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Enhance Reviewer

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Language- arts is more than teaching the basics of literacy.

It involves bringing all the grammatical

elements of a language together to create meanings.
1. Listening- requires attention. We should not only be attentive to meaningful sounds uttered but
also how the lips and tongue move to correctly produce those sounds.
2. Speaking - is primarily concerned with accuracy of producing sounds. Learners pay attention to
how the sounds are produced through correct/ proper articulation. This study and mastery of
sounds is called articulatory phonetics.
3. Reading- requires the learners to focus on the meaning of the sentence. This is one basic function
of language as a tool for communication. To determine the meaning of a sentence based on the
context of the sentence.
4. Writing- is the most sophisticated of all language skills because the learner should follow follow
certain steps when developing writing skills. Mechanics, Vocabulary, Spelling, and Grammar must
be mastered to gain precision of expression, fluency, and style.
5. Viewing- applied in developing skills in language communication, it makes a difference when your
perspective of communication is viewed in terms of how you transmit information via language in
a simplest way that is understood by the receiver.


▪ Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.
▪ Listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are
easily misunderstood.
▪ Listening is one of the most important skills you can have.
▪ An active process of getting information and ideas.
▪ “Listening is the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to what has been
▪ Listening is not just about being quiet while someone else is speaking.
▪ Listening is with the Mind.
▪ Just listening to words is not enough; a good listener has to pay attention to the non-verbal
communication of the speaker.

1. Receiving- Is the intentional focus on hearing a speaker’s message. This stage is represented
by the ear because it is the primary tool involved with this stage of the listening process.
2. Understanding- In the understanding stage, we attempt to learn the meaning of the message,
which is not always easy. Deciding what the message means to you.
3. Remembering- Remembering begins with listening; if you can’t remember something that
was said, you might not have been listening effectively. However, even when you are listening
attentively, some messages are more difficult than others to understand and remember. Highly
complex messages that are filled with detail call for highly developed listening skills.
4. Evaluating- The fourth stage in the listening process is evaluating. Evaluations of the same
message can vary widely from one listener to another. The stages two, three, and four are
represented by the brain because it is the primary tool involved with these stages of the listening
5. Responding- sometimes referred to as feedback—is the fifth and final stage of the listening
process. Your reaction to the message. It can be emotional and intellectual.

● We show that we are serious  We display respect to others view point
● Helps us to learn  Helps us to adapt and understand
● Empathize


● To avoid communication errors.  Helps to learn something new.
● It is the key to success.


1. Appreciative Listening- When you listen for appreciation you are listening for enjoyment.
Think about the music you listen to. You usually listen to music because you enjoy it. The same
can be said for appreciative listening when someone is speaking. Some common types of
appreciative listening can be found in sermons from places of worship, from a motivational speech
by people we respect or hold in high regard, or even from a standup comedian who makes us laugh.
2. Empathic Listening- When you listen empathically you are doing so to show mutual
concern. During this type of listening you are trying to identify with the speaker by understanding
the situation in which he/she is discussing. You are stepping into the other's shoes to get a better
understanding of what it is he/she is talking about. Usually during this type of listening you want
to be fully present in the moment or mindfully listening to what the speaker is saying. Your goal
during this time is to focus on the speaker, not on yourself. You are trying to understand from the
speaker's perspective.
3. Comprehensive Listening- If you are watching the news, listening to a lecture, or getting
directions from someone, you are listening to understand or listening to comprehend the
message that is being sent. This process is active. In class, you should be focused, possibly taking
notes of the speaker's main ideas. Identifying the structure of the speech and evaluating the
support he/she offers as evidence. This is one of the more difficult types of listening because it
requires you to not only concentrate but to actively participate in the process. The more you
practice listening to comprehend, the stronger listener you become.

4. Critical Listening- Critical listening is listening to evaluate the content of the message. As a
critical listener you are listening to all parts of the message, analyzing it, and evaluating
what you heard. When engaging in critical listening, you are also critically thinking. You are
making mental judgments based on what you see, hear, and read. Your goal as a critical listener is to
evaluate the message that is being sent and decide for yourself if the information is valid.


● Pre-judgments about the speaker .

● Assuming that the speaker is going to give some unimportant information .
● Arriving late for a speech, presentation or lecture .
● Judging the speaker by his/her mannerisms, voice, appearance, accent, etc.
● Lack of concentration/interest .
● Avoiding listening to difficult, boring or complex information and selectively listening only to
what is considered interesting.
● Speaker or listener being distracted by disturbances .


 Stop Talking – Be Silent  Show Interest
 Empathize  Ask Questions
 Maintain Eye Contact  Take notes
 Listen Creatively  Put Your Entirety
 Send feedback  Avoid or eliminate distraction
 Try to gather information about the topic to develop interest and familiarity


➢ Enhances productivity
➢ Improves relations
➢ Avoids conflicts
➢ Improves understanding
➢ Improves negotiation skills
➢ Adds to your Image & Personality
Biased listening- Also known as selective listening, occurs when preconceived notions and personal
biases influence how we interpret and understand information from others.

