Xray Computed Tomography
Xray Computed Tomography
Xray Computed Tomography
J . R . H e l l i w e l la , C . J . S t u r r o c ka , K . M . G r a y l i n ga , S . R . T r a c ya , R . J . F l a v e lb , I . M . Y o u n gb ,
W . R . W h a l l e yc & S . J . M o o n e ya
Division of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington Campus, Leicestershire LE12 5RD,
UK, b School of Environmental and Rural Sciences, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales 2351, Australia, and
c Sustainable Soils and Grassland Systems, Rothamsted Research, West Common, Harpenden AL5 2JQ, UK
Soil systems are characterized by the spatial and temporal distribution of organic and mineral particles,
water and air within a soil profile. Investigations into the complex interactions between soil constituents
have greatly benefited from the advent of non-invasive techniques for structural analysis. In this paper we
present a review of the application of one such technique, X-ray computed tomography (CT), for studies of
undisturbed soil systems, focusing on research during the last 10 years in particular. The ability to undertake
three-dimensional imaging has provided valuable insights regarding the quantitative assessment of soil features,
in a way previously unachievable because of the opaque nature of soil. A dynamic approach to the evaluation
of soil pore networks, hydro-physical characteristics and soil faunal behaviour has seen numerous scanning
methodologies employed and a diverse range of image analysis protocols used. This has shed light on functional
processes across multiple scales whilst also bringing its own challenges. In particular, much work has been
carried out to link a soil’s porous architecture with hydraulic function, although new technical improvements
allowing the characterization of organic matter and the influence of soil biota on structural development are
showing great promise. Here we summarize the development of X-ray CT in soil science, highlight the major
issues relating to its use, outline some of the applications for overcoming these challenges and describe the
potential of future technological advances for non-invasive soil characterization through integration with other
complementary techniques.
respect to different variables such as bulk density (Petrovic for studies of the physical soil environment. This work catalysed
et al ., 1982; Anderson et al ., 1990), layer detection (Macedo future research interests and subsequent pioneering work by
et al ., 1998; Lipiec & Hatano, 2003), spatial correlation and Hainsworth & Aylmore (1983) investigated root-related hydrology
tortuosity (Perret et al ., 1999), porosity (Grevers et al ., 1989; in relation to water absorption properties at a spatial resolution
Heijs et al ., 1995), pore network structures (Al-Raoush & Willson, of 2 × 2 × 5 mm. The comparison of results obtained from a
2005), permeability (Ketcham & Carlson, 2001; Mooney, 2002), commercially-produced medical X-ray system with a conventional
volumetric water content (Crestana et al ., 1985; Hopmans et al ., gamma ray scanner indicated, for the first time, the suitability
1992), solute breakthrough (Clausnitzer & Hopmans, 2000), of X-ray CT for soil-plant studies, with a clear application for
ice-lens formation (Torrance et al ., 2008), seedbed preparation resolving spatial changes in soil water content with time in the
(Atkinson et al ., 2007) and calculated fractal properties (Zeng presence of a single plant root. Shortly afterwards, Crestana et al .
et al ., 1996; Gantzer & Anderson, 2002; De Gryze et al ., 2006; (1985) demonstrated the linear dependence of X-ray attenuation
Papadopoulos et al ., 2008). and soil water content, enabling them to obtain ‘reproducible
Recent advances in tomographic imaging are now providing and quantitative information on 3D space and time of water in
researchers with the tools for further understanding of dynamic soil’. Flannery et al . (1987) explored the advantages of using
pore-scale processes in soil systems. By visualizing samples in synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography as a means of spatially
3D and crucially relating results to complementary laboratory resolving elemental maps and exploring dynamic flow profiles, at
measurements, this will help soil scientists to unravel the processes a resolution of 2.8 μm. Such pioneering studies demand imaging
of pore formation and development with time. The aim of this across multiple scales and clearly demonstrated the validity of
review is to focus on work (in the last 10 years in particular) X-ray CT for studies of undisturbed soil systems.
that has used X-ray CT to visualize and quantify soil physical
characteristics, and to illustrate the further technological advances
Basic principles
that will potentially revolutionize spatio-temporal studies of the
inner space of soil systems. Here we provide only a brief general description of the principles
and processes of X-ray CT. For a more complete technical
description of the theory behind X-ray CT we refer the reader to
Overview of X-ray computed tomography (CT)
the comprehensive accounts provided by Clausnitzer & Hopmans
X-ray CT has demonstrated potential for examining the undis- (2000), Ketcham & Carlson (2001), Wildenschild et al . (2002),
turbed internal structure of soils. It is less affected by paramagnetic Taina et al . (2008), Pires et al . (2010) and Mooney et al . (2012).
elements in soil than other imaging techniques, such as magnetic X-ray CT is a non-invasive technique that can be used to
resonance related approaches (including nuclear magnetic reso- visualize the interior of objects in 2D and 3D based on the
nance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) (Macedo principle of attenuation of an electromagnetic wave. A typical scan
et al ., 1998). Previous limitations of image resolution and a poor involves the collection of a series of radiograph images of a sample
ability to distinguish between different phases of media are rapidly acquired at incremental angular positions, normally over 360◦ .
being overcome with further technological development. It is now Generally, X-ray CT scanners consist of three common parts: an
possible to detect sub-micrometre changes in soil aggregation, X-ray source (either synchrotron light or a conventional X-ray
root structures and pore space (both air and water filled), allow- tube), a sample manipulation stage and a detector. X-rays emitted
ing for the direct measurement of soil structural changes both from the source pass through the sample and are progressively
spatially and temporally through soil development cycles (Lang- attenuated by absorption and scattering as the object itself becomes
maack et al ., 2002; Pierret et al ., 2003; Feeney et al ., 2006; Otten a secondary source of X-rays and electrons through atomic
et al ., 2010; Crawford et al ., 2011). interactions (Mooney et al ., 2012). The characteristic of a material
to either absorb or scatter a photon is called the attenuation
coefficient. Attenuation coefficients are related to the density of
the absorbing material, electron density of the voxel of interest
Initially developed as a tool for diagnostic medicine because of its and incident X-ray energy, but are predominantly controlled by
capacity to produce non-destructive, high-contrast cross-sectional four dominant processes: (i) photoelectric absorption, (ii) Rayleigh
images quickly, the earliest X-ray CT scans comprised only five scattering, (iii) Compton scattering and (iv) pair production.
image slices taking 35 minutes to acquire, and were optimized However, it should be noted that pair production occurs at X-
for soft tissue and bone visualization (Hounsfield, 1973). Within ray energies (1.022 MeV) far greater than conventional X-ray CT
a decade of its advent, CT had been adapted and extended systems. The reader is referred to Duliu (1999), Carlson et al .
for use in a wide variety of academic disciplines, including (1999), Ketcham & Carlson (2001) and Seibert & Boone (2005)
soil science. Petrovic et al . (1982) were the first to apply X- for detailed descriptions of the interaction of photons with matter.
ray CT in a geological study of soil bulk density, where the Integration of the linear X-ray attenuation coefficient values
linear relationship observed between bulk density and the X-ray from the multitude of radiographic images form the basis of
attenuation coefficient demonstrated the technological potential tomographic reconstruction (Taina et al ., 2008). It is based
frequently on mathematical filtered back-projection algorithms, and the acquisition of low-noise data with few artefacts make
through which cross-sectional 2D image slices are generated from synchrotron light tomography an excellent way of visualizing soil
radiograph projection images (extensively covered in reviews by structure, as demonstrated by Lehmann et al . (2006) who pre-
Wildenschild et al . (2002) and Stock (2008)). Each non-invasive dicted fluid phase distributions in sand. However, restricted access
tomographic ‘slice’ consists of discrete units known as voxels (3D to synchrotron beamlines have limited fully replicated studies of
pixels), the size of which reflects the spatial resolution of the scan. soils, whilst the required sample size is also small. For further
details concerning synchrotron X-ray CT applications, we refer
the reader to Spanne et al . (1994).
Typical X-ray CT systems
X-ray CT systems can generally be grouped into three categories,
Image segmentation
namely industrial, medical and synchrotron (Figure 1). Recently,
Vaz et al . (2011) discussed the current trend in types of scanners Discrete material phases within X-ray CT data can be differenti-
used in soil science. Although much of the early pioneering work ated by image segmentation techniques, which classify individual
was performed on medical or custom-designed systems, there has voxels with a common mean grey scale value. The acquired
recently been a significant increase in the use of industrial X-ray images from soil-based X-ray CT scans frequently have three main
CT systems as scanner costs have reduced. phases: mineral grains, pore space (both water and air-filled) and
Industrial and medical scanners produce a spectrum of electron organic materials such as roots. The grey values in the images are
frequencies, yielding a polychromatic beam. Because of the ordered according to attenuation density, so that mineral grains as
nature of the requirements of X-ray CT systems for medical the densest are represented by bright voxels (highly attenuating),
research with optimized tissue differentiation and minimized and air-filled pore spaces, the least dense, have darker voxels (low
patient exposure times, a limited dose of low-energy X-rays attenuation). Two approaches have generally been used to seg-
(typically <125 kV) is coupled with a large (mm scale), high- ment materials of interest in soils: ‘global thresholding’ based on
efficiency detector (Ketcham & Carlson, 2001). The scale of an estimate from the histogram of the image, or ‘localized adap-
observation in medical research is typically metres, resulting tive or dynamic thresholding’, where a different threshold value
in typical scanning resolutions of millimetre scales. Scanner is applied to different regions in an image, and thus accounts for
methodologies for medical systems are the same in principle the spatial phase dependency (Iassonov et al ., 2009; Wang et al .,
as industrial scanners but the source and detector rotate around 2011).
a static object (Figure 1b), whereas in industrial scanners the
objects typically rotate in a cone beam of polychromatic X-rays
Limitations to X-ray CT
(Figure 1a). As the entirety of the object passes through the
beam with each angular rotation, a reduced focal spot size allows As with all analytical equipment X-ray CT has limitations, which
smaller objects to be moved nearer to the X-ray source and into at present limit its capacity to characterize certain soil properties.
a narrower section of the X-ray beam. This permits increased Whilst X-ray CT is capable of resolving features at the microscale,
resolution through improved detector utilization, to image smaller complications in phase isolation can be problematic if scanning
sub-sections of the object in a single view (Ketcham & Carlson, artefacts are present within the data. These artificial structures,
2001). Hence industrial scanners can span a range of scales such as rings and streaks, can obscure details of interest or cause
from metre-wide scales of observation for large objects such as changes in the grey value of a material depending on spatial
geological rock forms to large (≤1 μm) resolutions when resolving location within the sample. This is known as beam hardening,
soil pores in a single micro-aggregate, for example. In medical X- which results in an increase in mean X-ray beam energy as it
ray CT, the resolution and image quality is somewhat limited, passes through a sample. The increase results from the greater
so from a soil perspective, if research objectives are to resolve attenuation of lower-energy photons compared with higher-energy
individual soil phases and classify individual microscopic pore- photons, giving a beam with reduced overall intensity but greater
characteristics, an industrial research X-ray or synchrotron system mean energy. The effect, which is typically shown at the outer
is preferable (Kinney & Nichols, 1992). edges of an object appearing brighter (larger grey value) than
Synchrotron scanners use electromagnetic radiation emitted by at the centre, can be reduced by filtering the incident X-ray
high-speed electrons spiralling in a magnetic field of a particle beam to remove lower-energy photons using thin sheets of
accelerator (Figure 1c). Synchrotron radiation emission occurs as aluminium, copper or tin. The majority of CT reconstruction
the electrons decelerate during beam focusing by large electro- software packages now offer software-based reduction of common
magnets. As such, synchrotron scanners produce high intensity X-ray CT data artefacts.
(number of photons per second), highly collimated (source conver- Studying the organic fraction of soil can be difficult because of
gence reducing image blur) polychromatic radiation, which can be a poor ability to distinguish between media phases as, depending
split with a monochromator into different wavelengths, giving the on the soil type, the edges of organic and soil (mineral) material
ability to tune the radiation over a wide range (Kinney & Nichols, can have similar attenuation densities (Figure 2). This can cause
1992). The advantages of rapid scan speed (typically <15 minutes) problems in characterizing organic constituents or segmenting root
Figure 1 Examples of tomography arrangements for different CT systems: (a) industrial scanners, (b) medical systems and (c) synchrotron systems.
Modified from Wildenschild et al . (2002) with permission from Elsevier.
networks satisfactorily (Mooney et al ., 2012), as the identification 1997; Kaestner et al ., 2006; Flavel et al ., 2012). Therefore the
of single objects through image thresholding may be limited by minimum object size detectable accurately is often viewed as twice
individual voxels containing multiple materials. The attenuation (Rogasik et al ., 2003) or three times (Wildenschild et al ., 2002)
of materials within single voxels is proportionally averaged, the scanning resolution.
potentially leading to ‘partial volume effects’ as voxels are To date there has been no widely adopted method for the
misclassified (Clausnitzer & Hopmans, 2000; Ketcham & Carlson, segmentation of roots, organic material, air and water from soils.
2001). Such effects have been a particular problem for root The use of global thresholding and local adaptive thresholding
studies (Kaestner et al ., 2006; Lontoc-Roy et al ., 2006; Perret (Pierret et al ., 1999a; Capowiez et al ., 2003; Gregory et al ., 2003;
et al ., 2007; Flavel et al ., 2012), although enhancing image Lontoc-Roy et al ., 2006; Perret et al ., 2007; Flavel et al ., 2012)
contrast between the organic components and supporting media techniques is susceptible to ‘partial volume effects’, sensitive to
through filter applications and appropriate thresholding can help image quality and, in the case of Flavel et al . (2012), represented
to minimize this problem. Despite some debate in the literature, substantial investment of time. Furthermore, thresholding can
the magnitude of this effect is intensified as the resolution is ‘over-segment’ images because of the presence of water in
increased below the pore size of the soil used (Heeraman et al ., both roots and soil pores, and is consequently often followed
Reference Measured properties System Scan parameters Voxel size / mm Soil type
Petrovic et al . (1982) Soil bulk density Medical X-ray CT (American 125 kV, 30 mA 0.25 × 0.25 × 2 Sandy loam
Science and Engineering)
Journal compilation © 2013 British Society of Soil Science, European Journal of Soil Science, 64, 279–297
characteristics Genesis-Zeus)High-resolution 180 kV, 0.133 mA 0.15 × 0.15 × 0.1
X-ray CT (Bio-imaging
Mooney (2002) Macroporosity and water Medical X-ray CT (Picker 120 kV, 100 mA 0.46 × 0.46 × 0.46 Loamy sand, sandy loam,
flow pathways PQ6000) clay loam
Pierret et al . (2002) Macropore characterization Medical X-ray CT (GE CT 140 kV, 130 mA 0.4 × 0.4 × 2 Loamy clay
Anderson et al . (2003) Soil porosity and solute Medical X-ray CT (Siemens 2×2×8 Silt loam
breakthrough Somatom DRH)
Gregory et al . (2003) Root system architecture Industrial high-resolution X-ray 50 kV, 0.5 mA 0.1 × 0.1 × 0.1 Clay
CT (Custom built – Jenneson
et al . (2003))
Table 1 Continued.
Reference Measured properties System Scan parameters Voxel size / mm Soil type
Rogasik et al . (2003) Bulk density Medical X-ray CT (Siemens 120 kV and 165 mA 0.25 × 0.25 × 1 Loamy, silty
Somatom Plus)
Al-Raoush & Willson (2005) Algorithm-derived pore Synchrotron high-resolution 33.22 kV 0.0115 × 0.0115 × 0.0115 Sand
network structures, X-ray CT 0.023 × 0.023 × 0.023
porosity and specific
surface area
Ketcham et al . (2005) Mineralogy Industrial high-resolution X-ray 420 kV, 4.7 mA 0.25 × 0.25 × 0.5 Schist sample
CT (Bio-Imaging Research)
Kaestner et al . (2006) Root-system architecture Medical micro-CT (Scanco) 50 kV, 0.114 mA 0.036 × 0.036 × 0.036 Sand
Lontoc-Roy et al . (2006) Root -system architecture X-ray CT 130 kV, 100 mA 0.12 × 0.12 × 0.1
Perret et al . (2007) Root -system architecture X-ray CT 130 kV, 150 mA 0.275 × 0.275 × 0.1 Sand and loam
Sleutel et al . (2008) Microstructure and organic Industrial high-resolution X-ray 60 kV and 120 kV Artificial sand-OM mix
matter CT
Torrance et al . (2008) Structure of frozen soils Industrial micro-CT (GE MS8) 120 kV, 0.19 mA 0.043 × 0.043 × 0.043 Silt loam
during ice lense formation
Hargreaves et al . (2009) Root system architecture Industrial high-resolution X-ray 50 kV, 0.5 mA 0.1 × 0.1 × 0.121 Sandy loam
CT (Custom built – Jenneson
et al . (2003)
Quinton et al . (2009) Pore size, shape and Medical X-ray Micro CT(GE 100 kV, 80 mA 0.0167 × 0.0167 × 0.0167 Peat
distribution. Organic MS8X-130)
Elliot et al . (2010) Pore networks for saturated Industrial X-ray Micro CT(GE 100 kV, 80 mA 0.02 × 0.02 × 0.02 Clay loam, loamy sand
hydraulic conductivity MS8X-130)
Peth et al . (2010) Localized soil deformation Industrial X-ray 240 kV and 150 kV 0.04 × 0.04 × 0.04 Silt
under shrink-swell cycles microtomography (GE 0.0253 × 0.0253 × 0.0253
and confined compression Phoenix V|tome|x 240 and
GE Phoenix nanotom)
Flavel et al . (2012) Root length Industrial X-ray 100 kV, 0.270 mA 0.68 × 0.68 × 0.68 Sand clay mix
microtomography (GE
Phoenix V|tome|x 240)
Mairhofer et al . (2012) Root-system architecture Industrial X-ray 80–130 kV, 0.09–0.18 mA 0.044 × 0.044 × 0.044 Sand, loamy sand and
microtomography (GE 0.023 × 0.023 × 0.023 clay loam
Phoenix nanotom)
Schmidt et al . (2012) Root:soil contact Industrial X-ray Micro CT 145 kV, 0.14 mA 0.0349 × 0.0349 × 0.0349 Sandy loam and
(Metris X-Tek HMX) vermiculite
Tracy et al . (2012b) Pore and root architecture Industrial X-ray 100 kV, 100 μA 0.0174 × 0.0174 × 0.0174 Sandy loam
X-ray computed tomography for soil physical properties
Journal compilation © 2013 British Society of Soil Science, European Journal of Soil Science, 64, 279–297
