WAT - External Auditor - Recruitment - ToR - Final
WAT - External Auditor - Recruitment - ToR - Final
WAT - External Auditor - Recruitment - ToR - Final
Terms of Reference
Provision of Audit Services
1. Background
1.1. About WaterAid Tanzania
WaterAid Tanzania Country Programme is part of WaterAid, which is an International
Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) with its head office in London, UK; dedicated to the
provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene education to the world's poorest people.
WaterAid Tanzania collaborates with the Government of Tanzania (GOT) at three levels: Local
Government Authorities (LGA), Regional and Central Government and works in partnership
with local organizations to set up sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Interventions/ projects using appropriate technology that can be managed by the
communities themselves.
WaterAid has had its operations in Tanzania since 1983 under the name "WaterAid Tanzania"
which is registered as Non-Governmental Organisation in The Republic of Tanzania
(NO.SO.7557). WaterAid Tanzania operates as a Country Programme and functional office of
WaterAid UK; within East African Region. The head office is in Dar es Salaam, Rufiji Street, Plot
No. 1469, Masaki Area within Kinondoni District.
WaterAid Tanzania’s external auditor will be retained for a period of 3 years subject to annual
review between the two parties, the audit engagement letter will be reviewed and renewed
each year as appropriate. After three years, the services will be advertised, and the auditor
appointed this year will be eligible to retender, subject to national laws on auditor
2. The Auditors
The auditor shall be an auditing firm, independent and legally registered to operate in
Tanzania with a valid business and professional licence. The firm shall have experience of
auditing international NGOs accounts operating in Tanzania with experience in IFRS to IPSAS
3.1.1 WaterAid Tanzania Partners
External audit must include visiting some of the implementing partners to be chosen by
the auditor based on their risk profile. The basis for this selection should be shared with
WaterAid and should not be based purely on geographical convenience.
The Auditor should perform appropriate audit testing of the transactions and records of
partner organisations to enable them to reach an opinion on the truth and fairness of
WaterAid Tanzania’s financial statements. Partner audit should include a review of how
effectively the partners are monitored by the Country Programme, testing, examination and
verification of transactions to respective records and to supporting documentation. The
Auditor’s recommendations will also help WaterAid to support the partner to address the
identified gaps and improve their financial management.
3.3. Intended completion timeline
It is expected that the audit for each financial year ended in March may take a maximum
of two weeks and will be completed by 22nd June each year. Before this date the audit
findings should have been presented to the Country Director for comment.
Audit visits are expected to be completed during May, to allow time for completion and
resolution of any issues. The exact timetable will be agreed at the start of each year end cycle.
Country Director
WaterAid Tanzania
P.O. Box 33759
Plot 1469 Masaki Street, Off Haile Selassie Rd, Msasani Peninsular
Dar es Salaam.