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Movement characteristics of volleyball spike jump performance in females

Article in Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport · July 2019

DOI: 10.1016/j.jsams.2019.01.002


10 1,107

6 authors, including:

Philip X. Fuchs Andrea Fusco

University of Salzburg Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale


Jeffrey W Bell Serge P. von Duvillard

Southwest Minnesota State University None


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JSAMS-2013; No. of Pages 5 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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Original research

Movement characteristics of volleyball spike jump performance in

Philip X. Fuchs a,b,∗ , Andrea Fusco a,b , Jeffrey W. Bell c , Serge P. von Duvillard a ,
Cristina Cortis b , Herbert Wagner a
Department of Sport Science and Kinesiology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
Department of Human Sciences, Society and Health, University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale, Cassino, Italy
Science Department, Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall, Minnesota, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives: Performance factors in the volleyball spike jump are well known for male players; however,
Received 4 September 2018 technical-coordinative differences for female players are known only marginally. The objective of this
Received in revised form study was to investigate the relationship between movement characteristics and female’ spike jump
10 December 2018
performance and to identify the most relevant aspects of jump height and ball velocity.
Accepted 1 January 2019
Available online xxx
Design: Single group correlation and regression.
Methods: Fifteen elite female volleyball players performed spike jumps by striking a stationary ball at
maximal jump height. Data were collected via twelve MX13 Vicon cameras (250 Hz), two AMTI force
Jump height plates (2000 Hz), and controlled via Visual3D software.
Ball velocity Results: Ten out of 42 characteristics correlated with jump height and none of 22 correlated with ball
Influence velocity. A stepwise regression model (adjusted R2 = 0.82, p < 0.001) predicted jump height based on
Kinematic orientation step length and maximal angular velocity of dominant knee extension. For ball velocity,
Specific training stepwise regression analysis was not feasible; however, an alternative model yielded adjusted R2 = 0.55,
p < 0.01.
Conclusions: Key aspects for jump height were (1) optimised approach and energy conversion, (2) wide
dynamic arm swing allowing for a forceful countermovement and, thus, increased range of motion in
lower limbs, and (3) large angular velocities in ankles and knees, especially on the dominant side. These
aspects strongly determined jump height in females and should be included in technical and strength-
related training. For ball velocity, upper body anthropometrics and angular joint velocities emerged as the
most important criteria. The importance of specific joints may depend on variations in striking technique.
© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Sports Medicine Australia.

Practical implications 1. Introduction

• Enhance explosiveness through a large lower limb range of Volleyball is an Olympic sport wherein athletes perform mul-
motion in jumping. tiple technically complex movements. In offensive play, a spike is
• Optimise approach speed and improve horizontal-to-vertical the most effective attack play associated with success in matches.1
velocity conversion. Players attempt to reach a great jump height when spiking (1) to
• Encourage wide and dynamic arm swing to enhance countermov- increase possibilities for various different types of actions and (2) to
ment and a powerful push-off. maximise the effective court size, allowing for a steep ball trajectory
at great ball velocity. Two of the main performance determinants
for the spike are jump height and ball velocity; previous studies
found correlations between these factors and overall competition
level in volleyball.2,3 Therefore, jump height and spike velocity are
major factors in volleyball training4 and competition.
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Sport Science and Kinesiology, Univer-
Due to the specificity and complexity of the volleyball spike,
sity of Salzburg, Rifer Schlossallee 49, 5400 Hallein/Rif, Austria.
it is imperative to possess not only strength and power but also
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.X. Fuchs).

1440-2440/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Sports Medicine Australia.

Please cite this article in press as: Fuchs PX, et al. Movement characteristics of volleyball spike jump performance in females. J Sci Med
Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2019.01.002
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JSAMS-2013; No. of Pages 5 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 P.X. Fuchs et al. / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

