DJI Thermal Analysis Tool 3 Release Notes

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 Adds support for the batch adjustment of parameters.

 Supports the display of latitude and longitude.

 Supports the display of true minimum and maximum temperatures.

 Enhanced the clarity of measurements for better display.

 Optimized the display of measurements to resolve overflow issues at the edges.

 Fixed the improper UI layout of line temperature measurements.

 Fixed the issue where the pop-up window does not appear exactly at the location of the mouse click.
 Adds Image Selection Area which allows users to select multiple files at the same time and batch export


 Adds chroma bar information in exported JPG images.

 Adds shortcut keys to quickly switch between different tools in the toolbar and supports continuous

operation with the same tool.

 Optimized font size adjustment in temperature measurement. Font size of all content displayed can be

adjusted at the same time.

 Fixed some known issues.

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