Past Papers
Past Papers
Past Papers
Important Instructions :
The duration of the paper is 2 (two) hours.
The medium of instruction and questions is English.
The paper has 40 questions and 13 pages.
All questions are of the MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) type.
All questions should be answered.
Each question has 5 (five) choices with ONE correct answer.
All questions will carry equal marks.
There will be a penalty for selecting multiple responses as there is ONLY ONE correct
The mark given for a question will vary from 0 (No correct choice is marked) to +1
(The correct choice is marked).
Answers should be marked on the special answer sheet provided.
Note that questions appear on both sides of the paper.
If a page is not printed, please inform the supervisor immediately.
Mark the correct choices on the question paper first and then transfer them to the
given answer sheet which will be machine marked. Please completely read and follow
the instructions given on the other side of the answer sheet before you shade your
correct choices.
Calculators are not allowed.
All Rights Reserved.
1) Which of the following is an example for Free and Open-Source Software?
(a) Microsoft Office (b) Mac operating system (c) Adobe Photoshop
(d) Google Docs (e) GNU Image Manipulation Program
Which of the above statements is/are correct regarding Free and Open-Source Software?
(a) (I) Only. (b) (II) Only. (c) (I) and (II) Only.
(d) (I) and (III) Only. (e) (I), (II) and (III).
3) Which of the following commands is used to delete only files within a directory?
4) Which of the following command should one use to create the given folder structure?
(a) mkdir Exam 20 IT1306 (b) mkdir IT1306 ‘Exam 20’ (c) mkdir -p “IT1306”/“Exam 20”
(d) mk IT1306 “Exam 20” (e) mkdir -p Home/IT1306/Exam 20
A document saved using the “.odt” extension can be opened for editing using
(a) (I) Only. (b) (II) Only. (c) (I) and (II) Only.
(d) (I) and (III) Only. (e) (I), (II) and (III).
Consider the following text typed in LibreOffice Writer to answer questions 7 and 8.
7) Which of the following statements is correct regarding the formatting options applied to render Figure 1 as
Figure 2?
(a) Both paragraphs are formatted using tables and left-aligned in Figure 2.
(b) Only the ‘Para 1’ is formatted using two (2) columns, and both paragraphs are justified in Figure 2.
(c) ‘Para 1’ and ‘Para 2’ are formatted using a table and a text box, respectively.
(d) Right-aligned tabs are applied without the fill character option.
(e) Only the ‘Para 1’ is formatted using tabs, and both paragraphs are justified in Figure 2.
Answer questions 9 and 10 based on the following document segment designed using LibreOffice Writer.
9) Which of the following gives the correct matching of the elements or formats used in the document?
10) Which of the following wrapping option is used to place ‘Figure A’ within the text?
(a) No Wrap. (b) Wrap Through. (c) Wrap Left.
(d) Optimal PageWrap. (e) Wrap Right.
12) Which of the following statements is correct regarding structuring and organizing the document?
(a) Changes made to the heading in a LibreOffice Writer document will NOT reflect automatically in
an already existing Table of Content until it is updated.
(b) Once an Alphabetical Index is created using LibreOffice Writer, the appearance of the Index cannot
be customized.
(c) Only pre-defined indices such as ‘Index of Table’ are allowed in a LibreOffice Writer document,
and user define Index creation is NOT permitted.
(d) Only the references stored in a bibliographic database can be applied to a LibreOffice Writer
document as a bibliographic entry.
(e) In LibreOffice Writer, an Index for ‘Table of Figures’ can only be generated manually (by typing
one by one) even if the figures are properly formatted using figure captions.
13) Consider the following applications.
I. Microsoft Access
II. Writer Document
III. Spreadsheet
Which of the above applications can be used as a data source to design a mail merge document in
LibreOffice Writer?
Consider the following Data Source Window (Figure 3) used to merge the document (Figure 4) created in
LibreOffice Writer to answer questions 14 & 15.
14) How many individual letters will be created/saved if one clicks on ‘save merged documents’ on the mail merge
toolbar and selects the option ‘Save as individual documents’ and clicks on ‘Save Documents’?
15) Which of the following output will be generated if one opens the original document on the 30th of December
2019 and selects the arrow keys of the mail merge toolbar to navigate the record relevant to the student bearing
the registration no: 2019/BIT/008?
16) Identify the correct statement regarding spreadsheet applications.
(a) The default color of a sheet tab in a LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet application can NOT be changed
into a different color.
(b) Google Forms is an example of a spreadsheet application.
(c) The extension of a spreadsheet file does NOT vary from one spreadsheet application to another.
(d) A selected set of cells in LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet application can be exported to Portable
Document Format (PDF) while including a watermark.
(e) The Comma-separated-values (CSV) files can be opened using a spreadsheet application.
17) There are two sheets in a specific LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet application, namely ‘Sheet1’ and ‘Sheet 2’.
Suppose one selects both sheets using ‘Shift + Click’ and enters “TEST 1” into the cell B5.
(a) The text “TEST 1” will appear only in the cell ‘B5’ of ‘Sheet 1.’
(b) The text “TEST 1” will appear only in the cell ‘B5’ of ‘Sheet 2.’
(c) The text “TEST 1” will appear in the cell ‘B5’ of both ‘Sheet 1’ and ‘Sheet 2.’
(d) The text “TEST 1” will appear only in the sheet, which is selected first.
(e) The text “TEST 1” will NOT appear in any sheet.
18) Consider the following spreadsheet segment created using LibreOffice Calc.
What is the output one will get if one drags the fill handle to copy the formula entered in cell B4 (=A4*$B1)
to B5?
19) Which of the following statements is correct regarding different chart types in LibreOffice Calc?
(a) The background of a chart area can NOT be filled using a Bitmap image.
