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Final SG Version 7

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Chapters 1,2,9 Unit 1

1. A special learner’s permit:
- must be purchased by an approved instructor
-applicant must be at least 16 years old but younger than 17

2. Special learner’s permit:

age to get it: 16
cannot drive from 11:01 pm -5 am
passenger restrictions: dependents and one additional person, unless accompanied by a
parent/guardian (another way to word it: excluding dependents you can have one additional
passenger unless accompanied by a parent/guardian)

3. Once you have a probationary license (after passing the road test) your probation period is
one year.

4. Under GDL (graduated driver’s license) law, these are the 3 requirements you must meet
when you have your special learner’s permit in order to get your probationary license:
A. attain 17 years of age
B. complete 6 months of supervised driving excluding any suspensions/postponements
C. pass the road test

5. Probationary Driver’s license (under 21):

-passenger restrictions: dependents and one additional person, unless accompanied by a
parent/guardian, can drive by self
-Time restrictions: can drive from 5:01am to 11pm (cannot drive from 11:01pm to 5am)
-will have for one full year

6. Examination permit (under 21):

hours you can drive: 5:01AM-11pm

7. Examination permit (over 21):

Time and passenger restrictions: none

8. If you start with a special learner’s permit at 16, you will be 17 when you get your
probationary license and 18 when you get your unrestricted basic license.

9. A supervising driver must meet these requirements:

A. over 21 years old
B. have a NJ basic license for 3 or more years
C. must sit in the front passenger seat

10. With a permit or probationary license the driver may not use these devices:
cell phones (hand-held or hands-free) and handheld electronic devices

11. You must report a lost or stolen license and/or license plates to the police.
12. To get an unrestricted basic license you must be at least 18 years old, one must complete
all GDL/probationary requirements (without any suspensions/postponements) and then visit any
MVC agency.

13. The fine for a violation of any conditions when you have a GDL permit or probationary
license is $100.

14. A change of address must be reported to the MVC in one week.

15. When driving you should always have your: (3 documents):

1. valid license or permit (whichever you have at the moment)
2. valid insurance card
3. valid registration card
You also need all of these when you go to take your road test.

16. Any vehicle operated by a GDL driver under 21 yrs. old must display one reflective RED
decal on the front AND rear license plates.

17. When you move to NJ from another state you have 14 days to get your car inspected after
registering it.

18. When you go for your road test you must have a car without obstructions between you and
the examiner so he/she can reach the brakes. The purpose of the road test is to ensure that the
driver understands the rules of the road and you can drive safely.

19. An owner of a vehicle registered in NJ must purchase liability insurance.

20. If you sell your car but do not transfer the license plates to the new owner you should turn
them back to the MVC and get a receipt.

21. Except for new vehicles, your car must be inspected at either a state inspection facility or a
state licensed private inspection facility every 2 years.

Chapter 3 Unit 2

22. Both the driver and all passengers are required by GDL law to wear seat belts.

23. A driver is responsible for all passengers under age 18.

24. Parking uphill with a curb: turn the wheels away from the curb
Parking downhill with a curb: turn the wheels towards the curb

25. Car Seat Law: A child under the age of eight, less than 57 inches (four feet nine inches) tall
and under 80 pounds must be properly belted in a booster seat and seated in the rear seat of
the vehicle (unless there is no rear seat, the front seat will be allowed).
26. Use signals when changing lanes, slowing down or stopping and/or turning.

27. When you back up in a straight line, you should turn your head and body to the right (look
over your shoulder) and your left hand should be on the wheel at 12 o’clock.

28. Safety belts increase your chances of:

A. not being thrown out of the car
B. not sliding on the seat
C. not hitting your head on the dashboard or windshield

29. Meaning of a hand signal:

Left arm and hand are upwards: right turn
Left arm and hand are straight out: left turn
Left arm and hand are downward: stop/slow

Chapter 8 Unit 2

30. If you approach an intersection and a large vehicle is stopped for the traffic light you should
stop within enough room so you will not be in a blind-spot and you can see the driver in his

31. To safely share the road with large trucks/buses you know the limitations of these vehicles
regarding visibility, stopping distances required, and maneuverability.

