Cblebypu 01
Cblebypu 01
Cblebypu 01
Sample Paper 01
Class XII 2024-25
Biology (044)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. The question paper has five sections and 33 questions. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section—A has 16 questions of 1 mark each; Section—B has 5 questions of 2 marks each; Section—C
has 7 questions of 3 marks each: Section—D has 2 case-based questions of 4 marks each; and Section—E
has 3 questions of 5 marks each.
4. There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some questions. A student
has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
5. Wherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn.
Q. No. 1 to 12 are multiple choice questions. Only one of the choices is correct. Select and write the correct
choice as well as the answer to these questions.
2. Which of the following approaches does not give the defined action of contraceptive?
3. According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, fitness refers to an organism’s ability to successfully
reproduce and pass on its genes to the next generation. What does fitness primarily signify in this context?
(a) The number of species in a community
(b) The useful variation in population
(c) The strength of an individual
(d) The reproductive fitness of an organism.
4. Study the following figures and identify the enzymes involved in steps I and II respectively.
5. Dr. Mehra is performing a gene cloning experiment using the pBR322 plasmid. She wants to insert a
foreign gene into the tetracycline resistance gene (tetR) to create recombinant bacteria. To do this, she
needs to select a restriction endonuclease that recognizes the site within the tetR gene to cut and insert
the foreign gene.Which of the following restriction enzymes should Dr. Mehra use to successfully perform
the insertion in the tetracycline resistance gene of pBR322?
(a) Hind III
(b) BamH I
(c) EcoR I
(d) Pst I
7. The biomass available for consumption to heterotrophs and the rate of formation of new organic matter
by consumers are referred to as
(a) gross primary productivity and net primary productivity respectively
(b) net primary productivity and gross primary productivity respectively
(c) gross primary productivity and secondary productivity respectively
(d) net primary productivity and secondary productivity respectively.
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Page 3 Sample Paper 01 CBSE Biology Class 12
8. Refer to the given table of contrasting traits in pea plants studied by Mendel.
10. Along with nicotine, cigarette smokers also have the intake tars, phenols, hydrocarbons, arsenic and many
other chemicals. Which of the following is not an effect of smoking tobacco?
(a) Narrowing or hardening of blood vessels in the heart and brain
(b) A higher frequency of respiratory infections (e.g., colds, pneumonia)
(c) A higher risk of cancer, including cancer of the lungs, mouth, larynx, bladder and kidneys
(d) None of these
11. What does the shape of the given age pyramids reflects about the growth status of the related population?
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12. Which of the following phenomena was experimentally proved by Meselson and Stahl?
(a) Transformation (b) Transduction
(c) Semi-conservative DNA replication (d) Central dogma
Question No. 13 to 16 consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions
selecting the appropriate option
13. Assertion : Offsite collections can be used to restock depleted populations, reintroduce species in the wild
and restore degraded habitats.
Reason : In situ conservation refers to the conservation of endangered species in their natural habitats.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
14. Assertion : The introduction of Nile perch in lake Victoria caused cichlids to become extinct.
Reason : Nile perch is an indigenous species of East Africa.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
15. In the given diagram two plants of the same species depict different types of pollination indicated by the
labellings P1, P2 and P3. Study this diagram and comment upon the appropriateness of the Assertion and
16. Assertion : Biodiversity hotspots are the regions which possess low levels of species richness, high degree
of endemism and no loss to habitats.
Reason : Total number of biodiversity hotspots in the world is 34 with three of these hotspots found in
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
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Page 5 Sample Paper 01 CBSE Biology Class 12
17. Write the relationship between productivity, gross primary productivity, net primary productivity and
secondary productivity.
State the difference between the first trophic levels of detritus food chain and grazing food chain.
18. Tallness of pea plant is a dominant trait, while dwarfness is the alternate recessive trait. When a pure-line
tall is crossed with pure-line dwarf, what fraction of tall plant in F2 shall be heterozygous? Give reasons.
What do you mean by Incomplete dominance? Explain with suitable example.
19. State the functions of the following in the cloning vector pBR322 :
(i) ori
(ii) rop
20. Refer to the given figure and answer the following questions.
(i) Which of the labelled structures is a pre-birth structure and is not formed thereafter?
(ii) Which of the labelled structures responds to LH surge by rupturing?
