MODULE 1.2 - Spirit of The Place & Cultural Significance

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Far Eastern University 1ST Semester 2024-2025

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Module 1: Introduction to Architectural Heritage Conservation

Module 1.2: Spirit of the Place & Cultural Significance

Module Information

Module Overview

This module covers the Spirit of the Place & Cultural Significance, two important factors of
Architectural Heritage Conservation.

Definition of Terms


• A geographically defined area. It may include elements, objects, spaces, and views. Places
may have tangible and intangible dimensions.

• It can be large or small; for example a memorial, a tree, and individual building, groups of
building within or located in various areas (serial site), an urban area, an industrial plant, a
shipwreck, a community meeting place, a travel route, site with religious connections, etc.


• All the physical material of the place including elements, fixtures, contents, and objects.


• The immediate and extended environment of a place that is a part of or contributes to its
cultural significance and distinctive character.


• The connection that exist between people and a place.


• Denote what a place signifies, indicates, evokes, or expresses to people.


• Means all the ways of presenting the cultural significance of the place.

Spirit of the Place

Spirit of place is an elusive phenomenological concept defined by various disciplines. The

conceptual approach to the meaning of spirit of place emphasizes that, it is created through
history in a particular place of a town or a city, and requires an individual method of approach
in conservation activities.
Far Eastern University 1ST Semester 2024-2025
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

(Cullen 1961; Conzen 1966, 1975; Sharp 1969; Worskett 1969).

Christian Norberg-Schulz in the 1980s explored the character of places and their meanings to
the local residents. He stressed that place means more than merely location, as there exists
a “spirit” which cannot be described by analytical and/or scientific methods. He proposed a
phenomenological method in order to understand and describe the “spirit” of the place through
a depiction of its physical features and an interpretation of the human experiences within that

The “spirit of place” may be defined as;

-The substance of place

-The formation of the genetic order of place and its interrelations, which forms the urban

-The origin of the place’s existence, and a dialectic link in between the place and its inhabitants

Cultural Significance

Cultural significance means aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual value for past,
present or future generations.

Cultural significance is embodied in the place itself, its fabric, setting, use, associations,
meanings, records, related places and related objects.

Places may have a range of values for different individuals or groups.

Cultural significance may change overtime and with use.

• Understanding of cultural significance may change as a result of new information.

Assessment of Significance

• Assessment of significance, and the statement it produces (statement of significance)

are the basis for all good heritage decisions.
• It may be necessary to undertake research to establish good enough knowledge to
assess significance.
• Significance can grow or fade over time, thus requiring revision.
Far Eastern University 1ST Semester 2024-2025
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

• Furthermore, for National Historical Landmarks (for the built environment), listed are
the criteria prescribed by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines

a. Structure should be a building or any kind of structure known for its historical

b. Structure should be a building that is not just a tourist attraction, but should
serve as fitting tribute to the momentous events that occurred, and the people
who took part in defining moments of Philippine history.

c. Represents a masterpiece of Filipino creativity.

d. Bears a unique or at least exceptional testimony to Philippine Cultural


e. An outstanding or highly exceptional example of a type of building,

architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates
significant stages in Philippine history.

f. An outstanding or highly exceptional example of traditional human

settlement which is representative of a culture or human interaction with the
Far Eastern University 1ST Semester 2024-2025
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

g. Associated with events or living traditions with ideas, or with beliefs, with
artistic and literary works of outstanding or highly exceptional significance.

• The main aim of this assessment of heritage item is to produce a concise statement
of significance, which summarizes the heritage values of the identified cultural

• It then becomes the foundation for policies and guidelines for conservation and
safeguarding the heritage site.

Cultural Significance

• It expresses the cultural value of a heritage site. It may be just one type of value or
a combination of several values :

a. Historical

b. Aesthetic / Architectural

c. Social

d. Scientific

e. Spiritual

• A type of value, is a category of significance. If a heritage site has historical value,

then it is of historical significance...

