RSA Datasheet 2
RSA Datasheet 2
RSA Datasheet 2
CSB 15,000 psi 20,000 psi
Length, in [m] 27 [0.61] 49.3 [1.25]
Weight boxed, lbm [kg] 55 [25] 124 [56]†
Max. OD, in [mm] 3.25 [83] 3.69 [94]
Sample capacity, in3 [cm3] 37 [600] 122 [2,000]
Test pressure, psi [MPa] 22,500 [155] 30,000 [207]
Working pressure, psi [MPa] 15,000 [103] 20,000 [138]
Working temperature, degF [degC] 392 [200] 392 [200]
Material 17/4 pH stainless steel 17/4 pH stainless steel
Service Sour Sour
Design code US DOT, TC, TPED, US DOT, TC, TPED,
Certifying authority Bureau Vertitas and Bureau Vertitas and
Authorized Testing, Inc. Authorized Testing, Inc.
† Weight with single-phase multisample chamber: 148 lbm [67 kg]
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2013 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 12-TS-0119
Gas Sample Bottles
Ensures safer gas sampling and transportation
Applications Gas sample bottles (GSBs) are sample cylinders for the
■■ Collecting and transporting large transportation and storage of separator and process-line
volumes of separator gas for samples. They are used primarily for well test separator sampling
physical recombination during production testing. As a part of oil, gas-condensate, and
wet-gas testing, separator gas samples are matched with an
oil or condensate sample collected under identical separator
■■ US Department of Transportation (DOT) conditions for physical recombination at the PVT laboratory.
Transport Canada (TC), and Transport
able Pressure Equipment Directive The large-volume capacity ensures the storage of sufficient gas
(TPED) approved from a single sample for a complete PVT recombination study Gas
■■ Lighter design for easier handling under most separator conditions. The vacuum-filled bottle is
and cost-efficient transport fully evacuated before transporting to the sampling site. The fully
evacuated bottle is purged, and samples are allowed to fill to line
Features or separator pressure.
■■ Large-volume capacity
The GSB is made from aluminum for strength, corrosion
■■ No welds
resistance, and metal fatigue resistance. The bottle’s weldless
■■ Evacuated before use design allows for easy inspection and simple maintenance. It is
■■ Sufficient gas from one sample also 40% lighter than comparable steel cylinders, making it easy
■■ Custom-designed sample-bottle to handle and less costly to transport.
shipping box
■■ End-cap valve safety protection
Size, galUS [L] 5.283 [20]
■■ Dangerous goods shipping labels Length,† in [m] 48 [1.23]
■■ Reservoir sample chain-of-custody Width,† in [m] 13 [0.32]
tracking using the Schlumberger global Height,† in [m] 12 [0.30]
Web-based sampling and analysis Weight,† lbm [kg] 71 [32]
information management system Max. OD, in [mm] 13 [330]
Sample capacity, in3 [cm3] 1,220 [20,000]
Gas sample bottle.
Test pressure, psi [MPa] 4,350 [30]
Working pressure, psi [MPa] 2,900 [20]
Working temperature, degF [degC] 212 [100]
Material of construction Aluminum alloy
Service H2S
Design code US DOT, TC, TPED
Certifying authority Bureau Veritas
† Boxed weight and dimensions
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2013 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 12-TS-0202
Wellhead Sampling Manifold
Samples high-pressure fluids during well test operations
Applications The wellhead sampling manifold (WSM) is a mobile sampling system designed for safe, efficient
■■ High-pressure fluid sampling at the high-pressure fluid sampling at the wellhead during well testing operations. The WSM holds six
wellhead during well testing operations 15,000-psi [103-MPa] conventional sample bottle or single-phase sample bottle units that are
plumbed into a common high-pressure sampling manifold. The manifold has individual block and
bleed valves for each sample cylinder and a common drain-and-purge tank. The sampling line is
■■ Rapid turnaround of wellhead sampling
rigged to a single sample port at the wellhead and allows taking up to six high-pressure fluid
■■ Reduced exposure time of personnel samples in quick succession without making or breaking high-pressure connections.
at high-pressure wellhead
■■ Reduced risk of hydrocarbon release
during sampling
■■ Six 15,000-psi [103-MPa] high-pressure
sample cylinders
■■ Common high-pressure
sampling manifold
■■ Single wellhead sampling port for
all samples
Pressure rating, psi [MPa] 15,000 [103]
Temperature rating, degF [degC] 302 [150]
Service Sour
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2013 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 12-TS-0118
Cased Hole Field Transfer Unit
Improved, fast sample transfer and validation
Application The field transfer unit (FTU) is a customized
■■ Single-phase reservoir fluid sample field workstation designed for the transfer
validation and transfer and validation of single-phase reservoir fluid
samples into single-phase transport cylinders.