(b) In a pie chart, one can show trend lines and X, Y & Z axis titles.
(c) The data points in XY (Scatter) chart type can NOT be illustrated using different user-defined icons.
(d) Exploded Donut chart is a type of a pie chart that can ONLY be illustrated in 3D form.
(e) Column and line is a chart type that can be used to combine two distinct but related data series.
Answer the questions from 20-25, referring to the following spreadsheet created using LibreOffice Calc to
store details of the students placed in different companies for their internships.
20) Which of the following cell formatting is applied to the cells ranging from A1: H1?
(a) Merge Cells. (b) Wrap text automatically. (c) Formating Mark.
(d) Drop Caps. (e) Vertically Stacked.
21) Suppose the cells G2:H11 are formatted using the following user-defined date format code.
(a) 5. 0001 2020 (b) 05. JAN/ 2020 (c) 5. January 2020
(d) 05 January, 2020 (e) 5 Jan 2020
Which of the above formula can be used to combine the ‘Title,’ ‘First Name’ and the ‘Last Name’ to display
the full name of the student bearing the registration No: 2019/BIT/001?
23) The cell G13 should display the number of students placed at the company called “ABC Company.”
Identify the correct formula in G13.
24) Consider the following formulae to display the “No of Placements” (Non-empty cells in the company column),
“Pending Placements” (Empty cells in the company column), and “Total Number of Students” in the cells G14,
G15 and G16 respectively.
III. G16 =COUNT(F2:F11)
Which of the above formulae is/are can be used to display the appropriate values in the given
25) A Pivot Table can be easily generated in LibreOffice Calc to display the number of students placed at
different companies, as shown below.
Which of the following Pivot Table Layouts should be used to obtain the above table?
(a) Column Fields: Data, Registration No; Row Fields: Company; Data Fields: Sum-No.
(b) Column Fields: Company; Row Fields: Company; Data Fields: Data.
(c) Column Fields: No; Row Fields: Company; Data Fields: Count-No.
(d) Column Fields: Data; Row Fields: Company; Data Fields: Count-Registration No.
(e) Column Fields: All; Row Fields: Registration No; Data Fields: Data.
A database created using LibreOffice Base has three tables, namely STUDENT, COURSE, and
ENROLMENT. Consider the Relation Design view below that illustrates the relationship between the tables
to answer the questions from 26-28.
26) Which of the following field(s) is/are included in the primary key of the table ‘ENROLMENT’.
I. StuRegNo
II. CourseId
III. Grade
27) Identify the most suitable field types for the variables in the ‘COURSE’ table, if CourseID starts with ‘BITxxx’
where x denotes a digit, NoCredits has value 2 or 3 and Mandatory field records whether the course is
mandatory to follow or NOT.
28) Which of the statements below is correct if one selected both ‘Update Cascade’ and ‘Delete Cascade’ from the
relations window when creating the relationships?
(a) The existing ‘StuRegNo’ of one student in the ‘STUDENT’ table can only be updated if the current
records relevant to that student in the ‘ENROLMENT’ table is manually updated.
(b) Updating an existing ‘StuRegNo’ of one student in ‘STUDENT’ table is NOT valid if there are
current records relevant to that student in the ‘ENROLMENT.’
(c) Deleting records relevant to one student in the ‘ENROLMENT’ table will generate an error if there
are records related to that student in both the ‘STUDENT’ and ‘COURSE’ table.
(d) If a record is deleted from the ‘STUDENT’ table, all records relevant to that student in the
‘ENROLMENT’ table will also be deleted automatically.
(e) The non-existing student in the ‘STUDENT’ table can be added using the ‘ENROLMENT’ table and
the ‘STUDENT’ table will be updated accordingly.
29) The following query (Figure 5) is designed to display the number of students enrolled in each course in the
descending order of the total numbers, as shown in Table 1.
CourseId No of Students
BIT102 34
BIT101 25
BIT106 14
BIT105 10
BIT103 7
BIT104 5
Table 1: Query Result
Identify suitable values for ‘Function,’ ‘Criteria’ and ‘Sort’ needed to obtain the given query output, under
(a) CourseId (Sort: Decending, Function: COUNT), StuRegNo (Function: COUNT)
(b) CourseId (Function: GROUP), StuRegNo (Sort: Decending, Function: COUNT)
(c) CourseId (Function: COUNT), StuRegNo (Sort: Decending, Criteria: GROUP)
(d) CourseId (Function: GROUP), StuRegNo (Function: SUM, Criteria: Descending)
(e) CourseId (Criteria: COUNT), StuRegNo (Sort: Decending, Function: GROUP)
30) The direct entry of SQL commands using Tools SQL, will let one
(a) (I) Only. (b) (I) and (II) Only. (c) (I) and (III) Only
(d) (II) and (III) Only. (e) (I), (II) and (III).
31) Which of the following statements is correct regarding forms and reports in LibreOffice Base?
(a) The Reports are used to enter data directly into the tables in Base.
(b) The Reports widget in Base does NOT allow to create charts to display data.
(c) List box properties window that appears when a list box is added into a form can be used to enter the
type of list contents using SQL.
(d) Different functions such as mathematical and logical functions are only allowed in forms but NOT in
(e) Both forms and reports can include sub-forms and sub-reports, respectively.
32) The slide sorter view in LibreOffice Impress allows one to,
I. add or delete a new slide.
II. change the transition of the selected slides.
III. change the order of the slides.
(a) (I) Only. (b) (III) Only. (c) (I) and (III) Only.
(d) (II) and (III) Only. (e) (I), (II) and (III).
33) Which of the following statements is correct regarding the slide masters in LibreOffice Impress?
(a) A specific slide presentation can have only ONE slide master.