technical and coordinative aspects that contribute to performance. Measured at a frequency of 250 Hz, 51 reflective markers
According to theoretical descriptions,5–7 the volleyball spike jump (14 mm diameter) were captured by twelve Vicon MX-13 cameras
should be introduced with a horizontal approach that assists in (Vicon, Oxford Metrics, Ltd., UK). A Cleveland Clinical Marker set
transferring the body into vertical acceleration. Swinging the arm (Motion Analysis Corp, Santa Rosa, USA) was used with marker
with maximal range of motion promotes increased momentum and clusters at the legs.18 Data handling and filtering according to
ground reaction forces. A countermovement is performed via upper Woltring19 were conducted in the Nexus 1.8. software (Vicon,
body lean and the decrease of lower limb angles. This pre-activates Oxford Metrics, Ltd., UK). Segmental movements were calculated
lower limb muscles, initiates a stretch-shortening-cycle, and opti- and analysed via Visual3D software (C-Motion, Inc., Rockville, MD).
mises the distance of acceleration. Subsequently, a dynamic arm Visual3D calculates the centre of body mass (CoM) based on seg-
swing, elevation of upper body, and extension in the hips, knees, ment positions and regression equations from Dempster.20
and ankles establish an explosive push-off. During the end of push- The z-axis was aligned vertically; the perpendicular x- and
off, pelvis rotation generates momentum that is transferred during y-axes represented the horizontal floor. Ankle, knee, hip, shoul-
the flight phase via trunk rotation and flexion into fast shoulder and der, and elbow extension were defined as change of sagittal angle
elbow movements to spike the ball at maximal speed. between foot and shank, shank and thigh, thigh and torso, upper
Experimental studies on optimal jump mechanics have been arm and torso, and upper arm and forearm, respectively. Torso
conducted mainly with male participants. They highlighted the flexion was calculated on the sagittal plane relative to the pelvis
relevance of ground reaction forces8 and approach speed, depth segment. Pelvis, torso, and shoulder rotation were derived from
of the countermovement, knee angles, and arm swing.9 For spike the segments’ longitudinal change of angle.
velocity, the generation of momentum in the pelvis and torso Two separate AMTI force plates (AMTI, Watertown, MA)
and the transition into great angular velocities in the shoulder obtained ground reaction data at 2000 Hz. The plates (120 × 60 cm)
internal rotation and flexion and elbow extension are known and were aligned next to each other to allow participants to hit one
essential.10 There are few reports for females’ performance, but force plate with the rear leg (FPR), the other force plate with the
the same performance characteristics are assumed equally impor- front leg (FPF). A fourth-order low-pass Butterworth filter at 50 Hz
tant. Limited findings indicate that the key characteristics before and data normalisation to body mass were applied.
take-off (i.e. approach speed, countermovement, and arm swing) Age, training hours per week, total number of training years,
may contribute to jump height11–14 and ball velocity.12 However, body height, body mass, reach height, leg, upper arm and forearm
technical differences between women and men,14–16 particularly length of each athlete were collected by one experienced researcher
in the aforementioned key characteristics,17 suggest that technical prior to the testing. The dominancy of legs and arms was defined
aspects may not have the same effect on performance in females as by the spiking arm.
in males. Knowledge of performance factors in females is lacking CoM and its vertical take-off velocity were used for jump height
but represents the basic prerequisite to optimise specific train- calculation. The countermovement (lowering of CoM) was derived
ing. from the difference between lowest CoM position during the trial
The objective of the current study was (1) to investigate the and CoM position in still stance, normalised to CoM position in
relationship of biological, training historical, kinematic, and kinetic still stance. Horizontal CoM velocity at first contact with FPR
data with jump height and ball velocity in females’ volleyball spike defined approach speed. Relevant for jump height, range of motion
jumps, and (2) to identify the key indicators determining females’ (RoM) and maximal angular velocities were computed for ankles,
jump height and spike velocity. A sufficient number of correla- knees, and hips extension during planting and push-off phase and
tions to reliably (R2 > 0.7) predict jump height and ball velocity was for shoulder flexion from approach to take-off. Ball velocity was
hypothesised. defined as the maximal velocity of the centre of the ball, which was
calculated via two opposing markers on the ball surface. Relevant
2. Methods for ball velocity, RoM and maximal angular velocities were com-
puted for pelvis rotation during push-off and flight phase and for
A female elite volleyball team (n = 15) from the highest torso rotation and flexion, dominant shoulder internal rotation and
national division in Austria participated in the current study extension, and elbow extension during flight phase. Maximal ver-
(age: 19.9 ± 3.5 years, body height: 1.79 ± 0.06 m, body mass: tical forces and rate of vertical force development were obtained
70.47 ± 11.02 kg, reach height: 2.28 ± 0.08 m, training experience: during the push-off phase; maximal horizontal forces and horizon-
8.4 ± 3.9 years, training hours per week: 11.5 ± 2.2 h). In agreement tal impulses during the planting phase.
with the Declaration of Helsinki, the local research ethics commit- Data were managed using Microsoft Office Excel 2007
tee approved the investigation. All players were injury-free and (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA) and statistical analysis
physically healthy at the time of data collection and signed the was conducted via PASW Statistics 18.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
informed consent after review. Normality of distribution was determined based on the Shapiro-
After a general warm-up (e.g. running, jumping, arm move- Wilk test, skewness, and kurtosis. Pearson’s Product Moment
ments), the athletes performed multiple test trials for specific correlation and two separate forward-stepwise linear regression
warm-up, familiarisation, localisation of the optimal position of analyses for the two criterion variables (jump height, ball veloc-
the ball hanging stationary from the ceiling at the self-selected ity) were performed, including only significant correlations. The
individual optimal approach distance and angle. A valid spike variables for both distinct analyses were selected on the basis of
jump fulfilled the following requirements: (1) Both players’ feet existing knowledge that supports a relationship between these
must have contacted the two force plates on the ground sep- variables as described in the introduction. In the case of co-linearity,
arately; (2) both, the player and coach, agreed that a maximal the variable possessing the strongest correlation with the criterion
jump height and powerful strike were achieved. Instructions were variable remained; the others were excluded prior to the regression
to not focus on the force plates but instead on jump height analysis. If this resulted in a critically small number of remaining
and spike velocity. Trials were repeated until 10 valid spike correlations, the regression method “enter” was considered. The
jumps were recorded. To avoid fatigue, athletes were free to significance level for correlation and regression analyses was set a
take a one-minute break between trials. The overall movement priori at p < 0.05.
is shown in Fig. 1, including definitions of various phases and

