All The Arguments You Need To Convince Doubters of Feminism
All The Arguments You Need To Convince Doubters of Feminism
All The Arguments You Need To Convince Doubters of Feminism
In our All The Arguments You Need series, we take on mindsets standing
in the way of progress and rebut them with facts and logic.
If you’ve ever been in my place, and have wished you had facts and hard
data to debunk some of the more absurd arguments against feminism
thrown at you, here’s a quick primer for the next time it happens (which, it
So, women aren’t missing from STEM fields because they’re ‘natural
caregivers.’ Their absence is more likely because of structural barriers such
as unfair parental leave policies in the workplace, or the fact that 71% of
women field researchers have received inappropriate sexual remarks and
26% have reported experiencing sexual assault.
If the counter to this argument against feminism is that men are stronger
than women and carry out tasks that women can’t, that is also flawed. Men
and women possess different kinds of physical strength; men have fast-
twitch muscles that are good for actions like lifting and moving heavy
objects, while women have slow-twitch muscles giving them the strength of
endurance good for, say, assembly line jobs. Besides, statements such as
“men are stronger than women” are missing a qualifier: Most men are
stronger than women.