(b) All the slides based on a specific slide master will be changed accordingly if the style of the slide
master is changed.
(c) Individual slides designed based on a slide master cannot be modified without affecting the slide
(d) The master handouts option in LibreOffice Impress can also be used to format individual slides
similar to master slides.
(e) The existing fields ’Author’ and the ‘File Name’ are NOT allowed to insert into a master slide when
modifying an existing master slide.
Which of the above statements is/are correct regarding ‘Image maps’ in LibreOffice Impress?
(a) (I) Only. (b) (II) Only. (c) (I) and (II) Only.
(d) (I) and (III) Only. (e) (II) and (III) Only.
(a) (II) Only. (b) (III) Only. (c) (I) and (II) Only.
(d) (II) and (III) Only. (e) (I), (II) and (III).
Which of the above is/are an example(s) for painting, selection, and transformation tools of GIMP?
38) The tool ‘Unified Transform’,
I. displays several kinds of handles on the edges of an image to perform several transformations.
II. allows selecting the transforming area by setting anchor points.
III. provides infinite possibilities of transformations to be applied to an image.
Which of the above sentences is/are correct regarding the tool, ‘Unified Transform’?
(a) (I) Only (b) (II) Only. (c) (I) and (II) Only.
(d) (I) and (III) Only. (e) (II) and (III) Only.
39) Which of the following statements is correct regarding different tools in GIMP?
(a) The paths tool can be used to create closed paths and apply different styles to the path.
(b) A text created using the Text tool can be transformed into a path using the perspective tool.
(c) The output is the same when one applies the Heal or the Clone tool to repair problem areas in a digital
(d) The Perspective clone tool uses the current brush to blur or sharpen the image locally.
(e) The bucket fill only lets one to fill the shape using a color, but NOT using a pattern fill.
40) The ‘Handle Transform’ tool in GIMP handles four (4) transforms.
Identify the transforms denoted by A-D.
Original Image
Bachelor of Information Technology
Academic Year 2020 – 1st Year Examination – Semester 1
IT1306 – Answers
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Important Instructions:
• The duration of the paper is 1 (One) hour.
• The medium of instruction and questions is English.
• The paper has 25 questions and 09 pages.
• All questions are of the MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) type.
• All questions should be answered.
• Each question will have 5 (five) choices with one or more correct answers.
• All questions will carry equal marks.
• There will be a penalty for incorrect responses to discourage guessing.
• The mark given for a question will vary from 0 (All the incorrect choices are marked &
no correct choices are marked) to +1 (All the correct choices are marked & no
incorrect choices are marked).
• Answers should be marked on the special answer sheet provided.
• Note that questions appear on both sides of the paper.
If a page is not printed, please inform the supervisor immediately.
• Mark the correct choices on the question paper first and then transfer them to the
given answer sheet which will be machine marked. Please completely read and
follow the instructions given on the other side of the answer sheet before you
shade your correct choices.
• Calculators are not allowed.
• All Rights Reserved.
1) Which of the following is/are considered as System Software?
I. LibreOffice Writer.
II. Google Doc.
III. Microsoft Word.
Consider the following document segment created using OpenOffice Writer to answer
questions 3 to 5.
3) Which of the following character/paragraph formatting options is /are used to format the above
4) Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the above document?
(a) A footer is applied to the document.
(b) “Wrap Through” formatting option is used to place the image within the text.
(c) The title of the document “BE A PART OF THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY WITH A BIT @
UCSC” is in Sentence case.
(d) Spelling and Grammar check option is not carried out to correct the spelling mistakes in the
(e) Columns can be seen in this document.
5) Suppose that when you take the cursor on top of the sentence “University of Colombo School of
Computing (UCSC)” a message pops up saying that “click to open”.
Which of the following options in OpenOffice Writer is used to achieve this behaviour?
(a) (I) Only. (b) (II) Only. (c) (I) and (II) Only.
(d) (II) and (III) Only. (e) (I) and (III) Only.
Consider the following document segment created in OpenOffice Writer to answer questions 7
and 8.
7) Which of the following options is/are used to create the above document?
(a) Special Character (b) Bullets (c) FontWork
(d) Draw functions (e) Caption
8) Which of the following screen shots will be generated in the ‘print preview’?
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
9) Open Office Calc is used to
(a) manipulate data to get certain results.
(b) generate charts based on selected data / data range.
(c) save spreadsheets in Open Document Format using the extension “.ods".
(d) format cells depending on different conditions.
(e) specify logical conditions to filter data on a spreadsheet.
Consider the following spreadsheet segment created in to answer questions 10 to 13.
10) Which of the following cell addresses is/are denotes the activated cell shown in Figure 1?
(a) AE1:AG1 (b) AB1:AI6 (c) AE1
(d) AE1:AG6 (e) AB1:AI1
11) The spreadsheet shown in Figure 1 is formatted to obtain the view shown in Figure 2.
Which of the following formatting options is/are used to get the above view shown in Figure 2?
12) Suppose the variable “Total” is calculated based on the following evaluation criteria:
Which of the following formula is/are used to calculate the total in cell AI4?
(a) =SUM(AE4:AH4)
(b) =AE4*20/100+AF4*30/100+AG4+AH4*50/100
(c) =SUM(AE4*20/100; AF4*30/100;SUM(AG4:AH4)*50/100)
(d) =(AE4*20/100)+(AF4*30/100)+((AG4+AH4)*50/100)
(e) =AE4*20/100+AF4*30/100+SUM(AG4:AH4)*50/100
13) Which of the following options is/are used to get a list of student names ordered according to the field,
‘Name with Initials’ of the student in descending order?
14) Which of the following is/are correct regarding cell references in OpenOffice Calc?
(a) $A$F is an invalid cell reference.
