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Syllabus Pharm 102 2024

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CONTACT HOURS 2 hours per week COURSE PLACEMENT First Year, 1st Semester
COURSE DESCRIPTION Rationale: This course orients the students with the science and practice of the Pharmacy profession.

Focus: Focus on the history, regulations, and practice of Pharmacy and the roles of Pharmacists in handling medications and in health care.

1. Value Pharmacy as a Health Profession.
2. Demonstrate an appreciation of history, cultural heritage, and mathematics.
3. Describe the roles of Pharmacists in the different areas of Practice, in handling medications, and in delivery of the healthcare system.


A graduate of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy should be able to: At the end of the first-year level, the students should be able to:
1. practice pharmacy in a professional and ethical manner;
2. provide pharmaceutical care; 1. Demonstrate an appreciation of pharmacy as a health profession and the scope of practice
3. conduct relevant research and disseminate findings; 2. Demonstrate understanding of chemical, physical, and biological processes relevant to
4. apply managerial and entrepreneurial skills; pharmaceutical sciences
5. communicate and facilitate effectively. 3. Recognize the importance of the healthcare system and its components, including the
importance of pharmacovigilance
4. Perform pharmaceutical calculations and appropriate laboratory techniques
5. Demonstrate understanding of morphology, anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, and distinct
features of plant species of pharmaceutical importance
6. Relates ethical practices to administration, management, and leadership in pharmacy
7. Identify the different elements or components in a pharmacy operation while practicing good
management skills
8. Manifest a sound understanding of oneself concerning others and the society
9. Communicate effectively to the appropriate audience
10. Demonstrate an appreciation of mathematics and its relevance to science.
11. Demonstrate understanding of the relationship among different levels of body functions from
molecular to systemic level in normal conditions and diseased states, including the impact of
immunization in vaccine-preventable diseases
12. Demonstrate proper adult vaccine administration techniques
13. Practice good housekeeping in the laboratory and other working areas.

Essential Learning Constructive Alignment

Program Intended
Teaching/ Assessmen
Content Learning Learning
Week Declarative Knowledge Functional Knowledge Learning Activities t Tasks
Standards Outcomes Outcomes
(TLAs) (ATs)
(PLOs) (ILOs)

Week 1-3 Demonstrate 1. History, evolution, and 1.Discussing/Explaining the PLO1 ILO1 1. Interactive Creative
Knowledge to milestone in Pharmacy History, Evolution, and discussion using presentation
Pharmacy as a 2. Scope of Practice and Milestone in Pharmacy virtual classroom (video/play)
Science and as a Essential Functions of 2. Relating the History, 2. Flipped
Profession Pharmacists Evolution, and Milestone in Classrooms Objective
3. Current and Emerging Pharmacy to current 3. Facilitated type of
fields in Pharmacy Pharmacy Practice Discussion using assessment
3. Describing the scope of LMS using LMS
Practice of Pharmacy 4. Invite Immunizing or other
4. Enumerating the pharmacist guest platforms
essential functions of speaker (kahoot,
Pharmacy classmarker,
5. Identifying and quizlet, etc)
Illustrating the current and
emerging fields in
(briefly introduce
immunizing pharmacist

