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Gramatica y Vocabulario Inglés 1 Bach (Oxford)

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final exam



becoming familiar with: getting the feeling of

advantage: a plus in something

comes naturally to me: I find it easy

went downhill: started to go wrong

wasn’t getting anywhere: don’t make progress

had an important effect: made all the difference

focus my attention ON

have the potential TO

BE hopeless AT

inspired me TO

gain experience

put the theory into practice

be capable OF

emotions and feelings



driving me crazy/ get on my nerves



fall out, have an argument

talk it over




make up with

be resentful
its doing my head in: make u feel unhappy and frustrated

be lost of words: don’t know what to say

tell me about it!: understanding exactly what they mean

blow your top: get really angry

give it a rest: stop doing it

big deal: compromise/ smt really important.



to be on the go: be active or busy almost at every time

mental health:

thrive on stress: manage you nerves or stressful situation




addiction: to drugs, phone..

burnout: te estalla la cabeza

downtime: having a break

chill out: relax

be mindful: focus on the present

develop a positive mindset:

build self-confidence: increase your trust on yourself so you became

more successful

getting on top of you: you can manage the situation or it being really
difficult to you

faced a challenge

evaluate the option

trust your instincts

take account of: tener en cuenta

make a commitment: achieve smt

living spaces


mod cons:

don’t get me wrong

now you are talking

over the top

miss the boat

well equipped








central heating



remote control

smart appliance



work surfaces

future of the city

home office

go out of business

work remotely


part-time job










less is more

material possessions


lead a more meaningful life

get rid of

do without

persuade their passion

social commerce

potential customers (posibles clientes)

special offers (ofertas especiales)

retail price (precio al por menor)

pick up a bargains (pillar una oferta)

add the item to you basket (añadir un producto a la cesta)

select the quantity (elegir una cantidad)

choose a delivery option (elegir un método de entrega)

shipping costs (gastos de envío)

purchased the product (comprar un producto)

carried out the transaction (llevar a cabo una operación)

confirmation email (email de confirmación)

reference number (numero de referncia)

track your package (rastrear tu paquete)

fast fashion

stylish: fashionable

mix and match: combine different things in different ways

getting dressed up: arreglarse

garmet: item of clothing

fashion-conscious: aware of the latest fashion trends

designer label: symbol of a fashion company recognized

outfit: set of clothes you wear together

kit: set of clothes that you wear for a particular activity


it does nothing for me

I don’t get

that’s my kind of thing

well worth seeing

I was blown out

on display: being shown


gorgeous colors

stunning artworks

give an outstanding performance

view the exhibits

spectacular piece of work

art critics

striking : llamativo








inspired by


draws attention to


convey a sense of

be passionate about

add a new dimension

adjectives to express beauty

impressive: impresiona

gorgeous: precioso

stunning: precioso

spectacular: espectacular

to be blown away: extremely impressed

awe-inspiring: beautiful view

outstanding: incredible performance

jaw-dropping: impactado de la belleza

lending a hand crisis mapping

charity shop

learning disabilities

local initiative


community service

elderly people: personas ancianas

social isolation

one-to-one tuition: clase individual/ exclusiva

engage with

lack confidence

make a contribution

retain its independence

raise funds

suffer hardship

provide assistance

become homeless

for a good cause: por una buena causa

give something back: devolver

keep an eye on: vigilar

lend a hand: echar una mano

real eye-opener: surprising

safety net: red de seguridad

armed conflict: period of fight with weapons

survivors: people still alive after being in danger

refugees: people that have been forced to leave their country

relief effort: help provided to people after a disaster

priority: the most important thing to do

suffering: mental or physical pain

infrastructure: basic system needed for a country or city

aid agencies: organization that provide supplies after a disaster

threaten: amenazar

encounter: encontrar/ hallar

co-ordinate: coordinar

preserve: conservar

distribute: distribuir

eliminate: eliminar

assess: evaluar

process: procesar

keep at something: continue doing it

couch potato: someone that never does any exercise

that’s it? : is that all?