(b) Row number is not locked in $B1, and hence row number will change when it is copied in a
particular column.
(c) The column reference will change when $D2 is copied within a column from E2: H2.
(d) D1 is a relative cell reference and it would become absolute when it is changed to $D$1.
(e) Cell references are invalid in OpenOffice Calc.
15) Which of the following Number categories is/are allowed in OpenOffice Calc?
(a) Percent (b) Font (c) Boolean
(d) Style (e) Scientific
Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding Databases and Database Applications?
(a) (I) Only. (b) (II) Only. (c) (I) and (II) Only.
(d) (II) and (III) Only. (e) All.
Consider the following tables (Figure 3 and Figure 4) created in OpenOffice Base to answer the
questions from 17 to 18.
17) Identify the most suitable field(s) that should be used as primary key(s) in the ‘WorkerDetails’ table
18) Which of the following fields is/are considered as foreign key(s) in the Table ‘Working Days’ (Figure
I. WorkerID
II. Date of Work
III. No of Hours
(a) (I) Only. (b) (II) Only. (c) (I) and (II) Only.
(d) (II) and (III) Only. (e) (I) and (III) Only.
19) Consider the following query designed using the table ‘Working Days’.
(c) (d)
20) Which of the following application software is/are considered as presentation applications?
21) Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the presentations created using OpenOffice
(a) A presentation created in OpenOffice Impress can be exported into Portable Document Format
(b) Drawing, Line and Filling are toolbars, one may use in presentation preparation.
(c) ‘Slide show settings’ in OpenOffice Impress can be used to change slides in a slide show
presentation, automatically after the specified time.
(d) Font size and the audience should not be thought of when preparing a presentation.
(e) One can use ‘Hide Slide’ option in OpenOffice Impress to restrict changes to that particular slide
in normal view.
24) Which of the following tools in GIMP is/are categorized under “Paint tools”?
(a) Crop tool. (b) Airbrush tool. (c) Shear tool.
(d) Perspective tool. (e) Pencil tool.
25) Which of the following tools in GIMP is/are used to create the Image 2 using Image 1?
Image 1
Image 2
Bachelor of Information Technology
Academic Year 2019 – 1st Year Examination – Semester 1
EN1301 – Answers
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06 May, 2018
Important Instructions:
The duration of the paper is 1 (One) hour.
The medium of instruction and questions is English.
The paper has 25 questions and 09 pages.
All questions are of the MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) type.
All questions should be answered.
Each question has 5 (five) choices with one or more correct answers.
All questions carry equal marks.
There is a penalty for incorrect responses to discourage guessing.
The mark given for a question will vary from 0 to +1(All the correct
choices are marked & no incorrect choices are marked).
Answers should be marked on the special answer sheet provided.
Note that questions appear on both sides of the paper.
If a page is not printed, please inform the supervisor immediately.
Mark the correct choices on the question paper first and then transfer
them to the given answer sheet which will be machine marked. Please
completely read and follow the instructions given on the other
side of the answer sheet before you shade your correct choices.
Calculators are NOT Allowed.
01) The OpenOffice software suite includes,
I. System Software manages system resources and provides a platform to run application
II. Photoshop is an example of system software.
III. A system cannot run without application software.
(a) (I) Only. (b) (II) Only. (c) (I) and (II) Only.
(d) (I) and (III) Only. (e) (II) and (III) Only.
03) Which of the following options in Writer can be used to personalize a
wedding invitation card to 500 recipients?
(a) Bibliography Database. (b) Mail Merge Wizard. (c) Table Properties.
(d) Object. (e) Cross Reference.
I. Hyperlink.
II. Formatting Mark.
III. Macro.
IV. Formula.
Which of the above functions is / are used automate tasks that need to be performed
(a) (I) Only. (b) (III) Only. (c) (I) and (III) Only.
(d) (II) and (IV) Only. (e) (III) and (IV) Only.
05) Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding Writer document?
(a) Changes to a particular document can be tracked by enabling, ‘Record’ option in ‘changes’
sub menu.
(b) A tab stop can be moved directly by dragging the tab mark on the ruler to the desired
(c) ‘Indexes and Tables’ option can be used to create a user-defined index.
(d) Once a document is saved, one cannot save the same document using another name.
(e) A picture added to the document can be either flipped vertically or horizontally.
Consider the following text segment shown in Figure 1 and the Table format shown in Figure
2 to answer questions 06 and 07.
Figure 1 Figure 2
Which of the following options in “Convert Text to Table” should be selected to convert the
text segment (Figure 1) to the table format (Figure 2) in Writer?
07) Which of the following formulae can be used to calculate the ‘Total revenue’ in the converted
table format shown in Figure 2?
Consider the following document segment created in Writer to answer
questions 08 and 09.
08) Which of the following list of options is/are used to design the above document?
09) Identify the character formatting technique(s) applied in the above document.
Consider the following spreadsheet segment created using Calc to answer
questions from 10 to 13.
11) How would you change the formula given in C19 to be able to copy it into C20 and C21 using
the copy fill handler?
(a) =SUMIF(B6:C14;B19;C6:C14)
(b) =SUMIF($B$6:$C$14;B19;$C$6:$C$14)
(c) =SUMIF($B$6:$C$14;$B$19;$C$6:$C$14)
(d) =SUMIF(B$6:C$14;B21;C$6:C$14)
(e) =SUMIF($B7:C19:$C15;B20;$C7:$C15)
12) Which of the following formulae can be used to calculate the value derived in Cell C16?
13) Which of the following features in OpenOffice Calc can be used to color the cells in which the
basic salary is greater than or equal to 40000?
14) Which of the following data ranges should be selected to generate the given graph?