Week 5-6 Demonstrate 1. The seven/ten Star 1. Identifying the PLO1 ILO1 1. Interactive Objective
familiarity on the Pharmacist characteristics of a ILO8 discussion using type of
Attributes and 2. Exclusive and Non- seven/ten-star Pharmacists virtual classroom assessment
Roles of exclusive Functions per 2. Recognizing the 2. Flipped using LMS
Pharmacists Philippine Pharmacy Act Exclusive and Non- Classrooms or other
of 2016 exclusive Functions per 3. Facilitated platforms
Philippine Pharmacy Act of Discussion using (kahoot,
2016 LMS classmarker,
-Functions/Roles of quizlet, etc)
Immunizing Pharmacist 4. Invite Immunizing
including pharmacist guest
practice/vaccination sites speaker
- Competencies
of/expectations for an
immunizing pharmacist –
Roles of Pharmacists (with
legal mandate-RA 10918;
RA 11525 Bayanihan Act
(2 hours)
Week 7-9 Demonstrate 1. Evolution and 1. Discussing the evolution PLO1 ILO1 1. Interactive Objective
understanding of milestones in Pharmacy and Milestones of ILO8 discussion using type of
Education and education Pharmacy Practice virtual classroom assessment
Training of 2. Overview of the 2. Describing the overview 2. Flipped using LMS
Pharmacists Pharmacy Curriculum of curriculum Classrooms or other
3. Pharmacy Research 3. Explaining Pharmacy 3. Facilitated platforms
4. Post-graduate training Research Discussion using (kahoot,
and Specialty 4. Identifying Post LMS classmarker,
5. Continuing Graduate Training and quizlet, etc)
Professional Specialties
Development 5. Explaining Continuing
Professional Development
Week 10-12 Demonstrate 1. Professional Licensure 1. Stating PRC Licensure PLO1 ILO1 1. Interactive Objective
Familiarity of Examination Exam discussion using type of
Regulation of 2. Pharmacy Practice 2. Reciting the Pharmacy virtual classroom assessment
Pharmacy Setting Requirements Practice Setting 2. Flipped using LMS
Practice a. Laws affecting requirements Classrooms or other
b. Pharmacy Practice 3. Identifying Laws 3. Facilitated platforms
c. Philippine Practice d. Affecting Pharmacy Discussion using (kahoot,
Standards for Practice LMS classmarker,
Pharmacists 4. Reporting on Philippine quizlet, etc)
e. Code of Ethics for Practice Standards for
Filipino Pharmacists Pharmacists
f. FIP Code of Ethics 5. Discussing the Code of
g. Professional Pharmacy Ethics for Filipino
Associations Pharmacists
Private, government, and 6. Recognizing FIP Code of
non-government Ethics
agencies affecting 7. Listing Professional
Pharmacy Practice Pharmacy Association
8. Naming Private,
government, and non-
government agencies
affecting Pharmacy
Week 13-15 Demonstrate 1. Drug Research 1. Summarizing the Role of PLO3 ILO1 1. Interactive Objective
Familiarization of 2. Compounding, Pharmacists in Drug ILO3 discussion using type of
the Roles of Manufacturing, and Research, virtual classroom assessment
Pharmacists in Quality Assurance 2. Flipped using LMS
Selected Areas of 3. Pharmaceutical 2. Discussing the role of Classrooms or other
Practice Marketing and retail pharmacist in 3. Facilitated platforms
4. Medication Therapy Compounding, Discussion using (kahoot,
Management Manufacturing, and Quality LMS classmarker,
5. Product Regulation Assurance, Pharmaceutical quizlet, etc)
6. Public Health and Marketing and retail,
Pharmaceutical Policy Medication Therapy
7. Pharmacy Education Management, Product
8. Institutional Pharmacy Regulation, Public Health
9. Community Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Policy,
Pharmacy Education,
Institutional Pharmacy,
Community Pharmacy
Week 16-18 VI. Pharmacists 1. Drug Discovery and 1. Identifying steps in Drug PLO3 ILO1 1. Interactive Objective
Role in Handling Development Discovery and ILO3 discussion using type of
Medications and 2. Category of Drugs Development virtual classroom assessment
its Role in 3. Different Dosage 2. Sequencing Events 2. Flipped using LMS
Healthcare Forms of Drugs involved in Drug discovery Classrooms or other
4. Therapeutic Category 3. Determining different 3. Facilitated platforms
of Drugs drug Categories Discussion using (kahoot,
5. Health Products in the 4. Differentiating the LMS classmarker,
Market different drug categories quizlet, etc)
6. Pharmacists Role in 5. Identifying Different
Handling Medication dosage forms of drugs
7. Pharmacist Role in 6. Citing Examples of Each
Healthcare, Health dosage forms
Promotion, Drug 7. Classifying different
Information Therapeutic categories of
Dissemination, and drugs according to body
Medication Therapy system
Management 8. Citing Examples of
8. Role of Pharmacist as Health Products in the
a Supervising Pharmacist market
in Retail Outlet 9. Describing the
Pharmacists role in
handling medication
10. Discussing the
Pharmacist role in health
care, health promotion,
drug information
dissemination, and
medication therapy
11. Explaining the role of
Pharmacists as supervising
pharmacist in retail outlets
Learning Resources LCD projector, Powerpoint presentations, LED TV, audio-visual materials
Basic Readings Ansel, H Popovich G. and Allen, Jr L., Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery System. 8th Ed., USA: Lea &Febiger,
latest edition.
Konner, D.D., Pharmacy Law Desk Reference. (2008)
Kremer, E. and Urdang, G., History of Pharmacy: A Guide and a Survey.
Tallis, N. and Arnold- Foster, K. Pharmacy History: A Pictorial Record.
Four Thousand Years of Pharmacy: An Outline History of Pharmacy and Allied Sciences.
Global Perspectives of Pharmacy Education and Practice
Extended Readings RA 10981; Generics Law (RA 6675); Counterfeit Medicines Law (RA 8203); DOH and FDA circulars related to retail
pharmacy; Medical dosage form and its abbreviations; Drug information reference (MIMS, MIMS Pharmacy, Better Pharmacy);
FIP Good Pharmacy Practice Standards; Good Laboratory Practice, Good Manufacturing Practice, Good Clinical Practice,
Philippine Practice Standard for Pharmacists (PhilPSP); Senior Citizen and Expanded Senior Citizen Act; Price Regulation Acts
(MDRP); Dangerous Drug Act; Food Drug and Cosmetics Act (RA 3720); FDA Strengthening (RA 9711)
Suggested Webinars, Videos and Readings History and Orientation to Pharmacy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgehpjvo4qs
Different Areas of Pharmacy Practice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cuBL3BEIQw
Attributes of a Pharmacist be
Course Assessment
Course Policies
Committee Members Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (PACOP)
Consultation Schedule

Course Title AY/Term of Prepared by: Approved by: Page


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