286 J. R. Helliwell et al.
example, Perret et al . (1999) characterized pore tortuosity (the effect of soil compaction on 3D macropore geometry was recently
ratio of total pore length to that of the shortest possible path), characterized by Kim et al . (2010) in undisturbed field cores.
numerical density and hydraulic radius in undisturbed cores at a By using X-ray CT in addition to recording decreases in overall
coarse resolution of 0.195 × 0.195 × 2 mm, whilst Rogasik et al . porosity and bulk density, Kim et al . (2010) were able to reveal the
(2003) assessed macropore size, length and connectivity of pores total macro- and mesopore numbers associated with an increase
under different agricultural management practices at the spatial in surface compaction. Furthermore, they were able to assess
scale of 0.25 × 0.25 × 1 mm. the degree of correlation between additional CT-measured pore
Many studies have used X-ray CT to quantify various properties characteristics, including largest pore area, pore circularity and
of macropore network morphology, including pore network fractal dimensions.
structure (Baveye et al ., 2002; Aravena et al ., 2011), pore Soil management plays a key role in altering soil stability. The
diameter (Anderson et al ., 1992; Zeng et al ., 1996), pore loss of vegetation cover, mismanagement of water applications
circularity (Gantzer & Anderson, 2002) and crack formation (Peth and the pollution of soil systems can all influence soil degradation,
et al ., 2010). Used in this way, X-ray CT provides data not and hence be detrimental to the physical soil environment.
obtainable by other means. Baveye et al . (2002) helped inform Quantification of the impacts of different agricultural tillage
future research by revealing the dependence of macroscopic practices on the mechanical stability of soils and the resulting
soil properties such as bulk density, volumetric water content seedbeds they create has been achieved for intact soil samples
and air content on sampling volume, shape and positioning. By from conventional chisel-disc plough and no-tillage systems
comparing soil characteristics from different types and size of by Gantzer & Anderson (2002), with the chisel-disc system
sampling volume, they were able to show how properties in small resulting in double the number of macropores and a 62 and
volumes can exhibit erratic fluctuations in measurements, which 94% increase in macropore perimeter and circularity, respectively.
can be stabilized as sampling volume increases. Likewise, a recent However, Gantzer & Anderson (2002) acknowledged that whilst
important study by Peth et al . (2010) at a resolution of 25.3 μm measurements such as these appear to be useful, crucially they are
revealed a very heterogeneous microscale soil environment limited in their capacity to describe the behaviour of soil volumes
when examining soil structure, localized soil deformation and as a whole. It is 10 years since this work and one might suggest
local strain analysis over very small spatial scales (<1 mm). critically this thought still holds true, with many studies still failing
Our understanding of these mechanisms at the microscale to fully use the wealth and richness of the datasets that can be
level is crucial to further understanding of the processes obtained by X-ray CT. Future research that uses X-ray CT needs
behind soil stabilization and structural development and support to focus on demonstrating the actual benefit of the 3D datasets
improvements in conceptual model development of geometric over traditional measurements, as opposed to simply comparing
pore networks. Delerue et al . (2003) successfully developed a results of the same property obtained by different means.
pore network directly from soil images by integrating pore size Atkinson et al . (2009) used X-ray CT to describe the
and connectivity parameters, which enabled calculation of the temporal evolution of a seedbed at the mesoscale, from pre-
equivalent hydraulic conductivity from a 3D image of any porous through to post-cultivation. The work demonstrated that discing
soil. Likewise, Al-Raoush & Willson (2005) used skeletonization and rolling treatments can create porous seedbeds, which can
algorithms (thinning operations, which systematically remove lead to reduced crop establishment because of poor seed-soil
voxels from an object until a minimal but topologically identical contact, especially on fine-textured soils. Papadopoulos et al .
structure is produced) to extract pore-bodies, pore-throats and size (2009) compared stable and unstable aggregate fractions from
distributions in physically realistic pore network structures, which organically and conventionally managed soils to evaluate the
enabled the discrimination of active and inactive pores and the role of management on aggregate structure and stability. X-
characterization of redundant pore throats, demonstrating a clear ray μCT-derived data indicated that intra-aggregate porosity was
advantage of X-ray CT over other, invasive techniques. independent of soil stability, because of the organic matter held
inside stable microaggregates which resisted their breakdown by
Soil compaction, bulk density and stability. Soil compaction slaking.
has been described as the most serious environmental problem Changes in soil structure that occur during wetting and
caused by conventional agriculture (McGarry, 2001), and is drying events have also been quantified by using X-ray CT,
one component of the land-degradation ‘syndrome’ that has allowing previously unachievable comparisons of alterations
several influences on many aspects of general soil management, in the same sample to be made using classical techniques.
including soil erosion (Batey, 2009). Traditional characteristics A sophisticated study by Peth et al . (2010) quantified the
used to determine the effect of soil compaction such as dry effect of hydraulic stress on the dynamic rearrangement of
bulk density and total soil porosity (Lipiec & Hatano, 2003) are solid particles at a resolution of 38.4 μm, and provides a
derived from simple but crude water-holding capacity estimates, good example of the potential of X-ray CT to address spe-
which generally assume uniformity in structure. However non- cific biophysical questions that can not be addressed by other
destructive imaging allows for both the true heterogeneity and means. By exerting capillary pressure at a matric potential
finer details of the porous architecture to be quantified. The of −0.4 kPa to saturate soils prior to air-drying, Peth et al .
