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Chap 14 Semiconductor and Electronics Devices Page 183

Semiconductor and Electronics Devices

SUMMARY forbidden band. No electrons are present in this gap.

It is a measure of energy band gap.
1. The minimum energy required for shifting
1. CLASSIFICATION OF SOLIDS ON THE BASIS OF THEIR electrons from valence band to conduction band
CONDUCTIVITY is known as energy band gap.
2. If l is the wavelength of radiation used in shifting
On the basis of the relative values of electrical the electron from valence band to conduction
conductivity (s) and resistivity (r = 1/s), the solids band, then energy band gap is,
are broadly classified as:
Eg = hu = hc
1. Metals : Those solids which have high conductivity l
and very low resistivity. The value of conductivity Where h is called Planck’s constant and c is the
for metals lies in between 102 to 108 Sm-1 and of speed of light.
resistivity in between 10-2 to 108 Sm-1 and of 3. The forbidden energy gap Eg in a semiconductor
resistivity in between 10-2 to 10-8 Wm . depends upon temperature.
2. Insulators : Those solids which have low 4. Fermi energy is the maximum possible energy
conductivity and high resistivity. The value of possessed by free electrons of a material at
conductivity for insulators lies between 10-11 absolute zero temperature (i.e. 0 K).
to 10-19 Sm-1 and of resistivity between 1011 to
1019 Wm .
3. Semiconductors : Those solids which have SEMICONDUCTORS ON THE BASIS OF BAND THEORY
conductivity and resistivity intermediate to metals
and insulators. The value of conductivity for
semiconductors lies in between 105 to 10-6 Sm-1 3.1 Metals
and of resistivity between 10-5 to 106 Wm . In metals either the conduction band is partially
filled or conduction band and valence band partially
overlap each other.
In metals, there is no forbidden energy gap
2.1 Valence Band
between the valence and conduction bands.
This band contains valence electrons. This band may
be partially or completely filled with electrons. This
band is never empty. Electrons in this band do not
contribute to electric current.

2.2 Conduction Band

In this band, electrons are rarely present. This band
is either empty or partially filled. Electrons in the
conduction band are known as free electrons. These
electrons contribute to the electric current.

2.3 Forbidden Energy Gap or Forbidden Band

The energy gap between the valence band and
conduction band is known as forbidden energy gap or
Page 184 Semiconductor and Electronics Devices Chap 14

Hole : It is a seat of positive charge which is

produced when an electron breaks away from a
covalent bond in a semiconductor. Hole has a
positive charge equal to that of electron. Mobility
of hole is smaller than that of electron.

A pure semiconductor which is free from every impurity
is known as intrinsic semiconductor. Germanium (Ge)
and silicon (Si) are the important examples of intrinsic
1. In intrinsic semiconductor ne = nh = ni where ne
, nh are number density of electrons in conduction
band and number density of holes in valence
3.2 Insulators band, ni is the intrinsic carrier concentration.
2. When an electric field is applied across an
In insulators, valence band is completely filled and intrinsic semiconductor, electrons and holes move
conduction band is completely empty. in opposite directions so that total current (I)
In insulators, there is a very wide forbidden energy through the pure semiconductor is given by
gap between the valence and conduction bands. It is
I = Ie + Ih
of the order of 5 eV or more.
Where Ie is the free electron current and Ih is the
hole current.
3. Effect of Temperature on Conductivity of Intrinsic
Semiconductor : An intrinsic semiconductor will
behave as a perfect insulator at absolute zero.
With increasing temperature, the density of hole-
electron pairs increases and hence the conductivity
of an intrinsic semiconductor increases with
increase in temperature. In other words, the
resistivity (inverse of conductivity) decreases as
the temperature increases.
The semiconductors have negative temperature
coefficient of resistance.
3.3 Semiconductors
In semiconductors, valence band is completely filled
and the conduction band is empty. It is a process of deliberate addition of a desirable
impurity to a pure semiconductor in order to increase
In semiconductors, there is a small forbidden
its conductivity. The impurity atoms added are known
energy gap between the valence and the conduction
as dopants.
bands. It is of the order of 1 eV. For silicon, it is
1.1 eV and for germanium it is 0.72 eV. 6. EXTRINSIC SEMICONDUCTOR
A doped semiconductor is known as extrinsic
semiconductor. Extrinsic semiconductors are of two

