Grade 11 Annual Plan

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2nd 2nd Semiste 2nd 2nd Semister 1st 1st Semister 1st 1st Semister

May and June April Month Ferbruary and March February Month December and January November Month October September Month
5 4 Week (1/2)+4 4+(1/2) Week 5 4 Week 3 3 Week
Grade 11



5.3.1 scalar

6.4 Rotation
5.1.1 Scalars
Subject: Mathematics

5.1.2 Vectors

6.3 Reflection

Unite 5 Vector

6.2 Translation

7.1 Types of data

partial fractions

Unit 7: Statistics

8.1 Introduction
6.5 Applications
5.6 Applications
4.8 Applications
3.8 Applications
2.3 Applications

Unit 3 Matrices

Teacher's Name: Fuad Idris

Name of School: ShAPSC

5.2.4 Unit vectors

8.3.2 Combination
8 probability
5.3.3 Cross product
5.3 Vectors product
Teacher's Name: Fuad Idris

using Cramer's Rule

1.3.3 Signum function
1.3 Types of functions

8.4 Binomial Theorem

2.2.2 Graphs of rational

5.2.5 Norm of a vectors

8.2.2 Addition principle

2.2.1 Rational Functions
2.1 Rational Expressions

7.2.1 Grouped discrete data

1.3.2 Modulud Functions

measures of central tendecy

of statistics
5.2.1 components vectors
4.3 Determinants of order
4.1 Determinants of order

7.4.1 Mean for grouped data

The mode for a grouped data

Date 14/10/2016 Sign ___________

5.5 Application of Vectors
3.1 The concepts of matrix
3.2 Operations on Matrices

8.3.1 Circular permutations

8.2.1 Multiplication principle
1.4 Composition of functions

7.2 Introduction to grouped data

3.3 Special Types of matrices

4.5 Inverse of a square matrix

3.7 Inverse of a square matrix

4.4 properties of determinants

5.2 Representation of a vector

7.4.2 The median of grouped data


8.3 Permutation and Combination

Unit 1: Relations and Functions

5.1 Revision on vectors and scalars

2.2 Rational Equations and rational
1.1 Realtions and inverse of relation

1.5 Inverse Functions and their graphs

Unit 6: Transformation of the Plane

8.2 Fundamental principles of counting

5.3.2 Vectors in three dimentional space
1. 3.1 Power Functions with their graphs

7.3 Graphical representation of grouped data

5.2.3 Multiplication of vectors by scalars
5.2.2 Addition and sebtraction of vectors
3.4 Elementry row operations of matrices

8.5 random Experiments and its outcomes

2.1.1 Operations with rational expressions
1.2 Inverse of Realations and their Graphs

3.6 Solutions of syrems of linear equations

5.4 Application of scalar and cross product

Unit 4; Determinats and their properties

4.2 Minors and cofactors of the elements of

4.6 syatems of equations with two and three

1.6 Applications of Realations and Functions

Unit 2: Rational Expressions and Rational

4.7 Solutions of linear stystem of equations by

2.1.2 Decomposition of rational expression into

7.4.3 Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles for groupedd

3.5 Systems of linear equations with two or three

7.5 Real -


Acadamic Year: 2017

of the plane
rational functions
rational expressions
in real life situations

real-word situations.

Students will be able to:

and operation on vectors

decimals and percentages

students will be able to:
know types of functions

Students will be able to:

Students will be able to:
Students will be able to:

Define rational functions

Students will be able to:

. Know principles of counting

. Understand Binomial theorem

recursively defined functions;

. explain the concept of probability

Recognize real valued functions

. Know specific facts about vectors

solving problems involving vectors.

. calculate the probability of an event

General Objectives
General Objectives
General Objectives
General Objectives
Total number of dates in the year:_________

know the inverse of a given relation

.know basic methods and procedures of

.know basic concepts about matrices

. analyse and compare statistical data

or decimal b/n 1 and 1 or as a percentage

transformation to transfrom plane figures

. apply methods and procedures of

Total number of periods in the year:_________

. Distinguish certain and uncertain events

. calculate the probability of compound of

Sign and date _____________________________

Head of Dep't _____________________________
.Know minor and cofactor of a matrix.
priciples concernig matrices. Formulate

operations to find inverse of a function.

sketch the graph of the inverse function.

.Know specific facts about types of data

types of matrix. Know specific ideas and

After learning this topic students able to:

elementry row/column operations. define

7.4 . Use statistiocal method to solve real life

. Apply facts and principles in computation of

solving rational equations and inequalities

. Know basic concepts about grouped data

use Cremer's rule to solve system of linear

. apply principles and theorem about vectors in

Understand inverse of a function if it exist.

3. Define linear system of equations. Solve

Recognize and define a rational expression

Perform operation on matrice. Differentiate

Know basic concept and specific facts about

After studying this topic, students will be able to

determinants to compute inverse of a matrix.
know how to find compositions of functions.