systems developed for gel-based plant root phenotyping systems the investigation of water processes in the rhizosphere. Further
(such as RootReader3D) may soon be applied to X-ray CT experimental testing of advanced techniques such as root:soil
tomographs, allowing for complex root system architectural traits contact determination and water flow is required across a range
and time sequences to be quantified (Iyer-Pascuzzi et al ., 2010; of soil textures as well as the mainly coarser textured substrates
Clark et al ., 2011). The measurement of root length density and currently used, which tend to yield better quality images because
the spatio-temporal calculation of root extension rates in situ of a relatively small water content.
represent significant improvement in the ability to understand
and observe root system development and responses to varied Soil microorganisms. The currently available X-ray CT technol-
environmental stimuli (Pierret et al ., 1999a; Tracy et al ., 2012b). ogy is not capable of resolving microorganisms in soil. There
This opens up the possibility to explore soil environment-genotype are many reasons for this limitation, not least of which is the
interactions and specific root traits of plants using X-ray CT, highly attenuating nature of soil, combined with the limited atten-
offering several exciting opportunities for targeted crop research uation of microbes that inhabit thin water films in the soil (Young,
(Gregory et al ., 2009). For a more comprehensive review of the 1998; O’Donnell et al ., 2007). O’Donnell et al . (2007) described
application of X-ray CT to root visualization in soil, see Mooney the possibility of visualizing heavy-metal accumulating (labelled)
et al . (2012). microbes, provided that the metal concentration is sufficient to
achieve adequate attenuation. However, this has yet to be demon-
Water supply to roots. There has been a substantial volume of strated. In an unrelated investigation into fungal attack of struc-
work using ‘low-resolution’ (voxel size of around 2 mm) X-ray tural timbers, Van den Bulcke et al . (2009) used high resolution
CT to quantify water content spatially in the rhizosphere and (0.7 μm voxel size), low power (50 keV, 40 μA) and very small
bulk soil (Hainsworth & Aylmore, 1983; Hamza & Aylmore, samples (1 mm3 ) to visualize fungal hyphae but with limited suc-
1992; Hamza et al ., 2001). Despite the linear calibration regularly cess, as most fungal species produced insufficient contrast to be
achieved between attenuation and water content, single energy able to discriminate them.
X-ray CT is not able to discriminate readily between changes However, despite this inability to visualize microbial com-
in bulk density and water content, and thus relies on the large munities directly, X-ray CT provides an opportunity to observe
assumption of uniform bulk density (Aylmore, 1993; Gregory their habitat and the structural dynamics therein. For example,
& Hinsinger, 1999; Moradi et al ., 2011). The suitability of Thieme et al . (2003) used X-ray microscopy to measure the spa-
X-ray CT for detection of edaphic structures and their spatial tial arrangement of bacteria in the 3D colloidal flocculates of clay
arrangement makes it ideal for use in combination with other particles, oxides and organic substances at sub-200 nm resolution.
techniques that have greater sensitivity to water content such as Thus X-ray CT used in combination with other techniques such
MRI, neutron tomography or micro-tensiometers (Macfall et al ., as thin sectioning and molecular biology techniques rather than
1991; Koebernick, 2011; Moradi et al ., 2011). Hamza et al . (2001) as a stand-alone tool can provide very useful information about
observed changes in root diameters with transpiration rates and, habitat structure, resource flow, microbial populations (size and
similarly, Carminati et al . (2009) observed the development of structure) and spatial distributions (Young & Crawford, 2004;
a ‘gap’ between lupin roots and the soil after transpiration rates Crawford et al ., 2011). Several researchers have suggested that
declined, indicating that the gap was a result, and not the cause, the microstructure of soil is self-organizing under the influence
of water limitation to the plant. Spatial information about the of microbial activity, resource flow, aggregation and rhizosphere
microstructure of the soil in the rhizosphere obtained from high- effects (Young & Crawford, 2004; Feeney et al ., 2006; O’Donnell
resolution X-ray CT is also useful for the modelling of fluid et al ., 2007; Crawford et al ., 2011). This insight has only been
flow and in understanding the impact of root axial expansion made possible with the use of high-resolution X-ray CT for the
on water movement. Aravena et al . (2011) recently provided measurement of fine pore structure at resolutions relevant to mois-
evidence that under small bulk densities, the compaction of soil ture storage. The new perspective on the nature of pore space at
in the rhizosphere will improve soil:root contact and increase the this high resolution has also challenged aspects of accepted larger-
unsaturated hydraulic conductivity between aggregates; this has a scale ecosystem models (Feeney et al ., 2006), such as hierarchical
net positive effect on the availability and transport of water to the aggregation and carbon capture. Future non-invasive decoupling
root. Schmidt et al . (2012) reported a new method for quantifying of the role that specific microbial communities play in modify-
root:soil contact from 3D X-ray CT images, by segmenting the ing the spatial architecture of soils may eventually allude to the
root and growth media separately and dilating the growth medium function of specific microbial populations at the field scale.
volume by 1 pixel to create a region of overlap that corresponds
to the area of contact of the root with the growth media. This Insects and earthworms. The use of X-ray CT in earthworm
approach has great potential for unravelling the precise responses studies has been well documented (Taina et al ., 2008), and will
of plant roots and soils under water stress, but has only been be mentioned only briefly here. The advantages in using X-ray CT
tested on loamy sand and vermiculite substrates. Despite the for the quantitative and qualitative characterization of invertebrate
current limitations of X-ray CT for the visualization of soil water burrows in soil are much the same as those for root systems,
distribution, this technique can provide useful information for allowing observation of the burrows through time and with the
concurrent measurement of soil physical properties. In the case multiple scanning of the same sample to investigate formation and
of measuring burrows, X-ray CT overcomes the problems of subsequent changes with time. Whilst there are moves towards the
more labour-intensive methods, such as using plaster of Paris, adoption of this approach (Tracy et al . 2012a), there still remains
polyurethane or lead to create moulds (Capowiez et al ., 1998). a research gap in that there has yet to be any work that has
X-ray CT studies of earthworm activity have been conducted as sought to quantify the impact that repeated scanning of the same
either time-sequence measurements in pots (Joschko et al ., 1993), sample might have on constituents such as microbial community
or as contrasting intact cores taken from the field (Capowiez composition, root growth or even soil structure.