6.1 n -Type Semiconductor

1. When a pure semiconductor of Si or Ge (tetravalent)
is doped with a group V pentavalent impurities
like arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), phosphorus
(P) etc., we obtain a n -type semiconductor. The
pentavalent impurity are known as donor atoms.
At absolute zero, semiconductors behave as a perfect 2. It is called n -type semiconductor because the
insulator. conduction of electricity in such semiconductor is
Chap 14 Semiconductor and Electronics Devices Page 185

due to motion of electrons i.e. negative charges. independent of the amount of donor and acceptor
3. It is called donor type semiconductor, because the impurity doping. This relationship is known as the
doped impurity atom donates one free electron to mass action law and is given by
semiconductor for conduction. ne nh = n i2
4. In n -type semiconductor electrons are majority
Where, ne , nh are number density of electrons and
carriers and holes are minority carriers.
holes respectively and ni is the intrinsic carriers
5. The representation of n -type semiconductor is as concentration.
shown in the figure. Electrical Conductivity in Semiconductor
The conductivity of the semiconductor is given by s
= e (ne m e + nh m h) where m e and m h are the electron
and hole densities, e is electronic charge.
1. The conductivity of an intrinsics semiconductor
is, s i = ni e (m e + m h)
2. The conductivity of n -type semiconductor is, s n
6. n -type semiconductor is neutral.
= eNd m e .
7. In n -type semiconductor,
3. The conductivity of p -type semiconductor is, s p
ne c Nd >> nh
= eNa m h .
where, Nd is the density of donor atoms.
8. p -n JUNCTION
6.2 p -Type Semiconductor
When donor impurities are introduced into one side
When a pure semiconductor of Si or Ge (tetravalent) and acceptors introduced into one side and acceptors
is doped with a group III trivalent impurities like into the other side of a single crystal of an intrinsic
aluminium (Al), boron (B), indium (In) etc., we obtain semiconductor, a p - n junction is formed. It is
a p -type semiconductor. The trivalent impurity atoms also known as junction diode. The most important
are known as acceptor atoms. characteristic of a p - n junction is its ability to
1. It is called p -type because the conduction of conduct current in one direction only. In the other
electricity in such semiconductor is due to motion (reverse) direction it offers very high resistance. It is
of holes i.e. positive charges. symbolically represented by
2. It is called acceptor type semiconductor
because doped impurity atom creates a hole
in semiconductor which accepts the electron,
resulting conduction in p -type semiconductor.
3. In p -type semiconductor, holes are majority 8.1 Depletion Region
carriers and electrons are minority carriers. In the vicinity of junction, the region containing the
4. The representation of p -type semiconductor is as uncompensated acceptor and donor ions is known as
shown in the figure. depletion region. There is a depletion of mobile charges
(holes and free electrons) in this region. Since this
region has immobile (fixed) ions which are electrically
charged it is also known as the space charge region.
The electric field between the acceptor and the donor
ions is known as a barrier. The physical distance from
one side of the barrier to the other is known as the
5. p -type semiconductor is neutral. width of the barrier. The difference of potential from
one side of the barrier to the other side is known as
6. In p -type semiconductor
the height of the barrier.
nh . Na >> ne 1. For a silicon p -n junction, the barrier potential
where, Na is the density of acceptor atoms. is about 0.7 V, whereas for a germanium p -n
junction it is approximately 0.3 V.
7. MASS-ACTION LAW 2. The width of the depletion layer and magnitude
Under thermal equilibrium, the product of the free of potential barrier depend upon the nature of the
negative and positive concentrations is a constant material of semiconductor and the concentration
Page 186 Semiconductor and Electronics Devices Chap 14