Please cite this article in press as: Fuchs PX, et al. Movement characteristics of volleyball spike jump performance in females. J Sci Med
Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2019.01.002
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JSAMS-2013; No. of Pages 5 ARTICLE IN PRESS
P.X. Fuchs et al. / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1. Time window of analyses, phases, and variables of the volleyball spike jump. Note: FPR/F = force plate hit by rear/front leg; CoM = centre of body mass.

Table 1
Significant correlation results, displaying mean ± standard deviation (SD), 95% confidence intervall (CI), significance level (p), and correlation coefficient (r).

Variables Mean ± SD 95% CI p r

Orientation step length [m] 1.18 ± 0.16 1.09 – 1.26 <0.05 0.61
Min. ND arm-to-vertical angle [◦ ] 111 ± 16 102 – 119 <0.05 -0.60
RoM ND ankle [◦ ] 46 ± 5 43 – 49 <0.01 0.72
RoM D ankle [◦ ] 59 ± 6 55 – 62 <0.01 0.69
RoM D knee [◦ ] 65 ± 10 59 – 70 <0.001 0.82
Max. ND ankle velocity [◦ s−1 ] 686 ± 105 628 – 744 <0.01 0.75
Max. D ankle velocity [◦ s−1 ] 763 ± 165 672 – 854 <0.01 0.72
Max. ND knee velocity [◦ s−1 ] 677 ± 112 615 – 739 <0.05 0.59
Max. D knee velocity [◦ s−1 ] 778 ± 135 703 – 852 <0.001 0.85
Max. ND shoulder velocity [◦ s−1 ] 810 ± 91 760 – 861 <0.05 0.64

Note: ND = non-dominant; D = dominant; RoM = range of motion.