Nature of Biased Listening:

 .Speaker Bias  Confirmation Bias

 .Emotional Bias  Topic Biased

Consequences of Biased Listening:

1. Miscommunication

2. Poor Decision Making

3. Damaged Relationship

4. Reduced Creativity

How to Overcome the Biased Listening:

1.Become Aware of Your Biases:

2. Practice Active Listening

3. Seek Out Diverse Perspectives

4. Be Open to New Information

Information Listening- means paying close attention to spoken information so you can
understand and remember it. It involves focusing on the details and key points to absorb important
facts and ideas effectively.

Gathering and Understanding Factual Information:

TV news programs provide us with facts about what is happening in the world, such as recent events,
politics, or other important topics. They offer a snapshot of current news to keep us informed.

How it Enhances Comprehension:

● Active Engagement: To fully understand news, we need to focus on details and main points.
This active engagement helps improve our overall listening skills and keeps us attentive to what is
being reported.
● Critical Thinking: Watching and listening to news reports helps us think critically about the
information being presented. We learn to assess the credibility of sources, distinguish between facts
and opinions, and identify any potential biases.

Tips for Better Information Listening:

1. Stay Focused: Avoid distractions to catch all the important details.

2. Take Notes: Write down key points to help with understanding and memory.

3. Verify: Check multiple sources to make sure the information is accurate.

Understanding film- Understanding Films provides valuable insight into how movies communicate and
convey meaning to their audiences through a unique network of language systems and techniques, in a
readable, accessible, and sometimes humorous manner.

The Concept of Appreciative Listening- is a communication technique that involves actively

listening to and understanding a person’s thoughts and feelings and attempting to view their perspective
with empathy and respect. It is a way of genuinely understanding another person’s point of view and
making them feel heard.

How We Can Apply It:

1. Take the time to understand the other person’s perspective: This involves actively listening to the other
person and asking questions to gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts and feelings.

2. Reflect what you hear: Use reflective listening to show that you understand what the other person is
saying. For example, you can say “I hear you saying […]” or “So what you’re really saying is […]”.

3. Validate their emotions: Acknowledge the other person’s emotions and let them know that you
understand how they are feeling. This can be especially important in situations where the other person is
feeling upset or stressed.

4. Avoid interrupting or disagreeing: Avoid interruptions or debates during the conversation. Let the other
person finish speaking before responding and try to avoid immediately dismissing their ideas or opinions.

5. Give positive feedback: Use positive feedback to show appreciation for their ideas and to encourage
them to continue speaking. For example, you can say “That’s a great idea” or “I really appreciate you
sharing your thoughts with me”.

Appreciative listening is a powerful communication tool that creates a stronger connection between the
listener and the speaker, and helps build trust, respect, and understanding.

is defined as the cognitive process of decoding symbols to determine a text's meaning. The
symbols are the text itself, and the process of decoding requires that the reader quickly match a symbol or
combination of symbols (letter(s)) to a sound, and then recognize the patterns of sounds that create words.
These words then convey meaning to the reader.


Active Reading

1. SQ3R- (Survey, Questioning, Read, Recite, Review)

2. Annotating
3. Visualizing
4. Summarizing
5. Questonning

Speed Reading

1. Guide your eyes

2. Deadline strategy
3. Adjust reading speed

Specialized Techniques
1. Skimming
2. Scanning
3. Detailed Reading


Skimming- Reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the material.

Scanning- Looking for specific information without reading the whole text.
Intensive Reading- Understanding and reading text in detail with specific learning aims and tasks.
Extensive Reading- reading with enjoyment and to develop general reading skills.

COMPREHENSION- is the process of understanding what is being read or heard. It involves decoding
the text or audio and making sense of it. Comprehension can be difficult but can be improved on with


1. Literal Comprehension
2. Inferential Comprehension
3. Evaluative Comprehension
4. Reorganization Comprehension
5. Appreciate Comprehension

Reading- is the process of looking at written symbols and letters and understanding the meaning
of them.
-To be able to read, we need to be able to: (word recognition, comprehension, fluency)

Interpreting- is the process of conveying the meaning of spoken or signed language from one language to
another in real time. It's a dynamic and demanding skill that requires fluency in both languages, as well as
cultural awareness and sensitivity.
● Skills required for interpreting
● Types of interpreting
● Importance of interpreting

Types of Interpreting
 Consecutive Interpreting  Simultaneous Interpreting
 Whispered Interpreting  Sight Translation
 Conference Interpreting
Importance of Interpreting
● International Business  Government and Diplomacy
● Healthcare  Education
● Legal Proceedings


-refers to the styles and techniques used in writing prose fiction, poetry, and drama
produced since the mid-20th century, primarily after 1945. It encompasses two distinct movements,
postmodernism and meta modernism.

Postmodern Literary Prose Characteristics:

 Distrust of objective Reality  Irony and Black Humor

 Unreliable Narrators  Fragmentation and Collage

 Metafiction

Metamodern Literary Prose Characteristics:

 Sincerity and Authenticity  Empathy and Unity

 Social Realism  Hybridity and Experimentation

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