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School: CAUAYAN NATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL Grade and Section: 7

Name of teacher: TEACHER RJTS Learning Areas: ENGLISH

Date and Time: Week No. 1 Quarter 2

Couse description: This quarter we will explore understanding and appreciating literary text, crafting and communicating effective messages,
and applying effective communication skills.

I. Curriculum DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4

Content, Standard
and Lesson
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate their multiliteracies and communicative competence in evaluating Philippine literature
(prose) for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience as a foundation for publishing original literary texts that
reflect local and national identity.
B. Performance The learners analyze the style, form, and features of Philippine prose (short story and novel); evaluate prose for clarity
Standards of meaning, purpose, and target audience; and compose and publish an original multimodal literary text (short story)
that represents their meaning, purpose, and target audience and reflects their local and national identity.

C. Learning *Analyze literary texts as expressions of individual or communal values within a structural context.
Competencies and 1. Define elements of prose pertaining to characters and plot.
objectives 2. Demonstrate factual understanding and appreciation of the details of the assigned reading.
3. Classify assigned reading for its literary genre characteristics.
4. Derive the intended message of the assigned reading based on its selected literary genre elements.
5. Identify the different terms pertaining to the parts of a plot.
6. Break down a text into its corresponding plot parts.
7. Describe and differentiate characters in the assigned text using various characterization techniques as bases.
D. Content My Father Goes to Court by Carlos S. Bulosan
Structural context in reading
Character and Characterization
E. Integration Filipino Family values Source/Pursuit of happiness
II. Learning Resources
● 5 Important Elements of a Short Story. (2004, March 22). Retrieved from https://users.aber.ac.uk/jpm/ellsa/ellsa_elements.html
● Defining Characterization. (2004). ReadWriteThink. Retrieved from
● Glatch, S. (2023, July 9). What is the plot of a story? Retrieved from https://writers.com/what-is-the-plot-of-a-story
● Hamilton, S. (2007). Essential literary terms: A brief Norton guide with exercises. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., and Peoples
Education, USA.
● Sebastian, E., et al. (2016). An easy journey to literature. Mindshapers Co., INC.
● Shaffer, C. (2000). The principles of literature: A guide for readers and writers. Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.
● Teaching Characterization with Short Stories. (2023). Chomping at the Lit. Retrieved from

III. Teaching and learning Procedure

Activating pior The teacher should As the students fully Character Diagram and Traits 1. Learners’ Takeaways
knowledge (mind encourage the students grasp the Analysis 2. Reflection on Learning
and mood) to share/express ideas characteristics and The teacher asks the 3. Metacognition Activity
and process qualifications of a short students to accomplish the
their responses. This story, they are now worksheets on Character
review activity allows prepared to accomplish Diagram and Character Traits
the students to the next activity Analysis tasks.
rekindle their through the
appreciation for corresponding
literature and its worksheet, exploring
different types and further how the literary
develop ideas as to elements are
why it implemented in the
is necessary to study short story and how
literature. these reveal the
intended message
of the text.
IV. Evaluating learning Assessment
A. Evaluating Formative Assessment
Learning Identification
B. Remarks Note observations on Effective Practices Problems Encountered
any of the following
strategies explored

Materials use

learner engagement/
School: CAUAYAN NATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL Grade and Section: 7
Name of teacher: TEACHER RJTS Learning Areas: ENGLISH
Date and Time: Week No. 2 Quarter 2

Course description: This quarter we will explore understanding and appreciating literary text, crafting and communicating effective messages,
and applying effective communication skills.

I. Curriculum DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4

Content, Standard
and Lesson
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate their multiliteracies and communicative competence in evaluating Philippine literature
(prose) for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience as a foundation for publishing original literary texts that
reflect local and national identity.
B. Performance The learners analyze the style, form, and features of Philippine prose (short story and novel); evaluate prose for clarity
Standards of meaning, purpose, and target audience; and compose and publish an original multimodal literary text (short story)
that represents their meaning, purpose, and target audience and reflects their local and national identity.