et al ., 1998; Langmaack et al ., 1999). Langmaack et al . (1999,
2002), Schrader et al . (2007) and Jegou et al . (2002) explored the
Sample size and resolution
effects of soil compaction on earthworm burrowing, and Capowiez
et al . (1998) explored seasonal variation in burrowing behaviour. High-resolution X-ray CT studies have often been limited to
In addition, many other workers have quantified species-specific small sample sizes to achieve the required resolution. Synchrotron
burrowing behaviour (Taina et al ., 2008). However, there appear tomography continues to provide excellent resolution (achieving
to be three sources of error in the use of this technique for burrow resolutions of <1 μm) and contrast and particularly high flux
quantification: (i) the false identification of pores such as root (brilliance), allowing fast acquisition times. For example, the
channels as burrows (Joschko et al ., 1993), (ii) burrows that Advanced Photon Source, Illinois, as used by Wang et al .
earthworms have filled with casts are not identified (Capowiez (2001), achieved voxel resolutions 1 μm–100 nm in a few minutes
et al ., 1998) and (iii) deformation of the burrows because of per scan, with high performance computers to reconstruct in
localised wetting and drying cycles for example. Schrader et al . a comparable time-frame. However, limitations in the range of
(2007) demonstrated the unique potential of X-ray CT in this area source energies that can be generated (commonly less than 50 keV)
by measuring the concentric compaction from axial expansion continue to restrict the sample size, particularly of high density
around earthworm burrows and calculating the potential volume materials such as soils (Wildenschild et al ., 2002).
of soil that could be affected by a single Lumbricus terrestris L. For industrial X-ray CT equipment (with cone beam sources),
earthworm, but conceded that the calculation was dependent on the spatial resolution is largely the function of the focal spot
experimental conditions and that the density measurements were size, performance of the detector and the magnification of the
possibly confounded by moisture content. Likewise, Langmaack system (distance between sample and detector). Some current
et al . (2002) demonstrated the positive influence that L. terrestris commercial systems claim feature recognition of down to 50 nm
earthworms have on soil physical properties in relation to the for small samples using low energies. More common are voxel
rehabilitation of degraded soil structure caused by tillage-induced resolutions as small as 0.7–1 μm, with sufficient source power
compaction. By scanning undisturbed soil monoliths collected in for soil analysis (Sun et al ., 2012). In medical and some
the field, Langmaack et al . (2002) were able to visualize rapidly industrial scanners there is often a fixed distance between source
the pore volume, pore length, tortuosity and total connectivity of and detector, in which case the limitation becomes the static
burrow systems under both conventional and conservation tillage relationship between the size of the sample and the resolution
treatments, and concluded that intrinsic soil processes had a bigger achievable. This is dependent on the distance between source
impact on soil rehabilitation than tillage operations. and detector, the size of the detector and the density of the
X-ray CT has also been used to map the nesting architecture pixels in the detector panel. In other words there is a ‘trade
of other burrowing invertebrate species such as blue banded off’ between sample size and resolution (high resolution is
bees (Greco et al ., 2006). Greco et al . (2006) observed 3D nest achieved when small samples are placed closer to the source,
architectures for the first time, and highlighted the potential for allowing greater magnification; Dhondt et al ., 2010). This is of
monitoring fungal parasitism load in addition to following the particular significance where large samples are required for field-
lifecycle and development of individual lava and pupa. representative sampling, but high resolution is required for the
scientifically relevant detail of water storage pores or fine root
distributions for example (Young et al ., 2001). It is of particular
Future technological expectations from X-ray systems
concern for biotic studies (such as earthworm burrows or root
Carlson (2006) reflected that the developments in X-ray CT have systems), where time-sequence scans are taken of ‘microcosms’
resulted historically from technological breakthroughs and that in which biotic factors are rapidly constrained and can distort
this trend is likely to continue with improved resolution, faster realistic results. This is principally why many fine root plant
scan times and acquisition efficiencies, and an associated greater studies have been limited to the development of young root
requirement for computational power. Following a review of the systems. However, the development of larger, denser detector
industrial X-ray CT market, Sun et al . (2012) concluded recently arrays of greater sensitivity allows far larger samples to be scanned
that although the demand is growing rapidly, the development at greater resolution.
of the technology is in its infancy. Our review supports this Traditionally, it has also been considered to be beneficial to
conclusion, as the majority of previous studies have failed to ensure that the scanned object fits inside the field of view, but
exploit a major benefit of non-invasive imaging; that is, the the successful extensive application of ‘region-of-interest’ local
tomography in other disciplines such as geology (Stock, 2008) the material), where better phase contrast can be achieved between
demonstrates potential benefit, which should be considered and water and air (Wildenschild et al ., 2002).
further exploited for soil research. In region of interest tomography
the field of view is smaller than the sample size, so reconstruction
Characterization of soil chemical properties
is focused on a sub-sample. This allows greater spatial resolutions,
providing further insights into spatial geometries at resolutions not The linear attenuation coefficient calculated by X-ray CT is
currently accessible from stand-alone systems, but at the expense relative to the average atomic number of the voxel. Single
of complete sample imaging and, usually, reduced image quality. energy X-ray CT is limited by the additive effects of photo-
Carminati et al . (2009) used local tomography effectively to electric absorption and Compton scattering. So it follows that if
visualize pore formation around drying Lupin roots. By zooming substances within a sample area are sufficiently homogeneous,
on specific regions of the sample, they were able to increase it should be possible to visualize their distribution with X-ray
image resolution from 320 μm for the entire sample to 90 μm for CT and create a 3D elemental map. Recently, Godel et al .