Sample transfer can be performed in less
■■ Fast sample transfer
than one hour with no compromise in
■■ Fewer high-pressure connections sample quality.
necessary per transfer
To allow for fast field rig-up, a nitrogen
■■ Safer operation and increased reliability
intensifier and two air-operated high-pressure
Features pumps, for synthetic oil and water, are built
■■ Sample validation cell into the unit. The FTU supports the Single-
■■ All-stainless-steel construction Phase Reservoir Sampler and sample bottle
together and offers increased reliability by Field transfer unit.
■■ High-pressure quick-connect couplings requiring a minimum of new connections to
■■ High-pressure nitrogen intensifier be installed and tested before commencing the transfer. Dedicated hoses for all displacement
■■ Contamination-free pretransfer fluids ensure no cross-contamination of samples, and stainless-steel construction prevents
pressure test contamination caused by line corrosion. High-pressure quick-connect couplings ensure easy
■■ Dedicated hoses and pumps for all operation with no thread galling or cross-threading and permit easy field maintenance.
displacement fluids Following transfer, sample validation can be confirmed by field bubblepoint measurement. This
■■ Mercury-free operation validation is performed using a constant-volume cell (2 cm3) connected to a calibrated dial test
gauge. This cell removes the risk of error and ensures that identical volumes are progressively
removed during depressurization, producing reliable field bubblepoint determination.
Length, in [m] 41 [1.04]
Width, in [m] 21 [0.533]
Height, in [m] 26 [0.66]
Weight, lbm [kg] 196 [88.9]
Test pressure, psi [MPa] 22,500 [155]
Working pressure, psi [MPa] 15,000 [103]
20,000 [138], optional
Material Stainless steel
Recommended air supply 55 scf/min at 1,035 kPa [150 psi]
Design code API 6A
Metallurgy Inconel 718 Inconel 718 Hastelloy
Length, in [m] 36 [0.91] 36 [0.91] 36 [0.91]
Weight, lbm [kg] 20 [9.1] 20 [9.1] 21 [9.5]
Max. OD, in [cm] 2 [5.1] 2 [5.1] 2 [5.1]
Sample capacity, in3 [cm3] 15.25 [250] 15.25 [250] 15.25 [250]
Test pressure, psi [MPa] 30,000 [207] 30,000 [207] 37,500 [259]
Max. working pressure, psi [MPa] 20,000 [138] 20,000 [138] 25,000 [172]
Max. working temperature, degF [degC] 354 [179]† 354 [179] 400 [205]
Service H2S H2S H2S
Design code API 6A, NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 API 6A, NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 API 6A, NACE MR0175/ISO15156
Transport approvals US DOT in overpack US DOT, TC, PED US DOT, PED‡
Certifying authority Bureau Veritas Bureau Veritas Bureau Veritas
† HPHT version rated to 401 degF [205 degC]
‡ Application for TC pending
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2015 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 15-TS-86417
Transfer Equipment for MDT Tester Samples
Custom-designed heating and agitation system for restoration
and pressurized transfer of samples collected with the MDT tester
Applications Transfer equipment for samples collected by
■■ MDT* modular formation dynamics the MDT tester is used to safely recombine the
tester sample fluid heating liquid and gas phases of hydrocarbon samples
■■ Sample recombination, agitation, retrieved from an open hole with the 250‑cm3,
and restoration 450-cm3, 1-galUS, or 2.75-galUS sample
chambers. The sample chamber of the MDT
■■ Wellsite sample transfer
tester is fitted to the transfer equipment, where
Benefits it is repressurized, heated, and agitated to
■■ Improved wellsite safety during restore the sample to reservoir conditions prior
sample transfer to sample transfer or subsampling.
