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Cordex HP Controller

SNMP Integrator Guide

Technical Guide: 0350099-J0
Effective: 08/2020
List of Figures............................................................................................................................................... 3
List of Tables.................................................................................................................................................5
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1. Purpose and Audience...................................................................................................................9
1.2. Knowledge and Permissions..........................................................................................................9
2. Using SNMP for the Cordex HP Controller....................................................................................... 10
2.1. Setting Up the SNMP Agent........................................................................................................ 10
2.2. Configuring the SNMP Agent.......................................................................................................10
2.3. Configuring an SNMP Destination............................................................................................... 11
2.4. Configure an SNMP Component Reference................................................................................12
2.5. Discovery...................................................................................................................................... 13
2.6. Notifications.................................................................................................................................. 13
2.7. Performing a MIB WALK..............................................................................................................15
2.8. Getting CXC HP MIB Files.......................................................................................................... 15
3. SNMP Reference for the Cordex HP Controller................................................................................ 17
3.1. Alarms Reference.........................................................................................................................17
3.2. Alarm Mapping Example.............................................................................................................. 26
3.3. Alarm History and Alarm Auditing................................................................................................27
3.4. Alarms Configuration....................................................................................................................28
3.5. CXC HP MIB Files....................................................................................................................... 30
3.6. SNMP MIB Reference..................................................................................................................33
3.6.1. Controller Information.........................................................................................................35
3.6.2. Using The Resource MIB.................................................................................................. 37
3.6.3. Published SNMP Fields..................................................................................................... 56
3.6.4. Published SNMP Get/Set Fields........................................................................................84
3.7. Differences Between SNMP Versions........................................................................................103
4. Glossary...............................................................................................................................................106

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List of Figures
Figure 1: CXC HP SNMP Agent Configured for an SNMPv3 NMS........................................................... 11
Figure 2: Notification Destination Table..................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3: System SNMP Component Reference....................................................................................... 12
Figure 4: Example of Discovery Using the MG-SOFT V10 SNMP Tool.....................................................13
Figure 5: Sample Data for a CXC HP SNMP Notification......................................................................... 14
Figure 6: Example of a Subtree Walk on the MIB-2 System Node........................................................... 15
Figure 7: SNMP Configuration Page..........................................................................................................16
Figure 8: Software / Firmware Downloads Page....................................................................................... 16
Figure 9: Example CXC HP SNMP Notification.........................................................................................17
Figure 10: Notification - Alarm Active........................................................................................................ 27
Figure 11: Notification - Alarm Clear..........................................................................................................27
Figure 12: Table View of Configuration List Table for Digital Alarm...........................................................29
Figure 13: Table View of Configuration List Table for Threshold Alarm..................................................... 29
Figure 14: Field List for SNMPv2-MIB....................................................................................................... 33
Figure 15: Table from Alpha Resource MIB...............................................................................................34
Figure 16: Tables from Alpha Resource MIB.............................................................................................35
Figure 17: Tables from Alpha Resource MIB.............................................................................................35
Figure 18: Table View for the ComponentTable.........................................................................................43
Figure 19: Table View for the DataListTable.............................................................................................. 44
Figure 20: Table View for the DataTable....................................................................................................45
Figure 21: Sample Query of System Voltage............................................................................................ 45
Figure 22: Table View for the ComponentTable.........................................................................................47
Figure 23: Table View for the ConfigurationListTable................................................................................ 47
Figure 24: Table View for the Configuration Table.....................................................................................48
Figure 25: Sample Set of Float Voltage.....................................................................................................48
Figure 26: Table View for the ComponentListTable................................................................................... 49
Figure 27: Table View for the ConfigurationListTable................................................................................ 50
Figure 28: Table View for the Configuration Table.....................................................................................51
Figure 29: Sample Set of Rectifier Assignment Rule................................................................................ 51
Figure 30: Table View for the ConfigurationChoiceList Table.................................................................... 52
Figure 31: Example: Available Alarm Type List......................................................................................... 53
Figure 32: Example Available Alarm List................................................................................................... 54

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SNMP Integrator Guide for the CXC HP

Figure 33: Example Active Alert List..........................................................................................................55

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SNMP Integrator Guide for the CXC HP

List of Tables
Table 1: Alarm Reference Table.................................................................................................................18
Table 2: Digital Alarm Configuration Fields................................................................................................ 28
Table 3: Threshold Alarm Configuration Fields.......................................................................................... 29
Table 4: The Controller Information Flat Table...........................................................................................36
Table 5: The Controller Information Full Table........................................................................................... 36
Table 6: Component List............................................................................................................................ 38
Table 7: Data Field Type............................................................................................................................ 41
Table 8: Data List....................................................................................................................................... 43
Table 9: Configuration Field Type.............................................................................................................. 46
Table 10: Configuration Choice List........................................................................................................... 52
Table 11: Alarm Type List...........................................................................................................................52
Table 12: Configuration Choice List........................................................................................................... 55
Table 13: Controller Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #1)................................................................... 56
Table 14: DC System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #2).................................................................58
Table 15: Rectifier Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #4)......................................................................60
Table 16: Converter Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #5)................................................................... 60
Table 17: Shunt Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #13)....................................................................... 60
Table 18: CAN Bus Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #15).................................................................. 61
Table 19: Converter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #16).................................................... 61
Table 20: Inverter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #19)........................................................61
Table 21: Bypass Switch Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #20)..........................................................66
Table 22: Delay Timer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #21)..............................................................66
Table 23: Interval Timer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #22)........................................................... 67
Table 24: Up Counter Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #23).............................................................. 67
Table 25: Down Counter Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #24).......................................................... 67
Table 26: Custom Data Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #25)............................................................67
Table 27: CT Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #26)............................................................................ 68
Table 28: Breaker or Fuse Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #27)....................................................... 68
Table 29: Line Power System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #31).................................................. 68
Table 30: LPS Module Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #32)............................................................. 68
Table 31: LP Load Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #33)................................................................... 69
Table 32: 8R8D Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)..........................................................................69

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SNMP Integrator Guide for the CXC HP

Table 33: L-ADIO Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3).......................................................................70

Table 34: iM1 Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3).............................................................................71
Table 35: M1+ Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)............................................................................71
Table 36: PSU Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)........................................................................... 72
Table 37: HV-ADIO Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)....................................................................73
Table 38: BDFBi Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)........................................................................ 73
Table 39: Smart E2 Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)....................................................................75
Table 40: FanTray Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)......................................................................76
Table 41: ShuntMux Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)...................................................................76
Table 42: 6I-ADIO Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)......................................................................77
Table 43: Flex Air Controller Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)...................................................... 77
Table 44: Distribution System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #34).................................................. 78
Table 45: Distribution Panel Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #35).....................................................78
Table 46: Distribution Subsystem Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #36)............................................ 78
Table 47: Scheduled Action Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #40)..................................................... 78
Table 48: FXM-HP System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #41)...................................................... 79
Table 49: Change Relay Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #43).......................................................... 79
Table 50: Change Field Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #44)........................................................... 80
Table 51: General Purpose Transducer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #48)................................... 80
Table 52: Change Field To Variable Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #49)......................................... 80
Table 53: Battery Subsystem Fields (Component Type #10).....................................................................80
Table 54: Battery String Fields (Component Type #50)............................................................................. 81
Table 55: DC Source System Fields (Component Type #52).................................................................... 82
Table 56: Basic DC Source Fields (Component Type #53)....................................................................... 82
Table 57: AC Source System Fields (Component Type #56).................................................................... 82
Table 58: AC Source Fields (Component Type #57)................................................................................. 82
Table 59: Hyper Boost Converter Fields (Component Type #58).............................................................. 83
Table 60: Hyper Boost Distribution Fields (Component Type #59)............................................................ 83
Table 61: Peak Shaving System Fields (Component Type #60)................................................................83
Table 62: Touch Safe Module Fields (Component Type #65)....................................................................83
Table 63: Controller Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #1)................................................................... 84
Table 64: DC System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #2).................................................................86
Table 65: ADIO Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3).......................................................................... 87
Table 66: Rectifier Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #4)......................................................................87

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Table 67: T2S Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #8)............................................................................ 87

Table 68: Battery Subsystem Fields (Component Type #10).....................................................................87
Table 69: Disconnect Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #11)............................................................... 89
Table 70: Load Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #12).........................................................................89
Table 71: Shunt Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #13)....................................................................... 89
Table 72: SNMP Destination Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #14)....................................................90
Table 73: CAN Bus Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #15).................................................................. 90
Table 74: Converter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #16).................................................... 90
Table 75: Digital User Alarm Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #17).................................................... 91
Table 76: Threshold User Alarm Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #18).............................................. 91
Table 77: Inverter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #19)........................................................91
Table 78: Bypass Switch Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #20)..........................................................91
Table 79: Delay Timer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #21)..............................................................92
Table 80: Interval Timer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #22)........................................................... 92
Table 81: Up Counter Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #23).............................................................. 92
Table 82: Down Counter Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #24).......................................................... 92
Table 83: Custom Data Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #25)............................................................93
Table 84: CT Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #26)............................................................................ 93
Table 85: Breaker Fuse Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #27)........................................................... 93
Table 86: Email Destination Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #29)..................................................... 93
Table 87: Auxiliary System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #30)...................................................... 94
Table 88: Line Power System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #31).................................................. 94
Table 89: LP Load Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #33)................................................................... 94
Table 90: Distribution System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #34).................................................. 95
Table 91: Distribution Panel Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #35).....................................................95
Table 92: Distribution Subsystem Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #36)............................................ 95
Table 93: Reference Load Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #37)....................................................... 95
Table 94: Scheduled Action Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #40)..................................................... 95
Table 95: FXM-HP System SNMP IDs (Component Type #41).................................................................96
Table 96: Disconnect With Time of Day Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #42)................................... 97
Table 97: Change Relay Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #43).......................................................... 97
Table 98: Change Field Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #44)........................................................... 97
Table 99: General Purpose Transducer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #48)................................... 97
Table 100: Change Field To Variable Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #49)....................................... 98

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Table 101: Battery String Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #50)......................................................... 98
Table 102: Timing Relay Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #51).......................................................... 98
Table 103: DC Source System Fields (Component Type #52).................................................................. 99
Table 104: Basic DC Source Fields (Component Type #53)..................................................................... 99
Table 105: Data Subscription Fields (Component Type #54).................................................................. 100
Table 106: Generic Disconnect Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #55)..............................................100
Table 107: AC Source System Fields (Component Type #56)................................................................ 101
Table 108: AC Source Fields (Component Type #57)............................................................................. 101
Table 109: Peak Shaving System Fields (Component Type #60)............................................................103
Table 110: Scheduled Time Span Fields (Component Type #61)............................................................103
Table 111: Bypass Switch XMBS Fields (Component Type #62).............................................................103
Table 112: SNMPv1 TRAPs vs. SNMPv2 NOTIFICATION...................................................................... 104

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1. Introduction
The purpose of this manual is to provide simple and complete information on how to use Alpha
Technologies Cordex™ High Performance System Controller (CXC HP) and software, along with Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP). This guide contains information on setup, configuration and
operation of SMNP using the CXC HP controller.

1.1. Purpose and Audience

The audience for this manual are engineers, technicians, IT professionals and network operation
personnel who are tasked with remote monitoring of the power system using SNMP. They should be well
versed in the SNMP protocol as well as the network management, fleet management, remote monitoring
or network operations center software and tools that will be used to monitor the controller.

1.2. Knowledge and Permissions

We assume you have a good working knowledge of, and access to, the following:

• SNMP monitoring software and tools

• Network and port monitoring tools like Firebug and Wireshark
• Ethernet cables and TCP/IP settings needed to connect your computer to the CXC HP controller
• Current version of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer (9+) or Safari
• Power system that the controller currently controls
• Controller admin password, and the appropriate level of permissions

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2. Using SNMP for the Cordex HP Controller
2.1. Setting Up the SNMP Agent
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) consists of three key components:

• Managed devices
• Agents
• Network management system (NMS)

A managed device is a node that has an SNMP agent. An agent is a software component that provides
device information using the SNMP protocol. An NMS collects data from SNMP agents, and then uses
that data to monitor and manage the associated devices.
To set up the SNMP agent on the CXC HP, you need to know how the NMS accessing the controller is set
There are three main things you need to know:

• What version of SNMP does the NMS use: v1, v2 or v3

• Does the NMS use notifications or informs
• What security settings the NMS is using

2.2. Configuring the SNMP Agent

To configure SNMP:

1. From the main dashboard go to, Controller > Configure Controller > Communications > SNMP.
2. From the Configuration table, ensure the SNMP Agent is Enabled.
The device must be reset to complete the Enable/Disable SNMP Agent configuration.
If SNMP Agent is Discovery Only, the controller will be available to be discovered, but
nothing else. OID’s under controllerInfo (OID and MIB-2 system (OID can be queried, as these are commonly used to discover and identify
3. If the SNMP Client is allowed to set the configuration objects on the Configuration table (OID, set SNMP Get and Set to Get And Set Allowed.
4. Enter the Read or Write Communities SNMP clients will be querying with in the Read
Communities and Write Communities tables.
If a query is made with a read community that does not match any of the configured Read
Communities, that query will not get a response.
5. From the SNMPv3 Configuration table
• For SNMPv1, set SNMPv3 Security to Disabled
• For SNMPv2, set SNMPv3 Security to Disabled

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• For SNMPv3, set SNMPv3 Security to Enabled

6. Optional: If SNMPv3 Security is Enabled, ensure the Encryption Protocols match what the NMS is

The web page should look similar to the following figure.

