2023 Nissan Ariya Warranty Booklet

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LTI2050 WTI0172

Windshield Driver’s Side B-Pillar

Please scan the QR code above and enter your VIN to confirm if your vehicle has an open recall and
to obtain more information.

If your vehicle is affected by a recall/campaign, we encourage you to take immediate action to have your
vehicle remedied for free at an authorized Nissan dealership.

Consumer Affairs teams are ready to assist you in event your vehicle has an open recall or campaign. For
further questions about campaigns, you may contact Nissan Consumer Affairs at:

Nissan, the Nissan logo, and Nissan model names are Nissan trademarks.

©2022 Nissan North America, Inc.

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SAFETY PRECAUTIONS If it contacts your skin or eyes, wash it
off immediately with a large amount of
(Electric only)
water or if possible, boric acid solution. Get
The EV system uses high voltage up to immediate medical attention to help avoid
402V. The system can be hot during and serious injury.
after operation. Be careful of both the high
If a fire occurs in the EV vehicle, leave the
voltage and the high temperature. Obey
vehicle as soon as possible. Never use a fire
the caution labels that are attached to the
extinguisher that is not meant for use on
electric fires. Using even a small amount of
Never touch, disassemble, remove or water may also be dangerous.
replace high-voltage parts and cables
If your vehicle needs to be towed, do it with
as well as their connectors. High-
the front wheels raised. If the front wheels
voltage cables are orange. Touching,
are on the ground when towing, the motor
disassembling, removing or replacing
may generate electricity. This may damage
those parts or cables can cause severe
the components of the EV system and
burns or electric shock that may result in
cause a fire.
serious injury or death.
To avoid personal injury, do not touch high-
voltage wiring, connectors or high-voltage
parts (inverter unit, lithium-ion battery
etc.). Nissan recommends having maintenance
If exposed electric wires are visible inside and repairs for your Electric Vehicle
or outside of your vehicle, an electric shock performed by an authorized Nissan
may occur. Never touch the electric wires. Ariya certified dealership. To locate your
nearest authorized Nissan Ariya certified
If the vehicle receives a strong impact to dealership, contact the Nissan Consumer
the floor while driving, stop the vehicle in a Affairs Department at 1-877-NO GAS EV
safe location and check the floor. (1-877-664-2738).
If you discover a leak or damage to the
lithium-ion battery, contact a NISSAN
dealer immediately.
Never touch fluid leaks inside or outside
the vehicle. The leak may be lithium
manganate from the lithium-ion battery.

Summary of Warranty Coverage1

0 miles unlimited miles

Basic Coverage 36 months / 36,000 miles

Corrosion Coverage (Perforation) 60 months / unlimited mileage

Powertrain Coverage 60 months / 60,000 miles

EV System Coverage 60 months / 60,000 miles

Lithium-ion Battery Coverage 96 months / 100,000 miles

Lithium-ion Battery Capacity Coverage 96 months / 100,000 miles

Seat Belt 120 months / unlimited mileage

1 See the express terms of the appropriate warranty printed in this booklet, which terms control if there is a conflict with this chart.
NISSAN CARES... STEP 1: the issue with your vehicle, a special
automotive complaint resolution program
Both Nissan and your Nissan Ariya Discuss the situation with the dealership’s
called BBB AUTO LINE is available to
certified dealer are dedicated to serving manager. If a problem still exists, contact
you. The BBB AUTO LINE program is
all your automotive needs. Your complete the dealership’s Consumer Aff airs Manager
independently operated by the Council of
satisfaction with your Ariya and your or owner. They are best equipped to
Better Business Bureaus, Inc. (BBB).
Nissan Ariya certified dealer are our resolve the matter for you.
For information about the BBB AUTO LINE in
primary concerns. Your Nissan Ariya
certified dealer is always available to
STEP 2: your area, please call us (Nissan) at the same
assist you with all your automobile service If the concern has still not been addressed toll free number (1-877-NO GAS EV). We will
requirements. to your satisfaction, please contact our be happy to provide you with information
(Nissan’s) Consumer Affairs Department about BBB AUTO LINE. Or, you may contact
If, however, a situation arises that you
using our toll free number. the BBB directly at:
believe has not been addressed to your
satisfaction, we ask that you take the The Consumer Aff airs Department will ask BBB AUTO LINE
following steps: for the following information: a Division of BBB National Programs, Inc.
1676 International Drive, Suite 550
How to Locate a Nissan Ariya Certified Your name, address, and telephone
McLean, VA 22102
Dealer number
1 (800) 955-5100
Go to the Nissanusa.com website. Enter Vehicle identification number (on
dashboard) If you call the BBB, its staff will take down
zip code in the “Locate a Dealer” function.
details of your complaint by telephone.
Check the box for “Nissan Ariya dealers Date of purchase They will ask for the same information as
Current odometer reading described in Step 2.
Go to Nissanusa.com site. Select United
Your Nissan dealer’s name The BBB AUTO LINE program consists of
States language preference, and Nissan
Details of the concern two parts, mediation and arbitration.
Ariya. Select “Find a Dealer” and enter zip
The BBB will attempt to assist you to
code or city and state. Or you can write to Nissan with the above resolve the problem during mediation.
Contact our Nissan Consumer Aff airs information at: If a satisfactory resolution has not been
Department for assistance using our toll Nissan North America, Inc. achieved during mediation, you will have
free number. Consumer Affairs Department the opportunity to personally present
P.O. Box 685003 your case before an impartial arbitrator
Franklin, TN 37068-5003 or three-person panel. The arbitrator(s)
STEP 3: will make a decision after the arbitration
In the event that you believe Nissan has
been unable to satisfactorily address (Continued on next page)
The BBB will, in most cases, send you a BBB AUTO LINE may not be available in all
final decision within forty (40) days (plus BBB AUTO LINE is an informal dispute states. We, Nissan, would be pleased to
7 if you have not contacted the proper settlement mechanism operated to provide you with information about the
person from the dealership or Nissan) comply with applicable Federal law and availability of BBB AUTO LINE in your state,
unless you delay the process. If you accept regulations. In states where BBB AUTO or call the BBB AUTO LINE number listed
the decision, it will be legally binding on LINE is available, you are required to use above.
you and Nissan. If you do not accept the BBB AUTO LINE before exercising rights
or seeking remedies under Title I of the For additional information on the Auto
decision, it will not be legally binding on Line program, please refer particularly
you or Nissan. However in some states, Federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 15
U.S.C. §2301, et. seq. If you choose to seek to the information on your state in the
if the decision is not accepted, it may be Supplement to 2023 Nissan Warranty
introduced either by you or by Nissan, as remedies other than those created by
Title I of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Information Booklet, and 2023 Nissan
evidence in any potentially related court OWNER’S MANUAL.
action. Act, (for example, under state law), that
Federal Act does not require you to first
use BBB AUTO LINE. The program is
still available to you, however, and may
be of considerable assistance. Some
states specify that informal dispute
settlement mechanisms such as BBB
AUTO LINE must be used before you may
use state-operated complaint resolution
processes, before you may file a lawsuit
under state law, and/or before you may
have certain other rights or remedies
available under state law. In accordance
with those states’ laws, Nissan requires
the prior use of BBB AUTO LINE in good
faith before you resort to such other
processes, file a lawsuit, or seek other
remedies provided by state law. Please
see the Supplement to 2023 Nissan
Warranty Information Booklet & 2023
Nissan OWNER’S MANUAL for additional
ASSISTANCE OUTSIDE OF Nissan may occasionally offer special
WARRANTY assistance that may pay for part or all
of vehicle repairs beyond the expiration
In our continuing effort to convey our of the limited warranty period on a case
commitment to service and customer by case basis. Should you experience
satisfaction, Nissan may occasionally unusual difficulties with your vehicle
offer to pay or reimburse for part or all please discuss the situation with your
of the cost of making certain, specific dealer. If your dealer is unable to assist
repairs beyond or outside of the terms you, you may call the Nissan Consumer
of the warranty for some specific vehicle Affairs Department at 1-877-NO GAS EV
models. (Some states refer to such (1-877-664-2738) to discuss your concern.
programs as “adjustment programs”). In You will need to provide the Model, Model
such circumstances Nissan mails notices Year, VIN (Vehicle Identification Number),
to all known registered owners of affected mileage, maintenance history, a detailed
vehicles. You may additionally inquire of explanation of the concern, and why you
your authorized Nissan Dealer or of Nissan believe that Nissan should be responsible
directly at the number listed below of the for the repair. Your request will be
applicability of such programs to your individually investigated and you will be
vehicle. informed of Nissan’s decision.
Please review the “Supplement to the
2023 Nissan Warranty Information
Booklet & 2023 Nissan Owner’s Manual”
for important information concerning
consumer rights in your state.
WHO IS THE WARRANTOR Your Nissan vehicle is manufactured Nissan makes available to you, and you
to meet U.S. regulations and are specifically required by Federal Law
Nissan1 warrants all parts of your 2023
environmental requirements. With the to use BBB AUTO LINE [(800) 955-5100]
Nissan vehicle supplied by Nissan, except
exception of privately owned vehicles before exercising rights or seeking
for those listed elsewhere under the
belonging to members of the U.S. remedies under the Federal Magnuson-
military or employees and officers of the
APPLICABILITY United States Government stationed
Moss Warranty Act, 15 U.S.C. §2301, et.
This warranty is provided to the original seq. You are not required to first use
abroad, this warranty does not apply BBB AUTO LINE if you seek remedies not
and subsequent owner(s) of a Nissan if an otherwise covered vehicle is
vehicle originally distributed by Nissan created by Title I of that Federal law, but
operated in, or relocated to, a country are required to first use BBB AUTO LINE
which is originally sold by a Nissan other than those listed above under
authorized Nissan dealership in the if you seek remedies created by state
this caption, except that it continues law, including your state’s lemon law, if
United States, and which is registered to apply if the vehicle is operated in
in the U.S. and normally operated in applicable state law provides for using a
full compliance with its proper use as 703 compliant or similar process before
the United States (including Alaska and described in the applicable OWNER’S
Hawaii) and Canada. filing suit. Please refer to the pages titled
MANUAL 2 while touring outside of the Nissan’s Customer Care Program of this
This warranty is generally transferable United States, the U.S. territories or booklet and the “Supplement to 2023
from the original ‘owner other than a Canada for a period not exceeding sixty Nissan Warranty Information Booklet
Nissan dealer’ (OWNER) to subsequent (60) consecutive days or sixty (60) days & 2023 Nissan OWNER’S MANUAL” for
owners of the vehicle at any time in any one 12 month period. Subject to additional information.
ownership of the vehicle is transferred, the transferability restriction described
without any action on your part; except above, this warranty applies to a
that this warranty is not transferable relocated vehicle which is returned to,
but is instead void if during the first six and is registered and normally operated
months after delivery to the original in the United States, the U.S. territories
OWNER: (1) ownership of the vehicle is or Canada, except for conditions due to
transferred from the original OWNER, the vehicle’s foreign operation, e.g., use
and (2) the vehicle is registered outside of incompatible charging devices.
of the United States.