C. Learning *Analyze a literary text as an expression of individual or communal values within a structural context.

D. Learning a. define the literary elements of conflict and point of view (POV);
objectives b. determine the different types of conflict in the assigned text for reading;
c. illustrate the different types of conflict provided in the assigned text for reading;
d. distinguish the different POVs of narration;
e. use different POVs in (re)writing a text; and
f. demonstrate factual and inferential understanding of the contents and sequence of events in the assigned reading text.
E. Content How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife by Manuel E. Arguilla
Types of Conflict
Point of View in Narration (Story)
F. Integration Philippine lowland tradition and family custom of courtship/marriage
II. Learning Resources
● Abrams, M. H., & Harpham, G. G. (2012). A glossary of literary terms (10th edition). Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
● Croghan, R. V. (2000). The development of Philippine literature in English (Since 1900). Alemar-Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
● Hamilton, S. (2007). Essential literary terms: A brief Norton guide with exercises. USA: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., and Peoples
● Piañar, R. (2020). Pan De Miya: Collection of microstories. USJR.

III. Teaching and learning Procedure

Activating prior As a form of review, Act it out! Writing in Action!
knowledge (mind the class can do this Draw the Conflict! In this activity, the In this activity, each student composes a
and mood) short activity called teacher selects some 100-150-word narrative that reflects one
Connect and students to do a type of conflict, and the character/s or
Narrate! dramatic reading of an narrator/s’ thoughts, feelings, and
This activity requires excerpt from the short actions
the participation of story. are narrated from one point of view.
all the students.

IV. Evaluating learning Assessment

A. Evaluating Formative Assessment
Learning Identification
C. Remarks Note observations on Effective Practices Problems Encountered
any of the following
strategies explored
Materials use
learner engagement/

D. others
School: CAUAYAN NATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL Grade and Section: 7
Name of teacher: TEACHER RJTS Learning Areas: ENGLISH
Date and Time: Week No. 3 Quarter 2

Coursedescription: This quarter we will explore understanding and appreciating literary text, crafting and communicating effective messages,
and applying effective communication skills.

I. Curriculum DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4

Content, Standard
and Lesson
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate their multiliteracies and communicative competence in evaluating Philippine literature
(prose) for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience as a foundation for publishing original literary texts that
reflect local and national identity.
B. Performance The learners analyze the style, form, and features of Philippine prose (short story and novel); evaluate prose for clarity
Standards of meaning, purpose, and target audience; and compose and publish an original multimodal literary text (short story)
that represents their meaning, purpose, and target audience and reflects their local and national identity.

C. Learning Learning Competency

Competencies and Analyze a literary text as an expression of individual or communal values within biographical and historical contexts.
objective a. define the biographical and historical approaches to reading a literary text.
b. note and discuss historical and biographical data about a given topic, person, author, or experience.
c. relate the author’s history and biography with the literary elements (i.e., setting, characters, and POV) of his/ her text.
D. Content Scent of Apples by Bienvenido N. Santos . Historical-biographical context in reading
E. Integration Filipino consciousness and identity

II. Learning Resources

● Briscoe, L. A. (2000). Bienvenido N. Santos. In B. H. Gelfant and L. Graver (Eds.), The Columbia companion to the twentieth-century
American short story (pp. 501-504). Columbia University Press, New York.
● Gioia, D., & Gwynn, R. S. (2000). Longman anthology of short fiction: Stories and authors in context (Compact edition). Longman.

● Isaac, A. P. (2015). Footnote to Memory: Introduction to the 2015 edition. In B. N. Santos, Scent of Apples: A collection of stories (pp.
xxxi). University of Washington Press.