Understand and develop efficient methods in

. represent and interpret probabilities as fractions,

transformation to transform plane figures
compute inverse square matrix of order 2 and
Know methods and procedures in simplifying
undertand how to apply raelationa & function

.Know basic concepts about transforming

Evaluate determinant of a matrix. Understand
linear system of equations by using elementry

. represent the probability of an event sa a fraction


to model, silve , analyse real- word situattions

generalize patterns using explicity defined and

equations. apply determinant concepts to solve

. use probability concept to solve real life problems

row/column operations. Apply matrix concepts
inverse of a square matrice. Use elementry row

.Know basic concepts and procedures about vectors

properties of a determinant. Apply principles of
413 up to 479 355 up to 411 Page 313 up to 354 251 up to 311 Page 207 up to 249 131 up to 205 Page 83 up to 129 1 up to 81 Page
chalkboard instruction, classroom
Textboob assignmrnt, video

Art- based projects, Audio tutorials, book discussion, collaborative learning

lessons, Dramatization(plays, skits, Textboob assignmrnt, video lessons, Art- based projects, Audio tutorials, book Textboob assignmrnt, video lessons,
video lessons, Dramatization(plays, skits, reports, case studies, chalkboard spaces , debates, discussion groups,
etc.)chalkboard instruction, chalkboard instruction, classroom discussion, Dramatization(plays, skits, etc.)chalkboard reports, case studies, chalkboard instruction, Dramatization(plays, skits, etc.)chalkboard
Sheikh Ahmed Haramaya Public Secondary School

etc.)chalkboard instruction, classroom discussion, instruction, class projects, class room Lecturing, math games, oral reports,
classroom discussion, collaborative collaborative learning spaces , debates, discussion instruction, classroom discussion, collaborative class projects, class room discussion, currect instruction, classroom discussion, collaborative
collaborative learning spaces , debates, discussion discussion, currect events quizzes, photography,reflective discussion,
learning spaces , debates, groups, Lecturing, math games, oral reports, learning spaces , debates, discussion groups, events quizzes, Eduactional Games, Exhibits and learning spaces , debates, discussion groups,
groups, Lecturing, math games, oral reports, Eduactional Games, Exhibits and
discussion groups, Lecturing, math photography,reflective discussion, Lecturing, math games, oral reports, displays, group discussion, Lecturing, math Lecturing, math games, oral reports,
photography,reflective discussion, displays, group discussion, Lecturing,
games, oral reports, Games, oral reports photography,reflective discussion,
Teaching Methods

photography,reflective discussion,

Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods

photography,reflective discussion, math Games, oral reports

Colored chalk(white board markers), chalk board, Colored chalk(white board markers), chalk Setting of models, color chalk(white board markers),
mathematical toolkit, color
different colored objects (marbles), playing cards, board, paper for drawing graphs, color color pencils, straight edged ruler for drawing charts,
Setting of models, flip charts, GeoGebra, GSP, Math mathematical toolkit, color chalk/marker, mathematical toolkit, color chalk/marker, chalk/marker, computer simulations,
mathematical toolkit, color chalk/marker, computer
dices, coins, color pencils, and straight edged ruler pencils, and straight edged ruler for drawing table and various data from d/t sources mathematical Lab. mathematical toolkit, color chalk/marker, computer simulations, pen-and -paper computer simulations, pen-and -paper pen-and -paper exercises, GeoGebra
charts, excel software, GeoGebra, Maths lab, toolkit, flip chart, color marker, computer simulations and
simulations, pen-and -paper exercises, GeoGebra
for drawing charts and various. computer simulations, pen-and -paper exercises, An exercises, GeoGebra and Mathlab are exercises, GeoGebra and Mathlab are and Mathlab are essential.
table, manipulative graphs and various data pen-and -paper exercises, GeoGebra, GSP, Math lap. An and Mathlab are essential. GSp, Math Lab



from different sources. arrow with crossed end.

arrow with crossed end essential. GSp, Math Lab essential.

Director's Name ________________________

Sign and date ___________________________
ask oral question on some basic ideas of Probability. ask students to give their own give exercise problems on translating Give some square matrices of order 2 and ask Ask students to write numbers in rows and ask students to identity rational expressions from a Asking oral questions
Ask students to give numbers of possible outcomes example of qualitative data and some points, lines, circles with given ask students to list out examples of scalar quatities. students to calculate the determinants. Ask colums . Ask students to construct matrices given list of different expressions. Ask students to . Ask students to give examples of
of an experiment by counting where 3 ideas are quantitative data. Let students determine the universal set of a given rational relation and their inverses ,
translation, ask students to reflect, points, Give exercise problems on scalr multiplication of students to determine the minor and cofactor of by taking real life examples. Use matrices to expressions Ask students to show the validity of
thrown and let them explain why it is necessary to decribe the difference b/n discrete lines, and some plane figures along given vectors Ask students to determine the length elements of a matrix .Ask students to represent and manipulate data. Ask student .Give students an opportunity to
the properties by using examples. ask oral questions
have an efficient methods of counting. Give exercise data and continuouse data . Ask of some vectors. Give exercise problems on sketch the graphs of the inverses of
lines, give exercise problem on rotating calculate the determinats of some square matrices the position of each entries of the original in your discussion to check whether the students
problems on computing permutation of objects. ask students to grouped their exam coordinate of a point in space as well as magnitude of follow or understand the lesson. Give exercise relations given by themselves . Give
points lines and some olane figures Give exercie for students to solve and the pasted tables compare it. Ask
students to explain about the principle of result. Give students a frequency vectors and ask studednts to evaluate determinant of problems on identifying rational functions. ask class activities and homework


through different angles in either nonhomogeneous linear system of equation of two students to explain additive identity of
permutation and that of combination and their distribution. Arrange a stge to students to describe real life situation related to exercises on drawing graph of
direction about a given points matrix. calculate cross product of a vector in 2D and or more variables matrix and additive inverse of a matrix on
difference. Give several real life problems on the present the collected data in class rational functions. inverses of some given relations and
3D. Give problems application of vector algebra their own term
application of the combination. why insurance check their work.
premium varies from person to person?
Remark Remark Remark Remark

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