Co-Op Academy North Manchester - Year 10 English Curriculum

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Co-op Academy North Manchester - Year 10 English Curriculum

Y10 HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6

Topic(s) Love and Romeo and Juliet Blood Brothers Love and Relationships Fiction and Non-Fiction Fiction and Non-Fiction Spoken Language
Relationships poetry Poetry - Romantic Language Language
- Family Poems poems

Substantive English Literature English Literature English Literature English Literature English Language English Language English Language

Disciplinary English Literature English Literature English Literature English Literature English Language English Language

Key AO1: AO1: AO1: AO1: AO1: AO1: AO6:

Read, understand Read, understand and Read, understand and Read, understand and identify and interpret identify and interpret Candidates must use
and respond to respond to texts. respond to texts. respond to texts. explicit and implicit explicit and implicit a range of
texts. Students Students should be Students should be Students should be information and ideas information and ideas vocabulary and
should be able to able to maintain a able to maintain a able to maintain a select and synthesise select and synthesise sentence structures
maintain a critical critical style and critical style and critical style and evidence from different evidence from different for clarity, purpose
style and develop an develop an informed develop an informed develop an informed texts texts and effect, with
informed personal personal response. Use personal response. Use personal response. Use accurate spelling and
response. Use textual references, textual references, textual references, AO2: AO2: punctuation.
textual references, including quotations, to including quotations, to including quotations, to
including support and illustrate support and illustrate support and illustrate Explain, comment on Explain, comment on AO7:
quotations, to interpretations. interpretations. interpretations. and analyse how writers and analyse how writers
support and use language and use language and Demonstrate
illustrate AO2: AO2: AO2: structure to achieve structure to achieve presentation skills in
interpretations. effects and influence effects and influence a formal setting
Analyse the language, Analyse the language, Analyse the language, readers, using relevant readers, using relevant
AO2: form and structure used form and structure used form and structure used subject terminology to subject terminology to AO8:
by a writer to create by a writer to create by a writer to create support their views support their views
Analyse the meanings and effects, meanings and effects, meanings and effects, Listen and respond
language, form and using relevant subject using relevant subject using relevant subject AO3: AO3: appropriately to
structure used by a terminology where terminology where terminology where spoken language,
writer to create appropriate. appropriate. appropriate. Compare writers’ ideas Compare writers’ ideas including to
meanings and and perspectives, as and perspectives, as questions and
effects, using AO3: AO3: AO3: well as how these are well as how these are feedback on
Co-op Academy North Manchester - Year 10 English Curriculum
relevant subject conveyed, across two conveyed, across two presentations.
terminology where Show understanding of Show understanding of Show understanding of or more texts. or more texts.
appropriate. the relationships the relationships the relationships AO9:
between texts and the between texts and the between texts and the AO4: AO4:
AO3: contexts in which they contexts in which they contexts in which they Use spoken Standard
were written. were written. were written. Evaluate texts critically Evaluate texts critically English effectively in
Show understanding and support this with and support this with speeches and
of the relationships AO4: AO4: AO4: appropriate textual appropriate textual presentations.
between texts and references. references.
the contexts in Use a range of Use a range of Use a range of
which they were vocabulary and vocabulary and vocabulary and AO5: AO5:
written. sentence structures for sentence structures for sentence structures for
clarity, purpose and clarity, purpose and clarity, purpose and Communicate clearly, Communicate clearly,
AO4: effect, with accurate effect, with accurate effect, with accurate effectively and effectively and
spelling and spelling and spelling and imaginatively, selecting imaginatively, selecting
Use a range of punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. and adapting tone, and adapting tone,
vocabulary and style and register for style and register for
sentence structures different forms, different forms,
for clarity, purpose purposes and purposes and
and effect, with audiences. Organise audiences. Organise
accurate spelling information and ideas, information and ideas,
and punctuation. using structural and using structural and
grammatical features to grammatical features to
support coherence and support coherence and
cohesion of texts. cohesion of texts.

Assessment Exam style Exam style questions Exam style questions Exam style questions Exam style questions Exam style questions Exam style questions
Mocks Mocks Mocks Mocks Mocks Mocks

Homework Google Quizzes that Google Quizzes that Google Quizzes that Google Quizzes that Google Quizzes that Google Quizzes that Google Quizzes that
aim to consolidate aim to consolidate aim to consolidate aim to consolidate aim to consolidate aim to consolidate aim to consolidate
recall and promote recall and promote recall and promote recall and promote recall and promote recall and promote recall and promote
retrieval retrieval retrieval retrieval retrieval retrieval retrieval

Creation of revision Creation of revision Creation of revision Creation of revision Creation of revision Creation of revision Creation of revision
materials materials materials materials materials materials materials

Past exam questions Past exam questions Past exam questions Past exam questions Past exam questions Past exam questions Past exam questions
Co-op Academy North Manchester - Year 10 English Curriculum
Wider We would encourage your child to read widely around the set texts. The following website is a good place to start.

How to help You can support your child at home by:

at home ● Encouraging them to read widely incorporating non-fiction texts such as newspapers, blogs, article etc
● Prompt your child to make revision materials such as posters and flash cards. Use these to test your child’s knowledge.
● Use relevant resources available on BBC Bitesize. They have sections which cover Literature, Shakespeare, all aspects of English Language and Poetry.

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