of impurity atoms. The thickness of the depletion 1. Knee Voltage : In forward biasing, the voltage
region is of the order of one tenth of a micrometre. at which the current starts to increase rapidly is
known as cut-in or knee voltage. For germanium
8.2 Forward Biasing of a p -n Junction it is 0.3 V while for silicon it is 0.7 V.
When the positive terminal of external battery is 2. Dynamic Resistance : It is defined as the ratio
connected to p -side and negative to n -side of p -n of a small change in voltage (TV) applied across
junction, then the p -n junction is said to be froward the p -n junction to a small change in current TI
biased. through the junction.
1. In forward biasing, the width of the depletion rd = TV
region decreases and barrier height reduces. TI
2. The resistance of the p -n junction becomes low in 9. IDEAL DIODE
forward biasing.
A diode permits only unidirectional conduction. It
8.3 Reverse Biasing of a p -n Junction conducts well in the forward direction and poorly in
When the positive terminal of the external battery is the reverse direction. It would have been ideal if a
connected to n -side and the negative terminal to p diode acts as a perfect conductor (with zero voltage
-side of a p -n Junction, then the p -n junction is said across it) when it is forward biased, and as a perfect
to be reverse biased. insulator (with no current-flows through it) when it
1. In reverse biasing, the width of the depletion is reverse biased. The I - V characteristics of an ideal
region increases and barrier height increases. diode as shown in figure.
2. The resistance of the p -n junction becomes high
in reverse biasing.

8.4 Breakdown Voltage

A very small current flows through p -n junction,
when it is reverse biased. The flow of the current
is due to the movement of minority charge carriers.
The reverse current is almost independent of the
applied voltage. However, if the reverse bias voltage is
continuously increased, for a certain reverse voltage,
the current through the p -n junction will increase
abruptly. This reverse bias voltage is thus known as 1. An ideal diode acts like an automatic switch.
breakdown voltage. There can be two different causes 2. In forward bias, it acts as a closed switch whereas
for the break down. One is known as zener breakdown in reverse bias it acts as an open switch as shown
and the other is known as avalanche breakdown. in the figure.
I -V Characteristics of a p -n Junction
The I -V characteristics of a p -n junction do not
obey Ohm’s law. TheI -V Characteristics of a p -n
junction are as shown in the figure.

It is a device which converts AC voltage to DC voltage.
Diode is used as a rectifier. Rectifier is based on the
fact that, a forward bias p -n junction conducts and a
reverse bias p -n junction does not conduct.

10.1 Half Wave Rectifier

Diode conducts corresponding to positive half cycle
and does not conduct during negative half cycle,
Hence, AC is converted by diode into undirectional
Chap 14 Semiconductor and Electronics Devices Page 187

pulsating DC. This action is known as half-wave 10.3 Ripple Factor

The ripple factor is a measure of purity of the DC
output of a rectifier and is defined as
rms value of the components of wave
r =
average or dc value
I rms 2
= b Idc l - 1


10.2 Full Wave Rectifier

The circuit diagram, input and output waveforms for
a full wave rectifier are as shown in the figure.
Page 188 Semiconductor and Electronics Devices Chap 14


(a) valence band (b) conduction band
(c) forbidden band (d) none of these
1. In an extrinsic semiconductor, the number density of
holes is 4 # 1020 m-3 . If the number density of intrinsic Ans : Foreign 2010

carriers is 1.2 # 10 45 m-3 . The number density of

8. The impurity atom that should be added to the
electron in it is
germanium to make it an n -type semiconductor is
(a) 1.8 # 109 m-3 (b) 2.4 # 1010 m-3
(a) iodine (b) indium
(c) 3.6 # 109 m-3 (d) 3.2 # 1010 m-3
(c) arsenic (d) aluminium
Ans : OD 2023
Ans : Delhi 2015

2. The formation of depletion region in a p - n junction

9. With the increase of temperature, width of the
diode is due to
forbidden gap
(a) movement of dopant atoms
(a) decreases (b) increases
(b) diffusion of both electrons and holes
(c) remains same (d) becomes zero
(c) drift of electrons only
Ans : OD 2010
(d) drift of holes only
10. A pure semiconductor behaves slightly as a conductor
Ans : OD 2023
3. A semiconductor is cooled from T1 K to T2 K , then (a) low temperature (b) high temperature
its resistance will (c) room temperature (d) both (a) and (b)
(a) increase
Ans : Delhi 2008
(b) decrease
11. When the conductivity of a semiconductor is only due
(c) remain constant
to breaking of covalent bonds, the semiconductor is
(d) first decrease then increase called
Ans : Foreign 2018, OD 2015 (a) extrinsic (b) intrinsic
(c) n -type (d) p -type
Ans : SQP 2014, Comp 2009