Historical Value

• Intended to encompass ALL ASPECTS of history – for example, the history of

aesthetics, art and architecture, science, spirituality, and society.


• Is the place associated with an important event or theme in history?

• Is the place important in showing patterns in the development of history locally,
in a region, or on a local, national, or global basis?
• Does the place show a high degree of creative or technical achievement for a
particular period?
• Is it associated with a historically important person or cultural group?
• Is the place associated with an important event or theme in history?
• Is the place important in showing patterns in the development of history locally,
in a region, or on a local, national, or global basis?
Far Eastern University 1ST Semester 2024-2025
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

• Does the place show a high degree of creative or technical achievement for a
particular period?
• Is it associated with a historically important person or cultural group?

Aesthetic Value

The sensory and perceptual experience of a place.


• Does the place have special compositional qualities involving combinations of

color, textures, spaces, massing, detail?
• Is the place distinctive within the setting or a prominent or visual landmark?
• Does the place have qualities which evoke strong feelings or special meaning?
• Does the place show a high degree of creative or technical achievement?
• Is the place symbolic for its aesthetic qualities?
• Does the place have special compositional qualities involving combinations of
color, textures, spaces, massing, detail?
• Is the place distinctive within the setting or a prominent or visual landmark?
• Does the place have qualities which evoke strong feelings or special meaning?
• Does the place show a high degree of creative or technical achievement?
• Is the place symbolic for its aesthetic qualities?

Social Value

• Refers to the associations that a place has for a particular community or cultural
group and the social or cultural meanings it holds for them.


• Is the place important as a local marker or symbol?

• Is the place important as part of community identity or the identity of a particular
cultural group?
• Is the place important to a community or cultural group because of associations
and meanings developed from long use and association?
• Is the place important as a local marker or symbol?
• Is the place important as part of community identity or the identity of a particular
cultural group?
• Is the place important to a community or cultural group because of associations
and meanings developed from long use and association?
Far Eastern University 1ST Semester 2024-2025
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Scientific Value

• Refers to the information content of a place and its ability to reveal more about an
aspect of the past through examination or investigation of the place.


• Would further investigation of the place have the potential to reveal substantial
new information and new understandings about people, places, processes, or
practices with are not available from other sources?
• Would further investigation of the place have the potential to reveal substantial
new information and new understandings about people, places, processes, or
practices with are not available from other sources?

Spiritual Value

• Refers to the intangible values and meaning embodied in or evoked by a place which
give it importance in the spiritual identity, or the traditional knowledge, art and practices
of a group.


• Does the place contribute to the spiritual identity or belief system of a cultural
• Is the place a repository of knowledge, traditional art, or lore related to spiritual
practice of a cultural group?
• Is the place important in maintaining spiritual health and wellbeing of a culture
or group?
• Do the spiritual values of the place find expression in cultural practices or
human-made structures, or inspire creative works?
• Does the place contribute to the spiritual identity or belief system of a cultural
• Is the place a repository of knowledge, traditional art, or lore related to spiritual
practice of a cultural group?
• Is the place important in maintaining spiritual health and wellbeing of a culture
or group?
• Do the spiritual values of the place find expression in cultural practices or
human- made structures, or inspire creative works?

Relevance of Cultural Significance

• The site can be declared as one of the following:

a. World Heritage Site (UNESCO)

b. National Cultural Treasure (NM, National Library ,National Archive)
c. National Historical Landmark (NHCP)
d. National Historical Shrine(NHCP)
e. National Historical Monument (NHCP)
f. Heritage House (NHCP)
Far Eastern University 1ST Semester 2024-2025
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

g. Heritage Zone (NHCP, NP, NCCA)

h. Work by a National Artist (NCCA)

Relevance of Cultural Significance

• Funding
• Protection from demolition
• Loss of significance may result in delisting


• By establishing the cultural significance of heritage sites, more of them will

hopefully be conserved. This will give the Filipino people the opportunity to
develop a connection with and an attachment to their architectural heritage,
enabling them to learn more about themselves, and to rekindle their sense of

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