Figure 1. CXC HP SNMP Agent Configured for an SNMPv3 NMS

2.3. Configuring an SNMP Destination

To configure an SNMP Destination:

1. From the main dashboard go to, Controller > Configure Controller > Communications > SNMP
> SNMP Destination table.
2. On the Notification Destination line, click the more details icon.
3. From the Notification Destination table, ensure the following:
• the Destination is Enabled
• the IP Address is set to an appropriate machine name, IPv4 or IPv6 address.
• the Community string is set to the value used by the NMS for SNMPv2.
• the Port is set to the port used by the NMS to receive notifications.
4. Ensure that the Notification Timeout is set to:
• For Traps and Notifications, set the Notification Timeout to 0 seconds.
• For SNMP v2 and v3 Informs, set the Notification Timeout to 5 or more seconds.

With SNMP Acknowledged Notifications, the SNMP Agent waits for an acknowledgment
(ACK) from the NMS for every notification it sends. If the agent does not get an ACK within
the timeout period, the SNMP agent will retransmit the notification.
5. Ensure that the Notification Retries is set to a reasonable number (for example, between 3 to 5).
Retries only apply to inform notifications that have a Notification Timeout value. The number of
retries should be small as they are only meant to make the delivery of notifications more reliable.

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Once complete the Notification Destination table should look similar to the following figure.

Figure 2. Notification Destination Table

2.4. Configure an SNMP Component Reference

Each component in the controller has a specific component reference number (SNMP ID) assigned the
first time it is created. Each controller may have a complex structure including, multiple systems of the
same type or have multiple systems of different types for example, DC, Inverter, Converter, etc.)
For more complex controllers containing multiple systems of the same type it may be helpful to change
the component reference number so that other controllers have the same SNMP component list structure.
This helps especially when advanced scripting is used on the NMS.
It is possible to change SNMP IDs for systems. It is important to ensure any modified IDs do not conflict
with each other. To configure these go to Controller > Configure Controller > Communications >
SNMP. The component reference numbers for all systems are listed in the System SNMP Component
Reference table. Before changing any of these ID’s ensure that the SNMP agent is enabled. After
changing an ID, it may take several minutes for the change to take effect as the controller rebuilds the
internal SNMP database.

Figure 3. System SNMP Component Reference

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2.5. Discovery
SNMP discovery occurs by scanning IP address ranges for SNMP enabled devices, and then searching
the product identification fields for specific values. It is recommended that you use the SNMPv2-MIB
sysDescr field, to identify the CXC HP. This field’s purpose is described in RFC-1213.
The sysDescr field identifies a CXC HP as a “Power System Controller”. The following data is an example
value for the sysDescr field:
System Controller, SW: v2.1 Dev 209, OS: v2.0, HW: S1.I1.P1, SN: 5799854652

Figure 4. Example of Discovery Using the MG-SOFT V10 SNMP Tool

Note: If you can ping the CXC HP, but are having trouble with SNMP discovery, check to ensure that
the CXC HP’s SNMP agent is enabled.

Note: If sysDescr starts with “Discovery Only”, this indicates that the controller is only available for
discovery, and not all information is able to be queried. For full functionality, ensure that the controller’s
SNMP agent is enabled.

Note: If SNMPv3 Security is Enabled, then the discovery tool must use the corresponding
authentication, encryption protocols and settings.

2.6. Notifications
The CXC HP supports two notification types:

• Active alarm notification

• Cleared alarm notification

Both notifications share the same format, as defined in RFC 3877 - ALARM-MIB.

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Figure 5. Sample Data for a CXC HP SNMP Notification

The varbind list includes the following:

• sysUpTime - time ticks in tenth of a second since bootup

• snmpTrapOID - Object ID of the notification
• alarmActiveModelPointer - reference to the conceptual row in the AlarmModel table defining the
• alarmActiveResourceId - reference to the conceptual row indicating the source of the alarm
• alarmModelState - text word indicating the severity of the alarm
• alarmModelDescription - verbose description of the alarm
• componentListStaticName - text name of the source of the alarm
• componentListReference - numeric id assigned to the source of the alarm
• alarmSeverity - numeric id that is user defined to support custom filtering and sorting

Note: alarmSeverity is mapped to Parameter 1 in the CXC HP alarm definitions. This type
of generic name is used for alarm data that is needed for remote communication, but not used for
local alarm processing.
• controllerInfoName - text name of the controller
• alarmCustomDescription - user configurable text name of the alarm

Note: alarmCustomDescription is mapped to Parameter 2 in the CXC HP alarm definitions.

This type of generic name is used for alarm data that is needed for remote communication, but not
used for local alarm processing.
• alarmAdditionalInformation - Generated content that provides additional information about some
alarms. The information is provided as a text value, with each piece of information separated by
two colons (::). Currently, the following information is provided:
◦ The physical location of a module, in the format bay-shelf-slot-channel. This is currently only
provided for LP Modules

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◦ Details about what caused the alarm. This is currently only provided for LP Modules.
• A Test Notification button is available to test connectivity to the configured destination(s). The
test NOTIFICATION has a reduced set of data points (Varbinds) populated with a unique set of
information to avoid confusion with a real NOTIFICATION. This item is NOT defined in any MIB as
it is not intended to be interpreted by a monitoring system.

2.7. Performing a MIB WALK

To see information that is available once the MIB files are compiled into the NMS, you can perform a MIB
WALK. A WALK through the ALPHA-RESOURCE-MIB (ARM) provides a large amount of data, that may
not be very meaningful.
A more effective way to get useful data would be to use the simplified MIBs such as the ALPHA-
RECTIFIER-MIB and ALPHA-CONVERTER-MIB because the information is laid out in an accessible,
linear form.
Also, modern SNMP software can WALK a subset of data, based on the starting point required. If a WALK
is executed on a subtree, the WALK stops once the end of that tree is reached.

Figure 6. Example of a Subtree Walk on the MIB-2 System Node

If using SNMPv1: a difference you may see in an SNMPv1 NMS is in the way it performs a MIB WALK.
SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 NMS perform a GETBULK command to WALK an MIB. An SNMPv1 NMS performs
a sequence of GETNEXT commands to WALK an MIB. The SNMPv1 WALK will expose the fact that the
CXC HP MIBs are sparsely populated in some areas. The SNMPv1 WALK makes it look like the CXC HP
MIBs have more data values than expected, and most of those values are empty. When doing a SNMPv1
WALK, it is necessary to filter out those empty values.

2.8. Getting CXC HP MIB Files

The CXC HP Controller can provide access to all MIBs needed to support SNMP functionality. Visiting the
SNMP page will show a button which initiates a download of all MIB files

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Figure 7. SNMP Configuration Page

As an alternative, visit the Alpha website to download the latest version of the MIB files for the controller
are available (http://www.alpha.ca/web2/software-firmware-downloads). Some registration information is
required to access the page.

Figure 8. Software / Firmware Downloads Page

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3. SNMP Reference for the Cordex HP Controller
3.1. Alarms Reference
A CXC HP SNMP notifications looks as follows:

Figure 9. Example CXC HP SNMP Notification

Although there are a number of varbinds available for simple alarm mapping and matching, the Alarm
Model Pointer and the Alarm Resource Id provide access to a rich set of data. The Alarm Model Pointer
provides a pointer into the Alarm table where more details about the alarm are available. The Alarm
Resource Id provides a pointer to the resource or inventory item that the notification is about.
For example, if you had a Battery Disconnect and a Load Disconnect open at the same time, both
notifications would share the same Alarm Model Pointer of “Disconnect Open”, but one Alarm Resource
Id would point to the Battery Disconnect and the other Alarm Resource Id would point to the Load
The following is a list of all possible alarms that exist in the CXC HP. Due to the dynamic nature and
variable setup of a power system, the alarm list is potentially different when monitoring different setups.
For example, if you have two CXC HPs, one controlling a rectifier system and another controlling a
converter system, the alarm lists for each one will not be identical. But even with the variable sets of
alarms available, a consolidated list of all alarms can provide a reference point to get information of
any and all possible notifications coming out of the CXC HP. This is because all alarms are defined with
unique identifying features that will not change or be duplicated. The following figure provides you a full
list of possible alarms.
Alarm severity is indicated by the last number in the assigned OID. The table below does not list all
possible alarm states. Reviewing the Alarm Model table using a SNMP tool will provide all instances of
possible alarms and their states.

• 1: Clear

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• 2: Message
• 3: Minor
• 4: Major
• 5: Critical

As per the defined standards, all OID references to alarm models not only point to the entry of the model
in the table, but also to the corresponding state of that alarm.

Table 1. Alarm Reference Table

Alarm Name OID
List Type

1 Controller : Clock Error 10001

1 Controller : CAN Devices In Bootloader 10002

1 Controller : ADIO Comms Lost 10003

1 Controller : Unassigned Modules 10004

1 Controller : Temporary License Expired 10005

1 Controller : Required Feature License Missing 10006

1 Controller :Temporary License In Use 10007

1 Controller : Duplicate SNMP ID 10008

1 Controller : Restart Required 10009

1 Controller : Disk Almost Full 10011

1 Controller : CAN Module Communication Lost Count High 10013

1 Controller : CAN Module Communication Lost Count Very High 10014

1 Controller : Remote Configuration Lockout Overridden 10015

1 Controller : System OS Upgrade In Progress 10016

1 Controller : Reserve Controller Failed 10017

1 Controller : Main Controller Failed 10018

1 Controller : Main Controller Ethernet Failure 10019

1 Controller : Controller Redundancy CAN Failure 10020

1 Controller : ADIO Redundancy Lost 10021

2 DC System : AC Mains Voltage High 20001

2 DC System : AC Mains Voltage Low 20002

2 DC System : Urgent AC Mains Fail 20003

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Table 1. Alarm Reference Table (continued)

Alarm Name OID
List Type

2 DC System : Output Voltage High 20004

2 DC System : Output Voltage Very High 20005

2 DC System : Output Voltage Low 20006

2 DC System : Output Voltage Very Low 20007

2 DC System : Invalid System Voltage Reading 20008

2 DC System : Battery On Discharge 20009

2 DC System : Rectifier Fail 20010

2 DC System : Rectifier Fail Count Very High (previously: Rectifier Major Fail 20011

2 DC System : Rectifier Fail Count High (previously: Rectifier Minor Fail Count) 20012

2 DC System : Rectifier Minor 20013

2 DC System : Rectifier Comms Lost 20014

2 DC System : AC Mains Fail 20015

2 DC System : Fan Fail 20016

2 DC System : Battery Test 20017

2 DC System : Temp Comp Measurement Fail 20018

2 DC System : Temp Comp Voltage Warning 20019

2 DC System : Battery Runtime Low 20020

2 DC System : Battery Health Low 20021

2 DC System : Rectifier Configuration Error 20022

2 DC System : Insufficient Capacity Remaining (Current) 20023

2 DC System : Insufficient Capacity Remaining (Power) 20024

2 DC System : Missing Rectifier 20025

2 DC System : Rectifier AC Fail Count High 20026

2 DC System : Rectifier AC Fail Count Very High 20027

2 DC System : Total Load Current High Alarm 20028

2 DC System : Total Load Current Very High Alarm 20029

3 ADIO : Ground Fault Resistance Low 30001

3 ADIO : Ground Fault Current High 30002

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Table 1. Alarm Reference Table (continued)

Alarm Name OID
List Type

3 Fan Tray : Fan Fail Alarm 30003

3 ADIO : Temperature Sensor #1 Failure 30101

3 ADIO : Temperature Sensor #2 Failure 30102

3 ADIO : Temperature Sensor #3 Failure 30103

3 ADIO : Temperature Sensor #4 Failure 30104

3 ADIO : Temperature Sensor #5 Failure 30105

10 Battery Subsystem : Battery Charge Current High 100001

10 Battery Subsystem : Battery Temperature High 100002

10 Battery Subsystem : Battery Temperature Low 100003

10 Battery Subsystem : Battery Breaker/Fuse Open 100004

10 Battery Subsystem : Midpoint #1 Unbalanced 100005

10 Battery Subsystem : Midpoint #2 Unbalanced 100006

10 Battery Subsystem : Battery Temperature Anomaly 100007

10 Battery Subsystem : Battery Test 100008

10 Battery Subsystem : Battery On Discharge 100009

10 Battery Subsystem : Temp Comp Measurement Fail 100010

10 Battery Subsystem : Temp Comp Voltage Warning 100011

10 Battery Subsystem : Battery Runtime Low 100012

10 Battery Subsystem : Battery Health Low 100013

11 Disconnect : Disconnect Inhibit 110001

11 Disconnect : Disconnect Pending 110002

11 Disconnect : Disconnect Active 110003

11 Disconnect : Disconnect Open 110004

11 Disconnect : Manually Closed 110005

11 Disconnect : Manually Opened 110006

12 Load : Load Voltage High 120001

12 Load : Load Current High 120002

12 Load : Load Breaker/Fuse Open 120003

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Table 1. Alarm Reference Table (continued)

Alarm Name OID
List Type

12 Load : Load Voltage Low 120004

12 Load : Load Current Very High 120005

15 CAN Bus : Bus State Alarm 150001

15 CAN Bus : Max CAN Devices Exceeded 150002

16 Converter System : Output Voltage Low 160001

16 Converter System : Output Voltage High 160002

16 Converter System : Converter Fail 160003

16 Converter System : Converter Major Fail Count 160004

16 Converter System : Converter Minor Fail Count 160005

16 Converter System : Converter Minor 160006

16 Converter System : Converter Comms Lost 160007

16 Converter System : Input Voltage Fail 160008

16 Converter System : Converter Configuration Error 160009

16 Converter System : Converter Fan Fail 160010

16 Converter System : Output Voltage Very Low 160011

16 Converter System : Output Voltage Very High 160012

16 Converter System : Missing Converter 160013

16 Converter System : Total Load Current High 160014

16 Converter System : Total Load Current Very High 160015

17 Digital User Alarm : User-Defined 170001

18 Threshold User Alarm : User-Defined 180001

19 Inverter System : T2S Comms Lost 190001

19 Inverter System : Inverter Comms Lost 190002

19 Inverter System : Inverter Fan Failure 190003

19 Inverter System : Inverter Internal Error 190004

19 Inverter System : Inverter Restarts 190005

19 Inverter System : Inverter Overload 190006

19 Inverter System : Inverter Configuration Error 190007

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Table 1. Alarm Reference Table (continued)