1 Nissan indicates Nissan North America, Inc., P.O. Box 685003, Franklin, TN 37068-5003 which manufactures and distributes Nissan vehicles in the United States.
2 See the OWNER’S MANUAL for information relevant to proper operation of the vehicle. (Continued on next page)

WARRANTY TERMS AND STATE LAW The warranty period begins on the date the and Electric Vehicle System, supplied
RIGHTS vehicle is delivered to the first retail buyer by Nissan, subject to the exclusions
or put into use, whichever is earlier. listed under the heading “WHAT IS NOT
DAMAGES This warranty does not cover FOR HOW LONG AND WHAT IS
incidental or consequential damages COVERED
Drive shafts, final drive housing, and
such as loss of the use of the vehicle, BASIC COVERAGE all internal parts, propeller shafts,
inconvenience or commercial loss. The basic coverage period is 36 universal joints, bearings, seals and
ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF months/36,000 miles, whichever gaskets.
PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL BE LIMITED This warranty applies to each new Air bags and related electronic
TO THE DURATION OF THIS WRITTEN Nissan vehicle sold and supplied by control systems.
WARRANTY. Nissan and covers any repairs needed
to correct defects in materials or ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) SYSTEM
Some states do not allow the
workmanship of all physical parts, and COVERAGE
exclusion or limitation of incidental or The EV System coverage period is 60
physical components of such parts, in
consequential damages or limitations on months or 60,000 miles, whichever
covered vehicles other than those items
how long an implied warranty lasts, so comes first.
excluded under the heading “WHAT IS
the above limitations or exclusions may This warranty covers any repairs
NOT COVERED” or, if the part is covered
not apply to you. This warranty gives you needed to correct defects in materials
by one of the separate coverages
specific legal rights, and you may also or workmanship.
described in the following sections of
have other rights which vary from state
this warranty, that specific coverage EV System Coverage applies to
to state.
applies instead of the basic coverage. components listed below under
Nissan1 does not authorize any person POWERTRAIN COVERAGE the heading EV System, supplied by
to create for it any other warranty, The Powertrain coverage period is 60 Nissan, subject to the exclusions listed
obligation or liability in connection with months or 60,000 miles, whichever under the heading “WHAT IS NOT
this vehicle. comes first. COVERED”.
This warranty covers any repairs EV SYSTEM
needed to correct defects in materials Motor, Inverter unit, VCM, Reduction
or workmanship. gear, DC/DC converter, Onboard
Powertrain coverage applies to charger, Onboard charger connector,
components listed below, under the and Trickle charge cable.
1 Nissan indicates Nissan North America, Inc., P.O. Box 685003, Franklin, TN 37068-5003 which manufactures and distributes Nissan vehicles in the United States.
(Continued on next page)
The lithium-ion battery coverage capacity segments, but it will provide Service adjustments not usually
period is 96 months or 100,000 miles, the vehicle with a capacity level associated with the replacement
whichever comes first. This warranty of nine segments or more on the of parts, such as wheel alignment,
covers any repairs needed to correct battery capacity level gauge. are covered only during the first 12
defects in materials or workmanship This Lithium-Ion Battery Capacity months or 12,000 miles, whichever
subject to the exclusions listed under Coverage is subject to the exclusions comes first.
the heading “WHAT IS NOT COVERED”. listed under the heading “WHAT IS Limited 12 month warranty coverage:
LITHIUM-ION BATTERY CAPACITY NOT COVERED.” I-key and key fob batteries are covered
COVERAGE CORROSION COVERAGE (PERFORATION for the first 12 months of ownership.
In addition to the lithium-ion Battery FROM CORROSION)
Limited 6 month warranty coverage:
Coverage for defects in materials or Any body sheet metal panel supplied
OE wiper blade inserts are covered
workmanship, the lithium-ion battery by Nissan found to have developed
for the first six months of ownership.
is also warranted against capacity perforation (rust-through) due to
loss below nine segments as shown corrosion in normal use is covered REFRIGERANT RECHARGE ONLY
on the vehicle’s battery capacity for 60 months, regardless of mileage, COVERAGE
level gauge for 96 months or 100,000 subject to the exclusions listed under Refrigerant recharge not associated
miles, whichever comes first. the heading “WHAT IS NOT COVERED”. with the repair or replacement of a
This warranty covers any repairs No additional rust proofing warranted part is covered only during
needed to return battery capacity to applications are required. Perforation the first 12 months, regardless of the
a level of nine remaining segments is a condition in which any body sheet mileage
on the vehicle’s battery capacity metal panel has corroded from one SOFTWARE UPDATES DELIVERED
level gauge. If possible, the lithium- surface through to another. OVER-THE-AIR (OTA)
ion battery components will be TOWING COVERAGE During the New vehicle limited
repaired or replaced, and the original If your vehicle is inoperative due warranty period, you will not incur
lithium-ion battery will be returned to the failure of a warranted part, any charges for diagnosis, repair,
to the vehicle. If necessary, the during any of the New Vehicle Limited replacement, or adjustment of
lithium-ion battery will be replaced warranties, including Emission and covered parts or components that
with a new, remanufactured or Seatbelt warranties, towing service to are damaged or do not function as
factory reconditioned lithium-ion the nearest authorized Nissan Ariya intended as the result of a software
battery. Any repair or replacement certified dealer is covered. update delivered by Nissan over the
made under this Lithium-Ion Battery Note: For additional information air. Please reference your Owner’s
Capacity Coverage may not return on towing please see Roadside Manual for additional information.
your lithium-ion battery to an “as Assistance.
(Continued on next page)
NO CHARGE MAINTENANCE, DATA ACCESS, Misuse, such as overloading, using the
Warranty repairs will be made at no charge AND RECORDS vehicle to tow, driving over curbs, or
using the vehicle as a power source
for parts and/or labor (except for tires, in As a condition of this warranty, you are
responsible for properly using, maintaining using equipment not authorized by
which case you may pay certain charges
and caring for your vehicle as outlined in Nissan for this purpose.
as noted above or as described in the
applicable tire warranty found later in this your OWNER’S MANUAL and your NISSAN Failure of a component not covered by
booklet). Any needed parts replacement and maintaining copies of all maintenance
will be made using Genuine Nissan or records & receipts for review by Nissan. Racing and competitive driving.
Nissan approved new or remanufactured Damage caused by car washes and
You are also required to provide consent
parts. Nissan reserves the right to make pressure washers.
to give Nissan access to data stored
changes at any time, without notice, to on vehicle systems for the purpose of Theft, vandalism, fire, flooding, or
production and service parts in their vehicle diagnosis and repair. Failure to do immersion of battery in water or fluids.
specifications, colors, and materials, so is likely to result in denial of warranty
including those used in connection with coverage. Accident, collision, or being towed (Flat
warranty repairs. bed recommended).
Evidence of the performance of the
For this reason, when approved by Nissan required maintenance should be kept and Repairs performed by anyone other
and at Nissan’s discretion, functionally presented as proof of such maintenance than a Nissan Ariya certified dealer.
equivalent replacement parts may be used in connection with related warranty Glass breakage, unless resulting from
that do not exactly match the original repairs. To assist you in maintaining defects in material or workmanship.
production part. appropriate records, the maintenance log Normal wear and tear, including dings,
MAINTENANCE GUIDE can be used along
dents, chips, or scratches.
You must take the vehicle to an You Embedded or installed software and/
with supporting repair invoices, receipts
must take the vehicle to an authorized or firmware, and updates thereto, are
and other such records.
Nissan Ariya certified dealer in the not covered under this warranty. Such
United States or Canada during regular WHAT IS NOT COVERED software/firmware is licensed, and
business hours at your expense in order GENERAL EXCLUSIONS not sold, to you. See End User License
to obtain warranty service. The names Agreement at https:
This warranty does not cover damage,
and addresses of authorized Nissan //www.nissanusa.com/owners/
failures or corrosion resulting from or
Ariya certified dealers are listed in ownership for details, terms and
caused by:
telephone directories. conditions.
Failure to operate the vehicle in Note: Complaints related to failure to
accordance with the OWNER’S MANUAL. comply with proper use of the vehicle
as described in the applicable OWNER’S
(Continued on next page)
MANUAL (including the lack of availability LITHIUM-ION BATTERY Loss of battery capacity due to or resulting
or use of proper fluid), or the vehicle’s from gradual capacity loss is NOT covered
This warranty does not cover damage or under this warranty beyond the terms
lack of compliance with local regulations failures resulting from or caused by:
or environmental requirements of any and limits specified in the LITHIUM-ION
country (other than the U.S. or Canada) Exposing a vehicle to ambient BATTERY CAPACITY COVERAGE above. See
are NOT covered by this warranty. temperatures above 120F (49C) for over your OWNER’S MANUAL for important tips
24 hours. on how to maximize the life and capacity of
DAMAGE OR FAILURES DUE TO the “Lithium-ion battery.”
ALTERATION OR MODIFICATION Storing a vehicle in temperatures below
-13F (-25C) for over seven days. DAMAGE, FAILURES OR CORROSION
This warranty does not cover damage, FROM ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS
failures or corrosion resulting from or Leaving your vehicle for over 14 days
caused by: where the lithium-ion battery reaches a This warranty does not cover damage,
zero or near zero state of charge. failures or corrosion resulting from or
Alteration, tampering, or improper repair. caused by:
Installation of non-Nissan approved Physically damaging the lithium-ion
Stone chipping, chemical fallout (acid
accessories or components. battery or intentionally attempting to
rain), tree sap, salt, hail, windstorm,
Improper installation of any Nissan reduce the life of the lithium-ion battery.
lightning, flood or other environmental
approved after-market accessory or Exposing the lithium-ion battery to conditions.
component. contact with a direct flame. The items listed below are not covered
A vehicle whose odometer mileage has Immersing any portion of the lithium-ion under corrosion coverage (perforation
been altered, or the odometer repaired battery in water or fluids. from corrosion).
or replaced and the actual vehicle Corrosion of outer trim parts, such as
Opening the lithium-ion battery
mileage cannot be correctly and readily moldings. However, corrosion of outer
enclosure or having it serviced by
determined. trim parts is warranted for 12 months
someone other than a Nissan Ariya
SALVAGE TITLE certified technician. or 12,500 miles, whichever comes first.
This limited warranty does not apply to any Neglecting to follow correct charging Corrosion other than perforation,
vehicle, and is rendered void if the vehicle procedures. such as cosmetic or surface corrosion
is (or ever has been) issued a “salvage” or due to defects in materials or
Use of incompatible charging devices. workmanship. This is covered under
similar title under any state’s law; or has
ever been determined to be a “total loss” or Consequential damage caused by the the Basic Coverage of the New Vehicle
equivalent by any insurance company, such failure to repair an existing problem. Limited Warranty.
as by payment of a cash payment of claim Special bodies or equipment not
in lieu of repairs because of a determination manufactured or supplied by Nissan.
The lithium-ion battery (EV battery), like
that the cost of repairs exceeded the actual all lithium-ion batteries, will experience
cash value of the vehicle. gradual capacity loss with time and use. (Continued on next page)
DUE TO LACK OF OR IMPROPER Seat belts and tires are not covered by
MAINTENANCE this warranty, but are covered by separate
This warranty does not cover damage, warranties.
failures or corrosion resulting from or (See following pages for separate
caused by: warranties which may apply to your Nissan,
Lack of performance of proper such as those covering vehicle seat belts
maintenance services as outlined in your and tires.)
Use of improper or dirty fluids or
Use of parts not equivalent in quality or
design to parts supplied by Nissan.
This warranty does not cover normal
maintenance services as specified in your
GUIDE such as cleaning and polishing,
wheel alignment, headlight aiming,
replacement of filters, replacement of
windshield wiper inserts, lubricants,
coolant, worn brake pads, drums and
Nissan1 warrants all parts of your Nissan OTHER WARRANTY TERMS AND
vehicle seat belt system supplied by Nissan. STATE LAW RIGHTS
This warranty covers any Nissan supplied This warranty does not cover incidental
seat belt or related component, that fails or consequential damages such as loss
to function properly during normal use of the use of the vehicle, inconvenience
within ten (10) years of the date the vehicle or commercial loss.
is delivered to the first retail buyer or put
into service, whichever is earlier. Warranty ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF
repairs are free of charge for parts and MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A
You must take the vehicle to an authorized
Ariya dealer in the United States or Some states do not allow the
Canada during regular business hours at exclusion or limitation of incidental or
your expense in order to obtain warranty consequential damages or limitations on
service. how long an implied warranty lasts, so
the above limitations or exclusions may
WHAT IS NOT COVERED not apply to you. This warranty gives you
Damage or failure due to misuse, specific legal rights, and you may also
alteration, accident or collision damage. have other rights which vary from state
(Proper use is outlined in your OWNER’S to state.
MANUAL). Nissan1 does not authorize any person
Color fading, spotting or other cosmetic to create for it any other warranty,
items when the belt is otherwise obligation or liability in connection with
functioning properly. this vehicle.
Air bags and related electronic control
systems which are covered by the
Powertrain warranty.