21. A young boy when brought a pet dog home started to complaint of watery eyes and running nose. The
symptoms disappeared when the boy was kept away from the pet.
(i) Name the type of antibody and the chemicals responsible for such a response in the boy.
(ii) Mention the name of any one drug that could be given to the boy for immediate relief from such a
Write down the difference between innate and acquired immunity
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22. Name and describe any three causes of biodiversity losses.
23. (i) Can a plant flowering in Mumbai be pollinated by pollen grains of the same species growing in New
Delhi? Provide explanations to your answer.
(ii) Draw the diagram of a pistil where pollination has successfully occurred. Label the parts involved in
transferring the male gametes to their desired destination.
24. (i) What do ‘Y’ and ‘B’ stand for in ‘YAC’ and ‘BAC’ used for DNA sequencing in Human Genome
Project (HGP)? Mention their role in the project.
(ii) Write the percentage of human genome that codes for proteins and the percentage of discovered genes
whose functions are unknown.
(iii) Expand `SNPs’ identified by scientists in HGP.
25. Explain the steps in the formation of an ovum from an oogonium in humans.
26. (i) Explain adaptive radiation with the help of a suitable example.
(ii) Cite an example where more than one adaptive radiation have occurred in an isolated geographical
area. Name the type of a evolution your example depict and state why it is so named.
27. (i) Explain the basis on which the gel electrophoresis technique works.
(ii) Write any two ways by which products obtained through this technique can be utilised.
28. Why are lymph nodes and bone marrows called lymphoid organs? Explain the functions of each one.
Question No. 29 and 30 are case based questions. Each question has subparts with internal choice in one subpart.
29. Acquired immunity is pathogen specific and characterised by memory. Whenever our body encounters a
pathogen for the first time, it produces a response. Subsequent encounter with the same pathogen elicts
a highly intensified secondary response.
(i) Name the two lymphocytes which are responsible for acquired immunity.
(ii) Identify the structure shown in the figure.
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(iii) It is generally observed that the children who had suffered from chicken-pox in their childhood
may not contract the same disease in their adulthood. Explain giving reasons the basis of such an
immunity in an individual. Name this kind of immunity.
Differentiate between the two lymphocytes responsible for acquired immunity.
30. The process of copying genetic information from template strand of DNA into RNA is called transcription.
It is mediated by RNA polymerase. Transcription takes place in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. In
transcription, only a segment of DNA and only one of the strands is copied into RNA. Transcription
mainly consists of three steps. One of the steps of transcription is given below.
(i) Identify the given step and name the labels B and C.
(ii) What will happen if C is not available in the above process?
(iii) What changes will take place in A after the completion of above process in eukaryotes?
Briefly explain the previous step or given figure taking place in prokaryotes.
31. (i) Forelimbs of given animals have the same basic structural plan. Such organs have similar
developmental pattern and they develop in related organisms, but these do differ morphologically.
What type of evolution and structure is exhibited by the organisms given in the figure.
(a) Differentiate between analogy and homology giving one example each of plant and animal.
(b) How analogy and homology considered as an evidence in support of evolution?
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Refer to the given information regarding human evolution given below and answer the following questions.
The fossil evidence clearly indicates that origin of man occured in Central Asia. About 15 mya, primates
called Dryopithecus and Ramapithecus were existing. Among the stories of evolution, the story of evolution
of modern man appears to parallel evolution of human brain and their charactristics development.
(i) Where did Australopithecus evolve?
(ii) Write the scientific name of Java man.
(iii) Name the first human like hominid. Mention his food habit and brain capacity.
(iv) Write the characteristics of Ramapithecus and Neanderthal man.
32. Describe the roles of pituitary and ovarian hormones during the menstrual cycle in a human female.
(i) Trace the development of megaspore mother cell up to the formation of a mature embryo sac in a
flowering plant.
(ii) Draw a labelled diagram of the structure of mature dicot embryo.
33. (i) What is EcoRI? How does EcoRI differ from an exonuclease?
(ii) EcoRI is used to cut a segment of foreign DNA and that of a vector DNA to form a recombinant
Show with the help of schematic diagrams.
(a) The set of palindromic nucleotide sequence of base pairs the EcoRI will recognise in both the
DNA segments. Mark the site at which EcoRI will act and cut both the segments.
(b) Sticky ends formed on both the segments where the two DNA segments will join later to form
a recombinant DNA.
(a) Identify A and B illustrations in the following:
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