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IAFT-2 Print form Part A

Appeal against a Decision of an Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) –
Information sheet

Complete this form if you are appealing from outside the United Kingdom against a decision of an Entry Clearance Officer
If you are appealing from outside the United Kingdom against a non ECO decision, you must use appeal form IAFT-3.
To help you complete this form, refer to the guidance provided. Help can also be found at
You can also lodge your appeal online and pay your fee at https://immigrationappealsonline.justice.gov.uk/IACFees
Please retain this information sheet.

Completing the form

The completed form should be:
• Written in English
• Written in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS using black ink
• Received by the Tribunal at the address shown on the bottom of Part B of this information sheet no later
than 28 calendar days after you receive the Refusal Letter.
• If you have a representative in the United Kingdom and have decided not to complete the form yourself,
they can complete and send the form on your behalf.
Please tick the boxes where appropriate, to show your answer.

Before you submit your appeal use the checklist below to ensure that we can successfully create your appeal.
Have you provided credit/debit card details?
Have you enclosed a copy of your Refusal Letter?
Have you enclosed a copy of the Reasons for Refusal which were attached to your Refusal Letter?
Have you provided details of the Grounds of your appeal?
Have you provided us with Out of Time reasons (if applicable)?
Have you provided us with photocopies of your documents?
(Do not send original documents e.g. Passport, Marriage/Birth certificate/ID Card)
Have you completed all the relevant sections?
Have you signed the relevant declarations at page 1, page 9, page 10 and page 11?
Please Note: Incomplete appeal forms will be returned to addressee.

IAFT-2 Information sheet - Part A (09.15) © Crown copyright 2015


IAFT-2 Part B
Appeal against a Decision of an Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) –
Information sheet

Returning the form

• Please detach this information sheet to keep for your records; please do not send it with the completed form.
• You must send all pages of a completed form to the First-tier Tribunal in the United Kingdom together with your
fee (if applicable) by providing us with your credit/debit card details on page 1.
• Please note, we are unable to accept cash, cheques or American Express.
• To avoid delays to your appeal, you can submit your appeal online (see link on top of page 1) where you can pay
your fee using a debit or credit card.
• If you submit your appeal without payment details, the Tribunal will write to you with further instructions about
how you can pay your fee. This will delay the processing of your appeal.
• Send your completed appeal form together with the copy of your Refusal Letter and any other documents to the
First-tier Tribunal either by post to:
First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber)
PO Box 6987
United Kingdom
LE1 6ZX Or you can FAX to: 0044 (0)870 739 5996
• You can either post or fax your appeal but do not do both, as this could cause delays to your appeal and result in
payment being taken more than once.

Documents to send
You must provide:
• The signed and completed Appeal Form (IAFT-2) for each person wishing to appeal
• A copy of your Refusal Letter (if you do not send this you must explain why)
• Photocopies of any other documents in support of your appeal (in English or a certified translation)
• A completed Application for Anonymity form if you do not want the Tribunal to publish your name on any court
documents which can be viewed publicly.
Please do not provide any original documents (e.g. Passports, Marriage/ birth Certificates, Identification cards).
Handling such documents results in a delay to our process. Alternatively, you can provide photocopies.

Changes and contacting us

You must notify the Tribunal in writing if you change your address or representative. If you need to contact us after you
have made your appeal, the details are:
By letter to: Telephone: 0044 (0)300 123 1711
First-tier Tribunal By fax to: 0044 (0)870 739 5895
(Immigration and Asylum Chamber)
By e-mail: [email protected]
PO Box 6987

Appeal against a Decision of an Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) –
Paying your appeal fee

