BR Iv (A)
BR Iv (A)
BR Iv (A)
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~STAT.G: .... ofl:iur- 'U:. }\UDA
Ser .
I/We T1er.c by give ·you notrce that - the building/part ~of-tiuilding de·scr'lbed below
;i m1 s-anctior:ied. vlde· your order ' Nb'JJ!.o:n..b date(! o?:O/ • h.a s _b¢en (::Or::,:tPl,eted on
··-·- ,n _;.II respects according to the sanctioned plans .and the structural design
,11.-,..!e for the. s.;rne and tre suggeste9 i•1odi_ncat1on~ have been -carried out.
D.esc,:'ip,tlon of.Building
Plot No. 14<S. ....... , Sector ,., 3_!/---. __..,. t olo.ny -,,-.... . -~ .
Cityl{OW(l --··-~ ~ ~~:' ·::.. _ J or)
.. ·. ;.;..,;_:... .,. • • •• , . V1lla~.e -·-
Kh;i~n,l'no .._0 _ .. ~·
1. Name . of t_lW QV,,Jler tc!rQ09 m.o.b·: net ar;id E,•
n1ail, . '-" o. ->e ,. •..... ,'...:: . .. .. . .. •
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-?-1 ~,;;-,r na d ,na Bu11din9 Code, 201
Signature of applicant
(No, digital ·signatures are required)
Ar chitect/Engineer
supervising tpe construction at
• site •
J• . Cqr:riplet;e ·A~J'd·r~ss
Ii. €:-Mall
iii. fti;Qpile -nQ.