isolated regions of the tap and lateral roots, allowing previously (2010) used high-resolution X-ray CT with backscattered SEM
unachievable soil and root shrinkage to be observed at coarser thin sections to describe the spatial arrangement of platinum
resolutions. group elements and formation processes in ore cores from
South Africa. Godel et al . (2010) were able to assign chemical
compositions to typical attenuation values because of the relative
Image contrast
homogeneity of substances within the sample, allowing deposits to
Image contrast is a function of the X-ray source energy, detector be visualized in 3D. Hapca et al . (2011) have undertaken similar
characteristics and the range of electron densities in the sample. work in soil, developing a protocol to automatically register
The relative energy of the X-ray source in relation to the average 2D elemental maps generated by scanning electron microscope-
density of the sample determines how many X-rays penetrate energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) thin sections,
the sample. Where source energies are too large, the sample and then mapping them onto X-ray CT images. Using co-kriging,
becomes transparent to the X-rays; conversely, when they are a 3D spatial distribution of elemental composition (for elements
too small there are insufficient X-rays passing through the object C, O, K, Ca and Si) was calculated from their attenuation values.
for acceptable counting statistics (Wildenschild et al ., 2002). The Verification of the method indicated that the technique is limited
information that can be acquired in a set amount of time is to substances that are very spatially pure or in great abundance,
therefore relative to the detector type and specifications. Detector with less application for more diffuse (smaller concentration)
technology is continually improving, with regular increases in and heterogeneously distributed elements such as nitrogen or
dynamic range, sensitivity and acquisition rates (which are phosphorus. Nonetheless, this technique reveals excellent potential
inextricably linked) (Sun et al ., 2012). for this application and was useful for demonstrating the spatial
A common way to improve the contrast between substances chemical heterogeneity in soil.
of similar attenuation is to increase the electron density of one
substance artificially by using doping (tracer) agents. The addition
High-throughput X-ray CT systems
of tracer solutions such as potassium or sodium iodide and
calcium bromide to the liquid phases in soil has frequently been The advent of high-flux X-ray sources and the increased efficiency
employed in solute transport experiments, and has allowed the of detectors have seen dramatic decreases in scan times in
evaluation of flow morphology through soils because of their high recent years. Most modern X-ray CT systems are now able to
contrasting X-ray attenuations (Hopmans et al ., 1992; Clausnitzer scan samples within about an hour, albeit with variable image
& Hopmans, 2000; Anderson et al ., 2003). Artificial doping is quality. However, the use of constant rotation tomography or
a common practice in studies of interfacial dynamics seeking to ‘fast scanning’ by Flavel et al . (2012) and Tracy et al . (2012a)
improve the contrast of water-air or water-oil phases (Culligan has seen scanning times of about 4 and 20 minutes respectively,
et al ., 2004; Carlson, 2006; Prodanović et al ., 2006; Kaestner both providing images of sufficiently good quality with low
et al ., 2008; Wildenschild et al ., 2011). Tracers change the noise to differentiate root growth from surrounding soil phases.
density, surface tension and contact angle between the liquid and Three years ago Gregory et al . (2009) described one of the
solid phase (dependent on the concentration used) (Kaestner et al ., main challenges of X-ray CT adoption in soil science as the
2008). However, with improved detector contrast and dynamic limitation of typically analysing <10 samples in 1 day, reducing
range, the need for such measures for examining soil water the potential for replicated trials. However, recent work has
may now be less necessary. Mooney (2002) and more recently demonstrated the potential for high-throughput, highly replicated
Tippkötter et al . (2009) were able to achieve good contrast trials in modern commercially available small-footprint systems.
between soil water and air-filled pore space without doping For example, Tracy et al . (2012a) were able to scan 12 tomato
agents. This is especially the case when scanning energies are plants daily over 10 days of growth, with three replicates of the
above 100 keV and where attenuation is dominated by Compton four different treatments investigated. This short temporal range
scattering (which is mainly dependent on the electron density of allowed the assessment of rooting characteristics with techniques
such as convex hull, centroid and enclosing circle analysis sensitivity of the technique to hydrogen molecules. However, it
throughout early-stage plant development. Likewise, Yang et al . still remains unsuited to high throughput studies (Nagel et al .,
(2011) recently reported a fully automated high-throughput X- 2009; Van Dusschoten, 2011) and is limited by ferrous soil
ray CT system, in which an X-ray CT scanner connected to constituents. Nagel et al . (2009) used MRI in combination with
an industrial conveyor can automatically deliver pot-grown rice positron emission tomography (PET) to identify the allocation of
plants to be scanned, and subsequent automated analysis. The C isotope-labelled photosynthate in root systems under different
complete automated procedure is reported to take 25 s per plant temperature regimes. In this way the combination of structural
(nine for plant transport, nine for image acquisition, one for tomographic techniques can be complemented by the functional
manipulator stage to rise, one for the manipulator stage to fall and identification through PET scanning (Garbout et al ., 2012).
five for image processing and analysis), resulting in the possibility
of analysing 4320 pots per continuous 24-hour working day. This
Application of phase contrast systems
compares with a reported image analysis time of about 200 s per
plant by manual counting, which also involves human disturbance X-ray CT calculates the average attenuation value for every
of the plant. Whilst the analysis of above-ground plant samples given voxel and as a result, the boundary between similarly
(in this case tiller number) is far simpler than soil environments attenuating substances (phases) can be difficult or impossible to
because there are fewer material phases present, the transfer of delineate. Phase contrast techniques have been developed using
similar technologies to soil science will undoubtedly have huge both synchrotron radiation as well as laboratory-based sources
benefits for high-throughput research. to use the average attenuation values as well as refractive index
variation between phases to produce images with greatly increased
contrast at phase boundaries (Moran et al ., 2000; Lewis et al .,
Combining X-ray CT with other complementary techniques
2005). Moran et al . (2000) proposed a method for the use of
The high resolution detection of structural features using X-ray 2D phase contrast imaging of roots from sections of intact cores,
CT can be complemented by techniques that are either (i) able allowing clearer identification of root section characteristics (of
to distinguish features with greater resolution or low density length or diameter) and observation of the root-soil interface.