1 Nissan indicates Nissan North America, Inc., P.O. Box 685003, Franklin, TN 37068-5003 which manufactures and distributes Nissan vehicles in the United States.
The warrantor of Yakima Roof and Hitch
Mounted Carriers is:
Yakima Products, Inc.
For Customer Assistance:
Telephone: 888.925.4621
Email: [email protected]
A customer service technician is available
to process your information from
7 a.m. – 4 p.m. (Monday – Friday) CST
Online claim form and detailed warranty
Scroll to bottom of page and select
"Limited Lifetime Warranty"
PASSENGER AND LIGHT TRUCK COVER voids this Limited Warranty.
TIRES INCLUDING RFT TIRES This Limited Warranty does not cover the F. For RFT tires only, improper run-
WITH RUN-FLAT TECHNOLOGY following: flat or low tire pressure operation,
ELIGIBILITY 1. Tire damage or irregular wear due to:
including, without limitation:
Exceeding speed, distance, or other
This Limited Warranty covers BRIDGESTONE A. Road hazards, including, without run-flat/low pressure operation
and FIRESTONE brand passenger and light limitation: Puncture, cut, impact limitations.
truck tires, including RFT and temporary break, stone drill, bruise, bulge, snag, 2. Rapid tread wear or wear-out. Original
spare tires, originally installed by the vehicle etc. equipment tires have no mileage
manufacturer on a new vehicle. You are B. Improper use or operation, including, warranty.
covered under the terms of this Limited without limitation: Improper
Warranty if the tire was produced after July 3. Weather/ozone cracking after 4 years
inflation pressure, overloading, tire/ from date of tire manufacture.
4, 2004 (DOT serial 2704 or later) and has wheel spinning, use of an improper
been used only on the vehicle on which it 4. Ride disturbance or vibration after 1/32
wheel, tire chain damage, misuse, inch (0.8 mm) of tread wear use.
was originally installed in noncommercial misapplication, negligence, tire
service. alteration, or for racing or competition 5. Tires with sealant, balance, or other filler
material that was not originally applied
or inserted by the tire manufacturer.
HOW LONG C. Insufficient or improper
6. Tires used in commercial service.
Before wearing down to 2/32 inch (1.6 mm) maintenance, including, without
limitation: Failure to rotate tires as 7. Tires purchased and normally used
remaining original tread depth (i.e. worn outside the United States and Canada.
down to the top of the built-in indicators in recommended in this manual, wheel
misalignment, worn suspension 8. The cost of applicable federal, state, and
the tread grooves) and within 6 years from
components, improper tire mounting local taxes.
the date of purchase (proof of purchase
date required; without proof of purchase or demounting, tire/wheel assembly 9. Failure to follow any of the safety and
date, then within 6 years from the date of imbalance, or other vehicle conditions, maintenance recommendations or
tire manufacture), for any reason other defects, or characteristics. warnings contained in this manual.
than those excluded in the section entitled D. Contamination or degradation This Limited Warranty is in addition to and/
“What This Limited Warranty Does Not by petroleum products or other or may be limited by any other applicable
Cover,” any eligible tire that becomes chemicals, fire or other externally written warranty you may have received
unusable for any reason within the generated heat, or water or other concerning special tires or situations.
manufacturer’s control will be replaced material trapped inside the tire during
with an equivalent new tire on the basis set mounting or inflation.
forth in this Limited Warranty.
(Continued on next page)
REPLACEMENT PRICE Consult a phone directory (often listed in In accordance with Federal Law, this
Radial passenger and light truck tires the Yellow Pages under “Tire Dealers” or the Limited Warranty has been designated
adjusted under this Limited Warranty will internet at www.bridgestonetire.com for as a “Limited Warranty.” Nothing in this
be replaced free of charge during the first the location nearest you. Limited Warranty is intended to be a
25% of tread wear or within 12 months from representation that tire failures cannot
the date of purchase (proof of purchase occur. This Limited Warranty is given in the
This Limited Warranty gives you specific United States by Bridgestone Firestone
date required; without proof of purchase legal rights, and you may also have other
date, then within 12 months from the date North American Tire, LLC, 535 Marriott
rights which vary from state to state or in Dr., Nashville, TN 37214 and in Canada by
of tire manufacture), whichever occurs Canada from province to province.
first. During the free replacement period, Bridgestone Firestone Canada Inc., 5770
mounting and balancing are included free CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS Hurontario St., Suite 400, Mississauga,
of charge. To the extent permitted by law, Ontario, Canada L5R 3G5.
To determine the replacement price after Bridgestone Firestone North American OWNER’S OBLIGATIONS
the free tire replacement period, the Tire, LLC disclaims all other warranties, In order to keep this Limited Warranty
percent of used tread wear is multiplied including but not limited to the implied valid, we require you to have your tires
by the current selling price for the warranties of merchantability and fitness regularly inspected and rotated per the
replacement tire(s). The appropriate taxes, for a particular purpose and any liability for vehicle OWNER’S MANUAL and to furnish
mounting, balancing, disposal fee, and inconvenience, incidental, or consequential proof of same in order to receive an
other service charges may be added to the damages, loss of time, loss of vehicle adjustment. Such proof should show the
adjustment replacement price. use or, inconvenience. Some states do date, mileage, and servicing location. A
not allow the exclusion or limitation of sales receipt containing this information
In Canada, the tire will be adjusted at incidental or consequential damages, so
dealerships (subject to dealer discretion) at will suffice. It is your obligation to maintain
the above limitation or exclusion may not proper tire inflation pressures as specified
a predetermined “Adjustment Price.” apply to you. by the vehicle manufacturer and to
REPLACEMENT WARRANTY This Limited Warranty applies only to operate the vehicle within tire/vehicle
If you receive a replacement tire under this consumers actually using the tire in the load capacity and speed limitations. It is
Limited Warranty, it will be covered by the United States and Canada. For warranty also your obligation to maintain proper
manufacturer’s warranty, if any, given on conditions outside the United States wheel alignment and tire/wheel assembly
that tire at that time. and Canada, see your local Bridgestone balance. To request an adjustment, you
WHERE TO GO Firestone distributor. must present the tire to an authorized
Obligations under this policy may not be Bridgestone Firestone retailer. Complete
Tire adjustments under this Limited and sign the customer section of the
Warranty will only be made at an enlarged or altered by anyone.
Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire,
authorized Bridgestone Firestone retailer.
(Continued on next page)
LLC Limited Warranty adjustment form and award of the arbitrator(s) may be entered
pay appropriate replacement price, taxes, as a judgment in any court of competent SAFETY INFORMATION
disposal fee, and service charges, if any. jurisdiction. The arbitrators will have Any tire, no matter how well constructed,
ARBITRATION no authority to award punitive or other may fail in use as a result of punctures,
damages not measured by the prevailing impact damage, improper inflation,
You and Bridgestone Firestone North party’s actual damages, except as may be overloading, or other conditions resulting
American Tire, LLC agree that all claims, required by statute. Information may be from use or misuse. Tire failure may
disputes, and controversies between obtained and claims may be filed at any create a risk of serious personal injury
you and it, including any of its agents, office of the National Arbitration Forum or or property damage. To reduce risk of
employees, successors, or assigns, arising at P.O. Box 50191, Minneapolis, MN 55405. tire failure, we strongly recommend you
out of or in connection with this Limited read and follow all safety information
Warranty, or any other warranties, express THE WARRANTOR
contained in the Important Tire Safety
or implied, including a failure of warranty The warrantor of Bridgestone and Information section contained in this
and the validity of this arbitration clause, Firestone tires is: booklet, the tire placard in the vehicle or
but excluding claims for personal injury Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire the OWNER’S MANUAL.
or property damage, shall be resolved by LLC
binding arbitration between you and it, 535 Marriott Dr.
according to the formal dispute resolution Nashville, TN 37214
procedures of the National Arbitration Please contact Bridgestone Firestone for a
Forum, under the Code of Procedure then copy of their “Tire Maintenance, Safety and
in effect. This arbitration will be conducted Warranty Manual”
as a document hearing. If you request any
procedures beyond a document hearing, For Customer Assistance:
you will be responsible for all fees, including 1-800-847-3272
filing and administrative fees, above and
beyond the fees required for document
hearings. The arbitration between you and
Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire,
LLC shall not include any other customers,
be combined or consolidated in any
fashion with arbitrations involving other
customers, or proceed in any form of class
action in which the claims of numerous
customers are considered together. Any
HIGHWAY AUTO AND LIGHT WHAT IS COVERED AND FOR HOW with a comparable new Goodyear or
TRUCK TIRE REPLACEMENT AND LONG? Dunlop temporary spare tire at no charge,
including mounting.
GOODYEAR UNISTEEL® RADIAL Any new Goodyear or Dunlop highway
LIGHT TRUCK TIRES) radial auto or radial light truck tire, covered Tires not eligible for free replacement that
are removed from service due to a covered
WHO IS ELIGIBLE? by this policy, removed from service due to
warranty condition will be replaced with a
a covered warranty condition during the
You are eligible for the benefits of this first 2/32” of usable tread or twelve months comparable new Goodyear or Dunlop tire
Limited Warranty if you meet all the from date of purchase, whichever comes on a prorated basis for up to six (6) years
following criteria: first, will be replaced with a comparable from the date of original new tire purchase
You are the owner or authorized agent new Goodyear or Dunlop tire at no charge, or when the treadwear indicators become
of the owner of new Goodyear or including mounting and balancing. visible (worn to 2/32”), whichever occurs
Dunlop® highway auto or light truck tires (Without proof of purchase the date of first. (Without proof of purchase the date
supplied as Original Equipment on your manufacture will be used to determine of manufacture will be used to determine
vehicle. eligibility.) eligibility.)
Transportation prescribed tire TRUCK TIRES BE CALCULATED?
identification numbers. Replacement price will be calculated by
Any new Goodyear or Dunlop highway
Your tires have been used only on auto or light truck tire, other than radial multiplying the tire’s advertised retail
the vehicle on which they were auto or radial light truck tires, removed selling price at the time of adjustment
originally installed according to the from service due to a covered warranty by the percentage of usable original
vehicle manufacturer’s or Goodyear’s condition during the first 1/32” of usable tread that has been worn off. You pay for
recommendations. tread will be replaced with a comparable mounting and balancing, and an amount
Your tires were purchased on or after new Goodyear or Dunlop tire at no charge, equal to the current Federal Excise Tax
March 1, 2014. including mounting and balancing. (F.E.T. – U.S. only) and any other applicable
Light truck tires are defined as all tires taxes and government-mandated charges.
identified with the “LT” designation in the
EXAMPLE: If your disabled tire had an
sidewall stamping. Any Goodyear or Dunlop temporary spare original 8/32” of usable treadwear and is
tire removed from service due to a covered worn to 4/32” usable tread remaining, you
warranty condition during the first 50% of have used 50% and therefore must pay
usable treadwear (1/32”) will be replaced 50% of the advertised retail selling price of
the comparable tire.

(Continued on next page)

