MST-201 BG Unit Test 2 - 2021
MST-201 BG Unit Test 2 - 2021
MST-201 BG Unit Test 2 - 2021
a) Jijnaasu
b) Arthaarthi
c) Jnaani
d) Aarta
a) Nava-vidha-bhakti Maarga
b) Ashta-vidha-bhakti Maarga
c) Sapta-vidha-bhakti Maarga
d) Dasha-vidha-bhakti Maarga
7. Dhyana is a technique to – *
1 point
a) Lose the sense of the Knower-Known-Knowing
b) Destroy all forms of thoughts and become nullified
c) Integrate the individual self with the universal self
d) All of the above
8. As per Bhagavad gita, Yoga becomes ________ to those who eat more or eat less
and sleep more or sleep less – *
1 point
a) Irritable
b) Unreachable
c) Intolerable
d) All of the above
9. Death is the ______ stage amongst the six stages of gross-body’s transformation – *
1 point
a) Fifth
b) Last
c) Fourth
d) None of the above
11. The separated eight material energies of Shree Krishna are divided into – *
1 point
13. Amongst the four kinds of devotees ‘Man imbued with wisdom’ is – *
1 point
a) Jijnaasu
b) Arthaarthi
c) Jnaani
d) Aarta
14. Eating as per Bhagavadgita’s as per the fourth chapter is – *
1 point
a) Form of Yajna
b) Form of bhoga (experience)
c) Form of mouna (silence)
d) One another random action
a) Deluded mind
b) When the capacity to reason is destroyed
c) One loses the track of a righteous path
d) Unfulfilled desires (Page No. 22; Hard Copy)
a) Nishkaama karma
b) Karma
c) Akarma
d) Kaamya karma (Pg. No 27; Soft copy)
a) Ego
b) Arrogance
c) Illusion
d) All of the above
20. Withdrawing sense and motor organs is equated with _____ in Bhagavadgita – *
1 point
a) Tortoise
b) Camouflaged Grasshopper
c) Hibernated Tiger
d) None of the above
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