15) Which of the following techniques/options is/are applied to generate the spreadsheet as shown
16) The ‘Presentation Wizard’ dialog box which pops-up when creating a new presentation in Impress allows one to
17) Which of the following is/are correct regarding having a ‘variable date and time’ as a footer
when creating a slide presentation using Impress?
(a) Impress does not allow to insert a variable date and time.
(b) Displays the date specified by the user.
(c) Displays the date on which the slide presentation was created.
(d) This can be applied without applying it to the first / title slide of the presentation.
(e) Displays the date on which the presentation is opened.
(a) add a logo image to each and every slide in the presentation.
(b) add a common footer to all slides.
(c) display an entire image as a slide background.
(d) change the slide design of the current slide.
(e) display the author name in all slides or in the current slide that is based on the slide master.
19) Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the following two screen shots of
the table created in Base
20) Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding creating reports using “Use Wizard
to Create Reports” in Base?
(a) It lets one to group records in a report based on the values in one or more fields.
(b) The layout of the generated report cannot be modified once the report was created.
(c) Existing query tables can also be used in generating reports.
(d) A static report can be created, always to display the same data from the time when the
static report was created.
(e) When creating the report it does not allow to sort data based on different fields.
21) Consider the following “Student” and “Marks” tables created in Base.
Which of the following outputs can be expected once the following query is executed?
22) Consider the following graphic designed using GIMP.
Which of the following tools is/ are used to design the above graphic?
(a) distance between the original point and the mouse pointer, in pixels.
(b) brightness of the image.
(c) angle, in every quadrant, from 0° to 90°.
(d) pointer coordinates relative to the original point
(e) RGB value.
24) The “Create a new image” dialogue box in GIMP lets one to
(a) select predefined values for the image using template option.
(b) specify the width and the height of the image.
(c) specify the background color used for the image.
(d) select its physical size when it is printed (X and Y Resolution).
(e) change the orientation of the image (vertical / Horizontal).
25) Which of the following tools can be used directly to transform Image 1 to Image2.
Image 1 Image 2
Bachelor of Information Technology
Academic Year 2018 – 1st Year Examination – Semester 1
EN1301 – Answers
1 a b c d e 21 a b c d e
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15 March, 2015
Important Instructions:
The duration of the paper is 1 (One) hour.
The medium of instruction and questions is English.
The paper has 25 questions and 10 pages.
All questions are of the MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) type.
All questions should be answered.
Each question will have 5 (five) choices with one or more correct
All questions will carry equal marks.
There will be a penalty for incorrect responses to discourage
The mark given for a question will vary from 0 to +1(All the correct
choices are marked & no incorrect choices are marked).
Answers should be marked on the special answer sheet provided.
Note that questions appear on both sides of the paper.
If a page is not printed, please inform the supervisor immediately.
Mark the correct choices on the question paper first and then
transfer them to the given answer sheet which will be machine
marked. Please completely read and follow the instructions
given on the other side of the answer sheet before you shade
your correct choices.
01) Which of the following Application Software is/are considered as Free and Open-Source?
02) Which of the following is/are true with respect to Computer software?
(a) System Software enables application software to interact with the computer hardware.
(b) Computer hardware and Application software are the two main categories of computer
(c) The programs written under application software are designed for general purpose and
special purpose applications.
(d) Windows XP is an example of system software.
(e) The source code of proprietary software is openly shared among the people to voluntarily
improve the design of the software.
03) Which of the following formatting option(s) in Writer can be used to format
the above document?
(a) Indents and Spacing (b) Outline and Numbering (c) Tables
(d) Character Position (e) Tabs
04) Which of the following, “Position”, “Type” and “Fill Character” options respectively best
describe the above formatted document?
(a) 0.5”, Centered, None (b) 4.5”, Right, * (c) 6.5”, Decimal, **********
(d) 2.5”, Left, None (e) 3.5”, Justified, None
05) Which of the following option(s) in Writer can be used to personalize an
envelope to 100 recipients?
(a) Mail Merge (b) Object (c) Envelope & Mail Merge
(d) Frame & Mail Merge (e) Bibliography Database & Mail Merge
06) Consider the following document segment created in Writer.
Which of the following option(s) in Writer is/are used in editing the above
I. The Mail Merge wizard lets one to use the current document as the starting document.
II. “Select Address List” in Mail merge wizard dialogue box can be used to select
recipients from an existing file.
III. When using the Mail merge wizard, one can manually edit the content of the
Which of the above statements is/are correct regarding the Mail Merge Wizard option in Open Writer?
(a) (I) Only. (b) (II) Only. (c) (I) and (II) Only.
(d) (I) and (III) Only. (e) All.
08) Consider the following document created using Writer.
Which of the following list of options is/are used to design the above document?
09) Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the Writer
10) Page Preview in Calc Spreadsheet lets one to
Note that the columns “Total Cost in Rs”, “Total cost with VAT in Rs” and “Net Cost in Rs”
is calculated based on the following formulae.
11) Identify the correct formulae used in the above spread sheet.
(a) D7 = B7 * C7
(b) F6 = D6 + D6 * E6
(c) G7 = F7 - F7 * IF (B7>400 ; $B$4 ; 0)
(d) F7 = (D7 + D7) * E7
(e) G7 = F7 - F7 * IF (B7>400 ; $B$4 ; B7)
12) Which of the following number formatting options is/are used to format the numbers in
column “Net Cost in Rs”?
13) The following conditional formatting dialogue box is used to change the colour of cells based
on a condition.
Identify the correct condition(s) to change the colour of the cell(s) which has/have the “Net
cost in Rs.” above the average of Net Cost?
14) Consider the following Chart created for the above Spreadsheet.
Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the above chart?
(a) The option “show value as percentage” is enabled in “data labels for all data series”
dialogue box.