■■ Reduced time and rig costs The electronically controlled heating jacket
■■ Greater safety for the transfer of provides even, indirect heating through a
large-volume samples for transport liquid-filled annulus. The sample chamber is
■■ Improved quality of sample restoration heated to transfer temperature in less than
and transfer process one hour, and the temperature is controlled
to ±1.8 degF [±1 degC].
■■ Electronically controlled heating jacket The transfer unit, which has a working
for sample chamber pressure of up to 30,000 psi [207 MPa], is
Heating jacket
equipped with dedicated high-pressure hoses
■■ Secure agitation frame for large-
suitable for all transfer fluids. A validation MDT flowline
volume chambers
manifold is used to measure bubblepoint
■■ 250-cm3, 450-cm3, 1-galUS, and 2.75-galUS pressure of the hydrocarbon sample at ambient Reservoir fluid
sample chamber capacities temperature, reservoir temperature, or both.
■■ Inversion chamber for transfer Agitation ring
at pressure and temperature Use of the sample transfer equipment for MDT
tester operations improves the quality and
■■ Sample-mixing agitation ring Piston
safety of the sample restoration and transfer
process while saving time and money.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2013 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 12-TS-0194
Inline independent reservoir fluid sampling
Applications SCAR* inline independent reservoir fluid
■ Advanced or routine PVT and sampling delivers contaminant-free, reservoir
compositional analysis representative fluid samples from deep within
■ Flow-assurance measurement acquisition the reservoir. Samples are collected without
(e.g., asphaltene, wax, and paraffin) flashing directly in the flow stream to eliminate
contamination caused by dead volumes. In
■ Heavy oil sampling
addition, SCAR sampling enables faster handling
■ Near-saturated reservoir sampling at the wellsite with four sample carrier choices.
■ Sulfur- and mercury-species analysis
The system can accommodate up to 10 samplers
■ Routine, HPHT, high-H2S, deepwater, with options to select from a broad range of
and arctic downhole reservoir sampling size, rating, and activation specifications. Each
Benefits sampler used in SCAR sampling has its own
Rupture disk
Saves rig time for more small, independent gas charge to ensure each
cost-effective operation individual sample remains at or above reservoir
pressure. Nonreactive sample chamber options
■ Enables safer, more efficient
ensure H2S, mercaptans, and trace elements are
sample handling Single-phase
retained so that the sampling system delivers reservoir sampler
■ Samples reservoir fluid directly in the most representative reservoir fluid samples.
flow stream Monophasic sampling avoids partitioning of
■ Delivers contamination-free, reservoir- trace components between phases, reducing
representative fluid samples uncertainty related to trace elements.
■ Retrieves samples in single-phase Samplers are activated by application of annulus
condition, above reservoir pressure, and pressure, enabling samples to be taken at any
above asphaltene onset pressure (AOP) time during the flow period. A single rupture disk
without phase split can activate all samplers simultaneously, or each
■ Representatively samples trace elements sampler can have its own rupture disk trigger
■ Allows sampling during different for selective firing. Rupture disks are set at an
flow periods annulus pressure operating range between the
tester valve and the reverse circulating valve.
■ Independent nitrogen gas charge
■ Simultaneous or selective SCAR inline independent reservoir fluid sampling.
sampler activation
■ Downhole sampler self-closure
■ No sample flashing
■ INCONEL® samplers
■ DursanTM nonreactive coating
■ Chain-of-custody
sample-management tracking
■ Dangerous goods and hazardous material
labeling and packaging service
Carrier Specifications
Max. OD, in [mm] 7.75 [197] 5.5 [140] 7.75 [197] 5.5 [140]
Fishing neck OD, in [mm] 5 [127] 5 [127] 5 [127] 5 [127]
Tool ID, in [mm] 2.25 [57] 2.25 [57] 3.5 [89] 2.25 [57]
Pressure ratings
Differential, psi [MPa] 10,000 [69] 15,000 [103] 10,000 [69] 15,000 [103]
Max. annular, psi [MPa] 15,000 [103] 20,000 [138] 20,000 [138] 20,000 [138]
Max. tubing, psi [MPa] 15,000 [103] 20,000 [138] 20,000 [138] 20,000 [138]
Temperature rating, degF [degC] 350 [177] 350 [177] 350 [177] 400 [204]
Length, ft [m] 22.5 [6.86] 18.8 [5.7] 21.6 [6.58] 18.8 [5.7] Buffer fluid
Number of samplers† Up to 6 Up to 8 Up to 10 Up to 8
Max. sample volume, galUS [L] 0.951 [3.6] 0.634 [2.4] 0.792 [3] 0.634 [2.4]
Service (NACE MR0175/ISO 15156) H2S, acid H2S, acid H2S, acid H2S, acid Pressure-
Connection 31/2 IF or PH-6 31/2 IF or PH-6 41/2 IF or PH-6 31/2 IF or PH-6 compensating
† See sampler specifications table.