In addition, you must pay an amount LIMITATIONS Road hazards (includes, but is not
equal to the full current Federal Excise Tax limited to, punctures, cuts, snags,
This limited warranty is applicable only in
(U.S. only) or any other applicable taxes impact breaks, etc.).
the United States and Canada.
and government-mandated charges for Any tire that, after leaving a factory
the comparable new replacement tire at WHAT IS NOT COVERED BY THIS producing Goodyear or Dunlop tires, has
the time of adjustment. If the price of the WARRANTY? been intentionally altered to change its
new comparable tire is $130.00, the cost This limited warranty does not cover the appearance (e.g., white inlay on a black
to you would be $65.00 plus F.E.T. (U.S. following: tire or regrooved).
only) plus any other applicable taxes and Tires with weather-cracking that were
government-mandated charges. Tires submitted for ride disturbance
complaints that are worn beyond the purchased more than four (4) years
WHAT IS A COMPARABLE TIRE? first two thirty-seconds of an inch prior to presentation for adjustment
A “comparable” new Goodyear or Dunlop (2/32”) tread depth or tires submitted or, if purchase date cannot be verified,
tire will be the same brand tire and may be for ride disturbance due to damaged manufactured more than four years
either the same line of tire or, in the event wheels or any vehicle condition. prior to presentation for adjustment.
that the tire is not available, the same Goodyear does not warrant or give Tires removed from service due to
brand tire with the same basic construction credit in any adjustment transaction improper repairs.
and similar performance attributes with a for any kind of material added to a Temporary spare tires used on vehicles
different sidewall or tread configuration. tire (e.g., tire fillers, sealants, balancing used in racing and on passenger cars
If a higher priced tire is accepted as substances) after the tire leaves a in special applications such as police
replacement, the difference in price will factory producing Goodyear or Dunlop pursuit service.
be at an additional charge to you. Any tires, nor will it adjust any tire that has Goodyear Unisteel Commercial Radial
replacement tire provided pursuant to this failed as a result of adding such material. Light Truck Tires.
warranty will be covered by the warranty in Irregular wear or damage due to Tires removed from service due to
effect at the time of replacement. mechanical condition of the vehicle, improper repairs.
ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS improper inflation, overloading, high Tires supplied as Original Equipment are
speed spin-up misapplication, misuse, not eligible for any tread life warranty
A tire has delivered its full original tread life
and the coverage of this limited warranty negligence, racing, use of tire chains, consideration.
ends when the treadwear indicators improper mounting or demounting, Cosmetic weather checking.
become visible (worn to 2/32”) or six (6) improper repair, wreck, collision or fire.
Low tire pressure-monitoring system
years from the date of new tire purchase, – refer to vehicle manufacturer’s
whichever occurs first. (Without proof of warranty.
purchase the date of manufacture will be
used to determine eligibility.)
(Continued on next page)
Ultra High-Performance summer tires COST (INCLUDING FOR REPLACEMENT You must go to an authorized Goodyear or
are not recommended for winter use, TRANSPORTATION), EXPENSE OR LOSS OF Dunlop outlet for replacement tires and all
and tread or shoulder cracking on those ANY KIND. SOME STATES AND PROVINCES warranty service.
tires resulting from winter use will not
CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE Property damage, serious injury or death
No Representative or Dealer has authority TO YOU. TIRE FAILURE DUE TO
to make any representation, promise or This warranty gives you specific legal UNDERINFLATION/OVERLOADING/
agreement on behalf of Goodyear, except rights and you may also have other rights MISAPPLICATION.
as stated herein. Any tire, no matter how that vary from state to state or province to Follow the vehicle owner’s manual or tire
well constructed, may fail in service or province. placard in vehicle.
otherwise become unserviceable due
to conditions beyond the control of the HOW DO YOU OBTAIN AN TIRE FAILURE DUE TO IMPACT DAMAGE/
manufacturer. Under no circumstances is ADJUSTMENT? IMPROPER MAINTENANCE.
this warranty a representation that a tire A. You must present the tire to be Tires should be inspected regularly by a
failure cannot occur. adjusted to an authorized Goodyear or qualified technician for signs of damage,
DISCLAIMER: THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU Dunlop service facility. Tires replaced such as punctures or impacts.
on an adjustment basis become the
property of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber TIRE FAILURE DUE TO IMPROPER
Company, Goodyear Dunlop Tires North REPAIRS.
REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, See Rubber Manufacturers Association
INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY America, Ltd. or Goodyear Canada Inc.
B. You must pay for taxes and any (RMA) established repair procedures at
WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR www.rma.org and/or go to
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, additional services you order at
the time of adjustment plus any www.goodyear.com for information on
additional service that may be unique proper repair procedures.
AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL C. You must submit your claim on an Only specially trained persons should
GOODYEAR BE LIABLE TO THE BUYER approved claim form supplied by an mount tires.
CONSEQUENTIAL, LOST PROFIT, LOSS facility. The form must be filled out APPROVED RIMS.
OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF GOODWILL OR completely and signed, where you
REPUTATION, PUNITIVE OR OTHER DAMAGE, the owner or your authorized agent
presented the tire for adjustment.
(Continued on next page)
ASSEMBLIES COMPLETELY BEFORE GUIDE underinflation always requires expert
DEMOUNTING. inspection to determine the source of
The easiest way to help ensure satisfactory leakage and tire removal to determine
TIRE SPINNING. mileage and performance from your repairability. To avoid injury, NEVER
On slippery surfaces such as snow, Goodyear or Dunlop tires is to give them attempt to reinflate a tire that has been
mud, ice, etc., do not spin tires in excess a simple but frequent (at least monthly) run severely underinflated. Progressive
of 35 mph (55 kph), as indicated on the inspection for proper inflation, even air loss may result from punctures,
speedometer. treadwear and the presence of any cuts, curbing, impacts or partial bead
EXCESSIVE WHEEL SPINNING. damage. unseating. Some fitment causes for air
This can also result in tire disintegration DO MAINTAIN PROPER INFLATION loss are (1) incomplete bead seating,
or axle failure. (2) bead tearing caused by a machine
PRESSURE IN YOUR TIRES tool due to insufficient lubrication or
WARNING: Vehicle handling, traction,
Proper inflation pressure is necessary for improper adjustment. Leaking valve core
ride comfort and other performance
optimum tire performance, safety and fuel or rubber valve components should be
parameters may be significantly affected
economy. Check inflation pressures at least replaced when problems are detected and
by a change in tire size or type. Before whenever tires are replaced.
once a month and before long trips. Use
replacing tires, always consult and follow
an accurate tire pressure gauge. Always Always maintain inflation pressure at
the vehicle owner’s manual because some
vehicle manufacturers prohibit changing
check pressures when the tires are cold the level recommended by the vehicle
tire size. When selecting tires that are
(when the vehicle has been driven less than manufacturer as shown on the vehicle
different from the original equipment size
one mile). If you must check inflation when placard, vehicle certification label or in
make certain: (1) The tires have adequate
the tires are hot, add 4 psi (27 kPa) to the the vehicle owner’s manual:
recommended cold inflation pressure. It is Underinflation is the leading cause of tire
load-carrying capacity based on the
difficult to tell just by looking at radial tires failure and may result in severe cracking,
vehicle placard, (2) The tires have sufficient
whether they are underinflated.* component separation or “blowout.”
inflation pressure to carry the load and
(3) There is proper clearance with no Furthermore, when operating a vehicle It reduces tire load capacity, allows
interference points between the tire and equipped with radial tires, it is difficult to excessive sidewall flexing and increases
vehicle. The consumer must be aware to notice when a tire has gone flat or nearly rolling resistance, resulting in heat and
always drive safely and obey all traffic laws. flat since the “feel” of the vehicle does not mechanical damage. Maintaining proper
Avoid sudden, sharp turns or aggressive change significantly. inflation pressure is the single most
lane changes. Failure to follow any of these important thing you can do to promote tire
warnings may result in loss of control of durability and maximize tread life.
the vehicle, leading to an accident and
serious injury or death.
(Continued on next page)
Overinflation increases stiff ness, which cause sudden tire explosion, resulting in an inner tube as a substitute for a proper
may deteriorate ride and generate vehicle damage and/or serious personal repair. Only qualified persons should repair
unwanted vibration. Overinflation also injury to you or a bystander. Never exceed tires.
increases the chances of impact damage. 35 mph/55 kph, as indicated on your
DON’T OVERLOAD YOUR VEHICLE speedometer. Use a gentle backward and
NOTE: Goodyear does not warrant any
forward rocking motion to free your vehicle
Check your vehicle owner’s manual to for continued driving. Never stand near inspection or repair process. The repair is
determine the load limits. Overloading or behind a tire spinning at high speeds, entirely the responsibility of the repairer
your vehicle places stress on your tires for example, while attempting to push a and should be made in accordance
and other critical vehicle components. vehicle that is stuck or when an on-the-car with established Rubber Manufacturers
Overloading a vehicle can cause poor spin balance machine is in use. Association (RMA) procedures.
handling or increased fuel consumption
and may cause tire failure. Overloading DO CHECK YOUR TIRES FOR WEAR TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING
your tires can result in severe cracking, Always remove tires from service when SYSTEM ALERT
component separation or “blowout.” they reach two thirty-seconds of an inch Refer to your vehicle Owner’s Manual for
Never fit your vehicle with new tires that (2/32) remaining tread depth. All new tires more information on what to do if the tire
have less load capacity than shown on the have treadwear indicators which appear pressure warning system activates.
vehicle tire placard and remember that as smooth banks in the tread grooves THE CONVENIENCE (TEMPORARY)
optimum rim width is important for proper when they wear to the two thirty-seconds
of an inch (2/32) level. Many wet weather
tire load distribution and function. The
accidents result from skidding on bald or The Convenience (Temporary) Spare is
maximum load capacity stamped on the
nearly bald tires. Excessively worn tires are designed, built and tested to the high
sidewalls of P-Metric & European Metric
also more susceptible to penetrations. engineering standards set by North
tires is reduced by 10% when used on a
America’s leading car manufacturers and
light truck, utility vehicle or trailer. Never fit DO CHECK YOUR TIRES FOR to Goodyear’s own high standards of
P-Metric or European Metric tires to light DAMAGE quality control. It is designed to take up
trucks that specify LT-type replacement
Frequent (at least monthly) inspection of a minimum of storage space and, at the
your tires for signs of damage and their same time, fulfill the function of a spare
DON’T SPIN YOUR TIRES general condition is important for safety. tire when needed. The spare is kept in its
EXCESSIVELY If you have any questions, have your tire storage space, fully inflated at 60 psi. To
Avoid excessive tire spinning when your dealer inspect them. Impacts, penetrations, be sure it is always ready for use, the air
vehicle is stuck in snow, ice, mud or sand. cracks, knots, bulges or air loss always pressure should be checked on a regular
The centrifugal forces generated by a require tire removal and expert inspection. basis.
free-spinning tire/wheel assembly may Never perform a temporary repair or use

(Continued on next page)

The Convenience (Temporary) Spare can never exceed 40 psi to seat beads. Never When replacing tires, you must maintain
be used in combination with the original use a volatile substance or a rubber the outside diameter and load-carrying
tires on your vehicle. You can expect a “donut” (also known as a bead expander or capacity of the Original Equipment tire.
tire tread life of up to 3,000 miles (4,800 “O-Ring”) to aid bead seating. Only specially Inflation pressure may need to be adjusted
kilometers), depending on road conditions trained persons should mount tires. to avoid overloading the tire. Consult the
and your driving habits. To conserve tire
tread life, return the spare to the storage
DON’T MIX TIRES OF DIFFERENT Tire & Rim Association Load and Inflation
Tables, ETRTO or JATMA standards for
area as soon as it is convenient to have the SIZES AND TYPES ON THE SAME correct load and inflation information.
standard tire repaired or replaced.
For optimum handling and control,
The Convenience (Temporary) Spare
Goodyear recommends fitment of
weighs less than a standard tire so it’s
four (4) tires of the same type and size CAPACITY THAN AS REQUIRED
easier to handle. It also helps reduce the
total car weight, which contributes to fuel unless otherwise specified by the vehicle BY THE ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT
economy. manufacturer. MANUFACTURER
The wheels used with the Convenience WARNING: Before you replace your tires, Examples: Many vehicles, such as large
(Temporary) Spare are specifically designed always consult the vehicle owner’s manual passenger vans, require Load Range E tires
for use with high pressure spares and and follow the vehicle manufacturer’s as designated by the vehicle manufacturer.
should never be used with any other type replacement tire recommendations. Fitment of a tire, such as a Load Range D,
tire. Vehicle handling may be significantly with less carrying capacity is not allowed.
affected by a change in tire size or type. NOTE: Goodyear-manufactured and/or
DON’T ATTEMPT TO MOUNT YOUR When selecting tires that are different marketed European-Metric and P-Metric
OWN TIRES from the Original Equipment size, see a passenger tires are interchangeable as
Serious injury or death may result from professional installer in order to make long as they have the same section width,
explosion of tire/rim assembly due to certain that proper clearance, load- same aspect ratio and same rim diameter.
improper mounting procedures. Follow tire carrying capacity and inflation pressure are
Caution: Never substitute a “Standard
manufacturer’s instructions and match tire selected. Never exceed the maximum load
Load” (SL) tire for an “Extra Load” (XL)
diameter to rim diameter. Mount light truck capacity and inflation pressure listed on
or “Reinforced” tire. If the vehicle was
radials on rims approved for radial service. the sidewall of the tire. Always drive safely
originally equipped with “Extra Load” (XL)
Do not apply bead sealer. This can inhibit and obey all traffic laws. Avoid sudden,
or Reinforced tires, replace those tires
bead seating. Lubricate beads and tire rim sharp turns or aggressive lane changes.
with similar sized “Extra Load” (XL) or
(including tube or flap) contact surfaces. Failure to follow this warning may result in
“Reinforced” tires.
Lock assembly on mounting machine or loss of control of the vehicle, leading to an
place in safety cage. STAND BACK and accident and serious injury or death.

(Continued on next page)

GUIDELINES SUSPENSION, WHEEL ALIGNMENT Tires are designed and built to provide
When installing only two tires, fit the tires AND BALANCE AND ROTATE YOUR many thousands of miles of excellent
with the deepest tread depth on the rear TIRES service. For maximum benefit, tires must be
axle. If radials and non-radials must be Lack of rotation, worn suspension parts, maintained properly to avoid tire damage
fitted to the same vehicle, fit radials on underinflation/overinflation, wheel imbal- that may result in removal from service
rear axle. Never mix radials and non-radials ance and misalignment can cause vibration before the tread is worn down to minimum
on the same axle. When fitting winter or irregular tire wear. Rotate your tires depth.
tires or all-season tires to performance according to your vehicle manufacturer’s It is not practical to accurately predict
vehicles, always fit in sets of four. It is not recommendations or at maximum intervals the service life of any specific tire in
recommended to fit tires with different of 6,000 miles/10,000 km. chronological time since service conditions
speed ratings. If tires with different speed FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE vary widely. The serviceability of a tire
ratings are installed on a vehicle, they THE “BE TIRE SMART/PLAY YOUR PART over time is a function of the storage and
should be installed with like pairs on the BROCHURE” PUBLISHED BY THE RUBBER service conditions (inflation pressure, load,
same axle. The speed capability of the MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (RMA). speed, road hazard injury, etc.) to which a
vehicle will become limited to that of the A COPY OF THIS BROCHURE CAN BE tire is subjected. Consumers should not rely
lowest speed rated tires. DOWNLOADED FROM THE RMA WEBSITE: solely on the appearance of the tire, but
www.rma.org/publications/consumer _ should be aware of any change in dynamic
Use of lift kits with some vehicle/tire
tire _ information performance such as increased air loss,
combinations can cause instability. When
changing tire sizes, always consult Dealer HOW TO READ A TIRE D.O.T. SERIAL noise or vibration, which could be a sign to
for optimum rim width and carefully check NUMBER remove the tire. Therefore, it is essential
vehicle/tire clearances. D.O.T. stands for Department of to have tires, including spares, inspected
regularly (at least monthly) for proper
RETREADED TIRES Transportation and the number is on the
inflation pressure, damage and treadwear.
lower sidewall of each tire to show that the
Retreaded passenger and light truck tires tire meets or exceeds the Department of Check your vehicle’s owner’s manual (or
are not warranted by Goodyear for any Transportation safety standards. your vehicle) to determine if it is equipped
reason. Speed ratings and U.S. Department Understanding Tire D.O.T. Numbers with run-flat (extended mobility) tires.
of Transportation test compliance If your vehicle is equipped with run-flat
certifications are voided for retreaded tires. 12-Digit # = 2000s Production / 11-Digit # = 1990s Production tires, the following applies:
M6 MJ EH0R 0911

