Grade 11 Annual Plan
Grade 11 Annual Plan
Grade 11 Annual Plan
May and June April Month Ferbruary and March February Month December and January November Month October September Month
5 4 Week (1/2)+4 4+(1/2) Week 5 4 Week 3 3 Week
Grade 11
5.3.1 scalar
6.4 Rotation
5.1.1 Scalars
Subject: Mathematics
5.1.2 Vectors
6.3 Reflection
Unite 5 Vector
6.2 Translation
Unit 7: Statistics
8.1 Introduction
6.5 Applications
5.6 Applications
4.8 Applications
3.8 Applications
2.3 Applications
Unit 3 Matrices
8.3.2 Combination
8 probability
5.3.3 Cross product
5.3 Vectors product
Teacher's Name: Fuad Idris
of statistics
5.2.1 components vectors
4.3 Determinants of order
4.1 Determinants of order
7.5 Real -
Acadamic Year: 2017
of the plane
rational functions
rational expressions
in real life situations
real-word situations.
etc.)chalkboard instruction, classroom discussion, instruction, class projects, class room Lecturing, math games, oral reports,
classroom discussion, collaborative collaborative learning spaces , debates, discussion instruction, classroom discussion, collaborative class projects, class room discussion, currect instruction, classroom discussion, collaborative
collaborative learning spaces , debates, discussion discussion, currect events quizzes, photography,reflective discussion,
learning spaces , debates, groups, Lecturing, math games, oral reports, learning spaces , debates, discussion groups, events quizzes, Eduactional Games, Exhibits and learning spaces , debates, discussion groups,
groups, Lecturing, math games, oral reports, Eduactional Games, Exhibits and
discussion groups, Lecturing, math photography,reflective discussion, Lecturing, math games, oral reports, displays, group discussion, Lecturing, math Lecturing, math games, oral reports,
photography,reflective discussion, displays, group discussion, Lecturing,
games, oral reports, Games, oral reports photography,reflective discussion,
Teaching Methods
photography,reflective discussion,
Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods
Colored chalk(white board markers), chalk board, Colored chalk(white board markers), chalk Setting of models, color chalk(white board markers),
mathematical toolkit, color
different colored objects (marbles), playing cards, board, paper for drawing graphs, color color pencils, straight edged ruler for drawing charts,
Setting of models, flip charts, GeoGebra, GSP, Math mathematical toolkit, color chalk/marker, mathematical toolkit, color chalk/marker, chalk/marker, computer simulations,
mathematical toolkit, color chalk/marker, computer
dices, coins, color pencils, and straight edged ruler pencils, and straight edged ruler for drawing table and various data from d/t sources mathematical Lab. mathematical toolkit, color chalk/marker, computer simulations, pen-and -paper computer simulations, pen-and -paper pen-and -paper exercises, GeoGebra
charts, excel software, GeoGebra, Maths lab, toolkit, flip chart, color marker, computer simulations and
simulations, pen-and -paper exercises, GeoGebra
for drawing charts and various. computer simulations, pen-and -paper exercises, An exercises, GeoGebra and Mathlab are exercises, GeoGebra and Mathlab are and Mathlab are essential.
table, manipulative graphs and various data pen-and -paper exercises, GeoGebra, GSP, Math lap. An and Mathlab are essential. GSp, Math Lab
through different angles in either nonhomogeneous linear system of equation of two students to explain additive identity of
permutation and that of combination and their distribution. Arrange a stge to students to describe real life situation related to exercises on drawing graph of
direction about a given points matrix. calculate cross product of a vector in 2D and or more variables matrix and additive inverse of a matrix on
difference. Give several real life problems on the present the collected data in class rational functions. inverses of some given relations and
3D. Give problems application of vector algebra their own term
application of the combination. why insurance check their work.
premium varies from person to person?
Remark Remark Remark Remark