(b) The chart is a pie chart with a 3D realistic look.
(c) Legend of the Chart is positioned on the right side of the chart.
(d) The chart is an exploded pie chart with a 3D realistic look.
(e) The above chart is created for the data range $A$7:$A$12;$G$7:$G$12
15) Consider the following statements.
From the above statements identify the correct statement(s) in relation to Error codes in Open Calc.
(a) (I) Only (b) (III) Only (c) (I) and (II) Only
(d) (I) and (III) Only (e) All
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct with regard to the forms and reports in Open Base?
(a) (I) Only (b) (II) Only (c) (I) and (II) Only
(d) (I) and (III) Only (e) All
Consider the following table data view in Open Base to answer the questions
17 and 18.
17) Which of the following statements is/are correct with regard to the above Database table?
(a) The table data view corresponds to the Purchases table in B04 Database.
(b) The Field type of the Pur Date field is Date/Time[TIMESTAMP].
(c) The only text field of the above data table is Item.
(d) The primary key of the above table is Sup ID.
(e) The Field type of the Cost (Rs) field is Decimal.
18) Which of the following query(queries) create(s) a query called, "Supplier Purchases" to show
Supplier ID, Pur Date, Item, Quantity (Kg) and Cost (Rs) which belongs to the Sup ID
(a) Answer a
19) Consider the following slide created in Open Office Impress.
(a) Insert Chart option is used to insert the chart as shown on the slide.
(b) The slide contains a Slide Title.
(c) Colour fill is applied as the background of the slide.
(d) Special Characters option is used to insert as shown on the slide.
(e) Bullets and numbering option is used in the slide.
(a) insert a footer to the presentation slides without applying it to the first / title slide of the
(b) include a variable date and time to Notes or Handouts.
(c) hide slides in the Slide Sorter view.
(d) include the file name as a field to an appropriate place on the slide.
(e) insert a chart without displaying the data table on the slide.
22) “ Create a New Image” dialog box in GIMP lets one to change the
23) Which of the following tools is/are used to design the Image 2: Edited 1 from the given image;
Image 1: Original 1 in GIMP.
Image 1 : Original 1
Image 2 : Edited 1
24) Which of the following tools is/are used to transform Image 1: Original 2 to Image2: Edited2
I. Smudge Tool
II. Pencil
III. Text Tool
Which of the above listed tools in GIMP is/are used to transform Image 1: Original 3 to Image
2: Edited 3?
(a) (I) Only (b) (III) Only (c) (I) and (II) Only
(d) (I) and (III) Only (e) All
Bachelor of Information Technology
Academic Year 2014/2015 – 1st Year Examination – Semester 1
EN1301 – Answers
Year 2015
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Important Instructions:
The duration of the paper is 1 (One) hour.
The medium of instruction and questions is English.
The paper has 25 questions and 08 pages.
All questions are of the MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) type.
All questions should be answered.
Each question will have 5 (five) choices with one or more correct
All questions will carry equal marks.
There will be a penalty for incorrect responses to discourage
The mark given for a question will vary from 0 to +1(All the correct
choices are marked & no incorrect choices are marked).
Answers should be marked on the special answer sheet provided.
Note that questions appear on both sides of the paper.
If a page is not printed, please inform the supervisor immediately.
Mark the correct choices on the question paper first and then
transfer them to the given answer sheet which will be machine
marked. Please completely read and follow the instructions
given on the other side of the answer sheet before you shade
your correct choices.
01) Which of the following is/are true with respect to Application Software?
02) Which of the following technique(s) in Writer can be used to select the text as
shown in the following figure?
(a) Select the words while holding the Ctrl on the keyboard.
(b) Select the words while holding the left mouse button.
(c) Select the words while holding the shift key on the keyboard.
(d) Select the words using arrow keys on the keyboard.
(e) Select the words while clicking the right mouse button.
04) Which of the following option(s) in Writer is /are enabled while editing the
document shown below?
I. Transparency
II. Flip
III. Scale
(a) (III) Only. (b) (I) and (II) Only. (c) (II) and (III) Only
(d) (I) and (III) Only. (e) All.
07) Match the expressions listed on Column A with the appropriate options in
Writer listed on Column B
Column A Column B
Combine main document and data
(I) source to send letters for many A Table of Content
Automate tasks that need to be
(II) B ImageMap
performed repeatedly.
Defines areas of an image with the
(III) C Macro
linked URLs.
Display references used throughout the
(IV) D Mail Merge
E Bibliography
F Hyperlink
G Reference Manager
08) Identify the correct statement(s) with respect to documents created using
(a) AutoCorrect feature automatically corrects common misspelling and typing errors already
(b) A tab stop can be moved directly by dragging the tab mark on the ruler to the desired position.
(c) Once a document is saved one cannot save the same document in PDF.
(d) A page can be formatted using one or more columns.
(e) Work space is defined as the entire document including menus and tool bars.
09) Match the applications listed on Column A with (a) similar application(s) listed on Column B.
Column A Column B
(I) GIMP A Paradox
(II) Calc B Microsoft Excel
(III) Impress C Adobe Photoshop
(IV) Base D Microsoft PowerPoint
E Adobe Flash player
10) Consider the following statements.
I. A colored cell can be removed by selecting No Fill option on the background tab of the
cell formatting dialog box.
II. All formulae entered in a cell can also be started using the DASH (-) sign.
III. A chart gets automatically updated with the modifications of values in the relevant data
range on the sheet.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct regarding Calc application?
(a) (I) Only. (b) (I) and (II) Only. (c) (II) and (III) Only
(d) (I) and (III) Only. (e) All.
11) Consider the formula entered in cell C4 on the following Calc spreadsheet.
12) Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding Calc
14) Which of the following function(s) is/are valid in an Calc Spreadsheet?
15) Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding the following spreadsheet
segment created using Calc?
16) Which of the following operation(s) is/are valid in designing tables using
(a) Format Table. (b) Insert Record. (c) Header and Footer.
(d) Merge Columns. (e) Format Background.
From the above statements identify the correct statement(s) in relation to Databases.
(a) (I) Only. (b) (III) Only. (c) (I) and (II) Only.
(d) (I) and (III) Only. (e) All.
18) Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct with regard to Database Wizard in Base?
20) Which of the following application(s) can one use to design presentations?
22) Which of the following should be considered when designing a multimedia presentation using Impress?
24) Which of the following tool(s) can be used to select a specific region in GIMP?
25) Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct with regard to tools in GIMP?
(a) The clone tool in GIMP can be used to change the width and height of an image.
(b) The transform tools in GIMP can be used to perform rotation, scaling, shearing, and
perspective conversions of an image.
(c) Dodge/Burn tool in GIMP uses the current brush to lighten or darken the colours in your image.
(d) The Bucket Fill tool in GIMP is used to fill up the selected regions using a pattern.
(e) Scissor tool in GIMP can be used to create and edit paths in an image.
Bachelor of Information Technology
Academic Year 2013/2014 – 1st Year Examination – Semester 1
EN1301 – Answers
Year 2014
1 a b c d e 21 a b c d e 41 a b c d e
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IT1304 – PC Applications
Multiple Choice Question Paper
Important Instructions:
• The duration of the paper is 2 (Two) hours.
• The medium of instruction and questions is English.
• The paper has 50 questions and 12 pages.
• All questions are of the MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) type.
• All questions should be answered.
• Each question will have 5 (five) choices with one or more correct
• All questions will carry equal marks.
• There will be a penalty for incorrect responses to discourage
• The mark given for a question will vary from 0 to +1(All the correct
choices are marked & no incorrect choices are marked).
• Answers should be marked on the special answer sheet provided.
• Note that questions appear on both sides of the paper.
If a page is not printed, please inform the supervisor immediately.
• Mark the correct choices on the question paper first and then
transfer them to the given answer sheet which will be machine
marked. Please completely read and follow the instructions
given on the other side of the answer sheet before you shade
your correct choices.
01) Identify the correct statement(s) from among the following.
(a) (I) Only (b) (II) Only (c) (I) and (II) Only
(d) (II) and (III) Only (e) All
02) Which of the following statements is/are correct with respect to Files and Folders in a
(a) Number of files within a particular folder can be found using the properties dialog box of a
(b) Created, Modified and Accessed date of a particular file can be found using the properties
dialog box of a file.
(c) There can be two folders with the same name ‘NewFolder’ on a folder called ‘MyFolder’.
(d) A directory also stands for a folder in computer science.
(e) The Windows Explorer provides a better view of all other folders in a MS Windows
03) Which of the following computer software can be used for word processing?
(a) Corel Word Perfect (b) Microsoft Word 2003 (c) Google Docs
(d) WordPad (e) Google Chrome
04) Consider the following features and identify the feature(s) available in Open Writer
to create documents.
(a) (I) Only (b) (I) and (II) Only (c) (II) and (III) Only
(d) (I) and (III) Only (e) All
05) Which of the following short cut keys can be used to Save a document that is already opened
in Writer?
06) Which of the following is/are true with respect to the Writer environment?
(a) Work space in a Writer document is the entire document including menus and tool bars.
(b) Toolbars display the information about document modification status.
(c) Toolbars can be customized based on the user preference.
(d) A menu item in dim colour (gray) indicates that the menu is unavailable for current
(e) Standard short cut key of a specific menu item can be modified based on the user
07) Suppose there is an Writer document ‘MyFirst.odt’ saved in a folder
‘C:\MyFolder’. Let the user do the following sequence of actions to the above mentioned file.
Note: Please note that ‘Save AutoRecovery information every --- mins’ option is disabled.
Consider the following statements and identify the statement(s) which is /are correct with
regard the above mentioned files.
08) Which of the following information / function(s) can be found in the status bar of an Open Writer?
(a) Current page style (b) Tab settings (c) View layout
(d) Language (e) Alignment
09) Which of the following tool(s) is/are available to create a document using
10) Consider the following statements and identify which of them is/are correct regarding the
spelling and grammar tool in Writer.
(a) The spellchecker starts at the current cursor position and advances to the end of the
document or selection.
(b) The spellchecker enables different in-built text languages to be used to check the spelling
of the document.
(c) It does not provide a facility to add the unknown words to a user-defined dictionary.
(d) The document uses standard colours to highlight the spelling and grammar errors.
Therefore, these colours could not be changed by the user.
(e) This provides the option to enable or disable the check capitalization of a specific
Consider the following Writer document segment and answer the questions 11
and 12.
11) Which of the following formatting option(s) is/are used to create the above document?
12) Which of the following statements is / are correct with regard the above document?
13) To complete the following sentence, which of the options provided is/are correct?
(a) (I) Only (b) (II) Only (c) (I) and (II) Only
(d) (I) and (III) Only (e) (II) and (III) Only
Question 14 and 15 are based on the following description.
Suppose you were asked by the manager of your company to call 10 quotations from different
mobile companies in order to buy 30 Android (Version 4.0) mobile phones. Thus, the
following letter format is created in Writer.
14) Which of the following facility (ies) in Writer can be used to generate the 10
individual letters?
15) Which of the following source(s) can be used in order to store the recipients’ details to be used
by this document?
16) Which of the following is/are correct regarding spread sheet applications?
17) Which of the options is most suitable to fill the blank in the following incomplete statement?
............................................. trace/s the dependencies from the current formula cell to the cells
in the spreadsheet.