Sampler Specifications fluid
Model Single-Phase Slimline Single-Phase
Reservoir Sampler (SLS)
Sampler (SRS)
Max. OD, in [mm] 1.75 [44.4] 1.2 [30.5]
Pressure ratings Pressure-
Test, psi [MPa] 22,500 [155] 30,000 [207]
Working, psi [MPa] 15,000 [103]† 20,000 [138]
Temperature rating, degF [degC] 392 [200] 350 [177]‡ Nitrogen
Length, ft [m] 13.7 [4.2] 12.6 [3.8]
Weight, lbm [kg] 77 [35] 30.9 [14]
Sample capacity, fl ozUS [cm3] 20.3 [606] 10 [296]
Single-phase reservoir sampler.
Material 17-4 stainless steel or INCONEL 718
Service (NACE MR0175/ISO 15156) H2S, acid H2S, acid
Design code API Spec 6A, API Spec 6A,
NACE MR0175/ NACE MR0175/
ISO 15156 ISO 15156
Certifying authority Bureau Veritas Bureau Veritas
† Pressure rating at max. temperature rating is 14,000 psi [96 MPa]
‡ Upgrade in SCAR-HT to 410 degF [210 degC]
Perform SCAR sampling with the Quartet* downhole reservoir testing system. The
Quartet system delivers high-quality pressure measurements and representative fluid
samples with maximum safety and efficiency, for altogether better reservoir testing.
* Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2020 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 20-TS-737300
Single-Phase Reservoir Sampler
Advanced sampling system for all downhole applications
APPLICATIONS The single-phase reservoir sampler (SRS) is a specialized
■■ All subsurface sampling operations system for all subsurface sampling applications. The SRS
requiring unaltered, uncontaminated design maintains the sample in a single-phase condition
single-phase samples above reservoir pressure as the tool is retrieved from
■■ Flow assurance studies the hole.
■■ Aquifer pH studies This technology provides truly representative samples
and is essential for measurements requiring samples
in unaltered condition, such as pressurized pH
■■ Reliable operation
measurements in formation water or asphaltene
■■ Fast sample transfer deposition analysis in oil.
FEATURES The SRS allows controlled, uncontaminated reservoir
■■ Single-phase pressure compensation sampling without sample flashing. The unaltered sample
Buffer fluid
■■ Positive displacement operation is retrieved at the surface in single-phase state, requiring
■■ Mercury-free operation no recombination before transfer. Without the necessity
of sample recombination, the sample transfer takes
■■ No recombination necessary
minutes instead of hours.
■■ No sample flashing during sampling
Sample retrieval without phase change This mercury-free, pressure-compensating bottomhole
■■ compensating
sampling tool can be run in strings of up to eight tools fluid
on slickline, wireline, electric line, coiled tubing, or sucker
pump rods. Each tool has its own programmable timer,
Reservoir fluid
allowing complete flexibility in deciding when, and at what
depth, each individual tool in the string takes a sample.
Technical Specifications
SRS SRS with
Inconel® 725
Length, ft [m] 13.5 [4.1] 13.5 [4.1]
Weight, lbm [kg] 77 [35] 77 [35] Pressure-
Max. OD, in [mm] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] compensating
Sample capacity, in3 [cm3] 37 [600] 37 [600]
Test pressure, psi [mPa] 22,500 [155] 22,500 [155] Nitrogen
Working pressure, psi [mPa] 15,000 [103] 15,000 [103]
Working temperature, 392 [200] 410 [210]
degF [degC]
Max. time delay, d 7 7 Single-phase reservoir sampler.
Service Sour Extreme sour
Design code API 6A API 6A,
Certifying authority Bureau Veritas Bureau Veritas
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2016 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 16-TS-156940
Slimline Single-Phase Reservoir Fluid Sampler
Collect contaminant-free, representative, single-phase HPHT fluid samples
* Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2022 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 22-RPEV-1197040