III. Teaching and learning Procedure

Activating pior Explicitation Synthesize and Socialize! Arrange and Tell! Each group is given a card
knowledge (mind Read and Annotate! Upon finishing the At this point, the students that contains a question
and mood) In this activity, the students worksheet, as an offshoot answer the worksheet (See
read the short biography of of the activity, the teacher Arrange and Tell! This questions below). In their
BienvenidoN. Santos. After groups the activity allows the students group, they brainstorm
reading, they accomplish class into eight. to focus on the major and decide on their
the worksheet Read and events of the story and answer to the
Annotate! connect them with the life question at hand while
experiences of the author, referring to their
Bienvenido N. Santos. worksheets: 1) Synthesize
and Socialize!
2) Write Down and
Describe! and 3) Arrange
and Tell!

IV. Evaluating learning Assessment

A. Evaluating Formative Assessment
Learning Multiple choice
E. Remarks Note observations on Effective Practices Problems Encountered
any of the following
strategies explored

Materials use

learner engagement/


Name of teacher: TEACHER RJTS Learning Areas: ENGLISH
Date and Time: Week No. 4 Quarter 2

Course description: This quarter we will explore understanding and appreciating literary text, crafting and communicating effective messages,
and applying effective communication skills.

I. Curriculum DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4

Content, Standard
and Lesson
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate their multiliteracies and communicative competence in evaluating Philippine literature
(prose) for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience as a foundation for publishing original literary texts that
reflect local and national identity.
B. Performance The learners analyze the style, form, and features of Philippine prose (short story and novel); evaluate prose for clarity
Standards of meaning, purpose, and target audience; and compose and publish an original multimodal literary text (short story)
that represents their meaning, purpose, and target audience and reflects their local and national identity.

C. Learning Learning Competency

Competencies and Analyze a literary text as expressions of individual or communal values within the sociocultural context.
objective a. Note sociocultural practices and beliefs shared and unique around the globe.
b. Define sociocultural terms associated with a certain practice.
c. Demonstrate factual understanding of the literary concepts of local color and theme.
d. Cite parts of an assigned text, which show certain sociocultural values and themes.
e. Derive sociocultural values from the assigned text worth emulating and/ or changing.
f. Write an essay showing changes in a sociocultural value, theme, or practice tackled.
D. Content We Filipinos are Mild Drinkers by Alejando R. Roces
Sociocultural context in reading
Local color
E. Integration Philippine sociocultural practices and values
II. Learning Resources
● Curry, J., & Samara, J. (n.d.). Universal themes. Retrieved from https://go.sdsu.edu/education/projectcore
● Gioia, D., & Gwynn, R. S. (2000). Longman anthology of short fiction: Stories and authors in context (Compact edition). Longman.
● Hamilton, S. (2007). Essential literary terms: A brief Norton guide with exercises. USA: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., and Peoples
● Makaryk, I. R.(1993). Encyclopedia of contemporary literary theory: approaches, scholars, terms. University of Toronto Press.
● Piañar, R.(2018). Themes along millennial poetry. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary, 6(6), 44-56.
● Piañar, R. (2020). Practices and values of ‘Lambanog’ drinking culture in Alejandro Roces’ We Filipinos are Mild Drinkers. Research
Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), 8(1), 27-32.

III. Teaching and learning Procedure

Activating prior Match to Unlock! Trace and Relate! Think and Decide!
knowledge (mind The teacher flashes on the In this activity, the students In this task, the students Think and Reflect!
and mood) screen or writes on the answer the worksheet accomplish the As a metacognition activity,
board the following words Trace and Relate! This worksheet Think and the students complete the
in worksheet lets the students Decide! This worksheet Think and
Column A and their trace the sociocultural worksheet lets the Reflect! The teacher should
definitions in Column B. The practices revealed in the students identify one provide the students with
students match the words text as shared practice of enough time to finish the
with they analyze the essential drinking Lambanog or activity. Then, they may
their corresponding elements: setting (time and beer in their local places. call some students to share
meanings in Column B. place), character and They also talk about the their work with the class.
characterization, plot values ascribed to it. The
events, and local language. teacher
may call some students
to share their work with
the class.

IV. Evaluating learning Assessment

A. Evaluating Formative Assessment
Learning Identification
F. Remarks Note observations on Effective Practices Problems Encountered
any of the following
strategies explored

Materials use

learner engagement/

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