P 87-102 QTR 2 Module 2 Plant and Animal Cells
P 87-102 QTR 2 Module 2 Plant and Animal Cells
P 87-102 QTR 2 Module 2 Plant and Animal Cells
Most cells are so small that they can only be seen using the
microscope. It is a special equipment to make small objects like cells look
bigger. One kind of microscope used to study cells is called a light
microscope. Light microscopes use diffused or artificial light to illuminate
the object to be observed. From the simplest to the most powerful and
sophisticated microscopes, scientists were able to gather information
about cells. What you will see and learn about cells later have been
revealed by microscopes. If your school has microscope, your teacher will
teach you how to use it through activities you will perform.
In this module you will study plant and animal cells, their parts and
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Cell Parts
Use the illustrations that follow to learn about parts of plant and animal
Materials Needed
• sheet of paper
• ballpen or pencil
• Illustrations in Figures 1 and 2
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Figure 1. Parts of a plant cell
Q1. Compare the shape of a plant cell with that of an animal cell as shown
in Figures 1 and 2.
Q2. Which cell parts are found in both cells?
Q3. Which are present only in animal cells?
Q4. Which are present only in plant cells?
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A Venn Diagram shows relationships between and among
sets or groups of objects that have something in common. It uses
two circles that overlap with one another. The common things are
found in the overlapping area, while the differences are in the non-
overlapping areas.
Q5. Based on your observations and study of plant and animal cells, cite
differences and similarities between them.
The plasma membrane encloses the cell and separates what is inside it
from its environment. It also controls what goes into and out of the cell.
The plasma membrane allows entry of materials needed by the cell and
eliminates those which are not needed.
Q6. What do you think will happen to the cell if the plasma membrane
does not function properly?
The cytoplasm consists of a jelly-like substance where all the other parts
of the cell are located. It does not however, include the area where the
nucleus is located. Many different activities of the cell occur in the
You have seen that plant cells have cell walls and chloroplasts
that are not found in animal cells. The cell wall is made of stiff material
that forms the outermost part of plant cells. This gives shape and
protection to them.
Recall in your elementary grades that plants make their own food.
Chloroplasts are important in plant cells because it is where food is made.
It contains chlorophyll which absorbs energy from the sun to make food for
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Q7. What is the purpose of the cell wall in plants?
Q8. Look at Fig. 1 again. Why are there several chloroplasts in the plant
Vacuoles are present in both plant and animal cells. In plant cells,
they are large and usually occupy more than half of the cell space. They
play a role in storing nutrients and increasing cell size during growth.
Some plant vacuoles contain poisonous substances. Vacuoles also store
water, thereby maintaining rigidity to cells and provide support for plants
to stand upright. Plant cell vacuoles are responsible for the crisp
appearance of fresh vegetables.
Vacuoles in animal cells are small and are called vesicles. They
serve as storage of water and food and also function in the excretion of
waste materials.
Q9. How would vacuoles in plants serve as defense against animals that
eat them?
You have observed that centrioles are only found in animal cells.
These have a role in cell reproduction which you will take up in the higher
grade levels.
You have been introduced to the basic parts of plant and animal
cells. For functions of the mitochondrion, golgi body, endoplasmic
reticulum (rough and smooth), lysosomes and ribosomes which are not
discussed here, you will come to know about them in the other grade level
If you have a microscope you can also study plant cells by doing the
next activity. Read and do the activities in the section on “How to Use The
Light Microscope” before performing Activity 2.
Activity 2
Investigating plant cells
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6. explain the role of microscopes in cell study.
Materials Needed
1. Prepare the onion scale by following steps indicated in Figure 3. Use the
transparent skin from the inner surface of the onion scale.
Be careful in using
CAUTION: the scalpel or blade!
3. Examine the onion skin slide under the low power objective (LPO).
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Do not tilt the
CAUTION: microscope!
6. Using a dropper, place one or two drops of iodine solution along one
edge of the cover slip. Place a piece of tissue paper on the other edge
of the cover slip. The tissue paper will absorb the water, and iodine
solution spreads out under the cover slip until the whole specimen is
covered with stain (Figure 4).
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Figure 4. Staining onion cells (Source: Philippines. Department of
Education. (2009). Science and Technology II. Textbook (Rev. ed.). Pasig City:
Instructional Materials Development Corporation. p. 23.
7. Examine the stained onion cells under the LPO and HPO.
Q13. Did you observe any change in the image of onion cells before and
after staining?
Q14. How did the iodine solution affect the image of the onion cells?
8. Draw three to four onion cells as seen under the HPO. Label the parts
you have identified. Indicate how much the cells are magnified.
You have learned that the cell makes up all organisms. And that
organisms can be made up of just one cell or billions of cells. The module
also introduced you to the microscope which has contributed to the
valuable information about cell structure and function.
You also found out about the fundamental parts of the cell which are
the nucleus, plasma membrane and cytoplasm. These parts play very
important roles in the survival of cells.
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plants having tough stems and their being able to produce their own food.
On the other hand, animal cells have centrioles which are not found in
plant cells. You have seen too the rectangular shape of plant cells as
compared to the more or less rounded one in animal cells shown in the
illustrations you have studied. You will know and see more of the other
shapes of plant and animal cells in the next grade levels.