Alarm Name OID
List Type

19 Inverter System : Inverter Output Voltage Change in Progress 190009

19 Inverter System : Inverter Not Ready 190010

19 Inverter System : Inverter Temperature Derating 190011

19 Inverter System : Inverter Low Input Voltage Brownout 190012

19 Inverter System : Inverter Fan Life Elapsed 190013

19 Inverter System : Inverter Off 190014

19 Inverter System : Inverter AC Input Voltage Low 190015

19 Inverter System : Inverter AC Input Voltage High 190016

19 Inverter System : Inverter AC Input Error 190017

19 Inverter System : Inverter Frequency Out of Range 190018

19 Inverter System : Inverter DC Input Voltage Low 190019

19 Inverter System : Inverter DC Input Voltage High 190020

19 Inverter System : T2S Digital Input 1 190021

19 Inverter System : T2S Digital Input 2 190022

19 Inverter System : Redundancy Lost 190023

19 Inverter System : All Redundancy Lost 190024

19 Inverter System : System Overloaded 190025

19 Inverter System : Main Source Lost 190026

19 Inverter System : Secondary Source Lost 190027

19 Inverter System : T2S Fail 190028

19 Inverter System : T2S Log Nearly Full 190029

19 Inverter System : System Error 190030

19 Inverter System : Inverter Imminent Shutdown 190031

19 Inverter System : TUS Synchronization Error 190032

19 Inverter System : TUS Internal Error 190034

19 Inverter System : TUS Configuration Error 190035

19 Inverter System : T2S Refusing Commands 190037

19 Inverter System : Missing T2S 190038

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Table 1. Alarm Reference Table (continued)

Alarm Name OID
List Type

20 Bypass Switch : Bypass Active 200001

27 Breaker or Fuse : Breaker / Fuse Open 270001

31 Line Power System : Input Voltage High Shutdown 310001

31 Line Power System : High Temperature Shutdown 310003

31 Line Power System : Temperature Warning 310004

31 Line Power System : Module Connection Error 310005

31 Line Power System : Channel Over Voltage Shutdown 310006

31 Line Power System : Channel Ground Fault Shutdown 310007

31 Line Power System : Channel Output Voltage Low Shutdown 310008

31 Line Power System : Channel Over Current Shutdown 310009

31 Line Power System : Channel Disabled 310010

31 Line Power System : Channel Current Sensor Shutdown 310011

31 Line Power System : Input Voltage Low Shutdown 310015

31 Line Power System : LP Module Comms Lost 310016

31 Line Power System : Output Current Low 310017

31 Line Power System : Output Current High 310018

31 Line Power System : Output Power Low 310019

31 Line Power System : Output Power High 310020

31 Line Power System : Input Current (Est.) Low 310021

31 Line Power System : Input Current (Est.) High 310022

31 Line Power System : Input Power (Est.) Low 310023

31 Line Power System : Input Power (Est.) High 310024

31 Line Power System : Channel Fuse Shutdown 310025

31 Line Power System : Average Input Voltage Low 310026

31 Line Power System : Duplicate Shelf ID Detected 310027

31 Line Power System : Invalid Shelf ID Detected 310028

31 Line Power System : LP Module Configuration Error 310029

31 Line Power System : Missing LPS Module 310030

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Table 1. Alarm Reference Table (continued)

Alarm Name OID
List Type

32 LP Module : Channel 1 Shutdown 320001

32 LP Module : Channel 2 Shutdown 320002

32 LP Module : Channel 3 Shutdown 320003

32 LP Module : Channel 4 Shutdown 320004

32 LP Module : Module Failure 320100

33 LP Load : Load Current Low 330001

33 LP Load : Load Current High 330002

33 LP Load : Load Power Low 330003

33 LP Load : Load Power High 330004

33 LP Load : Channel In Alert 330005

35 Panel : Breaker Trip 350001

35 Panel : Loss Of Feed 350010

35 Panel : Over Current 350011

41 FXM-HP System: Missing FXM 410001

41 FXM-HP System: Low Battery 1 410002

41 FXM-HP System: Low Battery 2 410003

41 FXM-HP System: Low Battery + No Line 1 410004

41 FXM-HP System: On Battery 410005

41 FXM-HP System: Fan Failure 410006

41 FXM-HP System: AC Input Frequency Low 410007

41 FXM-HP System: AC Input Frequency High 410008

41 FXM-HP System: Battery Breaker Open 410009

41 FXM-HP System: AC Input Breaker Open 410010

41 FXM-HP System: AC Output Overloaded 410011

41 FXM-HP System: AC Output Short Circuit 410012

41 FXM-HP System: Power Outage 410013

41 FXM-HP System: Battery Temperature Probe Unplugged 410014

41 FXM-HP System: Internal Temperature Fault 410015

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Table 1. Alarm Reference Table (continued)

Alarm Name OID
List Type

41 FXM-HP System: AC Output Voltage High 410016

41 FXM-HP System: AC Output Voltage Low 410017

41 FXM-HP System: AC Input Voltage High 410018

41 FXM-HP System: AC Input Voltage Low 410019

41 FXM-HP System: Battery Over Voltage 410020

41 FXM-HP System: Battery Under Voltage 410021

41 FXM-HP System: Battery Fail Fault 410022

41 FXM-HP System: AC Input Backfeed Failure 410023

41 FXM-HP System: Frequency Unknown 410024

41 FXM-HP System: Inverter Cutoff Imminent 410025

41 FXM-HP System: Bypass Mode On 410027

41 FXM-HP System: Keep Alive Failure 410028

41 FXM-HP System: Low Battery + No Line 2 410029

42 Disconnect With Exclusion : Disconnect Pending 420001

42 Disconnect With Exclusion : Disconnect Active 420003

48 General Purpose Transducer : XDCR Fail Input High 480001

48 General Purpose Transducer : XDCR Fail Input Low 480002

49 Change Field To Variable : Value Out Of Range 490001

50 Battery Subsystem Battery String : Battery Temperature High 500001

50 Battery Subsystem Battery String : Battery Temperature Low 500002

50 Battery Subsystem Battery String : Battery Breaker/Fuse Open 500003

50 Battery Subsystem Battery String : Midpoint Unbalanced 500004

50 Battery Subsystem Battery String : Battery Temperature Anomaly 500005

53 DC Source : Generator Status Mismatch 530001

53 DC Source : Generator Running Too Long 530002

54 Data Subscriptions : Communication Error 540001

55 Generic Disconnect : Disconnect Inhibit 550001

55 Generic Disconnect : Disconnect Pending 550002

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Table 1. Alarm Reference Table (continued)

Alarm Name OID
List Type

55 Generic Disconnect : Disconnect Pending 550003

55 Generic Disconnect : Disconnect Open 550004

55 Generic Disconnect : Disconnect Manually Closed 550005

55 Generic Disconnect : Disconnect Manually Open 550006

57 AC Source : AC Fail 570001

57 AC Source : Urgent AC Fail 570002

57 AC Source : Generator Status Mismatch 570003

57 AC Source : Generator Running Too Long 570004

58 Hyper Boost Converter: Invalid DC Input Voltage 580000

58 Hyper Boost Converter: DC Output Voltage High 580001

58 Hyper Boost Converter: DC Output Current Limit 580002

58 Hyper Boost Converter: DC Output Power Limit 580003

58 Hyper Boost Converter: Over Current Shutdown 580004

58 Hyper Boost Converter: Over Temperature 580005

58 Hyper Boost Converter: Fan Fail 580006

58 Hyper Boost Converter: Insertion Fail 580007

59 Hyper Boost Distribution : DC Output 1 Over Current Shutdown 590000

59 Hyper Boost Distribution : DC Output 2 Over Current Shutdown 590001

59 Hyper Boost Distribution : DC Output 3 Over Current Shutdown 590002

59 Hyper Boost Distribution : Over Temperature 590003

59 Hyper Boost Distribution : Insertion Fail 590004

62 Bypass Switch XMBS : Bypass Active 620001

62 Bypass Switch XMBS : Utility-Inverter Sync. Request Fault 620002

62 Bypass Switch XMBS : Bypass Hardware Fault 620003

3.2. Alarm Mapping Example

Here are two examples of a notification on the same alarm: one active and one clear. These show how
matching can be done.
Binding #2: Shows the type of notification: active or clear.

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Binding #3: Is a row pointer to the alarm model of the alarm being reported. This pointer will always
point to the original alarm and its priority. It is recommended that this value is used for active and clear
notification matching.
All other bindings are added to provide the details needed to identify and process the alarm being

Figure 10. Notification - Alarm Active

Figure 11. Notification - Alarm Clear

3.3. Alarm History and Alarm Auditing

Two tables defined by the ALARM-MIB are active alarms and cleared alarms. The active alarm table lists
the currently active alarms and allows an NMS to audit the alarms list to ensure that the NMS and the
CXC HP have the same list of active alarms. The cleared alarm table lists the occurrence of an alarm

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being cleared, including the time of the event. This cleared alarm list provides a historical log of events. If
an alarm toggles between active and cleared, each cleared event is logged.
Alarm transitions are recognized as a change of state between active and clear. However, alarms on the
CXC HP can also go into an unknown state. This is particularly relevant at configuration time when alarms
are being added, removed, enabled and disabled (e.g. when a User Alarm is deleted). When an active
alarm is disabled or removed, the SNMP agent will treat the alarm as if it has cleared. The SNMP agent
will remove the alarm from the active table, and then add an entry to the cleared alarm table.
When the CXC HP is reset, the active and cleared alarm tables will be empty.

3.4. Alarms Configuration

The Alpha Resource MIB provides access to the writable configuration fields for all controller and
components alarms. Using these configuration fields, the alarms properties such as alarm enable
and priority etc. can be changed remotely. Each alarm comes with a set of configuration fields that is
accessible through SNMP. To determine the base SNMP ID of an alarm, multiply the alarm OID by 100.
For example:

The OID for Controller: Clock Error Alarm is 10001; therefore, the base SNMP ID for Clock Error Alarm
configuration fields is 1000100.

There are two types of alarm: Digital and Threshold alarm.

Digital Alarms

Table 2. Digital Alarm Configuration Fields

Name SNMP ID Description

Alarm Processing Base SNMP ID Enable or Disable alarm monitoring.

Alarm Priority Base SNMP ID + 1 Priority at which alarm should be reported. The value
can be Warning, Minor, Major or Critical.

Parameter 1 Base SNMP ID + 2 A customizable user value to be used for filtering and/
or other monitoring activities for alarm notifications.
This correlates to the SNMP Severity varbind in the
Alpha Notification varbind list.

Custom Name (Pa- Base SNMP ID + 3 A user definable alarm name that replaces the default
rameter 2) alarm name on the UI. It also appears in the SNMP
Custom Description varbind in the Alpha Notification
varbind list.

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Figure 12. Table View of Configuration List Table for Digital Alarm

Threshold Alarms

Table 3. Threshold Alarm Configuration Fields

Name SNMP ID Description

Alarm Processing Base SNMP ID Enable or Disable alarm monitoring.

Alarm Priority Base SNMP ID + 1 Priority at which alarm should be reported. The value
can be Warning, Minor, Major or Critical.

Parameter 1 Base SNMP ID + 2 A customizable user value to be used for filtering and/
or other monitoring activities for alarm notifications.
This correlates to the SNMP Severity varbind in the
Alpha Notification varbind list.

Custom Name (Pa- Base SNMP ID + 3 A user definable alarm name that replaces the default
rameter 2) alarm name on the UI. It also appears in the SNMP
Custom Description varbind in the Alpha Notification
varbind list.

Limit Base SNMP ID + 4 The alarm will be active when the input is either above
or below this limit depending on if it is a high or low
threshold alarm

Hysteresis Base SNMP ID + 5 Size of dead zone between activation and deactiva-

Figure 13. Table View of Configuration List Table for Threshold Alarm

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For additional information on how to set the values of configuration fields, refer to section Configuration
Field Type List.

3.5. CXC HP MIB Files

The MIB files used to monitor the CXC HP are a combination of standard MIB files and vendor specific
MIB files. The vendor specific MIB files are tagged with the ALPHA- prefix.

• SNMPv2-MIB extracted from RFC3418

• ALARM-MIB extracted from RFC3877
• SNMP-TARGET-MIB extracted from RFC3413
• UPS-MIBextracted from RFC1628

This MIB provides controller information allowing it to be easily identified as a network device. The
SNMP Discovery feature in most NMS systems uses the data published through the SNMPv2-MIB for
discovering network devices. Refer to RFC 3418, or the MIB file, for a more detailed explanation.

The CXC HP takes advantage of the ALARM-MIB to define the structure and basic behavior of an Alarm
Notification. The following tables from the ALARM-MIB are used:

• Alarm Model
• Alarm Active
• Alarm Clear

This MIB defines the alarm modeling and auditing. The model table provides a list of alarms available on
the controller. The list follows the dynamic nature of the monitored systems and devices, and will add or
remove conceptual rows as alarms come in or out of availability. Refer to RFC 3877, or the MIB file, for a
more detailed explanation on alarm modeling.
Auditing for alarms can be done by looking at the Active Alarms and Cleared Alarms tables. Refer to
RFC3877, or the MIB file, for a more detailed explanation on these tables.

Note: The generic notification definition provided in the ALARM-MIB is not used by the controller.
The ALPHA-NOTIFICATION-MIB provides a more detailed varbind list applicable to power system

Note: For CXC-HP system using UPS-MIB such as FXM-HP, any changes to the alarm status would
send two notifications to the NMS. One notification is defined by ALPHA-NOTIFICATION-MIB, and the

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second notification is defined by UPS-MIB. For a more detailed description on the UPS-MIB notification,
refer to RFC1628.

The CXC HP provides ten SNMP destinations for the NMS to configure notifications reporting, or
notification subscriptions. Providing IP addresses of the NMS sets the CXC HP to send alarm notifications
to these destinations. Refer to RFC 3413, or the MIB file, for a more detailed explanation.
The current implementation takes advantage of the following set of data for each destination:

• IP Address
• Time Out (for acknowledged notifications)
• Retry Count (for acknowledged notifications)

Configuring an IP address will activate notifications for that target. Entering a time out period greater then
zero (0) will send notifications that require acknowledgment from the NMS to the controller (INFORM).

This MIB provides two custom-defined notifications for alarm reporting:

• Active Alarm
• Cleared Alarm

The payload of the notification (varbind list) provides all the details of the alarm and can be used for
filtering or monitoring specific alarms.

Note: Both definitions of the notification objects (active and cleared) carry the same varbind list. The
two notifications were defined to allow easier filtering and matching of active and clear notifications on the

The Alpha Resource MIB is designed with forward compatibility in mind. Using database type table design
and data referencing, the MIB structure will allow dynamic additions of new components and data to
the controller without any changes to the MIB. See the section on SNMP Reference for an SNMP table
indexing overview.
This MIB provides access to the information base of the controller. The major structures defined in the
MIB are:

• ControllerInfo - controller level information.

• Components - objects that contain informational fields for data access. Objects such as systems
and devices as well as information groupings. For example, in the case where you have a DC
system with ten rectifiers, the table would include a row for the DC system and a row for each
individual rectifier.
• DataFieldType - data field types available from a specific component source. Data fields describe
a set of read-only data access. For example, with a DC system and ten rectifiers, the table would
present a list of available field types of a DC system and of a rectifier.

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• DataFields - data fields available from all component sources. Combine the unique index of the
DataFieldType row, along with the assigned ID of the component, to access this information.
• ConfigurationList - configuration fields available from a specific component source.
Configuration fields describe a set of read-write data access. For example, with a DC system and
ten rectifiers, the table would present a list of available configuration types of a DC system and a of
a rectifier.
• ConfigurationFields - configuration fields available from all component sources. Combine the
unique index of the ConfigurationFieldType row, along with the assigned ID of the component, to
access this information.
• CommandFieldType - (Currently not supported. Reserved for future development.)command
field types available from a specific component source. Command fields describe a set of write-
only data access. For example, with a DC system and ten rectifiers, the table would present a list
of available command types of a DC system and of a rectifier.
• CommandFields - (Currently not supported. Reserved for future development.)command fields
available from all component sources. Combine the unique index of the CommandFieldType row,
along with the assigned ID of the component to access this information.
• ConfigurationChoiceList - configuration choices provide lists of string values for the State data
type configuration fields.

For small systems with a single DC system monitored by the CXC HP, the ALPHA-RECTIFIER-SYS-
MIB provides a flat list of the most common data points used. Refer to the MIB for details of data points

Note: This MIB does not provide any information in the case there are multiple DC Systems
monitored by the CXC HP controller. The ALPHA-RESOURCE-MIB is the source of data for multiple
systems monitoring.

For small systems with a single converter system monitored by the CXC HP, the ALPHA-CONVERTER-
SYS-MIB provides a flat list of the most common data points used. Refer to the MIB for details of data
points available.

Note: This MIB does not provide any information in the case there are multiple converter systems
monitored by the CXC HP controller. The ALPHA-RESOURCE-MIB is the source of data for multiple
systems monitoring.

The CXC HP takes advantage of the UPS-MIB to define the structure and basic behavior of an
Uninterrupted Power Supply system. The following tables from the UPS-MIB are supported:

• Device Identification
• Battery
• Input

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• Output
• Alarm
• Well Known Alarm
• Traps Notification

The tables provide a list of UPS specific objects available on the controller. Refer to RFC 1628, or the
UPS-MIB file, for a more detailed explanation and specification of the supported objects.

Note: For CXC-HP system using UPS-MIB such as FXM-HP, any changes to the alarm status would
send two notifications to the NMS. One notification is defined by ALPHA-NOTIFICATION-MIB, and the
second notification is defined by UPS-MIB. For a more detailed description on the UPS-MIB notification,
refer to RFC1628.

3.6. SNMP MIB Reference

Along with basic presentation of data in flat tables, the CXC HP takes advantage of some of the more
sophisticated features of the SNMP protocol. For example, augmented tables and table indexing
methods. There is extensive use of augmented tables and external table indexes in both the predefined
standard MIBs and the Alpha MIBs. This section provides details of these features to help you use SNMP.

Flat Tables
Flat tables are the simplest and most commonly used technique of presenting a set of related data. The
word table is not the most accurate way to describe this structure. It is closer to a folder containing a set
of non-iterative data fields.
Data retrieval is a simple GET of the OID of interest. The image below shows a list of fields presented
in the system folder as described by the SNMPv2-MIB. The highlighted field is accessed by using OID:

Figure 14. Field List for SNMPv2-MIB

From Figure 2, the highlighted folder at the bottom of the image is a representation of a standard table
with a set of columns and dynamic range of conceptual rows. Just like a flat table, each column has an
OID to get access to the represented data. The additional variable are the possibility of multiple instances
of rows that the table can have.

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The highlighted folder, called the TableEntry, represents a conceptual row or instance of the row with the
fields within the folder as columns of the table.
Data access of the column within a particular row will need to contain the combination of the Entry OID,
column index and row index. For example, to access the name of the data held in the third row of the
table, the OID combination is as follows:
(Entry OID) + (Column Index) 2 + (Row Index) 3

Figure 15. Table from Alpha Resource MIB

Augmented Tables
Augmented tables describe the relationship between two or more tables whose conceptual rows have
a one to one relationship with each other. A row in one table directly extends a row in another table and
uses the same row index.

Tables with External Indexes

Data access from tables that have multiple indexes, and/or multiple external indexes, use the same index
manipulation as described above. The MIB file would define the table with details of indexes used to
access the data. The only difference in accessing this type of table is the additional process of putting the
required indexes together.

Note: The order of the indexes must match the order described in the defining MIB. The use of
multiple external, and/or internal indexes, follows the general pattern of database tables using private and
foreign keys.

Figure 14 shows three tables from the Alpha Resource MIB that have index dependencies. The
dataTable has dependencies from the componentListTable and from the dataListTable as described in
its properties, which is shown in Figure 15.

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Figure 16. Tables from Alpha Resource MIB

Figure 17. Tables from Alpha Resource MIB

Access of information available in the dataTable would use the following index calculation:
(dataEntry OID) + (dataListReference) + (componentListReference)

3.6.1. Controller Information

The Controller Information table provides access to basic CXC HP information, along with providing future
development support without the requirement of a new MIB. The table base designed allows for additional
data points to be added to the list without the need for additions to the MIB file.
The following table presents the list of common data available from the controllerInfo “flat” table.

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Table 4. The Controller Information Flat Table

OID Name Description controllerInfoName User configurable text name of the con-

troller. controllerInfoDescription User configurable description of the con-

troller. controllerInfoSoftwareVersion Software version of the controller applica-

tion. controllerInfoOperatingSystem- Operating system version number.

Version controllerInfoHardwareVersion Hardware version number. controllerInfoTable Table for additional controller information.

Controller Information Table

Table Base OID is:
The controllerInfoTable “full” table provides additional controller information that are not part of the “flat”
table. The list below shows the base line OID for the row of the table along with description of the data
presented in that row.
Table Columns:

• 1. controllerInfoTableIndex
• 2. controllerInfoTableName
• 3. controllerInfoTableStringValue
• 4. controllerInfoTableUnit
• 5. controllerInfoTableNumberValue

Table 5. The Controller Information Full Table

Row ID Name Description

4 Site Number User configurable number of the site.

5 Technical Support Contact Number Phone number to call for technical support.

6 Contact Name User configurable data.

7 Contact Number User configurable data.

8 Configuration File Identifier User configurable data.

9 Street User configurable data.

10 City User configurable data.

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Table 5. The Controller Information Full Table (continued)

Row ID Name Description

11 Zip / Postal Code User configurable data.

12 Region / State / Province User configurable data.

13 Country User configurable data.

14 Latitude User configurable data.

15 Longitude User configurable data.

16 Altitude User configurable data.

17 Serial Number Serial number of the controller.

18 Part Number Part number of the controller.

To access the desired data, add the column id and the row index to the end of the base OID of the table:
Base OID ( + Column ID (2) + Row ID (4) = "Controller: Site Number"

3.6.2. Using The Resource MIB

The Alpha Resource MIB is designed to provide access to all available data from the controller. It has
been designed to support future development without needing a new MIB. This MIB is intended for
extensive integration with custom monitoring systems, and the data available is equal to what can be
seen on the web interface. Because of the dynamic nature of the systems monitored by the controller, the
Alpha Resource MIB tables provide details about accessible data.
The tables with read-only data access are as follows:

• Component List Table

• Data List Table
• Data Table
• Configuration List Table
• Alarm List Table
• Alarm Table
• Alert Table
• Configuration Choice List Table

The tables with read-write data access are as follows:

• Configuration Table

The tables only update during idle periods. After the last component change, an idle period of 1-minute
must occur before an update starts. Adding or removing any component resets the 1-minute idle timer.

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The most effective way to view the data is in table format. The use of table format is dependent on the
software being used.

Component List Table

The Component List table displays objects that contain informational fields for data access. It describes
objects such as systems, devices and information groupings. For example, for a DC system with ten
rectifiers, the table includes a row for the DC system, and a row for each individual rectifier.
One use of the Component List table would be an Inventory listing of available components. Table format
is the most effective way to view the information.
The items of the Component List table are numbers for the componentListSnmpId, and the
componentListType. These two numbers are also used in other tables as part of the unique index that
identifies a specific table entry.
componentListType - used as part of the DataFieldType table.
componentListSnmpId - used as part of the DataList table.
The column numbers for the Component List table are as follows:

Table 6. Component List

Name Description

1 componentListReference ID value assigned to the component at startup. Config-

urable for systems only.

2 componentListStaticName Static name of the component represented by the en-

try. This text value is not translated for localization.

3 componentListConfiguredName User configurable name of the component.

4 componentListType The ComponentListType number is used as part of the

data table reference index. Type of component:

1. Controller

2. DC System


4. Rectifier

5. Converter

6. Inverter

7. Reserved

8. T2S

9. Reserved

10. Battery Subsystem (previously: Battery String)

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Table 6. Component List (continued)

Name Description

11. Disconnect

12. Load

13. Shunt

14. SNMP Destination

15. CAN Bus

16. Converter System

17. User Digital Alarm

18. User Threshold Alarm

19. Inverter System

20. Bypass Switch

21. Delay Timer

22. Interval Timer

23. Up Counter

24. Down Counter

25. Custom Data

26. Current Transducer

27. Breaker/Fuse

28. Reserved

29. Email Destination

30. Auxiliary System

31. Line Power System

32. Line Power Module

33. Line Power Load

34. Distribution System

35. Distribution Panel

36. Distribution Subsystem

37. Referenced Load

38. Reserved

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Table 6. Component List (continued)

Name Description

39. Reserved

40. Scheduled Action

41. FXM-HP System

42. Disconnect With Exclusion

43. Change Relay

44. Change Field

45. Reserved

46. Reserved

47. Reserved

48. General Purpose Transducer

49. Change Field To Variable

50. Battery String

51. Timing Relay

52. DC Source System

53. DC Source

54. Data Subscriptions

55. Generic Disconnect

56. AC Source System

57. AC Source

58. Hyper Boost Converter

59. Hyper Boost Distribution

60. Peak Shaving System

61. Scheduled Time Span

62. Bypass Switch XMBS


64. Reserved

65. Touch Safe Module

5 componentListModelNumber The model number of the component if available.

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Table 6. Component List (continued)

Name Description

6 componentListSerialNumber The serial number of the component if available.

7 componentListSystemPointer A reference OID within the component table to the en-

capsulating component to this one. For example, a
rectifier component would have a reference OID to
the system that it belongs to if it has already been as-

Using this reference OID with a GetNext operation will

return the static name value of the component.

Data Field Type List

The Data Field Type list displays the data field types available from their specific component source.
Following the previous example of a DC system with ten rectifiers, the table would present a list of
available data field types of a DC system and of a rectifier.
This table can provide a list of data field types accessible through SNMP. That information allows for the
creation of table indexes to use with the Data Field Type list to get existing live data. Table format is the
most effective way to view the information.
The column numbers for the Data Field Type list are as follows:

Table 7. Data Field Type

Column Number Name Description

1 dataListReference (IDX) Static ID value assigned to the field type and is unique
within the component that the field belongs to.

Indexing of this table is a combination of component-

ListType joined by the internal indexing of the field.
Example: Index number 2.1 constitue the type ID (2)
followed by the internal index (1).

Type ID 2 is the ID for a DC System component. The

index then refer to a DC System field that has an inter-
nal ID of 1.

2 dataListName Static name of the data field represented by the entry.

This text value is not translated for localization

3 dataListType Data type of the field represented in the entry:

• 0. Unknown
• 1. Numeric

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Table 7. Data Field Type (continued)

Column Number Name Description

• 2. Boolean
• 3. Time
• 4. String - Human readable text data.
• 5. State - state represents a string value de-
scribing the condition the reference object is
in. For example, a relay may have the value:

4 dataListUnit Unit of the value presented by this field.

Data List
The Data List table displays all available live data that the CXC HP controller can report. The data points
and referencing are presented in logical groupings.
For example, to get the live data of the Total Output Current of a DC system. Use the dataFieldType
index and the componentList index to specifically call for an entry in the dataList table.
In the dataFieldType table:

• The Output Current of a DC system is indexed as 2.1.

• The instance number of that DC system is 1.

Combine the dataFieldType index (2.1), and the DC system instance number (1), and you can get the
index of 2.1.1 which is the reference for the Output Current from DC system 1.

The unique key of the data is column 1: - the index of the row displaying 2.1.1 for convenient referencing.

The number value is column 2: - the number value of the Output Current from DC System 1.
In the table the string value is column 3: - would result with a zero-length string since the row entry is
representing a number.
The column numbers for the Data List table are as follows:

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Table 8. Data List

Column Number Name Description

1 dataReference Index combination from the dataTypeList and Com-

ponent tables to form the unique identifier of the data

2 dataNumberValue Number values will be presented here. Zero-length

value will be default in the event no number value is

3 dataStringValue String values will be presented here. Zero-length val-

ue will ber default in the event no string value is avail-
able. "unknown" will be default value until an appropri-
ate data is available.

Example: Getting The System Voltage

The following example, a simple GET REQUEST for System Voltage, and shows the use of the base
OID as well as external indexes. The second row of the Component table will show a list of components
for the Rectifier System.

Figure 18. Table View for the ComponentTable

Figure 17 shows the list of data field types available from the CXC HP controller and indicates the
System Voltage as row 2.10.

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Figure 19. Table View for the DataListTable

Access to the actual System Voltage combines the base OID of the DataEntry (row) of the DataTable,
the column index of the table, and the instance index value. The instance index is a combination of the
dataListReference value (2.10) and the componentListReference (1). (dataEntry OID) + 2 (dataNumberValue) + 2.10 (dataListReference) + 1

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Figure 20. Table View for the DataTable

The DataTable output shows a list of live data available on the CXC HP controller. The row with reference
2.10.1, as high lighted in Figure 18, shows the System Voltage value.

Figure 21. Sample Query of System Voltage

Figure 19 shows a simple query of the full OID value, specific to the System Voltage of a rectifier system.

Configuration Field Type List

The Configuration Field Type list displays the writable data field types available from their specific
component source. Following the previous example of a DC system with ten rectifiers, the table would
present a list of available data field types of a DC system and of a rectifier.
This table can provide a list of data field types accessible through SNMP. That information allows for the
creation of table indexes to use with the Configuration Field Type list to get existing live data and set new
data value. Table format is the most effective way to view the information.
The column numbers for the Configuration Field Type list are as follows:

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Table 9. Configuration Field Type

Column Number Name Description

1 configurationListReference Static ID value assigned to the field type and is unique

(IDX) within the component that the field belongs to.

Indexing of this table is a combination of component-

ListType joined by the internal indexing of the field.
Example: Index number 2.1 constitute the type ID (2)
followed by the internal index (1).

Type ID 2 is the ID for a DC System component. The

index then refer to a DC System field that has an inter-
nal ID of 1.

2 configurationListName Static name of the configuration field represented by

the entry. This text value is not translated for localiza-

3 configurationListType Data type of the field represented in the entry:

• 0. Unknown
• 1. Numeric
• 2. Boolean
• 3. Time
• 4. String - Human readable text data.
• 5. State - state represents a string value de-
scribing the condition the reference object is
in. For example, a DC System’s Voltage Regu-
lation field may have the value: Disabled.A list
of state values for each configuration field of
data type 5 is available in the Configuration
Choice List Table.

4 configurationListUnit Unit of the value presented by this field if applicable.

Example: Setting The Float Voltage

The following example, a simple Set REQUEST for Float Voltage, and shows the use of the base OID as
well as external indexes. The second row of the Component table will show a list of components for the
Rectifier System.

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Figure 22. Table View for the ComponentTable

The following table shows the list of Configuration field types available from the CXC HP controller and
indicates the Float Voltage as row 2.12.

Figure 23. Table View for the ConfigurationListTable

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Access to the actual Float Voltage combines the base OID of the DataEntry (row) of the
ConfigurationTable, the column index of the table, and the instance index value. The instance index is a
combination of the configurationListReference value (2.12) and the componentListReference (1). (configurationEntry OID) + 2 (configurationNumberValue) + 2.12
(configurationListReference) + 1 (componentListReference). The complete OID for Float Voltage is

Figure 24. Table View for the Configuration Table

The Configuration Table output shows a list of data available for set request on the CXC HP controller.
The row with reference 2.12.1, as highlighted in the above figure shows the Float Voltage value.

Figure 25. Sample Set of Float Voltage

The above figure shows a simple set query of the full OID value, specific to the Float Voltage of a rectifier
system. The Value to Set is scaled by a 100. 5400 represents 54.00 volts.

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Example: Setting Rectifier Assignment Rule

The following example, a simple Set REQUEST for Rectifier Assignment Rule of a DC system, and
shows the use of the base OID as well as external indexes. The second row of the ComponentListTable
shows a list of components. The DC System 48V has a componentListType value of 2.

Figure 26. Table View for the ComponentListTable

The following table shows the list of Configuration field types available from the CXC HP controller for a
DC system. Note that the configurationListRefenence for all configuration fields of a DC System has a
prefix of 2. The Rectifier Assignment Rule is row 2.10.

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Figure 27. Table View for the ConfigurationListTable

Access to the actual Rectifier Assignment Rule field combines the base OID of the ConfigurationEntry
(row) of the ConfigurationTable, the column index of the table, and the instance index value. The instance
index is a combination of the configurationListReference value (2.12) and the componentListReference
(1). (configurationEntry OID) + 2 (configurationNumberValue) + 2.10
(configurationListReference) + 1 (componentListReference). The complete OID for Rectifier Assignment
Rule is

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Figure 28. Table View for the Configuration Table

The Configuration Table output shows a list of data available for set request on the CXC HP controller.
The row with reference 2.10.1, as highlighted in the above figure shows the Rectifier Assignment Rule

Figure 29. Sample Set of Rectifier Assignment Rule

The above figure shows a simple set query of the full OID value, specific to the Rectifier Assignment
Rule of a DC system. The Value to Set is changed to RectifierAssignmentManual.
The valid values of Value to Set for Rectifier Assignment Rule of a DC system are
RectifierAssignmentManual and RectifierAssignmentAutomatic. These two values are defined in the

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Figure 30. Table View for the ConfigurationChoiceList Table

The column numbers for the Configuration Choice List table are as follows:

Table 10. Configuration Choice List

Column Number Name Description

1 configurationChoiceListRefer- Static ID value corresponds to the configurationList-

ence (IDX) Reference of configuration field.

2 configurationChoiceListIndex Static number of the configuration choice. For setting

Configuration fields with configurationListType = 5,
configurationChoiceListName must be used.

3 configurationChoiceListName Static name for the choice to be used for setting con-
figuration fields with configurationListType = 5. This
text value is not translated for localization

Alarm Type List Table

The Alarm tables in the Alpha Resource MIB can be used to poll, to find, and to troubleshoot active
The Alarm Type List table provides the list of available alarms based on the configuration of the monitored
system(s). Information provided allows for the creation of table indexes to use with the Alarm table to get
existing live alarm information. Table format is the most effective way to view the information.
The column numbers for the Alarm Type List table are as follows:

Table 11. Alarm Type List

Column Number Name Description

1 alarmTypeReference A static and uniquely assigned ID for the alarm type.

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Table 11. Alarm Type List (continued)

Column Number Name Description

2 alarmTypeName Name of the alarm formatted together with the owner

of the alarm.

Figure 31. Example: Available Alarm Type List

Alarm List Table

The Alarm table, working together with the Alarm Type List table, and the Component table, allow for
active polling of all available alarms in the CXC HP controller. The value returned provides the state of the
alarm, as well as the priority of the alarm.

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Figure 32. Example Available Alarm List

The example provided shows a table that is simplified in data presentation to allow for efficient polling of
alarms. Using the base entry OID of the alarmState, together with the instance index, you can actively
poll an individual alarm. In this example, an active alarm is polled and then interpreted in the following
manner: (alarm table entry OID) + 1.10003 (alarm type) + 1 (instance Index) = (OID for ADIO: Comms Lost alarm).
The value returned from a GET REQUEST is 4000. It is a scaled integer value presenting the number 4
for Major priority level. The 0 value represents a normal or inactive state.
In most cases, the instance index will be a value of 1 unless there are multiple instances of that alarm.
The instance is a reference to the instance of the component alarm source.

Module Alert List Table

The Module Alert table shows all active module alerts. The alertTypeName shows the serial number
of the module and the name of the active alert. The Instance identifies the component ID, alert ID and
component list reference in the format: componentID.alertID.componentListReference. If the table is
empty, it means that there are no active module alerts, or the internal SNMP database is not yet finished
building. This MIB entry was added in CXCHP v6.00 and MIB version 201904120000Z.

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Figure 33. Example Active Alert List

Configuration Choice List Table

The Configuration Choice table shows valid state choices for the configuration data fields in Configuration
List table with configurationListType set to 5 (State). These choice names can be used to set the field
value in the Configuration List table. This MIB entry was added in CXCHP v6.20 and MIB version
This table provides a list of data choice values for the field in Configuration List table. That information
allows for the creation of table indexes to use with the Configuration Choice List table to get a list of valid
choices (states) to set new data value. Table format is the most effective way to view the information.
The column numbers for the Configuration Choice List table are as follows:

Table 12. Configuration Choice List

Column Number Name Description

1 configurationChoiceListRefer- Static ID value assigned to the field type and is unique

ence (IDX) within the component that the field belongs to.

Indexing of this table is a combination of component-

ListType joined by the internal indexing of the field.
Example: Index number 2.10 constitute the type ID (2)
followed by the internal index (10).

Type ID 2 is the ID for a DC System component. The

index then refer to a DC System configuration field
that has an internal ID of 10.

Index number 2.10 represents DC System’s Assign-

ment Rule configuration field.

2 configurationChoiceListIndex Static numeric values of the configuration choice rep-

resented by the ConfigurationChoiceList Reference.
There an entry of each possible choices.

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Table 12. Configuration Choice List (continued)

Column Number Name Description

3 configurationChoiceListName Static string values of the configuration choice rep-

resented by the ConfigurationChoiceList Reference.
There an entry of each possible choices. This string
value is to be used to set

3.6.3. Published SNMP Fields

The tables provided here define the Component items, and the Data Field Type indexing values,
when using the ALPHA-RESOURCE-MIB. Refer to the section, Using The Resource MIB for detailed
explanation of the index dependencies of tables within the MIB. Refer to the SNMP Reference section for
a short explanation of the Index Calculation technique.
Specific OIDs are not available for the defined data fields. The dynamic nature of the CXC HP systems
do not allow for a static definition of a component reference number. The component reference number is
currently not configurable.
The Data Field reference ID’s are statically assigned and are unique to the Component. These numbers,
combined with the other dependencies of the Alpha Resource MIB tables, provide currently published
data and future data without the need to change MIB file(s).

Note: Some of the field names may repeat due to field items that are in repeated groups. Their
indexes would remain unique to identify the individual fields. For example, AC Input Phase fields would
have repeating items.

Table 13. Controller Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #1)

Controller Fields (Component Type #1) SNMP ID

Site Number 4

Technical Support Contact Number 5

Contact Name 6

Contact Number 7

Configuration File Identifier 8

Street 9

City 10

Zip/Postal Code 11

Region/State/Province 12

Country 13

Latitude 14

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Table 13. Controller Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #1) (continued)

Controller Fields (Component Type #1) SNMP ID

Longitude 15

Altitude 16

Serial Number 17

Part Number 18

Remote Configuration Lockout Status 19

Lockout Override Time Remaining 20

Reserved Controller Status 21

Reserved Controller Communication Status 22

Main Controller Status 23

Main Controller Communication Status 24

Time of Last Communication Sync 25

Active Session 1 User Name 10101

Active Session 1 User Role 10102

Active Session 1 Client 10103

Active Session 1 Address 10104

Active Session 2 User Name 10201

Active Session 2 User Role 10202

Active Session 2 Client 10203

Active Session 2 Address 10204

Active Session 3 User Name 10301

Active Session 3 User Role 10302

Active Session 3 Client 10303

Active Session 3 Address 10304

Active Session 4 User Name 10401

Active Session 4 User Role 10402

Active Session 4 Client 10403

Active Session 4 Address 10404

Active Session 5 User Name 10501

Active Session 5 User Role 10502

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Table 13. Controller Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #1) (continued)

Controller Fields (Component Type #1) SNMP ID

Active Session 5 Client 10503

Active Session 5 Address 10504

Active Session 6 User Name 10601

Active Session 6 User Role 10602

Active Session 6 Client 10603

Active Session 6 Address 10604

Active Session 7 User Name 10701

Active Session 7 User Role 10702

Active Session 7 Client 10703

Active Session 7 Address 10704

Active Session 8 User Name 10801

Active Session 8 User Role 10802

Active Session 8 Client 10803

Active Session 8 Address 10804

Active Session 9 User Name 10901

Active Session 9 User Role 10902

Active Session 9 Client 10903

Active Session 9 Address 10904

Table 14. DC System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #2)

DC System Fields (Component Type #2) SNMP ID

Total Output Current 1

Total Output Power 2

Total Capacity Installed - Current 3

Total Capacity Installed - Power 4

Average Rectifier Output Voltage 5

Average Rectifier AC Input Voltage 6

Estimated AC Phase 1 Voltage 7

Estimated AC Phase 2 Voltage 8

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Table 14. DC System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #2) (continued)

DC System Fields (Component Type #2) SNMP ID

Estimated AC Phase 3 Voltage 9

System Voltage 10

Total Load Current 11

Battery Voltage 12

Battery Current 13

Battery Temperature 14

System Number 15

Estimated Required Capacity In Watts 16

Estimated Required Capacity In Amps 17

Estimated Available Capacity In Watts 18

Estimated Available Capacity In Amps 19

Estimated Redundant Capacity In Watts 20

Estimated Redundant Capacity In Amps 21

Estimated Standby Capacity In Watts 22

Estimated Standby Capacity In Amps 23

Average Power 24

Modules Supplying Power 25

Modules In Standby 26

Estimated Capacity Remaining Amps 28

Estimated Capacity Remaining Watts 29

Estimated SOC Percent 30

Estimated Battery Runtime 31

Estimated Battery Health Percent 32

Number of Acquired Rectifiers 33

Number of Sourcing Rectifiers 34

Number of Failed Rectifiers 35

Number of Rectifiers with Minor Alerts 36

Number of Rectifiers in Comms Lost 37

Number of Rectifiers in Comms Normal 38

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Table 14. DC System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #2) (continued)

DC System Fields (Component Type #2) SNMP ID

Number of AC Failed Rectifiers 39

Number of Rectifiers with Configuration Error 40

Number of Rectifiers in Power Limit 41

Number of Rectifiers in Current Limit 42

Number of Rectifiers with Fan Fail 43

Number of Rectifiers in Bootloader 44

Maximum Rectifier Ambient Temperature 45

Table 15. Rectifier Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #4)

Rectifier Fields (Component Type #4) SNMP ID

Bay ID 1

Shelf ID 2

Slot ID 3

AC Input Voltage 4

Output Current 5

Ambient Temperature 6

Operating Time 7

Mode 8

Table 16. Converter Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #5)

Converter Fields (Component Type #5) SNMP ID

Output Current 1

Input Current 2

Intake Temperature 3

Operating Hours 4

Table 17. Shunt Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #13)

Shunt Fields (Component Type #13) SNMP ID

Current 1

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Table 18. CAN Bus Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #15)

CAN Bus Fields (Component Type #15) SNMP ID

Number of Devices 1

Node IDs In Use 2

Table 19. Converter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #16)

Converter System Fields (Component Type #16) SNMP ID

Total Output Current 1

Total Output Power 2

Total Capacity Installed - Current 3

Total Capacity Installed - Power 4

Average Converter Output Voltage 5

Average Converter Input Voltage 6

System Voltage 7

Total Load Current 8

System Number 9

Table 20. Inverter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #19)

Inverter System Fields (Component Type #19) SNMP ID

Total Output Power 1

Average Output Loading 2

DC Input 3

System Mode 4

Phase 1 Output Power 5

Phase 2 Output Power 6

Phase 3 Output Power 7

Average Output Voltage (deprecated) 8

DC Input Current 11

DC Input Voltage 12

DC Input Power 13

System On Bypass 14

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Table 20. Inverter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #19) (continued)

Inverter System Fields (Component Type #19) SNMP ID

AC Input Power 15

# Communicating Inverters 30

# Failed Inverters 31

# Replace Fan Inverters 35

# Comms Lost Inverters 36

# Comms Lost T2S 37

# T2S Not Accepting Commands 38

# T2S 39

Number Of Phases 50

Number Of DC Input Groups (Feeds) 51

Supported by All T2S 56

Supported by All Inverters 57

Expected DC Input Current in AC Failure 60

Highest Phase Loading (VA) 61

AC Output Power (W) 62

Phase 1 Output Power (W) 63

Phase 2 Output Power (W) 64

Phase 3 Output Power (W) 65

Phase 1

AC Output Power (VA) 1101

Output Voltage 1102

Output Current 1103

Output Frequency 1104

Loading of Installed Power (VA) 1105

Number Of Inverters On 1106

Loading of Installed Power (W) 1107

Measured DC Input To Output Power Ratio 1108

AC Input Power (W) 1109

AC Input Power (VA) 1110

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Table 20. Inverter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #19) (continued)

Inverter System Fields (Component Type #19) SNMP ID

AC Output Power (W) 1111

DC Input Power 1112

Current Number Of Redundant Inverters 1113

Number of Inverters Detected 1114

Number Of Inverters Off 1115

Number Of Inverters Failed 1116

Phase 2

AC Output Power (VA) 1201

Output Voltage 1202

Output Current 1203

Output Frequency 1204

Loading of Installed Power (VA) 1205

Number Of Inverters On 1206

Loading of Installed Power (W) 1207

Measured DC Input To Output Power Ratio 1208

AC Input Power (W) 1209

AC Input Power (VA) 1210

AC Output Power (W) 1211

DC Input Power 1212

Current Number Of Redundant Inverters 1213

Number of Inverters Detected 1214

Number Of Inverters Off 1215

Number Of Inverters Failed 1216

Phase 3

AC Output Power (VA) 1301

Output Voltage 1302

Output Current 1303

Output Frequency 1304

Loading of Installed Power (VA) 1305

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Table 20. Inverter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #19) (continued)

Inverter System Fields (Component Type #19) SNMP ID

Number Of Inverters On 1306

Loading of Installed Power (W) 1307

Measured DC Input To Output Power Ratio 1308

AC Input Power (W) 1309

AC Input Power (VA) 1310

AC Output Power (W) 1311

DC Input Power 1312

Current Number Of Redundant Inverters 1313

Number of Inverters Detected 1314

Number Of Inverters Off 1315

Number Of Inverters Failed 1316

AC Input Group 1

Input Voltage 2101

Input Current 2102

Input Frequency 2103

AC Input Power (VA) 2104

Number Of Inverters On 2105

AC Input Power (W) 2106

Number of Inverters Detected 2107

Number Of Inverters Off 2108

Number Of Inverters Failed 2109

AC Input Group 2

Input Voltage 2201

Input Current 2202

Input Frequency 2203

AC Input Power (VA) 2204

Number Of Inverters On 2205

AC Input Power (W) 2206

Number of Inverters Detected 2207

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Table 20. Inverter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #19) (continued)

Inverter System Fields (Component Type #19) SNMP ID

Number Of Inverters Off 2208

Number Of Inverters Failed 2209

AC Input Group 3

Input Voltage 2301

Input Current 2302

Input Frequency 2303

AC Input Power (VA) 2304

Number Of Inverters On 2305

AC Input Power (W) 2306

Number of Inverters Detected 2307

Number Of Inverters Off 2308

Number Of Inverters Failed 2309

DC Input Group 1

Input Voltage 3101

Input Current 3102

DC Input Power 3103

Number Of Inverters On 3104

Number Of Inverters Off 3105

Number Of Inverters Failed 3106

Number of Inverters Detected 3107

DC Input Group 2

Input Voltage 3201

Input Current 3202

DC Input Power 3203

Number Of Inverters On 3204

Number Of Inverters Off 3205

Number Of Inverters Failed 3206

Number of Inverters Detected 3207

DC Input Group 3

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Table 20. Inverter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #19) (continued)

Inverter System Fields (Component Type #19) SNMP ID

Input Voltage 3301

Input Current 3302

DC Input Power 3303

Number Of Inverters On 3304

Number Of Inverters Off 3305

Number Of Inverters Failed 3306

Number of Inverters Detected 3307

DC Input Group 4

Input Voltage 3401

Input Current 3402

DC Input Power 3403

Number Of Inverters On 3404

Number Of Inverters Off 3405

Number Of Inverters Failed 3406

Number of Inverters Detected 3407

Table 21. Bypass Switch Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #20)

Bypass Switch Fields (Component Type #20) SNMP ID

Status 1

Table 22. Delay Timer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #21)

Delay Timer Fields (Component Type #21) SNMP ID

Output 1

Delay Time Remaining 2

Trigger 3

Reset 5

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Table 23. Interval Timer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #22)

Interval Timer Fields (Component Type #22) SNMP ID

Output 1

Start Event 2

Stop Event 4

Table 24. Up Counter Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #23)

Up Counter Fields (Component Type #23) SNMP ID

Input 1

Output 2

Reset Input 3

Terminal Reached 4

Table 25. Down Counter Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #24)

Down Counter Fields (Component Type #24) SNMP ID

Input 1

Output 2

Initialize Input 3

Counter at Zero 4

Table 26. Custom Data Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #25)

Custom Data Fields (Component Type #25) SNMP ID

Equation 1

Custom Data Status 2

Error Position 3

Error Token 4

Expected Token 5

Result as numeric 6

Result as boolean 7

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Table 27. CT Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #26)

CT Fields (Component Type #26) SNMP ID

Current 1

Table 28. Breaker or Fuse Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #27)

Breaker or Fuse Fields (Component Type #27) SNMP ID

State 1

Table 29. Line Power System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #31)

Line Power System Fields (Component Type #31) SNMP ID

Total Output Power 1

Modules 2

Average Input Voltage 3

Total Input Current (Est.) 4

Total Input Power (Est.) 5

Maximum Temperature 6

Loads 7

Channels 8

System Number 9

Total Output Current 10

Table 30. LPS Module Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #32)

LPS Module Fields (Component Type #32) SNMP ID

Temperature 1

Input Voltage 2

Bay ID 3

Shelf ID 4

Slot ID 5

C1 Output Voltage 80101

C1 Output Current 80102

C2 Output Voltage 80201

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Table 30. LPS Module Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #32) (continued)

LPS Module Fields (Component Type #32) SNMP ID

C2 Output Current 80202

C3 Output Voltage 80301

C3 Output Current 80302

C4 Output Voltage 80401

C4 Output Current 80402

Table 31. LP Load Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #33)

LP Load Fields (Component Type #33) SNMP ID

Channels 1

Channels Enabled 2

Total Channels in Alert 3

Total Output Current 4

Total Output Power 5

Current Capacity 6

Power Capacity 7

Table 32. 8R8D Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

8R8D Fields (Component Type #3 SNMP ID

D1 40101

D2 40201

D3 40301

D4 40401

D5 40501

D6 40601

D7 40701

D8 40801

K1 50101

K2 50201

K3 50301

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Table 32. 8R8D Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3) (continued)

8R8D Fields (Component Type #3 SNMP ID

K4 50401

K5 50501

K6 50601

K7 50701

K8 50801

Table 33. L-ADIO Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

L-ADIO Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

V1 10101

V2 10201

V3 10301

V4 10401

I1 20101

I2 20201

I3 20301

I4 20401

T1 30101

T2 30201

T3 30301

T4 30401

D1 40101

D2 40201

D3 40301

D4 40401

D5 40501

D6 40601

D7 40701

D8 40801

K1 50101

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Table 33. L-ADIO Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3) (continued)

L-ADIO Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

K2 50201

K3 50301

K4 50401

K5 50501

K6 50601

K7 50701

K8 50801

K9 50901

K10 51001

K11 51101

K12 51201

Table 34. iM1 Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

iM1 Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

V1 10101

V2 10201

I1 20101

T1 30101

T2 30201

D1 40101

D2 40201

K1 50101

K2 50201

K3 50301

K4 50401

Table 35. M1+ Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

M1+ Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

V1 10101

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Table 35. M1+ Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3) (continued)

M1+ Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

V2 10201

I1 20101

T1 30101

T2 30201

D1 40101

D2 40201

D3 40301

D4 40401

D5 40501

D6 40601

K1 50101

K2 50201

K3 50301

K4 50401

K5 50501

K6 50601

K7 50701

Table 36. PSU Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

PSU Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

V1 10101

V2 10201

I1 20101

T1 30101

T2 30201

D1 40101

D2 40201

K1 50101

K2 50201

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Table 36. PSU Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3) (continued)

PSU Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

K3 50301

K4 50401

K5 50501

Table 37. HV-ADIO Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

HV-ADIO Fields (Component Type #3 SNMP ID

Absolute Ground Fault Current 1

V1 10101

V2 10201

I1 20101

T1 30101

T2 30201

D1 40101

D2 40201

D3 40301

D4 40401

K1 50101

K2 50201

K3 50301

K4 50401

K5 50501

K6 50601

DCCT1 60101

DCCT2 60201

Table 38. BDFBi Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

BDFBi Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

V1 10101

V2 10201

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Table 38. BDFBi Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3) (continued)

BDFBi Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

V3 10301

V4 10401

V5 10501

V6 10601

V7 10701

V8 10801

I1 20101

I2 20201

I3 20301

I4 20401

I5 20501

I6 20601

I7 20701

I8 20801

T1 30101

T2 30201

D1 40101

D2 40201

D3 40301

D4 40401

D5 40501

D6 40601

D7 40701

D8 40801

I1 in Amps 60101

I2 in Amps 60201

I3 in Amps 60301

I4 in Amps 60401

I5 in Amps 60501

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Table 38. BDFBi Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3) (continued)

BDFBi Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

I6 in Amps 60601

I7 in Amps 60701

I8 in Amps 60801

Table 39. Smart E2 Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

Smart E2 Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

V1 10101

V2 10201

I1 20101

I2 20201

T1 30101

T2 30201

D1 40101

D2 40201

D3 40301

D4 40401

D5 40501

D6 40601

D7 40701

D8 40801

D9 40901

D10 41001

D11 41101

D12 41201

D13 41301

D14 41401

D15 41501

D16 41601

D17 41701

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Table 39. Smart E2 Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3) (continued)

Smart E2 Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

D18 41801

D19 41901

D20 42001

D21 42101

D22 42201

I1 in Amps 60101

I2 in Amps 60201

Table 40. FanTray Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

FanTray Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

D1 40101

Table 41. ShuntMux Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

ShuntMux Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

I1 20101

I2 20201

I3 20301

I4 20401

I5 20501

I6 20601

I7 20701

I8 20801

I9 20901

I10 21001

I11 21101

I12 21201

I13 21301

I14 21401

I15 21501

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Table 41. ShuntMux Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3) (continued)

ShuntMux Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

I16 21601

Table 42. 6I-ADIO Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

6I-ADIO Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

I1 20101

I2 20201

I3 20301

I4 20401

I5 20501

I6 20601

Table 43. Flex Air Controller Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

Flex Air Controller Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

V1 10101

T1 30101

T2 30201

T3 30301

T4 30401

T5 30501

K1 50101

K2 50201

Fan 1 100101

Fan 2 100201

Fan 3 100301

Fan 4 100401

Fan 5 100501

Fan 6 100601

Fan 7 100701

Fan 8 100801

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Table 44. Distribution System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #34)

Distribution System Fields (Component Type #34) SNMP ID

Voltage 1

Current 2

Breaker Trips 3

Maximum Temperature 4

Active Alarms 5

Table 45. Distribution Panel Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #35)

Distribution Panel Fields (Component Type #35) SNMP ID

Voltage 1

Current 2

Active Alarms 3

Overall Breaker Trips 4

Table 46. Distribution Subsystem Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #36)

Distribution Subsystem Fields (Component Type #36) SNMP ID

Voltage 1

Current 2

Breaker Trips 3

Maximum Temperature 4

Active Alarms 5

Table 47. Scheduled Action Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #40)

Scheduled Action Fields (Component Type #40) SNMP ID

Recurrence 1

End 2

Schedule Status 3

Last Run 4

Next Scheduled Run 5

Total Executed Runs 6

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Table 47. Scheduled Action Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #40) (continued)

Scheduled Action Fields (Component Type #40) SNMP ID

Action 7

Table 48. FXM-HP System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #41)

FXM-HP System Fields (Component Type #41) SNMP ID

Operating Frequency 1

Nominal AC Voltage 2

Rated Output Power 3

Rated Battery Voltage 4

AC Output Voltage 5

AC Output Frequency 6

AC Output Current 7

AC Output Apparent Power 8

Battery Voltage 9

Battery Current 10

Battery Temperature 11

Elapsed Time on Battery 12

System Mode 13

Inverter Minutes Since Cleared 14

Inverter Count Since Cleared 15

Boost Minutes Since Cleared 16

Boost Count Since Cleared 17

Buck Minutes Since Cleared 18

Buck Count Since Cleared 19

Energy Delivered 20

Table 49. Change Relay Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #43)

Change Relay Fields (Component Type #43) SNMP ID

Condition Value 1

Relay Status 2

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Table 49. Change Relay Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #43) (continued)

Change Relay Fields (Component Type #43) SNMP ID

Relay Status When Condition is True 3

Relay Status When Condition is False or Unknown 4

Table 50. Change Field Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #44)

Change Field Fields (Component Type #44) SNMP ID

Condition Value 1

Field Value 2

Table 51. General Purpose Transducer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #48)

General Purpose Transducer Fields (Component Type #48) SNMP ID

Calculated Value 1

Table 52. Change Field To Variable Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #49)

Change Field To Variable Fields (Component Type #49) SNMP ID

Last Error Condition 1

Field Value 2

Field Range 3

Custom Data Value 4

Time To Next Possible Change 5

Table 53. Battery Subsystem Fields (Component Type #10)

The componentListStaticName appears as ((BatteryString.XX).YY)

Battery Subsystem Fields(Component Type #10) SNMP ID

Voltage 1

Current 2

Power 3

Active Temperature 4

Minimum Temperature 5

Average Temperature 6

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Table 53. Battery Subsystem Fields (Component Type #10)

The componentListStaticName appears as ((BatteryString.XX).YY)

Battery Subsystem Fields(Component Type #10) SNMP ID

Maximum Temperature 7

Battery Mode 8

Charging 9

Time Remaining in EQ 10

Time Remaining in Boost 11

Time Remaining in BT 12

Battery Temperature 13

Battery Capacity Rating 14

Peukert Exponent 15

Elevated Absorption State 16

Time Remaining in Elevated Absorption 17

Estimated State of Charge (SOC) 18

Estimated Battery Runtime 19

Estimated Battery Health 20

Conditioning Mode 21

Battery Test Elapsed Time 22

Table 54. Battery String Fields (Component Type #50)

The componentListStaticName appears as ((GenericBatteryString.XX).YY)

Battery String Fields (Component Type #50) SNMP ID

Voltage 1

Current 2

Power 3

Minimum Temperature 4

Average Temperature 5

Maximum Temperature 6

Active Temperature 7

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Table 54. Battery String Fields (Component Type #50)

The componentListStaticName appears as ((GenericBatteryString.XX).YY)

Battery String Fields (Component Type #50) SNMP ID

Midpoint Voltage 8

Breaker/Fuse 9

Table 55. DC Source System Fields (Component Type #52)

DC Source System Fields (Component Type #52) SNMP ID

Average Voltage 1

Total Current 2

Table 56. Basic DC Source Fields (Component Type #53)

Basic DC Source Fields (Component Type #53) SNMP ID

Voltage 1

Current 2

Breaker/Fuse Status 3

Table 57. AC Source System Fields (Component Type #56)

AC Source System Fields (Component Type #56) SNMP ID

Average Phase 1 Voltage 1

Average Phase 2 Voltage 2

Average Phase 3 Voltage 3

Table 58. AC Source Fields (Component Type #57)

AC Source Fields (Component Type #57) SNMP ID

Number of Phases 1

Phase 1 Voltage 2

Phase 2 Voltage 3

Phase 3 Voltage 4

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Table 59. Hyper Boost Converter Fields (Component Type #58)

Hyper Boost Converter Fields (Component Type #58) SNMP ID

Bay ID 1

Shelf ID 2

Slot ID 3

Table 60. Hyper Boost Distribution Fields (Component Type #59)

Hyper Boost Distribution Fields (Component Type #59) SNMP ID

Bay ID 1

Shelf ID 2

Slot ID 3

Table 61. Peak Shaving System Fields (Component Type #60)

Peak Shaving System Fields (Component Type #60) SNMP ID

Peak Shaving Status 1

DC System Power Draws 101

Inverter System Power Draws 102

External System Power Draws 103

Total Power Draws 104

Table 62. Touch Safe Module Fields (Component Type #65)

Touch Safe Module Fields (Component Type #65) SNMP ID

Bay ID 1

Shelf ID 2

Slot ID 3

DC Output Current 4

DC Output Voltage 5

DC Output Power 6

DC Output Mode 7

DC Secondary Heat Sink Temperature 8

Operating Time 9

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Table 62. Touch Safe Module Fields (Component Type #65) (continued)

Touch Safe Module Fields (Component Type #65) SNMP ID

DC Energy Delivered 10

Firmware Event 11

Number Of Alerts 12

3.6.4. Published SNMP Get/Set Fields

The tables provided here define the Component items, and the Data Field Type indexing values,
when using the ALPHA-RESOURCE-MIB. Refer to the section, Using The Resource MIB for detailed
explanation of the index dependencies of tables within the MIB. Refer to the SNMP Reference section for
a short explanation of the Index Calculation technique.
Specific OIDs are not available for the defined data fields. The dynamic nature of the CXC HP systems
do not allow for a static definition of a component reference number. The component reference number is
currently not configurable.
The Data Field reference ID’s are statically assigned and are unique to the Component. These numbers,
combined with the other dependencies of the Alpha Resource MIB tables, provide currently published
data and future data without the need to change MIB file(s).

Note: Some of the field names may repeat due to field items that are in repeated groups. Their
indexes would remain unique to identify the individual fields. For example, AC Input Phase fields would
have repeating items.

Table 63. Controller Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #1)

Controller Fields (Component Type #1) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Site Number 10

Technical Support Number 11

Contact Name 12

Contact Number 13

Street 14

City 15

Zip/Postal Code 16

Region/State/Province 17

Country 18

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Table 63. Controller Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #1) (continued)

Controller Fields (Component Type #1) SNMP ID

Latitude 19

Longitude 20

Altitude 21

Time Zone 22

Daylight Saving Method 23

Remote Configuration Lockout Enable 24

Lockout Override Time 25

On Alarm Cut-Off Button Press 26

Alarm Cut-Off Period 27

Alarm Activation Delay at Startup 28

Speaker Enable 29

Time Server IP Address 30

Default Login Language 31

Shelf Layout Order 32

Name Customization 33

Power Flow Configuration Suggestions 34

Visibility of User Strings 35

LCD Dashboard Option 36

LCD Timeout 37

Require Login for Sensitive Information 38

Screen Rotation Angle 39

USB Maintenance Actions 40

Append a Date String to Filenames 41

Add the Controller Name to Filenames 42

System Summary Option 43

Configuration File Identifier 52

Web Server Custom Port 53

Secure Web Server Custom Port 54

Web Connection Protocol 55

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Table 63. Controller Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #1) (continued)

Controller Fields (Component Type #1) SNMP ID

USB Port 56

SNMP Synchronize Alarm Parameters 70

Modbus Agent 80

Modbus Byte Order 81

Modbus Limited Data Set Device ID 82

Email Client Enable 90

SMTP Server Address 91

SMTP Server Port 92

SNMP Client Domain Name 93

SMTP Server User Name 94

Configuration Restore Points Enable 100

Table 64. DC System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #2)

DC System Fields (Component Type #2) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

System Number 3

System Serial Number 4

System Modbus Device ID 5

Rectifier Assignment Rule 10

Nominal Input Voltage 11

System Float Voltage 12

Extended Ranges (Advanced) 13

Rectifier Minimum Test Voltage 14

Rectifier Safe Mode Voltage 15

Rectifier Over-Voltage Protection Threshold 16

Rectifier System Start Delay 17

Rectifier Module Start Delay 18

Rectifier Current Limit 19

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Table 64. DC System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #2) (continued)

DC System Fields (Component Type #2) SNMP ID

Rectifier Power Limit 20

Rectifier CL/PL Alert 21

Rectifier Ramp Test 22

Voltage Regulation Enable 23

Loadsharing Enable 24

Power Save Enable 25

Module Power for Maximum Efficiency 26

Rotate One Module Period 27

Rectifier Fast Soft-Start 28

Rectifier High Voltage Alert Threshold (deprecated) 29

Table 65. ADIO Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #3)

ADIO Fields (Component Type #3) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Table 66. Rectifier Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #4)

Rectifier Fields (Component Type #4) SNMP ID

Rectifier Phase 10

Table 67. T2S Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #8)

T2S Fields (Component Type #8) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Table 68. Battery Subsystem Fields (Component Type #10)

Battery Subsystem Fields (Component Type #10) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

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Table 68. Battery Subsystem Fields (Component Type #10) (continued)

Battery Subsystem Fields (Component Type #10) SNMP ID

Number of Cells per String 10

Charging Threshold Override 11

Discharging Threshold Override 12

Hysteresis Override 13

Equalize Duration 14

Equalize Voltage 15

Boost Duration 16

Boost Voltage 17

Battery Test Termination Voltage 18

Battery Test Timeout 19

Battery Test Termination on SOC Enable 20

Battery Test Termination SOC 21

Auto Battery Test Interval Between Tests 22

Auto Battery Test Start Hour 23

Auto Battery Test Days to Retry Failed Test 24

Remote Battery Test Enable 25

Temperature Compensation in Float Enable 26

Temperature Compensation in Equalize Enable 27

Temperature Compensation in Absorption Enable 28

Temperature Compensation Slope 29

Minimum Voltage Breakpoint 30

Maximum Voltage Breakpoint 31

Charge Current Control Enable 32

Charge Current Limit (C/X) 33

Battery Estimation Enable 34

Load Model 35

Elevated Absorption Charging Enable 36

Elevated Absorption Arming Threshold 37

Elevated Absorption Voltage 38

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Table 68. Battery Subsystem Fields (Component Type #10) (continued)

Battery Subsystem Fields (Component Type #10) SNMP ID

Elevated Absorption Termination Threshold 39

Elevated Absorption Timeout 40

Table 69. Disconnect Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #11)

Disconnect Fields (Component Type #11) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Disconnect Enable 10

Disconnect Threshold 11

Connect Threshold 12

Disconnect On Time after AC Fail 13

Time After AC Fail Disconnect Threshold 14

Disconnect on Battery State of Charge 15

State of Charge Disconnect Threshold 16

Table 70. Load Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #12)

Load Fields (Component Type #12) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Table 71. Shunt Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #13)

Shunt Fields (Component Type #13) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Range in Amps 10

Range in Millivolts 11

Offset 12

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Table 72. SNMP Destination Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #14)

SNMP Destination Fields (Component Type #14) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Destination Enable 10

IP Address 11

Community 12

Port 13

Notification Timeout 14

Notification Retries 15

Table 73. CAN Bus Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #15)

CAN Bus Fields (Component Type #15) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Bus Enable 10

Table 74. Converter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #16)

Converter System Fields (Component Type #16) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

System Number 3

System Serial Number 4

Assignment Rule 10

Converter Output Voltage 11

Converter Input Voltage Shutdown 12

Converter Input Voltage Restart 13

Converter Over-voltage Protection 14

Converter System Start Delay 15

Converter Current Limit Alert 16

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Table 75. Digital User Alarm Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #17)

Digital User Alarm Fields (Component Type #17) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Table 76. Threshold User Alarm Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #18)

Threshold User Alarm Fields (Component Type #18) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Alarm When Value 10

Table 77. Inverter System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #19)

Inverter System Fields (Component Type #19) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

System Number 3

System Serial Number 4

System Modbus Device ID 5

Assignment Rule 10

Commissioning Method 11

Number of Shelves Per Phase 12

Manual DC Mode Enable 13

Desired DC Input 14

AC Input Power Limit Enable 15

AC Input Power Limit 16

DC Input Voltage Low Limit 17

DC Input Voltage Restart Limit 18

Table 78. Bypass Switch Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #20)

Bypass Switch Fields (Component Type #20) SNMP ID

Name 1

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Table 78. Bypass Switch Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #20) (continued)

Bypass Switch Fields (Component Type #20) SNMP ID

Description 2

Table 79. Delay Timer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #21)

Delay Timer Fields (Component Type #21) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Delay 10