3. Results variables close to significance (p < 0.1) after excluding co-linearity

between upper arm and forearm length, a regression model with
The supplementary table depicts all variable means ± standard adjusted R2 = 0.55, p < 0.01 was achieved. The equation was ball
deviations and correlation results with jump height and ball veloc- velocity = (−6.80 + 51.02 × forearm length + 1.33 × 10−2 × maximal
ity. There was no correlation between jump height and ball velocity pelvis rotation angular velocity + 3.33 × 10−3 × maximal elbow
(r = 0.36, p = 0.19). Ten of 42 variables correlated with jump height extension angular velocity).
(Table 1) and none of 22 correlated with ball velocity. Variables that
closely missed significance (0.05 ≤ p > 0.10) should be mentioned
4. Discussion
for jump height: Age (r = 0.49), training years (r = 0.50), relative time
difference in left to right foot take-off (r = −0.51), range of motion 4.1. Jump height
in the non-dominant shoulder (r = 0.49), and horizontal impulse
on FPF (r = 0.46); and for ball velocity: Age (r = 0.52), upper arm Regression analysis for predicted jump height explains 82% of
(r = 0.44) and forearm length (r = 0.49), maximal angular velocity of the criterion’s variance with only two predictor variables (i.e. length
pelvis rotation (r = 0.49) and elbow extension (r = 0.51). of the orientation step during approach, maximal angular veloc-
For jump height, the final regression model included the ity of the dominant knee extension during push-off). This simple
maximal angular velocity in the dominant knee extension and model successfully predicted 82% of the variance in females’ spike
the length of the orientation step. It achieved an adjusted jump height. The multipliers in the regression equation imply an
R2 = 0.82, p < 0.001, and the regression equation was jump increase in jump height by 1 cm per 22◦ s−1 increase in maximal
height = (−0.21 + 4.49 × 10−4 × maximal dominant knee extension dominant knee extension angular velocity and 5 cm per prolonged
angular velocity + 0.20 × orientation step length). orientation step length. From a practical point of view, the model
For ball velocity, no stepwise regression model could be derived may have one downside. Determining angular velocity of the knee
due to the lack of significant correlation results. By utilising the may be difficult to measure in some environments. The length of
the orientation step that resulted in 32% of the variance in this

Please cite this article in press as: Fuchs PX, et al. Movement characteristics of volleyball spike jump performance in females. J Sci Med
Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2019.01.002
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JSAMS-2013; No. of Pages 5 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 P.X. Fuchs et al. / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