If your school has microscopes read this section and perform the following
The microscope is a tool which can help you see tiny objects and
living organisms. It makes them look bigger. This ability of the microscope
is called its magnifying power or magnification. The microscope also
has the capacity to distinguish small gaps between two separate points
which humans cannot distinguish. It is called its resolving power or
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The light microscope uses diffused light from the sun or artificial
light to illuminate the object to be observed. From its source, visible light
passes through the small or thin specimen to be observed through the
glass lenses. As light passes through the lenses, it is bent so specimen
appears bigger when it is projected to the eye. The form and structure of
the specimen can then be seen because some of their parts reflect light.
This section will introduce you to the parts of the light microscope
and their functions. More importantly, it will teach you how to use it
properly for successful cell study and other investigations.
Materials Needed
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1. Get the microscope from its box or the cabinet. Do this by grasping the
curved arm with one hand and supporting the base with the other
3. Put the microscope down gently on the laboratory table with its arm
facing you. Place it about 7 centimeters away from the edge of the
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7. Find the coarse adjustment. Slowly turn it upwards, then
8. Looking from the side of the microscope, raise the body tube. Then,
turn the revolving nosepiece in any direction until the LPO is back in
position. You will know an objective is in position when it clicks. Note
that the revolving nosepiece makes possible the changing from one
objective to another.
Q5. Which part connects the eyepiece to the revolving nosepiece with the
9. Locate the eyepiece. Notice also that it is marked with a number and
an x. Know that the eyepiece further magnifies the image of the
object that has been magnified by the objective. If the eyepiece is
cloudy or dusty, wipe it gently with a piece of lens paper.
11. Now, locate the mirror. Then, position the microscope towards
diffused light from the windows or ceiling light. Look through the
eyepiece and with the concave mirror (with depression) facing up,
move it until you see a bright circle of light.
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The bright circle of light is called the field of view of the microscope.
Adjust the position of the mirror so that it is not glaring to the eyes.
Practice viewing through the microscope using both eyes open. This
will reduce eyestrain.
12. Locate the diaphragm. While looking into the eyepiece, rotate the
diaphragm to the next opening. Continue to do so until the original
opening you used is back under the hole in the stage.
Q10. What parts of the microscope are being connected by the inclination
14. Grasp the arm and slowly pull it towards you. Sit down and try looking
through the eyepiece.
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15. Cut out a small letter “e” from a newspaper page. Using forceps or
tweezers place it in the center of a glass slide in an upright position.
17. Slowly lower the other edge of the cover slip until it rests on the water
and the printed letter. Bubbles are perfect circles you see on your
preparation. Remove or minimize trapped bubbles by gently tapping
the cover slip with the eraser-end of a pencil. Make the bubble move
towards the edge of the cover slip.
C. Observing Specimens
18. Put the slide on the stage. Make sure that the letter is in the center of
the hole in the stage and under the LPO. Hold it firmly with the stage
19. Watching from the side, carefully lower the body tube until the end of
the LPO almost touches the cover slip.
20. Look through the eyepiece. Slowly turn the coarse adjustment
upwards to raise the objective until the letter “e” appears. Continue
until you see the letter clearly. This would indicate that you have
focused it already.
Q13. Describe the position of the letter as seen under the microscope.
Q14. Compare the image of the letter that you see using your unaided
eye with what you see through the microscope.
21. Look through the microscope again. Slowly move the slide to the
right, then to the left.
Q16. Why do you have to watch from the side when changing objectives?
Q17. Why should the fine adjustment knob be used only with the HPO?
23. Look through the eyepiece again. Then, shift to the LPO, and the
scanner. Observe closely the image of the letter.
Q18. In which objective/s can you see the whole letter “e”?
Q19. What are the advantages of using the HPO? the disadvantages?
Can you recall the functions of the objectives and the eyepiece?
Q21. How much is the letter “e” you are now viewing under the scanner
magnified? under the LPO? Under the HPO?
Q22. If a cell being observed has been magnified 200x under the HPO,
what is the magnifying power of the eyepiece used?
25. After using the microscope, lift the stage clips to remove the slide
from the stage. Wash and wipe or air dry the slide and cover slip.
Keep them in their proper places. Dispose trash or other materials
2. Lower down the body tube so that the end of the objective is
approximately 1 cm above the stage.
3. Position the clips so that they do not extend beyond the sides of the
5. Let the mirror stand on its edge with the concave side facing the
user to protect it from dust.
6. Some microscope boxes have a socket for the eyepiece. In this case,
remove the eyepiece from the body tube and place it in the socket.
7. Put back the microscope’s plastic cover. If the original plastic cover
has been lost or destroyed, use any clean plastic bag big enough to
cover the microscope.
1. Check the microscope before and after use. Report any missing or
damaged part to your teacher.
2. Use a clean tissue paper or soft cloth like old t-shirt to clean the
mechanical parts of the microscope.
3. Prevent liquids, especially acids and alcohol from spilling on any part
of the microscope. Always use a cover slip in observing wet mounts.
Reading Materials/Links/Websites
Hwa, K. S., Sao-Ee, G., & Luan, K. S. (2010). My pals are here! 6A science.
(International Ed.). Singapore: Marshall Cavendish.
Miller, K. R., & Levine, L. (2006). Prentice Hall biology. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson.