Morning saw Draco rushing up in his bed with a halted scream on his tongue, grateful that he
had put such a wide variety of silencing charms around his bed as he slowly let himself
regulate his breathing back to a somewhat normal state. It was difficult, and Draco wondered
if this was his new unfortuante normal...most likely, something which did not seem quite as
appealing as Draco would have hoped it to be. Clutching his chest with white knuckled
fingers, he forced himself to calm. Today was going to be quite the busy day, after all, and he
was lucky enough that he got...casting a quick and wordless tempus he noted that it was early
but not too early...decent amount of sleep to cover for the day. He had also not missed
breakfast. Although he was not really in the mood for food, he got the feeling that if he tried
to deny it, Tom would throw an absolute fit, yet another thing Draco really did not want to
have to deal with.
Tom was a difficulty to deal with when he was in a good mood, and far more so when he was
not. He had a rather volatile temper, and Draco had come to a clear understand that it was
best to avoid tripping it whenever he could. He did not want anymore scars added to his
collection of them. Not that he needed a reason to curse Draco, and he had already shown
that, but it made it easier and more justified when he did, so he tried to make sure one was
readily available just in case. It was a good theme, and definitely would aid him in the future,
Draco knew, but for now it was just annoying and stressful. Particularly since he was not
entirely sure what set Tom off yet, other than some basic understandings.
"Slughorn is also an absolute miserable teacher," He bemoned, thinking about his potions
classes. Potions were his favorite, and always had been. It was soothing, calming, and best of
all Draco was just innately talented at it. It was easy for him, did not really require much
thought, and so he was able to just drift during Potions, let his thoughts wander. Severus had
taught him so much before Hogwarts, and then Hogwarsts Potions just remained pitifully
easy. Definite benefits to having the youngest potions master ever as a family friend, though
Draco often wondered how that had happened.
"Draco, dear, it is time to wake yourself!" Draco groaned, but reluctantly pulled himself from
bed. It would not do to keep Tom waiting, after all.
Chapter 20
Draco had not been overly fond of Hogwarts from the beginning, the only reason he was
there because his mother did not want him to go so far as Durmstrung. Lucius had never been
all that happy about it. He had agreed if only to keep the peace. Lucius was not always so
weak, but when it came to his mother...sometimes giving in was better than trying to put your
foot down, and Lucius had learned that well before he had even agreed to the betrothal. So, to
Hogwarts he went instead. To Dumbledore, Potter, and the inevitable fall that was his family.
It was hard to think about, and even worse when he realized this was entirely on his
incapability. As the Dark Lord in his own time had said, it was because of him...
Shaking his head free of water droplets he exited the bathroom and into Tom's awaiting
smile. Draco instantly felt on edge...nothing good could possibly come from that. It was
jarring, though, to think this was the person would would become the one he knew as Lord
Voldermort. This person was sane...perfectly sane. Yes, he bordered on extremely obsessive,
but at the same time that was just to be expected. One did not become as terrifying as Lord
Voldermort had been before his death without having some sort of flaws, and obsession was
definitely a flaw. He could not tell if Voldermort had been more or less possessive though...it
was clear he had one or the other in spades both before and after his death-or rather what
counted for his death.
"I am not certain I am, but it isn't like that changes anything. Whether I am ready or not I will
have to go...it is mandatory, and the first days especially are super important." Draco knew
that almost every impression anyone would have happened during the Sorting Hat, but the
first days were also incredibly important as well. Particularly in reference to the opinions of
teachers. Those were quite important because if Draco snided a teacher..well things would be
far more complicated for himself. He needed to keep things as smooth as possible, he had far
more things to worry about than what the teachers wanted from him, and endless detentions-
which he was almost certain he would have with Dumbledore of all people as a teacher.
"You worry over Dumbledore...why does he seem to constantly occupy your thoughts?"
"And why do you seem to constantly be reading my thoughts?" Granted they were nothing
more than those surface level thoughts, at leat the Dark Lord was kind enough for that, but
Draco was not sure how adept he was at Legilimancy now. He knew a little considering how
he had allowed Tom to break into his mind repeatedly under the desperate attempts at
strengthening his fortifications. The teen was definitely well versed in the art, and Draco had
been a bit taken aback at first at how good he had been. He was definitely better than Draco
was at shielding, that was for certain. Draaco had gotten better under Tom's harsh teaching,
but not good enough. He was still concerned about Dumbledore, but he also dhad no idea
how good The Dark Lord had been while Dumbledore was a teacher. He only knew that Lord
Voldermort had been one of the best among the world at Legilimacy, and it had gotten so
good at it that none could dare to lie to him...even if he had not looked at them directly, he
could tell. It terrified a lot of people. Draco was not sure how much of that was merely rumor,
"Funny, funny, but I do not jest." Tom's voice dipped down with how serious he was. "Why is
it that he occupies you so much."
"Am I not allowed to worry about someone?" Draco questioned, his own getting defensive.
"Forgive me, I fear I fail to have properly...I just meant, there is no need to truly worry over
Dumbledore. As long as you are not looking into his depraved eyes, you will be perfectly
safe." Draco cleared his own throat, ashamed at his defensiveness. It was obvious, and
Malfoys are never obvious. Not to mention, it was obvious enough that they had the others in
the dorm watching them from a safe distance. Draco suppsoed that not many decided to
challenge Tom, and he could understand why...he himself had no idea what the hell he was
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