Impact of Paren-WPS Office - 071207
Impact of Paren-WPS Office - 071207
Impact of Paren-WPS Office - 071207
Parents serve as the primary provider of their children. They have the responsibility in giving
supports to their children. Parents play an important role to it's children. The primary role of
parents is to give their children better education. Since at young age, parents serve as the great
influencer in encouraging their children to study. They sent their children to school for new
things and learnings that they will use in future or in any aspects of life. Until college, children
always depends on its parents to ask for their support. Parents are always part to the students
life because of its involvement in education.
Parental involvement refers to the voluntary participation of parents to the education of their
children. It takes a good way for every students to feel engaging with their studies. It also helps
students to acquire knowledge and realize that the education is very important in our life. Even
the traditional education needs parental involvement to make sure that students didn't feel
alone while studying. Until now, it is still necessary the we need the belongingness of parents
that will help children for its own growth and development.
However, a study by the Asian Development Bank found that only 22% of Filipino parents are
involved in their child’s schooling, compared to the regional average of 38%. In another study of
low-income Filipino parents, only 42% believed education was necessary for their child’s future
success. It emphasize that parents and schools needs a better partnership. (Llego, 2022). A
good communication between them is helpful for students to improve it's schooling. Parents
are important in reaching their child's dreams for the future, that's why children needs support
in every steps for their journey.
Furthermore, the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018 asks school
leaders about their extent of agreement or disagreement with the statement “parents or
guardians are involved in school activities”. On average across the OECD, almost half (48%) of
school leaders report that this applies “quite a bit” or “a lot” to their school. However, there are
large differences between countries. This view is most prevalent in Latvia (89%), Italy (84%) and
Denmark (72%) and least prevalent in Mexico, Sweden and the Slovak Republic (all less than
25%). Regarding specific interactions with parents or guardians, the results are somewhat more
nuanced. On average across the OECD, 62% of principals consider that parents or guardians
supporting student achievement “quite bit” or “a lot”, while only 48% of principals consider
that parents or guardians are involved in school activities “quite a bit” or “a lot”. Therefore,
children needs support from their parents. It will help them to achieve their goal and dreams
This study aims to determine the impacts of parental involvement on the students education
among Junior High School students in San Roque National High School.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine the impact of parental involvement on students education among
Junior High School students in San Roque National High School S.Y. 2023–2024.
1. What is the level of the impact of parental involvement on students education among Junior
High School students in San Roque National High School in terms of:
1.1. Behavior;
2. What is the level of the impact of parental involvement in the education of Junior High
School students?
3. What are the actions or strategies that will help parent's to involve actively on their child's
Theoretical Framework
This study will be supported by the theories and philosophies of well–known educators and
philosophers along the areas of learning. These are Parent Role Theory, Parents' Involvement
in Children's Schooling: A Multidimensional Conceptualization and Motivational Model of
Wendy S. Grolnick, Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler’s Parent Involvement Model and Epstein’s
Parent Involvement Model.
The Parent Role Development Theory (PRDT) (Mowder, 1991a, 1991b) is a theory proposed to
explain how individuals' perceptions of parenting are modified over time. As children progress
from childhood to adulthood, their parents' perceptions regarding the parent role change and
As cited by Wendy S. Grolnick and her colleagues, in articles published in 1994 and 1997,
conceptualized three dimensions of parental involvement based on how parent–child
interactions affect students' schooling and motivation. Behavioral involvement refers to
parents' public actions representing their interest in their child's education, such as attending
an open house or volunteering at the school. Personal involvement includes parent–child
interactions that communicate positive attitudes about school and the importance of education
to the child. Cognitive/intellectual involvement refers to behaviors that promote children's skill
development and knowledge, such as reading books and going to museums. Parental
involvement, according to this theory, affects student achievement because these interactions
affect students' motivation, their sense of competence, and the belief that they have control
over their success in school.
According to Joyce L. Epstein, in a 1995 article and a 2001 book titled School, Family, and
Community Partnerships, argued that school, family, and community are important "spheres of
influence" on children's development and that a child's educational development is enhanced
when these three environments work collaboratively toward shared goals. Epstein encouraged
schools to create greater "overlap" between the school, home, and community through the
implementation of activities across six types of involvement: parenting, communication,
volunteering, learning at home, decision-making, and collaboration with the community. By
implementing activities across all six types of involvement, educators can help improve student
achievement and experiences in school.
This theories will serve as important theoritical and conceptual bases for the analysis of the
data which will be used in this study.
Conceptual Framework
On the other hand, dependent variable comprised of education of Junior High School students
in San Roque National High School.
The one–headed arrow shows the relationship between the impact of parental involvement on
Students Education among Junior High School Students in San Roque National High School.
This study will focus on the impact of parental involvement on students education in junior high
school in San Roque National High School. There will be a total sample size of respondents and
the study will be conducted during the second quarter of the School Year 2023- 2024.
The researcher will investigate the impact level of parental involvement in terms of students
behavior, interest and engagement, and learning performance. Also, the respondents level of
their parents involvement in education will be measured through survey questioners.
The findings from this study would be of great help to the Junior High School Students,
school administrator, teachers, parents and future researchers.
Students. Considering the obtained result, this study could help them know the importance of
parental involvement in their education.
Parents. With the results of the study, the parents will be more encouraged to support their
children and attend or participate in school matters.
Teachers. This study could help them further to understand the significance of parents
participation in the students education.
School Administrators. This study might become a guide on implementing more activities in
school where parents and students are involve.
Future Researchers. This study could serve as a basis for conducting related studies and similar
Definition of terms
Behavior. It pertains to the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward
others. (Oxford Dictionary)
Interest. It refers to the state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.(Oxford
Education. It is the field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in
schools (Merriam Webster)
Students. It simply means to the person who is studying at elementary, high school and
university or college. (Collins Dictionary)