(a) (I) Only (b) (I) and (II) Only (c) (I) and (III) Only
(d) (II) and (III) Only (e) All
19) Suppose A1 cell contains the formula “=1+1” as shown on the following Calc
sheet segment. If the fill handle is used to fill the cells from A2 to A6 with aid of cell A1, what
would be the formula pasted on each cell.
(a) A2: =1+1 ; A3: =1+1 ; A4: =1+1 ; A5: =1+1 ; A6: =1+1 .
(b) A2: =1+2 ; A3: =1+3 ; A4: =1+4 ; A5: =1+5 ; A6: =1+6 .
(c) A2: =2+1 ; A3: =3+1 ; A4: =4+1; A5: =5+1 ; A6: =6+1 .
(d) A2: =2+2 ; A3: =3+3 ; A4: =4+4 ; A5: =5+5 ; A6: =6+6 .
(e) A2: Err:509; A3: Err:509; A4: Err:509; A5: Err:509; A6: Err:509.
20) Which of the following is/are true with regard the functions/tools in Calc
(a) Print option in Calc does not give the option to select only a range of cells to be printed on
A4 sheet.
(b) =Sheet3.E3+Sheet3.G3-Sheet3.G5 is a valid formula if the corresponding cells are
formatted using Numbers.
(c) Freeze in Calc application divides the sheet at the top left corner of the active cell and the
area to the top left is no longer scrollable.
(d) A date value entered in a cell can be formatted using any user defined format code using
the Format cell dialog box.
(e) Paste Special in Calc can be used to transpose columns into rows.
Following is a segment of an Calc datasheet prepared for the given
description. Answer the questions from 21-24 based on it.
A total of 25 student projects (P1-P25) are assigned among 5 evaluators (EV1-EV5) randomly.
Column A (A2:A26) and B (B2:B26) store the project code and the evaluator assigned for that
corresponding project respectively. Column D (D3:D7) stores the evaluators list. As shown in
the Calc datasheet, total number of assigned projects for each of the evaluator is stored in
Column E (E3:E7) using a formula format =XXX(Range;Criteria).
(a) =COUNTIIF($B$2:$B$26;D3)
(b) =COUNTIF(B2:B26;EV1)
(c) = COUNTIIF(B2:B26;”EV1”)
(d) =COUNTIF($B$2:$B$26;D3)
(e) =COUNTIF(B2:B26;”EV1”)
22) In order to fill the cells from E4-E7 using the formula entered in E3, the format of the cell
range and the criteria in cell E3 is/are
23) Which of the tool(s) shown in the options should one use to view only the projects assigned
for EV1 as shown in the following datasheet segment?
(a) (II) Only (b) (I) and (II) Only (c) (II) and (III) Only
(d) (I) and (III) Only (e) All
26) Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct with respect to Base?
(a) Reports and forms in Base application can get data from tables and queries.
(b) An image can be inserted while designing the report in Base application.
(c) It does not let the user to design a user defined layout when creating a form using the
design view.
(d) New records can be entered into a table using forms in Base.
(e) SQL view in query object can be used to create a new report in Report object.
(a) is a field or combination of fields which uniquely identifies the record in a table.
(b) must always contain a value.
(c) can either be a normal attribute or auto generated by the DBMS.
(d) may contain duplicate values.
(e) should always be ignored when creating a table in a database.
Consider the following table ‘InvoiceDetails’ created in Base and answer the
questions 30 and 31.
30) Suppose the following query is designed based on the above table.
Which of the following query output(s) can be expected from the above?
31) Which of the following criteria can be used to display the records which offer a discount for a
specific product when creating a query in Base?
33) Which of the following could be considered as (a) good design consideration(s) when
designing a professional presentation?
(a) Overload the presentation slides with more text than graphics.
(b) Text and the background colour should be the same.
(c) Use lesser number of font colours.
(d) Apply font colour to show different categories of text. (Headings, list items, paragraphs).
(e) Use video / audio clips that will take more time than the oral presentation.
I. Slide sorter view gives you the ability to apply transition effect to one or
multiple slides.
II. Outline view can be used to reorder slide titles and change the font sizes used in
the slides.
III. Handout view lets one to edit notes of a specific slide.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct about the different views in
35) Which of the following common element(s) can be applied on all slides of a presentation using
the Slide Master in Impress?
36) Which of the following is/are true when designing a presentation in Impress?
(a) Shapes used for the presentation can be grouped together to make handling easier.
(b) Once the presentation is created, one can use a password to save the file to increase the
(c) Duplicate slide option will let the designer to add a copy of a current slide after the
corresponding slide.
(d) A motion path effect cannot be applied when adding animation effects into an object in a
(e) Hidden slides in a presentation cannot be hyperlinked within another visible slide to make
visible during a slide show.
37) An electronic presentation created using Impress can be exported into
38) Which of the following is/are example(s) for web authoring language?
39) Document Size /Download Time in KompoZer, implies whether the file would be accessible
through the network. This value
40) Web pages are the files which can be displayed using
41) Which of the following fact(s) should be thought of when designing a Website?
(a) (I) Only (b) (II) Only (c) (I) and (II) Only
(d) (I) and (III) Only (e) All
43) Which of the following is/are true regarding the Design View in KompoZer?
44) Which of the options is/are suitable to complete the following incomplete sentence?
In KompoZer, the Split View provides one an interface to work
48) Which of the following is/are true with respect to the Free select tool in GIMP?
(e) is the icon used to represent the free select tool in GIMP.
Bachelor of Information Technology
Academic Year 2012/2013 – 1st Year Examination – Semester 1
IT1304 – PC Applications – Answers
Year 2013
1 a b c d 21 a b c d e 41 a b c d e
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