detail, such as microbial community distribution, or (ii) of smaller Phase contrast has also been widely applied and developed in
resolution but are able to provide functional information, such as medical fields to image complex organs, such as lungs and
water content or photosynthate accumulation. The combination their microstructure, that are very weakly attenuating with large
of 2D elemental or chemical information with X-ray CT has the numbers of phase boundaries (Kitchen et al ., 2005; Lewis et al .,
potential to allow 3D visualization of soil chemical properties, 2005). It is therefore likely that suitable phase contrast could be
with implications for understanding the spatial heterogeneity of achieved in soils to improve the delineation between air and water
soils (Jacobson et al ., 2007; Hapca et al ., 2011). In a similar phases as well as boundaries between roots and water, which
fashion, it has been suggested that sequential biological thin have been a particular challenge for root segmentation methods.
sectioning and geostatistical methods using 3D information from However, the dramatically increased scan times (>10 hours) have
X-ray CT would complement our understanding of the distribution hindered the uptake of laboratory-based systems, along with the
of microbial communities in the soil (Young et al ., 2001, 2008; increased cost of scanners (often twice that of typical industrial
O’Donnell et al ., 2007). X-ray CT systems).
Neutron radiography and tomography are widely recognized as
complementary techniques to X-ray CT, as they have different
elemental sensitivities (Mees et al ., 2003; Vontobel et al ., 2006;
Moradi et al ., 2011). Whilst X-ray radiation is predominantly Many traditional and current analytical methods for exploring a
attenuated by interactions with electrons and therefore more soil’s biophysical structure and subsequent behaviour do not fully
strongly attenuated by high atomic number elements, neutron account for the heterogeneity and variability of field soils, limiting
radiation is attenuated by atomic nuclei and is thus more strongly the successful integration of data into soil models. As with many
attenuated by elements with a low atomic number (Kaestner et al ., emerging technologies, a significant volume of previous research
2008). Several neutron radiography and tomography studies have has focused on exploring the potential applications of X-ray CT in
been conducted to explore water uptake dynamics around root soil science. As a result, one might fairly consider that there has
systems (Carminati et al ., 2010; Moradi et al ., 2011). Kaestner been an over-emphasis on collecting data that might have been
et al . (2008) demonstrate how neutron imaging, which has a ascertained quicker and with reduced cost by more traditional
smaller spatial resolution but does have the ability to calculate approaches. However, as shown in this paper, the most recent
water content at high temporal resolution, can be combined with research is now revealing the full benefit of a technique that
X-ray tomography, with high spatial 3D pore geometry, and be enables us to truly visualize and measure the undisturbed 3D
used to refine fluid flow and distribution models. inner space of soil at highly relevant resolutions for key soil
MacFall et al . (1991) used MRI to observe heterogeneous water functions. Furthermore, with super fast scan times (within the
uptake of Loblolly pine seedlings in 2D, exploiting the greater order of 5–10 minutes), we are almost able to visualize dynamic
soil behaviour in high-throughput environments, enabling us to Aylmore, L.A.G. 1993. Use of computer-assisted tomography in studying
quantify multiscale uncertainty and heterogeneity. Improvements water movement around plant roots. Advances in Agronomy, 39, 1–54.
in X-ray CT detectors now allow for easier discrimination Batey, T. 2009. Soil compaction and soil management – a review. Soil
between soil phases, including the quantification of root systems Use and Management, 25, 335–345.
embedded within soil, enabling the visualization of the emerging Baveye, P., Rogasik, H., Wendroth, O., Onasch, I. & Crawford, J.W.
2002. Effect of sampling volume on the measurement of soil physical
rhizosphere. However, there still remain certain technological and
properties: simulation with X-ray tomography data. Measurement
user constraints that are hindering progress. Whilst the cost of
Science and Technology, 13, 775–784.
X-ray CT systems has dramatically decreased and accessibility
Baveye, P.C., Laba, M., Otten, W., Bouckaert, L., Dello Sterpaio, P.,
issues have been reduced, the uptake of the technology for soils Goswami, R.R., et al . 2010. Observer-dependent variability of the
research has been slow. Previous research has made huge progress thresholding step in the quantitative analysis of soil images and X-ray
in visualizing pore channels and soil constituents, but often this microtomography data. Geoderma, 157, 51–63.
has not been focused on trying to unravel how soil features Capowiez, Y., Pierret, A., Daniel, O., Monestiez, P. & Kretzschmar, A.
form or change with time. Likewise, there have been very few 1998. 3D Skeleton reconstructions of natural earthworm burrow systems
appropriately replicated studies to date, which has often led to using CAT scan images of soil cores. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 27,
X-ray CT being perceived as an exclusive, novel and a largely 51–59.
inaccessible research tool. Whilst this may have been true 10 years Capowiez, Y., Pierret, A. & Moran, C. 2003. Characterisation of the
ago, X-ray CT should no longer be considered as a novel approach three-dimensional structure of earthworm burrow systems using image
but, instead, an accepted and tested means of characterizing soil analysis and mathematical morphology. Biology and Fertility of Soils,
systems. 38, 301–310.
Carlson, W.D. 2006. Three-dimensional imaging of earth and planetary
materials. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 249, 133–147.
Acknowledgements Carlson, W., Denison, C. & Ketcham, R. 1999. High-resolution X-
ray computed tomography as a tool for visualization and quantitative
Funding for this research was provided by the Lawes Agricultural
analysis of igneous textures in three dimensions. Visual Geosciences, 4,
Trust, the University of Nottingham and the University of New
England. Carminati, A., Vetterlein, D., Weller, U., Vogel, H.-J. & Oswald, S.E.
2009. When roots lose contact. Vadose Zone Journal , 8, 805–809.
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