Eoi Rubrica Oral
Eoi Rubrica Oral
Eoi Rubrica Oral
0 Ideas are very poor or Serious grammar mistakes Impossible to understand or Hesitates too much, or does There is no interaction at all.
unrelated to the topic; or and very poor vocabulary. identify the message. not speak enough.
ideas are very poorly Doesn’t know how to use Serious pronunciation
expressed. linkers. mistakes.
1 Ideas are poor or unrelated Serious grammar mistakes Very difficult to understand Hesitates a lot, does not There is very little
to the topic, or ideas are and poor vocabulary. Barely or identify the message. speak enough or repeats interaction.
poorly expressed. uses linkers. Important pronunciation ideas.
2 Ideas are poor but somehow Important grammar mistakes Pronunciation is not Speech is repetitive or there There is some interaction
related to the topic; ideas are and repetitive vocabulary. adequate to the level, but is hesitation at times. with the examiner, but not
clear. Poor use of linkers, or message can be understood. with their partner.
repeats them.
3 Ideas are fine and related to Minor grammar mistakes and Pronunciation is adequate, Speech is fluent in general, There is interaction with both
the topic. Ideas are well- adequate vocabulary. Uses but there are some minor despite repetition of ideas or examiner and partner, but
developed. linkers in an adequate way. mistakes. punctual hesitation. interactions are too simple or
4 Ideas are original, interesting Minor grammar mistakes and Pronunciation is good, Speech is fluent, despite Good interactions with both
and well-developed. varied vocabulary. Good use despite minor mistakes. punctual hesitation. examiner and partner.
of linkers.
5 Ideas are original, interesting No grammar mistakes and Pronunciation is excellent. Speech is fluent, without Excellent interactions with
and developed in an rich vocabulary. Excellent hesitation or repetition. both examiner and partner.
appealing way. use of linkers.