32. When passing a large truck/bus it is important to remember there are several no-zones
(blind-spots) in which the driver cannot see you.

33. When sharing the road with large trucks/buses you should give more roadway to a truck
making a wide turn, leave more space when stopping behind, and maintain a consistent speed
when passing.

34. In bad weather a truck takes 25% more time to stop.

35. Some measures a motorist must take in order to secure the safety of all pedestrians:
-Yield the right-of-way
-be alert and obey speed limits
-never pass another vehicle that has stopped to yield to a pedestrian.

36. Under NJ law, inline skaters, skateboarders and bicyclists have the same rights and
responsibilities as a moving motor vehicle.
Signs, Signals, Roadway Markings Unit 3

37. upside-down triangle: yield sign

38. A solid pavement stripe on your side means: no passing

39. Double solid pavement stripes mean: no passing

40. Double pavement stripes--one broken, one solid: passing allowed on broken line side only

41. Pavement center line is broken: passing allowed

42. stop sign: 8 sides, octagon

43. The order of the colors of a traffic light, top to bottom (vertically): red, yellow, green

44. railroad sign shape: circle

colors: yellow and black

45. typical warning sign shape: diamond

46. A flashing red traffic light means stop and yield to traffic and pedestrians.

Chapter 4 Unit 3

47. The speed limit in business, school, and residential areas is 25 mph.

48. The penalty for pedestrians under 17 who violate the pedestrian law is $22.

49. You must yield to emergency vehicles, cars already in the intersection and pedestrians.
A motorist should always be prepared to yield to trains, buses, and postal vehicles.

50. Headlights must be used between one half hour after sunset and one half hour before
sunrise and in bad weather when visibility is less than 500 feet.

51. Dim your lights to low beams when a vehicle is approaching you or when you are behind
other vehicles.

52. Bright beams are used for open country driving, low beams for fog.

53. When approaching an uncontrolled intersection (where 2 or more roads join and there is no
signal) you should always slow down and be ready to stop.

54. You can turn right on a red light after a full stop unless there is a no turn on red sign.
55. NJ law is to turn on your headlights whenever you use the windshield wipers.

56. When driving through a curve your car will tend to keep going straight, and you should slow
down before entering the curve.

57. You should park 10 ft from a fire hydrant, 25 ft from a crosswalk, and 50 ft from a stop sign.
You should never park your car in front of a driveway, in front of a fire hydrant, in a bus stop
zone or on a crosswalk.

58. When a school bus is stopped in front of a school to pick up or let off students, you may
pass from either direction but at a speed of no more than 10 MPH.

59. A deceleration lane is an extra lane at a highway exit to adjust speed for the exit ramp.
An acceleration lane is an extra lane at a highway entrance to adjust speed to enter a

60. When you approach a railroad crossing with flashing lights/gates lowering you should stop
at least 15 feet away.

61. Under NJ law motorists signaling a right turn must yield to: inline skaters and
skateboarders, bicyclists, pedestrians.
NJ Safe Passing Law: When driving, if there is a pedestrian, cyclist or any other type of roadway
user using the side of the road, move over to give them at least a 4 foot safety buffer.

62. To make a safe right turn, you should approach the intersection as far to the right as
When making a left turn from a two-way road onto a two-way road, you should approach the
lane nearest to the center of the road.

Chapter 5 Unit 3

63. To avoid highway hypnosis you should not look at any one thing for more than a few
seconds (keep your eyes moving!)

64. Accident Prevention Formula: be alert, be prepared, act in time

65. You should look at least 12 seconds ahead when city driving, drive more slowly and yield to

66. If someone wants to pass you slow down and let them.

67. To see if you have a good following distance you should use the 3 second plus rule by
picking a fixed object ahead of you. On snow covered roads increase to 6 seconds or more.
68. If you come to a multi-way stop or an uncontrolled intersection at the same time as another
motorist you must yield to the motorist on the right. (left yields to right)

69. Roads are the most slippery during the first few minutes of rainfall.

70. The only reasons a driver is allowed to use a hand-held phone while driving is to report a
fire, an accident or some type of medical emergency.

