PCS Module 1 Assignment

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(Accredited by NAAC, Approved by A.I.C.T.E. New Delhi, Recognised by Govt. of Karnataka & Affiliated to V.T U., Belagavi)
#29, Chimney Hills, Hesaraghatta Main Road, Chikkabanavara Post, Bengaluru- 560090

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Subject Name: Principles of Communication Systems Subject Code: BEC402

SEM: IV DIV: ‘A’ Issue date: 30/05/2024

Faculty: Mrs. RADHA G H Submission date:

Assignment Questions Module 1

SL# Question CO Level Marks

1 A random variable is said to be uniformly distributes over CO1 L2 6
the interval (a,b). Determine the probability density
function of uniformly distributed RV.
2 Determine the characteristic function of a Gaussian CO1 L2 8
random variable with a given mean and variance.
3 Prove the following two properties of the Autocorrelation CO1 L2 6
Function of a Random Process i)If X(t) contains a dc
component equal to A, then Rx(t) will contain a constant
amplitude equal to A2 . ii) If X(t) contains a sinusoidal
component, then Rx(t) will also contain a sinusoidal
component of the same frequency
4 Define correlation, covariance and correlation coefficient CO1 L2 4
5 Explain central limit theorem as applied to Gaussian CO1 L2 6
Random Process
6 Define Autocorrelation Function and Crosscorrelation CO1 L3 8
Function State and prove the properties of ACF
7 Define Probability. Illustrate the relationship between CO1 L2 6
sample space, events and probability.
8 Define the autocorrelation and cross-relation functions. CO1 L2 6
Infer the properties of autocorrelation function
9 Develop a program to generate the probability density CO1 L3 8
function of Gaussian distribution function
10 What is conditional probability? Prove that P(B/A) = CO1 L2 6
11 Outline random processes and illustrate an ensemble of CO1 L3 6
sample functions with a neat diagram
12 Show that, if a Gaussian process X(t) is applied to a CO1 L2 8
stable linear filter, then the random process Y(t)
developed at the output of the filter is also Gaussian.
13 Define Moments, Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation CO1 L2 8
14 With example ,explain what is meant by statistical CO1 L2 8
15 What do you mean by probability density function? Prove CO1 L2 8
(Accredited by NAAC, Approved by A.I.C.T.E. New Delhi, Recognised by Govt. of Karnataka & Affiliated to V.T U., Belagavi)
#29, Chimney Hills, Hesaraghatta Main Road, Chikkabanavara Post, Bengaluru- 560090

that the total area under the surface of a probability

density function (pdf) is always 1
16 Define Random Variable and explain its types with an CO1 L2 8
17 What is conditional probability and explain Baye’s CO1 L2 6

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