Topic Selection Guidelines and Worksheet

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ENG 401 Technical Report Writing and Presentation Guidelines and Worksheet for Topic Selection

You are required to identify a problem related to the broad topic of “Sustainable Technologies”. The problem must be a real problem which you
have experienced/are experiencing and a manageable one (i.e. you can’t focus on lack of sufficient technology in Turkey in an 8-10 page report).
1. What is the problem? Do not make assumptions or generalizations
about the problem and/or its root cause(s) ; ask yourself whether you
are relying on the opinions or experiences of just a few people, or
your own experience in just a few situations. If so, consider whether
you need more evidence, or perhaps a more realistic approach to the
2. What is/are the negative effect(s) of the problem? Describing its
impact on your life will help you define your purpose in writing this
project (you will try to eliminate those effects).

3. What is my purpose? Define your purpose/objective(s) based on

your answer to Q. 2.

4. What are the root causes (reasons) of this problem? Try to define
the problem by analyzing it through questions: Who-What-When-
Where-Why-How? You don’t need to answer all of them. There
might be one big cause or several root causes (reasons). Conduct
research; ask relevant people, etc.
5. What are the alternative solutions? Offer 3 solutions - which need
to be technical/engineering solutions. Your solutions need to reflect
current practices . As an engineer you need to be aware of recent
6. What will be my criteria? Consider your objective(s) & resources
(money, time, physical constraints, etc.) to determine your criteria.
Offer 3 criteria . (This can be done after you learn about criteria in
When specifying your problem, ask the following question: Who is my audience? Before you start answering the questions, specify your potential
funder/investor whom you will need to convince that your solution/project is worth investment.

Choose your topic, work on this document and keep it with you for class time. There will be sessions in classroom where you will need to work on
this document.

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