71. Adjusting the radio or CD player, eating, using a cellular phone or any other electronic
device could lead to distracted driving.

72. In extreme cases an aggressive driver may cause an accident. If you are upset, angry,
emotional, etc. take time to cool off before you drive.

73. Improper or erratic traffic lane changes, failing to yield to the right of way, and following
another vehicle too closely are possible signs of an aggressive driver.

74. Dangerous levels of carbon monoxide can accumulate inside a vehicle due to an exhaust
leak, blocked tailpipe, and running the engine in a closed space (like a garage).

75. Possible symptoms that you are being affected by carbon monoxide: loss of
consciousness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting.

76. It is important to remove yourself or others from the source of the carbon monoxide and call

77. Motorists who are young, driving alone, and/or sleep deprived are most at risk for drowsy

Emergency situations Unit 3

78. Tire blow out:

grip the steering wheel
slow down gradually---COAST to a stop

79. car skid:

foot off the gas
turn the wheel in the direction the back of the car is skidding

80. Brakes fail:

Shift to a lower gear and pump the brakes

81. If your car runs off pavement (wheels drift onto dirt shoulder and you want to return to
paved road): slow down and slightly turn the steering wheel towards the roadway.
82. If a motorist’s vehicle becomes disabled, he/she must pull off as far as possible onto the
shoulder or median.

Chapter 6 Unit 4

83. Under 21 years of age a driver may be under the influence if BAC is anything other than 0.

84. Implied Consent Law: When a driver signs a license, it is an agreement to take a
breathalyzer test if an officer asks.

85. 4 factors that determine one’s BAC (the influence alcohol has on the body depends on
body weight
presence of food in stomach
amount of alcohol consumed
time consumed in

86. BAC crash chart: BAC chances of an accident

.05 = 2X (doubled)
.10 = 6X

87. 5oz. wine = 12oz. beer = 1 ½ oz. whiskey All are considered a “drink” and
all contain the same amount of pure alcohol so all have the same alcohol content!!

88. The only thing that will sober a person is time.

89. The best way to reduce your chance of having an alcohol related accident is to not drive if
you were drinking.

90. If a person gets drunk in your home, drives and gets in an accident, you can be involved in
a lawsuit.

91. DUI= driving under the influence=Your senses and judgment are affected and you can be
this even with only 1 drink!!!!

92. After 2-4 drinks, alcohol begins to impair reaction time, coordination, balance, vision and

93. Drugs that may affect basic driving skills are cold pills, tranquilizers, and some prescription

94. Weaving, quick stops, and speeding are all telltale signs that a motorist has been drinking.
Chapter 7 Unit 4

95. A driver is on probation for one year after completing a Driver Improvement Program and
getting your license restored after a point suspension.

96. Under GDL law, why would you have to attend a remedial driver’s class?
-accumulation of 4 points
-a DUI conviction AND accumulation of 4 points
-conviction of DUI

97. If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident that causes injury to another while your
driving privileges are suspended you run the risk of a fine, continued suspension and potential
jail time.

98. Driving with an uninsured vehicle can result in fines, community service, and license and
registration suspension and violation surcharge.

99. The fines and penalties for getting a driver’s license illegally are $200-500 fine and possible
jail for 30-90 days.

110. The fines/penalties for altering or showing an altered license are $1000 fine, 6 months in
jail, loss of license.

111. You may receive an insurance surcharge (price goes up) for DUI of liquor/drugs and/or
refusal of breath test.

112. Habitual Offender: any motorist whose license has been suspended 3 times in 3 years.

113. NJ law allows up to three points to be subtracted from a motorist’s point total for every
year that a motorist goes without a violation or suspension though the point total will never be
reduced below zero.

114. If you accumulate six or more points within three years, then you are subject to a
surcharge of $150. The surcharge is $25 for each additional point after the six.


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