too much information!: you don’t want to know cause it is


let off steam: use up extra energy

worked up a sweat

taking up a lot of time

maintain your physical health

make you aware of

have a positive impact on

stretch your muscles

fit in with your daily routine

increase your heart rate

stiff (cansado/con agujetas)

contribute TO




accept the consequences OF

take responsibility For

is willing to (estar dispuesto a)



organizational skills

cope under pressure


adapt TO

money idioms

a rip-off (timo/ estafa)

a bargain (chollo/ ofertón)

live from hand to mouth (vivir al límite economicamente)

to make a killing (hacerse de oro/ hacer negocio)

tighten one’s belt (you must spend your money carefully because
there is less available)

born with a silver spoon in your mouth (born into a very rich family)

money laundering (they manage to conceal the source of illegally

obtained money so that it looks legitimate)

on the house (free of charge)

go Dutch (share the cost of something)

cost an arm and a leg (cuesta un ojo de la cara)

made of money/ a well-off person (very rich they can buy anything
they want)
make ends meet (it is difficult to pay for your everyday/ no llega a fin
de mes)


hit the road: start a journey

see the world: travel

the four corners of the world: travel to a lot of places

get itchy feet: travel a lot

get away from it all: escape

off the beaten path: go to places you never thought


unit 1 past tenses/ would / used to

1. Past continuous and past simple

was / were -ing

When Rosie was leaving the house, she saw her friend.

When Bob left school, he got a job as a receptionist.

I was happy

(Did Rosie see her friend at the same time as leaving the house? Did Bob get a job as a
receptionist at the same time as leaving school?)

2. Past simple and past perfect

had + pp

When Jack arrived, Sandra put on her coat.

When Jack arrived, Penny had put on her coat.
(Who put on the coat before Jack arrived?)

3. Present Perfect and past simple

has/ have pp
Jenny went to Paris last summer
Woody has been to Paris too
(Do we know when Jenny or Woody went to Paris?)

4. Present Perfect continuous and Present Perfect simple

have/ has been -ing

has pp: she has passed the test

Tom has been learning Polish, but he can’t only say a few words
Lucy has learnt a new word in Polish: dobry
(Has Tom finished learning Polish?)Has Lucy finished learning that word?)

to talk about past habits and situation

-when he was young he would spend time watching pokemon on TV

-his family used to lived in Georgia

don’t use would with stative verbs  used to : he used to love reading
when he was a kid

we use “used to” for asking questions and negative sentences  did
you use to play with Barbies? we didn’t use to travel so much by
plane in the past

I was used to staying up late when I was a teen

after the summer holydays I am getting used to coming early to class

unit 2 modal verbs and past modal verbs

unit 4 future expressions

future continuous/ future perfect simple/ future perfect

future continuous: I will be singing tmw, I will not be singing tmw, will
you be singing tmw?. to talk about an action in progress at a specific
time in the future.

future perfect simple: I will have finished by tmw, I won’t have

finished by nw, will they have finished by tmr?.to talk about an action
completed at a specific time in the future.

future perfect continuous: I will have been eating vegetables for three
months, I wont have been eating vegetables for three months, will
you have been eating vegetables for one week?. to say how long an
action will have been in progress at a specific time in the future. (for
is usually used in this tense to specify duration)

future time clauses/ 1st conditional

future time clauses: future simple (future action or state: going to or

will), presen

1st conditional:

 if + present simple + will. if they offer me a place, I will

definitely accept it.
 if + present continuous + present continuous. if Jacob is
cooking, I’m not staying.
 if + perfect simple + future perfect. if we keep working, we will
have been finished by this evening.
 if + present simple + imperative. if you haven’t completed the
job by the time it gets dark, finish it in morning.

unit 5 mixed conditionals

unit 6 passive with two objects / impersonal passive voice

impersonal passive voice

it + passive voice (be + past participle) + that clue

everyone says that the director is about to resign

it is said that the director is about to resign

they have said that the climate change is a real problem

it has been said that the climate change is a real problem

experts expected that the unemployment would rise in October

it was expected that the unemployment would rise in October

to infinitive impersonal passive voice

subject of the main sentence + passive verb + to-infinitive

it is claimed that the terrorist is living abroad

the terrorist is claimed to be living abroad

it is alleged that 300 people died in the plane crash

300 people are alleged to have died in the plane crash

it is thought that he stole 1M dollars

He is thought to be stolen 1M dollars

It was reported that he was killed in a fire

he was reported to have been killed in a fire

it is expected that the strike will begin tomorrow

the strike is expected to begin tomorrow

action in the present  infinitive (to go)

action in the past  perfect infinitive (to have gone)