Unless your appeal is of a type exempt from payment, you are in receipt of Legal Aid or Asylum Support or support under
Section 17 of the Children’s Act 1989, or you have applied for and received a fee remission under the Lord Chancellor’s
exceptional power you will need to pay a fee. If you do not do so, your appeal will either be rejected or struck-out without
a decision being made on it.
More information about the circumstances where you do not have to pay a fee can be found in our fees guidance leaflet
T495 available from http://hmctsformfinder.justice.gov.uk
To pay your fee using a payment card, please provide the details below. You should ensure that the payment card you
provide has sufficient credit to cover the fee, which will be taken in Pounds Sterling. If your card is declined then your
appeal will be delayed whilst we contact you for an alternative payment.
Please note that as an alternative to sending this form to the Tribunal, you can lodge and pay your appeal online at
If you are unable to pay now using a payment card, you should send your appeal ensuring that you sign the declaration
on page 9 to indicate that you understand that a fee is payable, and will pay the fee when given instructions to pay by
alternative methods.
Tribunal staff, on behalf of the Lord Chancellor, will write to you once your appeal is received, providing you with details of
the methods available for you to pay your fee.
Please note we are unable to accept cash, cheques or American Express.

Payment card details

If you are paying your fee by payment card, please enter the details below. You should ensure that you enter them carefully
since if the Tribunal is unable to process these details it could delay your appeal. Do not send in your credit card details to
us more than once unless we write to you asking that you submit further card details to us.
Once your payment has been processed, the Tribunal will destroy your card details.
By completing the details below, you authorise HM Courts and Tribunals Service to debit from the
payment card the appropriate fee for your appeal.

Signed (cardholder) Date / /


Email receipt required? Email

(if yes, please tick box) address

Card number - - -

Name on the Card

Start date (mm/yy) / Expiry date (mm/yy) /

Issue or CVC Number

(CVC number is the last 3
digits on signature strip)



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Form IAFT-2
Appeal against a Decision of an Entry Clearance Officer (ECO)

a. Do you want to have your appeal decided at an oral hearing or on the papers? (tick one box)

Oral Hearing You should tick the ‘oral hearing’ box if you want to have an oral hearing that your
representative plans to attend. You will need to pay the appropriate fee for an oral
Paper Hearing You should tick the ‘paper hearing’ box if no one will attend and you want to
have your case determined on the papers provided. You will need to pay the
appropriate fee for a paper hearing.

b. If you have chosen to have an oral Sponsor Your representative

hearing, please mark the box of anyone
who will be attending your hearing. Witness

c. Are you in receipt of legal aid funding? Yes No

Please tick as appropriate.
Legal Aid Reference Number:

d. Are you paying for the appeals of any Yes No

member of your family or anyone (If yes, give details in the
planning to appeal against an table below)
immigration decision?
You should note that the total fee you pay will be calculated by the Tribunal based on this information
(continue on a separate sheet if required).

Name Relationship Appeal number/

Post reference number

Please see page 1 for details of how to pay a fee

For Staff Use Only

Lord Chancellor’s Certificate of Fee Satisfaction issued Date / /

No Lord Chancellor’s Certificate of Fee Satisfaction issued Date / /



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Form IAFT-2
Appeal against a Decision of an Entry Clearance Officer (ECO)
Appeal Lodged: Type of Decision: (tick one box)
(For FTT(IAC) use only)

Non Settlement

Family Visit

Section 1 – Personal Information

a. Family name or surname

(for instance as shown on your passport)

b. Given or first name(s)

(for instance as shown on your passport)

c. Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms or Other

d. Date of birth (Day/Month/Year) / /

e. Gender Male Female

f. Address where you can be contacted.

Notice: If you change your address,
you must notify the First-tier Tribunal
immediately in writing.


g. Appellant’s email address

h. Nationality (if more than one, state all)

Section 2 – Your ECO Decision (refer to your Refusal Letter)

a. Is your refusal on a points based system Yes No


b. Post reference number /

c. Name of decision making post

d. Method of service by ECO Post Fax/Personal service

Courier Other (please specify)

e. Date you received your Refusal Letter / /

f. Date of application to ECO / /

g. Date of ECO Decision / /

h. If you are not sending in your Refusal Letter please explain why in this box:

Section 3 – Your Appeal
Your appeal must be received at the Tribunal via the address shown on Part B of the information sheet not later than
28 Calendar days after you receive the Refusal Letter from the Entry Clearance officer (ECO) or Secretary of State.

a. Late appeal
If you know your appeal is late, or you are not sure if it will be received in time, you must apply for an extension of time.
Explain why your appeal is late in this box below. Attach any evidence/additional sheets if necessary.

b. If you are sending any other documents with this form to support your appeal, they must be in English or a certified
translation. Please list them here:

c. If you are intending to send other documents that are not yet available to you. Please list them here:

d. Grounds of your appeal
• You must let us know in the box below the reasons why you disagree with the decision on the Refusal Letter
• Include any information that has not been mentioned in the Refusal Letter and say whether you have raised
these issues before.
• You must give as much detail as possible as you may not be allowed to mention any further grounds at a later
date. Attach any evidence / additional sheets of paper if necessary.

e. Have you appealed against any other Yes If yes, give details below No
immigration decision in the United
Kingdom or overseas? Date Appeal number (if known)
/ /
/ /
/ /
f. Will anyone attending your oral hearing Yes If yes, give details in the table below No
require an interpreter?
You should only request for an interpreter Who:
if an individual who cannot speak English Language:
will be attending to give evidence at your
hearing. Dialect:

g. If anyone attending the hearing has a

disability, state any special requirements
they have.

Section 4 – Your declaration

If you are the appellant and are completing this form yourself, you must sign and date this declaration.

Declaration by appellant
I, the appellant, believe the facts stated in this appeal form are true.
If a fee is payable for my appeal, if I have not provided fee payment or payment card details, I undertake to pay the fee
in accordance with the instructions I receive from the Tribunal. I therefore apply for a Lord Chancellor’s Certificate of
Fee Satisfaction.
Signature: Date: / /

Data Protection statement

Information, including personal details that you have provided in this form will not be used by the First-tier Tribunal or
Visa Section, for any purpose other than the determination of your application. The information may be disclosed to
other government departments and public authorities only, for related immigration purposes.

Applying for Anonymity

The Tribunal will publish your name on documents relating to your case which can be viewed publicly. You can apply to the
Tribunal for anonymity which, when granted, will result in the Tribunal removing your name from all published documents.
The Application for Anonymity form can be found online at http://hmctsformfinder.justice.gov.uk/HMCTS/FormFinder.do
and should be completed and returned with this appeal form.

Section 5 – Representative details (refer to guidance notes)

a. Name of Representative

b. Name of Representative’s Organisation

(if any)

c. Postal address for correspondence


d. Reference for correspondence

e. Telephone number

f. Mobile telephone number

g. Fax number

h. Email address

i. Legal Aid reference number

j. Legal Aid Area

Declaration by the representative – to be completed only when signing on behalf of the person named in
Section 1 of this form
I, the representative, am giving notice of appeal in accordance with the appellant’s instructions and the appellant
believes that the facts stated in this appeal form are true.

Representative's Signature: Date: / /

Legal Aid
I, the representative certify that the appellant is in receipt of Legal Aid and is therefore exempt from paying a fee
on this appeal.

Representative's Signature: Date: / /

Notice to representatives
You must notify the First-tier Tribunal, and other parties, if you cease to represent the appellant. If the appellant changes
representative, details of the new representative should be sent to the same address to which you are sending this form.
Please give the appellant’s full name, address, and Post Reference number.

Section 6 – Sponsor Details (refer to guidance notes)

a. Family name or surname

b. Given or first name(s)

c. Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms or Other

d. Postal address for correspondence


e. Telephone / mobile number

f. Email address

I, the appellant / representative give authorisation for my sponsor to receive information relating to my appeal if
enquiring by phone or in writing.
Yes No
I understand that my sponsor will not be sent any Notices or Decisions relating to my appeal other than a Notice of

Appellant’s/Representative’s Date: / /

Please note that if a sponsor is named in this section, the First-tier Tribunal may write to him/her to ask for
confirmation of that person’s intention to act as a sponsor.


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