Mfgr. Government Manufacturer Tire Build

Plant Code Size and Construction Date
Ply Code Code (9th week of 2011)

(Continued on next page)

MOBILITY TECHNOLOGY (EMT™), The Goodyear or Dunlop Run-Flat tire is a SYSTEM ALERT
RUNONFLAT® (ROF) AND DUNLOP SELF- high-performance tire with a remarkable The Goodyear or Dunlop Run-Flat tire can
SUPPORTING TECHNOLOGY (DSST®) feature: It can operate for limited distances be driven at low or zero air pressure (refer
ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT TIRES with very low or even no inflation pressure to your vehicle Owner’s Manual for these
IMPORTANT SAFETY (refer to your Vehicle Owner’s Manual for limitations). To help prolong the life of a tire
INFORMATION these limitations). This is an important operating under low-inflation conditions,
benefi t, especially if inflation loss occurs drive at a speed as far below 50 mph
OPERATIONAL MONITORING at a location where immediately stopping (80 kph) as possible. Also, drive the shortest
The information contained in this Limited your vehicle could be hazardous. distance possible before obtaining tire
Warranty Brochure applies only to the service. Taking these precautions will
Original Equipment tires supplied with
increase the chance that your tire will be
your vehicle. In order for Goodyear Run-
Flat (Extended Mobility Technology [EMT], Refer to your vehicle Owner’s Manual for
RunOnFlat [ROF]) or Dunlop Run-Flat more information on what to do if the tire SERVICE AFTER A SYSTEM ALERT
(Dunlop Self-Supporting Technology pressure warning system activates. To obtain service after operating under
[DSST]) tires to obtain the performance low-inflation conditions, contact your
criteria stated within this Limited Warranty, Goodyear or Dunlop Run-Flat service
If the tire pressure-monitoring system facility. Trained service personnel will
Goodyear or Dunlop Run-Flat tires must use signals an alert, follow these safety
specific parts, such as a low tire pressure- inspect your tires to determine if they are
precautions to prevent a loss of vehicle in need of repair or replacement. To locate
monitoring system authorized by the control that could result in serious personal
Original Equipment vehicle manufacturer. the nearest authorized Goodyear or Dunlop
injury or death: Run-Flat service facility, call
Slow your speed. Do not exceed 50 mph 1-800- GOODYEAR (1-800-466-3932).
(80 kph).
Avoid hard cornering, hard braking and
severe handling maneuvers.
Avoid potholes and other road hazards.
Remember that when your tires have
lost air pressure, your vehicle’s handling
capability is reduced, particularly during
severe maneuvers.

(Continued on next page)

Because of the unique characteristics Like any other Goodyear or Dunlop speed- INFORMATION, FIRST CONTACT THE
of Run-Flat tires, the wheels on which rated, high-performance tire, the Goodyear NEAREST GOODYEAR OR DUNLOP
they are mounted and your vehicle’s or Dunlop Run-Flat tire may be repaired to RETAILER.
tire pressure-monitoring system, all tire correct a puncture in the tread, but PROPER 1. For assistance in locating the nearest
service work other than routine inflation MATERIALS AND PROCEDURES MUST BE Goodyear or Dunlop Retailer, look in the
maintenance and external inspections USED. Contact a Goodyear or Dunlop Yellow Pages under Tire Dealers-New.
must be performed by service personnel Run-Flat service facility for information 2. Go to www.goodyear.com for U.S. or
at a Goodyear or Dunlop Run-Flat service on proper repairs. For the location of the www.goodyear.ca for Canada. For
facility. Do not attempt to mount or nearest facility, call 1-800-GOODYEAR Dunlop tires, go to www.dunloptires.com
demount Run-Flat tires yourself; serious (1-800- 466-3932). for U.S. & Canada.
injury or death could result. Only specially If additional assistance is required, call the
trained persons should mount, demount Customer Assistance Center at
and repair Run-Flat tires, and more than 40 Goodyear and Dunlop Run-Flat tires are
1-800-321-2136 for U.S. or 1-800-387-3288
psi (270 kPa) may be required to seat beads. designed for use only on certain original
for Canada.
A safety cage and clip-on extension air equipment wheels supplied with a properly
operating low tire pressure-monitoring Or write to:
hose must be used if more than 40 psi (270
system. If applied to a vehicle without Customer Assistance Center
kPa) is need to seat beads.
a properly operating low tire pressure- Dept. 728
monitoring system, the tires may fail when 200 Innovation Way
operated in an underinflated condition, Akron, OH 44316-0001
resulting in loss of vehicle control and
possible serious injury or death. Application
of these tires to a vehicle not equipped
with specified operational low tire pressure
monitoring system constitutes improper
and unsafe use of this product.

(Continued on next page)

The warrantor of the tires supplied as To obtain information on tire warranties
original equipment on your new Nissan and tire dealer service locations or for
vehicle is the tire manufacturer or tire customer service, contact the appropriate
distributor of your specific tires. Nissan warrantor listed above.
is NOT the warrantor of your original In order to obtain warranty service, you
equipment tires. The warrantor for each of must present the unserviceable tire to
the tire brands which may be installed as an authorized Nissan dealer or to an
original equipment on your new Nissan is authorized dealer of the warrantor in the
listed below. United States or Canada. Your Nissan
Bridgestone Firestone North American dealer will also assist you with your tire
Tire LLC service requirements or in obtaining
535 Marriott Dr. tire warranty service from the tire
Nashville, Tennessee 37214 manufacturer.
1-800-TIREBSA (1-800-847-3272)
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
(Goodyear and Dunlop Tires)
1144 E. Market Street
Akron, OH 44316
1-800-321-2136 (US)
1-800-387-3288 (Canada)
www.dunloptires.com (US & Canada)
The tire manufacturer’s warranty
statement for the specific tires supplied as
original equipment on your vehicle may be
found their website.
Please refer to the following pages for
important safety information.
Any tire, no matter how well constructed, Pressures should be checked when tires Underinflation produces extreme flexing
may fail due to improper maintenance or are cold. The tires are cold when your of the sidewalls and builds up heat which
service factors. This could create a risk vehicle has been driven less than a mile at may result in sudden tire destruction and
of property damage and serious or fatal moderate speed after being stopped for serious personal injury. Overinflating can
injury. Disregarding any of the safety three or more hours. cause the tire to be more susceptible to
precautions and instructions contained
in this manual may result in tire failure or
explosion causing serious personal injury TIRES ARE HOT LOAD LIMITS
or death. For your safety, comply with the If you must add air when your tires are DO NOT OVERLOAD. DRIVING ON ANY
following: hot, add four pounds per square inch (psi) OVERLOADED TIRE IS DANGEROUS. Never
(28 kPa) above the recommended cold air load your tires beyond the load carrying
TIRE INFLATION pressure. Recheck the inflation pressure limits molded into the sidewall of the
Keep tires inflated to the pressures when the tire is cold. tires or the maximum vehicle load limit
recommended on the tire data placard. as shown on the vehicle tire data placard,
For Example Only:
(See your OWNER’S MANUAL for location.) whichever is less. Overloading causes heat
These inflation pressures must be Gauge reading of hot tire: 32 psi to build up which can lead to sudden tire
maintained as a minimum. However, do If recommended pressure is: 30 psi failure and serious personal injury.
Desired gauge reading of hot tire 30 + 4 psi
not exceed the maximum pressure rating
indicated on the tire sidewall. = 34 psi SPEED LIMITS AND SPEED RATED
Check cold pressures as soon as possible,
TIRES ARE COLD, AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH air from hot tires as your tire will be Never operate your vehicle in excess of
BEFORE DRIVING. underinflated. Use an accurate tire gauge lawful speeds or the maximum speeds
to check pressures. Never allow children to justified by the driving conditions.
Failure to maintain correct inflation may Excessive speeds or racing can cause heat
air up tires.
result in improper vehicle handling and buildup in a tire leading to possible failure
may cause rapid and irregular tire wear, DRIVING ON ANY TIRE THAT DOES NOT
and serious personal injury.
sudden tire destruction, loss of vehicle HAVE THE CORRECT INFLATION PRESSURE
control and serious personal injury. IS DANGEROUS. For replacement tires, the Correct inflation pressure is especially
Therefore, inflation pressures should be correct inflation pressure will be provided important. However, at high speeds, even
checked at least once a month and always by your tire dealer. If not, refer to the with the correct inflation pressure, a road
prior to long distance trips. vehicle decal. hazard, for example, is more difficult to
avoid and if contact is made, there is a
greater chance of causing tire damage.