4. For n -type Germanium, impurity doped in Germanium 12. The n -type semiconductors are obtained, when
is germanium is doped with
(a) Trivalent (b) Tetravalent (a) arsenic (b) phosphorus
(c) Pentavalent (d) None of these (c) antimony (d) any one of these
Ans : Delhi 2017
Ans : Foreign 2012

5. Diode is used as
13. In some substances, charge can flow at ordinary
(a) An amplifier (b) An oscillator temperature, but not at very low temperatures. These
(c) A modulator (d) A rectifier substances are called
Ans : OD 2017 (a) conductors (b) insulators
(c) dielectrics (d) semiconductors
6. The majority current-carrier in p -type semiconductor
is Ans : OD 2009

(a) electron (b) hole 14. At 0 K temperature, a p -type semiconductor

(c) photon (d) proton (a) does not have any charge carrier
Ans : SQP 2016 (b) has few holes and few free electrons
7. The state of energy of the valence electrons, when the (c) has few holes but no free electron
temperature is raised or when electric field is applied, (d) has equal no. of holes and free electrons
Ans : Foreign 2005
Chap 14 Semiconductor and Electronics Devices Page 189

15. To obtain a p -type semiconductor, germanium atom (b) intensity of light falling on the cell
must be doped with (c) barrier voltage at the p -n junction
(a) arsenic (b) antimony (d) frequency of light falling on the cell
(c) indium (d) phosphorus Ans :
Ans : SQP 2008
22. The region with free electrons and holes in a p -n
16. When the p -end of the p n junction is connected to
- junction diode is
the negative terminal and the n -end to the positive (a) p -region (b) n -region
terminal of the battery, then p -n junction behaves
(c) junction (d) depletion region
like a/an
Ans : Delhi 2007
(a) insulator (b) conductor
(c) semiconductor (d) superconductor 23. In a p -n junction diode, the holes are due to
Ans : Delhi 2016 (a) protons (b) neutrons

17. To a germanium sample, traces of gallium are added (c) extra electrons (d) missing of electrons
as an impurity. The resultant sample would behave Ans : Foreign 2017, SQP 2013
like a/an
24. The peak voltage in the output of a half wave diode
(a) conductor rectifier fed with a sinusoidal signal without filter is
(b) insulator 10 V. The DC component of the output voltage is
(c) p -type semiconductor (a) 20 V (b) 10 V
p 2
(d) n -type semiconductor 10
(c) V (d) 10 V
Ans : SQP 2010
Ans : SQP 2001

25. A rectifier converts

(a) light energy into electrical energy
18. Which of the following, when added as an impurity
atom in the silicon, produces n -type semiconductor ? (b) high frequency into low frequency
(a) phosphorous (b) aluminium (c) alternating current into direct current
(c) magnesium (d) both (b) and (c) (d) mechanical energy into electric energy
Ans : Delhi 2014 Ans : Delhi 2013

19. When germanium atoms is doped with equal no. of 26. A p -n junction is used as a/an
antimony atoms, we get a/an (a) rectifier (b) amplifier
(a) superconductor (c) oscillator (d) modulator
(b) p -type semiconductor Ans : Foreign 2012

(c) n -type semiconductor

27. In comparison to a half wave rectifier, the full wave
(d) intrinsic semiconductor rectifier gives lower
Ans : OD 2006 (a) efficiency (b) average current

20. The potential barrier, in the depletion layer, is due to (c) average output voltage (d) none of these
(a) ions (b) holes Ans : SQP 2009

(c) electrons (d) forbidden band 28. Assuming that the p -n junction diode shown in the
Ans : Foreign 2001 figure is ideal, the current through the diode is

21. In a p -n junction photo cell, the value of the photo-

electromotive force, produced by monochromatic light
is proportional to (a) 0.02 A (b) 2 A
(a) voltage applied at the p -n junction
(c) 0.2 A (d) 20 A
Page 190 Semiconductor and Electronics Devices Chap 14