Auto Reset 11

Output True When 12

Retriggerable 13

Table 80. Interval Timer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #22)

Interval Timer Fields (Component Type #22) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Table 81. Up Counter Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #23)

Up Counter Fields (Component Type #23) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Terminal Value 3

Persist Counter Value Through Restart 4

Table 82. Down Counter Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #24)

Down Counter Fields (Component Type #24) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Initial Value 3

Persist Counter Value Through Restart 4

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Table 83. Custom Data Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #25)

Custom Data Fields (Component Type #25) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Equation 10

Table 84. CT Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #26)

CT Fields (Component Type #26) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Range In Amp 10

Range In Volt 11

Offset 12

Table 85. Breaker Fuse Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #27)

Breaker Fuse Fields (Component Type #27) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Usage 10

Size 11

AWG 12

Destination 13

Table 86. Email Destination Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #29)

Email Destination Fields (Component Type #29) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

From Address 10

To Address 11

Send Interval 12

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Table 87. Auxiliary System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #30)

Auxiliary System Fields (Component Type #30) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Table 88. Line Power System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #31)

Line Power System Fields (Component Type #31) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

System Number 3

System Serial Number 4

Assignment Rule 10

Input Voltage Low Shutdown 11

Input Voltage Low Restart 12

Primary Output Display 13

Channel Shutdown Alarm Group Enable 14

Channel Shutdown Alarm Group Priority 15

Channel Shutdown Alarm Group Parameter 1 16

Channel Shutdown Alarm Group Parameter 2 17

Module Failure Alarm Group Enable 18

Module Failure Alarm Group Priority 19

Module Failure Alarm Group Parameter 1 20

Module Failure Alarm Group Parameter 2 21

Table 89. LP Load Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #33)

LP Load Fields (Component Type #33) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

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Table 90. Distribution System Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #34)

Distribution System Fields (Component Type #34) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

System Number 3

System Serial Number 4

Table 91. Distribution Panel Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #35)

Distribution Panel Fields (Component Type #35) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Fuse Number 10

Fuse Size 11

Fuse Max Amperage 12

Table 92. Distribution Subsystem Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #36)

Distribution Subsystem Fields (Component Type #36) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Serial Number 4

Table 93. Reference Load Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #37)

Reference Load Fields (Component Type #37) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Table 94. Scheduled Action Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #40)

Scheduled Action Fields (Component Type #40) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

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Table 95. FXM-HP System SNMP IDs (Component Type #41)

FXM-HP System (Component Type #41) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

System Number 3

System Serial Number 4

Low Battery Threshold 10

Power Outage Alarm Delay 11

AC Input Qualification (Re-transfer) Time 12

AC Input Sense 13

Automatic Voltage Regulation 14

AVR Disabled AC Input High Limit 15

AVR Disabled AC Input Low Limit 16

System Float Voltage 17

Green LED 18

AC Output Shutdown Operation 19

AC Output Shutdown Auto On Delay 20

External Fan On Temperature 21

External Fan Off Hysteresis 22

AC Output Upper Disconnect Voltage 23

AC Output Lower Disconnect Voltage 24

Maximum Time On Inverter Enable 25

Maximum Time On Inverter 26

Inverter Shutdown Voltage 27

Inverter Manual Start Up Voltage 28

Keep Alive Enable 29

Keep Alive Startup Delay 30

Keep Alive Destination IP Address 31

Keep Alive Protocol Timeout 32

Keep Alive Protocol Interval 33

Keep Alive Maximum Protocol Retries 34

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Table 95. FXM-HP System SNMP IDs (Component Type #41) (continued)

FXM-HP System (Component Type #41) SNMP ID

Keep Alive Action Duration 35

Keep Alive Maximum Action Retries 36

Keep Alive Failure Restart Delay 37

Table 96. Disconnect With Time of Day Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #42)

Disconnect With Time of Day Fields (Component Type #42) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Disconnect Enable 10

Delay 11

Table 97. Change Relay Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #43)

Change Relay Fields (Component Type #43) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Table 98. Change Field Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #44)

Change Field Fields (Component Type #44) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Field Value When Condition True 10

Field Value When Condition False 11

Table 99. General Purpose Transducer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #48)

General Purpose Transducer Fields (Component Type #48) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Minimum Input Voltage 10

Maximum Input Voltage 11

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Table 99. General Purpose Transducer Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #48) (continued)

General Purpose Transducer Fields (Component Type #48) SNMP ID

Minimum Output Voltage 12

Maximum Output Voltage 13

Output Offset 14

Table 100. Change Field To Variable Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #49)

Change Field To Variable Fields (Component Type #49) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Field Value Change Interval 10

Table 101. Battery String Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #50)

Battery String Fields (Component Type #50) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Capacity Rating 10

Open Circuit Voltage 11

Peukert Exponent 12

Recommended Float Voltage 14

Recommended Equalize Voltage 15

Recommended Temperature Compensation Slope 16

Recommended Charge Current Max 17

Table 102. Timing Relay Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #51)

Timing Relay Fields (Component Type #51) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Relay Enable 10

Relay Activation Delay 11

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Table 103. DC Source System Fields (Component Type #52)

DC Source System Fields (Component Type #52) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Table 104. Basic DC Source Fields (Component Type #53)

Basic DC Source Fields (Component Type #53) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Generator Control Enable 10

Start Voltage Threshold 11

Stop Voltage Threshold 12

Minimum Runtime 13

Maximum Runtime 14

Start Condition 1 Name 20

Start Condition 1 Enable 21

Start Condition 1 Logic 22

Start Condition 1 Limit 23

Stop Condition 1 Name 30

Stop Condition 1 Enable 31

Stop Condition 1 Logic 32

Stop Condition 1 Limit 33

Start Condition 2 Name 40

Start Condition 2 Enable 41

Start Condition 2 Logic 42

Start Condition 2 Limit 43

Stop Condition 2 Name 50

Stop Condition 2 Enable 51

Stop Condition 2 Logic 52

Stop Condition 2 Limit 53

Start Condition 3 Name 60

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Table 104. Basic DC Source Fields (Component Type #53) (continued)

Basic DC Source Fields (Component Type #53) SNMP ID

Start Condition 3 Enable 61

Start Condition 3 Logic 62

Start Condition 3 Limit 63

Stop Condition 3 Name 70

Stop Condition 3 Enable 71

Stop Condition 3 Logic 72

Stop Condition 3 Limit 73

Table 105. Data Subscription Fields (Component Type #54)

Data Subscription Fields (Component Type #54) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

IP Address 10

Table 106. Generic Disconnect Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #55)

Generic Disconnect Fields (Component Type #55) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Disconnect Enable 10

Voltage Disconnect Threshold 11

Voltage Connect Threshold 12

Allow Disconnect During Battery Test 13

Require AC Input For Reconnect 14

Required Time to Stay Disconnected 15

Disconnect Condition 1 Name 20

Disconnect Condition 1 Enable 21

Disconnect Condition 1 Logic 22

Disconnect Condition 1 Limit 23

Reconnect Condition 1 Name 30

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Table 106. Generic Disconnect Fields SNMP IDs (Component Type #55) (continued)

Generic Disconnect Fields (Component Type #55) SNMP ID

Reconnect Condition 1 Enable 31

Reconnect Condition 1 Logic 32

Reconnect Condition 1 Limit 33

Disconnect Condition 2 Name 40

Disconnect Condition 2 Enable 41

Disconnect Condition 2 Logic 42

Disconnect Condition 2 Limit 43

Reconnect Condition 2 Name 50

Reconnect Condition 2 Enable 51

Reconnect Condition 2 Logic 52

Reconnect Condition 2 Limit 53

Disconnect Condition 3 Name 60

Disconnect Condition 3 Enable 61

Disconnect Condition 3 Logic 62

Disconnect Condition 3 Limit 63

Reconnect Condition 3 Name 70

Reconnect Condition 3 Enable 71

Reconnect Condition 3 Logic 72

Reconnect Condition 3 Limit 73

Table 107. AC Source System Fields (Component Type #56)

AC Source System Fields (Component Type #56) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Table 108. AC Source Fields (Component Type #57)

AC Source Fields (Component Type #57) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

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Table 108. AC Source Fields (Component Type #57) (continued)

AC Source Fields (Component Type #57) SNMP ID

Generator Control Enable 10

Start Voltage Threshold 11

Stop Voltage Threshold 12

Minimum Runtime 13

Maximum Runtime 14

Start Condition 1 Name 20

Start Condition 1 Enable 21

Start Condition 1 Logic 22

Start Condition 1 Limit 23

Stop Condition 1 Name 30

Stop Condition 1 Enable 31

Stop Condition 1 Logic 32

Stop Condition 1 Limit 33

Start Condition 2 Name 40

Start Condition 2 Enable 41

Start Condition 2 Logic 42

Start Condition 2 Limit 43

Stop Condition 2 Name 50

Stop Condition 2 Enable 51

Stop Condition 2 Logic 52

Stop Condition 2 Limit 53

Start Condition 3 Name 60

Start Condition 3 Enable 61

Start Condition 3 Logic 62

Start Condition 3 Limit 63

Stop Condition 3 Name 70

Stop Condition 3 Enable 71

Stop Condition 3 Logic 72

Stop Condition 3 Limit 73

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Table 109. Peak Shaving System Fields (Component Type #60)

Peak Shaving System Fields (Component Type #60) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Peak Shaving Enable 10

Peak Shaving Limit 11

Peak Shaving Stop Voltage 12

Peak Shaving Restart Voltage 13

Table 110. Scheduled Time Span Fields (Component Type #61)

Scheduled Time Span Fields (Component Type #61) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

Days to Run 10

Start Time 11

End Time 12

Table 111. Bypass Switch XMBS Fields (Component Type #62)

Bypass Switch XMBS Fields (Component Type #62) SNMP ID

Name 1

Description 2

3.7. Differences Between SNMP Versions

SNMPv1 was the first development of the SNMP protocol supporting five core Protocol Data Units
(PDUs): GET request, SET request, GETNEXT request, RESPONSE and TRAP. With limited security,
SNMPv1 provides the basic form of communication over SNMP.
SNMPv1 use TRAPs as its form of notification to report activities occurring in the Agent to any defined
NMS. The v1 TRAPs are unsecured and limited in use, usually restricted to TRAPs like device startup,
device shutdown, linkup and linkdown.
A description can be found in Request for Comments 1157 (RFC-1157) document.

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In addition to the PDUs (Protocol Data Unit) supported by SNMPv1, SNMPv2 supports two additional
PDUs: GETBULK request and INFORM request.
A description can be found in RFC 1901.
Four variations of SNMPv2 were defined to handle different security:

• Original SNMPv2 (SNMPv2p)

• Community-based SNMPv2 (SNMPv2c)
• User-based SNMPv2 (SNMPv2u)
• SNMPv2 star (SNMPv2*)

The CXC HP supports the community-based variation (SNMPv2c).

The word TRAP refers to SNMPv1 TRAPs, an unsolicited reporting protocol to report events occurring in
the agent.
SMPV2 does not define the same set of TRAPs, like startup, and uses a new data format for reporting
events. This new format is referred to as a NOTIFICATION.
INFORM type NOTIFICATIONs are supported in SNMPv2. INFORMS are acknowledged form of TRAPs
providing a higher level of integrity to the reporting of an event.
The CXC HP supports SNMPv2c NOTIFICATIONs and GET requests, which are compatible SNMPv1
GET requests as well as limited compatibility with SNMPv1 TRAPs.
RFC 1908 covers compatibility between SNMPv1 and SNMPv2.
The following table summarizes the difference between an SNMPv1 TRAP and an SNMPv2


SNMPv1 Trap SNMPv2 Notification

Contains the agent address Does not contain the agent address

Has information about the specific TRAP and generic Has the TRAP OID in the second varbind
TRAP information

Does not have an error index and status Has an error index and status

Does not support confirmed / acknowledged TRAPs Supports confirmed / acknowledged NOTIFICATIONs

Another difference in an SNMPv1 NMS, is the way it performs a MIB WALK. When doing a WALK with an
SNMPv1 NMS tool, it is necessary to filter out empty values that show up in a sparsely populated area of
a MIB.

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SNMPv3 was developed to significantly improve security. SNMPv3 includes a requirement to login or
authenticate, as well as an encryption scheme for authentication and data transfer. A description can be
found in RFC 3410 to 3417.

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4. Glossary
AC Alternating Current
ACCT Alternating Current Current Transducer
ADIO Analog-digital input-output
Alarm An alarm has user configurable fields like a name, priority and it can is able to sent SNMP or
email notifications when it becomes active or cleared
ALCO Alarm cutoff
Alert An alert is status information about a module like a converter or rectifier. For example, "Module
Fail" or "Current Limit"
CAN Controller Area Network
CT Current Transducer
CX Cordex series; e.g. CXC for Cordex System Controller
CXC Cordex Controller
CXC Cordex Controller High Performance
CXD Cordex DC-DC Converter
CXR Cordex Rectifier
DC Direct current
DCCT Direct Current Current Transducer
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DOD Depth of discharge
FCC Federal Communications Commission
GUI Graphical User Interface
Hint A hint is information about the state of the system or possible configuration problems.
ICMP Internet control message protocol
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IP Internet Protocol
IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
ISO International Organization for Standardization
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LVD Low voltage disconnect
LVBD Low voltage battery disconnect

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MAC Media Access Control; e.g. MAC address

MIB Management Information Base; a database of entities most often associated with SNMP
MOV Metal Oxide Varistor
MUX Multiplexer
NEBS Network Equipment-Building System; a set of safety, spatial and environmental guidelines for
OLED Organic LED, in-shelf controller display
RFC Request For Comments; a formal document (or standard) from the Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF)
SCI Serial Communication Interface
SELV Safety Extra Low Voltage
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol
SOC State of Charge
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
Trap An unsolicited SNMP event notification

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