Gen Bio 4th Quarter
Gen Bio 4th Quarter
Gen Bio 4th Quarter
Sexual and Asexual Reproduction of Plants After a pollen grain becomes anchored on the moist,
Pollination and fertilization are part of the sexual sticky surface of the stigma, it germinates and produces
process that occurs within the flowers or reproductive a pollen tube. The pollen tube grows down through the
structures of a plant. Pollination and fertilization result style and into the ovary where it eventually reaches an
in the formation and development of seeds. Each seed ovule. Fertilization occurs when the male sex cell in the
produced contains a tiny plant and a supply of stored pollen tube unites with the female sex cell in the ovule.
food, surrounded by a protective covering. Most plants For each seed a plant produces, a separate grain of
have roots, stems and leaves. These are called the pollen must reach and unite with an ovule.
vegetative parts of a plant. After a certain period of
growth, most plants bear flowers. You may have seen During the fertilization process, one sperm cell from
the mango trees flowering in spring. It is these flowers the pollen tube unites with the egg cell in the ovule to
that give rise to juicy mango fruit we enjoy in summer. form a zygote. The second sperm cell unites with two
We eat the fruits and usually discard the seeds. Seeds separate polar nuclei to form a primary endosperm
germinate and form new plants. Flowers perform the
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nucleus. Double fertilization results from the unions of arises from the bud forming a chain of buds. If this
the two male sex cells. The zygote proceeds through process continues, a large number of yeast cells are
cell division and develops into a seed embryo. The produced in a short time.
primary endosperm nucleus develops to form a food
source to be used by the embryonic plant during seed Fragmentation
You might have seen slimy green patches in ponds, or
in other stagnant water bodies. These are the algae.
When water and nutrients are available algae grow and
multiply rapidly by fragmentation. An alga breaks up
into two or more fragments. These fragments or pieces
grow into new individuals. This process continues and
they cover a large area in a short period of time.
Spore Formation
Spores are asexual reproductive bodies. Each spore is
covered by a hard protective coat to withstand
unfavorable conditions such as high temperature and
low humidity. Formation of spores in unfavorable
conditions which is an adaptive response is called
sporulation. So they can survive for a long time. Under
favorable conditions, a spore germinates and develops
into a new individual. Plants such as moss and ferns
also reproduce by means of spores. Other special
organisms which thrive and survive through
assemblages (e.g. rice litters) known as the smartest
biotans of the forest floor, the myxomycetes or slime
molds also release haploid spores (Catipay, 2019).
When spores are released, they keep floating in the air.
ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION As they are very light they can cover long distances
Asexual or vegetative reproduction involves the unlike pollen grains.
production of new plants by use of vegetative parts
from an existing plant. Vegetative plant parts used in ANIMAL REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
asexual reproduction include stems, buds, leaves, and Functions of the reproductive system
roots. Asexual or vegetative reproduction involves 1. Provides process for reproduction.
growing new plants from the vegetative parts of 2. Production of offspring
existing plants. These vegetative parts include leaves,
Types of Reproduction for Animals
stems, and roots. In asexual reproduction new plants
Just as in plants, there are two modes by which
are obtained without production of seeds. Vegetative
animals reproduce. These are:
propagation is a type of asexual reproduction in which a) Sexual reproduction
new plants are produced from roots, stems, leaves and b) Asexual reproduction
buds. Since reproduction is through the vegetative
parts of the plant, it is known as vegetative Like plants, the reproductive parts in animals also
propagation. produce gametes that fuse to form a zygote. It is the
zygote which develops into a new individual. This type
of reproduction beginning from the fusion of male and
Remember the minute organisms you have added in female gametes is called sexual reproduction.
your vinegar setup? Those are yeasts which are
eukaryotic organisms under the kingdom Fungi Male Reproductive Organs
(mycota). The small bulb-like projection coming out The male reproductive organs include a pair of testes
from the yeast cell is called a bud. The bud gradually (singular, testis), two sperm ducts and a penis (which
grows and gets detached from the parent cell and forms
releases the sperm in the semen to the vagina). The
a new yeast cell. The new yeast cell grows, matures and
testes produce the male gametes called sperms
produces more yeast cells. Sometimes, another bud
➢ in the light there is a net intake of carbon dioxide for Every cell in the body needs oxygen to survive. The
photosynthesis and a net output of oxygen from respiratory system provides a way for oxygen to enter
respiration the body. It also provides a way for carbon dioxide, the
➢ in the dark there is a net intake of oxygen for waste product of cells, to leave the body.
respiration and a net output of carbon dioxide
The respiratory system is made up of 2 sections:
➢ In the dark the plant's potassium pumps stop and ➢ the upper respiratory tract and
potassium ions diffuse back out of the guard cells, they ➢ the lower respiratory tract
lose turgidity and the stomata close. Sufficient oxygen The Upper Respiratory Tract
for respiration can still get into the leaf cells by
diffusion. Gas exchange is achieved by diffusion. This is
a process by which particles move naturally from a
region where they are in high concentration to a region
where they are in lower concentration. They move
down a concentration gradient: the steeper the
gradient, the faster the rate of diffusion. With the
stomata open, production and consumption of oxygen
and carbon dioxide in the leaf is sufficient to maintain
a concentration gradient steep enough to facilitate gas
exchange with the atmosphere. In potential drought
conditions, a mechanism triggered by the plant
2. Ureotelism:
Process of observing characters and thereby classifying
a. Elimination of nitrogenous waste in the form of urea
is called ureotelism.
b. As ammonia is very toxic, it must be converted to less Latin
toxic form. Language used universally in biology.
c. In liver, ammonia combine with CO2 to form urea by Names of biologist who discovered a new species can
ornithine cycle and formation requires expenditure be included as a third name in the nomenclature or as
of energy. species name.
d. Urea can be excreted at lower rate.
e. Urea is soluble in water and stored in dissolved form Taxonomy Classification in Hierarchy
called urine.
f. About 50ml of water is required for elimination of 1 g
of urea.
Examples: Terrestrial animals like frog, turtle, toads,
mammals, marine fishes.
3. Uricotelism:
a. Elimination of nitrogenous waste in the form of uric
acid is called uricotelism.
b. Uric acid is least toxic nitrogenous waste and can be
retained in body for longer period.
c. Synthesis of uric acid from ammonia in liver by
inosinic pathway.
d. Uric acid is eliminated in the form of solid pallets.
e. Such type of excretion is found in those animals which
have to converse the water.
Example: Land snails, terrestrial insects, reptiles, birds