Ans : OD 2003
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason
is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) The Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
ASSERTION AND REASON (d) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
Ans :
29. Assertion : The resistivity of a semi-conductor 33. Assertion : In a common emitter transmitter amplifier
increases with temperature. the input current is much less than the out put current.
Reason : The atoms of semi-conductor vibrate with Reason : The common emitter transistor amplifier has
larger amplitude as higher temperatures thereby very high input impedance.
increasing its resistivity. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) The Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(c) The Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
(d) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
Ans :
Ans :

30. Assertion : The value of current through p -n junction

in the given figure will be 10 mA.
34. Assertion : In common base configuration. The
current gain of the transistor is less than unity.
Reason : The collector terminal is reverse biased for
Reason : In the above figure, p -side is at higher (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the
potential than n -side. Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason
Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason
(c) The Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(d) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
(c) The Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
Ans :
(d) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
35. Assertion : The logic gate NOT can be built using
31. Assertion : In a transition the base is made thin. diode.
Reason : A thin base makes the transistor stable. Reason : The output voltage and the input voltage of
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the the diode have 180c phase difference.
Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
is not a correct explanation of the Assertion. (b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason
(c) The Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(d) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect. (c) The Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
Ans : (d) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
Ans :
32. Assertion : The number of electrons in a p -type silicon
semiconductor is less than the number of electrons in 36. Assertion : If the temperature of a semiconductor is
a pure silicon semiconductor at room temperature. increased then it’s resistance decreases.
Reason : It is due to law of mass action. Reason : The energy gap between conduction band
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the and valence band is very small.
Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
Chap 14 Semiconductor and Electronics Devices Page 191

(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the

Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason
is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) The Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
Ans :

37. Assertion : NAND or NOR gates are called digital

building blocks.
Reason : The repeated use of NAND (or NOR) gates Ans : OD 2021

can produce all the basis or complicated gates.

41. What is doping ?
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the
Ans : Comp 2021, OD 2003
Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason 42. What happens when a forward bias is applied to a
is not a correct explanation of the Assertion. p -n -junctions
(c) The Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect. Ans : Delhi 2019

(d) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect. 43. Draw the circuit diagram to explain in the working of
Ans : a full wave p -n junction rectifier.
Ans : OD 2020

38. Assertion : A transistor amplifier in common emitter SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS

configuration has a low input impedance.
Reason : The base to emitter region is forward biased. 44. Answer the following giving reasons :
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and the (i) A p - n junction diode is damaged by a strong
Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion. current.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason (ii) Impurities are added in intrinsic semiconductors.
is not a correct explanation of the Assertion. Ans : OD 2023
(c) The Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
45. Distinguish between n -type and p -type
(d) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
Ans : Ans : Comp 2015, 13

46. Draw energy band diagram of n -typed and p -typed

VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS semiconductor at temperature T 2 0 K . Mark the
donor and acceptor energy level with their energies.
Ans : SQP 2012
39. What happens to the width of depletion layer of
a r - n junction when it is (i) forward biased, (ii) 47. Distinguish between an intrinsic semiconductor and
reverse biased? a p -type semiconductor. Give reason why a p -type
Ans : Delhi 2020 semiconductor crystal is electrically neutral, although
nh 22 ne .
40. The graph shown in the figure represents a plot of
Ans : Comp 2010, Delhi 2001
current versus voltage for a given semiconductor.
Identify the region at which the semiconductor has a 48. Distinguish between ‘Intrinsic’ and ‘Extrinsic’
negative resistance. semiconductors?
Ans : Delhi 2015

49. Draw V - I characteristics of a p - n junction diode.

Page 192 Semiconductor and Electronics Devices Chap 14

Answer the following questions, giving reasons: Ans : OD 2013

(i) Why is the current under reverse bias almost 56. Describe briefly, with the help of a diagram, the role
independent of the applied potential upto a of the two important process involved in the formation
critical voltage? of a p - n junction.
(ii) Why does the reverse current show a sudden
Ans : OD 2012
increase at the critical voltage?
Name any semiconductor device which operates under 57. Draw the circuit diagram of a half wave rectifier and
the reverse bias in the breakdown region. explain its working.
Ans : Delhi 2008 Ans : Comp 2016