model is less challenging to measure. However, the main goal of the mal knee angle. Bending the knee benefits the pre-activation and
regression analysis was not the prediction but to point out the most stretch-shortening-cycle and improves the acceleration distance
influential indicators. The derived model presented very clearly the for the joint extension. Furthermore, power in the knee extension
key variables determining females’ spike jump height and high- is known to be relevant generally for vertical jumps26 and specifi-
lighted the importance of the orientation step length and dominant cally for decelerating approach velocity in females’ volleyball spike
knee extension velocity. Both indicator variables strongly inter- jumps.21 The underestimated importance of the dominant leg in
act with other variables and contribute to two complex aspects of energy conversion was reported17 and this seems to be supported
jumping (i.e. approach, lower limb power). Therefore, the variables in females through the present correlation with jump height. Max-
of the model underline key areas for practical training applica- imal angular velocity and RoM of the dominant knee achieved the
tion but their roles need to be assessed in the context of related strongest correlation coefficients in this study (r = 0.85 and 0.82). In
variables. comparison, the non-dominant counterpart scored lower for angu-
The orientation step length interacts with approach velocity and lar velocity (r = 0.59) and lacked significance for RoM. Similar to
foot planting angle;17 together, these variables characterise the increased approach velocity under certain conditions, decreased
approach. Increased approach velocity usually results in a longer CoM can improve jump height only if followed by a powerful push-
orientation step. In the current study, approach velocity did not cor- off. Therefore, strength training especially for the dominant knee
relate with jump height, contrary to previous reports9 in males. Also extension engaging small joint angles is recommended. This can
Ikeda et al.21 found no correlation of jump height with approach enhance knee extension power and allow for more pronounced and
velocity in females. Instead, they found a correlation with the decel- effective countermovement.
eration of horizontal CoM velocity during the planting phase. This
indicates a less efficient ability to decelerate and convert horizon- 4.2. Ball velocity
tal speed in some females and suggests its relevance for females.21
Stepwise regression analysis could not be conducted for ball
Despite not achieving linear correlation, increased approach speed
velocity since no significant correlation was found. The alternative
can be expected to be beneficial as long as successful conversion
model entering the variables with the strongest correlation results
is warranted. Similarly, an elongated orientation step is only bene-
(p < 0.1) was significant but explained only 55% of the model’s vari-
ficial if it is the result of an increased approach velocity and that
is required for successful vertical conversion. However, the dif-
The correlation analysis for upper arm and forearm length just
ference is that approach velocity is irreversibly defined after the
missed significance. Arm length tended to affect ball velocity. A
push-off in the beginning of the orientation step and can hamper
relationship between arm length and ball velocity was previously
full conversion; whereas the step length is one of the tools for suc-
found in overarm movements27,28 but not in females’ volleyball
cessful conversion and can be adapted to approach velocity during
spike.29 Thus, a correlation can be reasoned via longer acceleration
the orientation step. Therefore, there was higher probability that a
paths of distal segment parts.
participant exceeded her capacity to convert an increased approach
Maximal angular joint velocities in the upper body indicated a
speed fully than the participant having applied an orientation step
role for ball velocity. Pelvis rotation and elbow extension tended
that was too long. This could explain why no linear correlation was
to correlate with ball velocity. However, no other trends were
observed for approach speed but was observed for orientation step
found despite the knowledge that internal shoulder rotation is
length. Overall, the current findings are in agreement with pre-
important.10 The reason could be variation in technique within
viously mentioned reports17,21 that support the relevance of an
the sample population, underscored by large standard deviations
optimised approach velocity and the ability of successful conver-
especially in the internal shoulder rotation. These large standard
deviations reduced statistical power. The volleyball spike can be
The maximal angular velocities of the knees and ankles on
performed in different technical variations; the two most typical
both dominant and non-dominant sides represented a cluster
ones (i.e. elevations style, backswing style) are associated with
among the correlating variables that can be associated with mus-
different joint kinematics.30 Explicitly, internal shoulder rotation
cular strength and power development. Angular velocities may be
velocity differs between these striking styles.30 The variation of
enhanced by technical and coordinative abilities but strength is a
striking styles possessing different joint kinematics could have led
decisive aspect. The importance of muscular strength and the abil-
to weak correlation results between angular joint velocities and ball
ity to generate power explosively through lower limb extension
velocity. Another contribution to the observed technical variabil-
is documented22,23 and displays its effect in the large number of
ity may be that this sample consisted of only one team including
correlating angular velocities. Especially the dominant knee exten-
all positions. At this stage, it is not possible to assess whether the
sion appeared essential,21 given that its maximal angular velocity
current results are due to striking technique affecting statistics
revealed the strongest correlation in the current investigation.
or due to little relevance of the measured variables. To conduct
Arm swing can promote proximal-to-distal coordination in
such assessment, specific differentiation of striking techniques is
female volleyball players during countermovement jumps.24 Fur-
thermore, dynamic arm usage increases the physical power and
Jump height did not correlate with ball velocity and should
work in the torso, angular velocities in the lower limbs, and ground
not be viewed as a causal influence on ball velocity. Reported
reaction forces.25 Two arm variables characterising the range of
correlation2,12 may be explained through both variables having a
backswing and dynamics of the non-dominant arm correlated with
strong causal relationship with skill level. Skill and competition
jump height. In agreement with previous findings9,25 , this sup-
level is well known to be associated with both jump height3 and
ports the positive effect of the arm swing on jump performance.
spike velocity.2
Correlation was only found on the non-dominant side; the same
was observed in another study.9 The dominant arm may be used 5. Conclusion
less to optimise jump height since it is the striking arm initiating
preparative actions for the strike before the take-off. A linear regression model predicted jump height successfully
The importance of the countermovement was not shown (R2 = 0.82) through orientation step length and maximal angular
through the vertical decrease of CoM but the RoM of the domi- velocity of the dominant knee extension. Jump height correlated
nant knee and ankles of both sides. In males, Wagner et al.9 found with multiple variables that are considered important aspects
a correlation with jump height for CoM decrease and for mini- for the quality of the spike jump movement. These aspects are

Please cite this article in press as: Fuchs PX, et al. Movement characteristics of volleyball spike jump performance in females. J Sci Med
Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2019.01.002
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JSAMS-2013; No. of Pages 5 ARTICLE IN PRESS
P.X. Fuchs et al. / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

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Please cite this article in press as: Fuchs PX, et al. Movement characteristics of volleyball spike jump performance in females. J Sci Med
Sport (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2019.01.002

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