Draft Daily Site Inspection Checklist

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Contractor: Saudico-Alec Cluster: W-Hotel Parcel: 1.08 Area: 2

This report follows a safety inspection of the above contract on the date stated, the items indicated by a (X) are commented upon.
1. Excavation 4. Plant & Equipment 7. Housekeeping
Adequate access provided? Safe working condition? Project site tidy?
Barrier in place? Safety guard in place? Materials storage area tidy?
Shoring /benching provided? Reverse alarm working and audible? Material stacked securely?
Underground utilities made safe? Any leaks or spillage spotted? Timber de-nailed?
Spoil stored clear of edge? Signal man provided? Waste containers emptied?
Warning signs provided? Valid TPC for the operator/eqpnt? Passages clear of tripping hazard?

2. Working at height 5. Lifting operations 8. Welfare facilities

Working platfom, provided/fully boarded? Lifting gear in good condition? Toilets/washing area clean?
G/rails & toe boards in place? SWL displayed? Drinking water hygienic?
Access /egress ladders provided /secured? Banks man present? First aid stock adequate?
Scaffolding stable and vertical? Tag lines provided? Rest shed provided/clean?
Bracing or ties in place? Load not raised over people? Smoking areas clean?
Safety harness provided & used? Tackles color coded? Water filter clean?
Scaffolding checked and Scafftaged? Outriggers fully extended? No Surface Water?
Drop zone barricaded? Out rigger pads used? No Fungi growth?

3. Electric tools & supply 6. PPE. 9. Other

Safe working condition? Hard hats worn at all times? Flammables correct storage?
Correct socket in use? Eye protection in use? Adequate fire prevention?
Proper grounding provided? Ear protection in use? Cylinders capped/stored in shade?
Condition of cables? Safety harness in use? Adequate warnings in place?
Grinders fitted with guard? Hand gloves provided & used? Flashback arrestors fitted?
Work permit system in place? Respiratory protection {mask)? Work Permits valid?
Power tool user is trained? High-vest in use? Dust suppression adequate?

S/N Observation & Comments Action by When Status

Inspected By:
Signature: ................................................................

Location: Time:

CC: Project Manager,Construction Manager, HSE Manager, Area Superintendant/Engineer


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