50. Explain, with the help of a circuit diagram, the working

of a p - n junction diode as a half-wave rectifier.
Ans : Delhi 2017, Comp 2015

51. Name the important process that occurs during the

58. What is rectifier ? How a p -n junction diode can
formation of a p - n junction. Explain briefly, with
be used in (1) forward biased and (2) reverse biased
the help of a suitable diagram, how a p - n junction
mode ? Draw a labelled V -I characteristic of p - n
is formed. Define the term ‘barrier potential’.
junction diode on a graph.
Ans : Foreign 2016, OD 2011 Ans : OD 2016

52. Draw the voltage-current characteristic curve of a

diode and mark its important parameter.
Ans : OD 2014
59. Explain the band theory of solids. State how on this
53. Write any two distinguishing features between basis solids are classified into conductors, insulators
conductors, semiconductors and insulators on the and semiconductors.
basis of energy band diagrams. or
or What are energy bands in solids ? How are
Draw the necessary energy band diagrams to semiconductors, insulators and conductors classified
distinguish between conductors, semiconductors and on the basis of band theory?
insulators. How does the change in temperature affect Ans : OD 2017, Delhi 2013

the behaviour of these materials? Explain briefly.

60. 1. State briefly the process involved in the formation
Ans : Comp 2014, SQP 2011
of p - n junction explaining clearly how the
54. Draw the circuit diagram of a full-wave rectifier using depletion region is formed.
p - n junction diode. Explain its working and show 2. Using the necessary circuit diagrams, show how
the output input waveforms. the V - I characteristics of a p - n junction are
obtained in:
Ans : OD 2011
(a) Forward biasing
55. The circuit shown in the figure has two oppositely (b) Reverse biasing
connected ideal diodes connected in parallel. Find the How are these characteristics made use of in
current flowing through each diode in the circuit. rectification?
Draw the circuit arrangement for studying the V - I
characteristics of a p - n junction diode (1) in forward
bias and (2) in reverse bias. Draw the typical V - I
characteristics of a silicon diode.
Describe briefly the following terms:
1. “minority carrier injection” in forward bias
2. “breakdown voltage” in reverse bias.
Ans : Delhi 2018, OD 2007
Chap 14 Semiconductor and Electronics Devices Page 193

61. State the principle of working of p - n diode as a 64. Anita was thinking that C, Si and Ge have same
rectifier. Explain with the help of a circuit diagram, lattice structure, but C is insulator while Si and Ge
the use of p - n diode as a full wave rectifier. Draw a intrinsic semiconductors. For its answer, she meet
sketch of the input and output waveforms. her friend Parul. Parul explained him that the four
or bonding electrons of C, Si and Ge lie respectively in
Draw a circuit diagram of a full wave rectifier. the second, third and fourth orbit. So, energy required
Explain the working principle. Draw the input/output to take out an electron from these atoms known as
waveforms indicating clearly the functions of the two ionisation energy IE will be least for Ge, followed by
diodes used. Si and highest for C. Hence number of free electrons
or for conduction in Ge and Si are significant while
negligible small for C.
With the help of a circuit diagram, explain the working
of a junction diode as a full wave rectifier. Draw its
input and output waveforms. Which characteristic
property makes the junction diode suitable for
Ans : OD 2016

62. What are ‘Energy Bands’ ? How are these formed?

Distinguish between conductors, semiconductors and
insulators on the basis of formation of these bands.
Ans : Comp 2021, SQP 2001

(i) Which is better silicon or germanium?

NUMERICAL QUESTIONS (ii) If a pure silicon crystal has 5 # 1028 atoms/m3 . It
is doped by 1 ppm concentration of pentavalent
63. The V - I characteristic of a silicon diode is as shown
If ni = 1.5 # 1016 /m3 , then calculate the number
in the figure. Calculate the resistance of the diode at of electrons and holes.
(i) I = 15 mA
Ans :
(i) V = - 10 Volt .

Ans : Comp 2020


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