Exporting For Android - RST
Exporting For Android - RST
Exporting For Android - RST
.. seealso::
Exporting for Android has fewer requirements than compiling Godot for Android.
The following steps detail what is needed to set up the Android SDK and the engine.
.. attention::
Install OpenJDK 17
- You can install the Android SDK using `Android Studio Hedgehog (version 2023.1.1)
or later <https://developer.android.com/studio/>`__.
- Alternatively, you can install the Android SDK with the `sdkmanager` command line
.. note::
Setting it up in Godot
Enter the Editor Settings screen. This screen contains the editor
settings for the user account in the computer (it's independent of the
.. image:: img/editorsettings.png
Scroll down to the section where the Android settings are located:
.. image:: img/android_editor_settings.webp
- ``Java SDK Path`` should be the location where OpenJDK 17 was installed.
- ``Android Sdk Path`` should be the location where the Android SDK was installed.
- For example ``%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\`` on Windows or
``/Users/$USER/Library/Android/sdk/`` on macOS.
.. note::
If you get an error saying *"Could not install to device."*, make sure
you do not have an application with the same Android package name already
installed on the device (but signed with a different key).
If you have an application with the same Android package name but a
different signing key already installed on the device, you **must** remove
the application in question from the Android device before exporting to
Android again.
Launcher icons are used by Android launcher apps to represent your application to
users. Godot only requires high-resolution icons (for ``xxxhdpi`` density screens)
and will automatically generate lower-resolution variants.
- **Main Icon:** The "classic" icon. This will be used on all Android versions up
to Android 8 (Oreo), exclusive. Must be at least 192×192 px.
- **Adaptive Icons:** Starting from Android 8 (inclusive), `Adaptive Icons
_ were introduced. Applications will need to include separate background and
foreground icons to have a native look. The user's launcher application will
control the icon's animation and masking. Must be at least 432×432 px.
.. seealso:: It's important to adhere to some rules when designing adaptive icons.
`Google Design has provided a nice article
<https://medium.com/google-design/designing-adaptive-icons-515af294c783>`_ that
helps to understand those rules and some of the capabilities of adaptive icons.
.. caution:: The most important adaptive icon design rule is to have your icon
critical elements inside the safe zone: a centered circle with a diameter of 66dp
(264 pixels on ``xxxhdpi``) to avoid being clipped by the launcher.
If you don't provide some of the requested icons, Godot will replace them using a
fallback chain, trying the next in line when the current one fails:
- **Main Icon:** Provided main icon -> Project icon -> Default Godot main icon.
- **Adaptive Icon Foreground:** Provided foreground icon -> Provided main icon ->
Project icon -> Default Godot foreground icon.
- **Adaptive Icon Background:** Provided background icon -> Default Godot
background icon.
It's highly recommended to provide all the requested icons with their specified
This way, your application will look great on all Android devices and versions.
Uploading an APK to Google's Play Store requires you to sign using a non-debug
keystore file; such file can be generated like this:
.. code-block:: shell
This keystore and key are used to verify your developer identity, remember the
password and keep it in a safe place!
It is suggested to use only upper and lowercase letters and numbers. Special
characters may cause errors.
Use Google's Android Developer guides to learn more about `APK signing
.. image:: img/editor-export-presets-android.png
- **Release:** Enter the path to the keystore file you just generated.
- **Release User:** Replace with the key alias.
- **Release Password:** Key password. Note that the keystore password and the key
password currently have to be the same.
Don't forget to uncheck the **Export With Debug** checkbox while exporting.
.. image:: img/export-with-debug-button.png
By default, the APK will contain native libraries for both ARMv7 and ARMv8
architectures. This increases its size significantly. To create a smaller APK,
uncheck either **Armeabi-v 7a** or **Arm 64 -v 8a** in your project's Android
export preset. This will create an APK that only contains a library for
a single architecture. Note that applications targeting ARMv7 can also run on
ARMv8 devices, but the opposite is not true.
You can optimize the size further by compiling an Android export template with
only the features you need. See :ref:`doc_optimizing_for_size` for more
Environment variables
You can use the following environment variables to set export options outside of
the editor. During the export process, these override the values that you set in
the export menu.
* - Export option
- Environment variable
* - Encryption / Encryption Key
* - Options / Keystore / Debug
* - Options / Keystore / Debug User
* - Options / Keystore / Debug Password
* - Options / Keystore / Release
* - Options / Keystore / Release User
* - Options / Keystore / Release Password