when that clause begins with that/there

there + passive verb + to be

it is thought (that) there are too many obstacles to peace

there are thought to be too many obstacles to peace

it was alleged (that) there had been an explosion

there was alleged to have been an explosion

to have/get smt done

she is having her car fixed

she is getting her car fixed

she is getting her hair cut

she is having her hair cut

she is having her nails done

she is getting her nail done

he is having his eyes tested

he is getting his eyes tested

he is having his house built

he is getting his house built

they had their kitchen redecorated

they got their kitchen redecorated

you can have your breakfast sent to your room

you can have your clothes cleaned

double object

Rick gave me this book

this book was given to me by Rick

I was given this book by Rick

unit 7 reported speech and reporting verbs

reported speech

verbs tenses

direct speech reported speech

present simple (live) past simple (lived)
present continuous (feeling) past continuous (wasn’t feeling)
present perfect (have been) past perfect (had been)
present perfect continuous (has past perfect continuous (had
been working) been working)
past simple (saw) past perfect (had seen)
will would
future continuous (will be conditional continuous (would be
leaving) leaving soon)

modal verbs

direct speech (present reported speech (past

modals) modals)
can could
may might
must had to
first conditional (will go if they second conditional (would go if
go) they went)

modal verbs with no changes: would, could, might, ought to, needn’t
have, must have, used to.

time and other words

direct speech reported speech

now then
last (year, moth, week…) the previous (year, moth,
yesterday the day before / the previous day
tomorrow the following day / the next day
next (day, year, moth, week…) the (day, year, moth, week…)
this that
that that
these those
those those
here there

reported questions

 WH questions: affirmative word order and verb forms after the

question word:

“where are you from?” he asked he asked us where we were from

“why did you come to the party?” he asked  he asked she why she
had come to the party.

 YES/NO questions: whether or if

“Is it raining?” he asked  he asked us if it was raining.

“Do you like tea with lemon” he asked  he asked me whether/if I

liked tea with lemon.

verb patterns

verb + verb + obj + verb + verb + prep.

infinitive (to) infinitive (to) gerund + gerund
agree, offer, tell, advise, admit, apologies for,
promise, forbid, invite, recommend, insist on,
refuse, remind, warn, suggest, accuse
threaten persuade, beg report, propose somebody of,
I promised not they reminded he suggested the police
to drive fast us to take our going to the warned us
passports // my cinema against going
friend invites there // the
me to go there teacher
apologized for
arriving late

1- Say pattern: Same as “say” 2- Tell pattern: Same as “tell”

Subject + reporting verb + (that) + Subject + reporting verb + direct

clause object + (that) + clause.
He said that he would come to He told me that he would come to
the party. the party.
He complained that there wasn’t He warned me that the teacher
enough food. was watching.

He demanded that we give him He assured me that everything

the money. would be ok.

Common verbs of this type: Common verbs of this type:

admit, advise, agree, announce, advise, assure, convince, inform,

claim, complain, confess, notify, promise, remind, tell,
confirm, declare, explain, insist, warn
mention, promise, propose, say,
suggest, warn, demand
3. Reporting actions: Promises 4. Reporting verbs with gerund.
requests etc.
Subject + reporting verb + gerund
Subject + reporting verb +
infinitive with to He admitted killing the man.
Common verbs of this type: He denied stealing the money.
He promised to help with the She reported seeing a bright light
cleaning. He refused to stop the in the sky.
admit, deny, mention, propose,
He threatened to tell my parents report, suggest

agree, ask, claim, demand, offer,

promise, propose, refuse, Verbs with prepositions and
threaten, tell gerund:
Subject + reporting verb +
preposition + gerund
Subject + reporting verb + object +
infinitive with to He insisted on carrying my bag.
He encouraged me to take maths She objected to having to wash
instead of history. the dishes.

She persuaded me to help her. accuse smb of doing smt

Common verbs of this type confess to do smt
apologise to smb for doing smt
advise, ask, beg, convince, blame smb for smt
encourage, forbid, instruct, complain to smb about smt
invite, order, persuade, remind, insist on doing smt
tell, urge, warn object to smb doing smt

unit 8 verb patterns (verbs with ing / to infinitive)


after prepositions/ phrasal verbs

I’m very good at drawing

she’s given up studying

as the sbj of a sentence

riding my bike is one of my favorite activities

talking to you was really fun

after sm verbs: admit, avoid, deny, dislike, enjoy, feel like,

finish, hate, keep, like, love, mind, miss, practice, prefer,
recommend, spend time, stop, suggest.

I don’t mind getting up early

I hate note being on time

infinitive + to

to express a reason or purpose

she does exercise to have more energy

he is studying to pass the test

after adj

this recipe is very easy to make

be careful not to burn yourself

after sm verbes: afford, agree, decide, expect, forget, help,

hope, learn, need, pretend, promise, refuse, remember, seem,
try, want, would like…
I cant afford to buy a new phone

vb + person + infinitive with to

I want you to run

She told him not to speak

can you ask her to come?


after modals/ auxiliary vb

we must eat fast

after make and let

they didn’t me let me go

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