1 Provided by and published at the request of the tire manufacturers/warrantors. (Continued on next page)
than at the lower speed. Moreover, driving Speed ratings are based on laboratory
at high speed reduces the reaction time tests which relate to performance on
available to avoid accidents and bring your †Speed Speed Maximum the road, but are not applicable if tires
vehicle to a safe stop. Rating mph km/Hr are underinflated, overloaded, worn out,
If you see any damage to a tire or wheel, damaged, altered, improperly repaired,
M 81 130 or retreaded. Furthermore, tire speed
replace it with your spare tire and see your
tire dealer at once. N 87 140 ratings do not imply that vehicles can be
safely driven at the maximum speed for
Tire speed ratings do not imply that P 93 150 which the tire is rated, particularly under
a vehicle can be safely driven at the adverse road and weather conditions or
maximum speed for which the tire is rated. Q 99 160
if the vehicle has unusual characteristics.
In addition, some damages or improper R 106 170 Most highway passenger tires that do
repairs may cause a speed-rated tire to not have a speed symbol in the sidewall
lose its speed rating. Exceeding the tire’s S 112 180 have a maximum speed rating of 105 mph.
maximum speed rating will cause the tire Light truck highway tires that do not have
T 118 190
to build up excessive heat which can cause a speed symbol on the sidewall of the tire
tire damage that could result in sudden tire H 130 210 have a maximum speed of 87 mph. Some
destruction and rapid air loss. Failure to light truck tires may have higher maximum
control a vehicle with sudden air loss can V* 149 240
speeds; consult your tire dealer. The speed
lead to an accident. In any case, you should Z** 149 240 and other ratings of retreaded tires are
not exceed reasonable speeds as indicated
*Some V (or VR) rated tires may have a assigned by the retreader and voids the
by the legal limits and driving conditions.
speed capacity of greater than 149 mph original manufacturer’s ratings.
SPEED SYMBOLS - are shown on the (240 km/h). Consult your tire manufacturer IMPORTANT: In order to maintain the speed
sidewall of some tires. The following table for maximum speed ratings if your vehicle capability of the vehicle, replacement tires
shows the maximum speed corresponding capability exceeds this speed. must have speed ratings equal to or higher
to the symbol.
**Z (or ZR) rated tires are designed for use than those fitted as original equipment
on cars with maximum speed capabilities (as indicated on the vehicle placard or
in excess of 149 mph (240 km/h). Consult OWNER’S MANUAL). If tires with lower speed
your tire manufacturer for maximum speed ratings are fitted, the speed capability of
capabilities. the vehicle will be lowered to the maximum
speed capability of the replacement tire as
†Although a tire may be speed rated,
indicated on the above table.
we do not endorse the operation of any
vehicle in an unsafe or unlawful manner.
(Continued on next page)
Remember...High speed driving can be that one of your tires has lost pressure HAZARDS
dangerous and may be damaging to your of two pounds or more, look for signs
Objects in the road that threaten a tire
tires. of penetrations, valve leakage, or wheel
should be safely avoided. These objects are
And...When driving at highway speeds, damage that may account for the air loss.
potholes, glass, metal, rocks, wood debris
correct inflation pressure is especially All tires will wear out faster when subjected and the like. Unavoidable contact should
important. to high speeds as well as hard cornering, prompt a thorough tire inspection.
Contact the manufacturer of your tires rapid starts, sudden stops, frequent driving
You may not always recall hitting an object
for their position and assistance on the on roads which are in poor condition, and
that can damage or injure your tires. If
repair of speed-rated tires. When you are off-road use. Roads with holes and rocks or
while driving your vehicle experiences
replacing tires that have a speed rating, other objects can damage tires and cause
any unusual vibrations, ride disturbance
you must replace with tires of the same or misalignment of your vehicle. When you
or noise and/or you suspect that possible
higher speed rating if the speed capability drive on such roads, drive on them carefully
damage to the tires or vehicle has
of the vehicle is to be maintained. and slowly, and before driving again at
normal or highway speeds, examine your
VISUAL INSPECTION tires for any damage, such as cuts, bulges,
BRAKES! Rather reduce your speed and
drive with caution until you can safely pull
INSPECT YOUR TIRES. DO NOT DRIVE penetrations, unusual wear patterns, etc.
off the road. Stop and inspect the tires.
ON A DAMAGED TIRE OR WHEEL. TREAD WEAR INDICATORS (WEAR BARS): If the tire is underinflated or damaged,
Check your tires frequently for scrapes, Tires contain Tread Wear Indicators (Wear deflate, remove the tire and rim assembly
bulges, separations, cuts, snags, cracks, Bars) in the grooves of the tire tread which and replace it with your spare. If you
penetrations or excessive localized wear show up when only 2/32nds of an inch cannot detect a cause, have the vehicle
from hard braking. Also check for abnormal (1.6 mm) of tread is remaining. At this towed to the nearest vehicle or tire dealer
tire wear, particularly on the edges of stage, your tires must be replaced. Tires to have the vehicle inspected.
the tire tread which may be caused by worn beyond this stage are dangerous.
misalignment or underinflation. Impacts
* Provided by and published at the request
can damage the inner portion of the tire
of the tire manufacturers/warrantors.
without being visible on the outside. If
damage can be seen on the tires or wheels,
or if you suspect that possible impact
damage may have occurred, replace with
spare at once and have your tire store
or dealer inspect your tires immediately.
Use of a damaged tire could result in
tire destruction. When inspecting your
tires, including the spare, check your air
pressures. If your pressure check indicates (Continued on next page)
REPAIRING, MOUNTING AND substitute for a proper repair. Only qualified be replaced. If any tire has sustained a
DEMOUNTING OF TIRES persons should repair tires. puncture, have the tire inspected internally
Be sure that all your valves have suitable by a tire dealer for possible damage that
Do not attempt to repair, mount or may have occurred.
demount a tire yourself. Tire changing valve caps. This will keep valve cores clean
can be dangerous and must be done and clear and guard against leakage. Improper mounting and inflation
by professionally trained persons REPAIRS - WHENEVER POSSIBLE, SEE procedures can cause an explosion of
using proper tools and procedures as A TIRE DEALER AT ONCE. Some tire the tire/rim assembly. Only specially
specified by the Rubber Manufacturers manufacturers do not warrant any trained persons should perform these
Association (RMA). Follow these mounting inspection or repair process. The repair is tasks. Contact your tire store or dealer for
recommendations. Your tires should entirely the responsibility of the repairer. assistance.
be mounted on wheels of correct size Punctures in the tread of a passenger CAUTION - Never, under any
and type and which are in good, clean tire which do not exceed 1/4 of an inch (6 circumstance, introduce a flammable
condition. Bent, chipped or rusted wheels mm) in diameter can usually be repaired substance into a tire.
may cause tire damage. The inside of the
tire must be free from foreign materials.
by following the Rubber Manufacturer’s
Association (RMA) Passenger and Light
Have your dealer check the wheels before Truck Repair procedures. Contact the BALANCING
mounting new tires. Mismatched tires and manufacturer of your tires for its position Wheel alignment and balancing are
rims can explode during mounting. Also, and assistance as to the acceptable important for safety and maximum
mismatched tires and rims can result in location for a proper repair and the repair mileage from your tires. Check how your
dangerous tire failure on the road. If a tire is of speed rated tires. Do not use plug tires are wearing at least once a month.
mounted by error on the wrong-sized rim, repairs. They may cause further damage If your tires are wearing unevenly, such
do not remount it on the proper rim - scrap to the tire. They are not always air tight as the inside shoulder of the tire wearing
it. It may be damaged internally (which is and the plug may fail. Do not exceed faster than the rest of the tread, or if you
not externally visible) by being dangerously posted speed limits on any repaired tire. detect excessive vibration, your vehicle
stretched and could fail on the highway. Certain tire manufacturers speed ratings may be out of alignment or balance. These
Old valves may leak. When new tubeless are voided if the tire is repaired. conditions not only shorten the life of your
tires are mounted, have new valves of the Although a tire was properly repaired, tires, but adversely affect the handling
correct type installed. Tubeless tires must internal structural damage resulting characteristics of your vehicle which could
be mounted only on wheels designed from the puncture may have occurred. be dangerous. If you detect irregular wear
for tubeless tires, i.e., wheels which have Sometime later the damage may cause the or vibration, have your alignment and
safety humps or ledges. tire to be removed from service. balance checked immediately. Tires which
have been run underinflated will show
Never perform a temporary repair, use an If the tire has a puncture in the tread which more wear on the shoulders than in the
innertube or inject sealant as a permanent exceeds 1/4 inch (6 mm), the tire must center of the tread.
(Continued on next page)
HARD BRAKING the tread gauge becomes thinner and Tires which meet the Rubber
more vulnerable to the effects of road Manufacturer’s Association (RMA)
You must inspect your tires after any hard
hazards. Also, worn tires are more subject definition of mud and snow tires are
braking circumstances or after tires have
to hydroplaning, which can cause loss of marked M/S, M+S, M&S. On such tires,
slid on the pavement. This can cause a flat
control. Therefore, visual tire inspection this designation is molded into the
spot in a section of the tire tread.
becomes more crucial as the tires wear sidewall. Tires without this notation are
TIRE SPINNING out. not recommended for mud and/or snow
Never spin your tires above a speedometer WORN TIRES driving.
reading of 35 mph (55 km/h) if your If snow tires are needed, it is necessary
Never drive on worn tires. Tires should
vehicle becomes stuck. The centrifugal to select tires equivalent in size and load
be replaced by trained personnel when
force generated by the free spinning tire/ rating to the original equipment tires.
2/32nds of an inch tread depth remains,
wheel assembly may cause a sudden tire Always fit performance snow tires in sets of
as indicated by the tread wear indicators
explosion, resulting in vehicle damage and/ four (4) for optimum mud & snow traction
molded into the tread grooves. In most
or serious personal injury or death. Never and maintenance of vehicle handling
states, it is illegal to drive with less than
allow anyone to stand near or behind a tire characteristics. If you do not, it may
2/32nds of an inch of tread remaining.
spinning at high speed while attempting to adversely affect the safety and handling of
push a vehicle that is stuck. When in mud, TIRE MIXING your vehicle. It is also important to check
sand, snow, ice or other slippery conditions, For best performance select tires similar the vehicle OWNER’S MANUAL before
do not indulge in excessive wheel spin. in size and load rating to the original mixing or matching tires on 4-wheel
In such conditions, with automatic equipment tires. It is recommended that drive vehicles as this may require special
transmission vehicles, by accelerating the the same size and type of tire be used on precautions.
engine excessively, it is possible to spin all four wheel positions. In certain tires, Please refer to your OWNER’S MANUAL
one of the drive tires beyond its speed casing ply material and ply construction for more information on tire replacement
capability. This is also true when balancing may vary as indicated on the sidewall precautions.
a drive tire/wheel assembly using the of the tire. When changing or replacing
engine of the vehicle to spin the wheel. tires, it is preferred that all four tires are
TIRE TREAD the same construction type (i.e., High Tires on your Nissan vehicle should be
Performance, All Season, Mud & Snow) rotated every 7,500 miles or as irregular
Tires must be replaced when the depth wear develops. If irregular wear becomes
and construction (Radial or Bias Ply).
of the tread reaches 2/32 inch (1.6 mm). apparent or if the wear rate on the tires
Before mixing tires of different types on
Tires are manufactured with tread wear is perceptibly uneven, the tires should
a vehicle in any configuration, be sure to
indicators molded into the tire grooves be rotated in such a way to alleviate
check the vehicle OWNER’S MANUAL for its
which indicate tread wearout. As tires the problem. Check your vehicle for
approximate 2/32 inch (1.6 mm) wearout,
(Continued on next page)
any mechanical problems and correct TIRE STORAGE To Avoid Damage to your Tires and
if necessary. Any rotation pattern or
All tires should be stored in a cool dry place Possible Accident:
procedure may be followed including those
indoors so that there is no danger of water
indicated in the OWNER’S MANUAL. Some Check tire pressure at least once
collecting inside them.
tires have arrows on the sidewall showing a month when tires are cold and
the direction in which the tire should turn. When tires are stored they should be before long trips.
When rotating this type of tire, care must stored in a cool place away from sources
be taken to maintain the proper turning of heat and ozone such as hot pipes and Do not underinflate/overinflate.
direction as indicated by the arrows. Some electric generators. Be sure that surfaces Do not overload.
vehicles have different tire sizes specified on which tires are stored are clean and free
for front and rear axles. Tires on these from grease, gasoline or other substances Drive at moderate speeds, observe
vehicles should not be rotated side to side which could deteriorate the rubber. (Tires legal limits.
(unless they are non-directional). Where exposed to these materials during storage Avoid driving over potholes,
a temporary type spare tire is available, it or driving could be subject to sudden obstacles, curbs or edges of
should not be included in the tire rotation failure.) pavement.
schedule. Such tires are intended for
temporary use only. Whenever only two Avoid excessive wheel spinning.
tires are replaced, the new tires should be If you see any damage to a tire,
put on the rear axle of vehicles equipped replace with spare and see the
with the same size tire on all four wheel tire manufacturer’s dealer or your
positions. Nissan dealership.
Do not perform any alterations on your For further information, the Consumer Tire
tires. Alterations may prevent proper Guide on passenger tire care, safety and
performance, leading to tire damage, mileage performance is available in the
which can result in an accident. Tires which United States by writing the Tire Industry
become unserviceable due to alterations Safety Council, Box 1801, Washington, D.C.
such as truing, whitewall inlays, addition 20013.
of balancing or sealant liquids, may be
excluded from warranty coverage. Consult
your tire warranty.
WHAT IS COVERED Disc Player/Auto Changer supplied by Lack of performance of required
Nissan is covered for 12 months from the maintenance services as outlined in
Nissan2 warrants to correct defects in
time of installation or the balance of the your OWNER’S MANUAL.
materials or workmanship in all Genuine
Basic Vehicle Warranty as it applies to Use of improper or dirty fluids or
Nissan replacement parts and Genuine
audio components, whichever is greater. lubricants.
Nissan accessories, distributed by Nissan
North America in the United States, WHAT IS NOT COVERED Normal wear and tear, including dings,
installed and used on Nissan (if an This warranty does not cover: dents, chips or scratches.
appropriate use and application of the
1. Tires. These items are covered by 4. SALVAGE TITLE. This warranty does not
part or accessory) vehicles only, except as
separate warranties. cover damage, failures or corrosion
described under the caption below, “WHAT
2. Normal maintenance service and to any Nissan replacement part or
parts replacement as outlined in the Genuine Nissan Accessory, installed
This warranty covers any repairs needed in the vehicle, if the vehicle is issued a
maintenance schedule of your OWNER’S
to correct defects in materials or “salvage” or similar title. (This exclusion
workmanship. does not extend to new Genuine Nissan
3. Damage or failures of parts resulting
replacement parts or Genuine Nissan
accessories, installed in a Nissan vehicle
Except for replacement audio components, Misuse (your OWNER’S MANUAL is your after the issuance of a “salvage” or
this warranty is for 12 months or 12,000 guide to proper use). similar title.)
miles from the date of installation or Accident, theft, fire, driving through
purchase, whichever is earlier. However, the water resulting in water ingestion.
warranty on Genuine Nissan replacement In order to obtain warranty service
parts and Genuine Nissan accessories Chemical fallout, tree sap, salt, sand,
you must deliver the warranted part
installed during the Nissan New Vehicle hail, flood or other environmental
or accessory, or the vehicles, on which
Limited Warranty will extend through, and conditions.
the part or accessory is installed, to an
will not end before, the end of that original Modification or improper repair of the authorized Nissan Ariya certified dealer
warranty. part or of the vehicle in which the part in the United States or Canada at your
REPLACEMENT AUDIO COMPONENTS is installed. expense with proof of purchase (parts
Use of parts not equivalent in quality invoice or service repair order from an
A replacement Radio, Amplifier, Navigation
or design to parts supplied by Nissan. authorized Nissan dealer).
Unit, Bluetooth, Control Unit or Compact

1 Actual warranty is provided by the dealer at time of purchase and should be read carefully. This warranty is subject to change and the applicable warranty will be that which is in
eff ect on the date of purchase.
2 Nissan indicates Nissan North America, Inc., P.O. Box 685003, Franklin, TN 37068-5003 which distributes and provides consumer services for Nissan Vehicles in the United States.
(Continued on next page)
You must also pay for labor charges to
LIMITATION OF WARRANTIES AND OTHER remove and replace the part or accessory
WARRANTY TERMS AND STATE LAW if it was not originally installed on your
RIGHTS vehicle by an authorized Nissan dealer.
If the part or accessory to be repaired
This warranty does not cover was originally installed by an authorized
incidental or consequential damages Nissan dealer, it will be removed and
such as loss of the use of the vehicle, reinstalled after repair at no charge for
inconvenience or commercial loss. parts and labor. If the part or accessory
ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF was not installed by an authorized Nissan
MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR dealer, the part or accessory will be
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL BE repaired or exchanged only. Any needed
LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS parts replacement will be made using
WRITTEN WARRANTY. Genuine Nissan or Nissan approved new
or remanufactured parts. Nissan reserves
Some states do not allow the the right to make changes at any time,
exclusion or limitation of incidental or without notice, to production and service
consequential damages or limitations parts in their specifications, colors,
on how long an implied warranty lasts, and materials, including those used in
so the above limitations or exclusions connection with warranty repairs. For this
may not apply to you. This warranty reason, when approved by Nissan and at
gives you specific legal rights, and you Nissan’s discretion, functionally equivalent
may also have other rights, which vary replacement parts may be used that do
from state to state. not exactly match the original production
Nissan2 does not authorize any person part.
to create for it any other warranty,
obligation or liability in connection with
this vehicle.
WHAT IS COVERED 5. Cleaning and polishing agents, chemicals,
and solvents, including improper LIMITATION OF WARRANTIES AND OTHER
Nissan2 warrants to the first retail
undercoating or use of other rust WARRANTY TERMS AND STATE LAW
purchaser (“Original Repairing Vehicle
prevention materials. RIGHTS
Owner”), that Nissan will either repair or
replace the Genuine Nissan Outer Sheet WHAT YOU MUST DO EXTRA EXPENSES - LIMITATIONS OF
Metal Panels you install or have installed on The purchaser must present the Nissan DAMAGES
Lifetime Replacement Panel Corrosion
your Nissan vehicle should the purchased This warranty does not cover
Warranty Form, original receipts and/or
panels develop inside out rust through incidental or consequential damages
repair orders, and personal identification to
corrosion perforation. Replacement sheet such as loss of the use of the vehicle,
a Nissan Ariya certified dealership in order
metal panels must be installed on vehicles inconvenience or commercial loss.
owned and operated in the United States to invoke this warranty. The dealership
will then authorize the replacement of the ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF
and Canada. Nissan warrants to the
panels at a Nissan dealership’s collision MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR
Original Repairing Vehicle Owner that the
repair shop or an independent collision A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL BE
replacement and refinishing of panels will
be carried out at no cost to the Original
Repairing Vehicle Owner subject to the WHAT NISSAN WILL DO WRITTEN WARRANTY.
exclusions listed. Nissan will pay for the cost of the repair, Some states do not allow the
WHAT IS NOT COVERED including parts, labor, paint, and supplies exclusion or limitation of incidental or
necessary to repair or replace and refinish consequential damages or limitations
This warranty becomes void when damage the panels purchased. on how long an implied warranty lasts,
results from: Only authorized Nissan dealership so the above limitations or exclusions
1. Accidents, collision, faulty installation, personnel or authorized Nissan personnel may not apply to you. This warranty
or any alteration to the panel, panels, or can approve a repair or replacement under gives you specific legal rights, and you
vehicle that could be reasonably expected this warranty. Nissan will pay for the cost of may also have other rights which vary
to aff ect the performance of the covered the repair, including parts, labor, paint, and from state to state.
panels. supplies necessary to repair or replace and Nissan2 does not authorize any person
2. Environmental pollution or conditions, refinish the panels purchased. to create for it any other warranty,
including acid rain, hail, or lightning. The repair may be completed at an obligation or liability in connection with
3. Vehicle neglect, abuse, or use of the vehicle authorized Nissan dealership’s collision this vehicle.
for unintended purposes. repair shop or an independent collision
4. Stone chips, scratches, or other paint repair shop that will install Genuine Nissan
damage that lead to surface rust damage. replacement parts.
1 Actual warranty is provided by the dealer at time of purchase and should be read carefully. This warranty is subject to change and the applicable warranty will be that which is in
eff ect on the date of purchase.
2 Nissan indicates Nissan North America, Inc., P.O. Box 685003, Franklin, TN 37068-5003, which distributes Nissan vehicles in the United States.

WHO IS THE WARRANTOR installation of any non-Nissan parts, • Parts installed on a vehicle that
equipment, materials or additives. has had its odometer or emissions
Nissan2 warrants NISSAN GENUINE and
• The costs of repairing damage or systems tampered with or
VALUE ADVANTAGE® brake products
conditions caused by fire or accident; disconnected, or that has been
(Brake Pads, Brake Rotors, Brake Drums,
by abuse, negligence or misuse; by declared a total loss by any insurance
and Brake Shoes) of your Nissan vehicle
improper adjustment, alteration or company, or is rebuilt after being
supplied by Nissan.
failure to maintain the vehicle on declared a total loss; or is issued a
WHAT IS COVERED AND FOR HOW which parts are installed; or corrosion certificate of title indicating that it
LONG or damage caused by the use of is designated as “salvage,” “junk,”
NISSAN GENUINE and VALUE ADVANTAGE® caustic materials. “rebuilt” or words of similar import.
brake products (Brake Pads, Brake Rotors, • Parts installed on a vehicle used for Warranty coverage will be denied
Brake Drums, and Brake Shoes) are racing or competition, nor do they without notice if found that a vehicle
warranted against defects in workmanship cover the repair of any damage is ineligible for warranty coverage
and/or materials for 36 months/36,000 or conditions caused by racing or because it has been salvaged or
miles, whichever occurs first, for both parts competition. declared a total loss as set forth in
and labor. this paragraph.
• The costs of repairing or replacing
any part due to damage caused • Any incidental or consequential
Brake products sold over-the-counter for
by poor or improper maintenance, damages connected with the
independent repair facility (IRF) or owner
contaminated fuels, or the use of failure of the part under warranty.
installation are warranted against defects
fuels, oils, lubricants or fluids of a type Such damages include lost time;
in workmanship or materials for 36 months
other than those recommended in inconvenience; the loss of the use of
or 36,000 miles, whichever occurs first, for
your Owner’s Manual. your vehicle; the cost of rental cars,
parts (exchange) only.
towing, gasoline, telephone, travel
• The costs of damage caused by
WHAT IS NOT COVERED environmental factors or Acts of God.
or lodging; the loss of personal or
• Normal wear, tear or maintenance of commercial property; or the loss
“Environmental factors” include such
the component(s). of revenue. This warranty does not
items as airborne fallout, chemicals,
cover applicable taxes.
• Non-Nissan parts, components or tree sap, salt, ocean spray and road
equipment. hazards. “Acts of God” include such Some states do not allow the exclusion or
• The cost(s) of any repairs or things as hail, floods, windstorms, limitation of incidental or consequential
adjustments that might be caused lightning, tornadoes, sandstorms and damages, so the above limitations or
by or needed because of the use or earthquakes. exclusions may not apply to you.

1 Actual warranty is provided by the dealer at time of purchase and should be read carefully. This warranty is subject to change and the applicable warranty will be that which is in
eff ect on the date of purchase.
2 Nissan indicates Nissan North America, Inc., P.O. Box 685003, Franklin, TN 37068-5003, which distributes Nissan vehicles in the United States. (Continued on next page)
You must take the vehicle to an authorized WARRANTY TERMS AND STATE LAW
Nissan dealer in the United States or RIGHTS
Canada during regular business hours
at your expense in order to obtain EXTRA EXPENSES - LIMITATIONS OF
warranty service. Please visit Nissanusa. DAMAGES
com to obtain the names and address of This warranty does not cover
authorized Nissan dealers nearest to you. incidental or consequential damages
such as loss of the use of the vehicle,
inconvenience or commercial loss.
Some states do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages or limitations
on how long an implied warranty lasts,
so the above limitations or exclusions
may not apply to you. This warranty
gives you specific legal rights, and you
may also have other rights, which vary
from state to state.
Nissan does not authorize any person
to create for it any other warranty,
obligation or liability in connection with
this vehicle.

WHAT IS COVERED AND FOR HOW date of installation or purchase, whichever

LONG is earlier. In no case shall the warranty
from defects in material or workmanship
Nissan2 warrants to correct defects end prior to the end of the applicable RIGHTS
in materials or workmanship, or for Nissan New Vehicle Limited Warranty on EXTRA EXPENSES - LIMITATIONS OF
failure due to normal wear and tear, of the Nissan vehicle on which the parts are DAMAGES
all replacement Genuine Nissan vehicle installed, had the part(s) been installed in
suspension system shock absorbers This warranty does not cover
the vehicle at manufacture.
and strut assemblies installed on incidental or consequential
Nissan vehicles only, except as described damages such as loss of the use of
under the caption below, “WHAT IS NOT a vehicle, substitute transportation,
COVERED”. THE LIFETIME FEATURE OF inconvenience or commercial loss.
parts are purchased and paid for by the MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR
owner of the vehicle on which they are A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL BE
installed, and only if they are installed by LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS
an authorized Nissan dealer, for as long as WRITTEN WARRANTY.
the original purchaser of the replacement
Some states do not allow the
shock absorber and/or strut assembly
exclusion or limitation of incidental or
owns the Nissan vehicle on which the parts
consequential damages or limitations
are installed.
on how long an implied warranty lasts,
IMPORTANT: The lifetime feature of this so the above limitations may not apply
warranty does not apply to parts (a) paid to you. This warranty gives you specific
for in whole or in part by Nissan, to include legal rights, and you may also have other
warranty replacement, campaigns or rights which vary from state to state.
goodwill adjustments, or (b) which are paid
Nissan2 does not authorize any person
for under the terms of any service contract.
to create for it any other warranty,
Such parts are instead warranted against
obligation or liability in connection with
defects in material or workmanship only
the part(s) subject to this express limited
(but not failure due to normal wear and
tear) for 12 months or 12,000 miles from the
1 Actual warranty is provided by the dealer at time of purchase and should be read carefully. This warranty is subject to change and the applicable warranty will be that which is in
eff ect on the date of purchase.
2 Nissan indicates Nissan North America, Inc., P.O. Box 685003, Franklin, TN 37068-5003 which provides consumer service for Nissan vehicles in the United States.
(Continued on next page)
WHAT IS NOT COVERED authorized Nissan Ariya certified dealer
in the United States) and personal
This warranty does not cover:
identification (driver’s license, etc.) to any
1. Damage or failure(s) of parts resulting authorized Nissan Ariya certified dealer in
from: the United States.
guide to proper use.)
If the lifetime feature of this warranty
Accident, theft, fire, driving through applies to a Genuine Nissan Original
water. Equipment shock absorber or strut
Salt, sand, flood or other assembly it will be removed and reinstalled
environmental conditions. after repair at an authorized Nissan dealer
Modification or improper repair of the at no charge for parts or labor.
part or of the vehicle in which the part Otherwise a warranted Genuine Nissan
is installed. Original Equipment shock absorber or
Use of parts not equivalent in quality strut assembly will be exchanged only
or design to parts supplied by Nissan. unless you can provide proof that it was
originally installed by a Nissan dealer,
2. Salvage Title. This warranty does in which case it will be removed and
not apply and is rendered VOID if the reinstalled after repair at no charge to you
vehicle is issued a “salvage,” “flood,” for parts or labor during the term of the
or similar title under any state’s law warranty. Any needed parts replacement
after the part(s) is purchased unless or exchange will be made using new or
state law expressly states otherwise. remanufactured parts at Nissan’s option.
(This exclusion does not extend to new
Genuine Nissan shock absorbers or strut
assemblies purchased and installed
in the vehicle after the issuance of a
“salvage,” “flood,” or similar title.)
In order to obtain lifetime limited warranty
service, bring your vehicle, proof-of-
purchase (service repair order from an
WHAT IS COVERED? This warranty and the pro-rata adjustment Modification or improper repair of the
end 84 months after the date of the vehicle or a part of the vehicle.
Nissan2 warrants your Genuine Nissan
12V battery’s purchase or installation, Use of parts not equivalent in quality
Replacement 12V Battery as described
whichever is earlier. However, the warranty or design to parts supplied by Nissan.
below except as stated under “What is not
on a Genuine Nissan replacement 12V
covered?” Environmental conditions, including,
battery installed during the Nissan New
This warranty covers defects in materials Vehicle Limited Warranty will extend but not limited to flood, and salt spray
and workmanship3 . through, and will not end before, the end of or salt water.
HOW LONG IS THE WARRANTY that original warranty. 2. Normal maintenance service and
AND WHAT WILL NISSAN DO WHAT IS NOT COVERED? recharging of discharged batteries.
If your 12V battery becomes unserviceable This warranty does not cover: 3. 12V batteries in service more than 84
within the first 24 months of service Nissan months.
1. Damage or failure resulting from:
will replace your 12V battery, including 4. Salvage Title. This warranty does not
labor, without charge, providing the 12V Accident, theft, fire or freezing. cover damage, failure, or corrosion to
battery was originally installed in your Misuse of the 12V battery or vehicle any Genuine Nissan 12V battery installed
vehicle by an authorized Nissan dealer. in which it is installed, including use in the vehicle, if the vehicle is issued
If the 12V battery becomes unserviceable in applications for which the 12V a “salvage” or similar title under any
after 24 months of use, Nissan will provide battery was not designed. Proper use state’s law, and this warranty is rendered
a replacement 12V battery at a reduced is described in the vehicles OWNER’S void for any 12V battery installed in a
price. The amount that Nissan will cover MANUAL. vehicle prior to the vehicle being issued
will decline over time until the 84 month a “salvage” or similar title unless state
Improper installation or 12V battery
mark. This is called a “pro-rata adjustment.” law expressly states otherwise. (This
You will be responsible for all labor charges exclusion does not extend to a new
Vehicle electrical malfunctions not Genuine Nissan 12V battery installed
for the replacement of the 12V battery. covered by your New Vehicle Limited in the vehicle after the issuance of a
Warranty. “salvage” or similar title).

1Actual warranty is provided by the dealer at time of purchase and should be read carefully. This warranty is subject to change and the applicable warranty will be that which is in
eff ect on the date of purchase.
2 NISSAN indicates Nissan North America, Inc. PO Box 685003, Franklin, TN 37068-5003, which distributes Nissan vehicles and provides related consumer services in the United States
of America.
3 Does not apply to Lithium-Ion Battery; see Lithium-Ion Warranty. (Continued on next page)
WHAT YOU MUST DO Customer Pay Percentage
In order to obtain warranty service, you OTHER WARRANTY TERMS AND STATE
must deliver the warranted 12V battery Months In LAW RIGHTS REGARDING EXTRA
or the vehicle in which the 12V battery is Service (Based Nissan Part EXPENSES/LIMITATIONS OF DAMAGES
installed to an authorized Nissan Ariya on Replacement Coverage % Labor
This warranty does not cover
certified dealer in the U.S. or Canada at Battery (pro-rata)
incidental or consequential damages
your expense, with proof of purchase (parts Purchase Date)
such as, but not limited to, loss of
invoice or service repair order from an wages or loss of use of the vehicle,
authorized Nissan dealer). The names and 0-24 Months 0% 0% inconvenience, or commercial loss.
addresses of authorized Nissan dealers can
be found at www.NissanUSA.com. 25-32 Months 25% ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF
If the “pro-rata adjustment” applies, you 33-50 Months 50% 100%
must pay for the applicable portion of the TO THE DURATION OF THE LIMITED
cost of the 12V replacement battery. 51-84 Months 75%
The amount you pay is computed in two Some states do not allow the
steps: exclusion or limitation of incidental or
• First, the customer pay percentage consequential damages or limitations,
is determined from the chart shown so the above limitations or exclusions
below based upon the months of may not apply to you. This warranty
actual battery service. gives you specific legal rights, and you
• Second, the current suggested retail may also have other rights, which may
price of the new battery is multiplied vary from state to state.
by the customer pay percentage. For Nissan2 does not authorize any person
example, should the battery fail after to create for it any other warranty,
40 months of service you would pay obligation or liability in connection with
50% of the suggested retail price of this vehicle.
the new battery.
Nissan North America, Inc. and your Nissan North America, Inc., has a total of 12
Nissan dealer realize that there are Parts Distribution Centers (PDCs). There are
numerous sources for parts and 9 Dealer facing PDCs. These facing PDCs
accessories in today’s automotive parts stock the fastest moving part numbers.
aftermarket. However, Genuine Nissan There is also 1 centrally located Collision
parts and accessories are designed and Center (CC) stocking larger parts needed
manufactured to meet the same factory fit, for collision repairs. This CC provides
performance and quality specifications of additional inventory needed to support
your Nissan vehicle. the repairs of customer’s vehicles that
The Parts Department of your Nissan have been damaged due to collisions. The
dealership maintains a complete inventory plan is to stock enough part numbers
of high quality Genuine Nissan new and to fill 97% of the Dealer order lines from
remanufactured replacement parts - these PDCs. Nissan’s PDC in Memphis,
parts that are backed by one of the most Tennessee is the Low Volume Center (LVC)
comprehensive parts warranties available which stocks the remaining parts to fill the
in the automotive industry today. remaining 3% of the Dealer order lines. This
LVC services all Nissan dealers nationally.
To ensure that your warranty, maintenance The Nissan Parts Redistribution Center
and repair parts requirements are satisfied in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, processes North
as quickly as possible, Nissan and the American supplier receipts and expedites
Nissan dealer organization maintain a high priority back ordered parts direct
combined inventory consisting of several to dealers. All Nissan parts distribution
hundred million dollars worth of readily facilities are linked via a computer system
available parts and popular accessories. which searches and fills orders to ensure
In the event a critical part is required that coordinated parts ordering, inventory and
is not stocked by your local dealership, distribution of available parts.
Nissan’s ordering system includes a
computerized means of ensuring the The Nissan name represents quality and
quickest possible shipment to Nissan a commitment to your satisfaction as a
dealers by the use of expeditious handling valued customer. So when you select parts
and premium transportation - all of which or accessories for your Nissan vehicle,
is supported by one of the most extensive see your Nissan dealer. Only Nissan builds
and efficient parts distribution systems in Genuine Nissan replacement parts and
the United States. accessories to exact factory specifications.
In order to help protect your vehicle This corrosion warranty does not cover
against corrosion, it is important that you non-Genuine sheet metal parts or
care for your vehicle regularly, following damage caused by the installation of
these suggestions: such non-Genuine sheet metal parts.
Wash your vehicle regularly using cold SEE YOUR OWNER’S MANUAL FOR FURTHER
clean water and a mild vehicle wash DETAILS.
If insects, tar or other similar deposits
have accumulated on your vehicle, wash
it as soon as possible.
If you drive on salted or dust controlled
roads, or if you drive near the ocean,
hose off the under carriage at least once
a month.
It is important that the drain holes in
the lower edges of the doors and rocker
panels be kept clear.
If you detect any stone chips or
scratches in the paint, touch them up
If you do much driving on gravel roads,
consider installing mud or stone shields
behind each wheel.
If your Nissan is damaged due to an
accident or similar cause which destroys
the paint and protective coating,
have your vehicle repaired as soon as
possible. The cost of such repairs is
considered the responsibility of the
ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE service, etc., can be performed on-site Meals
so that you can be on the road again as Lodging
Included with your Nissan purchase,
soon as possible. Any charges for the
Roadside Assistance Benefits are available Substitute transportation
replacement of keys or non-warranty
to you, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for Costs to reunite the vehicle and owner,
items will be your responsibility at the
emergency roadside assistance should the after warranty repairs have been
time of the repair or service. Whenever
need arise for any of the following items: completed
possible, flatbed (towing) service will be
Mechanical Breakdown dispatched for mechanical disablements The Roadside Assistance Representative,
Tire Failure or accident/collisions which render the (toll free number 1-877–NO GAS EV
vehicle inoperative. There is no charge (1–877–664–2738), will explain Emergency
Accident/Collision (One-way tow, loaner
for on-site or towing while within the Travel Expense/Trip Interruption benefi ts
vehicle not included)
parameters for Roadside benefi ts as in detail and provide authorization of
Out of charge appropriate benefits. In most situations
defi ned under Coverage. Roadside
Lock-out service you may be required to pay for these
Assistance will arrange to transport
HOW TO USE ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE the vehicle to the nearest Nissan Ariya benefi ts initially. If so, the representative
Should one of the disablements listed certifi ed dealer. Warranty covered repairs will provide instructions for reimbursement
above occur, simply call the toll free will be provided for under the terms of procedures. You must keep records of
number, 1-877–NO GAS EV (1–877–664– the applicable Nissan New Vehicle Limited these expenses and submit them upon
2738), and advise the Roadside Assistance Warranty. However, any non-warranty request. Emergency Travel Expense/Trip
Representative of your name, the vehicle or accident/collision repairs will be your Interruption Benefits are not available
identification number (VIN) of your car, your responsibility. for accident/collision and/or other non-
location, and the nature of the problem. warrantable disablements.
Note: You may be required to sign a
The VIN can be found imprinted on a plate receipt at the time of disablement to COVERAGE
affixed to the upper dashboard on the acknowledge receipt of the Roadside Roadside Assistance is provided from the
driver’s side of your vehicle. Assistance service rendered. date the vehicle is delivered to the first
ON-SITE AND TOWING SERVICE EMERGENCY TRAVEL EXPENSE/TRIP retail buyer or otherwise put into use,
Depending on the type of vehicle INTERRUPTION BENEFITS whichever is earlier, for a period of 36
problem you are experiencing, the months/36,000 miles, whichever comes
If you experience a mechanical breakdown first.
Roadside Assistance Representative more than 100 miles from your primary
will determine the appropriate roadside residence, you may be eligible for the Roadside Assistance is available to anyone
assistance and/or flatbed (towing) service following reasonable trip interruption operating a Nissan Ariya vehicle with the
to be dispatched. In most cases, minor benefi ts: authorization of the owner. (For purpose
disablement services such as lockout of Roadside Assistance benefits, “owner”
(Continued on next page)
includes the lessee of a leased vehicle.) Roadside Assistance offers you AutoValet
These services are transferable with the (Concierge), which will assist in arranging
resale of the vehicle for the time remaining for the following services:
on the Roadside Assistance coverage Hotel Reservations
period. Roadside Assistance is available Assistance locating emergency lodging
throughout all 50 states. when away from home at a hotel that
Towing best fits your needs.
Roadside Assistance provides towing Airline Information
service for the period of 60 months/60,000 Assistance obtaining flight information,
miles, whichever comes first.. e.g. flight times and fares.
EXCLUSIONS Alternate Transportation
Assistance obtaining rental vehicles or
Roadside Assistance is not a warranty
and is not provided under any Nissan taxi service.
warranty, but is a service which is provided Enhanced Directory Assistance
to you as part of the purchase of a Nissan Assistance locating nearby service
Ariya to minimize any unforeseen vehicle station. ATM, and/or bank and provide
operation inconvenience. Potential liability telephone and address information.
is expressly limited to the cost of the
listed benefits and does not extend to Message Relay
incidental or consequential damages such we will attempt to contact those
as loss of use inconvenience, loss of pay, or persons for whom telephone numbers
commercial loss. are provided in order to relay messages.
Roadside Assistance benefits exclude any All third-party cost associated with these
costs related to repairs, parts replacement, benefi ts are the customer’s responsibility.
labor, etc. which are incurred as a result of Roadside Assistance is offered for
accident/collision, vehicle abuse, racing,
vandalism or other items not covered by emergency roadside assistance only.
the Nissan New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Any abuse of this benefit may lead to
Also excluded are services for snow tires, suspension or cancellation of the service.
repair to studs, mounting or demounting
of snow chains, and any fines, fees or taxes
which are associated with impound towing
as a result of actual or alleged violation of
any laws or regulations.

LONG TERM PROTECTION FOR Just a few of its major features: 5. Customer assistance is available
YOUR NISSAN... 1. With Security+Plus® Extended throughout the U.S. at any Nissan
Protection Plan, you can choose dealership, or by calling 1-800-NISSAN
For extra peace of mind, you can choose (1-800-647-7261).
from a full suite of Nissan Security+Plus® coverage for up to 8 years/120,000
Assurance Products to protect your miles to help guard against rising 6. 0% financing is available for Extended
investment in new or pre-owned repair costs. Protection Plans and Prepaid
Nissan vehicles, including: Extended 2. Repairs are performed at participating Maintenance Plans.
Protection Plan, Prepaid Maintenance Nissan dealerships throughout the YOU SIMPLY CAN’T GET BETTER LONG-
Plan, Appearance Protection, Tire & Wheel U.S., excluding U.S. Territories. Repairs TERM PROTECTION FOR YOUR MONEY
Protection Plan, Theft Protection Plan, at these dealerships are performed THAN WITH NISSAN SECURITY+PLUS®!
Key Replacement Plan, and our bundled by factory-trained technicians using For details, please contact your authorized
Platinum Protection Plan that provides Genuine Nissan or Nissan-approved Nissan dealer, visit nissanusa.com or
Tire and Wheel Road Hazard Protection, new or remanufactured parts to complete the attached business reply card
Paintless Dent Repair, Windshield Repair, maintain your vehicle in top running (no postage necessary) and mail it to:
and Emergency Roadside Assistance. condition.
Nissan Security+Plus® Headquarters
Backed by Nissan and designed exclusively 3. Payment-free service, other than your P.O. Box 685004 (A-6-G)
for Nissan owners, our Extended Protection deductible (if applicable). Dealers are Franklin, TN 37068-9965
Plan and Prepaid Maintenance Plan are paid directly by Nissan.
We will send you a complete information
available in a variety of coverage levels and 4. All Security+Plus® Extended Protection
packet—the quicker you act, the sooner
time and mileage intervals, enabling you Plans are transferable to subsequent
you can enjoy the full protection of a
to customize a plan to suit your personal owners, thus ensuring flexibility
Nissan Security+Plus® service contract.
driving habits and length of ownership. of your investment and helping to
Nissan Security+Plus® Assurance Products enhance the resale value of your
provide you with quality long-term Nissan.
protection and enhanced peace of mind.

Owner’s Name


City State Zip Code


Vehicle Identification

Date of Delivery

Selling Dealer Name Mileage at Delivery


City State Zip Code


Policy No. Expiration Date

Months of Coverage Expiration Mileage

Security+Plus® coverage must be confirmed. See your Security+Plus® Agreement for details.


Date Mileage

Dealer’s Name


City State Zip Code

Note: Read this booklet carefully and keep it in your vehicle. Present it to an authorized
NISSAN dealer when warranty service is required. It should remain with your
vehicle when you sell it so subsequent owners will know of any remaining
warranty coverage.
Printing : December 2022
Publication No.: WB23EA 0FE0U2

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